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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1888, p. 7

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hottest part of the range, so th11 t the vegetaLife at tho& Elysee; bles may not be left longer th1111 necessary The dficia.l residence- of the P resident of in the water before boiling. Moreover, The Home Atmosphere. atten tion must be paid to ~"e th a t the the French R epu blic is called t he "Pabce of the Elysee N opoleon. " It stands, em - U ntil your hair becomes d ry, thin, and When f was a boy at college, said Doctor boilin_ g continues th~ whole tin· ~· V egeta· bowtred in t,rees and shrubbery, in the midst ·gray b efore giving the attention needed WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12, 1888. B- I had two chums, a.nd visited familiarly blee irregula~ly ~oiled, pu~ f··rwa.rd i.I\d of a apaoi· u 1 garden. The entrance is_ to preserve its beauty and vitality. in .t heir homes. They were very different., ~s 1t SUlts conv~menoe for other bet ween the Champs Ellseee an d tho Keep on your toilet-table a. bottle o! Marches Jived in a plain houae, simply cookmg , will always be d1 scolo.-ed, sodden Fa.ubourg S~. H onore ;· t he entrance is on A yer 's H a ir V igo r -the only dressing S h e T r i e d i n vain to Get The furnished but t her e was plenty of sunehine a nd t asteless. t he latter street. you require for .the hair -and use a lit~le, p~pers and music in it. There wa.; Cer tain vegetables, such t\B, books R e Jief' a n d h a d qµite The E tysee Palace ha.s many historical daily, to preserve the natural color and alwp,ye a. place 11.t the t able for the boys' c!l>u!iflower, beet-t ops or ~ny thin~ wit h association, . I t was built early in the la·at G i ven up a ll Hope. friends. green lell>ves, should a · 1a.ree sau~epan prevent baldness. , century, a nd has from t ime to t ime been the · dl f ·1 and ~lenty of water, as much b.1.king soda home of many r oyal and· notable persons. Thomas Munday, Sharon Grove, KY;· 1t waa a ch eei f ul · merry! f rien Y ami Y· as will lie on a dime, a.nd about a ta.bleCampbellford, June 9, 1887. writ es ; " Several months ago my hair F a.thcr and mother and oh ildren kept ff t hemoonfu l of s t o h a If a. g a.1 1on of wa t er , Its .memories, however, ar e chkfty connected " · t · · bl" sp Ma. E. MORRIS, T oronto, coii:1111enccd falling out, and in a few a~1ves a brea.s t 0 f their ime m pu IC.a 11.irs, and they should boil r apidly. String beans wit h t he ~WO Napoleons who reigned <>Ver F ranee as Emperors. · t t w eeks my h eud was almost bald. ·. I DEAR Sm :- I f~el it my duty to give htera.ture a:nd .ar t ; .they had no t1?1e for abo require t he sam t · e reil men · . pet ty tattlrng. Ther e was somethmg so The firs t N apoleon preferred the Etvsee you my testimony for the good I had high and clean in their ways of thin king triecl many remecl!es, b u t they did no Green p eas a.nd aspar agus need to ~mil to the Tuilerie~ a.a a resident. It was thither from your Dandelion Liver and K idney and livin good. I fi na!ly bought a bottle of Ayer's, that ou would au ··ose t hey gently. , Potatoes also,, when bmlc:d he hastened on his return from E lba,ro:id after g, yh · d' · p ,, · fast, if t hey are of a. mealy krnd , t hey will Bitters. My liver was in. a bad state a nd Hair Vigor, and, after using only a part his fall, the E lysee was occupied by the never h a.d known w a.t vrn 1ct1ve gossip or b k b 0 f th d · th ·ddl I .WM a grent suffer er. I ha d tried in immodest jests were. · re~ ore ey ~re . ~ne Ill e m1 e. of the contents, my bead . was covered Em psr or A lexander of Russia, a.