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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1888, p. 7

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~auadiau ~' .. ~-- s~~~wsw·l:iOll:'~_~?.!?7".!!!:'!!!!!!!!_"W!~~~~~~~:!'!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!!!!~!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I in a. bottle frow hie populous homn in the ! ".A reliable Watch is of more valiw to a ) · wood-shed. In a. large w&sh-bowl or pa.n sinner than a Bible or an Ei·angelist." of water an inverted goblet was pla.ced, -Exchange Jtatt$tttttu. "' S HOUSEHOLD. I WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3, 1888. wife was a dism!>.l failure, and nearly every o! the goblet, but quickly withdrew when . · ·· . _ :\.e a ·s a -n.t LITTLE f~male. acquaintance wh_o ha.a e!ltered _the his feet touched the water. Then he threw u-v£,a;.\'19 LIVER l hstsfa.Ilawhenthe oruo1al test is applied. out da.inty threads, one after a.n<'ther, .. 6 p ILL Of COUT86 I pra.ise the pie-it needs it-but until at last one waa spun long enough to THE .TEW ELLER, one pl ateful alwa.ya answers. I need not catch the outer rim of the dish and form a 1 BEWARE OF L'llU.'P.A!l'IONS. ALWAYS I to be advised when to quit, as my dear old bridge on which he made speedy transit I ASK FOB DB. PLEBCE'S PELLETS, OB grandmother used to ,. do. I_ t was her pot to the land of freedom. The whole of a LITTLE SV'GA:R-COATED PILLS. -pies that were so juicy and deliciously long morning was happily spent in watchfor and ' B eing entirely vegetable, they ?P- fl ~voured that. she must needs stand by to ing the of the puzzled spider, e. ' ·1w1£h(!ut disturbance to the.system, u1e~, . save me. It 1s all nonsense tl1a. . t "I have Rivals were, of course, brought upon the We carry a full line of Gold, Silver and ' "CMtol'laiBso:wella.d&pt.ed to children thai Cnsto:rla C111'C8 Colic, Colllltlpe.tlon, 01 3upat1on. Put up m glass vials, hermet1- lost zest food." .J know better. kle, Hunt1"ng ca )- scalod. .Always fresh and rellable. As . my -' · for h · s_ cene,_and s ver_y lively_interest wae aroused Nic_ .. a11d Open-face Watches [recommend it &asuperiortoanyprescription Bour Stomach, Diarrhooa, Eructation, a JaxativeL alterative, or purgative, 1 have ined pot pies made by my mot er s in their respective me1·1ts. . which we are se.lling very cheap, so cheap lclowutome." . a .A. A.Jwmm, M.D., Kills '1'~~· gives Bleep, and promof.ea .U. 1 these little rellere give the lllOBt perfect I dtsers. I have even gone to the C~takill I do not know why so few. children are ' in fact that no one need be without a ru So. 03tord &. Brookl,yn, N. Y. wd:.c mjurious Jncdicatio:o. ht t 0 d th0 d snt1sfact1on. . Mour.tains in the Sta.te of New · York in t 1 "th h " search of the lost secret-for_· there in r~?ar wo~ era ·n e .ea- good reliable timell:eeper . W e can supply vens above. T he baby s earliest attent10n you wi"th tliem t II ·. f th TUB CENTAUR COMPA."<Y, ':"~ l\{u rray Street, N'. Y. . pa1 "d t o t' h ese l 1 "ttl e l" . t h rom h ess 0 ount y was my darling gx-anl - Is D uc· ' 1ghtI\ ah1nmg a.gains t " W t ab a ,, prices, t $9. 