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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1888, p. 2

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· I and was dir£c~ed tc a side street, ·a dismal ' strong bosom to lea.n upon ; I want some lookinp: street of shi<bby, dilapidated houses, t heroic soul to inspire me with courage. which might have had some pretension to ! Madge, I have come to you-to you, as the , re ;pectabitity half a century ago, but which : only woman who can;shed a ray oflight upon Frequently requires prompt act ion. An h~d fallE:n to ~bout the lowest stage in the this darkened spirit. I am a viler sinner h our's d elay waiting for th e d octor u 1ay history of bricks and mortar. They were than any of your lost sheep.· Have pity WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3, 1888. b e a ttended w ith s erious con sequen, houses of e. CJnsidernble size, however, and upon me if you can, Madge, for I am the especially in ca.R es of Croup, Pneumonia, cffered accommodation to a considerable kind of sinner whom no one pities. I am and other t hr oat and lu ng trouhlcs., ,. Slae '1'1·ied in va111 to Get AUTHOR oF" LADY AuDLEY's"SEORET, "\VYLLA.&D's WEIRD, ETo.,1£· ro. popu!ation, as appea;ed by the vari?~s light- a mu1derer !" . , H ence, n o family should bo witho11t a . ReiieC and bad quite · ed wllldows, suggestmg m£tny dom1c1les un· He clasped her hand m both his own and, b ottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectol·al, · Given UI) all Do}Je, CHAPTER har dly since h e a Echoolboy. llis own dJir one roof. her to him, looking up at which has prnvecl itself, in th ousands of "you must go a.w:.y, V .. ; but yvu must eyes were not ini:.ooent of tears as he rushed Across the front of one of these ~ouses_, of with deepJUn.og eye3, as she ?tood looking cases, tho best Emergen cy Medicine 1887 do nothing h urriedly. Mrs.1 l!"reemantle was away, leaving her to sob out her sorrow in a somewhat bet~2r aspect than it~ ne1~h- do:u u?on him, si:ee~~less ~~-~ ~:horror. ii.lit. ever dis I t gives prompt r elief Campbellfor d , J une 9, · the quiet shrubbery walk whfoh J-. e; .foot. boars, appea.r,a,d a loi;i~ black board on ,, I kill ed m,Y, wife._,,, .·" -'-·"· , "'--'-·-' ", ·'.-~,· _.·:. .. 11 which talking about you t o my mother tkis after· th d8 Th F l H Oh G 0 d 1 .. ..,,,.. . -- :.1 a ml prepares the way for a thor ough MR. E. MORRIS, Toronto, . noon, saying that you looked ill and mopU.h, stepti had so often trodden. Never had she ~ wor. · e .' or orn ope, were , · · .... "· ~ :,~J L ..._..'Ji · - -·"' cur e, which is certain to be effectet.l. by DEAR SIR :-I feel it mv duty to g1vo and needed change. My motber admitted felt more desolate than in this parting with pamted ~n large white letters. ln ~ront of "I had the confession of her falsehood in its continued use . u my testimon~ for _the good I_ had the fr.c t, a.nd iG was a.vreed that you shou.ld the wayward and beloved son, and yet she the dfa~!lRgb~ t here was a l&.mp Gw~t h ,;~e my hand, her own delibeute declaration 8 · e .. uge for Women and · ir s, in that she had ceased to love me, and that I d d told herself that it was well he were gone. wor _ Yo S. H. L atit:nOl', M. D., Mt . Vernon, f,rom your Dandelion Liver and Kidney' be persua. e to trave . Your departure w1~l Anything mllBt be done rather than to see blac~ let,e~s, on the glass. ~here was .no she was p1saiona tely in love with anot her Ga. , says : " l bave found A :;i:er's Clrnrry Bitters. My liver was in a bad state and j t?ereforn se< .m t:er fectly natuml to_ all this him as he had been since las t August. possible m_1 st!1ke .as ~o the motive and char- man-tha.t she was lea.ving me to be his P ectora l a perfect t.: ure for Cr oup in "ll I wad a etreat sufferer. 1 had t ried in httle worli of Cb u.dford. There will be. no The South· W estern Railway conveyed ac~;r of this I~st1tutwn. . , mistress. . A plea.sant letter for a. husband I have k nown the worst cases· relieved in a very short t ime by it s nse; . t "t er ef and had qnite given up app6ara1;ce oI il_'ght. All you have ~o thmk Mr. B elfield to Ex:eter, but in the ]·unction Ihe door swung open at Valcmtme s touch_ ' to read, !.