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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1888, p. 6

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. ... · ...":. ~~··.,1'" "-· ~~ ..... :r .: HE CANADIAN STATESMAN IB PUBLIBBlllD HEALTH. TH.E ITALIAN J\.ND STILETTO. ~so.EL1uu:ous. J Row It Is MaM au.IJ Why lt11 Thrn8tij Are ar8 .the la.test things w.hich ha.Ve . e Diptheria. from a.n Unolea.n Cellar. 110 GenerallY Fatal. be<:n gathered 1nto the a.ll·embre.c1ng booom "I could not understrnd why that entire To the Italian la.bu1'er, a. knife is a.s necess- of the Trusts. An orge.nize.tion has been -BYfa.mily of seven children should be stric~en a.rv to existence as tbo ~e.caroni and.a.roma.t· formed in New Orleans with a capital of with putrid diphtheria, till I had occa.&mn ic conserva that him forget .h~ dru~- $19,000,000, a.nd hereafter every one who to flO int? their cellar.;" a friend, who. gery. It cuts his t<Jba.o?o e.nd d1v1des his ea.ts a plantain or banana can do so only by AT TH&: OJ'Jl:ICIC bad been summoned to help care for the ' cheern, and if he praot1ced, the .1rt ~f the gra.ce of the monopolist., sick and dying children of a neighbor. 1'·1t Omcc Block, King Street, Bowman· Deep and bitter the anathemas uttered . vtlle, Ontario. "We always thought the WrightJI, with manicure would undoubtedly he effective in their trim, whitewashed f~nces and out· depriving him of hie nails. l:!e tin~s lt ef- aga.inst the Pennsylvania. coal barons for T~::El RM: S: buildings, their nee.Uy kept door-ya.rd i.nd fective with c>rns, e.nd even with his bf a.rd, their recent a.ction in raising the price of 1 , 1 ) 11 1 n ·. j)t $1 tr paid ID ndTantt. garden, the evident constl\nt wa.rfare, U.f:;ainst and in bis not infrequent fights, to which coal in the anticipation of a hard winter. Having purchased the business formerly carried on by HUMPHREY & is incomparabl~, it is As Henry George s~ys, all protecti~n is t.o MAYER, I have moved it across the street to the premises lately 1 strictly In advance roqutredlrom filth and slatternliness in any form, the even a.n Irish shindig _ ll outside ot the county. Orders to indispensable, There e. dozen kin~s of a. extent an meulb to huma.o mtelh<ti£CI~ e : the paper mu~t be accompanied by most intelligent e.nd cleanly of families in knives more or less popular, but the stdett.o gence, but protective te.xee on _such a.n ar- occupied by Shaw & Tole, where in connection with my Tin and Stove s;ni ~tdne ortbepape wil notbestopped. our community, and I wondered what pos ~~lberB are reaponelbleunti full payment le sibie breeding place for malignant diphtheria is l~e~~~~:iifisa.!l.distinctively Italian wea- ticle of prime neceseit;v as coa.l, is not mere. Business will be found a full line of Heavy and Light Harness, and all could lurk about that home until I went into on, though used to e. la.rge extent by _the ly a.n insult but au iniu.ry. other furnishings usually founcl in a first-class harness shop. ·~e' P the cellar. I h b d t t The continued popularity of Queen Vic·a.A.TEii OJ' .i.DVJIB.T18IIUl 1 ~~ ba.nditi. _t as~ 9'. repu a ion. torla after a reign of fifty years more is When I opened the stairway door, a hor- Spe.nish Their is no recogmzP~ sc1eot1fic way of. U8 d 'll"hole Column one'[ ear .... ·· ...... · $00 g& ;;: ~;;; rible stench of . decaying vegetables and ing it, a.nd in the f~n~mg sch~ol, for which e.very signiiioe.nt fact which sa.ys a great ea1 .. u Bal year ............ 36 oO =~ .. " One quarter ......... l!O __::__ ta.intedbrincl,rushed up from theunventil~ted, Italy is, fa.moue, it is _os~rac1zed. Among in favour of Her Majesty's personal llh&r· will receive the most careful attention, ha.vin5 secured the services of ·nau Column one yee.r · .... · ...... · .. 36 gg _ loathsome pit below, that tb.ey ca.lled cd· the brigands and the crimmal class of the a.cier and worth. There is no use in saying ~ " Half year ............ ·· 20 0 MR. W. HUMPHREY, whos"' skill in this branch is so well known lar. The air wa~ so heavy with mold and cities it is however, the most popular of all tha.t a.ll is the result of mere use and wont. · .. One quarter_ ......... U li stagna.nt impurities, that the flame of the aggressive wee.pons. This is due t.o the Itis no such a.thing, that..naydo a good deal, throughout this district, as to need no further comment. ,'<Qurter Colu:a..n one yes.r ........... 