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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1888, p. 4

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----·-- - P. TREllLC0 CK. 1 r have now in a very fine line of suitable for presents Family Bibles, Albums, Books, Beautiful Vases, and Bric-a-brac Ornaments. Clearing out sale of Prices ,lowered from 15 to 25 per cent. Ellison & Co. Grey Ffannela at temptine: prices. Ellison & Co. Cuetomer11 will wonder how we can eell 110 cheap. Elli1on & Oo. Men'11 Pant11 remarkably cheap. goods~ Ellfaon & Co. ·.All wool Tweeds and Cloths at cost. Ellison & Co. Read Mr. Mayer's new advt. Don't fail to read all of Mr. J. McMurQ-ift try's ha.if-page advt. CROWDED -OuT. - A great amount of local and other matter. Mr. Thos. H. Cole, of Maple Grove, left at this office a corn stalk that meMl urea 13H. 9in. in length. , BIClCLJi FOR SALE.-A 52 inch bicycle I almost new, cost $85, will sell for $56. Apply to W. A.):3UNNER, Bowmanville. A parlor 1wcia.l will be held at Mr. F. F. McArthur's residence on the evening Picture Frames and Pictures of 'l'ul.'eday, Oct. 9th in aid of Organ fund St. Paul' s church. a specialty. A large number of SPECIAL, (LADIES !-MrR. Morrison's Millinery Opening is on Thursday and of fine engravings just Friday of this week, Fair days. Ladies received. call and inspect goods. The canvass for funds to procure furn5 quires of Not~ Paper for 25 ishings for the new rooms of the Mechanie11 lnstitute is prog-reasing favorably. Alcents, still a special line. though not yet completed, tho reception it has met with at the hands of the -o-citizens ensures its complete success. l\fe·sra. Wiiliams L~ Hall bought from Mr. John Dryden, M. P. P., a thoro' bred Durham heifer, 2 years old, winner of the 1st prize and sweepstakes at Port Perry fair for Mr. John Lyle's m eat stall. She is a beauty. Will weigh about 1400 lbs. Her meat will be on exhibition at BowHANVILLE, OcT. 3, 1888. the West Durham Ji'air . A saving of 2b per cent. on the pnrchas of a first-cluse piano is an important item, but such is the offor of Octavius ( Contintud from fifth page. ) Newcombe & Co., whose new Piauo FacBowmanville Fak to-morrow and tory, Bellwood's avenue, Toronto (just completed) is the finest in the cit.y, and Friday. A very special line of Black Cashmere equal in its machiuery and equirment to the latest and beet in the U nitecl States. Hose. .All sizes a~ John J. Mason's Intending purchasern will do well t o comMiss Wait and Miss A . Christie, of municate with t hem. 37-tf ~ontre11l, v isiting at Mr. Richard Mr.' John McClellan, harbor master, Sh&w's, Liberty Street. says the 1eport in a local paper that only Country people attending tho Fair on "an occasional load uow and then " of Friday ca.n get a gnod dinner for 25 cents barley goes to Port D tirli ngtun is false; in Bounsall'a Block. there w11s never more beiug d elivered Mllll&r4 Julius a ild William Roenigk there than this s·~ason . From 100 to as went to Belleville lut week to attend maay as 110 l oads a day arc being retheir mother's funeral, ceivtid there and farrnors were never West Durham and Darlington Union bet.ttr "11tisfied ·w1th Urn m,;nner in which Exhibition--Hnwmimville, Thursday and they are dealt with than now. F armers within a mi!e of Bu' ktJton are bringing Friday, Uct. 4th and 6th. What object the paEighteen hotel-keepers and liqnor sell- their barley here. ers ef Peterboro were fined la~t week for per in .qUEstion ca11 have in trying to in· jure our market, and grain buyers id unviolation of the Scott Act. known, · A men who wtll read a newspaper three A pleasant eveut took place 011 Satur. years without payin11 for 1t would pasture day evening last at St. Prnl's Mause, a goa.t on hia grandfather's