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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1888, p. 6

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· timG since with lhfa method of treat· f GOOD RULES FOR USING BOOKS. ing milk, fer t he pu· 1 ;ose of detf'rmining i the effectiveness of f,ile method. He fou nd' Never hold a book near the fire. IS PUBLISHED T ake Care of the Skin. I that the odo_r of tur?lps, onions, and other Never turn leaves with the thumb. El'ERY WEDNESDAY MORNING . . . \ strong smelltng veg1 l1tbles, w:as wholly re-BYWe should remember that the skm JS not moved from the milk by ae re.t10n, after the Never lean to reot upon an open book. ~:mly"-a covering f.;r the bod y, but a most ; cows from whom the 1 11ilk 'Yaa obtained had Never turn down the corners of leave&. I important depuratmg surface as well; that ; been fed on turnipi or onwns for several N h b · · AT 'l'HE OJ!'EICE is, i c serve~ ... very important pan; in the 1 d<iys previous. ever touc a ook with damp or soiled g ' · . . work of carrying out at the body certain 1 ___ hands, · . . .Post Office Blot1l· , Kin:t Street, Bffwnum· vtllc, Ont ario. impurities of a very poisonous character. r , Alw ays keep your place with a. t hin book When the ~kin ceases t o ac~, serious sympA :New Source of Typhoid Fever. mark. FA RlU ~RS' E 1 "1I·ORIU 1'1. .T :El ,;R :rv.r S : 1 I : Some ti:me:p ··· go three children in a cler~yAlways place a large book upon a table ~ J, 1 J. 1 1 ' J ··. "I $ 1 i f paltl In adnm ..e. t)ms soon mdke th~ir o.ppea.~ance.. Exptli:i· 0 me~ t, have b~en. made wit!'., 1 !n JIH1n'R familyfwer~ t aken sick with typhoid 1 before opening it. r, r , r 1 strictly in advance required r,.oro wlnch t.h<i varmahmg of th e ek1n resulted m fever. Aj sb'ort time before the family cat Al t 1 f 0 th ·h D G d G llecribera outside or the county. Order~ t o f.l death in a few h?urs. _If fnqu, e nt ·h ad been1 sic.k for a numb~r of days, and . the :iJdsle :~nfo::fi:\/ m " top Wlt 00 J1<ior.tiI1ul' ihe paper mu~t be accompanied b:r p cod;iciD_ 1 g ·. in.mount due,ol'the pape wil no' be stopped. b_athmg 10 neglected, espec1a.lly Ill s~m~er- w11s carefully'. nursed by the children. The touch a. b?uk with a damp cloth , ' ibP,,·tbere reeponsibleunti run payment.I@ time, v.;hen. ": large amount of p~1sono~s symptoms of the disease resembled those of 'Mle' matte_ r JS ehmrnat~d ~hro_ugh the sk m, this t yphoid fever. The attending physician be- , nor with a sponge Ill any form. . . . very important ehmmat1ve organ b~co~es lieved t his to be the cause of t he disease in Never rub dust from books, but brush it Highest price paid for all kind s of produce. All kinds of i:rrain bou aht. B ATES OF .&D~E:RTf!IJNG r .i; 6 5 , or r~ther, so c~vered over: w1t.h im- the children, as no other source was known. off with a soft, dry cloth or dusttir. ., -Whole Column one year ...... ....... 1160 ooll:;::i=:;;; clo·.g~d ·· " Half year...... ... . . . 36 oo · ~ "' purmes th1\t i ts work 1s neceAearily mter·l u One quarter ····.· ,. , 20 oO ~ ..... lered with. A daily, or at least a tri week. N~ver pull a book trom a. shelf by the 11&'1t Column one year ........ .... ... 36 00 - - l y-, bath will be found to add much to the About £xpenditu:te. brndmg au the top, but by the back. b " Ha.lf year ·.....··.··. ·. 20 00 .Having heard so man:y: exp1:essi~ns of regret at my intentiou of comfort, as well as to the cleanliness and Tb e following remarks by Mrs, Dinah Never place anot her book or anythi '" " On e quarter ... ··.···· 12 001·· ··g gou:~g out of the Dry Goods busmesa- 1t being so convenient for those t rading with h Ith f th 0 Gu~cr Co\;iILn one yes.r ... . ....... 