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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1888, p. 5

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Call on H. C. TA IT· for Photographs, School Books, Fancy Goods, Picture Frames, &c., Bowmanville. USE ONLY THE IZ'DAHL BRAND OF PURE AN .OLD FAVORITE that has been popu· la.r with the people tor 30 years is Dr. FR~NK M.FIELD,B.~ Farmers, if you want to buy or sell Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for stock patronize the Orono Stock sale. all vllrities of summer complaints of chi!· ARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, &c. Clarke Fair will be held at N ewcastle dren or adults. It sel~om or ever fails to COBOURG. Otllce,-Armour Block, KinR: Street. 22, on ]'riday and Saturday, Sept. 28th and cure cholera morbus, dtarrhcea and dys29th. entery. OUSE TO LET. - A comfortable Mr. J. Leask, Taunton, was an exhibitor A saving of 2b per cent. 011 the purlrame house to rent, with garden. ADll1Y to M . .A. JAMES. 38tt The Great Standard Remedy for all Weak- of turnips at the Industrial, taking three chas of a fi.rst-clas~ piano is an important ness and di~eases of tho lungs. impaired nutrt· prizes. item, but such is the offer of Octavius tion, etc · S'ERVAN'l' WANTED. -A Ge11eral This Oil is Pure. Fresh. nearly Tasteless. and Mr. Mark Prout'11 new sy11tem of Newcombe & Co., whose new Piano FacServant. Apply to MRS. JAME S Il&Tl>, therefore most suitable for delicate dlirestions, delivering milk in bottles pleases our Ont.ario Street, North. 3!J:lw· tory, Bellw~od's a_ venue., (just _None genu·ne without the name IZVAHL ... - - · -- -- - - stamped on each ou.patlie. citizens very much. compl~te? ) 1s the. finest rn the city, a nd OUSE TO LET. ·-Comfor table hou$e Wholc·ale by LYMAN, SONS & CO. Mt'. W. Purcne.s, son of Capt. Purches, equal m 1ts machmery and equ1rment to for small family. Rent moderate imth e Ia t ~s t an d b es t m · th U ·t d St t mediate llOSSession, FRANOIR MASON, Kil)g of Par, Cornwall, England, was a guest .e m e a ~s . St., E1>st. 38:2w at Lorne Villa last week. lntendmg purchasers will do well to com----- - - - - - - -- - - -- municate with them. 37-tf Will sell my entire stock of straw ha.ts ERVAN'l' WANTED. - A general . . . servant wanted immediately. Apply to and summer underwear o.t and below It is well to be posted m the practical MRS ANNIE· WAL l!ll!DGE, Wellington ~t.reet. cost. M. Mayer, F urrier. details of one's business, the m ore espccBowmanville, 33- tf Miss Ettie Scott has returned from ia.lly so when the business is except ion· AN WANTED.-To work at general California to Toronto. Before leaving al!y intricate. $10.000 was recently fa~m work for t.wo monthe, with a she was tendered a reception. saved by t he McCauelauds, of Toronto, cl:ui.nce for a yef.r it lie snits. J, M, J ONE::ffi, Cll!'es the most ob· "Hetreat Dairy," Bowmanville. 39:tt when an American specia list i u the S tain· Mr. and Mr11. B., and son, and sttnate case. it taken Miss Emma. McClellan returned from ed Glass business found to his surprise TORE TO LET.-·The store no w ooDREflSMAKING.-Missea Kerr and Keith that his firm had been working for years p~rseveringly. S cupied by Mr. W . H. I ves, on KingStref)t, . h: succeeded Mrs. Cockburn as Dress the very item that he had to d ispose of SANDHA.,v1·1 COUGH BALSAM has stood their extended European tour last week. two doors eas o ot t he P. 0 . Possei;eion Mlly tlul teat ot of trta.I. A game of base ball was played on the and Mantle makers, Shop over Mau- and which was supposed to b e of recent 10th. Apply to A. BUCKLER, Jeweller, SANDHA.M.'8 COUGEI BALSAM can be 15th between Newcastle and Newtonvillo ning's Hardware store, Hersey's Block. discovery. 