20 00 _ 0 candle I ca.rried, fli1Jkered and lapped over, " handiness " the dexterity with which it but it couldn't maintain such a. feeling for a · .. Half year ........... 12 6 .. .. one quarter...... .. 8 as th1Jugh e. weight had been laid on it. may be used, its murderous exec.ution and little old woman amollg the grand children All my work is finished by experienced workmen, none other employed !hn lines and under ,first ln!'ertlon · SO ISO~: Hardly had I stepped from the bottom the ease with which it me.y be concealed. of these who welcomed her to the throne e.s All I ask is an inspection of my stock and you will be convinced that .Bach subsequen !insertion...... O 25 stair, before my feet struck a.slippery, slimy :l'rom six to ten lines, ftnt l?sertlon 0 7~ _ In Italy stringent laws have been p~ssed e. mere girl fifty odd years ago. it is the largest to choose from, best workmanship, and pricos really chute of rotten pumpkin, and I went down against the stiletto. The fine for carrymg a Each subsequent insert1on ...... ~ 10 There seems to be e. pretty generally ex()ver ten lines.first insertion,per,Vne 1_ My expenses being lower, into the dreadful mush the.t sent out its pist.:>l ia almost nominal, even sword pressed opinion among the more sensible lower than any other place in town. 0 03 .J:aoh ·iubeequentlnsertlon pestilential whiffs from the very depths of canes are tolerated to some extent, but the newspapers on 't~e other. side that this R?· therefore I give my customers the benefit. Gentlemen, pl~ce in your "!'he number of lines to be reckoned ~ its putrefaction. penalty for carrying a. etiletto is so severe taliation gun which President Cleveland is orders at once and don't miss this opportunity. Repairing promptly :*be 1JP&oe occupled,:meaaUl'ed b7 a scale The candle still burned, and after hastily a.s to be seemini(IV oppressive. For each o(; polishing up e.nd getting ready to snoot off . . .Id 'Nonpareil. done. Don't forget the place, Quick's Block, Bowmanville. rising from this unexpwted tobogganing fense the J.,w provides an imprisonment of at us Canadians, is liKely i;o prove e. ·~ ·- -- - across ihe cellar bottom, I held the sickly from two to three years. In the more popu- " kic.1rnr," the recoil of which will do a.s DBS, JlcLA.lJGDJ.IN di BEl'.l'D, hiuh e.nd low, sca.nninv well that lated sections and particularly in the vici- much damage to the shooter e.s to the breeding .nest of diptheria and other fearful n1ty llf the la;ge cities, the law ia rigidly en- shootee. I !OlflOCE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWIUNVILLlll· Bowmanville, May 15th, 1888. 20 germs, before cutting the slices of salted Dr J W McLAUGHLIN, Dr. A. BEITH, Gradu pork, for which I had been sent to bind up- forced, and suspected :persons are sea.rch_ed About the handsomest things in the shape 11.centiate of the Roye.I e.te of the Toronto the poor little, swollen, chllked throe.ts, without ceremony. A license can be obtam- of bank notes which have ever appeared .cGllege of Physicians Unlve reity, J?h7elclan on ed for carrying a pistol, but ntver for a sti· the new five and ten dollar bills of the Buk VV up stairs. ,n'd member or the 'l'I03"al College of Sur· Surgeon, &:c. . · . of Commerce. They are simply "immense," Walh, green with mold and fungi; de- letto, !ll«>ns. Edinburgh. Is a peculiar weapon. 1:'her_e is nothmg and it will be harder now than ever for the cayed and decaying vegetables eve. ywhere ; a. slosh of rotted apples oozing their pungent of Canadian ma?ufe.cture like l~. In length temporary possessor of one or more of them DB. ,J, () MlT«lDELL, it runs from six to fifteen mchee. The to let them leave hie he.nda. Offbial faces lllitBlllBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS juices from the bloa.ted staves of a dozen is about twice the length of the handle, are c1Jnspiouous by their absence from this ba.rrels ; a great bin of frozen, then thawed, ,L1'.l ·aad Burgeons, Ontario, Coi;oner. eto. --MANUFACTURER O F - dagger edged, thick e.t ~he n~rrllw guard new issue. Just as well, perhaps. That Olloe and Residence, Enniskillen. U. potatoes, that to stir meant development of gas, powerful enough to run an electric plant and tapering off to excessive thmoess at the sort of advertising is of the Cheap John if odor is power. Under the eta.ire a heap point. At the l.