· his words wen. fervently echoud by the AGRIOULTURAL. Lieutenant. ' --. Not many mor.ths later that young ~ieuloh't a oil a. colt b ettin him. Be Runnme: the Gauntlet. tenant was famo 1s throughout ,.11 India. as verl t0 h" b t P t gt h - · People formerly had, trying to swallow . Gentlemen'sClothes Made to Order. one of the hr e8 d b t fficers who 1 ' goo im, u a. ways rea 1m Ill a WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 1888 "You understand how it is, Captain , h Id th hv '. men an es ·Jlurin the ! etrhtly bueinees-like way. It will prove the old-fashioned pill with its film of Carter? These 8tores which you are oo take I gupe ~ e ofntob : °fd~nglMa.nit. 'y thegrea.t est kindness to him in the long run. m agnesia vainly disguising its .bitterDAILY LINE TO R. OCHESTER. b d b ' t th · r to the r a agony 0 e n ian u m · on °.ar are. amg sen up e rive Captain Carter, he is still alive in Ba.gdad lew farmers seem to understand the value n ess ; and what a contrast to Ayer's :rurk1sh ~a.rrison at Ahn Bekr, a?d between a.nd a.ny one who goes thither may hear the , or oot crops. Five hundred bushels per Pills, that ham been well call ed " m edit al!d this pl~ci> the Arabs ~a.ye JUBt broken tale from bis own lips, and eee the handsome r acr. of carrots and beets can be raised and icated s ugar-plums" - t he only fear lJeout m rebellion, and a.re ra.1dmg the whole I gold w t h t d to h. b b. 1 · i ha.. vested a.t no greater cost than an a.ere of country. If they know that you have . a c presen e im .Y Is emp ing that; patients may be tempted i nto T k. h 8 t b d th , · t ers m 11cknowled1?ment of his courage m co.'.l. For wmter feed for horses, cows and taking too many at a dose. But the · ores a oa.r ' ur is ey r.e certa.m , 0 1"running the gauntlet." hofi fed in connection with grain, they are try and .serze them; and even 1£ thfy don t, of qua.I value to say the very lea.st. di rections are plain aml slwultl be THE STEAMER they're hkely enough to fire at the steamer ' strictly followed. as she passes, ar;id try to pick off the man at f . I '.'he wise men tell US that no COW· o~n J . T. T eller, M. D., of Chittenango, the wheel, in order to drive the vessel ashore arewell. Summer .Flowers. ev1r be produced that can excel at the butN. Y., expresses exactly what hundreds and plunder her. ~~ow those stores must be EAR.NEST 11. LllIGH. ter ;ub and still excel at the block. Are (A. DUNLOP, Master.) carried through, come what may; but at the Farewell I summer flowers, we to get; the same argument regarding have w ritten at greater length. He ILL Make her regular trips on this same time it's only fair to tf:!l you plainly A:d'~",:U~'J0 ·~:1:~i;,~~8 slie1p? Is the general -purpose sheep-one says: "Ayer's Cathartic Pills are highly route, lonving Cobourg every morning what you're running into, before you do ft, I In the north-wind sigh. tiJ.a1 can excel at wool production and still a ppreciated. They are perfect in form at 7:30 and PorGHope at 9:50 o'clock, on arrlTa.1 'Will you take the risk ?" Moaning soft and tender, male a good carcaBB of mutton-a possibiof G. '!'. R. trains from Lhe East and West; and coating, and their effects are all. connect.In~ at ftochester with the New York Where thou'rt lowly laid ; lity ? " Yes," that the most carnful physician cou hl Central, Northern Central, and Erie Railways The ma.n who answered thus, as quietly Woodlaad nymphs will wander S;agnant water not only ruins the milk of and the Lake Ontario Division of the Rome; desire. T hey have supplanted all the as if he were only undertaking to post a Through the naked glade. the cows that drink it, says 1h ~ "Jersey Watertown and Odgensburg Railway tor all Pills fonnerly popular