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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1888, p. 5

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, Call on H. C. TAIT for Photographs, School Books, Fancy Goods, Picture Frames, &c., Bowmanville. ' YOU CAN HAVE ·LYMAN·, S QN s& co., The clearing e11le will last the season, Ellison & Co. Sergt. A. Hobbs won three prizes on A , Delicious, Nourishing Soup in fowls at the Industrial. a moment by using Mrs. Wade, Stratford, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. L. Munson. Mr . N . N. <.Jole, bas removed from Brandon to Winnipeg, Man. Bread in Toronto is 14 cents over the counter and 15 centa delivered. Ladies, get your Hats re·shapecl in j latest styles at Mra. Morrison's. The front of the West Ead Hons11 has been repainted and looks better. Farmers, if you want to bny or sell stock patronize the Orono Stock sale. Mr. Fred Higginbotham is winning renown as a lacrosse player in 'Vinnipeg· A correBpondent ~ays t:ho Oahawa pi>a factory i~ in foll blast, many hands being employed. 'Ve mean business and want the store crowded with customers from morning THE BES'l' FOR BEEF '£EA. till night. Ellison & Co. THE ONLY EXTRACT OF BEEF Messrs. D. Morrison, .T. Wallis and F. suitable for making JULIEN and other Rattenbury a~aisted the Trenton Band at CLEAR SOUPS. Ottawa last week. A FINE RICH FLAVO RED SOUP Mr. John Young, of Minesing, Ont., can be made IN A MOMENT by adding has been visiting his brother, Dr. H., Young our popular Veterinary, boiling water. I FLlJID BEEF! Mr. W. A. Neadshas greatly enlivened _ the appearance of his house by a coat of paint qn the exterior woodwork. SOLE AGENTS FOR CANADA. Mr. M. M. Fenwick, Principal of the - - - - - -- - - --- -·-- ··· ··· ········- High School, is moviug into the house v11.cated by Mr~ Millar on Scugog--st. Subscriptions taken for all Canadian and American newspapers and magazii;ies at lowest rates at the STATES)IAN office. . Mr. David Fisher ha!! built a new stable and driving-shed on the sight of ' the building burned at the time of the Alma fire. Mr. F. J. Brown, one of Hamilton's best watchmakns has taken the place of Pickle Spices, Mr. P<HCY in .T. J. Manon's .Jewellery Esta.blishwsnt, Catsup Bottles, AS oN . SE --o- FRUIT Corks, Sealing Wax, Sticky Fly Paper, Poison Fly Paper, S . TOTT &JURY'S INSECT DESTROYER1 {This :2'estroyer kills every fly in a room in half an hour.) _ \· - The summer is over. Thoughtful pao· pie look ahead to ma.he themselves com· 1 fortable. '£his can bf\ d one by calling at its renditwn required 2;r hours, InstruMcC!ung Bros , the leading Dry Goods were given by Misses Armo ur, McLaughlin, and B each, and Messrs. N. B.- -If you hwe Dever tried House, Bowmanville. Gilbert and Gliddrn. Solos were sung -0ur spices give them a trial and It is likely Bowmanviile curlers will be by Mieses A. McGill, and Edith Allen, 'compare them with what you get attached to Group No. 1, this winter in and Messrs. Murdoff and Keachio; duets the tankard competion, which comprises by Mrs. R. Barrett a nd Mr, W. Smith, at other stores. the .clubs of Brockville, Ogdensburg, Port and Messrs. Harry Knight and Cha.s. f i\: · -Hope, Cobourg and Belleville. Mu rd off, and a q uartett e by Mrs. Barrett, Eti~UR.dintt ~lltUl).lU¥Ui.. Farmers having auction sales will find Miss Wright and Messrs. J. Kea.chie and -· , , - ~it to their ad vantage to order their sale W. McCullough. The recita.ti·m s by Miss -B~~~~;;.;·~~~~·: Oc;.