~d by the y h d f th . h d. '.Io sum up. Boil .string beans, cabbage, vain to get relief and had q uite given up with a heavy growth of hair. I recom· OU nevi r ear ~om em muc · ISCUS· aud aJl ·green Vejreta.bles, wit h the exception Duke of Wellington. all hope, till a friend told me of y o ur s1on .of church e ffa1rs, or a rguments o;n of peas and asparagus, as r apidly as possible, W hen Louis Nap oleon became President m end yo~r preparation as t he best hairB itters. I got a bot t le at once and I a m doctrme. I do not even yet k now to what · ·pleht . of of the Republic, he took up-his a.bode at the te 'th It d rttl d restorer in the worId." · " . .Y wa r WI s u. an a l e .so a. E lysee, a nd it w as in its beau tifully adorned happy to say the Bit ters m a.d e a ne w wo· denomina.tfon t he Marches belonged, but m ":My h~i r was fad ed and dry," w.ites you felt that they "ere p eople who lived . Boll all other g~ntly but cons thll>t he· perfected h is plot to over· room m1i.n ·of me.. I can heartily r ecomme nd Mabel C. Hardy, of Delavan, Ill.; "but lives and who loved their fellowt muously their specified time, ID salt.ed water throw the Republic and become Emperor . r eli.,ious them to any one troubled with liver com· after using a bottle or A yer's H air Vigor mfl:t. ' · wit h.out sod~. . Ever since the esoablish mentof the p resent plaint. Your~ truly I never went to the house wit hout being \Vh~n boiled, treat t h e vegeta.bles in the Republic, t he E lysce has been occupied by it became black an d glossy." CARRIE STEPHBN3, stren t hened in my resolve to become a fo\lowmg way : its Presidents. It has been the dwelling, manly ma.n, though no direc~ word of advice Yiitato~s, p ou r the water off as soon as in turn, of M. 1'h ieos, M11.rshal MacMa.hon, Good .N ews at Home. was ever spoken to me. It b reath· t hey tender, do not let them break, then M . Grevy, and now of M. Carnot. · :Seid by Druggists and Perfumers--. ing the p u re, air of t he hills. gently sh~ke the saucep an back and forth, 01 t he F rench P :residen t 's large salaryThe Cozzenses, on the other hand , a.I - and p,ut it for t wo Qr .three minutes, half two h undred a nd forty thousu.nd doll, E . MORRIS, E sQ., - D EAR S m,-I h av ! r eason to speak well of your D andelion though no richer than the ot hers lived wit h covered , where they will steam dry, or lay one hundred and twenty t housp,nd dollar s · is devoted to his personal expenses, fifty Liver a nd Kid n ey B itters. I h ave b een much display, in a. house furnished wit~ a a clean, folded cloth over t.hem. Peas and string beans shoul d have the t housand dollars to keeping u p his o:ffici~l So disfiguring to the face, forehead; and troubled for ftome time wit h my K idney feeble attempt at splendor. They wer e neck , may be entirely removed by tho and a friend of mine r ecomm en!led t h em ambit;ious to be fashionable, an d the constant WO\ter poured fro'Il t hem, and a piece of butter stat e, and sixty thousa.nd dollars to traveld iscussion of t he ways and doings of people with a scant teaspoonful of flour mashed in- ling expenses, for it is recognized as one of use of Aye r's Sarsaparilla, the best and t o me and I t ried them in my caso, a nd whom ·they wished t o know, of ball· past and to it, stirred with them, and t 1Vo or three the dut ies of M . Carn·,t to make frequent slj./est Alterative and Blood-Purifier ever found t h em t o wor k like a charm ; there- b11olls to _ come, of dress and "the style," left tablespoonfuls of milk, nccor diny to quantity journeys of s t ate to different p 11.rts of the fore I have m uch pl easure in recommend- them no time to discover what was goin~ on of veget o,blea, a.dded; stir round i;ill the Republic. When th11s travelling, more· discovered. ing th e m to all per sons who are troubled in the world of politics, art, scien"e, or dressing simmers, then serve. If cream is over, t he President id expected to make Dr." J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. in any way wit h their K id nev. Sold by Druggists; $1; six bottles for $~. · a.bandant, it may take the pla ce of this expemive vifts t o hospitals and other local books. ' Y our11 truly , They we;re witty, sarcastic people and dressing. Add a little pepper and salt, and establ:shments in the towns which he visits. J. J. JONES. The entertainments given by the President delighted in malicious criticism of their serve. friends, and often laughed at stories wh ich and spinMh should be pres8<d d ry, to officials, foreign envoys, army and navy N ewtonville, M ay 3, 1887. ought to ha.v0 brought a blnsh to the cheek chopped and dressed in t he same way. Oar· c flicers »nd judg<>s