here, a nd I think points East, W est Rod South, letter, .wa.s a short, aqua.re, powerful figure, Drops of dew will linger, Bulletin, " but it affects the health of the RETURNING-Will leave Charlotte (port ot it must be long before any other can in the uni'orm of a. merchant captain, with ~';;'~~~gp~~t~::J~~lr: cow1 as well, by producing a feverish condil:toohester) on Mondays, Wednesdays · and be made that will at all. compare with Pointeth where you lie. tionoi the blood, which is found tp contain a thick brown beard which was jnet beginFridays at 12 o'clock p. m., '.ruesday 0 qt, 9 p.m. them. Those who buy your pills get ning to turn gray. There was nothing lthny hearts will miss you 1 min1te living organisms, identical with Thursdays at 11 p. m., and Saturdaya for Port Hope, direct, at i p.m. boastful or swaggering iµ his oone · and When the icy breath, thol!l present in the stagnant pool and in full value for their money." Dealers in stock will find this the cheapest manner a.s he accepted a commission which Of the bln.sts have kiss'<! you the nilk. "Safe, ple asant, and certain in and most expeditious route to Oewego, Bosmeant little leas th ..n certain death ; but in Into bloomlesa de«tii I ton, A.lbauy, New York, &c. T1e Thorburn potato, estimating the field their action," is t he concise testimony his firm lip3 and deep gra.y eyes there was Lovely hues must Perish 1 .For further particulars apply to fron 1. 0 0 feet of row, gives 295 bushels to · d escri ·ba ble some, 'h' h gave a Lovely forms decay ; of Dr. G eorge E . Walker, of MartinsA.. DUNLOP, or C· F.;GILDERSLEEVE, ing w h· lC .But the thoughts we co· riso, a.n Jn the ~ere. This variety is a little later then PUREST, STRONCEST!' BEST, ville, Yirginia. Port Hove. Kin11:sto11, sufficient assurance to his two employers Oannot fade away. the Beauty of Hebron and of f plendid CONTAINS NO J. H. KENNER, .Agent, Bowmanville. that they had got hold of the right man Though the wintry tempest, "Ayer's Pills outsell all similar prepqua:ity. In an adjacent field the Thorburn ALUM , AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, for their work. Lay thy beauties low; arations. The public having once used will not yield over 150 bushels to the acrE or any injuriou9 materials. In our hci>rts, thy sweetest, A few hours later all was ready for the an account of the vines being killed by the them, will have no others." - Berry, · Fairest colo1 s glow. T ORONTO, ONT. E.W. GILLETT, start. The stores were on board, the Abbas Fare,. ell I summer flowers, flea-beetle, CHICAGO, ILL. Yenable & Collier , Atlanta, Ga. had her steam up, a.nd the perilous voyage Farewell ere ye <lie l lbn'f'r ofthe CllLllBl!A'l'ED tour. '2'EAS'l' C.U:lilB. Oae method to cure a. b,.lky horse is to up the Tigris from Busreh to Abu-Bekr wes And your lonely bowers, ta.ke him from the wagon and whirl him just about to begin, when a shout was heard In the north-wind sigh I rapidly aroun<l until he is giddy. It refrom the bank, and a young ma.n in the To buy Foot Gear for l\len, Women, Prepared by Dr. J . C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. quires two men to ~o this, one at t~e horse's "Toddlin' Hame !" dress of an Eoglith army 11fficer ca.me scampta.ii. Do not let him ou), Hold him on the Sold by all Dealers in M:edlcinflo Boys and Maideµs, at A bonnie slcht it is tae me Many persons wonder at the tired, worn ering down to the landing: place, cat rving a. smallest possible circle. One dose will often A bairnie ~· toddlin' ha.me,·' and weary feeling that oppresses them with- gun-case in his hand, and followed by a cnre him. The doses a.re final with t he Wi' ootstretched airms an' mi:ckle glee,. out eny avvarent cause. It may be poverty sturdy Arab porter with a light l;ullock· It lisps its faither's name I of the blood or a dlsorderd stomach ; in worst horse that ever r~fused to etir. m either case the stomach, blood and li".