· 3~"188.8. bill11 at this office and get a free notice in Graham, of Outario L"dios College, were THE STATESMAN which · nearly every splendidly rendered but the selections farmer in West Durham reads. were not as apropriata as they might A gentleman in Oshawa. beats the potiJ,· have been. The annual matches of the to record . Mr. Fred Warren comes for· Rifle Association take place ou their ward with an Early Rose potato weigh- range hera on Oct. 11th. Sweeping reductions for cagh. ing 3 pounds, 8 ounces. The potato Tt is extremely interesting to visit some Ellison & Co. was grown on the lot north of the War- of the leading manufacturing houses in ·Our prime object is to sell quickly. rec tannery ahd is a magnificent speci· Toronto. Perhaps the most interesting Ellison & Co. men. and surprising of them all the exten·Cloakings and mantles must be sold. Out' former successful young towns- sive Ornamental Stained Glass and DecorEllison & Co. man, Mr. C. R McCullo.:igh, and a Mr. ative Wl"nks of t htJ McCausland & Son. Ladies should prnctice horse-back rid- F. Spencer, both of Belleville Business It is from t his establiihment that t!.e iing more. lt, is heaHhful. College, have b<Jeu appointed Principals finest 1Vind0\I s h ave come for the prmciWools and Fancy Goode in great of Hamilton Business College. Charles is pal edifices throu~hout our country. 'Variety at Mrs. Morrlson'e. aiming high and succeeding well in h is (Oont-i.iwed on editorial paye.) Kid Gloves-every pair guaranteed. ambitions. ---------- - - - - -- ---When visitiog our Fair, gentfaman in BIRTHS. :See J. J. M e.son's advertisement. . need of a new t:lnit or Overcoat are in-1 CoNwAY.-In Oshawa, on tho 19th iost.. the· FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. vited to call and examine t.h 'J gr eat dis- wire or J ames Conway, of a uon. · ROBT. VIRTUE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf.. p l ay o f ne~ CI otl o. TORRENS.ln Oshawa, on the 20th inst., the · lS I!- t C oucl1, J 0 h ns t on <->o wife of S. Torrens, of a Our t:leariug sale begins Oct. 5th. Cr:y:derma~ s. . The cut and. mak.e-up of 1 BECKETT.- In East Whitby. on the 21st inst., Great bargains will be given. Ellison & their clothmg 15 unequalled m this par t the wife of l'homaa Beckett, o! a son. -Oo. of the country. GAnnow,- In Oshawa on the 22od inst., the J KO. M c CLUNG.- S ummoned t,o appea1 wife of Robt. Garrow of a. daughter. GOO D Boys Drn Youirn unless they are 'fed on victuals made with Imperial Cream before Geo. Haines, Esq., police magis· MARRIED. ·rartar Baking Powder. :t trate, for obstructing the s idewalk with a Toll!s- DONEY'.-At the residence of Johnson Beatty, Esq., '!'own ship of Hope, on Sept. 18th, · Mrs. J.E. Clarke, daughter o( Mrs. Car load of Tea. We will get Pquare by tht> Rev. J . B. Clarkson, M. A· Wm, Toms, Manning, Grand Oentral, arrived in Bow- with the G·rocers who laid the informl\- Jr.,or Cobon ·g, t" Margaret Adelaide! Doney m anville fr.:im Ocean Side, Southern tion by selling this tea Rt prices which ("Addie·')of Port Hope. McPIIERSON-BING HAM,- At the residence l.Jalifornia last week. Mrs. Clarke gives will paralize them. M cCLUNG B Ros . ot the bride's uncle. Thomas Bingham, Esq., , a very intelligent accoun t of the country. The proceeds of the social on Monday, Bowmanvillt , on the 19th Sep~t., by Rev. R . .U. M. A., Mr. John l\foPhcrson, of ::Vfa.r· 50,000 B USHELS BARLEY WANTED. - last week at Uncle Jonathan Stephens' ll'raser, shalltown, Iowa, to Etta. A. , second daughter John McDougall wrmta 50,000 bushels were abo\lt $55, which shows that the at~f-~_u_~~~·t..Ii:~-~-~::i.n. _ E f q . ,~'.'.2':'.1~.'