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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1888, p. 3

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!!i5! " !!! "! '"!!~~~6~~~2~!"~-~~~ - ~,~ ,.., ~-~ -~ ·~-~-~ --!!·~S~&M~ - ~!!~~??!1illl~-·~ ~~ii:tbTWRff~~··~-~~ ·~·..... ~-~ns~~-~R~·~~!!-~'~~~!!~~!!~-~~~~~&&~~r~n~~·~~~~~~;JM~~mn~~-~~""*"'~"""~~ . ~~-~~~!!!!!~!!~-!.!:~ . '?f!ii!lt~-~ ·· ~'!lllli'.ill!~!! . Chicago h as 10,000 moremen than women. ' Vhen the tempter h as offerod mo the The r eceipts of t h e 26 Paris t heatreR last For people to expect a cure for Indigos· Gentlemen'sClothes Made to Order. BOYS WRO BECAME FAMOUS. ~pa.rkling goblet, t h e wordd of lilmt you?g year wa.s abuut $3,500,000, which was a de· tion, unless they refrain from eating WEDNESDAY, OCT. man have seemed to sourid in m, agam. crease of $350,000 over the previous year. what is unwholesome; but if anything :PLAYING l}Y THE FIRESIDE. '11 s h arpen the appet't · t one . . · 1 , Out of 10,'iOO prescriptions tak.en 111t ran· '\Vl i e and give A Bud Without a . dom from uhirty.four Boston drug storeH, I to the di~astlve Oi'gans, it is Ayer's Sar. N~ ,, 'Why don't you send that child to The term night hawk is commonly apph~d, l. ~81 , ?r 14~ per cent. of them, contained saparilla. Thousands all over the land JH . llchool? He looks a bright hoy, and it's a to several opeciea, all of whlch have certam opium in 111,1m() form or other, testify to the m erits of tliis mec licin e. .. : ~ ' ·.: ~ ~ pity he should t rifle away his time like peculiarities. .~r9 m Jts curio?s ory on~ Is F~urtetn years ago the first cream ery was Mrs. Sarah Burroughs, of 248 Eighth that." ca.lied chuck . ·wilh·w1dow, t.his ca.11 _berng started 1 ' n Iowa. Now the state ha.a got 495 --o-street, South Boston, writes ; "My lms. 11 , weII · d ressed man w h o ntteted so loudi Y b Y the b So spoke a t & . ird th a t i t h as creameries, 56 oheese factories and 1,000,000 was standing Leside the counter of a ship- been h eard for nearly a mile. About t~e cows, and makea forjexport 85,000,000 pounds band has taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla, for And with its advent chandler's shcp in otJe of the watP.r-side m~ddle o~ M_arch they come from their of butter annua.lly. D yspepsia and torpid liver, and has streets of the 01d Scottish seaport of G reen - wmter pilgrimage ; and, unlike most of the The criminal record of Cuba continues been greatly benefited." ock. The door of the inner room happened birds, t hey have no h~ms.,keeping to ke~p unapproachable. During the month of J L tly to be open, and through it could be see the them bu~y, as thel; bu1l.d. no nests. \Vh1le there were 416 persons wounded while walk· chandler's younger son-a slender, larve- the Tobrns, hni:rimmg b~ds, thru~hes, and ing the streets of, and the assailC. Canterbury, of 141 Franklin st., ·has opened ou,t a fine new stock, delio~te looking little fellow of six others! busllJ'. scourmg the _country _for ants esca.ped in 85 per cr.nt. of the cases. years old-who, kneeling upon the hearth- ma.tenal with which to bmld their nurseries, . . . . . Boston, Mass., writes, that, suffering -ofLondon IS complammg of an mc~ease In H tone, seemed to be drawing str ange figures the chuck-will's-widow is fast asleap_in some for years from Indigestion, he was at all over it with a. a piece of .colored, out-of-the.way corner, only coming out in the d~ath . rat e from 15 to 18 in the last induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla As the visitor spoke a slight flush of dis- the a f ternoon and evening to gather its sup- 1,000 mhabtt~nts. New ork manages to and, by its use, was entirely