-er aro trunk upon his bare brown shoulders. In ae guid sense we're a' like weans, not pe orming their regular functions, and, T ile total area under cultintion in corn, "Juet in time, Captain," said he, panting Toddlln' heavenward hame l with ' any persons. there will follow a dull, for brea1h, as he sprang on board, while the Stap clear o' a' lifo's stum'lin' stanes whelt, rye and 011ots in the United States heavy headache. nausea and many other As ye gang "toddlin' hame I" this year is about 140,000,000 acres or near· I aymptoms that vrecede 11. well developed case trunk was ha.etily ha.nded up after hiw 1 Wah oot the flowers alang life's wayly 219,000 r,quare miles. This is less than of Dyspepsia. Purify the blood, cleanse the heard there was a steamer just starting up Dae rich·, a.n' dau r the blame, &J.·lem of the clogged secretions by using hall the 3~2,000,000 acres of public la.nds the river, 1md up the river I've got to ·go J\Iak' lifo be as a simmer'· daywhich have not vet been surveyed, much somehow. \Yill you give me a paasag.i if I MEAOHAM'S MANDRAKE Yea.r io, yeJor oo't, the ea.me I of which is well adapted to the cultivation pa.y for it?" Some folks hae jcy !me morn taG nicht, MIXTURE, "You're heartily welcome," am wared of t~e cereals. The crop p3sslbilities of this Cheerily "nodd11n' ha.me"; 'Mang h0pe, an happineeg, an' liob.t, prtpsred by J.B. Meacham. 133 Young street.. Captain C11.rter, with a. grim smile; "but I country are far from havmg reached their Cures Chronic Constipation, They wale their footatapi hame I a chemist of nineteen years' Pxperience~ Sold ought oo tell you that we shall m~ st likely ma.ximum. n Bowmanvllle by Higginbotham & Sen. lthers seem hshed wi' doota a.n' pain, be all shot dead on the way." Frogs' legs, a.s the excellent journal above ------.As they g"ng hirplin' name ! Costiveness and all Complaints Like l!lome wee, puir, forsaken wean, "Well, it's my trade to be 1hot," rejoin· quoted, remarks, have become a staple delfo Wha's tint it's faithe1'· hame I ed the young officer, as coolly as ever, "and acy 'ln the bill· of.fa.re of all our first-class Our New Stock has arrived, 11.nd comftTi ~i ng from n. disorderNl sta.to of tho Liver, Some reach their hame afore midday, I m~y just as well work at it here &B anySt.o.i.uach aud Bowele, such n.e hotels and restaurants. The supply has prises something Deat aud pretty for Manuf&cturere of Whan mornin' glories bloom; where else. Besides, it'll be a fine chance hitherto come ma.inly from parties who ma.de Some tread a Jang an' thorny way Ladies, Good and Serviceable for Men Dyspe:pllia or Indigestion, Bilious All'ections, of trying my new rifle." a b-asl·eea of frog fishing among the inland .Afare they reoch the tomb'. and Boye, and Boots that R Boots for ponds and marehes. There are no doubb Oor F·ither waits ayont life's strMm, Away they went up the broa.d smo1>th Ksadache, Heartburn, Acidity of the StomE1very member ·of the ho·1sehold. An' welc?tne·, a· the en.me ; many far"Tl.B o· which profita.ble frog farming river in all 1he splendor of a. glorious sum'.Ihe love Jicht in His e'e doth gle1'm A.r1ificial ach, RheUIDatism, loss of Appetite, Gravel, might be 11arr.ied ea, a.nd that without detri· mer sunrise. Onward, onward still, pa.st Tae see us "toddlin' hame I" ment to 11he other ia'9roats r>f the farm. Limbs, curve after curve and point after point; but TorJntc. JOUN ht11111. TBIJ.NKS, \'A USES, d!,SATCDELS. IN !