15- tr ta.ken: by the your.geet children-is pleasant in 4 w. taste, perfPctly safe, and prevents consumption clubs resulting io a victory for the former 3BREGISTERED LETTF.RS, Hereafter t he RESSMAKING.M1ss GouLn h&B it taken in time. by 15 to 12. start.Ad Dress and Mantle me.king on her There can be no doubt about Couch postal authorities will not enforce the SA.NOH 6-M'S COUGH BALSAM is made own account, at her l1ome on Division street New fall goods arriving daily at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman b eing head- regulation requiring a special regia~rntion from a prescript.ion of established value which north, Bowmanville. A call from ladies lla.s been in use for years. Johnston & Cry<lerma.n's. They will quarters for two things, viz., fine carpets stamp tu re~ister a letter. If enough 33-tl solicited. Larg!l Bottle, Small Price, 25 cents. show this season the most superb stock of and fine dress goods. '£heir present dis- stamj)s are put on to pay for registration rrAILOlUNG. M r. Hindson, Tailor, - - ----, dry goods ever seen in town. play of these lines were never su rpassed.. the hitter will b e rep,istered and sent at .M:cCJung Bros.. is now io make a limited number of suits for country Mr. W. G. Evans, ot London, has been There will be 11 big Stuck sale a t Orono, forward to its destination . T his will be buyers or from outside establishments. Zn vi8it1ng his aunt, Mrs. J. B ·ock, previous on Oct 16th. Horse and cattle buyers a conv enience to people in. rural sections trance through Q ,uick & Co's store 45·tt Fall Fairs. to bis departure for the Western S tates, will be present. S end entri es to John where it is not al ways easy or possible to AT F OUND. -P icked u p on t he }).e intends going for the benefit of Foster, Bowmanville ; Robt . Foster, procure a r egistration stamp, but it is road nor th of Eu niskillen. a new felt ha,!;. West Durham a.nd Darlin gtoi:i l "nion his health. Orono ; or D . B ell, Lesk :~rd on or before more r~sky and uncer t>1iu tha11 the pr.sowner drives a grey horae nud covered E x hibitio n- Bowman ville, T hursdav and 'L'ho enb plan . buggy. lle can iret the ht\t by paying f,,, thii; Mr. W. Gilmore, of the 4th con.Clarke, Oct 3 . Friday, Uct. 4th and 5th. · \V. 'l.'HOJ.lPaON, 1£n11iskillen. 39 1 w was seiiously if n ot fatally injured on ONE DOLLAR AND ~OS'.L'f;. - 'l'he fi rm of :SUNDAY N IGHTs.-Eight y oung men J,indsay Central Ei;hibit ionL indsay, Saturday while 'ret.iriliug from P ort. Hope McCi ung B ros. w as fin ed one d r.o lla r a cd wer., before the P et er bo ro' P olicu .11'.ra<>foATTLE LOST.- 3 yearliug heifers --o- by his horses running away caused by costs for displ:Lying a ca: loi; cl of chea p / trnte on Thuroday last for "loituring""on Oct. 2 nd, 3rd an d 4th. chiefly red, one li ne hacked, and l w hi_te yearling 1:<t.ecr· Any rnformation as to their two bicyclists. 8 ou th Ontnrio County Ex:hibitiontea on th,!3 pi~vement .rn front 0 .f tlrn J the street coreers on the pr evious Sunday whereabou ts will be handso rm>ly rewnrdP-il by Pickle Spices, 'Ihe mfor11'.atinn was by night. 'fiwy wer.i fiu1:d each $1 and the Whitby, 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The summer is over. Thoughbful p eo- store. applying to J AS. NESBl'l."I', 1'nr.i8kiiteu P. o. 36"'*1' v .e M.agistrate directed thti polic" to a rrest all ple look ahead to mako themselves com- som~ of the Groc_ers m the towu . who · Catsup Bottles, Ma.nvers Township Fair- - B ethany, fortable. This can be done by calling at afraid that their day for sell mg tea 18 m en aud boys fonnd obstructing t he street S ept. 28th 11od 29th. E STl M.ONlAL.- I take great pleasur.e Corks, in recommcniling to the ladies of M.cClung Bros., the leading Dry GoodH over. or using obijcene bnguage. Tho churches l\iaripoaa. Township }i':L ir- - Oakwood, town and vicinity Misses Kerr and Keith, who H ouse, Bowmanville. We require nobody's sympathy. We of t his town fairly infested with those Oct . 5th and Gth. Sealing Wax, have auccceded me i n tbe dress and iuantle making business, and besneak tor them large I Sr1.;cur,, LADIES !- Mrs. Morrison's publish the bes t local p>!p <:r in tlw dis- of the samti stripe as above. D id our Cartwright, 'l'hu rsday and Friday, patronage. M n s. Coc1 rnuny, 38·4w Sticky Fly Paper, ,ertis111g medium, the police magis trate similarly instruct the Millinery Opening is on Thursday and trict, th e best ad1 greatest eollection of the freshest news, police, he would be j udietously applying Oct. 11th a nd 12th. Friday of next week, Fair days. Ladies, Poison Fly Paper, call aud inspect goods. ARTNERS HIP. - '!.'he advert is er, and pay onr workmen tivery Saturday the la w. . a ged .i 2. is desirous or t·esiiling in Bownight, imd all other p ersons with whom an i wishes a snnll interest in an m11nville