cured. pleasure pa~sed over the father's rough face; ply of food get a.losg without any great amount; of Mrs. ' Joseph Aubin, of High street, but in 1moth~r moment it gave place to a When ~he time comes for laying, our grumbling on a. eeath rate of 24 or 26 per H olyoke, Mass., suffered for over a year smile of quiet a.mmemen t. seemingly-lazy bird selects some secluded 1,00.0. . . . . . . and a lovely stock of "\Veel, sir," said he, in hia broad Scotch spot, and deposits her eggs anywher e on the Tne rich~st mine in Au stralia, if not In from Dyspepsia, so that she could not accent, "will ye just look what he's " trift ground ; and the very tirst glimpse, if we thedwor ld, 18 fthhe MRoutnht hhf?lrdgan of Qt~ensd· eat substantial food, became very weak, ing away his time' wi', as ye ca' It?" are fortunate in finding them e.t all, explains 1an · 0 ne 0 t. e 0 sc 1 8 once 0 ere and was unable to care for h er family. The other stepped softly for ward, and why she builds no nest. The eggs are almost £19,000, 00~ for it! and the o~er was refused. Neither the medicin es prescribed by looking over the shoulder of the nnconsciou~ the exact color of the surroundings, and so Its value l8 variously estimated at from physicians, nor any of the remedies child, saw to his amazement that this six- mottled and tinted that only by the merest $60,000,000 to $50_0,000.000. . Ladies in want of a choice of fine advertised for the cure of D yspepsia, year ·old boy WlliB drawing a mathematical acciden b are they discovered ; and when the The ~renc~ national debt 19 stilted to b~ PURE'ST, STROP:O.ES'!l', BEST, helped h er, until she commenced the diagram, and miuking each lir.e in turn two little chuck-will's-widows finally come the latg~st m the world-$5,000,000,000' Fancy Dry Goods, please give me CONTA I N,:; NO use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. "Three with letters ~r figures, with which ha seem- out they are even more difficult to find than ann.u~l interest, $264,000,000.. The per ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOS PHATES, a. call. I have them in endless ed to be worlking out so'1le kind of calcnla- the egg·. Being very sleepy little fellows capita t a.x of the French people IS $15. pe~ or any injurious materials. bottles of this medicine," she writes, tion. they rarely move, and, though standing haps t he !argest of any p eople. The Pres1. '!'QROl\TO, ONT. "cured me." variety at store, opposite S. A. E. w. GILLETT, . CHJCAGO, ILL. "Does b.e really understand all that?" within a few inches o! them the observer dent receives a salary of $153,000. Barracks. llu'f'r oft;,e CEU:BRATED !lCYALYEAS'l' CAlCH. asked the visitor in a whisper. might suppose t hem to be t.:Vo old brown The present orange crop in Florida is "Ask him yoursel'," replied the chandler leaves or a bunch of brown moss, so deoeiv· the largest w ithin the history of the Sta.ti::. PREP ABED l3Y quietly. ing is their mimicry. - [St. Nicholas. The golden fruit ha ngs there on the trees in l? Bowmanville. March 13, 1888. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. The other cl id so, and the boy, not at all rich abundance. The estimate is that the Price $1; six bottles, $ 5. Worth $5 a bottle. disturbed a.t finding himself face to face with yield w ill be fully 4,000,000 boxes. Yet the Many persons wonder at the tired, "'om · a per:feoc s tranger, answered so clearly and Bicycles for Soldiers. price of oranges does not decline. &nd weary feeliJ)g·that oppresses them without any apparen:t ·c1rnse. It may be poverty readily that t.he questioner was astonished. The bicycle fo1ce that ha.e been organized The population of the ten largest cities f ~he blood