grave. Matrimonial fever has struck the when Mr. Frank Brown, who has been drowsy c>ld town of Cobourg lately like a fo11 somewhat more than three years psst an active and ueefu· member of the choir Kansas ·yolone. H ope it will reach of ·St. ·Paul's church, was ~)resented with this town eoon. an elegantly bound Teacher's Bible and \Ve were favored week with a P sa.lma and Hymnal by the Pastor, in the pleue.nt ca.ii from Mr. F. Mason, florigt, presence of the members o f the choir. of Peterboro, VI ho was on a short visit at Accompanying the books was an envelope Mr. T. Sherin's. containing a handsome additional sum of Rev. Jns. RoH, B. A., of Harwood, money. "The choir wish to e:i::prees thefr brother of Mr. Alex. Ross, Enfield was thanks to the people of t he church who last week elected Modera~or of the Pres- so liberally cont ributed the funds for this presentation. Mr. Brown will be ~reatly bytery of Peterboro. Mr. Fred Gibgou, who has beom in Dr. missed in the town as well as in St. Paul's Brimaoombe's office, has gone to spend a church. H e bears witb him the best eecond term at th<J Dental College, Phila- wi!hes of our citizeus. Qne(·n Victoria h as a remarkably fine delphia, and expects to graduate next head of h6ir, fo1: a lady of her age ; but spring . Mr. S. M. Remy, B. A., of Whitby her son, the Pcince CJf Waleg, is quite CollegiA.te Institute h~s been appointed bald. Had he usmi Ayer'o Hair Vigor prim;ipal of Perth High School. A mnth - earlier in life, his head might, to-day, ematical maater will now be wanted at ha~e been as well covered ns that of his royal mother. It'g not too l~te yet. Whitby. The pnblisbers of the Toronto Globe This large and r(,prestJntative Comm!t- are giving a great deal of attention to die tee will mee·t in the Chwrch·st. Methodist exhibits 11.t the Induatria.l Exhibition, and church on Tuesday next tho 9th inst.· It any diAplay of manufactures that merit· is composed of the Reva. E.i A. Stafford, B H arper, specii1l get it. DI D . D., S. n u . s tone, D . D., E 1 ·· rh mention l f \n D. D., J F. German, M. A.., H. s. . e peop e o .. est ur iam are all Matthews, Peter Addison, T. \N. Jolliffe. rnterested in Etoves and wish to know which nre the best. F llowing is what C . E . M cI ntyre, G eo. L eeol1, J . ll , h Gl b b Locke, R. Clarke, Goo. Browne and R. t e o e says a out the products of Cade, and Messrs. Warring Kennedy, T. Buck's Stove Works, B r1mtford, and Mason, W. D. Fitzpatrick, Dr. Mi1chE:ll, which are eold by S. S . EDSALL, BowA 'l' JJOWEST .PRICES. \Y. B. Speight, Thos. Smith, Sheriff ruanville : Bowles, H.L. L overing W. Wright, S. "Wlrnn a manufacture; ,.,~ stoves und Armstrotg, M. P. P. and ,J B.. Dobie. rangee can point to a long and successful 'rher.i are nineteen manied and fiftet1n business caroer, ranging fronr the small single missionaries Jaborin~ on the thirty- ~e~inning. of. ruany years ago to the Io.n g four mie~ions under the care of this Com- , me of bmldmgs .at Brantford b uey with m:ittee. A part of the bus.iness of the l\the o_f mn.chmery an~ t ~10, e~hoes of Committee will be tCI examrne carefully [l !.a~~e ?f men a , ":' ork , ..when, into the circumst11nces of each mi~sion~ K':11 1d compeulion and. b usrness ~ 1valry, and from the a[[lount allotted to the Con- Ins goods not . o uly mamtam their wellference, make a grant to each missionary. ~Hrned . popularity, but produce an ewer The missionary contributions of the!llaud that ·a:xes the maker whole church ai:nount to $223,000, an ad- . t o supply it, it may safely an~ truthfully vance for the year of upwards of $14,000. be as~erted t?at those pro~~ct10n~ ~osseea In the case of each miseion the Commit- superior me.r1ts and qualities. 