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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1888, p. 7

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...----.._...,.,,..,. ---------I 11 !!!!!!!~~~~~~==~~~~!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!~~ j. ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!92 ofsalt, four of celery seed, .me of pepper, A ·Noiselesl! O!ock for the Sick Room ·one of allspice, one of cloves, ha.If a pound I . . . . ' sugar, threepintsvinega.c. B .ii all together A cun rn·!y considerate 1~ve11t10n has been "Two Gowns and Everything Handsome." .for fifteen minatee, stirring often. pr?du ce.J '.'Y ka Ffrenchm11on m the_ e h a~e o~ ~ · · · n oBB1t-.dS ewe: , ur use more qpec1a y 1n 8IC16. 1 'Vhen the. sew1ng·mach111e fir~t mto CHOW·CHow.-One peck green tomatoes, room·. ln 11la.ce of the usual pendulum, the WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 26 . 1888. ' .< ·' w;iner11ol _use it was feared that it would do half peck string be11ons, fourl;li peck small, hands llrtl aet in motion by the unrolling of .= ..,'=f ;., 'i= 'f ·~way. with th~ ?f support of the sew- white onions, fourth..pint green peppers, two a chain. the end of which is fastened to a. SI! T1·ied in vain f.o Get mg girls, ma.kmg it a s1mp!e matter for. evei:v heads cabbage, four tablespoons white mus- bouy fl 1ating in a. t ..i;k of Ii q <lid. This fluid househol~ to all its own sewmg in . tand, one tablespoon cloves, one tablespoon escapes at a uniform r'~te, and can be utiliz 3d RelieC and had quite compa.!at1vely no t~me at a.IL B1;1b, conrtary ' ground allspice, two tablesp?on cinnamon, to feed a l11inp wick,· giving the a.ppar· Given up all Dope, to con3ectu~e, prec1sel.v the op~os1te has be~n 1two pounds brown sugar, vine17a.r. Slice a.tus the double ch1>racttJr of clock and 111.m · the result; for thesewmg·ma.chme made J:>lam 1the tomatoes and let stand over night in When r.he lamp is l ·ghted the necessa.ry 0 Ca.mpbellford, June 9, 1887. work so easy that tu:ks, ruffias, insertmgs, strong brine; tqueez~ them out in the morn inution of liquid t .. Ke· pl ..ce by combustion &nd. all _ t he finer fancies of the needle~ done ing, and chop a.Ii separately; mix with the a.t oth~r tim.,8 by curt'fully regulated drop'. MR. E. MoRRIS, Toronto, by its aid, came .to be as much a m_ at ·er of spices and put in a porcelain kettle, cover ping. D EAR SIR :-I feel it my duty to give course aa the pla.1n seam used to be, so that with vineg..r a.nd boil till teuder f t.h d I h d work accumulated beyond all expectation, PICKLES FOR PEACHllS Cuc~MBERS OR -you my testimony or e ~oo a and the class of sewina-girla found m~re to do CRABAPPLlls.-Saven pou'nds brown suga.r, from your Dandelion Liver and Kidney than they had ever dreamed of .having; and. one ~allon vinegar one ounce cloves one ilitters. My liver was in a bad state imd those who ba.d worn the simplest sort of ounce cinnamon, on~ ounce allspice. ' I wa.i a great sufferer. I ~ad ~ried in clothes suffered from a prevalent feeling . CH S T t . vain to 2et relief and had quite given up which made plain clothes seem to manifest a ILI AU~E.- we1 ve 1 a.rge,. ripe oa.11 hope, till 8. friend told me of your want of taste and elegance and for ap- :~i~:ps, four·rrretpeppebi' two ODIOns, two Bitters. I got a b ottle at once and I am pea.ranees, ocne s~ , wo ~a. eepoons sug~r, one May do for a stupid boy's excuse ; but happy to say the Bitters made a. new WO· With a.II this superabundance, then, of ;'bllespoon cmnamon: three cups vmegar. what can be said for the parent who ~&n of · me. I can heartily r ecommend fanciful cuttin~ out and putting together a~~ toma~es ~n~dmona, anrl chop separ· sees his child languishing daily and fails 1. a.gain, of stitchmg and trimming with ba.nds w"ithytvherythne ~a dt~e tpeppderbs _( chophped) to recognize the want of a tonic and d d . th t . f th h 't e o er uui;re 1en s, an 011 an our t;hem to any one troubled with iver com-1a1'nt. Yours truly an e gmgs, . a. came 1 .n or .e w 1 e and a half P11t up in bottles blood-purifier? Formerly, a course ot r under-wear with the sewmi:t·machme, the · · · ' bitters, or sulphur and molasses, was the 0.