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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1888, p. 1

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tsman. TBR.MB :-fl,150 P:IB ~· OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M, A. JAMES VOLUME Et>ITO.B. Ul> PB.oPBIHOa, - NBW SBBIEB, NUKBJCB 531 . BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1888. U . L.UUllMA.N, llf· D .. t:. ltf., XXXIV. NUMBER 40. NOTICE! . . . Fa1· r DRESS GOODS TRIMMINGS with a fine assortment of the D newest to match, and at the Same tl. me take a look at those Elegantly Cut and Loveiy Fitting German made . LA.ING ' Mr. F . R . Brown left here Monday moming for Toronto whl'!ro he will be in attendance at the Cnllege of Pharmacy for some months. !MITA.TED BY MANY.-EQUAL'LRD BY NOYE. 'l1he annuai Sahhat.h scb.oo !entertainment 1.n OQ!Jnection with t he Metbodlet elrnrch will be !I, BllKDEN, held ao u sua l on t.ho evening of Thanltegiving We call special attention o f readera of Day. Tlie echolars wm endeavor ta ecli11se UCTIONEER for the County of ed. the STATESMAN wanting s toves to a few of Jolm Jaokeon & Son's team broui.iht a 61.000 their great success ot year in sin~ing, rec! Durh!l.m : Insurance and f.l.en eral Agent. ta tions, etc. the l ead ing points of merit of " The A rt Vaine.tor o.nd Real Estate Agent. SaleH and lb load of lumber to the wharr last week. Garland," t he leading Base B u rner o f the other businAee promptly attended to. Bo:x: 172, LESK.ARD. Bowm1mville P. O. 36-t( world, and claim for it in general all of CUURTICE. The !:!alvat!on .Army had a big t.lme h ere on the advantage s thB.t generally c laimed FRANK Jll. FIELD, B. A.. Mrs. C. w. Lent has been visiting frlenda in Tuesday, Oct. 2nd,, when tll.eir barracks. which for s t oves of this class. Ottawa. has been fitted up afresh was re·opened. Thia ARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, &c. l at. The b ottom llilea give greater Rev. Mr. J,ent. ot F11.lls, N. Y., h even t was celebrated ' by a grand banq11ot. a guest.of his brother, Mr. C. W. Lent. Meetings led by D. 0 . Morris, assisted by Field radiating eurface from the bottom of tho COBOURG. officers from all around. Tbe Salvation .Army have been holding a Ofllce,- Armour Block. King Street. 22. stove t h an has ever yet b&en attempted. jubilee banquet. More particulars next week. 'rhe Methodist church annlverRary sflrYices 2nd. One of the d istinctive feat u res of H OUSE T O LET. - A comfortable and supper will be h elcl on Sunday and Mon· Courti ce expects an oil boom beforn long as traces of coal 011 have been found on the banks dar, Oct. Ha d 15th. Sermons will be preach· u t ility is the original patented nyatem of od on Sanday by tbe Rev. .A. Wilson. B. .A·. heating and ventilation, the c old air i11 toM. ~~'j!i!':~·etorent,withgarden. 't~~ly o! our creek. afternoon nt ~ .30, evening at. 0.30. Supper will Mr. L. M. Courtice has lately a drled to hie be served on Monday fr om 4 o'cloek.a!tAr which admitted to the sto ve t hrough opening OUSE 'l'O LET. --Oomforlabl e houe.e fine flock or Southdowns by purchasing a val- addreeseR will be delivered by t he Revs. A· unde r ash doC1r- t he supply bein(7 regu· for email family. Rent moderate im· uable ram. Wilson . J, A. Mc.Keen. and the circuit minis · Any reference to the value ot your oon tam· tere. Choice music will be furnished by tbe lated by the indicator ehown u ~in tho mediate uosseseion. FRANCU\ MASON, :King front door, By thia means perfect venporary The Sun eeems t o the eame effect Kirby choir. St.. East. 33:2w 1on its editor a.a tluttcrlnii a red ra11r ln front of tila.tion in secured, and the a i r s o m ed is aia angry gobbler. 