\ fadge. The ink was wet upon the vam 0 ge. r 1 . f of, ·c;her ef nre, 1a the place to which you d h d th th h 0 Id and I advise all families t o use it in StH1· a woman m p aper , and she st ood there looking a.t meal~ hope, till a friend told me o Y0 ar would like to go-all you have to do is to station there, he had a choice of trains, and an as e crosse e d en emergencies, for coughs, crol).p, &c." B1tters. I got a b?ttle at once and I am foll"w t he bent of your own inclination." the Great Westeru suited him best on this a black gown _ a nd a white cap came ?ut ?f beautiful- false to the core. I struck her A . J . E idson, M. D. , Middletown, happy to say the Bitters ~nde a uew wo"I will go to Africa. There is better sport occasion. He crossed from one platform to the parlor nex t t he street, and met him in to the ground. l b W!l.8 only one blow, but Tenn., oays: ·'I have used Ayor's man of me. I can hearti ly recommend then: tb"'u i n A ustralia-~nd a freer life." the other, took his ticket for P!llddington, the passage. it killed her. Between the reading of th!!.t Cherry l'ectoral w it h t he best effect in them to any one t r oubled with liver com· "If you decide upon Africa, Melnotte may and came out upon the depa.rture pla.tform I t " a.s Madge D~wley.. The shepherdess letter and her death, there was but an inm y p ractice. 'l ' bis womlerfnl prep:na. plaint. Yours truly be o f use to you." of the Great ·western, under the big clock. ";as al fays ready to receive the los~ aheep. t.erval of half-a -dozen seconds. The ink was tion oucc saved u1y life. I had ~t con· CARltIE STEPHI!N8, "I don't like Melnotte, and I don't believe The platform was not so crowded as usual, ~he fo .. d was ~umble and una.ttra.ctive, but wet still, and ehe was lying at my feet look· s tan t cough, n ight sw eats, was greatly · · ·nd the tr·i · n w·s not due for five minutes, it meant what it off . ered-Shelt er. · iniz up at me-dead." · r educed in flesh, and given up lly my in h · ir i Afucan experiences. I strongly sus· ~ ~ ~ Sh 8 t ted t ht f ta.ll f .. physician. One bottle an d a half of t he pect t hat the man is an imposter, He is AB he walked slowly towards the end of the e ar a. aig 0 a . man In ~. ur "It was horrible," gasped Madge, "an P ectoral cured m c ." too <>lib." station, Valentine passed a man whose face border~d coat-shrted aga.m on recogmzmg awful, irreparable ca.h.un ity-but not mur· Good N ews at Home. "I cann ot say enough in pr aise of · d "But his stories of adventure have a vivid fla.shed upon him with .a sudden sickening of V ~leMntmBe. lfi Id ., h der. You did not mean to kill her." · r. e e ! s e exc1 a1me · . . f th r b rk A yer's Che rry Peel.oral ," writes E. e 1m s, 1 e "y It0 ld I 8 h ld to "I wall not say as much as that I thmk E. MORRIS, EsQ. , - DEAR Srn,-1 hav ~ air, a.a if he had lived among the scenes and the h ea.rt and weak emng o Bragdon , of l'afosr.ine, T exas, "believthe sight of a !.'host in high noon. es. you ou c~me you I wanted t o kill her-as I would have killed r eason to speak well of your Dandelion people he describes. " ing as I do th a t., but foi· its use, I s honlcl The wintry sun shone upon the pa.le and some day, Mad(ile, a.nd you promised not to h d h d h be th -b t I "The fellow is a good actor, tha ~ is all. · . shut yuur door Ill my face ., ar se ucer a e en ere u was long s ince h ave died." Liver and Kidney Bitters. I have been rowdy adventurer whom the Colonel high-bred features. He saw the face lookmg "I t rk T ile aaony 1 1 t 0 d 0 ·th t b t 1 d "t sorry the instant she was dea 'i h:oubled for some time with my Kidney Some eY ha.a picked up in a gambling den. Melnotte at him, half in hatred, half in scorn, and he . am no.. a ; u . on. of remorse began before that i~k was dry." and a friend of mine recommended them may have been to the Cape, perhaps. His could not give b ack scorn for scorn,. hate for ~~::s~ ~ou will want to stay very long in this "You should ha\'e confessed the trut h; to me and I tried them in my case, and experiences in the interior I rank as sheer hate. He who had never his fellow. Sh· 1 d th . t th yon should have braved all consequences " 1 1 th · ht f t' · d e e e way m o e par our a p am· · k d t found them to work like a charm ; there·- fiction. " PREPARED BY men, dmc ene . tah ~ kSlg do t ms ma.dn, an lv furnished room lirrhted by a ch~ap para· "I should. ~was a coward ·and a fool; fore I have much pleasure in recommendThis idea agreed curiously with Adrian's pa.see on wi qmc ene s ep, an eyes ffi 1 d ' ~ h d a craven t o shrmk from the consequences Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. ing them to all persons who are troubled own vague susy;icions as to Mr. Melnotte's looking steadily forward, pretending not to n amp, un er a green~ a e. . · of my w;ath. I had a right t o be angry. I tles, $5. Bold by all Druggists. Price $1; su boL truthfulness. Those African stories of his see that fomiliar_fac~, the face of the man . A tal! press made of pit ch ~me .occupied forgot how frail ,. thing she was. She fell ln any way with their Kidney. were rather too good a.nd t oo picturesque to who had stolen hlB wale's heart. either s~de of the fireplace. 