W ith a fe eble a opotite a nd imperfect Farmers having auction sales will find we deiil promptly. All we ask from our PERSONAL. - E verybody who kne1y Mr. digestion , i t is impossib le for the body to establishcrl busintos~. Pieo.sfl state a.mount it to their 11dvaritage to order their sale confreres is tha t they mind their OIVn Arthur Pitnsh, for 1~iany years assistant required and naturo M businoaa. .Addrcoa ! secure the requi8ite a mount of nourish· 38 ri w bills at this office and get a free notice in business which will keep them busy. postrn:ister here, will . ~e p_lease~ t o hear ment. Ayer's f:la. rsaparilla. n ot o nly stimu- " l:tl!'.L I AULE." care of 1hi3 office. THE STATESMAN which nearly every · · · that h f> has a good pos1t1on m Philadelph· 1 ORSE FOR SALK The underfarmer in \Vest Durham reads. In an uld magazm e_ i t is stated that ) fo on U10 Baltimore aud Ohio R . R . , as lates t be desire for food, but aids the assigned having decided to give up te11.1nii;u::, similative org::ms in tne formation of good ~nh} the yea:r 1~70 tlus la w wa~ HJ for.ce night opbra.tor. I u 11. fotter to us h e Mys: offers for s hio out:ftt, consisting- of ~olh\d . Mr. William Brown, of Bolton village, young horse t years old. '"'auon, 6leighs. ha,._ (This ;:;tstroyer kills every fly in who died last week had reached the age m England .- Whosoever shoill en~ice Man ! but I wa11 dumb when l firet tackled blood aud sound tissue. nesa, elc., all in good repair. '.rho wholo "ill d 105. Elis wife died four ye<.irs ago at in·t o bonds of matrimony any male subJeCt i t · did not k now the first t hin" a bout be sold cheap ror cash ontr . Tno~[AS CuRTtil. a room in half an hour.) H er · . Maj ~sty'~. by m eans of ro·ige, raiiroading, so you can ,ima~ioe ho~v a wk38-3"7 the age of ninety, and he leaves seven of _ BIRTHB. sons and a daughter . The eldest son is wh1te :-:>pamsn cotton, steel cor~etR ward I wa8 ; bu t I soon driftod into t he W!NDATT.A.t No.11, Dagrn .. r St .. Winnipeg:. ARM TO LET. -The farm of MrH.11. eighty aod the daughtor sixty t;vo years cnuolme, h1gll heeled shoeR. or fales hips, work imd now like 1t very well. I h11pe on the 5th inst., the ·wife or w-. .A., or Scott. situated on tbe ·aet Manvera r ou;l. shall be. prosPcuted for witchcr~ft"., and to visit my Bo1Vmu.nville friends about a daughtu . in reat· of 5th con .. townshio of Cli;rke, coa. old. 160 acres o f good laud. lm med ia.~ taining the mrrria~ e d eclared null and void: N ew Years. JNo. McCr.UNG. - Summoned to appea1 Possession. Terms reasonable. For further MARRIED. & particulars applv to M RS. U. Sco'l'T, propdet;or L ast week was a g < eat week for wedbElfore Geo. Haines, Esq., police rnagisThe attention of O U\' readers and cs33-tt PY E- SPINKs.- On the 18th inst .. at the resi· on premises, or Kendall, P . 0 . trate, for obstructing the s ide walk with a dings. On Thu1·sday, Sep t. 13th, Mius p ecially t hos o A.bout to furnish or re- .. dence of the bride'\l father, by the Rev. John N. B.--If you h~ve :tever tried Car load of Tea. We will get ~quare Ros.evear, el c; dau ghter of Mr. H enrv fd r,, ·iiah th t ir h omes is Cdlled to th., ad- Creighton, B. D .. Robert JnmeaPye, ofthemty AH,M lN PICKElU NG FOR SALE. our sp]G)es give them a trial and with the Grocers who laid the inform:\· Rr1se vear, was married t o Mr. George S. ve rti ~~ ment of Uouch, J ohnston & Cry· or 'L'oronto. to Elizabeth. third daughter of R. - Oue of tho best farms in Pickering for Spinks, E eq., of Cartwright. sale containing 125 acres, all of which tU'9 , 1mpare them with what you get tion by selling this tea at prices which Macklin, by the R ev. James Allan, M;. A . d et:man on the first pa \l:e of this ptiper. D.VvooDLEY-THOl\IPBON.A.t the residen ce of cleared and in high state of cultivation. On will para.lize them. MoCLUNG Bnos. The bride wns very becomingly &nd richly They have just op ~necl out a livoly as· the bride's father. bv 1.11e Rev. W . C. Washing- the premises are a good dwelling house arid ; other stores. MANITOBA. CRoPs. - -Mr. J ohn Lammi- attired in blue satin. A large number of sort ment of ca rpets of the very la.test do- ton, M.A., on the 19th inst.,Mr. Francis Wood· out buildings and ~wo wells. 