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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1888, p. 8

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- SPECIALTIES ~JUST I Sinitle 15! or over, W W Dickey V. CLA~S H.-FLOWFJR51 AN D PLANTS. RECEIVED-. ---AT--- Jno. J. Mason's, Dry Goods and Jewellery House. CLOTE:I~Gand English Trowserings and French Worsted Suitings We ar c turning out the best fitting suits procurable in .Bowmanville. ~cotch Single 15! or under, :J F McMillan, AP Mitchell , 'l'hos Linton . . Saddl'.l Horses, Geo J .. cola,J 110 Wilson, Gamsby. ~---·,..-... ·~~~ . '-' . W B Allin and Sons. Phlox drummondi, W S Gamsby, EC Beman. CLASS B, - 1'.lTTLE. } To JOHN McCLUNG, '.ren week stocks, A A Gamsby. 't'NITED COUNTIES O~' · Durha;m Cow, Chas. Baker, R Brown Col. Balsams, W S Gamsby,JJ;CBelllan. N oRTHUlllBERLAND AND D umu)1, Merchant, of the Town of Bowm!1n, .m 8 · 2nd. and ~rd. " Asters " " TO WIT; Durham Heif~r, 2 yr. old, J M Cobble" Petuniaa, Mra A A Gameby, W S dick, Geo Grey. Gam11by. ~HEREA~ infor~ation ha!:! this da.y been laid before the undersigned · Durham Heifer, 1 yr. old, C Baker. Col. Dahlies; W S Gamaby, Mni A A Police Magistrate m and for the Town Q f Bowmanville, in the County Durham Ball Calf, C Baker, J M Garnsby. of Durham, one of the said United Counties, for that you on Friday Cobbledick, R Brown. Col. Verbenr.s,W S Gamsby,ECBeman. Durham Heifer Calf, C Ba.leer. the fourteenth day of September, in the year of our Loi d 011e Thous~ Green-house plants, R B Thornton. Gra<le Cow, R Osborne, J Brown, 2nd r ed and Eighty-eight, did place < !r cause to be placed Out flowers, W S Gamaby, EC Bem11n, and Eight Hund· and 3rd. Table bouq uet, Mrs A A Gamsby, Mn on th~ public atreei in the Town of Bowman ville, opposite the premises Grade H eife1, 2 yr old, C Baker, 1 and R obeon. occupied by you, a large quantity of Tea., the said Tea being an incum 2, G Grey. Hand bouquet, W S Gamsby~Mr1Rinch. Grade Heifer 1 yr old, A. A Rolfe, C b:ance thereon, said st1 ·eet being a commun icat.ion for public u~e, and Floral doeig n, Mrs A A Gamaby, W H Baker. d1d_1~eglect; and refuse io r~rnove said incumbrance after having been Chaplin. h Grade Heifer Celf, R Brown, 1 and 2 Hanging Basket, S P errin. notified to do so by the Cine( Constable of the Town of Bowma.nville, J Rin.:h . thereby acting contrary to t h e provisions of a certain by -la.w and CLASS l."'."'"VEOE'rABLES. S. Ju Scott, Jas P ollard. Geranium single, W B Allin & Son. double, " " Foliage plaut, Mfss Ferguson, ·w S SUMMONS PROVINC~A~a;A,ONTANIO, ' · 1' ,' CLA~S C. -SHEEl'. OUR N'"Q_ 1 OUTTE~'.1 is still in advance of all his competitors, a fact that the majority of well dressed gentlemen in this section will corrroborate. w ·e will ·give you a. PERFECT FITTING 8UIT as cheap as you can buy a commonly made job elsewhere. We have just opemd out a large lina of Mr. W. Peardon, Ttl!;Se goods are handsome and not very expensive Anot her shipment of our