{utHd tbe diameter of the order a.fter 1>ll, It doesn't add anything W. 8, OBJllSTON', L, L. B, is diamond shaped and the t.wo extra. to the vs.Jue of a bill to we.i.r the linee.ments ,Bauister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &o, M,on~y of pumpkins had been stored in the late edges run almost to the point. The real of its maugtr or prtsident,. e.nd not one KING STREET, BOWMANVILL to loan Qffice In Beaver Block upsta1rem autumn, that decaying blca.t- months before 0 0 n hand a number of ..-ehlcle~ (and is manufacturing a great many more) of the ne rooms fo1mer1'.r occupied by Dr. Harni~n, -ha.d hoisted e.nd rolled apart, some of the edges, which razor·sharp, make a wound person in a. nundred ce.reaone tt~~le what ·uch II a.a~ 7t rns and best finish which I e.m offering for sale at the lowest.prices oonsieteoi :Bowmanville. mushing, sliding spheres falling directlv in which the auxiliary edges, more blunt than funetiono.ries look like. Let him be assured a e Ith due regard tc'.> workmanship and quality. The followlngia a. llst ot ahe.rp, aggravate to a terrible .degree. So ihe.this pe.perwill b iug him five dollars or ten w the prinoipal vehicles manufactured by me the pathway and mo.king the slippery chute DR. E. C; llleD&WELL. that he.d unbalanced e.nd mired me ; a.nd in effective is it, and so murderous 1'!1 the hands dollars in good coined gold on deman~, and Double Covered Carrlagee .................................................... 8150 Upward· ..LICEN'rIATE OF ROY.AL COLLEGE every corner, putrifying sta.cks llf turnips of a dexterous man tha.t the lta.han govern- he is iodifforeut a.s to what sort of a. ptctare · · or Pby!!clans. London, 1'ng.:Member ot ment he.s recently been experimenti~g with gallery adorns hs surface. Single Phretons ............................................................ ..... Colltge ot Physicians anrt Surgeons. Ontario. and ca.bbages sending out their penetrating, it a.s e. we!l.pon at close quarters, and in the Fra.nce claims the most rt cent triumph of Open Buggy ......... ·· .... ·..... ·.... · ... ···"" ..... · ... " ..... ·.. ·" · · ...... · ~O '13ti11GltRY AND RESIDENCE:-Renr of Meeere. loa.thsJme breaths. 11 .8i11ginbotham's Drug Store, Bowmenvllle, The cellar was as dark e.s a coal pit, the Massowa.h camp"ign rnvera.l companies were hume.n genius directed to the perfecting of 6-lyr,· 65 II little three-pane light under the dining-room armed with shields a.nd long stilettos, T.he agencies for the destru 1tion of property e.nd windows being buried under the winter weapon is carried in a sheath like an ordm- life. It takes the elv"pe of e. little sub. Lumber Wa.gollll................................................... .............. ~5 " D. BlJ&KE 81MFllOllT, marine boat, which from the discriptions banking that late May still found unmoved. ary·dagger. Light Wagon..................................................................... 0 " ARRIBTB:lt SOLICITOR, &:o. MOPJUS THE DEADLY MOLLETTA, given of it can hardly be characterized in The vile gases and stagnant air, thick 11 E:xpress Wagon.................................................................. 75 BLOCK up 'stairs, King .street, BowmaD· with dreadful odors a.nd disease germs, bad Another knife, commonly carried and fre· any other wa.y t~a.n a.~ a. " regu~e.r little Solicitor tor the Onte.r10Be.nk no outlet of escape from the cellar, only by riuently used by criminal Italians, is what devil."Tileperfectionofitaadaptationtothe 'l'MT&Ui ·e·e·u loaned at the lowest r&t01. stealthily filtering through everv possible Professor Scannapieco, the neopolita.n fenc· end in view is something wonderful e.nd ree.lcranny and sea.m of the heavy timbered ing ma.ster, calls the "mollett""" Th" niol· ly diabolic. It can be to dive to almost Posaeealng superior faoilltles tor manufacturing carriages, I Intend to sell very cheap tor o" .Jolln Jleltb Galbraith, or approved oredlt, and by so doing I hope to greatly Increase my nnmber of ea.lea. Wou14 ceiling inco the living a.nd sleeping