1 euppoee that Trim, be· ERVANT WANTED. - -A general cauee he had the boldnese to ask an innocent EN l!IELD. made to pass thromih t he firo, t h .:. same servant wanted immedlo.tely. Apply to question may expect tirades ot abuse from the Mis. Mitchell is visiting in Slmct>e county, as air which i11 usually intr odnced through MRS. ANNIE WALBRIDGE, Wellinrcton, Sun roan till hie vocabulary of abu&ive slang: Nearly everyb<Jdy around hare a t tended Port t he draft slide in tha fron t door ; this Bowmanville, 33- tT b ecomes exhausted. impro vement alone will reoo mmend t he , Mt. C11rswell school report, 8<1pt. 1838. 8r. Perry, .AN WANTED.- To work at general 4th class- Laura Cawker. Hnrry Ca.wkcr Ll z~1e Miss Annie Ho·rnrt h, Solina, has been . visit· Art Gar land t f\ all 1hinkin l! consumers , Ing at Mr. It, P;o.scoe'a. "' fa:rm work for two months, with a Rundle, Jr. 4th- McK. Pon round , Li~:1!e Nicn· Mr. Edgar Hurlbut, of Owen Sound spent. a 3 rd . Thlol e n tire hack of the stove is ch,.nce for a yeP.r if h e snits. J', M ..JO'<F.!'58, ole, M.u.ud Oke, Bert Gay, Hedlov Oke. Sr. 3rd 1e !\ h ot air oh1>mher . t he c ol d a i r "Retreat Da.!ry." Bowman ville. 3ll:tt · - A Salter, F Morrow. M Tooley, H Tingle. A few d ays here las t week and Mrs. Ome r Hurl· used 1 G,.y, IJ' Jr. 3rd--8arah llt.1.lson. Gus but (nu Annie Asht.on.) or the same place i ~ e n ter ing at. tho bJ.·0 of tho stove and ltlng here now ' RESSMAKING. -M1sa GouLD haH 'r ooley. H Hancock, L J,yle. Sr. 2nd- Walter viM Severul prizes were taken at Port P errv f/Lir be ing d ischarged m a highly h l'.'ated COO· start!'ld Dre·s and Mant.Jo making on her Armour. R Tlnirle, E Cornish. E Rundle, .T m a own a ccount . at her home on DiviRlon s t reet Cochrado, C Cornish. Jr, 2nd-M11.bel Walters by the En6eldarl11.nR a mongPt oth ers might be d it iu u thro u t<h opeuillllS whic h are c north, Bowmanvill(l, A. call from ladies i.; .McDon .. ld, Susie BttlHon, .Amie Hancock. no.m~d Mr, Aenj. Powell took ~everal prizes level wi th th e pip~ cnll~r, adding greatly Prc·ent every d ..y dur·ing the month-McK. on PIJlB-Mr. D. Dyer on a yearllnK bull. 1 33- tt 101lc1ted. rnd t th h t " " n't t h · Ptmfouna, A Salter, Sarah· Balsou, H: Cornish, Mr.· Ge.orge Or miston took lat on a. rearllng 0 e In" ~apa.1 ,y O · oac !\IZ~ ·. W ..1tor11, H Tit1Kle, E Uourt Ice, "-lilllo Arm· heavy rlrt<ui<bt filly ; h e 11.l~o won the big ptll'M6 . Th<i tire· pot n .,,xtra. b rge a ad lS 110 r 1iEACHER W ANTED.-A male teacher M our, J Goyne, C Goyne. I!: Tooley. V Goyne. E arranged that i t can be t a keu ont through for S. S. No. 12. Oarllngtoo. ror 1888. Ap· White, Joh n llah1ou. ... ttendance for In the farmers' iace with his driver. plicatlona with tcerlmonials ,.nd stating so.l1>ry . ,the month ~l. J. If, A T.LIN, 'l'enchor. SULlNA. the front <l l>or without t11kin!l the stovo ~hould bo eent to ·r. C. LANG~lAID. 'fru~tee. T nIM. apar t, as can t he grate, a nd, in fact, the Taunton. 