.::_ __ _ ·barley delivered at Port Darlington fo r tendance was very large as ustrnl . A re· DIEI>. which the highest n;, ··ket price will be markably interesting program was ren· :Paid. Ofilt><i at McD,rngall & Metciilf's. dered and an all-round happy t ime was Su·rHRRJ,AND - InCobourg,on Monday morn· 37-4w. spent. Trinity church buildin g funcl Ing, Sept. 2lth, J ohn Sutherland, Jr., :<ged 31 h years. A correspondent writing from Colum- . g>)ts t 6 money. SnOR'l'. - At Thorvton·s Corners, :!<last Whitbus about the ,Methodi3t ffarvest Festival E XTRAORDINARY CHANCE.- Ry a glance by, Sept, 21Bt, James Short. aged 61. says Rev. S. Salton, of Euniakillen, in :it ot.1r . new advertisin.g this week th.e old Ellen M:ALON.ltY,At Cedar Dale, Sep~. 22nd, :\h·s. Maloney, aged Ml years. 'h is usual good 1.1<1tur.ed style, iutarested f am11iar uame of E ll 1son & Co. , WI 11 b e DuRK,- At h er lo.te :residcnco, ScuRog St., ·the p eople with his good jokes makini;( the seen at the bottom of an announcement Bowmanvil!o, on September, 30th. 1888, Lucia ·wh ole entertainment pleaeant and profit- that should interest every one of our Grover, widow of tbe late .John Burk . The d· f 20 ·1 funeral w ilt lenve her 111.te residence. Scugog "ti · able. read ers Wl un a ra ms 0 mi es. street. on Wednesday, October 3rd, at 3 o'clock Anou '.C S:r.ovEs.- No stoYe has e'"er When Mr. Ellison says h.~rgaius he p . m., for th o Cemeterstaken such a hold on the pnblici as the means BARGAINS. J ust call to ue1) if HensEY.- Jn Bowmam'ille, on the :Wth Sep· ·e stor e· .,,,re tlle' he don't. tember, 1888, Alfred E. M. Horsey, tl11rd eldest · ~ · son ot W. M. Horsey.'ctged 21 years. 3 months, Theo Art Garland. originals of their class, and cannot be DINNER F Am DA\'. . -'l'he \V . C. 1'. U. 19 days. aurpassed in durability, successful oper - will serve a hot dinner in the corner l'IIcDoucAJ,r,- At Birtle, Man., on Sept. 25th, ation and heating qualities. Fire-P ot store, Ilounsall's Block 011 Friday nex t, tind \Villiam G. McDougall, formerly of B<Lltimore Cobourg, son of the late William l\fo. ·can be taken out through fron t mica Oct. 5, from 12 o'clock. The ladies a r e llougall, in his 51st year. doors. pl.\u is very large. For sale preparing a good dinner with tea and Wm'rR -At Mnple Gore. Bowma.nville. on by L.G. Quick, Bowman ville. See fuller coffee and will be thankful for t he pat- Oct . 2nd. Edward White, aged 83 years. Fun· . T" k 2 era! on 'l'hursday at 3 p. rn. description in another colnmn. ronage of t 1 1e pu bl · ic. tc · et s 5 cents. - - - BOWMANVILLE MARKETS . Meals will be served at all hours during GREAT SALE OF SnonT H o1rns .- We the afternoon and evening. .direct the attention of farmers to the exTHE B UILDING Co::;-TRACT specifies that Correcte<l by .J. i'lleUov.rtry, 1wcry 1'ucstlay, t11·.,sj e stock sa.le of Mr. S. Holman, Lot J 1th Con. of East 'Vhitby. ou Thurs· the new school building is to be completed FLOUR, ~ 100 lbs . ·.. ·. .. . $2 75 to $3 00 The contract with <., , October 11th, 1688, wh en, b esides a l)y Aug. 1st, 1889. WHEAT, Fall , ~ bush .... . l 00 11 l 05 large stock of horses, cattle, and imple- Mr. R . Worth calls for all carpenter's " Spring, 11 · · · · · 1 00 11 l 05 ments, the whole of his fine h erd of S hor ~ work and mat erial, slating and material, IlAnLEY, ~bush, No. 1. ..· 0 70 11 0 00 horn Cattle will be sold at a uction, without galvanized iron and tin work, painting II II ll 2,. . . 0 65 ll 0 Q(} reserve, a.o; Mr. Holman has sold his and glazing, at total cost of $6, 945 ; and II II II 3 .. " 0 (i0 II 0 00 with 'W m. Westlake, all excavations, farm. " ..