'Ihe table :vaa like a lily-a tall white :my snapped in a Yours truly, have happened to one traveller. The St. Austell stopp ed a.nd looked back at of varmshed deal, the walls were white- storm. One moment, my passion had ventJ. J. JONES. average ma.n's experiences are dull enough. him. washed, the floor was unca.rpeted, and half- ed itself, and she was d ead." N ewtonville, May 3, 1887. They ring the chauges upon famine, fever "As I am aliV(> that was the face of a a-do~en rush-bott omed chairs completed the Aud then he went on to deecribe that and sport. But Melnotte seemed to felon. " he said to himself, "and the mystery furmture of the room; bu~ all was scrupu- ~hastly burial of the dead, in the silence of passed from hairbreadth escape to romantic of Helen's fate is darker than any of us ~ou~ly neat a.n~ clean. A fire burned oheer- the summer night. He d welt on ever y d e(Jonsmnption Surely Cured. situation, from dramatic encounter to dream of. That man dared not meet my ily Ill the ahmmg grate, ~nd an °P?n-work, showing how vividly every oiroumpicturesque rescue, with an electrical eye- although it was his pla.ce to hector and ?rass fen~er made one po~nt of brightness stance of t~at d iemal scene had paint ed it\l'o THE E DITOR : brilliancy. He had slain his lions by the mine to quail. There was guilt in that 1'? t~e pict ure. A h.r:ge iron ket tle was self on his memory. He recallea these Pleafe inform your readers that I have horde, and shot his gemsbocksin heca.tombs. look." si~~mg on ~he old-f~sh1~ned hob. . · things shu~deringly, as a m1.1n relate~ a bad a positive remedy for the above named There was exaggeration, no doubt; but He was on his way westward. Since that t Pray sit doym, said Ma?,ge, pomtmg dream which he has again and tisease. By its timely use thousa.uds of the man were an actual impostor meeting at the Badminton, he bad been · '.>a chair opposite her own. You have an a.gain. hopeless cases have been permanently whether remained to be proved. much disturbed in his mind about bis lost idle hour to spare, I suppose, and you have "Did no one suspect you r· aured. I shall be glad to send two bottles "I don't wa.nt anybody's advice?" said love. · Fickle as the previous experi11nce of come to see our R find out for "No one has found m" out. There is a of my remdy FRBE to any of your readers .. who have conrnmption if they will send me Valentine decisively. "If I can once brace his life had proved him, he had not yet for· rourself whether we are domg,?ood work· - man I suspc~t of being some kind of eaves· myself up to leave this place, I shall go to gotten Helen. The year which Mr. Baddeley in order that you may help us. dropper a.nd spy- a man who is on a v iliit _When I 1ay Cum!: I do not m ean mereiy to their Expre~s and P. 0. addr ess. iitop th Pm t.o!' a t1 n: et and then !1:t·;0then1 reShe spoke gravely, faltering a little, more to her father, and who passes for a gentleRespfctfully, D r. T. A . SLOCUM, 37 London, get t he kind of outfit I think had allowed for the duration of his pastu·m a;zain . I H E ,,N A RADlCAL CUltE. necessary, and then sfl.ilforthe Cape. Once sion was uot yet ended, and it may be tha.t deeply moved by his presence in that place man." l have made the di~ease ef Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. there' ! can pick up all the information I the disappointment and mischance which than she would have cared to own to " Y ou must not lose an hour in getting ~l'"il'3, EPILEPSY 11il~ want about the interior, and I shall plan had attended this particular intrigue, had herself. The lesson of her life for nearly a.way from England- from Europe -beyond intensified his fee-lings. H e would htwe for - four years had been t he l~sson of forgetful- the reach of pursuit, if that be p ossible. ADVICE '1'0 MOTHJ1JRS.-Are you dis· my route from ther e." F .t\JLI.Il~G SI CKNESS, " I sh all go to ..London by an early train feit ed ten of his life to found ness; but it was not yet learned. His voice, Su~picion once aroused, detec tion might be turbed at ni ght and broken of your rest Al!Io lon!;' o!i:r1:r. I w.A..Itrl ANT my r emedyto to-morrow-alld to 1he c~pe by the firet H elen, a.nd-won her for his own, but ther e his face, had still the power to awaken a easy, and then hayill g hidden your crime, by a sick child suffering and crying with r's tl.J e wur:i > cases. Beca115a othera 11ave goud steamer th ..t c5,n carry me there." was that in her husb ~nd'scountenance which strange, unreasoning gladness, to give life you might seem a deliber ate murderer