'l'~is µroporty ,ls of Cartwright, t o Miss Selena, youngest situated on lot Ia , b . f., one mile and a bu'lr ley. man formerly of the 71h Line, Darling- guests were present at the ceremony which si~ns bought direct froHl one of the Pickering village, half a mile from <h a.rid GRAND TRUNK RAU.WAY. ton, of East Oxford now, h as just r eturned touk place at IVTr. R os'lvear's handsome largest and mos t reliable · manufacturers dnughter ofMr. Aaron 'f hompaon, of Scugog. from 'L'runk Sui.tion. three miles f rom P iclrnr lng Harbor, and six miles from Whitbi' . 1'"0r DIED. from a trip to Manitoba. He is much residence on IGng Street east . We wish in England . 'l'his tirm sell their goods further particulars apply to JAMES PICKARD HOWMANVILLE STATION. t aken up with tho country despite the the newly wedded couple long life and as low as any h ouse in Ontario and those CANN.-ln Bowmanville, Sept. 10th.188o, .Tohn on the premises, or P ickering, P. O. 2!l-ct E liz. who examine their ;t.ock will be con- How.ird Cann. infant son of Wilham and . fresta. The crop$ all over were good, ha.ppiness.- Cohonrg '~rorld . GOING E AST GOING W EST abeth Cann, aged 9 months. 16 days. Dr. J. M. Brim·combe Jud a distin- vinced that the most fastidiou~ taste as :Ma.ll ......... 8.37 a. m Mail .. ..... . 6.17 a. m but those around Portage La Prairie esARM FOR SALE.-130 acres. com l<'ISHLEY.-ln Bowmauville, on Sept. Express..... .10.33 a. m Local,. ... .. ..8.23 am pecially so. Some fields within half a guished guest last week in th e person of well as th e most econom'ical b uyer can Adolphus R. Flshley, infant son of Hoger l!Jth posed of south part of Lot No. 19, BrokQJl and Mixed ...... ...3.!10 p m Express· ...... 9 .35 a m mile of where t.he crops were d estroyed Dr. J R ollo Knapp, President of Louisi· easily be pleased. Frout. ard is three miles from the Town of Fiahley, aged 6 months. Georgina L . ......... 7.14 p rn Mi'!'ed ...... . ..3.16 pm Bowman ville. 'l'his is one or the best farms ID ana. Sta te D en tal Society and one of the Mail .. ...... 10:07 p m Mail .. . ...... 9.00 pm were never touched by frost the county of Durham. Jt is In a high 9ta.te of A MIRACULOUS E soAI'E - On Tuesd ay *Except Mondays. R heumatism is c~~used by a poisonous cultiYation a.ud is well fenced On the preAllOUT STO YES.- No s tove h11s e ver foremost citizens of N ew Orleans. Dr. last, Mr. Thomas Bickle, lot 6, con. 4, there is a stone dwelling, t wo 1".rge taken such a hold on the public as the Kna.pp is an author and inventor and has H ope, wt1s going t o Por t H ope with a load acid in t he blood and yields to Ay er's mises ba.rn s arid other out·buildings. with ston6 Pills. Many which seem ed chronic st1tb lin~ for cattle and horse· . . hree ·wella ana Art Garland. These stoves are the r eceived for his valuable con tributions to of peas, and while <:ro3si <,g Ha.wkin's four cisterns, also wind·mill for pumping originals of their class, and cannot be science gold medals from the Scientific bridge near hi2 pl ~ce , t he s truct ure broke and hopeless, h ave been completely cured water. For furtlrnr pnrticnla.r~ aoply on the surpassed in durability, successful oper- Society of Pa.:is,Frn.nce; frnm t he British d own, carryin g the loaded wagon, horses by this medicine. It will cost but little premises or if by letter to HENRY MA NN. Bow· :H- tl BowMANVlLLE, EPT. 26, 1888. ation and h eating qualities. Fire·P ot Scient1_fi.c Society, London, E ngland, and and driver with i t. The water was over t o t ry what efftict the P ills may have in manville. 1 can be tak en out through front mica a mass1ve.g_ old ~edal se t wit h d~amonds six feet deep and Mr. Bickle who could your case. We pre.lict success. U CTION S ALE of the entire herd of ... doors. Ash pan is very large. For sale from Loumaua State D ental So c1ety. n ot awim, came n ear b eing drowned, but Scotch Shorthorn cattle the prooerty o! BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. S.U.!UEJ, H0LMAS, lot17, 7th con.. East Whitby. by L._ G.. Qu~ck, B owmanville. See fuller H on. J ohn Macdonald, senator, gave a with gr eat d ifllculty got out, nearly ex'l'his herd consists of 20 females. of which ·12 hausted. T he alar m was gi ven and neighdescription m another column. I SalvationArmy reception at his residence larJC red heifers, 1 youni: bulls. E'or