'Ilus extee will be able to pay 70 per cent 011 the actly d.e scrtbea the stoves, ranges and entire amount aske~ for. It has a hea~y furnace~ man~~ac.tured by that well-known at. J. . 01vest l'ates. day's wo.rk before i t, b11t no doubt will ~aker, 1~~· 'i illiam, Buck, o~ BranL~ord. get through satisfactorily. Th~ e~l11b1t ot Bucks st.aves m t~e. Sto~e On 'fuesde.y evening a. missionarv meet- Building at the Industrial Exposit10n. 1s ing will be held in the church, the .la:cgeot to bl:l seen.· the spttce occupied under the auspices of the Committee, havmg n frontage ol n early 130 feet and when addresses will be given by Revs E. a depth of 12 ~eet~ or a tut.a.I area of oYer A. Stafford, D. D., J. Shaw, D,D., J. F . 1,5?0 feet, which ts covered by the astouGerman, M A., c. E. Mcintyre. and s. 1shmgly large rrnmbet· of 110 stoves and G. Stone, D .D . , and Warring Kenuedy, fiyTe ~urnaldces. d ll t . d f 't th E.·q e o au we - rie avori e, e Radiant Home, tts v, ry name happily · typifyivg one of it~ chief qu .. lii.ies-~hat of ra.diatiug the home in \\-hi.oh i t. is placed The Late Wm . G. McDougall. with its genial glow and warrnth- ia preThe sad intelligence of the unexpected sented with a ne w and haudsome nickelled at BirUc, Mo.n., of M .r. W illiam G. ~lress of the finest artistic d t>ai gn, making McDougall, s;m of Mrs W. McDouga.l l, it more than e ver a t b.rng of t,y and a and brother of Messr :.. John a ud R (Jber ;; , decided orna ment in the h 1ousl:l. his als< > McDougall. of Bowm;rn ville, reached fated "'.ith a larger cl u hie-heater bae" 1 llan here on W'ednesday. T he Birtfo Ob- former1y, wh10h 18 8<> cnnstructed ··~to re· server of the 27th ul t., tlayR: "()11 Tues- move lhl:l a< r from t.1 ,., L· ·t ·Pn t p>1.s1 lt up- ----'4>- - - -day a traveller for Mr. Balf, gmin dealer, ward through t 1" ll ·· t.'~. unt~l i t 1uergoa at of Winnipeg, uarned William CL J.\'foDon- the top hea1ed .. .,d addmg i~: . ~v ·_rmth to 1 gall died h ure fro m typhoid fever. Ho the heat u.f th ... t .. ve.1tsdf.. .I il l~ 1m prov~ was ill when he arrived here. D eceased ment ass1stb th" c1rculat1 ..1. .. r WHrn atr - - - - -!"..Gr.1- - - - was a son of the li\te 'Vm. McDou ~all , all ~ver t he .hou·e: . . mill owuer of B!l.lt11nore Ont. and was 'Ihe Radlant Home ls made HI four We b»g to make known to our numerous customers and friends marrierl to a daughter of the 'late Wm. sizes with d Puble heah1r~. aud in ~um· Burnett, of Cobourg. H e leaves two s1 zos wi th H>1g 01·~ hf'aters, '"'~ tw,, l·I:-os that we have received a new and e-::t ensive stC! of Furs, Hats, Caps, children who :ire with his brothor at with oven, 11 nd 1,as 110 tqual rn boatm g :Huy of fuel. t:>mc·J its iu- (}.: nts' Furnish in gs, etc. Bowmanville. His lift> was insured for power Ot' ecou · $2,000. Dming his il.lness he was kindly troductiou in to 0 ·llada, th1'u.sands h~ve cared for by Mr. W. G. P en tland and been . sold, .and r.he d emand is.~e:irly m family, formerly of Ooh o11rg and acquain- creaemg. which, a.s ~1as been srnl, is Ltu~ t&nCeJI of deceased. Mr. D. W, Cumming best evidence ,,f its wnrth that mod IJe also showed much a:tention to the sick pl'Oduc.:d . man and a skillful nn rse was in couet1rnt The Hapn 'fh,iught Ran ge will also We have commenced repairing Furs and would request all persons atte~dance. " We wer e favored with a1f be familiar to hundreds whose k·tchens wanting repairing done to bring the articles along as soon as possible, intimate acquaintance with the deceased '.I-re thus eq nippt d. 'l 'hey pres·mt ed as later in the stason it will be impossible to give the same atter:tion for some years when he was in the grain m no Jee~ t han .twelve dlfforent st.ylee, . to tbis branr.h. and milling business at Baltimore attd and are tit:td wt th the unobstruc cable knew him to be a goner ous, honorable damper which cen~rols the draught from and much respected citizen. We j oin in the range to. the ch1.mney . . The.y ar.