· ' · · . . · · 0 GO II 0 G5 R YE, ltAREY, the great horse tnmer, says he masonry and material, plastering and ma- 0 A.TS 1 II · · , , , ·· , , 0 00 11 0 30 terial, bricklaying and material, at the has known au angry word raise the pulse PEAS, BlaCJkeye, 'Ii" bush ... 0 G5 11 0 70 total cost of $8 960 ; He'l.ting and ventil·of a horse ton boa.ta in a minute ; and we 11 Small, 1 1 0 ()0 11 0 00 have known 9,()ckle's Anti-bilious Pills r e· ation alteady contracted for $2066- total u Blue, 0 60 1 1 0 70 contracts for the building $17,971. lieve a slnggid°1}ness of L iver, Indigestion, 1 0 20 B UTTER, best table, W lb. . . 0 18 1 Sick Headache, Bile and Heartburn in a.n CoNSTil'.A.TION is nearly always induced E GGS, ~doz ......··... . . 0 15 11 0 00 lncredulouall' short space of .time. Try by ne6lecting to keep the bowels r egular, POTATOES, ~ bush . . . . . . · · 0 25 II 0 00 them, you will find t.hem effective and and is also a frequent sequel to dyspepsia PoJ:tK, 'lJI' cwt., ··. ...· ··· 6 00 11 6 50 absolutely free from deleterious ingredi or indigestion. Regulate the stomach HAY, W ton . . . . . . , . . · .. .. H 00 11 15 00 and bowels by using Burc ock Blood Biten ts. 1 VW'l'ORIA CA.Imouc SALVE i.uwontler· !llllBlJlUl'S AROMATIC QUININE WL~E t ers, which is certain to promptly relieve t 1 th t f f"ul ltealiu:::; com1>onntl for c uts . wouuds, forttttes sysiem ng111ust uuack s orasrm·. and ~It" 11~1a e y cure e wors cases o lirul bnrIL~, scal·h,boU 8, 1>llc~. plm11Ies. 8 t:hms, bJllon s fevcr,tl111\1b n::u e mill Ulm .tc. const1pat1on. tro11hle8. All the above at lowest prices at STOTT & JURY'S. Messrs. M. liflrn, J. Fogg, A. Tait and J. Archibald, W. Dustan and G. Wright, took several good prizes at the Indus· tria.l, on poultry. Mrs. · w. Sandm·cock won the first prize, a handsome French gilt timepiece with a shade and stand, value $15, for beat lady driver at the Industrial. M:r. J . H. IL Jmy has erected a stable and driving house and is otherwise improving the property recently purchased from Mrs. Spear on Temperance-st., Hev. "\V!llter Ayers attended the har· vest home festival of M etcalf-st. church , Oshawa, last week alld received cordial greeting. The fetival was a decided success. a.:> Decided bargains in Overo11ats. c;,.';) E!li~on & Co. ::J c:1 Bowmanville Fair, Oct. 4.\h and 5t.h. :::c: Foster will offer four brood mares at ""'c:::2 Orono Stock sale, Oct. 16th. ~ ..c:: Merchant~ do the largest business who 00 advertise in Ta:E STATES:l!AN. co -S:2 Mrs. Morrison's 11tock of Full Millinery .--t ca ~ .... is now complete. Call and inspect.. c;,.';) 1....1...1 I Mrs. Jamea Ferris, of Cedar D ale, is 0 visiting friends in Western Ootario. ~ · c ;:) Mr. W. W. Tamblyn's family still re- ,-f ca:> ""'t:::I side here. Good dwellings are scarce in c::::::> Whitby. Ladies German Made Ulsters and a=> Short Jackets elegantly cut an·d very ..c:: stylish-now showing nt Couch, Johnston & Crydermans. Several fine suits aent out last week at J. J. Mason's W. Peardon, the No. 1 Cutter can't be beat. If you want a new snit call there. Mr. W. Mutton. wl10 died suddenly two weeks aeo, had an insurance on his life for $1200 in the Csnadian Mutual Aid Association. FARMERS. - ! have some new steel-frame two-furrow plows that you should see. .All kinds of plow points kept in stock. c. ROGERS, Bowmanville. DRESSMAKING.-Misses Kerr and Keith have succeeded Mrs. Cockburn as Dress and Mantle makers. Shop over Ma.n· ning's Hardware &tore, Horsey'a Block. 