2~ ~C ea e person. M 1 k C elee upon the of an open book. The akiu a.!so brea.thes. A dirty skin .u oc 'raik are so 11ppropriate and so very me Ill m y Gr~cery Department- I have been induced to con t inue the samA, feelin" Hal! year .......... . h. ""I Always open a large book from the mid- that by ca1:ry1ng a FIRST CLASS stock of. STAHE Day GOODS-goods that everybody " " One quarter. .. ... .. 8 00 1 6 neceesarily breathes bad air, and uuques- much needed b} a very large number: of · 2'enltncs sndunder,ftr ·t ln~ertion. $0 5?C t ionably absorbs back into the system im- though tless men and women who have no die, and never from the ends or cover · needs and m fact most have - and selllmg them at very CLOSE PKICE S, I can give my Each subsequen ·Insertion..... . 0 23 puri ties which are allowed to accumulate more about expendit ure than the buds, To a.void injurbg the leaves of books never ma_rry ol~ customers, and any ne w ones that may fai·or me wit h t heir trade every »ram six to ten lines, ftrstinsertion 0 75r1··· upon it. If it is not possible to take a full t hat we give them in full :put a pencil mark in a library book, satisfact10n. ' Each subsequent insertion.... .. 0 35"Very few men have the t ime or the pa.Dver t ..n lin es,ftrstinsertlon;perlilie 0 10-HI bi!.th , or a. of soap a.nd water, the next Bach 11ubsequent Insertion " 0 031 best thing to do'is i;o use a wet towel. Wit h tience to a shilling go as far a.s it Never olcse a hook with a. pencil pad of Being in a position to buy where I please, I am enabled to buy in a little ammonia. added to the water from can ; but.women; especially a woman paper or anything else between t he leaves. The number or lines to be reckoned bYithe very best markets and at .the lowest possib le prices, and 1 feel cou fi dent th~t th e Ule ev,.ce occnpied,,meaeured bya scale of! ·which t!<ie towel is wrung, a. very r efreshing whoseonethoughtis tosave her husband from Never open a book farther tha.n to bring purc~ases I ~ave m ade for this Fall and Winter trade c1nnot be excelled either in olld Nonpareil, · bath may be obtained with a ba.lf-1int of having burdens g reater tha.n he can bear; to both sides of the cover into the same plane, quality or pr ice. water and two towels. '.l'he use of a flesh- help him by t hat quiet carefulness in money Always keep any neatly bound borrowed ~ -- ···-I find Dry G_oods cheaper than ever this fall, and intend givinO' my Dl!S, Jlel.A.I JGHUN .& BEITH, brush and exposure of the body to the air, ma.tters ~hich a.lonfe ~ives an mind a.nd boo~s covered with pa.per while in your poscustomers the entire benefit. r; though not the equivalants of a. good bath, area.1 enJoyment o life ; to ta. E' cue of t he sessw , , 011'11\U)E :- Monms' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. · J 1 fk · pennies-in shor t, t ha.t he mav have the n. are certam y excel ent means o eepmg the pounds free for all his lawful need· and Never attempt to dry a book accidentally Dr.J.W.:McLAUGHUN, Dr. A. BElt'H, Gradu akin in health. . b fi licentiate of the Hoyal ate ot the Toronto lawful pleasures, too. we+. Y a. re, but wipe off the moisture with C<Jlle11:e ot Phy siciens h · l Surely there can be no sharper pang to a " a soft, dry cloth. 38. imd member or the Un1vers1ty,l' .ys10an Dme;s for Sleeplessness. WEST END HOUSE. loving wife t han to aeeher husband stag-gerN ever write upon paper laid upon the · l'101al College of Sur- Burgeon, &c. aeoaa, Edinburgh. ~ Probably the majority of people. are not iDg under t he weight of family life, worked leaves of an open book, as the pencil or pen aware that sleep pr oduced by medicines is by almost to death in order to "dodge the point will either scratch or cut the book D:& · .J. C, MJTCHEI.J., wolf at the door," Joyless in tho present, le.aves. EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS no means a substitute for natnral sleep. 