a t the Elysee are often of a wom.ln. rots and turnip 3, if cut small, boiled aud costly a.nd sumptuous; and these enterta.inThey had a pew in a. fashiona.b'e church, served with this milk aLd bu tter dressing, ments take place at frequent intervals. Be· Consu m p t ion Surely Cure d. sides official dinners, the President often con and were see1 1 there on Sundays. The moth · are dP.licious. er belonged to one or two church societies, 01\uliflower and asparagus should be tera h is hospitality on men of science, literary To Tn1' EmTOt< : ;ase inform your readers that I have a.nd occasionaly indulged in a. good dea.1 of fully drained, not to break them-the best men of distinction, and lea.ders of P1uisian . a p sitive remedy for the a.hove uamed g.ossip as to t hei r work, and the character way is through a colander-a. slice of toast society. There are several ch!l.teaux in different disease. By its timely use thousands of of different preaohers, in the belief, I think, should be iu the diah, the vegeta.ble3 hopelees cases have been permanently that she was giving her children religious laid on it carefully, an i white sauce made p'lrts of France, which the President 1s en Chronic oristipation, titled to occ;upy at his plearnre, but a. sojourn in the following way, poured over them. cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles knowledge. White sauce. Melt in a sau cepan one in which ia very costly. He has his ofiicfal of my rmedy -~·1u:r. te anv of your readers . 1:he fathe.r never suspected th~t he 'Yas C cstiveness and all C omplaints who hH e conrntr.ption if they will send me g1vmg to his ~:ms a. low fou~dat1on of !1fe, tablespoonful of, add a t ablesp oonful box at t he op era, and in of the Ppris but he talked mcessantly of his sha,rp tricks of flour slice ·them a.nd let both bubble theD.tree; and also his offici'l>l stalls at t he their Express aud P. O. address. :n ; ~ i 11 g- from a d i::o1'cltrrcc 1 et of tho Liver, race conrses of I.ougchamps and Auteuil.. Stomnch and ]1owels, s u ch as: RespEctfully, Dr. T . .A, SLOCUM:, 37 in, or recounted his own adventures t ogethe; a· few seconds, then add quickly · He enjoys, moreover, the right to shoot on when _ h e "was a. ga.y youi..g fellow on the half a pint of bolling milk, s birring all the Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. Dyspc:psia or Indigestion, Bilious Aflections, town. " In a 1 vord, you felt that you were time· this will now be a smooth cream certain par ts of the grea~ national forests of in the thick mala.rious poisono~s fog_of the just thick enough to lay on the vegetableB; .Fontaineblea.u, Marly, R ambouiilet, and Headache, H eartburn, Acidity of the Stom· but not. thick enough to for m a paste. If i t Compiegne; and M. Cu.mot, though not an AnVJcE TO MoTITERS.-Are you dis- lowla.nda, when you ent~1·ed this family. ach, Bhe~matism, Loss of Appetite, Gravel, turbed at night and broken of your r est . When I tr1>c~~ t.lie ,hist< ry o~ the S 0!3;8 of does this, the tablespoonful of flour has been ardent sportsman, often avails himself of this -privilege, as if he thought it a by a sick child suffering ·and crying with ~hesc two fa~uhes tnrough middle hfe, 1 over.full; a hea.p ing one is not intended, Presidential matter of o:ffi0ial duty to do ao. Nor·ous Debility, Nansen, or Vomiting, &c. pain of Cu tting T eeth ? If so send al was not surpnscd to ?nd tho.t t he March but one just rounded. Sea.son with h alf The labors d the ]!'r,e nch President ara by . boys became: men of lngh repute for honor, · salt-spoonful of salt and very little once and get a bottle of " Mrs. Winslow'e intelligence, and uprightness, while one of pepper. no means so onerous as ar e those of the ch ief' r .utE IT ! l\10TIIn:ns r.t:R:E r r ! BN:rurnc ' Soothing Syrup." For childl·on teething, the Gozz ' JSes wa.s a hanger on _ it i s n::rrecable to th e ta:st1 ', do<-s n ot .oc ~ nsi~u at . raceYoung summer squashes, gathered when magistrate of the United States; an d, while N a 11a1·:1, actR w itltont i:rri1d11 ".' i s CCl'ta1n t n its Us value is incalculable. It will relievr courses, r.nd t~e ot):ier was a worbhh:ss fop a.bout the size of an