75 t he ,_ _ _......,...,.. mother born. Now I know it was neither an azure background. Teach him the c eape 3 _a er ury, a ~. , o t e " ~ ' ..,. ! ' . · ' ~· I ' ' ' ' · ,, ' . . "' " I Bil ions Hcadnclte, prej udice nor my boyish appetite; for I could names of the simpler constellations, and ' most expe_nsive Gold ones_ made. We Dizzlnes!I, Consti1·a· t k a f u11 IIlle o f those tiou, Indigestion, not endure her bak e d pork and b eans. showhimwheretolookforthemeaoh .night. jh ave a I 10 lU soc Billions Attacks, nnd nil No the art is lost, unless I can conjure The Great Dippet·, Taurus, Orion with his · cel~brate:l " Rockford " Watches, for FOR SALE BY J, HIGGINBOTH.AM & SON, BOWMA.NVILLE, derangements of the atomit from memory a.a I wa.s too heedless and, glitter . ing belt, Cassiiopea's Chair, and many which we are the sole a 0 D"ents for the ach and bowels, are prompt· oth~r familiar const<illa.tious may be traced district. We have also complete - d own in a b ook · B il.u Jyrelievedandpermanently ahift 1 ess to set it lines of cured by the use of Drt?e le~aon has me more careful easily. _ _ ., 'Valtham, Columbus, Illinois and ~i::;i:~~tfo~e~fs~:C'rrm'!i~fat~~e~o~l~~!:~ mice taao day. But let me go back in When the children plead 1or a story, rn- Swiss makes. all of which we guaran tee Pellets over so great a variety of diseases, it memory and describe her method. It was stes,d of improba.ble fairy tale· or nursery to give good satisfaction may truthflllly be said that their action upon my pe.rt to catch the chicken, !>.nd I be- jingles, tell t hem of some of the sGirring · the system is universal. not a gland or tissue came expert in my part 11s time went on. events of our own na.tion's history, of the escaping their sanativo influen ce. Sold by I selected one or two young malA fowls, clasaic stories of earlier times, and you may .. druggists, 25 csnts a vial. Manufactured at the I Chemical L1tbor1tt01:y of Wom,n's DISPENSARY accordiug to t he nu :nber yvho . were ~o find, as I clid, that .Annie's big F tench doll L. I MEDICAJ, ASSOCIATION, Dufl'alo, N. Y. the tteat. After eoaldrng, plucking and i nnd Angu$'s stout sailor boy are used one . dressing the fowls she washed them several day to represent. the Queen of Sheba and ou~ Silverware and Jewelry D epart timea, after cutting t hem up she left them King Solomon, or Isabella and Columbus, ment it is our aim and pride to keep . in s11.l t n.nd water, allowing them to remain or the whole doll family hold the Pass of always the nicest and newest i;:oods to be in it a half hour or so; about one h our be- Thermopyf::e against an unnumbered imagin had and we can fornish you (our variety fore the meal. was to be served she _put th~m ary host of the Persians. Charlotte Bronte is unlimited) with anything in these lines is otrered by the manufacturat the l owest possible prices . ers of Dr. Sage·s Catal:"rh over the fire ma deep kettle covermg, wuh and her brothers and sisters, shut out from · Hornedy, for n case of sufficient cold W<\ter to allow for eva.porat- all the dear delights of children's toys in , Chronic Nruial Catarrh which · ir~g during the hour. Thia waa allowe~ to their quiet p:-.raonage home, were t hus a.ccus come slowly to a boil and not hurried. tomed to enact ecenes of historical interest l2.,· ... ""' they cannot cure. · SYlUPTO'nlS 01" CA'.l.'AltUH.-Dull Mell.ntime a rich pastry or crust was made in the dreary nureery, and found the keen· hectvy hectdache, obstruction of the n1tsal wi th w ur crea.m, and a little sod:i., rolled est pleasure in so doing. We :i.lwaya have on hand a nice variet y of Begs to inform ths inhabit ancs of Bowmanville and surrounding passages, discharges falling _from the head A company of little girls who had visited new designs in Walnut, one and eight into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, out into thin sheets and cut into squaresTownships .that he has opened out business in the old sband, formerly and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, not perft ctly square, you know, but square the children's ward in the city hospital de- day, weight and sprin~ Clocks, together occupied Ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, on e