'Ve are glad to fiud the following paragraphs t e!rified at the future; a:id yet ~ll this Never hold a. small book with the th.imb .and Surgeons, Ontt1.rlo, Coroner, eta. from the eminent physiciaL, Dr. Hutchinson, might have been averted if the wife ha.d pressed into the binding at the lower back Dllloe and Residence, Enni11killen. 74. in a recent number of a. oopular journal :- only known the value and use of money and but hold it with the thumb and lit tle finge; " I have recently met with several cases been able to keep what her husband earned, upon the leaves and three fingers upon the W, I!, CIB:MJ STO.N . L, J,, B. Barrist er, Solicitor, Conveyal'.lcer, &c. Money of insomnia due t o over-ta.xation of the "to cut her coat according to her cloth, " b!lck. and have been r e- for any income is ". limi~ed." 1::1nless '{.ou can to loan, Ojllce, In l:Je~ ver Block upstairs in nervous system, Never cut the leaves of a book or magarooms formerly eccupied by Dr. Harnden, quested to preeoribe some drug that Ehould teach yourself to live w1thm it, to wruite zine with a. sharp knife as the edge ia sure llow;inanville. 3!l be effective to produce sleep, and be, at the no.t,". and therefore to "wa~t not." But to run into the print: ;or with t he finger, same time, harmless. this JS not always the womans fa.ult. Men bu t w ith a pa.per cutter or ordinary table DR. E. C. JleDeWELL. ' " No such drug exists I There is not one inbist bli1:1ctly on astyle of living which their knife. ICJ!NTIATE OFROYALCOLLEGE medicine capable of quieting to sleep volun- means will not allow; and many a wife has or PlJ!eicians. Lonuon. hng.;Member 01 tary life that has been working ten hours at been oruclly blamed for living at a r ate' of Uolle~e oI I-b 3 ·sicians u i a Sui geons. Ontario. Sanitary Reform. SUll.GliRY .A:llD Jll!BlDl!NcE:- 11.ear of Messr" high pres·ure, exc~ pt ic be more or le8a poi- expenditur e unwarranted by her husband's Jligginbothe.Jll'S Drug !Store, Bowmanv>lle, Mr. Edwin Cbadwiok, t.110 veteran Hersonou·. Consumpt ion c,f cblor<>I, bromid ~ in means, and which his pecuniary condition ---- o-~ 6- l;rr.· , ome form, or qm1m, has in,,reasecJ in thi8 made absolutely di·honest had she known it. cules of sanitary r eform, lately told the story country to an iJ,credihle EXterJt ; it is stili But she d id not know it. he being too care- of the ou tcome and gener&l result of the D. Bl!RKE SIMPSON, vardly to tell; and she had not labou:cs of himself and his fellow-workers in ~ro wing, and i~ large number d Americans less or too co1 ARRIBTE'Et, SOLICITOR, &;o. MOPRI;c go to bed every night more or lcsa under the the sense to inquire or find out. the gr eat undertaking of sauitat.ion to which BLOCK, up st11ol:rs, King Street. Bowma·.· influ ence of P'>ison, Sleep t hus obtained is Every mistress of a household, e~pecially j' they have consecrated their lives and e. Solioltortor the Ontario Bank not restful nor z·eatorative, and nature stern- Herv mother, ought to know what the energies. The trinmphs achieved have been l'rh11te M11·evs loaned at the lowest rates. ly exacts he r peno.ltice for violated law more fomil v income is and where it comes from, simply muvellous, and t l:ie hopes cheri~hed and thereby prevent all needless extrava- of yet greater successes are very sanguine. sever e in these C"Res t han in most oth~rs. .lelut llLeUh Galbraith, " Digesti"n 1u fft;rs first; one is rarely hun· gance. Half the miserable or diagrac9ful Wull applied sanitary science will, Mr. D.A.~RJSTER , SOLJCITOR, NOTARY gry for breakfast, and loss of morning appe- bankrnptciea never would happen ii the Cha.lwick pred icts. pI"Gvent "slaughters _.,PUBLIC, &;o. Otll.l.llil- Bounsall's Bloc.I' ·it.e is a certain eig-n of ill health. ln<'rea.a. wivee ha,d the sense and courage to stand greater t hau any iofiicted in modern warr t'hlg Street, Bowma.nv!lle. ~!?!