~ the We solicit an early call to examine our goods and prices, a nd sincer est syrupdhy with his agt-!u mother, only ranges lltte~ mth the ganmue Du- bring your furs for repafrs. his sisters and brothe1s in their deep plex: Grate," which ~eparates the ash from afiliction. the fire without dust or waste, enabling you to always have n clear, bright fire, without poking or scraping. It is strong N EADS' B LOCK, Bowmanville. THE PRACTICAL FuRlt IER, AUCTION SALES. ·handsome and d urable, and is also fitted for the most powerful heating . "Water PosTrONED SnE.-S. C. Hunking's cm- Front" made, m.. ny people having their nual Ellie is po8tpon ed until further bath and dining room heated from this, notice. Entries are still open. as well a~ a large suppiy of h ot water for THURSDAY, OcT. 4;.-Fre~erick Lamh, bath and kitchen p urposes . They are lot 21, con. 4 , Darlington, will sell his Eilso adapted to the burnint:; of wood, coal f,.rm stock and implements. S. C. or gas for fuel, are positively guaranteed to t he purchaser to give satisfaction with· H UNKINO, .A.uctionel:lr. MONDAY, Ocr. 8.- Mr. Albert L ott, lot ont prejudice to either the cook. the fuel We beg to announce that we will begin a 24, con. 3., Darlington, will sell his or the chimney, and over 20,000 are now in use in Canada. va[n,.ble f;i.rm stock, impl ements, etc. '.rhe furnace department h as five speciSale at 1 p . m. See po3ters. '3. C. mens of t be Garnet furnace, one of which HUNKnm, Auctioneer. is in ar.tual operation, along with Bigley's TUESDAY, OCT. 9.- Yaluable sale of farm h9t water combination. I ts leading fea· stock, ~tandiug- timber, cord wood, etc. , of DRY GOODS and CLOTHING on belonging to Mr. W. Alswort.h, on lot tures are i ts positively gas· tight, with th& 23, con 3, Dal'lington. S.C. H uNKING, largest radiating surface and perfect comMr. V\r. S. Percy has gone to fill a r esbustion. 1'he Garnet furnace wh erever I N MEMORIAM. Auctioneer . 5th. ponsible position iu Beeton's . jewelry pla.~ed has given undoubted satisfaction 11tore, Tor11nto. W ill is a reliable and Lines on tile Death of William Hutton, T UESDAY, Oc-r. 9- Mr. Samuel Wood, lot Its n ew feat ure of B i gley'~ hot watercomworthy young man and will give his em- Sill vation Soldier, Bownrnn vllic Cori·~· 26, con. 2, Clarke, will sell hie(valuable bination adds to its he ating power of 10,- We want and must have about $10,000 before Dec. !31st, and in order farm of 100 acres, all cleared and in a 000 cubic feet withou t any additional cost to get the money we will sell goodt:i so cheap that customers will see ployer satisfaction . good state of cnlt.ivation, 40 acres of of fuel. The chief ad vantage of thie com- plainl;y the gr~at difference between o::-dmary and extraordin&ry BY MllS . CAPT. R . MUTTON. The Committee of Management for plowing done. This is a capital farm, bination is t he he~ting of rooms at a d is- bargams. We smgle out for the cheapest slaugh ter Dres8 Goods, Silks, W est D lirham Fair will be in the Drill south of Orono I! miles. Only $2.000 tance from each other, g reen-houses, etc. Shed this (Wednesday) evening at 8. p. · Death again our home has entered, to be paid d own, balance to s uit pur- lt is now in operation at the exhibition Flannels, Cottons, Tw(lede, Cloakings, Blankets, Hosiery, and Men's Dear old Father's call has come, m . Pat ties desiring space for ex h ibits chaser. Mr. ' Vood's h igh bred h crses, and is wo1·th the careful inspection of all Furnishings. But Boys' a nd Men's Suits, Pants, and Overcoats will be Jesus saw his work was finished, ,., ill please apply then. c11ottle, sheep and pigs aud ali his farru those who are interested in heating. 