door east of Standard Bank, and purulent, bloody and putrid ; t ho eyes are enough, · When ready, and a.bout fifteen or voted their spare hours for ma.ny weeks to weak, watery, and inflamed; there is ringing twenty minutes before dinner was to . be contriving amusements for the little suffer with a large assortment of Nickel times willfa1 all times keep in stock all goods usually k ept in a first-class in the e1\rs, deafness, hacking or coughing to and alarms. clear the throat, expectoration of offensive served, she removed the chicken from the era. From old fashion books, gathered from Hardware Store, coni:.isting of matter, together with scabs from ulcers ; the broth or liquor, then thickened this liquor home and from obliging dre$S-makers, they voice ls ctianged and has a nasal twang; the with flour and plenty of melted butLer cut quantities of elegantly dressed, smiling· breath Is otrensive; smell and taste are lm- seasoned with salt and pepper re:duced to a. faced la.dies a.nd children, the preference p1tired; there is a sensation of dizziness, with mental depression, a hacking cough and gen- thin batter by stirring in to the broth, of being given to those in colors. A good- lt is a mistaken idea tha t many people eral debility. Only a few of the above-named which there was plenty to cover the whole, natured merchant supplied them with empty symptoms are likely to be present in any one as she returned the chickrn and sq ua.res of paste-board boxes, and in each of these they J:iave that they should put off wearing case. Thousands of cases annually, without manifesting half of the above symptoms, re- crust in alternate layers, topping off a.s she packed a pa.per family of convenient size, SQectacles es long as possible b ecause by sult in consumption, and end in the grave. began with a. layer of crust, for I always and carried them to the small bedsides to so doing they often do permanent injury No disease is so common more deceptive and hung around and cooj ured her to puh in brighten the hours of pain a.nd loneliness. to their eyesight_ Good Spectacles, corI shall also keeo a well assorted st ock of tho best mai;.ufact urers' dangerous\ or Jess understood by physicians. By its mild, soothing, and healing pl'operties, "lots d crust." That was a long. quarter S ome little friends, hearing of this small rectly fitted, Ct\Il never inJure your eyes, Dr. Sage's Catarrh ltemcdy cures the worst of an hour, always, from .the t ime she cha.rity, and imita.ting a famous singer who but on the contrary are always beneficial. cases or Catarrh," cold in tile Jtead," covered- it with a tin until ser ved in a. large inj;erests herself in chililren's, pre- If your gla>aes do not suit you or if you <Joryza, and <Jatarrltal Headacllc. platter, ba.p tizad in the delicious gra.vy. pared l arge pastebo!l.rds covered with c:olor- have never worn them and fine your eyeStove Pipes, Mic!l.s, &c. Sold by druggists everywhere; 50 cents. Perhaps this is not a sufficient guide to pro- ed muslin, and having sewed two of theee sight failing we can supply y ou with a "U1Uold Agony troJU Catarrh." duce as vood a pot pie a.s she made-and toget her, "over and over," they pasted on suiroble pair at any price you wish from The n1anutaclure and putting up oC E:n'e Troughs Prof. W. HAUSNER, the famous mesmerist, she never failed-but try it, and ~ee. Her each surface all the choice cards and pretty will receive l!!pecial attention. 