orange, and boiled with· these labors may occupy several hours of c ffods, u.rnl i s e;fi'ect i n~ i n i;,m ....1 1 dosciS. t he poor little aufl'erer immedia tely. D e- SUJ!por ted by lus fnends. out peeling half an hour then p ressed be each day, M. Carnot has a great deal of lei· I I'\ LIQ UID FORM. pend upon it , mothers ; there is n · C~imate has much to do. with a's t ween two pla.tes, and se'rve with this sauce, sure in which to fulfil the more ornamental Large Dottlcs, 25 cents mistake about it. It cures Dysentery bod1lv development. The high, pure air ot or with butter, pepper and salt, ar e delicious part of his office. When he drives in the Champs Elysees or the B~is de Boulogne, a.e th('_ Al pa foster_ s . a race of Ii:ardy athletes, In hotels where ma.ny · vegetables have a nd D iarrhcea, regdates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, 1mftens the while the m«la:10na. swamps m som.e of t_lle to be boiled, and the range required for he does al most daily when in Paris, he apA POOR MAN'S FRIEND. pears in a. handsom6 b arouche, attended by Gums, reduces Inflammation, and give va.l!~ys are rnha.b1ted by half.imbecile other things, a good cook manages thus . footmen in livery, and drawn by fine-blooded On e tbn.t w il I rn.Yo unn of ·ickncss " nd m1~ny cr etms. · .. When the vegetables, potatoes excepted, t o::ie and·gy to the whole ay><tem . n Doll a.. r in t i nm a.ud ] ) uc to r ':3 Bill:-: , one a l w nys In the same ~ay, the. mmd of a child are done, they dr ained and at once horses. lH~<t r nt hand , rua <ly n.t a. ruou1e11 t s call. 'l'liis ' ' Mr9. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ' ' ~Vo1 ~rows or dec!l.ys m the daily atmosphere of in cold water . This preserves tho color Whe11 he travels through the provinces, frien d is P ERRY D Avrs ' children teething ia pleasant to the tastl' its h?me. and fhvor; when r equired they are made he ts accompanied by a numerous staff; so and is the prescription of one of the old It 1s not the stated le~ture, or pr ayer, or hot in the dressing. Never attempt to keep that his state is scarcely less than was that est and best female physicians and nu niee perfunctory moral. tea.chrng from a p ~rent, vegetables hot in a saucepan, it is far better of t he E mperor Napoleon III. But there is a In the United S tate~, and is for sale by i:noulds the mtnd .:ir cha~acter of ~ boy to remove them, and mak~ them hot again, vast difference between the "tone" which thP TA KEN TN'.rE RNAJ,LY, it c·ucs Dyscntery, Cnole rn.· Dbi1-rhron, Cram p n.n d Pn in in tho all d r uggists throuf.\h the world . Plic~ or girl. B11t the unconsc1ous ha.bit of if for any reason you have them cooked too emperor gave to society, and that which fa 8tom uch, Uowcl Coiuplu.ints . Pain ter's Colic , now given from the E lysee, Louis Napol eon 25 cents a bottle . Be sure a nd ask fo: thought of father and mother, and mode of soon. ll;-,11epsi:i. or J udi ge3tion, Sudden Colds, Soro The bad odor from cabbage and cauli was surrounded by a throng of adventurers "MRS . WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP.' lite, the ordina.ry daily current of converTh roat. Coughs, &c. and persons of du bious chara.cter; and there sation and action. !lower is quite unnecessary, and comes from USED EXTERNAT.T,Y. it cures llruises. and t ake no other k in d, was scarcely any form of g .· yety or social Cuts , Burus.. Sen.leis nnd S prain !< , Swcll iUA'S of slow boiling in too little water; there will tbo .Joints, 'Poot h nc hc, P ai n j n tho Facc, Neudemoralization t hat did not receive at least be'only a pleasa.nt smell if cooked quickly , r n ll!ia n.nd 1lhc nm 11 t i srn . ~~·so J Ll b y J)ea.lor:; On the Cooking of' V egetables. t acit encouragement from the Imperial a.a I have directed. ja Fumily ~lod iclnc· the World Aroun,l. Court. fo a country so richly -supplied with vege 25 C ENTS P~ l'l B OTTLE. -.. The influence of all the French Presidff~ts tables a.a our own, there ought to be no lack · Why Women L ose Their Hair. flcwarc of Comitcrfe!ls aml Jm1tntlo11s. When ll!