4-0- 3w' .Auction sa l"B e.!'e going on nli:htly a t the entire inside o f t he s rove. store here and peop:o are securi ug groat ba.r· OSHAWA. galna. The gr<1.te is aa im ;; r n <ement over what rl1AIL OHING.-Mr. Hind s on, Tailor, .J. at McUluni: Bros.· is now to (From tile Ontm·io Rejonner. ) 'f he dust Mrs, Hillis has been near Woodstock at· has b een used h e r ,,tofore . make a. limited number of snits for country tendlDJt t he funeral of Mrs. John L:.mmimau, damper, chdck: darnpE>r, a nd d i rrnt draft Revs. MoDlarmid and Totten exchanged formerly buyers orfrom our.side establishment s . .L~n or this sectton . pulpits on morninl( :aat. tranccthro11gh Quick & Co"s store ~·tf The salf' or Mr, R. M, K1rpatrick's good s on dam per are all upon the B>i me side o f the George Ashley has purchased the grocery Wednesday l ast was very good indeed. Hunk· ot ove. C - ATTLE LosT:- s yearling h eifera buainesa ot W. Hunt ot Uedar Dale. Ing le a great aucttoneer . Above the m ica section are three ro<:hicfiy red, one lino backed, and 1 white S. Armour ~ot his r ight toot badly burned at Yieltord this week : M lss Tom, or Tor onto; flocton which cast 11 b laze of light from yearling uteer· Any mfor matlon as t o tb~r the Ma.lliable Iran \Vorks on Wodnoaday. :llrlsa Magglo W&~hlngton, ot Clintnn; M r . C. " whereaboutu wlll be h an dsomely rewuded by There a re About $175 has be ..n collected from pupils at \ V. Reynolds, of Oshawa, Roel Dr. Lammima.n. the entire top of the stove. a pplying t.o JAS. NESBITT, Eni.iKk!llenP. o. n o joints in tho magazme that can p ossibly the ll·ha.wa High School as reea for the p res· of Jl:nnlskllleu, 38;.,f! ent t e1·m. Re"· ;J,. Phelps. ot Columbus. preached n leak from . v 1 itty falling out, it oeing all ~TORE 'fO RENT OR SELL.- Store, Farewdl Broe., or 'Voodla.nd Da.iry, hove ro· very f'!OOd sermon here an Stmde.y l11st too ca't iu o ne p iec". '.l'h H swing c uvor is large congregation. n great many from a d10· D Dwelling and Drlving·house ln Ennlek ill<in. cently a dded a very supel'ior lmll to thcil' herd tauce l:Jeiug pre~ent. double as in all Art Garlauds, and A good stand rer business. on reasonable of Holsteins. terms, ·Apply to "the owner. R . H uTc· rsoN, llfr. 'r hos. W11rd, our loo!il breeder of thora" ver y perfectly litted. Financially the Metcl\lf·et. Jbrvest Home on Lietowel. or \\' ILLIAM BINGHAM, Enniekillan. Tuesday was one of th e mntit succes~ful ye~ breds ha· been throtHth West ern Ontario and An adequate d e scription of this wonder· 40tt purcba·ed a. ta.r m norlh or Gl ue!i'h or IGO acres held, the proceeds amounting to about $178. ful stove is practica lly irupoas ible ; it ror $5,150. and will move thera shortly. R. J . Mackie and J,. Drew, of Oshawa. exhib· ESTIMONIAL.- ! take groat pleasuru it ed their Here!0t·d cattle 11t H ,.miltou F .. ir, Mr. J , Thompson's sal~ last weok was large. p ossesses all the time-tried fen ' urea of iu r ecommending to the ladies of tllls and were aucoessrul in taking sever"l pri~es. ly at~ended. and price· rulo;d ra!r ly well. '.!' be w eziG to be found iu other sto1·e· 1 rnd i1 town and v1cln!t.y Misses Kerr and Keith.who rarro was not eold b ut will be workell bf h is Mr. A. H; Broce, of the ll'eegan brother, Mr. Samuel 'l'lwmpson, of Hope, BO strikingly h 11au t iful and ~o reµle t o wi th have succeeded mo in t he dress and mantle making hnsineHs, and be·meak ror t hem large l:loy's Homo. Toronto, Mpe .. ks of Ooh e>Wa. as new 1eatnres t.ha.t it is sure t o ou ~ rsnk: JACK. one or the mo~t beautiful to wns he hu.s seen in patronage. MRS. Co01:rnuRN. 