25 cts. to $12. of Ithaca, N. Y., w1ites : "Some ten years 1tgo success wae equalled when she tried lamb, pictures :i.ud designs which they ha.d been I suffered untold agony from chronic nasal catarrh. My family physician gave me up as veal or pigeons. The secret is in the cmst collectiog for months, and many a sick child's incurable, anu said I must die. My case was and the j uiciness and plentifulness of the heart was gla.ddened by tne bright page. such a bad one, that evei·y day towards sun- gravy.- fBreadmakers Cooking L essons. May's ca.rd wa.s filled with pictures of ca.ts set, my voice would become so hoarse I could and kittens of all eha.pes and degrees of barely speak above a whisper. In the morning bea.uty. my coughing m1u clearing of my throat would We are always p repared to do any kind almost strangle mo. Dy the use of Dr. Sage's Amusement for the Children. of 'Vatch or Jewelry repairing neatly a t Catarrh Remedy, in three months, I was a well .Puddings. When the little maid longs for something man, and the cure bas been permanent." moderate cost. · Bowmanville, April 2nd, 1888. to do, and clingl to your skir ts, crying for l3lueberry Pudding.-One cup of milk, two "Constantly Hawking and Spitting." you to come and play with her, take her out even cups of flour, one egg, a heaping teaTHOMAS J. RUSHING, E s q., zooz Plue Sweet, into the kitchen or dining-room, if duty c!>.lls spoonful of butter, half a tea.spoonful of salt, St. Lauis. Mo., writes: "I was a great sutrerer 38. The Jeweller. from ccttarrh for t hree years. At times I could thither, !>.nd after she ha.R watched the pro- a teaspoonful of cream of tartar, and a ha.If a cess of stoning or stemming raisins for a few llarclly breathe. and wa.a constantly hawking teaspo<:>nful of soda, or two teaspoonfuls of and spitting, and for the last eight monLhs minutes, see if she will net wish to help. baking powder. Stir in a pint of bluebercould not breathe through the nostrils. I Her rosy little fingers wm separate stems ries, ta.king not to break them. Pour thought nothing could be done for mo. Luckily, I was advised to try Dr. Sage's Catarrh a.nd atones very deftly, and if ahe he allowed into a bu vtered pudding . dish and stea.m Remedy, and I am now a well man. I believe to p11t aside every tenth raisin fo(her own, three quarters of an hour, Serve with any it to be the only imro r emedy for catarrh now the work will have an interest. Her quick sauce preferred. Black-berries may be used manufactured, M!d'--One has only to give it a fair tri>1.l to experience astounding i·esulUi and eyes will soonca.tch the trickof la.ying,the table instead of blueberries. nicely and even when very little, ·~nd per11 pen· . n ent cure." · Rice Pudding.-Wash a. coffee-cupful of haps somwhat in the way, she will learn to rice and l et it soak in cold wa.ter an hour. ~nree Bottles cure Catarrh. put knives and forks at the correct angles, Drain and spread the rice on a s1rong cloth ELI RODDINS, Run114n P. o.. Oolumbta Co., Pa., says : ":My daughter had ootro-rh when place butter-diehee,, pepper, and na.p- or napkin, in a round perhaps a.s la,.gc as a. kins in their proper position, and see that she was five years old1 very badly. I saw Dr. dinner plate. P eel, q·ia.rter a.nd core six or Sage's Cntnrrh Remeay advertised, and pro- nothing is omitted. You will be surprised eight large tart apples anil pile in the center cured a bottle for her, and soon saw tllat it to see wha.t satisfaction the little one will helped her; a third bottle effected a. perma- take in such occupation if you of it an of therice ;ga.ther up the olothand tie ra.ther nent cure. Slle is now eighteen years old and closely, ae a very little rMm is suffi·}ieut a.musement. A good Bridget will not ob· to allow the rice to swell. Put into ,. kettle sound and hearty... ject to the little girl's company no ironing of cold water, ea.lted, (a. ta.blespoon even full day when high piles of na.pkms, handkerof salt is enongh for four quarts of wa.ter,) A dellghtful Toilet Article. Not a face paint chiefs, and stockings are to be hung up for heat powder u " does not cover over. but gradually a.nd boil a.n hour, Serve with . or cures; Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts ruu BA:l. in oonn,.ction with a.n airing, a.nd afterward carried to their braided, egg, or cream sauce. Pond Lil 1y Silver Pelle ta and places in closet or mending basket. Pond Lilly Skin 8oa.p. Berry Pudding.