in- IJ>J f~iludis nc rc.:.son foruot nowreceiviP 00 a curo. pain of Cutting Teeth ? If so s end at chilled h is soul. Ile had ho.If a mind to a new color. stead of the victim of a moment's paseion. " ·ro-morrow ? '.l'ha.t's eoon." Send at on co for a treallseanda.FR:EC:'1"10TT:>:.:r.: once an d get a bottle of " ?tlrs. Winslow's c :! ;::i£ INFALLUiL:l<l R .ttMEDY. Glv'! Exprc~3 "Why should I d elay 1 I have been follow Va\entine Belfield, and tax him then "No, M adge; I have come on no such You must sail by the first ship that can ~~;u Pest Office!. It costs you :rnt!Jmg w;: a Soothing Syrup." For children teething, staying here face to face with a ·pectre- like and t here with foul pln.y. H e had n o evid- phihnthropic errand. I confess to caring carry you. Go to Liverpool t o-night by the tr:&l, and It will ~n~a you. Add:i:esll lte value is inca lculable. It will r elie ve a mi·n in a nightmare drc<.m, who faces some ence except the mystel'ious circumstances ver~ litt le whet her your work of mercy mail-if LiverpQol is the port -and start t o· Di·, TI, (1-, R00'.1'. 3'/ Yol!.ge St ., Toro!, Ont. the poor little sufferm· immediately. D e· great horror and oant1ot move h u.nd or foot. of the wife's disappear a nce, and that guilty t.hnveH or fails, I am here from pure sel- morrow morning. " ~:~ -;::~.~-~jj ~~t1~ ~ look in the husband's face-but t he two to- fishuess. I am eaten up by my own cares; "I am in no hurry." pend upon it, mothers ; there is no fhe sooner I go, the be( ter." ------ - - - -"I,et me go to London with you, . Va.l. g ether brought conviction to S t. A ustell's my ow!l burden is t oo heavy for me, and of "But if your secret were once suspected, -- -mistake about it. It cures Dysent ery mind. late, Dlght and day, I am devoured by one to loave England then would look like flight, and D ia.rrhcea, r egulat es the Stomach and I should like to see you off." "No, no. I am not fit company tor my thought , one hope-- " · and only confirm suspicion. Go at once, Bowels, cures Wind Colic, sof t ens the He stopped suddenly, looking at her wit h while you are free to go." yet awhile. P erhaps after ten G u ms, reduces Infia.mmation, and gives fellow-men · A · I be b L CHAPTER X L , -THE Foll.LORN H oPE. ' th t h f · hl b · h · b" · years in tnca may etter. et me eyes a s one evens y ng t m 1a pa1e "I have half a mind to stay and my to~e and energy to the whole sy~tem. POWDERED suffer my purgation, Adrian. Let me Valentine Belfield walked to t he furthest and haggu.rd face, with one strong hand chance," ho answered thoughtfully. "lf " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " ~for wrestle with the memory of sin as Jacob end of the platform and stood t here, cold clenched upon the table between them. ld b k" d t 0 M d ·f childre n teething is plea!11.nt to th9 t aste wrestled with the angel- and then p er - a.nd sick, !ike a man in an ague flt, till bis "The Forlorn Hope, Madge," he said in you wou e m me, a ge-i you and is the prescription of one of the old- haps - some d &.y- " with a stifled sob, "I t rain came in from P ly mout h, and then he a low voice, after a few moment>!' silence, would let me spend an hour in this room eat and best female physicians and nurses shall be bet ter worthy of your unselfish ha:i t o run after th-3 train as it steamed into "the hope that you will pity me when no sometimes, hear the sound of your voice, the station, and s8ramble into a first-class one else in this world, except-my lirother, watch you coming in and going out, I would In the U nited States, and is for sale by love- and of my mother ." "God help you to pardon and forgetful· compa.rtment, 1"?..nt ing and breathless, and can pity me, knowing all. Yee, that you, rather stay in L ondon than go to Africa t o all druggists throu gh the world. Price to the 1 ;,_ . knowing my sin, might still pity me-might look for diamonds and shoot big gamP, I 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for ness," Val. But let me go to London with white "y st ill love m e." am not the man I was b efor.e t hat nigh t , PUREST, STRONCES , BEST. ou ou<ihtr.i't t o run things so close as M--' WI h I h d d th t 1 "?t'IRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING S YRUP," You. Re~y for use i n n:ny quantity. For "No, I want to be alone there. I have that, sir, yon don't look the kind of man He flung himself on his knees a.t hei: feet. ""'ge. ieu- w en a. one a makmg Soap, Softening ~Yater, Diaiu-~ and tak e no other kind, ome'h1'ng to do. I w1"ll wire t o you before h ld d · · He seized her h·nd and covered i"t w1"th deed, my first thought was to save my neck fecting, a nd a hundred other u ses. S 1 ' o of couthose stan it,' said au elderlywho parson, .._ d t free. I A can ciquals ~O pounds Sal Soda. I sail, and then, if there were time, and you w one a.mia.ble busy-bodies are kisses, despairing ~kisses, which moved her - to h'de my cr,.. ...e an go sco !!!!!'