t.he Correcte1l by J. lllcX11rtry, eve ry 'l'neiulay. are c Wools and F ancy Goode in gr eat Died at his r esidence, Yelverton, on Oaklands, Tor onto, c.n Thursda.y, th~ bors flocked to his assistanca. T he h orses last 15 ye~re Mr. Holman h ue used nothing ?mt variety at Mrs. l\iorrison 's. ~he 22th inst., after .a l<'ng and painful central figure of which was Major Musa were taken out of the d ebris not m uch t he F LOUR, ~ 100 l:bs . .. . ·... . $2 50 t o $2 80 Mr. Dryden's stock bulls. all or which were bred b y Mr. Amoe Cruickshank, Abordeeaillnes~, Joseph McGtll, ~ sq., one of the Bhai, th e high caste H indoo, who d e· worse for t he m ishap, but the harness W HEA.'r Fall, ~ bush ....· 1 00 " 1 05 shire, Scotland, The principal sires used oa FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Ins urance. 1 have b·en Hoyal Barmpton (l550:V. and wagon wer e somewhat damaged ; t he old pioneers of the Broad r oad, and a livered a most inter esting address, after Ii Spring, 11 · · · · · 1 00 11 1 05 tho herd Ron:r. V IRTUE, Agent, B owman villo. tf. tflr!.mis 0 8192), Vensgarth (!7192), 'Victor m em ber of the McGill family, who were which an appeal was ma.d e on behalf of peas were also got ten out but th ey are BARLEY, ~ bush, No. 1. . . · 0 65 11 0 00 Lord Royal (J2299), 'l'his sale all'ords one of beilt New honey -comb sh awls, new hosier y amongst lhe first settlers in M anver s. the twenty m issionaries who had volun- spoiled for seed . II II II 2 ., .,0 6011 000 ·opportunities !.or purchasing good bretttlina: stock. A s the farn-1 is sold there will be no and gloves, new corsets, etc., at J ohn J. His funeral took place on Thursday, the teer ed for India. The amount necessary II II II 3,. ., 0 55 11 0 00 reserve. Sale to r.ommence 10 a. m., Thursday MONTHLY STOCK SALEs.- A company Mason's. See advt. 13th, and was attended by nt1merous was snbscribed in a few minutes. Sernt· has been org anized composed of David R YE, Ii · · · · · · · · · · 0 55 II 0 60 Oct. 11th, 1888. Catalogues on application. S AMUEL H OLMAN, He twas a k ind tor Macdonald and Mr. Wm. Gooderham Bell, Leskard ; John Foster, BowmlJ.n· OATS, . Messrs. Dr. T illey, Chae. Keith a ndR. friendii and r elatives. II · · · · · · · · 0 00 II 0 30 L E V £ F .AIHDAN KS, Columbus P. 0. D. Davidson, were in Port Hope on Sat- father and loving husband, and was paying for . fou r each ; other subscribers ville, and R ob t . P oster, Orono ; with the P EAS, Black eyo, W' b ush ..· 0 65 11 0 70 38·4w· Auctioneer. wer e Miss Aik ens, Miss Macdonald , the object of h oldi ng Mon thly Stock Sales i n urday arranging for h olding the Teachers' r espected by all wh0 knew him. u S mall, " . . . 0 GO 11 0 00 Premier Greenway who was in T oronto Misses Galt and Mr. H enry O'Rrien . Association there on .Nov. lat and 2nd. Orono. The .first sale is announced to 11 Blue, " ... 0 60 " 0 70 l MPOR'l'ANT N o'.rIU E.- One of the cele- take pl ac<i on T 1 10sday, Octob er 16th . B UTTER, best t able, ~!!' ll:1 · ·· 0 18 II 0 20 A RSON.--Francia ,Jol·naton, of Cart- in eonnection with Manitoba's magnifiwright, was b rought be h re His .tlonor , cent exhibit at th e I ndus trial, says that bra ted Double Dresser S eparators m ann- This is an entir ely ne w move in this sec- E GGS, " doz ..·... . . . .. . . 0 15 11 0 00 E I NG part, of lot 17, con . 5, D1tl'lin~ Judge B enson, at the Coun ty Judge's some portions of Mani toba. suffored a factured by Messrs. Ingleton & Co., of tion, and one t hat should pr ove most ben- PoTA.TOES, ~ bush . . . . . . . . 0 25 11 0 00 to11, ou which is a good barn. Tho w ill be on exhibition eficial t o every farmer who has st ock to P OR!l., W' cwt . . . . . . . . . . . . f.i 00 " 6 50 Crimnal Court on M on day week chal'ged good deal and oth er "ections but little Brantford, good aod in a EtOOd state of cultivation. '.P.h ls with setti ng fire to Mr. J ohn J obb's barn from fros·. H e thinks the damage will at t he coming Agricultural F air to be buy or sell. Th e Compatly p urp ose mak- HAY, 'I.fl' ton.... . ... . .. ~ .14 00 " lli 00 is a desirable place for a rC!tlred farmer . Will be sold cheap, Apply to GEOlWE L~NGDON, - ·- · .. .. ... ..-- . in Cartwright. H e elected to be tried by not average 20 per cen t and t ho increase held in N ewcastle on tho 28th 11 nd 29th ing arrangements IVith American an d CanHampton. 