11old at any sacrifice. It is an a dmitt ed fact that we ca.n and <lo underAnd he called him quickly h ome. '!'here will be a. big Stock ~aie at Orono, implements will be sold at the samo. sell all competitors. With fresh red uctions now from 15 to 25 per 'l'he exhibit also i ncludes a fine line of on Oct 16th. Horse and cattle buyers Though our h earts are filled with si1utime. See bills for particulars. hall and parlor grates, tailoring stoves, will be present. S end ent.ries to John cent ., the prices must be the lowest ever seen in Bowmanville. ness, Sale at 12 o'clock. JAs. KERR, Aue. cookmg ranges, etc ., while t he re are no l'oster, Bowmnnville ; Robt. Foster, And we miss his clear kind face, i An early call from our old steadfast customers is r espectfully requested, 1 WEDNESDAY, OG'r. 10 - Mr. Isaac Clarke, l ess than twenty-two d ifferent styles of Orono; or D. Bell, Leskard on or before Yet we know in heaven t here's gladbecause that means a call from all their friends as well. Our Great north of Hampton, Darling ton will rnll wood cooking stoves. O ct 3. ness, his valuuulo f,.rm stock,implements,etc. Taken altogether t h e exhibit in i ts en- Cheap Sale of 10 years ago is still remembered. The present sale will And clei~r Ji'ather r ests in peace. Major S . S . Mock, of the 3rd regiment, H . C. H o NXING, auction eer. tirety this year iR t he most attractive, the be far more sweeping and thorough. Glamorgan volun teers, Swansea, South Yes, he's resting sweetly resting, T HURi>DAY, OcT. 11. - Sale of farm stock fines t aud the largest that has ever heen Wa1es, an cl .M r. W . R . Hobb.!, of LonNo mure toil, or, or pain, :w e would respecl;folly request an early settlement of Book tL ccounts. seen at the Toronto Industrial E xhibition. and implements for Mr . E. Adams, lot don, p > iid a. short: visit last week, to their No m ore sadness, no mor e sorrow ; .Mr. Edsall has for the past five years 1, con. 4, East Whitby. S .C.HuNKING, uncle, Mr. S . \V. Sa.nder~ , en t·oid e t o Could we wish him back again 1 sold a great nurnbel' of Buck's stoves and Auctioneer N ew 'York . During the sale due bills will be taken on a basis only. ---, Often we have h eal'd him t elling T HVl\SDAY, OcT. 11.- Mr. S. Holman, their iacreaing pop ularity in this district Lady visitors to our fair this week Of the Saviour's dying love; 40- 3m one mile west of Columbus, will sell his has indnJed him to buy an immense stock Bowma.nville, Oct. 3rd. 1888. will mis!I on e. of the beKt and most at· Of the joy, and peace, and comfort, = ............--------- .. .. . ....==:::!! enti;re herd of Scotch Short Horn cat- for this season's t rade. Before buying a tractive sights if they fail t o call and in · stove of >my kind call to see Mr . Edsall' a 'l'hat he found in servin g Goel. TORE TO LET.- The store now octle. See advt. and posters. spect the r eally superb stock of New TRrnn AND PnovED.- " I h !!.ve u sed large d isplay. ! t will pay you. cupied by Mr. '\'V. H. I ves, on King Street, : THURSDAY, OcT. 11. - Mrs. Geo. PatterDress Goods now showing at Couch, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild S trawberry two doors east ot the P. 0. Possession May Ancl we, too, have heard him saying, 10th. Apply to A. BUCIH.ER, Jeweller, ~ son, lot 6, con. 2, Darlington, will sell for summer complaint, and have proved J ohnston & Cryderman's. H e was not afraid t o die ; JG-tr her farm s tock, implements, t urnips, it, alter a fai r trial, a sure cur e, both in ONE DoLLAii AND Cosrs.- 1'he firm of ' Death for him, had lost its terrors, some furniture, and other articles with my own case an d others of th e family. " · And t he grave its victor y. McClung Bros. was fined one dollar an c l A.KM lN PICKERING F OR SAL!