or a disordered stomach; in "He must take a good deal of time to iu connection with the English volunteers oftheworllieasfollows:London,4,149,533; .Oither the iltornach, blood and liver are play too, though," looking a.round the r ecently had its second field manoouvres, .Paris, 2,344,550; New York, 1,521,066; lllOt perfo1·rning their re11::u!ar functions, and, ""f h 11 h to th t · E T>- · V 1 0 with many persons. there will follow a d~U, room, l e uses a t ese ye a. you ve the first having been held at !l.ster . D><·IDY Berlin, 1,206,577; ienoa., ,1 3,857 ; To buy Foot Gear for Men, Women, and disagreeable weather embarrassed the Philadelphia, 1,043,689 ; St. Petersburg, ;heaTY bead1u!he. nausea nnd many other baught for him." 'lfYIDPtome tho.t ,precede a well developed "That I've bought for him I" echoed ·the troops on each of these dates, but the result 920,100 ; Tokio, 902 ,827; Constantinople, Boys and Maidens, at Painted i'l fir st class style at ·of Dyspepsia. :Purity the blood, cleanse ~he father, with a broad langh. "Ma.n, he's of the t11rn-out bas been very satisfactory. 873.565 ,· Calcutta, 871,504. ·11y;s1em of the clogged srnretione by using , h. l' " made every one o them imse . On the recent t rials the meri cover ed about F rom the returnsreoeived by the Fisheries MEAOiFIAM'S MANDRAKE " every one of those toys himself !" 100 miles in forty -eight hours, fighting, Department it appears that the total amount MIXTURE, cried the v isitor, staring. scou ting and camping by the way. There of salmon fry distributed from the different Parties hav ing anythinl!' in the above line t!iat will save money by havrng "Ay, just aa you see. I bought him a were seventeen oflicer9 and seventy-seven hatcheries of Cana1fa last spring was nearly requires p1J.intin;r the work done at my shop. 1 prepsred by .J. B. Meacham. 133 Young street, , h'l · d th· · d f repr11sentat1ves · · h 1 ·achernietofnineteenyears'~xperience. Sold b<.xo toosawee w l e smce, an IS ls men out, ma e up o of a 14,000,000. '.I'he F·ra.serriver , BC . . , h Bring your Sleighs nnd Cutters in early in tho n Bowmanville by Higginbotham & Son. what he's done wi' them." . number of the leading volunteer r egiments. ery distributed 5,807,000 ova. Tadon sa.c, season. It wont cost an~· more and better work " Well, upon my word, you may well be The frrce was divided into two bodies, one Que., hatchery, 850,000; Ga.ap e, 800,00-0; can be done by having plenty of time, proud of bim. He's Ct'rtainly a most un- retreating and the other following it. At Restigouchs, I, 777,000; Bedford, N. S., Orders for common chilJ, and 1 beg your pa.rdon sin- frequent intervals the retreating force 1,400,000, ; Sydney, 1,509,000; Miramichi, cerely for epea.kingso foolishly about him as stands at bridges and other eligible points N. B., 1,290,000; St. John river, 537,000. Man ufscturere of will recei ve prow pt attention· [ did just now." of defence! and the pursuers wer~ ~o.mpe!led The impor t ance of Ontario's dairying in. II. , to ha.It, dismount, send out a s~1rm1s~ hne, t erests was well brought out in the course of Shovover M c MURTRY'i'\ LIVERY STABLE, BOW.