~~~!!!!'~~~~~~~!!!!'~~~~w!!!!'~TM~ would like to come and shake hands at always interested in other people aff"irs. "Id es t pa.sawn . f d ays gone thought life would field-the be the same a.s it had Sold by all Grocers and Druggists, 16 WI more tha.n h" been-t he hunting racecourseI. w. QJI.Wll~~ · 'l'OBONrcl I.NJ) cmaJ.GO. ' parting- " V alentine soowled at him why ay of an- by had ~var moved her, fondly as she had the battue- all the same. I t hought I could " Be sure I will come, if you give me the awer, as he threw his deer -eta.Iker loved the tempter. f B h h k d She snatched her hand from him hidig- orget. ut w en t e seasons came round chance. It will comfort the mother to hear · t h When Baby 'WU slok, we p n her Caatot1a, f h f in o t e rac , an mopped his forehead and k. h. . again, and t he old sports, and the old people . o you at t e 1aet moment o 1eaving. She _ hair, damp wit h ioy sweat. nant 1y, 100 tog at im Ill angry surprise. - my God, .vhat a change. All the zest and ttll ~ ~ TO R O NTO STEAM LAUND RY. When ahe w1111 a Child, 1be cried !or Caetorla, When ·ho became M:iso, ahe ol=it to Caatoria, would like to be there herself, dear soul, if " A churlish persona_ a e," thought the "I thought you knew me better than to fl I b I ou would let her." " talk to me in that strain," she said. "I a.vour was gone. went a out as if ~ 106 York l'lt., Toronto. Wh·n 1hehAd.Children,1hegavethomCaat.o'"'· Y West Country rector, "something wroni was in a dream only h·lf cos· us f - · "Dear soul, poor soul." murmured Val· with the heart, and a very irritable temper," thought I had shown you tha.b I am not the 0 · t ' ha lif n mo do my , SHIRTS, COLLARS A N D CUFFS ·..., entine, with a remorseful tenderness which and the good man tried"to interest himself kind of weman to be tempted by a fine gen- 1;'n exie ence or t e e roun ~e. f'tl A a specl"ttT. Out of town work was strange to his rough nature, "She buu · h" tleman lover-to be tempted now, after I V\ herever I went, the same haunting UJ promptlt llttended to and returned.. w m 1 s newspa.per, ghmoing over tbE> t&p of it thoughts we t "t h d h t th · rI t ti "iven me honey, and I hnve given her gnll. a g os a, pe ne ruo one. ,., ~ ~ every now and t h en to see it there were a11y have given my life to the sav1·ng of we·ker a would not bn 1WI ·d me, Oh an M d G p SHARPE n.. · t I ha e been a fountain of bitterness to you hope of conversation. women. Do you think that I am likely to e ai · ' a ge, Y?U · · · r. ropr1e or. both. But it is You are strong in Valentine put on his cap again, pulled it forget that you are another woman's husband stronger than I - braver, nobler. Pivy me ~t door to PAlmer hou8ll. Handr to Unioa love ancl in mercy. Good-night, and good- over his forehead, and ooiled himself in a - and that when you were a fre., man you ~e~k~" can, as the strong should pity the 9a, g·got. bye, till I sail. I shall be off early to-mor· corner of the carriage in an a.ttitude that refused to marry me?" " I d ·t l i h I HE SCIENCE OF LIFE, " 1 was a f0 ol ' M a d g e · a pron d · seIf ·Opm. p1 answered, y you, poor son ' She w t bent a l over my meant total isolation. He was tryinl{ to reheart," o she softly. r ow morning. 1 the great medical work "But you will bid your mother good· cover his nerve after that sudden apparition iona.ted idiot. did not know that yon were him, a.nd kissed his burning forehead. For ot the age on Manhood, · bye." of St. Austell. the one woman upon this earth wh.:1 could fi never was Intended, so far as I can lea.rn, "Must I? That will be hard. I should made my life happy- who might have the rst time in their lives, her lips touched ItThat Nervous and Phyeioal De· either men or women were intended to like to slip a.way without any leave-taking. "By--, I was afraid of the m&n," he influenced me for good. I was hemmed in him in love, freely given. bility, Premature Decline, be bald. "I cannot live without you, Madge. I I think you will believe me, indeed I'm sue I would like to write to her from London." said to himself. "For the first time in my and bound round by petty prei"udices, by Errors of Youth, and the you will, · T ha.t "She would be heartbroken if you left life I have known what it is to fear the face bigoted belief in birth and position. What h ave yea.rned f or you i n my misery. untold miseries conPequent It at the " Paris Hair Works" you have called, of a man. If a brace of constables Mme to are birth a.nd position when weighed against k' her like that. " . 