rooms Jetta. some resemblance to a. ra.zor, any depth, right under the kee} of a monster sell the wood parts only. or the gearings of buirgiea Ironed, if) ARR I BT ER, SOLICITOR, ~OTARY though considerably longer. There is only ironolad for enmple, to which torpedoes '°'l PUBLIC, &;o. Ofilce-Bounse.11 B Bloo,k overhead, and by r.trong rushes up the stair· one edge, and the blade opens like a. pen- can then be attached. Then the little .. devil way, whenever the opening cellar door :\afl Street, Bowmanville. Mone~o lend, knife. It swings loose, however, and when fish" can retreat to a. safe dista.nce, fire the stirred a current upward." WILLIA.JI WIGHT. And, still, those po.rents wondered why drawn is opened by catching bold_ of the torpedoes by meana of electricity, when, lo At the Shortest N otlce, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. handle with the fingers and throwmg the and behold 1 the big ship shudder~ !l.nd f\oes ·t J:CENSED AUCTIONEER for the their seven young children, whom they outward. This rfquires pra.ctice down with its A.t th F t ory 1 also do Plantnii. Ma.tobtn~. Turning and Sawing with rnr~le,Band · 80! living freight. Thia terrible . County of Durham. Orders left at the thought to cherish and protect from every e · e.c re are all kinds of lumber ror carpenters nd others tor butldmg purposes. Bawbre.n~~nfa.1 and Pickets for feno·~ !f in every style required, made to order. .!Hne111.t.N 1Jfilce or forwarded to Tyro~B-~O. harm, should be stricken with diphtheria, dexterity. A lmall spring ca.tches the knife little enemy is described a.s being ~arvel· and holds it open. It is closed by pressure lously agile and as much at home m the ·lill Neive prompt attention. · and c~lled it one of the most my6t9rioue of God's providences when they were called to upon a tiny "button" on the handle. water as if it had been born there. The !I. c. ll(JNKING, Though not a.s effective a. wea.pon as the only way of protecting the bill' ~hips aga~nst lay two· of their darlings ux.der the sod. stiletto it makes an ugly wound when used such foes will be to a series of pohce·LrcENSED .AUCTIONEER FOR by an expert &n(i can be opened almost .as men in the 6 hape of other submarine vessels the County ot Durhe.:m. Sales attended Are Corsets a. Neoessity? quickly as a stiletto oa.n be drawn from its constantly hovering a.bout them to ward off 10 Ml sb1Jrtest notice and lowest rates. A~~~t~a The ease with which it ce.n be con· )Ol Jl'flCB P. o. The perfectly shaped woman is a. very cea.led to the frequency of its use. The attack. idea.I of refined curves ; and the fact that han<Jle is he.rd wood or bone. If there any natives of Jedburgh or Pianos Tuned and Repaired. women lose their graceful proportions with A small stiletto can be bought for $3. its vicinity, iu Roxburgbshire, Scotland the passing, is not due, a.s is charged, I'he le.rgeat size oost $5 and $8. Au import· among the rea.ders of TRUTH, and doubtleaa ARTIES WISHING TIIErnPIANOS to maternity and age, but to false livivg, ed mollette. coets $4. The price places the there many such, for the readers of PIL ~LS - 'Tuned or repa1rea oannavethem attende~ dressing e.nd inattention to the preservation real Italia.n a.rticle out of the reach. of man:i.i TRUTH are numerous enough to embrace Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the ;to:11y · l eaving word .at the DOMINION ORG..I. of the figure instead, To keep one's figure, of the knife-users, a.nd they content them- every variety of every English-speaking iOo's O:irr10111, Bowme.nville A. first-cle.s me.i: care must be ta.ken, e.nd that not the care selves with a species of small dagger, crude, nationality, they will be inte~este~ to kn.ow 'll«rw :belnR ln their emvlo: LIVER, STOMA.(JO, KIDNEYS AND EJ.. 8. of buying the stiffe~t and moat unyielding - - - -- - - corsets possible, with which to confine the but effective, a.nd not infrequently by that the Marquis of Lothian is te.kmg themselves outi of a well-worn ta.hie knifl', steps to preserve the Caetle of Fernieherst. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, an body, but the care which preserves inherent METHOD OF USING THE WEAPON. This is e. fine old baronial ple.oe, situated on are Invaluable In all Oomplalnta Incidental to Female1 of all .Ages. Fo1 gr\\ce; the care which keeps down the In nearly all tb.e Italfa.n murders in this & hi'lh bank overlooking the River . Jed, Children and the ·aged they are priceless, adipose tissue ; the care which prevents the oountry in the ! five yea.n1 the stiletto or a.bout two miles from Jedburgh. It 1a an bosom from becoming heavy a.nd gross; the mme similar weapon has been used, and in a.s.cient seat of the Kerr family. A great 1 care which keeps the muscles flexible and ive inste.nses out of six the wound i:nflicted deal of work has already been done. The well poised; in other words, the care which been below the ribs. The ordin.e.ry mode whole of the wa.lle, b1Jth O}ltside and in, have Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds Sor insures the gra.dua.l and desirable change holding a dagger is with the thunb a.t the been cleaned and repa.1nted. A strong and Ulcers. It la famous for Gout and Rheumatism. For dfsordeu of tl>a from the slight, girlish and undeveloped pro· lpper end of the handle. The lians re- buttress ha.a ~een built ~t the back of the -Chest it has no equal.portions of youth, into the symmetrical, well rerse this. He invariably grasps th ' handle Ca.stle where 1t considered weak. T~e rounded and luxurioua curves of the me. with the upper put of hi11 hand nearest tile roof of the old kitchen, remarkable for its For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Cold8, tron. gua.rd This necessitates him giving e.n en1Jrmous fireplace, has been made waterThis care becomes e. fine art with the few .:tader:thurst and acc:>unts for ti' wounds proof by e. coating of cement. Two dormer Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and who give it thought, but the art is legitimate ning in the lower part of the body. The windows in the upper s~ry of the kee~ contracted and stiff joints it acte Uke a charm. commendable. We will not deny tho.t weapon, if carried in a sheath, is concealed have been resto~ed. C?ne1d.erable HA RN DEN, L. D. S. and the woman who throws aside her corsets in the scarf or belt inv&rfably worn by Ita.lian have been lD t~e mtenor, wh.1ch will Manufactured only at THOMAS HoLLOWA.Y's Establishment, -'Graduate ofthe Royal College of Dental and reposes with hands folded to grow fat emi2re.nts and c'l.n be drawn with remarkable go far to preserve thIB venera.ble relic .of t~e 8urgeon11, Ontario. will have a sufficiently unshapely and un78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD STREET), LONDON 'd't stormy feudal times in Scotland. It 1s said 1 -0 FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. attraGtive form to cii.Jl fortl1 a. protest ; and y. that L·)rd Lothian means to have e.ll the &nd are sold at b. ljd., 211. 9d., 4a. 6d., lls., 2211., and 33s. each Box or Pot, )OLD FILLING A SPECIALTY so, too, will the woman of tremendous ner· walls below the upper story lined with oe.k, The Afflicted farmers. may be had from all Medicine Vendors throughout the World, iA:RTll'ICIAL TEETH INSERTED Wll'HOUT vous energy who reduces heraelf to a skelebut nothing has as yet been done in that Farmers report that grasshoppers have ton, fa.ii to attract the eye which delights in -Parcha1eu ··uld look a& the Label on the Pot· aad BoxeL direction, PLATES, firm, fair flesh ; but i;be women who use destrol'ed about. two· thirds llf the t_obacca t n 633. uxrord Street. J.endo:a. they ar.. 111ul'loa1. There is every likelihood of the price of iflreat Reductions in price on . all Dental ·W ork. Vitalie:el. Air, Mnstsnt1y !n use pro· plenty of cold water a.nd friction en tile crnp in the parishes of St. Esphr1t, St. all kinds of grain being considerably higher Alexis St. Jacques de Lachiga.n. Others body, who take rational physical exercise, :tucing Painleee Operat1ons. Pe.rhoule.r atten s~":n-:-;and speculation he he.a in he.J:?d· sel t ..king a cargo to Montreal is treated lion paid to the iel{llle.tlon of Children's Teet"' and employ scientifio means for develope· state that the excessive rain bas had such a. during the ensuing winter t!:.e.n they which will either re.ise him co the third exactly as a one. It gets a rebate have been for some time p~st. The bar· damaging rffeot upon the crops in general ment where t~ey have it not, who hold the . . .