- Use a crust the over one month. If left entirely to herself, the child is apt Effectual and Positively Hemove~ all to weary of any employment. Little May as ha.king powder biscuit. One qua.rt Most Pimples. F1·cckles, T,.n, Black Specks, of flour is sufficient for a large pudding. Roll finds greab delight in supplying matche11 l:llotohes a.nd all Roughneas from the large enough to line a three pint b"sin or face, hands. neck and arm&, leaving and pins to the household. She makes re- it pudding pan. Batter the pan and put the them beautifully white and gular journeys over the house, finds out velvety, crust in, letting it come well up to the top empty match boxes and deserted pin·cue- of the pan. Put in a pint of berries, roll 11@-ilOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. 'M hions, a.nd busies herself by the hour in out a third of t he dough and :cover the bercarefully breaking up cards of · matches, putting them in a safe deep ba.aket, and ries. Add another pint of fruit and cover POND LlLY CREAM, · 25 CEKTS. trotting up and down stairs to fill each re- with a top crust. Stea.m an hour, ta.king POND LILY SILYER PELLE'l.'S. 25 CENTS. that the water in the kettle does not POND LILY SKIN SO.AP, 25 ENTS. ceptacle. The family unite to dignify her away, a.nd if it is necessary to a.dd more, office, and her eyes shine when pa.p11. or boil S. P.ERRIN, Ch emist, J.lntlsay, Ho.rry savs to .the little ma.tch-gril ! "Can be oa.reful to have boiling water for that purManufacturer and Proprietor for Canada, you attend to rny match-box to-day," 'Jr, "I pose. Serve with hard or liquid sauce. think I must call on you 11.gain for matches." The trifling responsibility is a source of great An Australian Tempest. delight to the child, a.nd no small help to a The wind ha.d been blowing softly all the busy mother. Pin cushions kept filled morning from the northwest and yet clouds, by the same band, which loves to make the first I ha<! seen for months, were gradpretty embtoideries in the from of M's a.nd ually gathering in the southeast. By noon VETEllINARY SURGEON, A's and O's of the shining hea.ds. all that quarter was black, half the heavens In one of the pleasantest homes that I to thfl very zenith were hidden in murky ORONO. ONT. know, whose mistress is not burdened with obscurity, and as though it had been a.greed ' numerous servants, the youngest son of tho upon by the powers of wind and that · familyalwa.ysopensthedoor inresponsetor.ny the clouds reaching so fa.r shottld be the ring, politely waitli on me to the reception signal for devastat ion, the storm suddenly room, and takes my or ca.rd with the smote us, with no more wa.rning than a few grace of a polished French w11.iter, and with preliminary splashes of heavy In one evident pride in his duties. In another moment the wind blew a hurricane, and wa.s home little J has lea.rued to tell i;he almost solid; to walk against it was like various papers a.nd periodicals taken in the going through water up to the chin; the to pay the highest price family, and to away from the crowded dust rose up in one blinding mass, and was t a.hies all beyond a certain da.te, leaving instantly smitten