< ~. out reserve, as the farm is sold. T he Laura tta 'W ing , New D undee, Wat erloo costll' for displaying a car load of ch eap - One. of the best farms in Pickering for Oh, how sweet to be a soldier ! stock is wel.l bred and the implements 125 acres, all of which are sale contammg Co., Ont. l;ea. on the pavement in front of thfl H ear t h e Master's glad "well uone"; cleared and i!l high state of cultivation. On m ostly new. Sale at 1 p. m.. See etore. '£he ·information was laid by A TERR.IBLE T EN YEAR.s. - l\llrs. '.l' homas the premises are a. good dwelling house and And the Angel's shouts of triumph, bills. L . A. ToLE, Auctioneer. out buildings and two wells. '!.'his property ·i s eome of the Grocers in the town who are Acres, of Huntly, Ont., suffered all th e situated A s they welcome Fat her h ome. on lot 1: ; , b, r., one mile a.nd a l!ll:l ! afraid that th eir day for selling tea is F RIDAY, Om'. 12.- Mr. Thos. Ward, one tort u res of Ii ver complaint for t en from Pickering village, half a mile from Grand safe at h ome forever, N ow he 's mile west of Solina, will sell his thoro' over. Four bottles of B. B. B. entirely cured 'l'runk Station. three miles from Pickering Harbt>r, and six miles from Whitby. For 'ralks witl1 J esus face t o face, bred Clydesdale horses, S hort-Horn We have mad e arran gements that will her, m aking her like a new woman again, further particulars apply to JAMES P ICK4,llD Meets, and g reets Salvation soldiern, cattJ.,, some sheep, brood sow, wagon , enable UB to give more attention e.nd after odrnr med icines had failed to relieve on the premises, or Pickering, P. O. 20- tl'. In that holy, happy place. sleighs, farm implements, etc. Sale at time t o watch repa.fring, etc., we have her. 1 p. m. See large posters, This is b&d such a r egular aud con tinned increase Comrades, we have hacl a. warning , ARM FOR SALE.- 130 acres, com .:____ ~ ------~ ·--... .. - - -- .. -.... -.. -- --- ~..::!' ..!'!! the best stock sale that .vill be possibly in our repi.iring d epartment that we find Of how quickly death doth come ; posed of south part of Lot No. 19, Broken held in this district this s eason. EveryFront, an d is three miles from the Town "o t this necessary. We will do your work In a moment when we think not : The Bowmanville Agricultural & Bowman ville. 'l 'hia is one of the best forml}·in body wishing to impr ove their stock right without overchaJ."ge. J. J. Mason, L et us k eep the armor ori. the county of Durham. It is la a high state'of Carriage W orks Company should attend. I t is like ly the fa.rm cultivation and is well fenced On the preDry Goods and J ewellry House. K eep on fighting , k eep on trusting, rulses there is a stone dwelling, two large (Limited). will be sold at t he same time and place. ADDRESS ABOU'.C F uRs.- A special rebarns and other out.buildings, with stQJi.o '!'hough sometimes the way seems S. C. HUNKING, .Auctioneer. stabling for cattle and horses, "hroe wells and quest is made this week by M . Mayer, dark · four cisterns, also wind·mill for puoopipg TUESDAY, Oc:r. 16. ·- 'rhe farm stock, AKE NOTICE th'at the G eneral water. our practical furrier, that ladies and genFor further particulars apply on tbo 'Ve have Je~us for our Pilot. implements, etc., of the Simpson Estate Annual Meeting ,,f the Stockholders of premises or ir hv letter to HENRY MANN, B11wtlemen ha ving fur 1:oods wanting r epairs H e will safely g uide our barr1uc. the Bow10anvill6 Agricultural and Carriage mn.n\'ille. 31- tf will be sold. Particulars lat er. S . C. or making over to bring t hem as early as · Works Company (limited), will be held on T hen when we the fight have ended, H unking, .Auctioneer. Saturday, 13th day of October, 1888, at the h. o ur - - - - - -···--- - -·- - - possible, when they will receive the best .And h ave laid the weapons down, of eleven o'clock. in the forenoon, at the ollice AUCTION S ALE of the entire herd of T UE SDAY, OcT. 16.