~nd. ing ner vousnebs fZ!lows, unt il days become firm and lneie.t on k nowing enough a.bout greater than any inflicted on France up t~ WJJ.J.JAJII WIGH'I'. burdens, 1wd pe>isoned nights are the only the family ine(lme to expend it proportion· Sedan ; greater than was sustained by Gerately, to restrain, a.s every wife should, a many in their infliction, greater even nha.n ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the ""mfort~ble pitrrs o~ lif~~-'.' too lavish hu..b'l.nd , or, fai! in tha.t, to was 2usta.ined by the United States in their Count1 of Durham. Orders l eft at th1 ---"'-=" deny herself all lu x ur ies which she cannot terrible civil war. " Sanitation, Mr. Chad. SU.7Ji:llM.AN oftice or forwarded to Tyrone P.O . I Old (' ' C f D' ·llll recehre tirompt attention. 28:6m JOlllS a auae o isease. righteously afford. Abcive all, to bring up wick claims, saved 50,000 lives in Britain ~ '~-~·~ ··· =· ·=-=~~ Notwithstanding the fact that money is her children in t ender carefulness that re- during the last visitation of cholera, beyond S. C. Di!NKING, frequently a. very necessary aid to the re- fus~s to mulcb " the governor" out of one the rate of loss in Sweden where t hesamepreunneoeasary halfpenny, or to wll.ste the cautions were not taken. In St. Petersburg JCENSED AUCTIONEER FOR covery of health, it sometimes .becomes a lt\W!\l;)" hc;i W<>rlrn ~o hr\! for Ui thci.r thought- had the same precautions been ta.ken 20,000 the County of Durham. Sales attended serious canst. of disease. Generally however, les~ lilJ-.usement, . ao en sbort<est notice and lowest rates. Address this is when the money is misapplied. This 1 lives WO\l l<l l:i! be~11 naved, Nor fo it the The remo.rkll about wives beine made ac· iaot that pestilence keeps down the popula00011 nc~ P. O. 36:tf is particularly true of coins. How common it is to see a. p erson who is engaged in ma.k- quainted with a.ll their husband's incomes tion. On the contrary at such times the Pianos Tuned and Repaired. · ing change, hold one or more ooin.s in hfo is specially good. Many a husband blames birth r ate is higher but the children are mouth while his hi!.nds are emp!Oyed in the wife for extr avagance a.nd yet he has weakly and diseased. The healthier a.nd in nevez r eally told her wha.t his income is and more comfor table t he people, the lower the ARTIES WISHING :rHKIR PI ANOS hunting up the desired fraction I ' When how for she mav go wit h safety in t he birth-rate. A well-to-do people, in which · Tuned pr I"epa1ren ounnavethem a ttended one stops to consid er the Epecia.lopportuoities to br leaving word .a.t the DOMINION ORGAl' which coins h ave io> collecting disease ger ms, way of expenditure. If wiv"s were. only the death rate is low i· likely to be a. P. S.-We can supply you with anything in the Drug hne. Co's OirncE, Bowmanvllle A f!rst·olae ma·· %e impropriety of this practice is !H once t.rusted more, there would be less misery. thou~htful, self-respectinll' people and they uow being in their emplo-r . ... - · · illllm will be able to adjust th e increase of their app&rent, Th~re l.s no doub t that various families to the means E:Xistin g for their for m5 of ~kin di~caee, to aay nothing of nuch Crude 011 as Fuel. ma.inta.inance. Population, on the other serious maladi~e a.s scarlet and other con1 I n view of the iniquity of the N ew York hand, that aro reckless and miserabl e fa\gious disease!, u,re often communicated in this way ; 1;1nd the o~tegtJry of ai:d Philadelphia millionaires who own whether from pestilence or famine increase which ma.y be thlls contract ed dt>~~ bot ex- the Pennsylva.uia coal mines, and who pile greatly in numbers. Mr. Chadwick, of cluJe P.ome of the !tltJst intractable and loath- on prices of anthracite beyond all r eason- I course, does not say that a high birth ra.te some to which human flesh is heir. Experi- a.ble bounds, the fsct that '.lrud e petroleum is never a proof of social prosperity, A enced btJ.nk-tellers never put money in their is being delivered by the pipe line to good harvest or prosperous trade will no1 . - - .M.ANUF.A.CTU RER O F - mouths, nor moisten the fingers with the Chicago gives some hope of ultimate r elief. mally and healthily the number of The query hear comes in, why may not births and at the same time lower the death tongue ; they always keep a moist sponge t his be an opening wedge to break the b!lck rat'J. But a.t the same time, as a rule, the at hand for this purpose, n the W est of the anthracite barons 1 Why small number of deaths rather than the KING STREET, BOWM.A.NVILL may not inventive talent de\'ise some means large number of births is the true sign of Flaa now on ha.nd a number ot veh iole6 (and Is manuf&otur inH &great many more) cl the no burning crude petroleum in ho11sehold, national well· being. of Dangers of Tea.-Drinking. pe.tterne and best finish, which I am offering for sale a t tho lowest prices consistent every-day use ? It must be absolutely safe -·- - -with due regard to workmanship and quality. The t ollowing 111 a list ot Dr. Black, an English surgeon, has been and free from oder to be effective. Stranger I-/. R N Di!.N , L. 0. t!.!,.. investigating the principal vehicles manufactured by me The Bishop's False T eeth. the ill effects cf tea-drinking things than this have happened. Graduato orthe Royal College ct Dental Double Cover ed Carrtages .. . . .. ...... . .... ..... .. . .. ......................... $150 Upwatd1 with reierence to the teeth. He states tha.t The U niou Steel Company of Chicag-o, Many a good story has been told about the BmgeonB, Ont ario. 11 the U BI': of tea occasions inflammation· of the hav for some time been burning $1, 500,000 consternation and dismay produced by the Single Phret ons. ········ ······· ············· ·····"········· ····················· 100 ' 0 FICE OPP,OSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. teeth.sacs, which fina.llv remits in ab~cess of gallons of petroleum a month. I t is.led ·. sound of t he Scottish bagpi pee on t he uninOpen Buggy.................. ..... .......... ............... . ....... .. .. . . ... .... 10 il ~OLD F'ILLlN G A SPEClALTY the root , causiog the teeth to ache, and final- from supply tanks into the fire grates, 'I itia.ted ears, They ar e to have put to T op Buggy ... ...... . ........ .. .. . .. ... .... . .. .. ............ ........ . .... .... .. . . .. 90 11 11 ly destroying the teeth . Thie physician where disintegrated by a strong j et of steam, flight foeg for whom a bayonet charge would D en1ocrat W a.gon. .. . .· ·. ·. . . .. . ·. . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . ··· .·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·. ·. . · 66 AltTIFI OIAL T EETH INSERTED WITHOUT writes as follows : it burm under the boilers with a strong, no terror s. But the story told by Lu1nbcr Wagons ........ ... ...........·· .·...·.....·. .... ······· ~· ......... .. .... 56 u PLATES. " Some year~ since, when on duty at re· stee.dy, dry heat, superior to that gener ated Biahcp Taylor in Ashbury church one even11 Light Wagon.. ............... ...................... ....... . . ................ ..... 40 areat Reductions in price on all Dental Wark. Vite.Uzee: Air, constantly in use vro· cruiting stations in the north of 1£og ia.nd, I by soft coal. Why cannot ib be used in t he ing about the t>ffect hfa moveable teeth proExpress Wagon.......... .. .... ... ................ .. ........................... .. 