>by wAS sick, w e ga"e her Caeton ,., i" t his r espect, h> \S been for good, and under of knowi<Jdge as to the cooking of them, but, as a matter-of-fact, even in houses where all "Row common tt 1s to see a woman under. M . Ca.root, as under his -predecessor s in the -\ When eho was a Child, abe cried for Castod a , WWW& Oi~ A uhe other cooking is Ex aellent, the vegetables thirty with only a tiny twist of hair behind dlice, morality rat her than immorality fa ~ 1Vben she became Misa, she'clung to Caetoria, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER ·. ~ pux:oved and enllouraged. often spoiled. So general is the failure her head," remarked a fashionable hairWben-ehe had Childron, ehe gave them Caatoria, to cook t hem well, tha.t compa.ratively few dresser to a. N ew York" Mail 1md Express" people k now wha.t the more delicate vege- rep orter. "I venture to say, howover," the Cl br of t h ii Eyes. ta.hies like in pe1'fection. The reason for speaker went on, " that if you ask her she C o m oonn1 l°Extrac1 o f Pure R e dJamaica this is, i;hat they are more ea.sily spoiled, will say that when she was a girl she had a Cle11or, light blue, with calm, ~teadfast r;erhapa, than anything else, except eggs. splendid head of Now wha.t is the glance, denote cheerfulness, good temper, l!'ive minutes too long boiling impairs the reason for this? The woman has lost no constancy. Blue, with grccnioh tints, ll>re · ffavor and delicacy of peas, asparagus, ;iauli- other nf her phvsica.l charms, but her hair not so st.-ongly indico.tive of theee trai ts, bu t a. slig ht propen& it.y t o gre.enish 1 iuts in ey e~ HI<: SCIENCE OF LIFE. flower a.nd other vegotables. hae well nigh dis!>ppeared. li'o r .t he ~n rc of S,";rofuln., S:;lt Rlinum, Cancer, . Yet, as a rule, all vegetables, pohtoes " I t h ink that l can solve 1;he problem of any colour is a aign of wi8dom and all Sk i n D iseases, Iumor~, E n larg-c mcnt o f tlJO · the great medical work · a t mg · h t ah d goes to s Jeep wn · h · courage. P<>le blue, or steel coloured, with excepted, .are given not five minutes too On r et' irmg L iv r r ar~<;l Spleen, TI.J1cuma.tic Aff1·)ctio11e, dis1Jascs of the ago on Manhood, · her l1a1r · or g1vmg · · 1 't t h e v1gor· of the K 1d11 cys, .Bl:lddor a nd Uri nory Organ s much boiling, but hour s too much. I have ou t reIeasrng shifting motion of eyelids and pupils, denote opprc s~i o ns of t he Chest o r L nn gs, L c ucoTi-hc n' kno"lrn mi'\ny cooks to put the roast ia t he ous combing and brushing which is a.bsolu- deceitfulness and selfishness. Dark blue, or Nervous and Physical De· Catarrh, :111 rl t'lll <li;:;r.asr.s r es11llin g from a de~ bility, Premature Declino, oven, and the cauliflower or asparagus in the tely necessa.ry t o its healthy viality. lfor.. violet, denote great affection ana purity, but })raved tuul i mpu re con d iti on of th e blood. Errors of Youth. and tjhe pot at the sarne time. If the vegetable is dreds cf careless women do tha·u. Then, i1ot much int ellectuality. Gr ey , or greenish C. 1 U'l.'ION.- A ..h fo,. " D.,.. Clt~m.n-iny's untold miseries conpequent one that falls to pie.ces when overdone, and too, she is not careful as. to the kind ot grey, with oranve or J ; lue shades and ever. .Sa r s<r.jJ<u·ill<r" tak e n o othe1· i n. 'i ts l Jl aoc.. if the cook is car eful enough and interest<jd hairpins ahe uses. Metal hairpins should vary ing tint~, are the most intellectual, and thereon, 3QO pages. 8 vo., 125 prescriptions for all diseases. Cloth, fnll. g ilt, enough in her work to see that it does not be used as little as possible, for rubber or are indicative of the impulsive, impressionDavis & Lawrence Co., Limited, only $1. by mail, sealed. Illustrative samp le occur, she draws the pot back, and leaves !!'.Utta percha. pina are far pe~ferrable, al - able t emperament- the mixture of the fr(je to all young and middle aged men. Send ~ SOLE AGENTS, now. The Gold and J ewellerl Medal awarded them to soak in the hot water. But it r arely tbough they may seem more clumsy ; bu· if sanguine and bilious, which produces poetic to the auther by the National Medical As~ooi- occurs to any one to think what those water· metal pins chosen they sb.ould be a.nd artiatic natures. {dark brown) ~O::i:,:rT ~ ::E:.A.L. ation. Address P . 