\IA:SVJL LK "Wed neighbor has he been a good la.d ·: a.nd perform all t he othe~ prehmlna.ries of l a debate in the Ontario Legiali..ture, In I SSi dt ,,, ' ' · attack, a.a though at active wa.r. It was I there were in Ontario 800 cheeee factorleM A.t·tificial The "laddie" in question, waa the ship· : found that .two or three men left behind by ! w ith 43,000 pa.tronsaod 270,000 cows, yield'. l .. imb"', Our New Stock has arrived, a nd com· 39-3m chandler's clever eon (now a smart though · the body could make a. show of I iog 650,000,000 pounds of milk, which was prises something neat and pretty for And .A.ppliance.s for all De· rather delicate boy of fourteen}, who had force at a. lmd~e t hat '111'.oul<_i greatly <lelay matle into 66,500,000 lbs. of cheese, bringing Ladies, Good and Serviceable for Men formi\ics ··f t he Human Body been on a visit to an English friend in G las : the advance of a pn!sumg ~orce, and then in t he market $7,000,000. Canada supplied - Spinal Diseases. Hip Joint gow and the speaker wa.e his mother, who · could mount and swiftly ride away under G reat with 66.000,000 lbs. of cheese, and Boys, and Boots that R Boots for Dieease, Diseases ot the h<1.d ~owe to fetch him home : cover of a. .hedg.e. and esoa.pP. to the main as a~ainst 143,000,000 lbs. of cheese seat every member of the h ousehold. Knee anil Ankle. Knock "Good I" echoed the hostess. "He's · b~dy. T his abi~a~y t o fight and r1;1n aw.ay from all other countries. Knee, Bow Lege,,Club Feet, us all ]ump out of ouri_'skins, that's w1th fac1htv than _the-or:dmary ID· Etc. · (a.ntryman IS one of the chief pomts urged h the' s done· ,, l'HUNKS, VAHSES, dllSA.TCBELS, JN STOCK~ ALSO CRUTC:HES. w l ahe moth · f a~or 0 f th " ·ar11,1. " Further and More Wond erful Discoveries , e new er looked puzzled as well she : b Y.t he b" · . icyc1ere m with the Lick Telescope. · ht ' . It l8j sa1d nhat acoutmg ana reco anonermg ...-or dered Work and Repairing a · mi,~ I t"s not that he's been behaving badly," · parties mounted . upon bicy?les co.__u,ld do While the Lick telescope has failed so far Specialty, a.a usual. continued her friend. " He's as good ' much more effective work without risk of to solve the engima of the so called canals D. DAVIS. a.s gold, bless him ! But as sure as we capture tha.n men on foot. ~n these mlln· on Mars, or to out a ny important light get settled round the fire at nigb.t, he begins reu'Vlree, although .the retrea.tmv force num- upon those phenomemi. beyond confirming te!ling a.11 sorts of s tories out of his own bered but ttu:eeoffioers ~nd twelve men, they the fact of their existence it has som<: VETEKI.NARY SURGEON. hc~d, some so sad that they set us all cry· succeed·ed . m delaymg the pursuers astonishing discoveric" in the nebular uging)ike babies, and some so terrible that we . SQ ·that it took them .three houys ions of the universe. But for P rof. Holden'.i Your attention is directed to the immense ·· daren't look behind us ; a.nd th ..t way he . to ·Cover ·a. distance easily made ID assurance to the oontrary we m il"ht, in b et, stock of keeps us l:.p every night till pl'etty near !ess then · t wo when no obsta~lee are be ted to think tha.t the mighty lens on twelve o'clock, for when once he's begun a mte~1>osed. Three ot · the r etreatmg force Mount Hamilton, like L9rd R osse's hug'l story you can't oudge till you've heard how , d.a.l11ed too Ion& at a bridge, and were ridden mirror at Pa,reonstown, would prove lesg J17if'N ote.- This fa·vorile 1 ncdicine is piit it ended. I don't blame him neither, for , down .and captured by a det.a.cbment of the usefulin obs.,rvations requiring accurate defi up in ornl bottles holding thre3 owices of every description a.t (as his brother John* say·) he ean't sleep at , en?my.. There ~ere. no other losseP, The nition that in those which demand great each, with the 1ia1ne blown in the glass, n il(ht , poor lad I and 80 of course he don't cb10f difficulty E>Kper1enced was. due to the light-gathering capacity. We recently de. and the name of the ini:entof', S . R. Uamp · . M a:DO oare to go to bed. But if he wa.e to stay mim~er of parallel roads oooa.s1onally con- scribed Prof: Holdon'a di·coveries in the bell, i n reel ink across the / ace