38·i w any base burner tb11t has ever be{)n Oanl\da. · TYl WNE . It must be seen t o be spr, re·~iatod. Call Mr. Thomas '\Vigg and Dr oth ers 11re erecting ORSES FOR SALE.-Match ed span a fram The grist mill here was undergoing repairs at L. Geo . Quick' ,. &tore, on e door 01.-: t of e bn!ldlng on Willi,.m Street, ln which or colts, 3 years old, hravy set, three they prapo.eo to c ~rry on the> man ufacture of on ::laturday. straight crosses ; and one brown mare 8 years cha irs. etc. Miss, .Acton . le v isit ing her grand. the STA TES~! AN Office, t o see the difforent aid, general purpose. good driver. Will be s tyles and s i:>:es Mr. s. W. Provan was awarded ht 11rize on's h ere. old at very r ea.onablo figure. J As. R ICKARD, his Champion Hay and Grain Carrier, a t Soa· D. 0, l\Iorrls w a ij here on Saturday the guest lot 2, con. 1, Darlington. Bowman ville P. O. --·~ - · ··-+-·~---~--rorth, last week. 'rhis Carrier is the best la ot Capt. Pepper. ··-----·~ --- 36-4 W* I the market, /,UNG SA ULT. Miss Bell and Miss Archer, or Toranta. have ARTNERSHIP. - The nd\'ertiser, Mr. 'l'hom" s Conant , of O~h!l.IVa, ien a r,,w b een visiting here. Mia; N~ lteWalbridge,fro m Newca~tle, aged ,2, is d!Oeirous or r eeirting in Bow· days ago ror a tour a r ound the would via San Mr. W. Sta.pies, Leskard, le about to become manville an 1 wishes a sm'l.11 interest in a n Francisco, Japan, Chino, t.he St.mire Settle· o. resident of thi" pla ce, was v isit ing a t Mrs. Richard H ill's last e stablished buslnee!I. Please state a.mount m nt~. Ceylon, India, Egypt, , Jl~urope ..nd Mr. Jtt.S. Storey h11.s le><sed the Couch farm at Sunday. Bowmanville, Oct. 2nd. 1888. required and nature or business. Adol r e66: England. the east t1nd of the viliago. "R11:L1A·LE." care nf thls oillce. 38 5w 'l'he ci der mill is in good running order, NE WTONJ' ILLE. ORUNO. lots of a pples being deatroyed. ORSE FOH SALE.- T h e under · Mr. C. Goodman and wire. Ha.mnton, wero Mos t Qf our summer visi tors ha ve resigned havini;: decided to give np team\Jlg, (From the N ews.) the guests of Mr. 0 . Stock, on 3abbath. ofter s ftlr er.le h is outfit, consisting or soltnd turued to t heir reapective h o m es. young horse 4 years old. wa gon, .~leii.ihs. ffil.r·· Mrs. John Waddell is v isiting friends in Lon· A new Hymn frame has been placed Ia tha One o f them, he c t o town, ness, etc.. all in good repair. Tho whole will don. choir tor the benefit of the congrega.tion, be sold chea.p tor cash only. THOMAS CURTIS, His s tep was slo w and w tiak, Mre. Wallace Knott la visiting friends in To· The Sabbath evening ~ervices sbrts at 6 18- 3"«' ronto. o'clock neJCt tl · lbbath for th e winter mo nths. And a~ he doffed hia batterA d hut, Mrs. F. H oskin. or St. Thomas, is visiting at Mr. John Hoidge, Bowmanville. is plastering The t ears ran d o wn his cheek herfather'e, Mr. T. Daneastor. Mr. Rich. Woodley' a new house (Cedar Valier l'drs. Wolker and daughter, of Port Hope View). "No mor e , " q u oth h e, "thr oug h h e re a re visiting at Mr. W. 8 . Gamsby's. ' A full a ttendance ls desired at Division t o· she'll roB.oo, A fine new octave organ from the D. O. & P . morrow night for election and installment ot 'fhey'vfl done ancl gou ., and took her Co.