>TOCI, Nervous Debility, Nausea, or Vomiting, &e. still there was no sign of dan!?"er ; and the The price of wheat o-a 11s.e Londen Corn And Appliances for all De· young Lieutenant, who had loaded both Jm""Ordered Work and Repairing a Exchange now varies from 2!] shillings to M Perfect Guidance Unto Rest. formities of the Human Body Crui..rm:&.N L lX::B IT! !\{OrnERe LlKE IT I Bec ause -Spinal Diseases, Hip Joint ba.rrels of hie rifle, and held it in his hand it is agreeable t o the t n_~t:, do_cs not _oc~asi?n BY L. A. MORRISON, shillings a. quarter, according oo qu11olity. Specialty, as usual. Disease, Diseases of the all ready for action, began to look rather NttufH·:t, acts witho;1t grqnw~, t s cert:nn in ite D. DAVIS. The Cloud covered the Teut of the '.Ieotlmony, So it In the first year of this century it was sold Knee and Ankle, Knock disappointed, effea.ts, an d is effecti vo in smail doses. was always : the cloud eovered it by day, and the at £8 a quarter, and at the time of Waterloo Knee, Bow Lege, Club Feet, IN UQU10 FORM. "I say ,Capta.in, cried he, " it looks as appearance of fire by night. When the cloud was the price was over £ 5. Evt!ry available acre · Etc. taken up. fr , m over the Tent, then the Children of land was put into cultivation. E vm if there wasn 't going to be any fun after La"I·ge Bottles, 25 cents each.. ALSO CRUTCHES. jourueved; and in the place where the cloud a.II." abode there they encamped, Whether it were now, on the north country moors may be " Don"t distress yourself," replied Captwo davs or a. month or a l ear. Nut"'. ix 15 to 23 seen furrow marks that were made when the Your attention is directed to the immense tain Ca.rtE'r, smiling lt~mly. ··If we get A POOR MAN'S FRIEND. growth oi wheat was sue!:> a profitab: a.underWhen Israel out d Egypt came,stock of past this bend that we're coming to now Each night and daytaking. One th!l.f, "tdl.l ~:tVI" cby~ pf ~ickncr.s and m:i.n :-.· without getting a. hole in our skins, we may By desert w·yn. DollH.r i 11 tl n.tc a 1111] h.etor ':-1 J ,i 11 ~. (W'?!' :i ! w:1 ~·s If cattle relish tomatoes, says the Kansas P think. oureelv1>s precious lucky, that's all." In pillared clou,I, with heart of fhme, noar itt lu1n<l , re :1.Uy :1r. a. momo1 1t c a l L 'l'h iJ Jehovah's praeence did abide friend is l>EnH.Y D;. ' rs' City Live-~tock Indicator, there is no reason Just in front of them the river made a And lead H ia People sofely on,VETERINARY SURGEON. why euch an addition should not be ha.ilt d deen curve, from the right ba.nk of wI'.ich a of every d escription 11.t 1 \.fid' bu1·ning- sandswiih great pleasure by those ~ho are epeO'er alien lamJevast sand shoal stretched more than half. Till sunder'(l Jvrdan fls"h'd the dawn cially engaged at pr· sent in preparing show way across the stream; while the left bank., Whose eve- show'd all on Canaan's .Ide. herds for the fairs. There is nothinf! at TAKEN INTERNALLY.it c.. res D.-sen tory, under which the d eeper channel ran, was C i.:oicrn , l>i: ·.rrh oon . Urawp Hid Pain iu the No Angel guide, the marahal'd host present known that has such beneficia.l t:ffect fringed with a thick belt of thorn bushes Sho has just opened out one of the largest Rrouw cli . B uw t·I Compiuiuts, l'n.i nt.t~ r's Cr?lie , -In da. s of yore, on the dyspep'io tha.t suffers from asluggish .ind prickly undergrowth, in which a hun· ])y,pep8i:l. < r l ntligeotfou, iluddeu Golds, bore Fton1 bonrlage sore, a.nd most stylish stocks ever brought liver as tomatoes, and, l)r-0perly handled, '.l'llroa t, Cougi1s, & c. dred men might lie hidden without betray· Whe e life seem'd vafo and purpose Jostto town, consisting of : USED EXTEllNALLY, i t rurcs Bruise·, there is no reason why they should not be a Of r ansomed I~r.