of the label. :f"1JH~. ~~ , another week he'd drive me clean ers.zy, as vergmg that ran thr?ue;h the country tra.v- celebrated Ring Nebula in thn constellation Beware of i'lllitati ons, rcjiise all suvsti- She has just opened out one of the largest sure as I et~nd here." ' . ersed. The retreatmg p~rt~ had to keep Lyra., where he found a m:: uvelous structure lutes, and you w i ll not be disappointed. and m ost styfo:h stocks ever brought VVith this good character our hero went scouts constantly 111ck1ag up the Jay of con centr ic ellipses. composed alternate!> to Greenook; bu t it seemed to be "out of the land and. brrngmg m report.e tGprotect of stars and nebulous snuff- in short, 1~ to town , consisting of: . of the frying· pan into the fire" with him, thcmeelvee from the danger of bemg ~anked half-finished creation , where, it would seem, llJ illine1·y, Dress S ilks for the verv next evening his mother, coming on some o~ these .roads and cut of enti.rely at the great sunsmith i' still forg ing the orbR 1 home to tea, found him getting a t errible a conve~gmg pomt. In a conn.try with one of light. Since then Prnf. Holden ll!ls Velvets, &c., scolding from the shrill, voice of his old aunt , good mam r~d and but f~w side ro~ds the kindly sent us photoga.phs shewing the 1 l 1 with a very fine stock of Feathers an!'l "I ne'er saw sic '\n idle in a' my d11oys. suoee&e of a. b1cyde corps m obstructmg the appeara.nce of two other nebuJre as viewed Graduate or the Ontarlo Veterl!lary Co~l ege, flegistere:d member of the On111.r10 Veterinary Can ye no ta.k' a book, man, and employ yer- p~ssa17e -0f an enemy would much gr;ater. with t he giant telescope. One of these, he I a11 an d rnspec . d' 1 h" ·.:Meilical Association. sel' usefully ? A' thiB while yo've done : Ru:J:cles have not yet been 1~trod~oed 1n the thinks, must be rngarded a.a the first repres . 111 ne IBP ay, w ICI&·Ofllce and Residence, N ewtonville, Ont, naethine; but tak' aft' yon kettlo lid and put Bnn1s·h. regular army, but I~ their. s~oc.ess eo tative of a new cla~~ ol nebu1re, in which arising from a disoid~red state of the Liver, cannot fail to g ive sa.t isfaction. Will visit Orono every Tueaday- and;Saturday it on a.rain, and hand [hold] a cup or a spoon 11omoog the conti!lues, 1t 1s. ex Stomach and Bowels, such as the nebulous st uff is arranged " in tho form OJHce hours fr m 10 a. m .. to 4 p. m.,. at i' the steam to watch the water drap fre.e it. p eoted that a s1mlia.r corps will be orgarfized of a helix or screw, just as if tr.e nebula had Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious Oonltere' Hotel Calle by 'l'elegraph receive Are ye no ashamed to waste your time in in regular regiment, been formed by one brilliant particl e revol vimr: ediate attention. Affections, Headache, Heartburn, sic a daft-like way ?" ing around the central star an d leaving " CHAE GES MODERA'l'E. Acidity of the Stomach, Rheum at i sm, OF CANADA. B ut t he old lady lived long enough to be .Rough on the Dudes. brillia.nt train, while t he oentral star itself Loss of Appetite, G1·11vel, Nervous very sorry for those hasty words ot hers, was rapidly moving through space. " Capl1al paid u p,,ooo. Rest, $2G11,0:1 On Monday at midnig'..t, says the New _ ..,. _ D ebility, Nausea, or Vomiting, &c., &o. when she fouod cub that what she had misNot since W illiam .tlerschel surprised the taken for th e idle caprice of a careless boy York Star, three dudes, dressed in i;he world with his a ccounts d the wond ers r e. This Bank ts prepar ed to do Legltl· Price 25 Cent s pe r Bottle. w11os really the first idea of the steam engine height of fashion, who were returning to vealed for the first time to human eyes by PRE PARf.D OM Y BY m.1\te Banking in all its branches, ·. · ~EXT: OF;"·~· t heir h"mes in Brooklyn, amused themselves shaping itself in the mm~ of J a.mes Watt. DAVIS & LAWE.ENCE CO. (Limited.), ll'ar ruera notes discomitecl. ; Deposits by overturning ash barrels. Their actions his telescopes, h as any news been re.