~LL WORK WARRANTED . .._. heaven of prosperity or sink him to the of dues. Let our neighbors do the same chest firmly raised and breathe properly, and grain in particular that they are e.t a vest in the most of Eurnpe is very defi. Branch office, Dr, Rutherford's Orono. will have decided natural advantages over loss to know how to provide for the winter cient and very late and while the supply is lowest depths of ruin, will naturally wear thing then there would be rnmeLhing out soon. And the other me.n who has done like real reta.liatfon. But in any c~se two the foolish ones who depend upon the corset supply, A farmer from behind Le.prairie drawn easily from e.ll the world yet the all his work and is inclined to cry, soul take free nations must claim and exercise the for form . says all the he.bite.nts are heavy suffe;ers. blank to be filled is so large that necessarily thine ease, ea.t, drink and be me~ry, wil! ri~ht of saying en what terms they will do We do not doubt that many women wear O.i.ts have lain lln the ground for a fortmght, the oid low prices will not be maintained. shrivel up into selfishness, dyspepsia, mnu1 business and there eeed be no fuss over either corsets who do not lace them unnaturally, turned probably a dozen times and abandon- The yield in Ontario has been not nearly e.nd genera.I spiritual enfeeblement. Wor~, of them partially or in whole going out of and with the presenu style of close-fating ed as worthless. Standing wheat and bar · so sma.ll as was anticipated, while the sur- either with ·body or or both, but do it the business of trading with the oth..r. Canbodice they look the better for it : but the ley e.ctua.lly .sprouting. The pea crop plus in the North West is spoken of as regularly, honeatly and in mes.sure, and a.da. is not in the circumstances called tosa.y tendency, o.noe within the corset, h to pull promises to be entirely destroyed and the something quite extraordinary. All this work on though old age may come. So shall an uncivil word or do an unfrieod!y a ct. Let indicates that the farmers in will upon the la.ciDgs until the natural organs of pooa.toes are rotting. upon the whole be better off than they have your nights be full of healthful sleep and it do ita duty in the premises and keep imsupport lose their power a.nd yield place to been. Those who have hay will also make y mr d11.vs of active rejoicing, activity mensely quiet and cool. The Americans as the artificial ; and even where there is no e. people are not unreasonable, and as little Keeprng Still. a very good tbin. 'I of it. Speculators are streng h delibere.te tightening of the C()rset string ' . are they short-sighted or inclined to do e.ny there is a tacit understanding tha.t a few Young Tommy is a very talkative boy. already buying it up at considerably enhanThere would J;>e ittle s~ns'3, le~s pru~ence thing likely to injure themselves. Let them added pounds of fi~sh shall n~t be considered The other day his uncle promised him ten ced prices e.nd ,they expect to make a very and no decency m Canadians us mg violent , alone and they will in due time, aft&t the WITS Tll:.O:TB, reason sufficient for " letting ont," and cents if he would go an hour without speak- good thing of their "deal" before the winter or proveking language toward the pe?ple or l'residentia.l election is over, come all right. is over. So· fa.r this is well, and though Government ~f the State~. The~e 18 n_ot, To say that e. comparatively weak nation thua rigidity soon· reigns and grace becomes ing a. word, business of a.ll kinds is at present 10mark- besides, the shghtest occasion for rndulgmg like Canada. is always to get down on its impossible. Tommy wo.nted the dime very badly, a.nd PIU.CTlf:A.L DENTIST, These are the reasons why those of us set ouc bravely to keep perfectly still from e.bly quiet, a.n ea.rly start in the right direc- in such folly. It may be unfriendly ~nd ~e.y , ma.rrow bones whenever e. strong one threat()VZB TWENTY YlllARS lllXPERIF.NOll, tion is to be expected at an early day. even the app~~rance of something hke 1 ens it is worse than absurd. To speak, on who believe in health· a.nd freedom for the five o'clock until six o'clock. tr·u.