37- 1.w* a jurv and wa~ remanded u ntil the Assb;- in price ltnd th e larger acreage under inst. F armers and threshers sh ould not adian horse buyers to attend cheir sales, · cultivation will more than make up the fail to see thia wonderful machine, which thus furnish in g a good mar ke t fo r all who es. loss. Mr. Greenway goes as far East thresh es and clea ns all kinds of gr ain fit have surplus stock to dis pose of. A small CHE1mrns ARE RIPE. - Mr . R ichar d aa Mont real at the en d of tha week. for mar ket, b eards barley perfectly and entrance foe will be charged on each a niMisson bas laid on our t able- as ho has Valuable Fam1 Property, in t he 'l'ownship There is great indign ation among makes the m ost perfect separation of any m al ; but for all p articulars of that desPainted i'l first-class style at ·don e for the past th r ee er four year s- a of Darl in.:tou, iu che Uounty of Durham. make application to the manacription citizens becau rn the School B oard accep t· machine ever m:mufactur ed. D o n ot lot of ripe ch er r ies, second crop. · They UJJdel' and b y ;·irtu e of the powers of sale ger s. the tender of an outsider fo r the fail to see it. Also one of t he powerful ed containei in a certain M:o1 ·t1mge (which a re as large ancl r ipe as the first crop. brickwol'k of t.h e n ew school buildings, Traction Engi nes 'llade hy t he same firm A S AD S'l'OP P 1JT TO A WEDDINO.- Dr. Parties having anything in the above line that ~,for~e;ag0 will be prod need at the time of The e iime tree has done that for when the differ ence was under $300. will b e exhi bi ~e d. by having. requires painting wilt save money S»le) , there will b e offered for sale C. Collins, a young medical m an o f Pet er· the past four years, and it seems to g row the work done at my shop. by l'ublic Auction at Beer's Hot el, i11 Mr. Wesley, of Whitby, gets the job at A. STEAM B uooY. --Mr. A. H. Bl'int - borough, died in Cobourg last T uesday better at t he work wiU1 age.- Guide. Bri11g your Sleighs and Cutters in early in the the viilage of Hampton, on Saturday, the $8,960. Mr. ' Vorth 11ets the carpenter nell, of Orono, is the patentee and ex· an d the oircur:ustances at tending his d eat h I t wont cost any more and better work 2!)tb, c!ay of September. 1888 at 2 o'clock: A W ELCOME V rsITOR. - One who lived work at $6, 945. M r . D. White's t ender hibitor of a steam. buggy that is attract- are th e saddest t hat h arn b een chr onicled season. C!Lll b e done by having plen ty of time, p. m ,the following property: All and singumany years in West D ur ham writes from for brickw0rk was $9, 250. T he B oard ing a lot of atten tion. It is an ordinary Orders for for ~ome t ime. The d oct o~ went to Colar those certain parcels or t racts of hind a11d another country : THE STATESMAN con- would have given great er satisfaction if d ouble spring canopy t op buggy, in t he premises, situate. lyinr;: and being in the bourg the week previous and was to h ave t ains n ews of an interesting charact er. I they had accepted a local t end er when box of which is fit ted a t win eng ine of l i Township of Dl\dini;:ton, in t he Uonut y of been m arried on that morning to M iss never valu ed a paper so much as I have w ill receive prompt attention. Dmbam. beiug composed of part of Lot horse power . T he p ower is supplied th is Mary O'Neil. .All pr eparat ions ha'l been nnmber '£wenty"si'{ and of part of East h&lf ShoD over McMURTRY'S LIVERY ST.ABLE, it, since T left Bowmanville. There is the difference was so small. macle, the ch u rch d ocoratec l ancl th e guests The Old Testament S tudent ente rs engine from a. boiler hung at t he back of BOWMANVJLLE, of Lot nnmber '£wenty·~even, in the ~ inth nothin;;r t hat l'<;·cches me so welcome or s o i nvited, bu t when the ho ur fo r t he cereu pon a new volu me with t he S ep tember the b uggy, the fuel for which is crude Concession of.the ~aicl '£ownship,cont:i.ining r egularly evc>ry week. l would feel lost by admeasurement iog acres, of whtch 95 n umber . Some new and s triking fea tures p etrole um. ln fron t of t he dash boa.rd is m ony arrived Dr. Collins was umi.ble to without it. May you and i t prosper. acres are cleared and over 80 acres fre,; fro m in its a ttracti ve til.ble of contents oall the r everee t.n.n k fot· fuel and wa ter , l h is bed . He h ad been suffering 39- 3m sturopa. J:Q:R:t'I' Wm.m .