75 " iucing Pt.inlees Operations. Particular atten took observation on the gre:.t amount of dis- place of anthracite? W e believe it will yet duced among the blacks in Africa seems to Skeleton .............. .................... ........ . .... . .................. . , . . . . · . · 60 11 lilon paid to the iegulation ot Children's Teetb. ease and lo~s of the teeth existing a.mong the be accomplished and fortunate will ib be for cast all the other yarns of t his kind into the , . .ALL WORK WARRANTED.~. class of men offering themselves. It a.lune consumers when the day arrives, shade. Somehow hi.a blaok bret hren ~ame became a cause of the rej ection of great numWhy should it not be cheaply made into to know that the good Bishop had false teeth, Pcsseseing ouperlor facilities for manufacturing oa.rrlages, I Intend to sell very cheap tor o -. Branch office. Dr. Rubherford's Orono. bers.. Aa far as my inq uiries w.ent, I was led or approved credit, &nd by so doing I hope to greatly increase m1 number of sales, Would fuel gas, and thus solve the problem of and one of them gently and trem ulously sell the wood parts only, or the gearin1u1 of bn1tirle11 ironed, to trace it to t he t xc&sive tea· drinking in- cheap heat for the housewife ? It is reported broke the subject to him in conversation one dul,ged in by the working· oh.sees in the manu- so made in Philadelphia, a.t a price of ten day . Not wishing to be suspected of witchfacturing towns, and this went on all through cents p er 1,000 feet. era.ft, the bishop told t he children of t he tbe day , whether with food or not. In fa.ct, Trusts are conspiracies against the people. sunny south that in big America. where he .At t h e Shortest Notice, Painted a n d. Trimmed If Desired. instead of five o'clock t ea. J:leing the invention They should be trodden out on by the law- came from, when a rna.n lost a. leg he could of the upper-classes, it was found to exis t to will be, when the people wake up to the go and get a new one And when his At the F actory I a.lso do Planing, Mr.tohlng, Turning and. Sawing with Clrole, Band ·r Ser Bawa and prep&re all kinds ot lumbe.r ror carpenters nd others for building purposee. an injurious extent in the working classes fact that t hey are really t he law making fell off he coula buy a fresh supply, Orna.mentaland Plain Piokeh for tenoee In every style required, made to order. long before that time." power, and that the servants wh om they and so with t he teeth, when t hey dropped send to Congress a.nd to their legislatures, out or were pulled they could be replaced, Vee;eta.ble Diet. will do their bidding if t hey must. Send " T hen," said the bishop, " I drew out my Dr. R utgers, of England, has been making only honest men to make our laws and the beautiful, white, olcan porcelain set, a.nd when they sa.w t hat, you ought to have seen a series of dietetic experiments in which he thing ia done, WITH TEB'rD. those da.rkies run and scream a.nd gesticulate compared the effects of a mixed diet, consistOne woman declared she had seen the wonWil.Iking: From .Edinburl?'h to L ondon. ing of meats, milk, butter, white bread, biader of the world and was now content to die cuits, potatoeY, rice, sugar, oranges, t ea., and Mr. Ross Fraser, who, accompanied by a PllA.CTJCA.L DENTIST, wine to a vegetable diet con!iating of the collie dog, started from Ed inburgh on August in peace." 0\'llB TWJ:NTY YB.A.RS BXPll:RlENOll, same articles with the omission of meat, and 15 to walk to London in eight days, an a ver fritz. irou~OxldeGa 11Adm1Dlstered for l'atnle· the addition of Leibig's Extract of Meat age of abou t 50 miles per day, arrived in (which contains no albumen), izray and ,green London evening about eight o'clock. Operatto:as. Among the anecdotes told of the late Purify the Blood, correct a.11 Disorders of the peas, a.nd small w hite beans. He reported as '!'he pedestrian was aw11.ited by a large con- Emperor of Germany the following is inter111CCJ.1f1Hl'& BLOC5.. 