&.RRIE STEPHBMS, outside wear presently could not fail to To CAN PEACRES.-Select sound frui~, rule in well-regulated families ; ·but now - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - correspJnd in intricacy ; and thus embroid· pare and take out the see~, and place. · 1n all intelligent households keep Ayer'& Good .N ewe at Home. eries, iurbelows, plaa.tings, draperies, and all w&ter .to keep ~rom turn_mg dark. " hen the r est of the insignia of fashion belonging there !Sa suffi~ient. qu1mt1ty for one can, put Sarsaparilla, which is at once pleasant E. MORRIS, EsQ.,-DEAR SIR,-1 hnv ~ to the gown, oome in their tuni. Tbe them ID a. kettle wittt ei;iough water to cover. to the taste, and the most searching and reason to speak well of your Dandelion consequence of this raising of the straight :Oo not stir often. A hght woode.n paddle etlective blood medicine ever discovered. Liver and Kidney Bitters. J have been seam to its highest power is that she who is best !or t~e purpo~e. Let ~hem .lust come Nathan S. Cleveland, 'IT E, Canton st., d for some time with my Kidney ·once drees~d herself with simplicity would ~a boll_, skim out a~d pl~ce ID a 3ar, sha~ Boston, writes: " My daughter, now 21 trouble now be out of the world in her old st.yle and mg the J& r i;ifteu while filhug;;. fill up to th.e years old, was in perfect liealth until a and a friend of mine recommended them manner and finds it beat to sacrifice her neck of the 3a.r and pour the iu1ce over until year a.go when she began to of to me and I tried them in my case, and ta.ates a~d deck herself out like a doll as it it is full, taking care that there are no air fati~ue, headache, debility, dizziness, found them to work like a. charm ; there· seems to her, and she who used to the bubbles left. Wipe off the top with a. dry Indigestion, and loss of ap.Petite. I concluded that all her complam ts originated fore I have much pleasure iu recommend- French doll inca.rna.te has to worry her cloth and seal. in impure blood, and induced her to take ing them to all persons who are troubled brains and her modistes to invent something Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine soon in any way with their Kidney. that shall exceed all previous ba.mbinos, and restored her blood-ma.king organs t o Sick Headache. Yours truly, be an imposeiblity to imitators till it is he&lthy action, and in due time re!lata.bThe periodical recurrence of sick hee.dJ. J, J oNJIS. t ime for something else. And thns the in· llsherl her former health. I find Ayor's ache with many persons, is a grievous affiicNewtonville, May 3, 1887. nocent-looking little sewin~· machine ha.s Sarsaparilla a most valuable remedy for brought abo11t a complete revolution in fine tion, '.fhose who suffer from it should the lassitude and debility incident to spring time." I attire; ha.s r aised dressmakers' prices from five correct every ho.lit and avoid all indiscre· tion which they ~now are likely to be fol· .T. Castright, Erooklyn Power Co., (Jonsumptlon Surely (Jured. dollars to forty, with the'.intermediate grades, lowed. by an attack. They should also overBrooklyn, N. Y., says: "As a Spring a.rid those far exceeding the larger figure, Medicine, I find a splendid substitute has it necessary for the woman who come every derangement of the syatem ['o THE EDITOR : for the old-time compounds in AyM's used to tuy her beeb black silk for a dollar which exists, if possible, and strengthen Plea~e inform your readers that I have and ninepence a. ye\rd, and when cut and every pa.rt a.nd function of the same. In Sarsaparilla, with a few doseR of Ayer 's Pills. After their use, I feel fresher and a positive remedy for the above named basted for "two-and-three\)ence," make it fact, they should treat at first not the head stronger to go through the summer." disease. By its timely use thousauds of up herself in three or four afoornoons, now and its aches, bu endea.vor to build up the hopeless cases have been permanently to hire a. mantu.i.