- Wo are informed, on for special ~10ntion . .A "New Testament which ar e fed to th e b oiler by means of for some time from a carbuncle on his There are a good Frame House and large 1e very ht-:it of authority, that of t wo S upplem.ent" cont.a.i ns th e first four of a s mall pipes passing underneat h t he box. n eck, wh ich had be·e n lanced, imd in whic h F rame Barn on sto ne ionmlation,with other · "ells clea.ue..i i n this vicinity, within th e series of forty inductive S tudies on the T he steer ing ap parat us is on th o righ t i t i s s upposed h e caugh t cold . U pon arF rame Outbuildings on the premises, also -~ past few weeks, one contained n o less than Life and T imes of the Ch rist based on tho h and sid e close to the sent, is si mll).e and riving t here th e symptoms toolc a serious an Orchard of about 2 acres. fourLeeu dead aud one livin g t oads, seven book of Mark . T hey will at tract t he at· complet e, whi!e the power is turned on aspect, an d al though t h ree doctors were The F arm is situated in a well settled section, and diijtant ~bout 3 miles frot;11 frogs an<l a cl1icke11. The conten ts of tention of all Bi ble students, covering and off b y means Qf a sp ring under t he i n attendance, the young man died. I t is Burketon, 12 from Bowmanville and G tram t h e o-tiier wi;;re ninet een t oads, four as they do the S unday School L essons of foot. A reverse lever. is con veniently s upposed blood poisoning took place. .Hampton. T he hig he~t pr[caa paid chick ens a nd a snake. fa it any wond er the coming year. T hose studies placed on t he left hand s ide, t hus giving Great sympathy is felt for the yo ung lady Terms of sale. One-tenth of the purch<M1e that some people ar e sick ?. Is it not a broad in scope, clear i n method, stimula- the operat or full control to back or go whose happiness was so audd on ly shat terfor any quantity of Barley · money on day of sa'.e, the be.lance wit hin 3() great er wonde r t hat some folks are living? ting in ~reatment, a dapted t o all 1Vho d e· forward. T h e cost of running th e buggy ed. T he doctor h e.d purchased a fine residays. ($3,000 may remain on ·Mortgage at; delivered at my Elevator or - Port Perry mandard. G~ per cent .) We pr edict for t his is est imated at G O cents p er 80 mile.a or d ence in Poterboroug h and had it all fur sire to study. · Possessioa will be given l~t April , 188!). CoNSUllofl'Ttv'.E 'rENDENci:iis ar e often in- :seri. at t he Wharf; also for other e s of studies wide p opularity . The 24 hours. Thia ingenious 1Jontrivance niahed for his bride. Dr . Collins' paren ts with permission to do Fall P loughing ' imberited, b; tho d isease itself may gain a o ther d epartme nts, editorial notes, book - was on exhibi tion in a large tent south of live n ear H astings, and are well to-d o mediately after p reaAnt harvest. 'rhe prograin a nd farm produce. fo othol'l:l through impure blood, bad diet, r eviews, etc ., affo rd helpful information. t be main building a t T oronto, and was tarm<~ rs. He t ook h is d egr ee of M . D ., pez t y will be sold subject to a reserve bed. For further particuli:\!"ij apply to t he ununvent,ilat ed l'Ooms, etc ., k eep the blood The s1:1bscription price of t bis i ncreasing- seen by a grea~ many who visit ed the ex- at Kingston U niversity about three years dersigned. pure and t he circnlation pl:lrfect by meall.B ly valuable journal has been plaoed at hibit ion. Mr. Brintnall is d es3rving of a.go, and h as since beAn practisin g in B.!!BB,?i:l.!.CDONALD, DA'VlDflON & p ATI'llRSCN' of B urdock Bloud Bitters, and thus ward $L50 a year (ten numbers). The Old more· than ordinary notice, as the greater 'P ete rborough. H e was a.bou t 30 years of B OWMAN VI LLE. 18 Tbront o St,, Toronto,Vendors S olicilma. .off consumption, which fa si mply screfula T estament Shtdent, N ew Haven, Ct., part of the castings and wood work of age. T he fon&-al t ook I) lace at H aatings \ 36-4w s. c. HUll'KING, Aue. -0f foe lunglil. Willia111 R. H&rper, E diteir. · this buggy is his own handiwork. on Wednesday. · The advt. of McClung Bros. is peculiar this