81'1'1CJ!l the result, that he found 'a vegetable course of people at Shoreditoh church 1md esting, as showing how friendly w ere his f,IVER, STOlllA.CU, KIDNEY~ A.ND BOWEJ.. ~. diet wholly capable of maintaining ~he heartily greeted. The route na.ken was from relations with his troops. After the batstrength of the body, and t hat vegetable Edinbugh via Berwick, Newcaetle, Newark, tl es of W eisaenburg and Worth had been They invigorate and restore to h ealth Debilitated Constitutions, an albumen was equivalent, weil(ht fo1· weight, Darlington, Northa.llerton, Boroughbridge, foupht and won, the AI"my of the South was are Invaluable ljl all Oomplalnte Incidental t o Females of all .Ages, Fo1 to animal albumen. Such experiments are Grantham, Stamford, Huntingdon, Royston, quartered one soft 1mmmer evening round a Childre u fr.nd the a ged they are priceleu. interesting, but at t his age of the world, are Ware, and Edmonton. Mr. F raser seemed little village in the Voeges. The Crown not really necessary, a.s the question of t he somewhat footsore on his arrival, but the Prinnc wa.s sauntering along, pipe in hand, OI NTMENT ~ capability of vegetable food to su stain life dog appeared in no w ay the worse for the a barn occupied by a p ..rty of Wurtemeven in its hig hest vigor, was settled so loug journey. The walk has not been a.ccom· berg troop9 Hearing something like stump- Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Ba.d Breasts, Old Wounds Sor ago as the time of Pythagoras, who, with plished in t he time originally laid aown, as ora.tory going on, the Pl'ince opened the 11.:ad Ulc ers. It ls famouB for Gout e.nd ·Rhoumatism, F or disorders of t i- a hi8 followers, was a radical vegetarian. In- Mr. Fraser's feet g11ve way owing t.o the un- door and lr,oked in. Every one rose. "Oh, -Cheet it has no eq u al. deed, we may say t his question was experi- euita.bility of his be>ots for t he task he ha.d sit down ; I'm sorry to disturb you I I dar e mentally settled by Adam and his imcnedi ta.ken upon himself. After a r est on t his say there's room for me to do the same, For Sore 1'ht·oa.ts, B1·on chitis, Coughs, Colds, ate decendants, who proved that long and side of Berwick he r eeumed his walk and " said th e Prince. " P rll.y who wa~ ma.king ' vigorous life may be maintained upon a diet finished the journey in excellent health.- a speeoh ? " All eyes were turned upon a Gl.q,ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no riva l ; ~ "' .:... contracte d and stiff join ts it acts llk e a charm. ·i_ from which animal food is excluded. serjeant, whose very intelligent countenance London T·imes. however looked sorely p uzzled when the 6.fter ependlng much time and money, I am iow prepared to fill all orders promptly. I TheAeration of Milk. ()omma.nder-in-Chief further asked, "And Manufactured only at T HOMAS HoLLOWAY's Establishment, ;ave a fine assortment of WAYES, BANGS, The Phonograph and Type-setting, h t t lk" " Q · k E x pert dairymen have ; long known that w a were you a m g about ? u1c ly SWITCHES, COMBS and PINS very cheap. 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD STREET), LONDON oheese and butter much improved by A compositor on T he N ew York World r ecovering his presence of mind, t he serj eant :SA.NGS FRO]),(!; $2 'UPdictation of confessed, " Well, of course we 've r~ ~alkv · And ar e 11old a t b. l td., 2a. 9d., 4a. 6d. , 111., 22s., and 33a. each Box or Pot, .Jld Switches colored and made to look like the aeration of milk, and that the cream se t Up 2000 emB from t he new. Highest price paid for long cut hair. k eeps very much longer when thus treated, Ediso~'s new Two small t ubes ing of our victories, and I was just ex plainmay be ha.d from all Medicine Vendors t hroughout the World, a.s the result of which a larger proportion of were fitted t~ his ears and connected by a. ing to t heee young men how, four a.go, .