0. Box i 895· Boston,, soaked vegetables might have been, had they stra.iuht and smooth. a. sign of passionate ardour in love. R11s or Dn. W'. H . PAUKER. gradnP .t.e of Hnrva.rd W · h b ·1 w; Medical College, 25 years' practice in Boston, had foir play. " hat IS t e est tonic for the hair ? In set brown, without yellow, denote an affecDIGESTIVE OR AFTER D INNER PILLS,. who may be consulted confidentially. Specialty Iu every kitchen there should be a time- my experience I have fou nd that a good, tionate disposi tion, sweet and gen tle. The for . cnf ecblcu digesti on , pro-. tabl e for vegetables, and unlees under ex· brisk, and regular brushing is the best t onic, darker t he brown t he more ardent the TABLETS Diseases of Man. Office. No. 4 Bulfinch St. dnced from wmi t of in·opor accr etion of tho Gu.stric J uice. ----------- - -· ceptional circumstances, the meat must b e If t he hair is coming out rapidly, let this passion. Light brown or veUow denote inTbey give r elief in Dyspepsia. the standa.rd ; that is to sa.y, you time the treatment begin at once. Every morning constancy ; gr een, decdt, an:d coquetry . and Indigestion . meat, and reckon the time to cook vegetables unbraid the and brush it in its natural Eyes of no pa.rticula.r colour {only some ea~~:~~~~f~~s;~~~:l~IJ01~:~'j,~J'r~!~,ii':1~-ei!~~~z;;1~':ri~· by that. For iDstance, your ineab will be nanging positition with a. stiff, white bristle feeble shades of blue or grey , dull, expresTliroat or Flattt!en ce. Cleaned, Died.~Pressed and,Reps.ired by done at one o'clock, you· have, t herefore, to brush- never a. wire ono. F irst brush one- sionless dead -looking). belong to t he lymphaSnn1p1t>s tlM'lt fl"e~. .A ddr('ss tho consult the time-table of your memory, as half of the hair. Then change the brush to tic t empe rament, and d enote a listless, fe eble Davis & Lawrence Co . . (limited,) Montreal.. Sor. it to the exact time each vegebble takes, and the othi-r hand, and treat the r emaining disposition, and a cold and thoroughly s elfish put it on according to tlmt time. The fol · half in the fashion. The same opera- nature. lowing time·table may be depended upon tion should be r epeated in the evening. Dyer and Clothes Cleaner. HIND'S HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM.' "Begin with aboub fifty strokes on each Goods warranted to be as no one will know if t he rules given be observed faithfully. Fortunes in Frogs, them from new when dona. Potatoes take about half an hour, unlegs Ride, and gr adually increase the treatment, small and new, then t hey t ake rather less. until not less than two hundred strokes are Anv nun who h1>s a pond on his fa.rm can Corner of K ing and Ontario Streets, P eas and a.spara~us, twenty to twenty -five given each mornins and evening. lb will trv t he ex periment of raising his own frogs. Bowmanville. minutes. soon become a ha.hit, and before long t he First, let him buy six pairs of fine N ew Cabbage and cauliflower, twenty-five min- hair will cease to come out. " Jersey breeders and dump them into the utes to ha.If u.n hour. water. Wit h these for a s tarter, you may Stdng b eans, if slit or sliced thin slantA Great Thunderstorm in Russia. s6lect a quantity of domestic b!l.trachia, and Nervous Debility, Seminal Losses and prema.· t hen you will have ~he nucleus of a tortune. Decay promptly and permanently cured by wise, twenty-fi\'e min If only snapped across, fo rty minutes. On the night of J·une 10, from 9 p. m. t ill Don't interiere with your water investment Green corn, twenty to twenty-five minutes. four o'clock in t he morning, the university for a. year, any more than to k eep vour Turnips, if cut small, forty-five minutes. city of K harkoff was visited by a thunder- growing stock well supplied with food. Carrots, cut in four lengthwise, one hour storm which for violence and destructi veneas They require an abunilance, but as t hey Does not interfere with Diet or usual occu1Ja- useless Vtry l a.rgo, when t hey may take an beats t he record of 60 years. ImmenRe not very dainty in their taste, the expense trees were torn up by t he roots and whirled account will be li?ht. ]'or a