-eived *He also made a small electr.ic machine when quite !rom the celest ial spaces of such absorbing MO:N'TREA.L. 1eceivod and Interest paid on arnounts of were watched by an oflicer ' standing in the a boy. $5 u pward& in Sa\'ings B ank D epartment: shade of a near-by tree. As t hey passed interest as these <1.nnonncements from the director of the Li ck observ»tory. The ne· under the spreading branches of the tree the .DRAFTS "Only Five Minutes to Live." policeman o~me from his ambush, and, bula in question is one o! thnsP. contained CORE.S [1111ued and Collections made In Europe in Herschel's catalogues, and is situated in The following touching narrative, says stopping the 'trio, said : "This is nice, the constellat ion of Draco, in the north pofar Un.ited Stat.e111 and Canada. the " Juvenile Templa.r," shou ld be pondered gentlemanly oondnct. No doubt to you it's quarter of the he~vens. The photograph if you want to a.void disW . J ··TONES, by every youov person. It speaks trumpet· ran· fun. lose of $10 each you must shows a central point, or sta.r, SUL'rounded A!rAD tongued of t he evil effects of intoxication, grace and by two superposed nel.mlona spirals, the a.p· e.@ .....· and points with a finger of fire to the awful come back . th me and I'll show you wh at pearance of which certainly justifies Prof. · moment when " five minutes" will usher us to do" Elegant in Design "Ob, only a little joke, old man," explain· Holden's suggestion that they may be the into the presence of God. o>n tlnues to do a. General Banking Busine59 train of luminous matter left by a brilliant Solid in Construction The solemn hour will come to everv one ed one of the dudes. Bo wmanvi.llu Branoh. But the officer was obdunte and made orb h.1 its spiral path around a mov ing cen· of uo, when we shall have only five minutes tre. The reader can obtain a clear conception Excellent in Tone DEPOSITS to live. We may not know when that dread the fellows march back to overturned of this by considering the case of the eart h PRONOUNCED BY ARTISTS TO BE TH E FINEST .woelved In Savings Bank Department and moment w ill arrive but it will come to each barrel No. 1. "Now," said the policeman, "place the and the sun. The earth makes a complete MADEINCANADA, and equa l to the best United States .all and interest allowed at ou\'rent rates. No one. And then, at the end of five minutes, journey around the sum once a. year. B u t Instruments, at (when duty and freight Is paid) 1 ot1ce ot withdrawal necessary. All de11oslh 4 we shall that mysterious boundary into barrel in its proper poahion, gather the t he sun meanwhile is not standing still, but }ayable on demand, the solemn world of spirits ! How little ash es and rubbish and place them in the is moving forward on an apparently straight .EXCHA.NGE think the multitude of that last five minntea ! barrel." AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAIRTS "l3ut surely you don't mean that, " ex- course towards the constellation Hercules How urgently does it warn each one to pre· at a. rate which, t hough undetermined, is 3onghtand sold and Drartslssued upon Europe AND f"LUXE:S OF THE: BOWELS claimed one of the missing links in horror. pare for it, whether i t may come sooner or Jnlted States and Canada, a.lso Gold, Silver an WITH THE llANUFAeTURUS "D<l what I eay, or l'll arrest yon," certainly not