- The sale of the stock, attention. Mr. 1\tlayer would aho direct of the company, rn the Tc;iwn of Howmo.nvllle. [ Scotch Shorthorn cattle the property of'. We'll m eet Father by the river, implement s. goods and chattels belong· attention of readers of the S :rasESM.L ~ to to elect directors for said company and for S.HIUEL HOLMAN, lot 17, 7th con .. East Whit~y And we, too, will have a crown. ing to the Estate of the late Hon. John genera.I busmess. 'rh!s herd consists of ~o females of which i i hi11 extensive etock of n ew fur goods, hate, Dated the 1st do.y of: October,, A. D., 1888, are daL'K red heifers, i young bulls. For the Simpson will be sold without rese1·ve caps, and gents' furnishings- all the new last 15 years Mr. Holman has used nothi~ 'hut ,wn,LIAM CJilAWFOHI) The Difficulty Experienced. on the premises, 1! miles east of Bowstyles and prices to snit all pockets. A D. BURK SIMPSON,, PrceLdent of the Co. I Mr. Di·yden's stock bulls. all of which 'Wero Solicitor !or the Company. 40- 2w bred by Mr· .Amos Cruiekahauk, Abordee&· manville. P articulars in large posters. call solicited. In taking Cod Liver Oil is entii-ely overshire, Scotland, The principal sires used on S i.le at 1 p. m. S . C. H UNKING, Aue· Many young c hildren become posi tively come in bcott's Emulsion of Cod L iver the herd have been Roya! Barmpton (15503) . t ioneer. ltlOJU1 HEN to sell our I Lord UlallliB(48192), Vensgarth (17192), Victor r epulsive with sore eyes, sore ears, and Oil and Bypophosphites. I t is as palatThis powaer never varrne. A marve l o! "' ruit and Ornmneutut Roya.! (U299), 'l 'his ae.lo affords one of beat acald b ead. S uch afllictions m~ y b e able us M i lk, and the most valuable rem· WEDNESDA v , OcT. 24.- Mr. Albert.Arnot, purity, strength and wholesomeness. More l!ltoeli:, We can give you opportunities for purchasing good breeding lot 24, con. 8, Darlington, will 11ell hie economical than the ordinary Kinds, and can epeedily removed by the ueo of Ayer's edy that has ever been produced for the a good paying situa.tion lit once. Ad· etoclt. As the farm ls sold there will bo no dress for tP.rms, reserve. Sale to r.ommence 10 a. m., 'rhuraday valuable farm etock, i mplements, etc. not be sold in competition with the multltndc Sanapar illa. Young and old alike ex:· cure of Consumption, Scrofula and Wastlow test, short weight, alum or phosphate ll, JC. BICBABDSON &«;o.. Oct. 11th, 1888. Ca.tll.lognea on applica.tioa. Sa.le at l p. m. See bills. S . C. HUN- of p erience the wonderful benefits of this ing Diseases. Do not fail to try it. P ut , Nurserymen, G~nevn, N. Y; LEVl ]j' AI R IJANK S, SAMUEL HOLMAN. powders : Sold onl;rln cans. ROYAL BAK· 1 NG POWDER CO,, 101 Wall St.. N· Y. 40- Gw 38·!w· Auclio11eer. Columbus P, 0, KING, Auctione·e r. medicine. :l: up in 50c. and $1 11ize. --o-- The Methodist Church Missionary Committee of the Toronto ConfereJ1Ce. WINTER'S COMING. _..__ _ _ __,,I_ -W-ESELL Combs, Brushes, Needles, Purses, Silver Ware and Fancy Goods ALL PAPER w GREAT BARGAINS. -8..GEN""TS FOR British American Dyeing Co'y, who have several GOLD MEDALS for Cleaning andDyeingGents' Clothing and Ladies Dress Goods. Prices given for all kinds of work. PICTURES FRAMED VARIETY HALL. J. Hp KENNER, I I · ~THE IDWMANVIL(L 1E~- Local and Otherwise. Bat and For Store. F ALL AND WINTER GOODS. REPA IB,IN G FURS. M~ .M AYER, A Word to ou1'> Friends · and the Public. ---o--- FRID..A..-Y:J OCTOBER ELLISON & CO. S F F T Absolutely Pure. -----------------1 I WANTED

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