\el's ch c,aeo led i ing a. sign of their presence. Worse still, Cnte.J Burns. Scalds n n 1 i Sprain!': . S wcllin~s of' But God-Omnipotont-their King veritabh boon to cattle, not so much, we ifl ii Ii 11 cry, Dre s 8 Silks the current ran so strongly at this point tLe Join ts, 'l'ootlwchc, l)ain ; 11 the Fnce1 Ne uAhode above think, as food, but as a coraeotive and al· ml_g_i1t. and ltheumn1irn1, ;~:fl-So hi by Dealer& that the steamer ma.de way but slowly -In light and JoveVdvets, &.c., ~era.tive. in .!family l\Ieuiciue; the Wvrld Around. To lrnd His Peopl·. and to b1iag against it; so that the Captain might well 26 Cl!.N TS Pf:R B OTT LE. with a very fine stook of Feathers and expect to be· attacked in a spot which Where Oanaan s fe1 tile valleys spteo.d. It is an a.mazing blunder that a dairyman Flowers. Majestic hrightnes·-from withinseemed made expressly for the purpose. Jleware of Counterfeits and Imitations. will chooae a. cow that will yield him $5 or$10 Flash'd throuirh the cloud,more at the end of a. profitless life in the Call and inspect this fine display, whioh But all was silent a.s death, and they had E ·pread to en~hro ud shape of beef ra.ther than a cow of no va.lue already gone Rome distance a.long the p eril· Divinity !rom eyes whom e!n cannot fail to give satisfaction. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. ; Had made too d ull to view, unveiled. tor beef, but which will give him $20 a year ous channel withoo.t a sign or sound of da!:!Fatht·rhood and care, What kindly -------~ ---~·----~ for eight years, or 50 per cent.-less coat of ger, Vi hen all in one moment the whole By love concealed keeping- mar., than the more popular aLithicket seemed to burst into a storm of fire ·- And yet revealed That G id. with 111an, duth deiga to sh&re mal. ·rhis is about $200 in the life of the Graduate of the Ontario Veterh1ary Co!lege: and fmoke, a. deafenirg crash echoed from Registered member of the Ontario Vetennary hank oo bank, and a shower of bullets came The gifts by hignest Jore unscaled, one cow against t'te $10 a.t the death of the C o mJJOund Extract of Pnre Red Jamatca Medical Aseociatton. What exercise of simple trust :other cow, And this is the delu~ion, rem<l.rka rattling like ha.ii upon the deck of the CANADA. .W011lce and Residence, Newtonville, Ont, That God kaow· best, Henry Stewart, which lies at the bottom of st.earner. Capllal paid up, 811,000,000. Kest. 1!1260,00 And rise or rest Will visit Orono every Tuesday andlSaturday The treacherous volley was not fired in the pepular demand for" a general·fnrpose Doth each procloim Him wise and just, Of!lce honre rr m 10 a. m., to 4 n. m., . at vain. Two men fell dead on the forecast le, cow," of which so much is said. .And ea.reful for His People's need ; This Bank ls prepared to do Legit{. Coultere' Hotel Calls by Telegraph receive one shot through the head, the other through To ·nil bis t end er merl ics mvve : For thE1cure ot Sc~.01'1da, BaJt Rheum, Cancer, imi:: edlate attention. aate Ba'.lking ln all lts branches. It is in the yi.ld of milk and butter, how::i.11 Skin :Djsca!ee, TurnoH, EJJlargement of the Tlley-·soon er latethe breast. At the same moment the steersCHAI GES MODERATE. Liver an d Spleen1 R heumatic Affections diseases Who work or W P.i t, ever, to which the breed has attained in Farmers notes discounted ; Deposit& man fell forward on his face, with a hoarse, or the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Organo, Shall reach the Canaan of liis love, America that the Gazette specially directs eceived and Interest paid on amounts of oppression~ of the 9"11eet or I.iung~, Le11corrhen, gaFping cry, and the vessel, no longer con· For all His guidings thithar lead. attention. It seems :iha.t a. yidd of 2,000 Catarrh, nnd all diseases reR11lthtg from. u. de15 upwards in Savings Bank Department; trolled by her helm, b egan oo swing round So guide us on our "Desert-Way!" praved aud impure coudition of the blood. gallons is quite common and easily obtain· toward the fa.ta! shoal. Each shru:low'd night DRAFTS able, while the a.stounding figur e of over 30,,~EXT: With on11 bound the Captain sprang to Be Thou our light; CA. UTION.