38-!iw. Mrs. Youmans, President of the Dominion Women's Christian Temperance U nion, is stopping at tho residence of ·Dr. McCully, Toronto, and is dangerously ill. BEFORE COI.J") WEA'l'HER --J<J:umine your Fnrs, ladies, and. see what they re· quire in the way of cleaning, dyeiu[(, ropairing or re· modelling and take them to M. Mayer, the pr(lctical furrier. The concert g iven by the Rifle Asso· ciatfon last Weclneeday night W:t.R a goouin.i succes~ in all respec1a. The sti1i;e was nicely armnged. A large target · wi th th .. hnll's ~ye dotted with 16 rncd~ls aud 13 badges a"d 4 <; th"r prizes won by the members hrnging m closti ·proximity and other emblem~ ,,fa military character formed an appropriate back ground over which hung two rifles with the Uniun Jack in rhe muzzle of omi and· the stars and strips in 1hat of the ..ther. A mass' ive floral hor&eshoe was s uspend ed over Sl the foo t-lights and several pots of flowers and plants and haudsome bouqnets atlonH d the front · f the stage. Col. Cnbitt., the v~11brabl11 president, waa c.b airman and introduced the program by a C1lpital speech on t he merits and vietories of t he members of the society. The pwgram contained 18 uumb.irs and as more than h alf of them were enor 1red, so excelle·itly were they rendered, t hat cO · II.I ..J ..J WEST END HOUSE Farmers' Emporium. ---t I == -- :!: ~ 0 > z < 0 ~ ~ m >~ ==rcc c::::::> .__ m JOHN MCMURTRY. ----o,---- < r Z I CD c;';) == ...... l'"'T'"1 c.-'> r:::::r s:::i.> c;;C'D ::::rs::i.... r -~ Highest price for Produce. Grain bought. 111 ::c: c:::» C'-" C'D ' .-· c::: The right place to buy everything in Dry Goods, Groceries, Glassware, Crockery, Flour & The only firm handling <4...~ Feed~ DRY GOODS (i\) GROCERIES COMBINED. . . Farmers find it most convenient to buy at th. e WEST END HQ USE. '1\!hy? lst---Because the w. E. H. buys in open market and COD sequently can buy to tl1e best advantage. 2nd ---Because being undeI"' v ery i·ttl th e y ~l 9 expense - 0 can a.w.ord to sell OD s·rnalleI" profit. ' l.l ~ 3rd---Our customers a,re gilt edge, no bad debts,, everybody pays forwhat they · get and are not Charged With long P -ro:fitS. . .._.. 4th --- B ecause the W ; Lii · b oun d t 0 d 0 a b" .r!J. H . IS ig b u ne SS tb i· s f:all a d . . t 11 th b ' ' n 18 going 0 use a e a ove ment1"oned advantages to .P:avor the1"r customers. J.i Bth---B 0CaUSe YOU Can get better goods _ f Qr leSS h ] h money t an e .S8W ere. CASHMERES, black and coJorP.d. All-wool plain DRESS GOODS in all shades. Costume Cloth, Meltons, Mantle Cloths, Corsets. FLANNELS, all kinds, grey and colored, in all wool. Fancy Shirting in union and all wool. Fancy Skirting, Pl11shes, Hosiery, Gloves, Tabling, Hemp Carpet, Cottonades. Ticking, Yarns, all kinds. Tweed Suiting and Panting. iIJ=SUITS GOT UP ON SHQR,T NOTICE.dJJ Underclothing, large variety. Top Shirts, wool and union. White Dress ShirtB, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, "Wool Gloves. Socks-- Merino, Cashmere and "Wool. Blankets---All W"ool in wl1ite and grey. Everything new and selected with great care You · are especially invited t o call and i1~spect for yourself, we w] 11 conside r it a pleasure to show you t ·h rough. Sets. General Groceries, BEST Q .UALITV Dinner Combination Sets, Sugars, Coffees, Tea Sets, Spices, Biscuits, Toilet Sets~ Raisins~ I Currants, Glass Sets, Hyson, Congou, Soaps, in great v ariety Canned Goods, Lamp Goods, Sonchong, Japan, Pickles, Sauces, Hanging and Assam, CUN POWDER, &c., &c. Hand Lamps. COAL OIL, Everything guarPekoe, Tea Dust, best Water White anteed first quality and Canadian. 1 and fresh. IN- aJJ.e Local and Otherwise. · I We 1nean what we say and say what we m.ean. Co!Jle ~nd inspect before buying your Fall and Winter supply and be conVi~ced. I JOHN MgMURTRY, West End House, B 0-WMANVILLE: cs,

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