1S8 h as sea1e d me as yoor own f or ever. " thereon, 300 pati:es. 8 vo., 125 "l:'erhaps you are right. It is the weak· a.rrest me, warrant and ha.ndcnffs complete, the nobility of such a nature as yours ? I " If you persist in saying these things, I 'rhere is one thin g Nature thinks of-let us prescriptions for all diseases. Cloth, full ailt, thank her for a ll we canonly $1, by mail. sealed. Illustrative 1&mple n ees of her cha.racter to be fond of me, I'll I wouldn't flinch ; but his fa-0e unnerved sa.w in you a beautiful peasant, whom it was will never see yon &."'7ain, Mr. Belfield, I She t akes particular trouble with our r ace ; free to all young and middle ati:ed men. Sand see her in , · e morning before I start. She me. H e loved her. H e would ask me, my business, as a gent leman, to seduce. have done with love, and all t houghts of She a scanty growth of h, the gray knows now.. 'l'he Gold a.nd Jew elled Medal awarded and whitetling locks, to the antb,er by National Medic&! Anooi- will be ha}>pier when I am gone-safe and 'What have you done with your wife! And when I saw that your resistance was love. I have pla.nned out my p ath in life, Will deLract from the beauty o! t he faoe. atien. Adaress P. 0. Box 1895, Boston, Mass.~ happy- with you. You ought to marry, What have you done with that frail, falsi · real and earnest, I lost my tempflr, and and mean to keep to it. And now I must or llR. w. H. PAR KER. graduate of Harvaro Adrian. You owe as much to my mother lovely girl whose heart was mine?' Yes, fanoied myself in love with another woman. wish you good·nigh t , and ask you to leave But Nature has her Jaws so striot that y ou Medical College, 25 years' practice in Boaton, as well as to yourself. Ther e is Lucy Free· his, ~ iR-not mine. It was his love I mur- It was pique tha t m ad e me H elen Deverill's th" must n ever err, is h ouse. I h ave a great d ea 1 t o d o b e· who may be consulted confidentially. Specialty For you'd surely pa.y the penalty at, mantle, who has been in love wjth yon for dered. It is t o him I am ans werable. It Jover. " fore bedtime. " · Diseases of l\'.Can. Oilice. No. t Bulfinoh St. Sustain Jt . that bounteous head of hair the last five years.' was his life I spoiled. She had ce11>sed to He shudder ed as he pronounced his wif<.'s " Ca.nnot other people do i t for you? Can· Dr. Doren weed's H air Magic's unsurpassed. " Valentine." ~? lon~ tdo me- shed was openly, avowedly name. nqt you give one evening in your lite to;mv J ust try it vou atnicted, you never will regret 1 "It's a true bill. I've eeen t he growing is. n quaile betore him, turned sick "That is all and done wit h," said d espair- you who do so much for others?,' The Mag:ic was never yet k nown to fail ; passion from the time she left off short frocks wi th fear at sight of the Yillain who wrong· Madge, qravely. "I am very sorry tha t "I am the head of our lit tle organization. And the good that it will do you will make yon soon forget Cleaned, Died,L Pressed and:Repaired by and long ha:r. Y C'U have been her ideal ed me." your marriage ended unhappily; but t here and have t o sec tha ~ all is d one right ly, 'l'he expenditure a bottle will entail. from the day she left the nursery- perhaps For an hour and mor e he sat in his corner, is a long life before you yet, I hope, and There are thrao and twenty sick or ailing , , before. I daresay she was often thinking living over that brief moment of meeting - there must be something for you t o do in it. girls and women in the h ouse, and only This now famous p repar ation for invig· of you over Pinnock or LingarO:. Marry seeing t hat passing vision cf a malignant And now I must see after my patients. It three sisters besides myself to see to them. orating 1md stimulating th e growth of the her, Adrian, S he has not one of the at· face, t elling himself again and again in the ie tea.