·. Bowmanville. has been purchased for S t. officers. EING part of lot 17, con. u, Darling· Saviour's c hurc h, Orono. h ome, Mr, T . 'l'. Jar dme' s ma nsion "Royal Res t" is ton, 011 which is a good barn. 'l'he soil is Robert Morton. jr., raised this season trom completed a nd 'l 'ommy expects to ':llO\' C In And I am Jen h e1·e all- all a l on e , good a nd in a good state ot oult.lvat ion. This eight ounces or E arly Puri t~n seed, 60 Iba. of this week. M y fate in this hard wo rld t o b emoan. " is a desirable place for a r etired farmer. Will a· fine potat oes a s have e-ver been seen in this Mr. T, .A. B rown was a ppointed leader at tho be sold cheap, .Apply to GEORGE, l;ANGDON, section. Methodist choir l1ere a t p1·aotioo on 811.tut· The Harvest home h eld h ere Friday, Hampton. 37- 4.w* Mr. Jas, Hallett rccelvoa a card from George day n ight. The Dunsford stutiug that the fa mily h><d s11!ely Having i·eceivcd our Fnll and Winte1· Stocli oC DRY Several from here purpose attenclintr the In· 21st ult. , was a decided s uccess. reacl1ed Chlcaga, and would con tinua their dustrio.l at Bowmanvill~ tllio woek. '.l'orouto church d e cor ations we r ri o n a m or e me.rrjourney reaching Nebraska Saturday morning. will stand Jn the ahadt> or c ouI"se. GOODS we are it a position to ofl"e1· tlae best value in nificent 3cale tha n any befor e a ttempted. The .Anniver sary services of St . Saviour's Mr. lid, Bingh am , la.te or Amherstbarg, i2 Mr. Wm. Jones, Jr., who has been tile t ..ade, because " 'e confine ou1·seJves exclusively to Church , Or ono. will oo held on Sunday and spending a. fe w weeks a t homo bMoro ta1 dng A ~enly . Itching Sltln Disen se with Enclluss Monday, October 7th Gnd 8th. On Suuda.y ser· his dept·rture for Toronto Veterlu...-y College, visi t in g fri e nds iu Rochenl:er has r e· the Dry Goods, which includes Millinery and lllantles, mens will be preached by the Rev. Rural Dean Sutlerlng Cured by t:uticnrn · J. H . Hicks, and It. Ca wk er for mer· turned. Allin. On Monday. supper will be eerved fr om lyMessrs. of the Gladstones comprise i·a.rt of t he team Remedies. ·<1, to 7 p . m. Lace Goods and No-velties. Ou1· stock is ve1·y complet.e M:r. Jame s L ockhart :.i.nd family start which p lu.y on t h o Drill Shed grounds to· Mr. James Linton and wife. h returned . for T oronto this weok. 'rhey c arry with a1l.d being selected with great we ha-ve confidence Tf I had kno.wn of the CUTICURA HEMEDJES home fl'om K er win, Kansas, where they spen t morrow Miss Janet Mcin tyre , who, arter four years them the good wisheS'of a h os t of frien ds. twenty·eight years ago it would hove saved a couple of weeks wltlt his l:Jrother. Mr J ohn me $200 (two hunrlred dollars ) 11.nd an immense Linton. On their way !tome they r emain ed faithful service at J,otus Farm. loft llere for 111 a quick tlescerning public that t.hey can a1·preciate amoun sister·s a t P a isley on Mond ay. Gono but :Mr. J o h n Hu2 h es, o f L utus, Mauv e rs, t of euffering. My disease (Paoriasie) ovor a couple of days at Chicago, meeting t here her on my head in a spot not lar ger a nup~ber of old Orono boys. Almond Q,.msby, not forg otten. has bou v,n t the b uild i Dg littely o ccu p i ed a well bougbt article. Each de1·a1·t1neut bears evidence eommenced Rov. W, Kenne r, arrived home from the b y Mr. J as . Loc klrn.rt, a ·1 >1 !