-maker with skill at the old general health. In the attempt to do so cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles and a knack for the last new wrinkle, and to they must not indiscriminately dose them· cf my remedy l'Rl!E to any of your readers pay for one gown what would supplied selves with druus, but rather depend ,upon l'RE.PARED BY who have consumption if they will send me her whole wardrobe twenty-five years ago, pure air, 1::xercise, suffi~ient ehep, good Or. J. C. Ayer & CQ.., Lowell, Mass. their Express and P. 0. address. · and other measures of like wholesome food, But all this is having an unfortunate re· Price tl; six boltlos, $6. Worth ~5 a ~le. Respectfully, Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, 37 suit in causing the younger people of our character. One of the greatest essentials in treatment Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont, ti:ne to lay an undue stress upon the importance of dress, and to consider it as the will be a. careful seleotion of the diet, and firsu of all matters rtquiring attention ; a rigid restriction to those articles of food, ADVICE TO MoTIIERS.-Are you disso that the young miss of a dozen years which, in their experience, has proved the turbed at n iaht and broken of your rest shall be found to-day as particular about least burdensome to their digestive organs. by a sick child suffering and crying with the close fit of her sleeve, and the set of There is no dietary which is suited to of Cutting T eeth 1 If so send at her tournure, and about the ribbons and all. Each must learn what, and how much, once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's edging and ftowers, as the belle of a dcz ~n is proper for him or her to eat, and what should be avoided; and those substances S oothing Syrup." For children . teeth~ng, sea.&ons. Its value ie incalculable. It will r elieve ;:,Of course dress is important, and it is which are k:nown to be difficult of diges· tion should never be indulged in, While the poor little sufferer immediately. De· right thu.t it should receive a goodly share ca.reful not to ta.x the stomach they muat pend upon it, mothers ; there is n o of attention. It is best, too, that the fash- keep the bowels active. lf constipation mistake about it. It cures Dysentery ion should be obeyed within boands ; for to exists, headaches are q uite certain to and Diarrhrea, regulates the Stomach and defy the fashion is to . declare .dress of even occur. Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the more importance than obedience to fashion Under t he simple trer.tment advised, if ·· When I say CURE I do not mean merely ti> Gums, reduces. Inflammation, and givea dccb.rea it ; is to mt>ntain, mo1·eover, a per- properly employed and persisted in, many &top them for a tlmo, and thon have th'9m resonality that is unlovely as arrayed in op- who are vfotims 'lf sick headaches will turn ai:ain. I l\IEAN A RADICAL <JURE. t o::ie and energy to the whole sy~tem. posit ion to the rest of th~ world ; and is to l llavo m~de the d!3ease of " Mn. Winslow's Soothing Syrnp " ~~or be tray a vanity that is ret>llJ1 quite as bad suffer much less often, or escape entirely, HTS9 EPILEPSY or> children teething is pleasant to th~ taste as that contrary kind of vanity which those distressing visitations. and is the prescription of on e of the