lees than two or three hundred iT IS SAFE. AND RELIABLE .. FOR later. .lnlted States G·reenbaoks boau:ht and sold, million miles in a year. If the earth in its OCTAVIUS NEWCOMB E & CO. replied t h e officer, CHILDREN OR ADULTS. · "Yon have only five minutes to live," -'\ce, VOLL E~TJOl'U§ With great reluctance the t hree t ook journeying left a luminous wake in sr sa:i.d the sheriff to a young man condemned 107-109 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO its would appear in the form of a vast to die. The Sb.eriff took out his watch and t heir first lesson in garbage gathering, and sp iral, resemblin,i;: that actually seen in the Promptly made at current rates upon all par saitl, " If vou have anything to say speak the same operation had to be performed nebula in Draco. So far from this being a Jt Great Brittain, the United States and Do co~vEqsE until the rour be.rrels which they had upset minion of Canada. now, for you have only five minutes to live. " unique object, Prof. Holden says that several A., W. HORRIS di RRO . The young man burst into tears, and had · been refilled. When this had been other nebulre examined show evidences of a Telegraph 'l'1·ausrer8 finished the officer allowed them to go home. PROPRIETOHS. MONTREAL, said. similar form, a.nd he expects to discover :d ade tor lar~e or small. sums c;in all parts " I have to die. I had one little brother ; MANUl<'ACTU R E R S 0 1" further examples, perhaps still more perfect , r.Ja.nada. This ls especially a<l Yantageous he had beautiful olue eyes and flaxen hair, i~rsone llvin~ in Manitoba or the North-w the same class of ph~nomena, of The Orimes of Napolecn. and I loved him; hu t one day I got drunk, ~8 It makes the funds availa.ble at once a.t It is difficult to suggest a satisfactory explace When one r d leots what the frivolity and o! payment. for the first time in my life, and coming planation of su ch a structure in a nebula.. home, I found my little brother gathering selfiahness, tne betm.yal o: public truat , the ln the well· known " spiral n ebulre " we For further particulars call at the Bank!n berries in the garden, and I became: angry sins of commfosion and omission of the Bour· have long had xa.mples of nebulous forms Bouse. without a c~use, imd killed him with one bona had been since the advent of L ouis made up of flat concentric rings or ov<, GEO. MCGILL, T. RODIE, BOW1llA.1'1Vll"'LE, Ont. blow wit h a rake. I did nob know anything X lV., and when one thinks of the victories Accountant. Manager but t hese seemed naturally to sugges t a ·Iv with which Napoleon had glnr.ted so about it until the next morning, when 1 E S1'ABLISHED, 1857. likeness to the imagined C<!nditio:i of our awoke from sleep and found myself tied and and i?nora.nt a people as the French, and solar system when it was in the earlier guarded, and was told t hat when my little the spoils he had brought home to them, of 'its format ion from a n ebulous lJ.;ot her was founrl hi.s hair was clotted with one can hardly measure, a.t first t he evil of mass tha.t had been shaped by r(Jtation and ALL KINDS OF 15lood and brains, and he was dead. Whis· those deeds of hilf which r econciled such a condensa.bion into a central aggregation our· '·ttPM·+ key has done it. It has ruined me. I never community to such successors. But Napoleon rounded by rings. B ut tho helix·Hhii>ped was drunk but once, I have only one word had lost the senee of what ia due to human - nebula in Draco is something very different Pronounced, .by practical con·mmmore to say, and then I am going to my ity, and humanity had to b 3 avenged The Ther e, if the nebulous spirals really imi tate ers, s L1penor to any~hing m final judge. I say it to young people- never ! rnu.n who quietly said to M. de Na.rbonoe, the form of the thread of a screw, the matthe Canadian Maiket. never I NEVE R I touch anything that oan wl~ ~n referring to the unpopufa.rity of th e ter of which they are composed must have done in the latest s t.y les and materials. in ~oxi ;ate I" As he pronounced theseworda, Russian ca.mpa.igo : "Why, aft-er all, what been left behind the moving body from he sprang from the box , . and was launched did it cost me? Not more th!