{cneral stor e , than a cent. I t ·p read rapidly a.II over my body W . I, Andru a, Clarke llfoCulla gh, .Toe Will· got und er by nails. T he sea.Jes would drop !amson and Wm. Lyness. 'l'ha boys are all North \Vest on .Woduosdt·.Y looking h ale and oCthe ea1·e and thought ex11ended 011 its selection and I aod olf ot mo all tho timo and m y euJ·feriog was doing w ell a1ul h ola ing good poal tionM, a nd h earty after !us lenthy tour through t he a nd im or oved th« interior wi t.h a c'lat o f endlcsa and wit hou t r elief. One thousand ~ave Mr. 11nd Mrs. Lmton a most h ear ty r ecep· deserts. He re pons 1, a l'lt:.e coun try tor µaiut. · Mr. H ug h e3 i ate 11 d d s t a t··in is a ltaTe no doubt but 0111· cus to1ners will apJlrec~ate out· dollars would young people, not tempt me to hal'e this di3- tion, firet -cl11ss gen er a l stor e . · ea se over again. I um a poor man. but reel The h or ae rr1ce on F ront St., Saturday, be· endcavo1·s to secure their patronage. rich t o b s releaved of what some o f the doctors t ween a Medipal m an rrom town and Hober t's S om e one threw a 1'1.rge st o111J thr.mcrh llAMJ-'TON. was leprosy , some l'ing·warm, psoriasis, Crown was v ery exc1ti ng. '!'he later cume ou t etc. I took · . . a ud . .· . Sarsaparillas o..-er Mr . 'rhos. vVard laat a valuable Plymouth ahead on the !lrst heat. '.l'h e n ext rai:e wiil Dr, L eitch'a window one night latoly. "' one year and a ha'lf, but n o cure. I went to Rock Cockrel last w eek. t ake place later on. Timu 1 C:>r. two or three doctors and no cure. I cannot On l-Ionday e vening of week t ho n ow A child of Mr . .Tohn Haro'o died last woek pre.lee tho CuTICO'RI\ R E MEDIES t.ou much. and we,e interred on F riday; Cauiidl><n Houthern H otel owned b y ,T, B . '!'h ey h11ve made my ekia ><B clea.r and tree 0 listen ! i.f w ithin yo11r hom e from sea.lea as a ny body's. All I used of them Mr. C. N, lluse and w ifo. of Bowmanv ille, f,indsav w "'s dcdio.. ted t o the sorvic" of t he )lO oplo, by the J:l1·,.se Baud und ~ few or t ile S · ti · f d. was three boxes of Cu·1· IOO'RA, throe bottles of spent Sun da y with friends h er e. Stuff~ of l£ssex Centr o. Ch oice selections o me p;eu e one 1 ~ :;. m g; citizens CU'l'ICUR<\ IlESOLTllN'l'. and two cakes of CUT· Mr. JamflR W illia m· tool< the r ed ticket with w ere r endered by the band w heo su pp 0 r wa s T a ke w arning, ere a a ummous ootuu, !CURA 80AP. Ir you ha d been here and said his horse "Volunteer," at Port P ercy fair. annou nced. After doiol{ ample justice to t h e Y·mr happi n ess in vadin g . you would have cured mo for $200 you w01dd MI", R. J, Niddery s tarted for Phila.dol pl1ia excellent tt.ble sot for thorn, Lbe boys played y 1 1 a· · · h d have hnd t.he money. I looked like tho picture las more se lections i1nd started ror h omo, o r n tne s11uer1ug B e en 11.ree a fe w t week to pur s ue his studies in medicine, in your book nf P sor ia sis (picture number two; I s needl ess, did yon kno w i t : · "How to Cr>n.\ Sltin Diseases.") but now I am On rhe 26th ult .. twin danghtere were born w ell p lea>ied w ith. the hospitality shown them The "Favorite Prescription " curesas clear " '"'Y person ever was. 'l'hrough t? the.wife of Mr. ' Vm. Rowe, oae of the m has at the new 11otel. - Combe1· fod epenctent. Mr. force or h a hi t J rnh my hrinrls over m y 1i.rm3 SlllCIJ d ied, I,lndsay was formerly ol 'l'yrone. Unceasin~ praises eh ow it . 