-A.sl< fen· "D1'. Chauniny's LeBued and Collections made In .Europe 0001 o. of milk from one cow in twelve months Sartrap<n-·Ulo" ta1'e no othe1·. i n Us j:>lace. the wheel, and clutching it as it escaped u!i'rf~~l~:e~J~~~~.w:;:Ie day, 'Jnlted States and Canada. has b een reached by an animal in the posfrom the dead ma.n's nerveless fingers, Acd reach the ' L1nd c-f corn and wine," of Mr. Whipole, of Ouba, New York. session ja mmed it hard down, and turned the ship's And hail our King.Davis & Lawrence Co., Limited, W. J ··TONES, tn other words, a yield of from three to five head a.way from the fatal sand shoal- juot His glory sing,-A1r~n SOLE AGENTS, And prniae tb a L .::ader.-1hip, Divine, times that of fairly gooci anim.d s in Eogland in time. The next moment another volley '.Ihat brought us- out of bondage- home. ::M:O:!::<r':C'~E.&>...J:... seems to be common among t;hese Holstein. CORE.S . fl.imed and crackled fro'll the thicket, and '.Ihe "Ehns," Toronto. Friesian 'c ows. These re·ults have te,)n && the Capta.in's white jacket was inatantly c ~ntinues to do a General Banking Business wa·ched by official inspectors. DIGESTIVE OR AFTER DINNER PILLS,streaked with r ed ; but he still kept his 60 wmanvillti Branch, Millions in thB Moon. for cnfeohJcd d igeatiou, pr o.. If butter is p!l.cked into tub, j ar, or other hold of the wheel as firmly as ever. TABLETS duced from want of p r oper DEPOSl'J'S During the last few weeli.s despatches have p ackage as directly from the churn as p os. Just then, amid the blinding smoke secretion of tho Gas tric Jujcc. OL.rlC-"'3.@.,,.;. that came rolling across the deck, the young been sent from v:i.rious parts of the country eible, these serious obj cctioos to print butter teoelved ln Savings Ba nk Departmentaad '. £hey give i:tnmP.il int e reliefin Dy·pc1>·ia. and Indigestion. .all and interest allowed at current rates. ·No Lieutenant's voice was heard calling out, stating that there was a Bra.ndenburg estate ar~ avoided. Major Alvord wonders th~ t J)_ I.RROTTO.NS.-Ta~P. one (Ir two pills i mmedi ately a.fter iotlce of withdrawal necessary. All deposlh near Berlin, value $8,000,000, which had housekeep ~rs and small coIJs umers do nou " are you hit;, Captain ?" Ja.yable on demand, r~ ~~g, ~~ ;:t;,~:~::f :.t·mg / ron· I u dlgotfon, L11mp h t tli· 1 "Not so b adly but what T c11n hold this been confisc'l.ted by the Government 188 learn the advantages of small packagfs, in Sn1n1>IN1 11enl t~. ..ldtl t-c111; Ui e .EX(JHAJ\TGE wheel.a. bit longer,·· said the brave man, ye11.rs a.go, but had r ecently been ordered to which butter is packed in bulk, In some Da·is & Lawrence Co .. (Limited,) Montreal. be r estored to the heirs, ma.nv of whom, it markets five -pound boxes, and little pails in a voice hoa.rse and hollow with p ain. 150LR Jonghtand sold and Drafts I saned upon H:arope "Keep her sttady, then, while I have a is stated, live in America.. Thia is an oid holding six, eight and t en pounds, have beJnited States and Canada, also Gold Silver 1111 Mfi§WJ1!iif4!