\n three hun- which it was cast off, and the difficulty is to Write tor Inforn1ation. ared t housand men, and among those a good understand exactly how that could have into an endlees et ernity. many were Germans !"- this man had to be occurred unless some medhim is supposed t o I was melted to tears at the recital and SCOTCH, ENGLISH, GERMAN AND Manufactu.t·crs Also of TJac Cclcbra.tc1l the awful spectacle. My little h ea.rt seemed set ,a.side by human law, and, as was quick- exist in the ~pace through which the system ly shown, he was set a.aide too leniently. as if ib would burst, and break away from -:B-YNEW BRUNSWICK is moving. v my aching bosom, so intolerable were my I t is evident that these d iscoveries will feelim:s of grie f. Ano there, in that carri. - OFTime for Action. pretty certai nly lead to n ew at1d important N l am fully prepared to a ttend. F"Uilera l age, while on t h a.t cushioned aea.v, looking viewa not only of the contents of space, but the ohortest notice, atthe lowest poeaiblera with sireaming eyes on the bo.:ly of that Minister- I hope you a good little of the fows that prevail t hroughout its unQo.altets and BurialCaseeread7 on s hort noti IN S'fOCK. unfortun~te youn.~ man, I took t.l:ie pledge boy, Bobby, and always mind your father ? bo1mded~domains, and g overn the birth and First·olas3 h ea.rBe on very modera te terll · never .to touch the awful poison I BobbyYes, sir, I always do what h e growth and destiny of its couutless and and Cofiln sconsta.nt!y on band. Fu· Shrouds 'l'orouto Oi!ice and Warehouse: 20 irHOK'l' Call and see our d esig ns and get our Long years have passed away. White tells me when he begins to call me R obert, marvellously varied creations, err.I oards supplied at once. Furniture Shop l STH.EE'l' EA.S'l', estimates before purch asing . how Rooms- BounaaJJ'aNew Block . ha.ire have thickened around these temple,~ 38-6m W. C, BONNELL, MANAGlER. \!)) ftf.U lH\.l.U# ~ afwtt\t~thnt ~t\'"t~c:m'li'u. I n ,\.-f;J -"1 YOUNG FOLKS. 1~J~~:fo~;!~~n~~~1:~t~~~~;· )~;at\~::; man. And I have never viola.tell the pledge. STATISTICS. It .is Absurd R. PEATE, TailoJ·. -$ p R JN GW " ·.. I OP mlo a N"' . ! . A Confirmed Dyspeptic. MRS.IVES Laces, Embroideries, Plushes p lADltS' f IN E U NDfRWtAR. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, CAUSE AND EFFECT l\ilRS. IVES Surrevs, Buggies, Market Wagons, Sleighs, Cutters, &c., I.I Pays LOWES PRICES IN TOWN. 1 AUTHORS & COX, SIGN PAINTING Popular r~o. i; Boot and Shoe' EMPORIUM! "TRUSSE S, i. l "W. MORRISON. U7 CHURCH ST., TOR C'tffO, ONT. We W~ ~lr~ltli]lfi LADI E S ,- MILLINERY Drf)lNl\fl[teLY'S U amnbBlPs Ganiartic GomDonnd G U- ?e - CnrBs nhronic ConstiDatfuii ostiVBilBSS, and all C omnlaints G c tFtlho~efire. - · TRAWBERRY ~ · ,·WILD .'f DR. FOWLER~S . . i(t]HOiiER~~ hole.ra.Morhus OL: I C ..... RA.M PS NI, THE ONTARIO BANK ri1IARRHCEA · 1.!JYSENTERY 25p~~o~~~!:H~~~~OM~~~~A~~e JUTE & COTTON BO UNSALL'S THE J. A . MF'C co. Marble and Granite Works, CEMETERY Wiiiii GRANITE MONUMEt~TS· "RED CAP" BRAND UNDERTAKINU LEVI MORR,S. MANILlA ~IHDE R TWIN f, Chl'ldren 0.ry for P ltcher's Ca.etoria;

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