'r ho following is t h e r eport of 'l'yrone S chool and leg"' w »cr,·t ch once in a wllile, but to no ,, ,, · . ,, . . Jn the a bsence of the r egular organist on Iruly a h ou sehoM ble,smg is t lus · pnrpo~e . r « 111 a ll well. I scratched twenty· Sundi.y, Miss Barrasa ably presided a.t both tor tile mont hs or Aug ust and 8 eptember. '.l'he ei11ht Y"'· 1~ and It got to be a second natu re to morning and evening service. names a re arrangect in, or der or merit: i>t ll r marvelou~ specific--Dr. P . ierce 'a F avo . rite me. 1 lllan k you a thousand times. Anythinl!' · · f t h ·11 f W1 Claes- A Woodley, \V .ltmmerson, J\'f H udgson, p Mrs. J. Y. Cole was visit.Ing friencls a t Maple F Kenner· .1th Class- J<: Hawke'y, a Manning, rescr1p t1on- · o r e 1 s 11 W f~man . 10 mor{I that vou w ant to know write me, o~ any one who readd this ma.y write me and I wlll Grove las t w eek. Mrs, I . L. Brown was visit- l<~ Cad e, F Penround. 8r. 3rd. Class- JI E m- that se~s a deitr faco g row mg each day ing at L h o Methodist parsonage. Ne wcastle, merson, N Collacot t. A Moyse, M ,(forris. C m or e ethere al but will r eJ' oice t o learn answer it. last weok. Sandm·s Jr, 3rd ()Ja~s-C lll'<Lnton.P Oolhtcot.t . . DENNIS DOWNING The Cheese Company sold a nd sllipped t.heir L P enfound. F Moor, F K enner, A Gardiner'. that the wife or da ng h t er may~ yet be J'., Jun. 20th, 1 887~ 'VATElWURY, V · August. cbe!Jse. v\'o have n ot heard offlcially 2nd VlaBu- J, Cude, 0 Pollard, .E Bra nton, .T sa~ ed, and the fam i ly oi rcle preserved P aoriQ.sis,Ecooma,'l 'et,Ri1ig-worm, Lichoo . what t he price wa s. Mr. Crnndall, of Picton. McLaug hlin, L · S impson, U Hingh am, W b k ? D 't d ,· b t t ·t Hudgstio , L McJ,aughlin, F Hudson . J >:lcoL t. 110 r~ e n · on espa1r, . u ry l , PrnriteH. Scald Head. M llk Crust, Dandruff. was tho buyer. 'l '. A, Brown, '..l.'ea eher. eve n i f t h e doctors 81 1y t h .ne ! S "no cu r e. " Barbers'.Bakera',Grocers', and Washerwoman's S Low B oY. Itch, aud every species of Itching, Burning. Itt port of S. S. No. 13, Dn.rlington, M onth of It is t he only m e dicine , w ld by druggi sts Scaly. Pimply llnmore of I.he Skin a n d Soalp 'l'he following Is the eorreo~ stan ding of the Se~tember: 6th Clas11- F . Virtue. Hh Class- for w o man's pe culfa.r w eakne s&es and ni l· and Blood, with Loss of. H air, are po3itlvely puplls or Hampton school for v crrect recitation C l.ampll ell. E Farrell. :Sr. 3rd- W Berry, A. · . cured by CuTJO'IJRA, the great Skin Cnre. and a nd J<'OOd conduct !or th., month9 of Augu:it . Ca mpbell, L Htt.rnley. D . Hooper. Jr. 3rd...:.M m a nta, under ti p osttt ve g uar an tee f rnm CO'l'ICURA SoAt>, an exquisite Skm Beautlfter and Septe mber. Hooper, 8 Woedley, L Hooper , M Dea ne, '., ' i _ ' . the m ann fMtl!r&rn, that i r. will g i ve s.i.t ia· 1 ex ternally, and CU1'ICURA RESOLVENT, t ho SENIOR DIVISION. B11rgess. Sr, 2nd- M Hooper. ?II Wootlley vv f t ' ·11 b now Blood P nrifterinternallv. w hen physicl~ns e 5L h Class- W Cryderman, J Ward, E Hrown Hamle y, R Hoskin. J r , 2nd- R Hodgson: a. a c 1011 1i. ov1wy case , or mon ey w1 o.nd a ll remedies fail. Sr. 4.tll- M Hastings, J . Horn. Jr. ith- I Ellis· Hooper , M H ooey, .IC i::ltrutt, M J Tape It refuRded. R ea d g uarnntee on b ot t.le · E Cryd erman. L Salter: Sr . 3rd- Bertie Wi!'. Pt. 2nd l::ir.