to the ground by rain all kinda of Grain delivered at the only t he la.test. Those taken he arranges which fell in sheets, and was torn into foa.m neatly in piles in a olosec devoted to that and smoke ere it touched the earth; sticks Wharf or their Store House in town. purpose, and when papa wishes to see and branches hurtled through the air; the Thursday's pa.per he h!l.s only to refer to leaves were stripped from t he bent trees, C o · r.rn~s~.,..tb\r'f"S Jack and he ha.a it in a twinkling. Ann and went level in t he screaming wind like a (T his E ngraving rnpn.:st: nts the Lungs in a h ealthy s t11te. ) g U · ill Amanda's daughter Lucy winds all the cloc:k:s solid flight of green paroquots, and even in in the house, a.nd sees tha.t they are right the mosi; sheltered forest tree after tree came T HE Rll Ml': DY FOR C UR I N G TO IIIRST APPLYlXG. \\' UH ~ THEY LAST. by the big town clock, so that no belated down with a. crash, some torn up by the roots, \ V e w ill ~c il d by mai I an a P"' prop ri~ te g-ift to each m a ide n, traveller can la.y the blame of his deten~ion others, solid and sound though they w lfc, mot her or cook- one to to our time-pieces. In ~e same family) might be, were smashed and splintered, and a fa111ily - w h o w ill try the ASTHMA, C ROUP, Walter, of larger growth; delights in the their whole crowns thrown yards from the'8 BAKING POWDER of the walks, and with his bright shattered stumps. Our tents lay fl!l.t or bellyA LL D ISEAS ES OF T H E TH ROAT, LUN GS A N D C ut the red ci rcle fro m the keeps the grass in order in the summer, a.nd ing upon the ground even though we were P ULMONARY O RGA NS. label a nd se nd it in a letter Iuspe('tion Solicited. s ta li ng h ones t opinion a fter in winter wields the snow-shovel. camped behind t he dam we had raised; the '"' ns " " r T 11 » u L i: s>: 1 fair trial. E iti1er a 5 , 10 o r 26 1'.llJRDOUH BROS, The world of nature is brimful of in- slight structure which had been our kitohen CONSUMPTION HAS BEEN CURED Victoria Buildings. cc 1 ; t s ize wi ll secu re t he g i ft. Any g rocel' or s t m·ekee per tereat to a. child whose mother or brother suddenly disappeared, while pots and pans, kno w s w here to gc titif u.~k4....J or sister will take the trouble to introduce and pa.nnikin.a rattled aud bowled along the \Vh~n otheL;fi:Tf~1~r~·c~1~t~~~:~~;,icin.irn by you.-A d'ilresshim to its mysteries. Last summer I saw ground, as we lay down praying that none R ecommended uy P11v" rc1A x s, Mrnrnrn Rs, AND ~-·-· CHURCHILL & CO .. TORONTG a little miss with round face and yellow ot the flying branches might fall upou us. N ur.~ 1-:>i. Jn fact lly c,·eryllo<.ly who has gh·en - f 11 - fl d d · fl d it a gomi t ria.\. It never fail:J to bl"ill(J relit]'. hair sea.ted on an ottoman in the front walk A n d the rarn e m oo s, an m no oo a 1 earnestly watching tivo groups o . f ·a nts who of a figure of speech. '.l'his pa.ndemonium I A s AN E XPE CTO RA NT IT HA S No EQUAL. ·ust one ·c1uarter of an h our, ·nd then It is hanrilc.'1. 'J r.o the ,;. 1 lotit Delicate Ohilcl. ' I ~../ . ,: ha.d r.iared their ounning houses in that 1 as t 6 d J w Ha.sreoelved her new stock of ex posed locality. :rhe child was evidently as suddenly as it had begun, so suddenly it It contains no OP IUM in any form. ta.lking to the little workers, and her mother ceased; the black c10uds flew pas t us, t he Pl~~ rc1:; 25c, !iOc J\ S D $ 1.00 J ' l~ l_(. RoTTLE. · told me that a.n older brother, just be- sun s hone out hotlr in a. clear. sky, a.nd save . . · . B ginning the study c,.f zoology in tbe High for the mud, the disordered camp, and our DAVIS & I '·"!RENO,., CO (L 1 "m1 "ted) Dd rnv1tes the Ladies of ow- sc:hool ' h~d told h1"s ei·ater all about the great tank more than three-q11a.rters full, ' J.r .' t.. · ' w h · f h l h" h h d G en eral A y cnis , JJIONT RE.AL. nville and vicinity to call homes of the and red ants and how t ere Was no sign 0 . ~ e equa 1 W IC . a. ma there were soldiers and drones a.nd workers made us fear for our hves, a.nd h~d taught us . and see h. er Pattern , among them, and how patiently they toiled wha~ a tornado we.