·OxideGH,lnbtcrcd for P' body say, eschew the corset altogether. He watched the clock very uneasily and In trade is e.lso looking up, in an attempt at bullymg the weak <?n the pa~t the other band, of bombarding New York The latest of the Etrong, but let that be as .1t may, if a.nd New Orleans is mischievous and most Operatlon11. Were women possessed of the artistic sensi· eagerly, however. By and hy the hands spite of the poor harvest. 1 bility which would insure the triumph of pointed to half.past five. Tomin¥ loo}red sales llf le.robs in Scotland range from 30 the people of the States don:t wieh to tra~e I miserable folly. is only gath.ering Jl()CLUNG'!I BLO()Jl. '81'1'1CE 1 true proportion, they might then wea.r a i1p and nclaimfd, at the top of bis voice; cents up to as high as $2 75 each above what with the people o.f t' 1°. whole or in 1 its plwer of walking, so far, alone, a.nd the was received at the same time last yea.r. All part, it is quite w1thm the1~ rights for the!° process of acquiring this fa.culty will only be well-shaped, of if the name s1·its bet· W'~ll he.If the time's gone,any way!" this is hopeful, for it shows that there is 8 ter, corset, without disadvanta~e to health to do so and all that!1 ca':' say ID · quickened by such retaliat ion. It will, of gree.ter e.bility among the working ch~ases to the premises must. be, "It is a _pity. W c collrse, involve much inconvenience and loss. or figure ; but the moment that the corse~ use butchers' meat. Among the better class in Diet. idea is a.dmitted a.buae follows, and before regret it, but seemg that such .1s the case It is every way, in a certain sense, to be Mr. Shentpersbent (at hotel table, a Sum· the quantity used does not vary much in we must just try to get a.long without such · deplored. long disproportion reigns e.nd physical weakBut it ha~ its compensations, ness becomes general. Once exaggeration mer resort)-" Mein cracious ! Isaac, you good or bad times, but the la.boring class~s in ohe best yvay we can." There need be and these will every day appear niore he.veto economize in tight times, so that it no r etaliation. There ought to be n_one: If the distinctly in all tl~eir importance a.nd begins, the bosom goes up higher ,md higher, Iii tle v:1Jol ! va.t Vll'I for bret ?" Littf.e , " I ve.nt bret mit my meat, is a clear sign of good times <;ome when cattle, people of the Western Ste.tea mcl!oed to educative power. Ooe needs not to be the waist line comes down, throwing the ' sheep and lambs rise in price. hips out, the shoulders are squared, and the fa.dder>' use Canadian railways, so far as t heir Gov· either a Jingo or a blusterer to repudiate There is great truth in the remi.rk tha.t ernment will allow them to dll so, Ca.nucks and condemn the mischievous nonsense elbows take a.a angle ; in fact, the whole Mr. Shentpershent-" Shust hear de.t I He tout ensemble becomes one of stiffness, va.nts bret ven bret sell for only fife cents a in llrder to liYe, the great thing is to keep would be supreme fools to seek to pr~vent which the Hon. William Macdouga.ll ha.a awkwardness and disproportion. Stylish? loa.f, an' he ga.n't eat a. kava~er off e. loaf, a.n' on working. Men sigh for rest and wish them. It is not . because of a.ny unfriend- been pleased to give t o the world throul!'h I pay fife a day at dis hotel. Here, that they he.d the means to enable them to liness that American fishermen ar~ not al- thb columns of the Globe. All such talk yes ; beautiful ? no. Were corsets worn to meet the require- Iaaa.c, eat dis bottle of olives. D~y cost von d1J nothing, They would like if they could lowed to land their cargoes of. fisb. m Colona.- carries with it its own refutation. William de.wdle all the day or wander a.bout seekin(' die.n ha.rbours and send them m b~nd to the was a.Iways a. shrewd man but he never was an v ments of ne.ture, instead of compelling tolle.r a bol tle." ' ·~ amusement and rest. There never was a Sta.tee, but because such a conce~sion. would oracle and is now less so than ever. If all ,he shapes and purposes of ~fter ependlng much time ll.