old- g.ratifies itself , with the wildest p rofusion FA!..UNG SICKNESS!J est and best female physicians and nurses of gauds and gewgaws. ln addition, be it No Petticoats in the Cabin. Amcionp;stndy, I WARRANTmyremedytc> In the United States, and is for s ale by renurked that the first constituent of good tile worst cases, Because other:3 have " Why do not the commanders of vessels CUR11l all druggists through the wodd. P1ice dressing is the element of inconspicuousfa.!100 ls no rcuson fur not now rcceivinP: :i. cure. at once f or a. treatise and. a,FRlt ~l i oTT::.:il 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for ness ; a lady when faultlessly dressed is so take their wives to sea with them?" was Bilnd 0{ !!.\1Y INFAr,LIBLlll R EMEDY. Give E xnress "MRS . WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." clothed a~ not to :>ttract attention, but asked a shipowner the other day. Post Office. It ccstg. you notiii:ig t~;: a. should she chance to attract it , then to be " For various r easons," said he. "The and t~·!i.l, and it will cure you. .A.ddrcs5 and take o other kind. found with her toilette ex 4Ctly righ ~ and principal one is be ca.use the owners :Dr, Ji, I}, ROOT. 37 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. a ll as ib should be. The person who dress- of vessels are opposed to paying for the ex~~ es out of the fashion, because not liking or tra provisions which the presence of the .:?l!Ti~b approvir.g of this or that fea ture of it, wives would entail on every sailing vessel, m!Lltes h~rself prominent by her di:-similar- A woman would not relish the regular bill ity from other s, a quality of notori- of fare furnished to the ordinary merchant· When :Baby was eick, we ga.-e her Caetorla, ety, and is, so far in worse taste t han the man. When she WM a. Child, aho cried for C88toria, worst fa.ehion could make her. Dress is "A second reason is because a sailing When ·he became M:ioo, ehe clung to Casturia, important, and we would not wish our vessel without the captain's wife on board Wbcn aho had Children, ahe ga-.o thom Cll.Storia, young girls to be reared thinking other- is always faster than another which ha.s the wise. But we would have them place it at skipper's pride in the ca.bin. \.Yhy ? Beits right value, and not g ive to iti conside~·· oause the captain whose wife is on the hnd ation ~he time and strength that belong i:o will not be afraid to crowd sail on his craft. still bi; t\er things. This the preponderance His thoughts will be on his vessel, and he of ornament in the dress is very likely to will endeavor to get every grain of speed ca.use. them to do, actu~lly reaching such out of her. All canvas will be carric:l. full Is Canada's Favorit0 Bread-maker. extent tha.t many a school-girl regards her whenever possible, .for the reason that he 10 years in the market witbout a comHE SCIENCE OF LIFE, gradua.tion dress as of more significance will no fea.r of this stick or that plaint of any kind, The only yeast which the great medical work has stood thf! test of time e.nd never made than her fX!l.min ..tion papers, )coking at her spar e1v111g way. Now, if he has his wife aour. unwhole some bread, or the age on Manhood. gra.dua.tion exercises as hardly more than an on board, his first tb.onghts will be to keep AU Grocers ·ell it. Nervous and Physical De· accompaniment t o her dress, while she as far away from danger as is pc~sible. lo W. c; II.LETT, bl 'I' r. 'l'oronlo, O~I. .II Chlcall(), m. bility, Premature Decline, would rather fail in all her lessons than have "Another tea.son, just as important, is · Errors of Youth, and the her gown in the ~tyle of year betore fast, that th'i' o~ptain might devote too much of 11ntold miseries conrnquent or have her mothor attend in a toilette one his time to his wife if she were aboard. He TORONTO STEAM LAUNDRY. thereon, 300 pages, 8 vo., 125 whit less up to tb.e mark than the toilette might shirk his duty on deck to remain in ~$Q~~ 106 York st., Toronto. prescriptions for all diseases. Cloth, full gilt, of the finest mother present. Her thoughts the cabin, and his duty would be shoved off only $1, by mail. seald. IJ!ustratlve sample have been directei t'ms la.rvcly to tbe sub- by him on one or other of the mates.'· SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS free to 11ll young and middle 14ted men. Send · t f h d b th · bt w h' A a speciayty. Out to of a.Dd town work 1cIl h' is ' lU promptly attended returned now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded iec o er ress Y e we1g tot-be anther by the National Medical As1ool- been given to the question of ruffl es and Autumn Styles. per instructions. a.tion. Ad8ress ·P. 0. Box 1895, Boston, Mass.J puffs and the rest, whose muliiplica.tion and G p SHARPE Pr ' t or Dl<. W. H . PARKER. graduate of IIarvara complication the sewing ma.chine h~s made For autumn travelling protectiva a.nd · · ' · oprie or. Medical College, 25 years' practice in Ilo~ton, easy, the sewing-machine being re a.Uy res- very comfortable Normandy cloaks in golden· tl&xt door to Palmer house. Handy to Unloa who muy b o consulted confidentially. Specialty Diseases of Man. Office, No. 4 Bulfinch St. ponsible for the whole mischief, since mis· brown, grey, and dark-green cashmere made lt ' ~D=epi;:'!o!::t.=': . =============~ chief undoubtedly it is wh.ich 16t1 the young wit!! close coat sleeves, with long, open - --- - - - - - - - - -think more of dress tha.n of study and de- !sleeves above, tha.t are trimmed with Persian portment, or forget that not they but their galloon, like that on India. wraps. The elders need all thi8 factitious .. nd external front laps to the left side where it has a It never was intended, so far as I can learn, Cleaned, Died,;Preesed and.Repaired by adornment, since· youth is never half so plinted revers of velvet. There also 'rhat either men or women were intended to be bald. lovely as when clothed with the innocent velvet cuffs on the coat sleeve, and a deep you will believe me, indeed I'm snre simplicity which a w ilderness of fur below velvet colla.r. Striped India.n cloth of pure I think you will, cnly serves to break up and destroy. wool but extra light in weight, cb.ecked and If at the "Paris Halr,'Vorks"you have called. barred Scoteh cheviots, and plain camels'Dyer and Clothes Cleaner. hair fabrics, are made up in like tn11nner. 'l'bere is ono thi og Nature thinks of-let us Seasonable l:!.ecipeits. Goods warranted to be as no one will know E r h tw d L' 1 h' . . d thank her for all we canng is ee · mco ne ire su1tmgs, an She t.nkes particular trouble with our race; __ hem rrom new when done. · S1'JCED GRAPES.-:E'ive pounds grapes, Uloter clotbs in plaids or stripes have loose She knows 6 scanty growth of hair, the gray Corner of Kmg and Ontario Streets, three pounds sugar, one pint vinego.r, t wo fronts attached to a yoke, and a closely and white.1ing locks, Bowmanville. Will detract from the beauty or the ftlce. teaspoons cinnamon, two teaspoons allspice. fiti;ing back finished with a hood if pre" Pulp " the grapes, and bri} the skins till ferred, although hoods do not appear upon But Nature has her laws so strict that you tender ;_ cook the _pulps, etram, ~nd add to the choice imported wraps this se<i.son. mus~ never err, the skins. Pat in the aal.'a.r, vmega.r and There are a.l~o Dircctoire r edingotes for For_you d surely pay the penalty at.Jast. · b ·1 th Nervous Debility, Seminal Iiosses and prema.· hl d 1 · · 11 ll' h . . · Suotain it. tluLt bonateoua bead of hair oroug Y a n coo in JC Y trave mg, t e skirt portion cot away JJr. JJoren wen d's Hair Magic's unsurpassed. tureDeoay promptly aud vermanently cured by spices, 01 glasses. , slightly at tl~e waist, reveal!og !