-time. Shall I make you a cup of tea?" W e are a sist erhood of twenty.two. I am h air is universally accepted as the most Dyer and Clofthes Cleaner. She went to one of the presses, opened it, the only permanent resident. The other v aluable specific Ot l the market. know tributes of the typical girl, anli she will bitter est mockery that it was S t. Austell All Goods warranted to be as no one will make you a true and honest wife." who had los t by that fatal blow. At last, and began to take out cups an~ saucers, and twent y -one each give one dav and nigh t in them from new when done. ases of the seal p eith er r elieved or"I will wait till my time com es, Val," and with a t remendous effort, he dismissed little crockery t eapots, and trays, and every w eek to the work. They come a t dise A rich and rapid Corner of King and Ontario Streete, answered Adri(m, with a sad smile. " I t t his dark t rain of t hough ts, .and hie mind plates. E.verything was of t he cheapest, but eight one evening , an d go away at eight on permane n t ly cur .,d . Bowmanville. has not come yet. " recurred to one of the obj ect of his journey the things had been chosen for their pretti· the following evening. It is one day taken g rowth of h air will follow aft e r j udicious Lady Belfield was always an early riser. to London. . neas, and the lit tle trays had a nea.t and from t h ) week of worldly business for a an d reg ular trea tment. It remains wit h She w as in the garden n ext morning, fook· E ver since that last meeting wi th Madge daint y look I'S those active hands arranged work of mercy. W e find the plan works the user alone t o secure t he d esired b e t t er th an many res1d enli · sis · ter h ood s. The r esul ts. Dr. D or e n wen d's "Hair M ag ic" · ta spotless l1"nen d'oyley. . g at t h e fl rat clUBters of snowdrops whi'te D .uley, t he girl and her mission had been them, eachwi·th i m Nervous Debility, Seminal Losses and preoma- against the whiteness of the boa; fros t, present to his mind. Passion was d ead in H e thought of thoso careless d<lys on the sisters are more ch eerful, bett er tempered, . is eold by a ll d r uggist s at $1 per b ottle, ture Decay promptly and permanently cured bJ wben Valentine joined her, clad for a jrnr- him, buried under the crushing weight of a river, with boat , and dog, and guu ; t he and in bett er healt h. Their lives are not or six bottles for $5. If n ot obtainable ney, in a fur ·lined overcoat an d d eer s talk- great remorse, numbed and frozen as t he sheer idlen~ss of fancy which had led him monotonous. T here is no w earinel>B, no in y our loc.i.lity send diroct t o the sole er cap. sek~es d ,!lre in a night mare. There wa.s no to Madge Da.wley 's cottage ; the hold her pining for escape into the outer world. manufacturer, enclosing price. A. D o RN"Mother ," he began abruptly, " Adrian r e m mg of an old flame ; but in t he as he beauty ha.d t aken of him, and his scorntnl They alw&.ys bring a cer tain a.mount of 'l'l'END, Paris H a ir Wo rks, 103 a nd 105 ~oes not Interfere with Diet '!r usual o.ccupa.. and I had a Jong brotherly t alk last night , of his d ead love for that str ange g irl, t here disbelief in her virtue. And he now came freshness liO t heir work; 11>nd i t makes them Yonge S t ., Toronto. For sale by · J. tio11 and fully restores loat v igor and msnres and he advised me to try change of scene as waa a faint glow, a. little spot of warmth re· to th _ is woman in his agony, as the woman happy to kno:w t hat however worldly t he Higginbotham & Son, an d a ll druggist perfect Sent t o any address, . · · · maining where all else h ~d grown 0 Id' who could give him help and comfort, whose rest of t h.e,r 1· aid on manhood. r eceipt of price One Dollar per poetbox. a cure for b1tt~r memories. I a.m gom~ 1voa may be, one day out of 'S DRUG STOn "' b d f 11 " H P yearned for her presence, for t he sound b th · t · d · d " ole agency. SCHOl!'IELD . ...... a r oa or a spe . fh . f th t f h h d H stronJ rave soul could inspire him with e seven is spen m omg goo · & King s tnet, 'l'oronto. " Yes, dear. Y ea, i t will be a good o er vo~ce, or e ouc1 i o er an . e courage to begin life anew. And h&.ving " Tl1e plan is y our invention; I suppose~" thing, I am sure," answered bis mother, felt t~at if there oould b~ comfort. or hope_ come iuto t his house of p he f It "f "t " Yes, it is mine." . 1 1 for bun anywhere upon t his eart h, it would ld I b f ' e as b · ~ h t Wh d d I " Cl 'P paling · urld enly at the mere thought of a be w"th her H f It th t "f th wou )e est !> all to stay here for ever, ear ram; s ,rong ear I y i pessiblc !' ·rting , "but you will uot be go· e! e w~re an.y to be her clerk, her p,lly, her drudge, only not k now your value four y ears ago ? Well i ' e e !l. 1 ing just ~ . Y ou will t&.ke t ime to think one to whom h e could confess hlB_crime, it co have the privilege of being near her. H e l\lhdge, you h~ve r eceived m e k indly, about it." wa~ M adge Dawley, and not a priest. almost forgot his scheme of dist ant travel, andl I won't impose upon your kin dness. ~; "I iom going at once. You know I was ' The Forlo~n H_ope," he repea.