ycung farm tio11 and fnUy restores Jost vigor aud insur es hour and a half. perfect manhood. Sent to any address. postYoung summer turnips and carrots, forty- away for hundreds of yards, the roofs were t wo barrels a day of hotel table scraps will paid on receipt of pl"ice One Dollar per box. five minutes to one hour. And with its advent lifted clea a off ma.nv of the houses, number- k eep the frogs in splendid shape, so t hat at Sole agenoy, SCHOFIELD'S D.1:!.UG STOH..E, Beets, one hour in summer and two to less windows were pulverized, stone walls theondoftwelvemont.hsyouoanbegin mark et · King etr !et. Toronto. four hours in winter. blown a.way, etc. Patek's Museurr: of ing all t ha. ; you can fis h out at the sa me Spinach, twenty minut es. Wax wor!i:P. waR scattered to t he wmds. price as sp ring chickens. Give m e the time Onions, medium size, one hour. ~ome bu 1ld~ogs have been s? u tterly d emo!- and fa cilities and I will wager that at t he It will be seen t hat t he time given is ver y tsh ed that literally a stone 1 s not lefr. upon 1 end of t wo years I will be living on an in- has opened out a fine new stock much shorter than that generally a.ilowed, a stone. .At present the s treets of KharJrnff come of $5.000 and my frogs will pa.y aH and in the case of cabbage and ca.uliflower, ar e strewn with trels, b_ricks, stones, roofs, m y expuns~s. ' -of1 I ha ve found it almost imposnible to make a nd other tokens of the v10lence of t he ~torm. '1 .manyhousekcepers even try to cook them The gardens and or~httrds of ihec1tya1:e His Grea.t Misfoxtune. in the t ime named. d~~olate ; not a fruit , not eveu a leaf 1s Teacher- " Try_ to remember this; Milton Suppose you have a to be done by v1~1ble, and t he forest of, peopled ! one o'clock, an d h"'ve young beets and c<1-r· with t all, bare,. leafless t rees, closely re - t he p oet, was .bh~d. D o you t hmk you 1 f!lf'U" Uf'S F~~I ro~. to cook, you would p u!; the beets on in sembles a study m copperplat e. ca~. remembe0r it;; and a lovely stock of lli!IU~i\ rnY botlmg water salted at twelve, the carrot s "~cs, m a am. . , ~auadiau J tattsmau. HOUSEHOLD. I I Don't W ait R. PEATE, Tailw. GentlemenlsClothes Made t o Order. DAILY LI NE-TO.. ROOHESTEit l ~~ THE STEAMER ~. NORBE :I\1- AN (A. DUNIJ..@P, Master.) ILL Make her :11egular trips on thi11 .route, lonving Cobourg every morning at 7:30 and Port Hope at 9:50 o'clock, on arrival of· G, T. R. trains from the East an d Weet ; connecting a t Rochester with the New York Central, Northern Central. and Erie Railway~ and the I;ake Ontario Bivision ot the ffomitii "Vatertown and Odgenshurg Railway for a West »nd,South, · RETU RNIN G-Will leave Charlot te (port ot Rochester) on llfondu.ys, Wednesdays and Fridays at 12 o'clock p , m., Tuesdays ~t 9 p.m. Thursdays at 11 p. m., a-nd Saturdays for Port Hope, direct, at ·( p. m. Dealer s in stock will find this the cheapest and most expe(litious route to Oswego, Bos. t on, Albany, New Yori;.. &c. For further p~rticulars a 1Jply t o .A.. DUNLOP, Ot'C· F .IGILDERSLEEVF:, Port Hope. Kingston. J . H . KENNER,, Bowmanville. W I I Ayer's Hair V igor, Pimples and Blotches, To buy Foot Gear for Men, Women, B oys and1 Maidens, at D A V.l:S' Popular No: 1, Boot and Shoe EMPO RIUM! Our New S t ock has a rrived , and· com~ prises something neat and prett y for Ladies, Good and Serviceable for Men and Boys, and Boots that R Boots foi; every member of the household. i'Rl!N1'.S, '1 ALISES, .&;SATCDELS, I N STOCK. C p--Ordered Work and ~epaidng Specialty, as usual. LA DI ES i \ ·. four attention is directed to the immerue stock of 1 MILLI N ERY of every d escription at MRS. DONN : El Y'S 1 She has just opened out one of the largest and m ost stylish stocks ever brought to town, consist ing of:, -.....- lllUll n cry, Dre!!! l'f S ilks Velvets, &;;c., , 'ol'"ith a very. fine stock of Feath ers an~ ]!'lowers. · 'Call and inspect this fin e di8pla.y, which cannot fail to give sati&faction. Dr. CHANNING'S STANDARD BANK OF CANA D A. This Bank ls prepared to do L .e gitl· .-.