¥ pop at these fellows. They think. we h u.ve foe with a new face. ::lometimes called the come quite popular. But, while clwap and ;nlted Sta~ea GreenbackB bought an'.d sold, HIND'S HONEY AND ALMOND CRE AM. no fire-arms on board, and they're coming L awr ence estate, sometimes the Hyde estate, convenient, wood is by no means the beat and now the Brandenburg estate, it is under material in which to pack butter_ Glass is COi"'t., EC".i'.iU i~~ out o± the bushes quite boldly." His rifle cracked a.a he spoke, and a howl whatever name" a. mockery, a delusion, i>.nd the best, or porcelain, and stoneware next. AND At.L SUMMER COMPLAINTS c'romptly m_ade at current rates upon all var a. snare." 'l'here a.re no estates of any great For local trade, or near· by consumers, he of plloin from the b <>nk an swe red the shot, .·l Great Brittain, the United States an d Do AND F"LUXE.S OF' THE: BOWE.LS <ilnlon of Canada, while the report of the second barrel was vaiue across the water a.waiting American knows of nothing better than well glazed IT IS SAFE. AND RELIABLE .. FOR followed by a h eavy aplas::t, as if one of clai"Tla.nts, and none whicb. have been hung st.me jars. Telegraph Transrers CHILDREN OR ADULTS. the enemv ha.d fallen headlong into the up accumulating for a century. These ea· A great ma.ny men and women who have .1'1ade.tor large or small sums on all parts tates are almost invarfably gotten up to in- h ad a cha.nee, at lc11ost, to know better, will rivnr. Canada. This ts especially advantageous -~ SPRING duce silly people to give money to sc~mps ]Jersiat in putting fresh skimmed cream into The Ar11.ba set up a wild yell of fury, and persons living in Manitoba or the North·w ~s It rua.kes the tunds available at onoe M t poured a third volley into the devoted who pretend that they intend using it to the ohuru, says Hoard's dairyman. Mr. N. make the last fina.l inveatie;ations which a.re G. Gilbert, of New York, made a little ex. olace ot payment, · steamer; but by this time the crew were to convert their dupes into millionaires. So periment to see waat the result would be. all under cover, the Lieutenant had iu- <lo For further part!culera call at the BankJ.a not lend money to Brandenburg heirs sim· For a week he h ad b een getting about five ~~ ·~1\J~~\J ~House. trenched himself behind the mainmast, blv on the security of their German estates, T. RODIE, GEO. McGILL and Captain Carter, lying flat on the deck, which a.re a.bout as much value as several pounds of butter from a 100 pound3 of milk ; Accountant, lllan~er but not being satisfied that he was getting with both hands clutching the spokes of square miles of la.nd in the moon. ·IT all the butter from the milk, he tried the the wheel, was quite invisible. Meanwhile And with its advent experiment of keeping the two skimmings the steamer glided steadily onward, and a. Luck. separate until the second meas of c~eam wa.s few minutes more would see her a.round the bend, and beyond the reach of h er assailGysant. "Do you know, I don't believe w ell cured aud t hen putting them together there is any such thing as luck in odd num- and churning. '.! r om one chu rning thus BOW1'1ANVILL·E , Ont. ants, treated, he obtained six pounds of butter to Then the Arabs began t o fire viciously at hers. " the wheel itself, hoping to mipple it if they Chipperly. "But there is, t hough. Why, the 1()0 p ounds of milk.. Here was a gain ESTABLISH ED, 1857. has opened out a fine new stock could not cripple the unseen hel nsman. The my rich uncle that left me his money wasn't of 20 per cent. all for the use of a little in· flying splinters drew blood a gain and again drowned until t he third time he sank. Fact, telligent experimentin!:'. -offrom the stout Captain's hands and face, I assure." The print, s~ys Major Alvord in the Bos ALL KINDS 01? hue be n ever winced, and still the ship movton Cultivator, "is the very worst form in which butter can be