~d t o him- he was r eady t o g rovel a t her feet and plead Good-night . I shall come again t o-morrow never given t o irresolution. I have done self as he sat m his corner, look mg out at to be allowed to atay wit h her. evening." most things, for good or evil, on the spur of t~e landsc<pe ; every field , a.nd copse, and She was absent for mor e than an hour. H e "Think bet ter of it, and g o t o L ive1·pool .,_ 1J1 the moment. I a.m off by the 8,35. My hill, a~d cur ving strea.m, fa.mi.liar t o hi~ emptied t he tea pot,!and looked at his watch by the night mail. " portmanteau x have g one down to the s table from lns boyhood ; beheld again and agam a dozen t imes before she came back. "Good nigh t," he r epeated, ig noring her . " Are you surprised t o see m e here st ill," q ues tion. · y ard. I shall s tay a day or two in town, a t, so~etimes in listless vacuity, I and then sail for the Cape. sometimes 1mpat1 ence. he asked. "Good -night," · "For t he Cape f That is eo far, Val. Why A~ last t he train steamed into Padding ton " Yes, I t hought you would have gone T hey cla.sped hands and par ted . Scar ce· · not go t o Italy or Spa in" Station on t he edge of dusk. The sunset back t o your hotel. This is n ot a place for lyhad the out er door shi:t u pon him, when WILL CURE OR RELIEVE "Tame h n.ckneyed · in tolerable Th glowed da;kly r ed ath wart t he London fog, you." she covered her face with her hands and ' ~- , . , . holiday ir;ound of self-~pinionated Yankee: a? the t ram p o.ssed H arr ow and _ Han well. I "I suppose not , yet you t old me if I burst into tears, BIUOlJ SNESS, DIZZINESS, t\" " . . · and personally c.~mducted Cockneys. · N o, if '.I.he great vaulted r oof of the termmus look- , were in great distress I migh t come to you " Oh, my love, my sin·stl\ined love !" she DYSPEPSIA1, DROPSY, O.r ti!qi Liqirnr Hu.Mt, Positively CurCtl change of scene is t o do me any good, if I am ed ghast~y and sepulchrnl in the chilly light for shelter , I hoped to find t he name ot mur m ured; "I car e for you more in your I INOIGESTION 1 FLUTIERING . lllJ' Aumin1'1teri na' D.r. H a ines· , to get out of myself, I must get face to face of electric lamps. your house was not altogether a delusionabasement t han I ever cared for you yet, I I JAUNOICE1 OF THE HEART, Gold<lo Speci fi c. wit h nature. Africa is t he place for me Valentine told a p)r ter to t,~ke hi"s port · The Forlorn Hope. I have no other hope, · would give my life t o lead you back t o hap - j ERYSIPELl\S AC IDITY Of , 1 :rtcaube~lven ln t\ cupo! co!l'eeorteawlthons t D , f · d ' w · "f! h d h Id ' J J. "' H 1 thslrn<>wleJ~·eofU1eperson taking It; ls a bsolutely 1 on t be a raid, ear mother. The D ark man teaux t o t he Gr eat Western Hotel and M adge." pmess, a aay ope you cou ever be SALT RHEUM 1 TH[ STOMAC ·"" h urmle·s , a ull w lll cfl'.oct " permanent "nd j ' Coutinent is as safe a solitude as Herne Bay ' then left the station on foot. H e was going " T hat cannot be tru_ e. Yon h ave your happy. But the curse of blood ; ·1 on your HEAR TBURN C;;yNE:$S ~~r:1~6~glf~e_;,;~igk~a~fh~j~o~~~f:~~i~ r~~'ii~:f.8i "And y ou are going - this morning?" · to Lisson Grove to look for t he R efuge found - mother , who adores yon." soul, ~n~ what hope can there b·J for yon HEADAC HE. I OF THE SKIN cTeh" o p,:;.rtteec mt w " AG t once. , e d ogcar t is waiting for ed by M ad"e " M Y mother cannotheIp me t o b ear my on tins side (ro of t he ft-~ lnlt e,;_e ~v'I v r , ~, . " ·. d b T,h b Dawley · IlEgrave? O ONmr·rnED) .A..nd ev e;ry spe~H of disu~e IV!J.°W,'IJ;t& lmprcgnMed with the Specific, lt becomes an > ·tter me. oo · ye, · . (rhe l_ong t hor?uqbfare of the Grove was burden. It would blast her declining years. ~ "u :trom dµo;r<!~re(l LIVE'l£ X IJJNIBYS, 0 H e clasped his in his arms, kissed light W _1t h lampl_1t shops, and full of traffic, bring her i 1 anguish t o t he g rave, t o know $TOMA CB, B OWELS OR B LOOJJ. SPllCllFlO CO·· J..8lHtaccSt.,Clocl1111u..ti.O· her as he had not k 1Ssed her for year s- Valentine enqmred in one of the shops, ' t he nature of my misery. I want some Weddi ng by electricit y h as come to stay. & l'ra>pri;6~~ll:ll:P· @t;anadinu Jtatt.Gmau. I IjIKE By AND UNLI~KE. I l M E BRAD DON · · · I I XXXIX.-(Co~TINUED.) w~s [Now FIRST PUELISHEQ, l To Save Life l Id~ew I n~~rer ~er I 1 I · Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, GILLE.TT'B LYE 99 PER CENT ° , 1 -,ca@Q $ 0 IUI · EXHAUSTED VITALITY I T fl !~~~!"'!::=============~ A OTH W D E R N ER ON · Gents' Cfothing T H 0 S P E AT ERRORS OF YOUTH, 1 . BA KI N THE s DUNN ° 1 I D Ow P COOK'S BEST FRI END R I Ru~ KENNEsS D ·~oG<!Jo' et..scas loe l~o· .2'~ - dd. !;:JI~ . OCD~ !,f,~~!ib~~K ~gf1 i~:rU%~?!r:i'f!g.~~,! (i(~tnl'fii .. · I I l -, ~ mot~er j T. MILBU RN CO.,

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