~~t money, I am nature to meet · greater mistake. It is not work that kills be a surrender of all the Ca.oa.dia.n mshore this t rouble lead as we believe it will, 1ow prepared to fill all orders. prumptl;y. I the corset, there would be no ca.use for A Recommendation. .aive a fine e.ssortmentof WAV-ES,.BANGS, quarrel between us. but worrv, and the man who. makes . his fisheries, which, in such circu~sta.ncea, could to a sounder a.nd 0 more satisfactory modus SWITCHES, COMBS e.nd PINS very ohee.11· Dumley-Tha.t hwyer brother of yours, r-ile, and-forthwith sets. a.bout dou~g nothmg, not be protected from Am~r:1can poachers vivendi between the two countries, the gain J3.ANGS FROJY.I: $2' tr::P'.:.' Brown, I s'pose, w1Juld defend about e.s very speedily goes to pieces, It 1a all very by all the cruisers of th? British N~vy a.nd will far more than compensate tor o.11 the Next Thing to a Fortune. ,Jld Switches colored' and made to look ljke. mea.n e.nd disrepuh ble a case e.s any lawyer well to blame those who hold on to business because it would handica:p Canadian fish- present inconvenience and loss. new. Highest price paid for lon'1fcut hrur, Woman-Have you been a tramp long? in town? even when they ; quite old. It is e.11 ers in such a. way as to drive them out of Ti; much all my life, ma'am ; Brown-Well, I dunno what Jim might very well to asll: why they don't retire an.d the trade altogether. Re~aliation in k~nd HA.IR TONIC :. runs in the family, My poor old father do, You go and state your to him, give y1Junuer men a shllw, But the fact 1s would be to prevent Cana.d1e.n fishers he.v10~ iilM - - · - Warranted to prevent the hair fro~ falling it that work has Become ao .ndispensable to the power to enter American harbours · He.rd workin~ tramp-" Haven't you got out e.nd will make it grow, · . was a profess'iona.l for twenty-seven years, Dumley, and say I sent yon. them that if they ceased to be employed and t o send their fish in bond to a' cord or two of wood you want sawed after Bl have also o. fine lot of new Stamping' but the other .Lla.y he struck big luck. \Voma.n-Did he come into a.n immense Patterns. All orders promptly attended to. .' One of the wealthiest women in the U. they would soon cease to live. The Canadian T erritory. Nobody could ob- breakfast?" Astonished housewife, eagerlyfortune? S. is Mrs. Moses :re.ylor. She inherited areatest workers have been the longest ject to that, and no Canadian would. R e- " Indeed I have, and I want it eaw1>~ right Tratnn - Well-er-no, not quite. Some $20,000,000 from her husband, an_d the es- llves that is, when they wrought honestly, ta.lie.tioo in the same we.y about the a.way." Hard, Eagerly:t.:" I t's !17' Block, Bowmanvllle. infiue:dt'ial frilinds of ]lis got him into the tate h&s since increased greatly m value. earn~stly and without a.llowiug themselves would be to charge a.11 vessels the same a go 1" Ea.ta breakfast for ~hree a.nd rises up poorhlluse. She spends her summers a.t Lon~ _:Bra.nch to be bothered with unnecessary or rates, using the American ones, but . to tll go, remarking, ". I'll ke~p my eyes open, to $8 a. de.y. samples and duty FREE and devotes herselt largely to rehg1on and oonoermid e.b1Jut uncertain result,., The remit a certain per to all which and if I see a man m our hne who looks as Lines Ji.Qt.under the horse'sfeet. Write ma.u who is ever in a. fever of anxiety a.bout should land 'their cargoes at New ! ork or though he would like to saw tba.t wood, I'll The reason. why a great many sick people benevolence, · BREWSTER'S SAFETY REIN HOLDER Buffalo or Ogdensburg. An Amenc:.n ves· send him a.long," Co., Holl, l'i:U~h. _. die is on a.ccotmt Qf the doctors' skill, E'NE'RY WEDNESDAY HORNING Har nes . s. J Harness I I ----o--- M1 A.JAMES, CltANCI----o---01 UU8tNES8. HAND-MADE COLLARS '· rb &o/ - J- ro1 _ 1- .. Le ~e ~'(gjl(~l[e I I HA IN E S ' CARRIAGE -==================================== '"fTTQRKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, 0 OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGDNS, &O. 1og :: 0 ii~in!~!f\v~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::: ::: ~:~~~t.~~:::::::::::-.::-.::-.:::'.'.::::::"::::::::::::::·::::::::::::.::: ::: :::::: :::::: ~g : A 11 Kinds of Vehicles Repaired HEALTH FOR ALLI " P , TrIE uo·w DENTIST THE OINTMENT - :1t. l . D 'E NT I S T-R Y. 1. M. BRIMACOMBE, I I I Fine Hair Goods. LADIES, ._;. TRADE. I PatronIze Home .. ------- MIS· A. DAVIS, . $5

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