put for preserving its ed on. . A Serious Quarrel. But the greacest p en! W<l.S pit to come. . . e delicate flavors. Small rolls. stand bes~ in J u st before clearing the narrow channel the "What time d id y oung .Sampson leav t his respec._ In both cases the danger of d 1 l k . steamer had t o pass u n der a.projecting bank last night, Chra. ?". as~ed ~~r papa. . injury is les&ened by wrapping in a napkin, an a ove Y stoc of from which the A ra.bs (if they dared to risk "It was after m1dmght, replied the girl, or cloth S<l.turated with brine. T h e waxed, -:BY'it} might spring into her lower rigging, and with a haug~ty sneer . "We h~? a qu arrel, done in the latest styles and materials. 1 or pa.rchment paper which h a.s come into use ewing themselves on her deck. The young and I bade him good -by forever. . w ithin a few yeara, also furnishe s a good [ [ [ I 11 · officer saw th e dark figures cluateiing along "If yo~ qu<l.rreled, I wonder he didn't protection. If hmter is to be printed at ,.. I a m fully prep11>red t o attend F"ill:.eral the edge and held h is rifle in readiness. , leave earl!er.;' . . . .n want o f a cboi'ce of fine the shortest not ice, atthelowes t possi ble ra SCOTCH, ENGLISH, GERMAN AND Crack ! crack! Two men fell wounded, and I "We d1dn t begm q uarrellmg u ntil nearly all, every print or lump should be carefully Ladi·es 1 imd closely wrapped in the water-proof ~askets and Buria!Cas esready onahort notl· attliesa.me instant Capt<l.in Carter, with a.'lOo'clock." · F ancy Dt" Goods, p. lease gi.ve me .B'irst-olass hearse on ver y moderate terll NEW B RUNSWICK P ·pe ~ r, t o m<l.'... e a p <>ok 11ge as near 1y Mr· tight as possible before leaving t he d airyJ Shrouds and Coffin a eonstant!y on hand. il"1 sudden twist of th e wheel, d1·ew the ship's I head several yards away from the b<l.nk , I "Fortunate !" quoth. Ridgeley, enthusia.s room where it is made. Thus protected, if a call. I h ave them in endless e'ii~~a:{i~~~s~~~~:sta~r~~e:~~~u.re Shop 1 while the Arabs, darting wildly at the rig- ' tically. "Fortunat e ? I should say Wilkins well cooled and fi rm, the closer t he prmts 1varl'ety a t s t ore, opposite S A ging, missed it, and fell splash into the was fortunate I Why his income is fully are packed and kept, till sold or u~ed, the < · · ' - -IN STOCK. water ! The next moment the Abbas swept twenty thousand dollar s a year, and I don't better. To facilitate close packing the Barracks I t is reported that P rince Bismarck is ont of the danger ous channel into the open believe hie expenses foot up over thirty square and brick forms are preferable to the · suffering from insomnia, produce by irritll>Call a nd see our designs and get our water beyond. thou~and, " roll and round print or "pa.t." ! tion ca.used by the young Emperor's course estimates }ilefore p u rchasing , "Thank God I" said Carter, faintly, and · Dowmrulville, March 13, 1888. ll! in actng contrary to hia advice. ............., . _ ~ auadiau Jtatt.Gtuau. YOUNG FOLKS. I l What a Time ·1R. PEATE, Tail<Y', 1 J, for,. I I or , I . ~.··~ ·~'""'""~ NORSEMAN CREAM W PDWDER e"K11"- CAUSE AND EFFECT Ayer's Pills, eQmp.f,eifs eQffaQrfic eomp.ou11cl Popular No. t, Boot and Shoe EMPORIUM! ------------ AUTHORS & 1COX, TRUSSES, 117 GHUBGH ST., TORONTO, ONT. ~l~l[glf LADIES We We 1 :::; 1 MILLINERY MRS. -ooNN'EL Y'S Dr. CHANNING'S 0 SAIRSAPARI LLA STANDARD BANK OF _,,,,_ DR..FOWLERS ,·WILD·, OF;f'.it .. TRAWBERRY !!f;?!;Wo!~ RAMPS -·... - -.a wwuac:awm THE ONTARIO BANK fi1IARRHCEA A'°KS"r~ , ~JYSENTERY BO UNSALL'S A~~·Yf/~ll!ft' 5 - -o-- Marble and Granite Works, MRS.IVES I I Laces, Embroideries, Plushes uNDERTAK INu l lAOl[SJ flN[ UNDfRW[AR LE V I MORR . S i CRANIH MONUMENTS MRS. IVES I