week. Bowmanville Novelty Works now employ over 50 men and bovs. Oapt. and Mre. Rowe, of Pickering, were visiting here this week. Ladies, get your Hats re-shaped in latest styles at Mrs. Morrison's. Mrs.. A.S.Shannon, of Rochester, is the gueet of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kerr. I ( 'ORWECIAN COD LIVER OIL. SAHDHAM'S COUCH BALSAM Bowmanville Fair, Oct. 4th and 5t,h. Tlle Dominion Band playnl at the Industrial last week. Mrs. W. Wright, of Branhford, is visiting at Chief Colem~n's. Foster will offer four brood mares at Orono Stock sale, Oct. 16th. Miss Hattie Pethick, Cla.rke, has been visiting at Mr. W. E . Pethick's. Mrs. Morrison's stock of Fall Millinery . . is now complete. Call a.nd inspect. Mr . .~· , VanCa~p, ?f Bra~tford, has been vmtmg relatives in Darlington. We have had to condense some correspondence for want of space. Room next week. Flannels all kind. a, top shirts and urider· wea.r, half a. car load j ust arrived at John J. Mason's. · FARMERS.- ! have some new steel-frame two-fun·ow plows that you should see. All k' d 8 0 f 1 · t k t · t k m Powmanville. ow pom 8 ep lll 8 oc. · C. ROGERS B . ' , . . Darhogton s turmp king·. Mr: Sa.muel Snowden, has grown a t urmp t111s eeason that meas1ires 3 ft. 6 in. in diameter and wefohs 20 lbs. \Vho can beat it ?. The program for the concert under thtt auspices of the'le Association in the Town Hall t his 'Vednesday night possesses rare merit~ Everybody come. A job lot ~f bra.ces at John J, Mas<.m's, over 100 kinds at less than usual pr1cea. See advt. 50,000 B usn&LS BARLEY WANTED.Johll McDougall wants 50,000 bushels barley deliverecl at Port Da.rlington for which the highest market price will be paid. Office at McDougall & Metc&lf's. 87 - ·iw. I -----·-···-·-·-~·-·------· ·····--·-··· ·-· FRUIT Jl'.urniture eale at Market Square next Saturday. Go to hear the new auction. eer. FROM MANITOBA.-" I J1ave been cured of chronic diarrhcea by the uae of Dr. . Fowler's Eir:tract of Wild Strawberry. I I used about twelve bottles of it a.nd am no:w. entirely free from the dieeue. Wilham McLaren, Clearwater, Manitoba. The August-September n111nber of the Canada Educational Monthly is an excellent number, and will be highly valued by the teaching profession. The opening pa.ges a fine articl e on "ThE Formation of Opinion," by Prof. Wm. Clarke, M. A., LL. D., of T rinity College, Toronto, which r ea.ders of t he Monthly will know how to appreciate. Correspondents f·1r THE STATESMAN are wanted at Taunton or Mitchell's Corners, in Darlington; Orono, Newcastle N e wtonville, Starkville, Kendall, Ne'w Park and Leskard in Clarke ; Cadmus and P urple Hill in Cartwright ; and Columbus in East Whit by. To a compotenb person in any of these places willing to act THE STATESMAN will be sent free and stamped envelopes and writing paper will be supplied. Rules for correspond ence :-Be briel ; writ e plainly and take e~ pecial pains with names; write on one side of the paper only ; attach your name and ad dress to your communicat ion, as an evidence of good faith ; write nothing for which you are not prep1ued to be held personally responsible. The National necessity for a Scien tific Sp ecific for every day ailments is impera tive. Jn Dr. Cockle's Anti-Bilious Pills we h~ve a safe, sure a.nd s1~lu tary rernecty for t he Liver, Bile, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Heartburn, and Acidity of In use about a century and a. quarter :>nd sold the world over. 17 I B . LAllllllJM.Ull', JI, 0 ,. (), ·., M A EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHT SICIA.NS AND SURGEONS, Ont. Office and Resldenoe: Enn!skillen, Ont.aria., 30 8. B lfllDEN, UCTIONEER f or the County (tf Durha.m · Insurance and General .Agenl.. Valuator and Real Estate Agent, Sales e.litl other business promptly a ttended to. Box 11i· . Bowmanville P. O. 36- t t B H H S M D SEASON H C T STOTT &JURY'S INSECT DESTROYER, prices at STOTT JURY'S. I P H All the above at lowest F F I I F s I Local and Otherwise. A 13 a cres of L a ud for sale in H ampton. Surreys, Buggies, Market Wagons, Sleighs, Cutters, &c., -- -.·- -.---.-.-- - ---- B LOWES PRICES IN TOWN. SIGN PAINTING "W. MORRISON. Barley Wanted. JOHN LYLE, I im······lllli· m·· · ······

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