-r1urcllaHr· hould look at the f.ab e l 9n the Pota · ·nd 8exe1. HAIR TONIC cream is obtained. The milk may be a.erat- large tube w1tb a phonogra~h. The latter if we had had you to lead us, we should have l · 533. Uxt11rd tUr'1et. L·t1ado11, they a r e ·1nul11n· . Warranted to prevent the hair !r9m falling ed by simply pouriug it from one vessel to was run by a small electric motor, 8:nd short work of those confounded P rus<>Ut and wi!J make it growr another through a. strainer which will al· ~egula.ted by a pedal attachment by which sians ! " The P rince roared with laughter, « I have also a ':tine lot of new Stampinc low the milk to fall in fine streams, (repeat- Jr coul~ b,e started and stopped a.t the and continu ed chatting with the party till 1 Patterns. All orders proll\ptly attended to. !'. , ing this operation several times. "Two of a Kind: A Frank Criticism. : c1 .mpo.e1tor s .plea.sure. :rhe phon~grapf far into the night. Buyer - How much are these trouser s, Mr. "What do you think of my p 'leP'\ in the A better method is to drive from tha w0uld ta.Hr off a sentence ~nto the print er s ·· - · - ____ Solomons ? Neads' Block, Bowmanvllle. milk, by means of a pressure blower, the : a~d then be ~t?pfed ti~! he h ad put the He ~ho believes is str~ng_. He who Gazette, Wilkins ?" M r. S. -Vell, mein freund, v e ar e yust " It was a remarkable piece of work. One currents of air, which, in bubbling u p 1 words m typ.e. T.h1s ts obvmu~ly one of t he doubts lB_weak. Strong convictions precede - (fh'e fa.ig;~-t market for the purc!¥'-se a.nd through the vessel centaining the milk J many ways m wh10.h t he _nmchme may make great a.ct1on. s. The man strongly p ossessed thing about it I thought was particularly givin' dose pants avay. B uy er (effueively)- Thanks- t hanks I I 'll 2ale of mules is St. Louis, where tlie.. trade carry away both heo,t and animal odors: i itself her~a.~t~r a. highly important factor of of a.~ idea is t he ~aster of all who are_. un- wonderful." t ake this pair. " W h at was that ?" r eaches $6, 000,000 a. year. A t lanta ·comes w hich are present in t he milk as it comes modern CJvibza.tion. 1 certam and wavenng. (Exit rapidly wit h t rousers.) " Th~t the Ga~ette ever published it." .llex t wit h a trade of $2,000,000. t ram ' the cow. A dairyman experimented ·--.. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M1 A.JAMES, HEALTH. ' ·r some 888. j w Es T ry s, Fall and Winter Announce1nent ·. . 1888, I E N D Ho u s .E r· I I I 1 roceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour an d Fe·ect. = I. I Q l JOHN McMUitTRY, M L J. HIGGINBOTHA &SON" ' Chemists and Druggists. PROPRIETORS OF ~ I A full assortment of Drugs and Medicines always on hand, also Toilet Soaps, Sponges, Perfumery Cosmetiques, &c. ' L I L Binge's Syrup of Horehound, for Coughs, Colds, &c. Nasal Cream, for Cold in the Head. Dr. Woulff's Remedy, for Cholera, Diarrhma, &c. CORN"" CU-RE_ Our Corn Cure:is the most popular preparation . · the market. Try it. P J;>ENTIS,T RY HA INES CARRIAGE "WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, P roprietor, OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &C . I Sulky............................................................................... 40 " DENTIST RY ~ Al} Kinds of Vehicles Repaired r. M. BRillACOllBE, - HEALTH !rOR A ILLT THE PILLS Fine Hair Goods. LADIES, TH. It Patronize H om e TRADE. ! l\11·s . A. DAVIS, I I Ohildre· n Ory for Pitcher's Caatoria~

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