&te Banking ln all i t s branches. Farmers notea discount e d ; Deposltl_ ,eceived a nd Interest paid on amounts Qf 16 upwarda in Savings Bank Department; IT A LITY EXHAUS TED V I SARSAPARILLA T D RA.F'l'!S ; le. a ned and Colleotlona made in E urope Unit ed States and Canada. . i I THE ONTARIO BANK DEPO S l '.!'S W . J · ·TONES, ·-----"'"'"" :continues to do a General Banking Business ' Bo wruanvill" Branoh. Gents' Clothing 1 ; 1otice of withdrawal necossa1·y · All depo11lh '. ~ a.ya.ble on demand, ! Ieoolve.d in Savings Bank Departmen t and ; all a.nd interest allowed a t current rat es. NQ, .EXCHANGE THQS. P EAT, . .A G l<NT~. Jongbtand sold a.nd Drafts lssned upon EuropE1 u.4, ' Jnited States and Canada, also Gold,Silver 1 Jnlted Sta~es Greenbacks housz:ht and sold. ()OLL IE()'l' IOl'U!J Promptly made at current r ates upon all pat 1 t Great Britt ain, the United St ates and Do !lllnlon of Canada.. ERa QRS OF YOUTH, Tel egraph Tran sre1·s Made tor large or small sums on all partE ~ Canada. This is especially a.dvant a.geoU11 "' peraons living In Manitoba or t he Nor th·w ~s tt makes the funds a vailable a t once at th~., ~lac,e of payment. JJ'or farther pa.rtlonlars oall at the Bank.111; aouse. GEO. MCGILL, T. RODIE, Mana.gef .Accountant. ·Iv --SPRI N G- -o- - C !l~~NG! MRS . IVES aspa.ragus,I great miafor~ · ~(\ s you would have the water bmlmg at twent y - 1 Mr. µ_S. Buffingt on proposes erectmg m H e was a poet. I J --::l' IJ:1~ five minutes to one, t he potatOP,8 should go Minneapolis a twen t y-eight story building, - - lill' lam fully prepa::: tfo~!:r~~~f~{e°'ra Or tfe Jr,iqu<1:r !hit, Podti..-cl y Cnll'ed l on five minutes earlier, tha~ is, at ha.If pastJ. in .w~ich he wm . u.tilize a method ? f iron The G.ermans ra nk hig~1 but Scot~hmen l Ladies m want of a choice .of fine g1a.~k!~:~e:l~~t:f:ica.serready oneho.r tnot! by Admi aiBtei·inir u .... Uainc1:1' , twelve. Cabbage and cauliflower would al· I bu1ldrng construction patented by him, and . are consl<lered t he greatesu gardeners m th e Fancy Dry Goods p lease give me First-class hearse on very modera~e terr . Golden Specific. . so go on five minutes later than t he potatoes, ' and which, if it prove practicable, will pro· 1 world. j ' · I Shrouds a.nd Coffins constant' y on hand. B' i 1 0 IT· 0 °tr tea .Ln. can be gi.venf lhn a cup oft <;_ bw 1 thtou 1 that is to say at twenty-five minutes to one ; bably cause a revolution in the construction Old darkey- " W ho am da.t young gem' en a call I have them in endless J· eral cards supplied at once. ll'urnit.ur e Shop 1 1 1 ; 1Hasou .,..eknowledge o t eperson n.-ng e1y ' d ._ .· . f h Th b . d. h l d · b a.rm le<;g, nni.i will effect apermt.nentand ·~·e<l:r It must be r emembere , the rule In o ouses. .~ U!l mg, w en compete , what's p uttin' on airs along de s treet ?" I · t t t ·t S A 1 how R ~oma- Bounsall'sNewBlock · · · cnre, w lrnttrnr t11e pat.lent ts a mocernte drln er or cookin" veget ables is to put t hem in plenty will not weigli. one-ha.If as much as an Omaha man- " He is a professional b~seball vane Y a. S ore, oppOSl e an alnoh olic wreck:. It hM been given In thousands ., . · · ' ~ cases, nnd ln every tnstanca a porlect cute of fast-boiling water, ha.vmg first drained ordmary one of t he same size. h will be player. The Bostons have offered $2,000 Barracks. · tm ~~~'l:gWitf ~[p{gl~~ ut~~:ei: .?ft~~ them well, in order that as litt le.cold water 80x80 feet on the ground, 340 feet to the 1 for him." "Huh ! He ean't put on no Philadelphia. will have twenty-seven 1 lmpo!llfbfnsl, lor che liquor .P1>euteioexist. F'li as possible may go with t hem to check the top of the gl!l.1111 lookout, and will CQntaiu style ovah me. My old ma.esa refused . tbeatre11 when t he two now in t he proo0111t "o~. is1'i~1 s~"~Ji~J":.~~ o. boiling and they must be put on the very 728 la.rge offices. ' more'n dat for me many a time." Bowmanville, March 13, 1888. 18 '. of ere<ibion are completed. .. m a RUN.KEN ·'- · · . . THE P0 'i Laces, EmbroideriesJ Plushes ; BEST ,· Et\gi!'\ \ I a.jt;~;~~;:~~~~~d:e~~~s..or I u uNDERTAKIN .: · LEVI MQRRl S. - S Y- -,· I, I Alluilding Tweni.y-eight ,Stories ~ig~. tu~,e~'?w, what was,,M1lton s I I LAHlfS' flNt . . I UN~fRWfAR, , . ! I MRS. IVES I iFlilfwo f ·

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