\ little of Just try it 1 ou &filict.ed, yon Dfwer wlll regret RIPE CUCUMBER PICKLES.- Pare, scrape the dress skirt beneath. Tnese are made '.l'he .'lllag;ic ..,.,.. never yet kn own to fail · out seeds, cut into stripe, and boil till ten- ot pla in pilot cloth, ha.ndscmely braided. 1 An< l the good that it will do you will make der. Then tl seven pounds of cucumbers ' English :N ewmarketg, made of · Queen's ., you BOOJ:\ forget . , add t hree pounds sugar, two quarts vintweed, are silk-lined, and fit as snugly as a Ibe expenditure a bottle will entail. Does not interfere with Diet or usue.l oocupatior> and fully restores !oat vigor and lnsuFes egar, one ounce cloves, one ounce cinnamon. walking dress, They are inva.riably accom· This now famous preparntion for invig· perfect manhood, Sent to any address. post. l'ub all together, cook twenty minutes and panied by a fockey cap of tweed to match. orating ~nd aLimulating the growth of the paid on receipt of price One Dollar per box. hair is universally accepted as the moat Sole agency, SCHOFIELD'S DRUG STORE, can. King str iet, Toronto. CHOICE MUSTARD PICKLE.-One cup vinMr. S. Butterworth on ··Trust." valuabhi specific ort the market. All 'egar, half cup sugar, half cup flour, six tabieTh "D t "t F p ., h · t d diseases of the ecalp are either relieved or spoons mustard, half ounce turmeric, ha.If f e e roi h Uress as r~~n~t e pe rmanently curt1d. A rich and rapid ounce curry powder. H ave tlis vinegar boil. la 0thmer h sp_eec R 0 bl~.ngres;m"~ u t~rt· growth «f hair will follow after judicious 0 ing; stir the otner ingredients to a very hword 'w otis at etp1: 1Can,tho s b':V t af and regular treatment It r emains with th t ·th l'ttl ld · d e oes no en er 1 un on e au J ec o · smoo pas ~ w1 a l . e. co v1ne;"r, an_ , trusts the same views that the "Plumed the user alone to secure the desired pour ~lowly mto th~ hot vinegar. [ our this Kai ht" h 0 ld T ' .._ h d I' d l results. Dr. Doren wend'a "Bair Ma"ic" dressmg over the p1ckl es-such as small on- . ,g s. ne ~l'eec was E: tve~e i sliced cuu b 5 l'fiowc t Ill tne Ho11se a rhort t ime ago, and he tia.1d : 1s sold by all druggl8ts at $1 per bottle, 1 t~~:; oa.bba.11,~~ eto: ~hil~!\~0 t, · rs, oma- I did not he..oita~e for one moment to as.sert j ?r six bottles _for $5. ~f not obtainable ' · 1 th~t the mos, serious menace tri Republican 1 m your locohty send direct to the sole SPICED PLUMS.- To eight pounds plums, institutions in t his country will be found in : manufacturer, enclosing price. A. DORN· add four pounds suga.r, oue t ea·poon each. of I WEND, . p ar1 ·s H air · "' · d cl d . 11 · ., the power a.ud inflaence of overgrown · nork s 103 an d 10" u cmnamoi;i a.n .ovc~, ~n a s ma cup vm,- wer.hh , and I am nc.t a.lone upon this ftoor y S T 0 ·0 , 0 F' I b J · 1!' · gar. Boil till thwk "'3 . in t'ie conviction thatunlesstheyarespeedily '?ng;e· t.'. or sa e .Y ' · CITRON" PRb:SERVE.-l:itX pou_nds <Jltron, throttled they will upon the throat of Bigg.nliotham & ~on, and all druggist cnt up, four P?Unds sugar,,tw.o shced lemons. the Republic so fo-m a grip that nothing Prepare the citron and boil till .tender; then short of a revolution will compel them to ad~ f?ur pounds suga.r and .shced lemons. relax their hold." Compare this with Mr. Or tb0 Liqllior Ilabit, Po8itively Cul'ell Boil till very clear. Very nice. B!aine's ultera.nce, that" trusts private BREAD mad,. of tMs Yea. t by Adminlsterin;r Dr. Hainc11' , took 13a First Prizes at Ontari > RIPE ToMAToP ICKLES- Seven pounds ripe affairs with which President Cleveland nor Goltl"n S p e cific, F1dl Slwwo in 1SS7. n c'm be given In a cup of ccJl'en or tea without tomatoes, three and a. ha.If pounds sugar, any other private citizeµs has any particular Over 10,oeo ladies h ave writte 1 the kuowl edi!'