-M Col\voll. J Burgess, wrappe r 'i' S old everywhere . . Price : C UTIO URA, 75 eta. ;· ·c ox, N Moyzo,J McLain. Jr. 3rd- L Hast i ngs Burgess. L . Hoskin,\ V l!;dgerton, R Davey. P t. 2ud J i-. · .._ SOAP,i35 cts.; HRsor;vi::NT, $ 1.50. P rep ared by T Pennington, H Cryderman. C. '\\': JA.Mm : - W S proule. J. Hyers. l:'t. l Sr.- E Strutt. c. ...---~-·-··~---the PO'l'TER DRUG AND CHEMIC.l.f, Co., Boston, SON, Teacher. Staples, W Hamley, E lias Strutt, O R eynold .s) Mass. Pt.l.Tr. - R Ber ry, L Berry. I~ Woodley, v A S EVlrnE An.AcK.- M ies B ella Elliot t , JUNIOR DIVISION . J!ijl"Send for "How to Cura Skin DlseM es," 61 Hoopor, F Edgerton. Sr. 'l 'ablet - .J Burgess 1, pa.gos, 50 ilhietration, and 100 testimonial, raylort. S Furzier , E Moore. Sr. V irtue, M Hoagson. L Reynolds, Jr Hooey. Jr. of P ontyp aol, Ont. , wr i tes- " 1\Iy brother 2nd Claes- I · Pt. 2nd- E Clarke. o1 Cowling. 1 Heard. Int. Tablet- W Woodley, W Hoskin. M Virtuo. E . And I were b oth taken ill with 1\ se ~·ere P L ES, blackheads, chapped and oily skin Pt. 2nd-B Martyn, M, Martyn, E . Parish. J r . Byers, .A. Hooey. E. A , c ..m11bell. T eacher, att ack d <liarrhooa, hav in g t ried o L her prevented byCU'.l'ICURA MEDlOA'l'EDSoAP; Pt·.2nd- M Short, J J\1cJ,ain, E Cla.tworthy. Sr. Pt. l st- M Hobbins, H . Wlloo:.:· .A Cryder · r e medies, we tried D r . Fowler' a Extrac t mo.n, Jr. Pt. l st - W Cla.rkc, Sam Mar tyn. :K A. P LAIN' STATEMENT.- All p ois ono ua of Wild Str a wberry, w hich gave i mmed i· ltobblna. K .T. KERSLAK!i:, '.l'eacher. wast e , and worn o ut matter oug ht to e s · ate relief." ~ cape from the syst em throug h t h e eccre\VOJlllH CA.USE .llUfCJl SICJ.i, E SS among tions of t he b o wels , kidney s and skin. B. NEVER ALLOlV tile bowt>Js 10 rcmuht c on· children. Freeman's Wor m 1·owclfll'ij J)l'e· B. B . cleanses, open s a n d r egulates t h ese I stlpat~d le~t flm·i0110 C \' il en.~ ue. National 1 ·veat this, :ind m itlte the elllld b rlg lai an 1 · n:i.turul outl e ts for t h e r emoTal o f d isease rill¥ ure 11nH ur11:1sscil as 11 rcmerl y ro,. <' CJoll· lumUby. '.l"1e new school bell has been hung. Newcastle brae3 band le improving. Cha.a. Lawry ie visiting his mother. Dr. l~arneomb has retnrned from Europe. 'Large q uant!t!e3 ot barley are being market· FAIR N.EWC.A.STLE. ENNIBKILLBN. M A EMBER OF COLLEGE ' PHY. :-llCJANS AND SURGEONS, Ont· . Office and Hesidence: Ennieki.lleri, Onta,.io. 30 I The Art Garland. th . V\Then v1s1t1ng our IS week Ladies are invited to call and examine the supurb stock of H new S B M :a. Jackets and Ulsters now showing at T COUCH, JOHNSTON H & CRYDERMAN'S One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. . P SEPT., 1888. SEPT., 1888c. H New Fall Goods AT- -----·- -r--·- ~--- ---·--- s. B 13 acres of Land for sale in Hampton. SORATOHED 28 YEARS. The differ ent departments are : DR'ES'S GOODS, Fancy and P lain in Wincey, Cashmere and Henriettas. Black and Colored. FANCY GOODS, FLANNELS, Grey and all Fashionable Colors. in all sizes and weights. . BLANKETS, T'IV.EEDS, Canadian, Scotch, English and :French. Plain and Fancy. OVERCOATINGS, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, Hats and Caps.. MILLINERY & MANTLES, being under the charge of a competent person. with Mantle Cloth and Fine Sea1ettes. PIM Otu.·, Millinery Rooms are now open and no orders are refused, GEO. LAING. ' · sUpntlon .

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