~ and lwha.t It cou_ ld do THE BEST LlJBRIC:ATOR THE BARKET\ to build their small houses, urain by grain. But 1t made the grass grow green agam for , That was a kind and thoughtful b1other who a few d:i.ys, the grass that would be so sure· · · "tuh b · C 1 Oil ask your deal er f or th 6 N 6W O"l <:. ' J thus provided healthy a.mllsement for the , ly neede? ere the Sumn1;er was past, for it WANTl!D. P~rmane.nt p~slhons . n en uy1ng Oa l S, and assortment ot ' rttl 1 t h. h k th b was gettmg toward Ohristma.s and the therguaranteed with SA.LARI A.ND 1 4d ehgir-bamtuhsemhen w IC ep er usy mometerstoodhigherandhighereveryday. EXrENSE~rAID· .Any_det erminedman can an appy y e our. succe ed with us. Peculiar advantages to be· I once diverted the attention of a h:i.lf · ginners. Stock comvlete. including many fastT · , d h dozen boys in a country house 'on a. rainy During August the English imports in- Sellin~ specialties- Outfit free. . ry it once, an you WI use no ot er. !!TORE :- SecondDoor,Ten of WUUam day by a very simple, tho~gh not original i creased £ 310,000, and the ?xports increased j .A dress atBRClWN B~i'T'1&tR1§l.paper.) Satcher StalJ· · expedient. A healthy spider wa.s secured £1,400,()00, ae compared with Aur.ust, 1887. N URSERYMEN. Roca ESTEn, N. Y. M£(;0LL BROS. & - CJO'Y, Toron1o~ ~·~~~ ,. '~~C~ The Original IRl: ~~:~e;v~s:a_o~o~ a~::~Eiintt~=n~1·t ~hi~ ~:n 1~~~ui~rth~g!~~;r'!h~d~:n~n J~;rs~i/e: i on the top of this the spider we.a ~,,t free. The problem proposed to the pris1 u1er was Since boyhood the writer has never come of course, the quickesb wa.y of getting to a s.cross anyone who could make chicken pot- place of freedom, repesented in this case I· l Grandmother's Obie.ken Pot-Pie. I . "tTTAT Q HES · VV · · M AV N A RD J of e \.\. e ' s .· I the finest stock IhasWatches . , In Town. Infants I I Children. SICK HEADACHE < ., ' ) :' ../ I I JrW[l RY AND s IlVt RWA Rf . HARDWARE ! HARDWARE ! I Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils. - lln CLOCKS. SPEC TAC LES. BEO.£.MANNINB Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelf Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints", Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, &c. co: oK, HALL & PARLlOR STOVES. REPAIRING. Having purchased cheap for cash, I am prepared to sell goods at small profits and prices will be cut close t o suit the times. @~<®~@:m :me D£00JlfEOO@e MAYNARD, POND MCDOUGALL & METCALF, are ottering Coal as follows : LILY Stove and Ohestnut, ..................$6.25 Grate and Egg, .............................. 6.00 LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGALL & METCALF. JOHN SPENCER, Murdoch Brothers' N""E'"VV" O:S:IN"".A.. E:..A..LL where are to be seen GRAIN Jno. McMurtry & Co. 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. 0110. 20 "White Bed Room Sets. n""" CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, C OLDS, Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c. .,for I 1· Ill ., THB.ESBERS AND FARIERS USE ONLY McCOLL'S =================================== IMC TAVIS" Go ODS - I ! B 0 N N E\T $ HATS · I I I '1 s ARDINE MACHINE OIL. IN ALE s M E N TRIMM IN Gs I I FAMILY SAFETY& SUNLIGHTCOALOIL. ·n

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