>( of the person t a kin g l t; is absolutely to Hiiy that it surriasacs anv yea: t o ,e pint vinegar. This will be improved by right to interfere." There evidently is I ! harmless, and "rlll effect a permn.nnt and speedy 7 ever u·ed by them . cure! whether the paticn.t Is" modernto drinker er squeezing out yaru of the juice and seeds. quite difference. It makoo the l ig htest, whites , an a coholie wreck. Ith""' been given In thousands Boil down untd quite .thick. s~ectcut brca.d, r olls, buns a o I of cases, and 1n every Instance "' perfect cure bas iollowed. It never fati.. The system ouoo buck\T heat pancake·. PICCAJ,LILI,-Half a gallon finely chopped A Chicago woma.n r ecently regMered · Impregnated with the Specific, it becomes an 11tter BiLkera in neurly c ..ory town i 1 !mpo""lblllty for 1he liquor n.ppetlte to exist. .F'or, half gallon finely chopped green in a hotel register ; Mrs. .Blank, knee I Ca.nada U1Jing it. circu\&r and full particulars address GOLDEN iPECIF1'l CO,. J.S:i Baco St·· Cla.ciluiati,O~ tomatoes, four tablespoons mustard, four Blink." l.l;JllllMJ PRIC&: FIVE CENTS. lt' fl\tu\"\tu ~ .R -"""- .R Jt\t't~~m\t'u& '" Kyl.,I R ~ HOUSEHOLD. -========== ! ====== · J;. i I for known io tne." Infants and Children. "Did n't Know 'twas Loaded" [ reco1DIDend IS as atrperior to o.ny prescription .A AllcmlJt M D '."'CMtGrlais eo well ada.ptecl toehlldren tha.t Ill So. Oztor1l8*., ~. a I N. Y. Sour Stomach, Diarrhcea., Eructalion, Kllla Worms, gives sleep, and promoflell ~ cMtotb curea Colle, OGnatlpat!on, WJ&C:0~uriowi medlcatlou. Tim CENTAUR CoMPA!<.'Y, 77 Murray Street, l!f. Y._ FOR S.ALE BY J, HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANYILLE1 HARDWARE ! HARDWARE I r Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils. be --4.-------------'---· SEO.£. MANN/NS Begs to inform ths inhabitants of Bowmanville and surrounding Townships that he has opened out business in the old stand, for·erly occupied Ly Mr. W. 'M. Horsey, one door ea'!t of Standard Bank, and willfat all times keep in stock all goods usually kept in a first-class . Hardware Store, conl:listing of Ayer'· Sarsaparilla, Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelf_ Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, &c. I shall also keep a well assorted stock of the best manufacturers' ICURE COOK, HALL & PARLOR STOVES. Stove Pipes, Mic~s, &c. The manufactu1·e and putting up oC Eave Troughs will receive "P~cial attention. FITS! Having purchased cheap for cash, I am prepared to sell goods at small profits and prices will be cut close to suit the times. @g~l~J~~~ Bowmanville, April 2nd, 1888. ppppw Jme Mt~J~i'OOIIOO~~· McDOUGALL & METCALF" EOVT~..A_~N-VILLE~ are ottering Coal as follows : Stove and Chestnut, .................. $6.25 Grate and Egg, .............................. 6.00 Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when ·accounts run over one month. EXHAUSTED VITALITY I ROYAL YEAST T LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & GORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. $ n rn McDOUGALL & METCALF. Murdoch Brothers' N'"EVT OEI:I~ _A_ Gents' Clothing ANOTHER WONDER. ::H:..A..LL"> where are to be seen TH 0 S. PEAT, ERRORS OF YOUTH, 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, I 20 White Bed Room Sets. SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and SaucArs, &c. Inspcrtion Solicited. Victoria Buildings. MURDOCH BROS. DUNN'S ' BAKINC .. POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND r:e I' . ,., THB,ESHERS AND FARIERS USE ONLY McCOLL'S I ::L .A RD J:N E MACHINE OIL. THE DRUNKENNESS fREADMAKER'S YEAST. I BEST LUBRICATOR IN THE lUA RKE'l When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, FAMILY SAFETY& SUNLIGHTCOAL0IL. Try it once, and you will use no other. lllcliOLL BROS. & . C:O'Y, Toronte. ...

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