special lines of New Mantle Materials .Ai;(ed Ram, Leicester, W B Allin & Son11, W C Blackburn, 2 aud 3. Shearling Ram, W B Allin & Sons, 1 and 3, W C Blackb urn 2. Ram Lamb, W B Allin & Soos, 1 and 3, W C .Blackburn , 2. Pen aud Aged J<~wes, W B Allin 1 and 2, W C Black burn, 3. Shearling Ewes, W B Allin & Sons, 2 WC Blackburn, 1 and 2. Ewe Lambs, W Il Allin & Suns, 3 , W 0 Blackburn , 1 and · 2. Cotswold Aged Ram, G Grey. Shearling, G Grey, 1 and 2. Ra.m Lamb, ~Grey, 1 and 2. Aged Ewes, G Grey 1 and 2. Aged Ram Shropshire, T Benderaon. Sbearling Ran1, J Staplebn. Lamb, G. Grey 1 and 2 . Aged Ewes, G Grey, 1. Shenrlin"' Ewes, G Grey 1. A~ed R;rn 8outhdown, A Tamblyn. Shearling Rnm. A Tamblyn, 1 and 2 . Ram Lamb, A Taw blyn, 1 and 2. A~ed Ewes. 'A Tamblyn, 1 and 2. Shearling Ewes, A Tamblyn, 1, J StRpleton. 2. 2 Ewe Lambs, A Tamblyn, 1. ! , I I CLASS D , - swum. CLASS J.-DAIRY PRODUCE. Berkshire Boar, J L Power, 1 and 2. Brood Sow, W Brown, 1, S l:iarris, 2. Honey in comb, Mrs A Ferguson. Sow Pis;?, WC Blackburn, F Walden. Specimen Ho!ley, strained, T Little Suffolk Boar, S Perrin. Mn A Fergmon. S uffolk B rood Sow, W B Allin & Sona, 10 lbs Table Butter, Mrs R Foster, 1and2. Mra W Rickard. S uffolk Sow Pig, F Walden. - D urable, Reliable and Crown Diamond Brand~. We guarantee Crock or tub butter 25 lbs, Mu W H Poland China, 'Boar Pig, M Hall. Reid, Mrs ,J Rlnch, Mrs A Ferguson. every pair satisfactory in fit and wear. Any pair n?t up to guara,nTub or Firkin, not less than 50 lbs,Mrs tee. can b e exchanged for another pair. CLASS E .- POUL'.W Y. E C Beman; Mrs R Foater, Mrs W H -Our flannels am having an immense sale. Our heavy'. Grey, all wool Feid. Polands, E B irch, R Wateon. at 20 ·ts. per yd. is unequalled. We have ~t full hne of _open and Preserved fr uit , Mrs A A Gamsby, Mra Iloudan, A G M oment. fancy ch eck flannel, whit_e ~nd grey_Bi3;nkets, lap robes'. tie-do~fs. J L Pnwer . Golden P Hamburgs, E Birch. Jar Pickles, Mrs A A Gamsby, l\fra S A fine assortment of Ladies, m Scotch a.nd Ca?ad1~n. ~h e S ilver Spangled Hamburgs, F. Birch, A Bowen. Tamblyn . largest ran·ge of Underwe:u and best value to be m this section. .far Jelly, Mrs It Clarke.Mrs R Foster, b 1lver :::)pangled Chicks, W H Oakes, 1 T op ::)hirts, a large quantity already sold. 2 loaves bread, Mrs W H Reid, Mrs J and 2. L eghorns White, A U Moment, W B Hancock Our assortment of GENERAL DRY GOODS is very large and Buns home ma<ie, M rs · w H Reid, Mrs All in and SPns . .. ""'-rac·.~ ve . Yours, &c., 011 Le·1hc,m s Wbite, Chicks, AG Moment, A A Gamsby. · · JOHN J . MASON. W B"Allin & Sons. CLASS M.-LADIES DEPARTMENT. Leghorns Brown, H. Bennett, A Worked slippers, Lena. M Ballagh. TamUyn. Sofa cushion, Al ice McC!ung, Marion 224 ; dairy prod uce, 82 ; implements, 5 ; Leghorns Brown, Chicks, R Bennett, · domestic manuf~cturies, 82 ; ladies' de- W B Allin & Sona. McCnnnachie. partment, 200 ; class N, 33; specials, 35; Leghorns Black, A '.fam!>ly~. Silk embroidery, Mrs EH Betts, Miss _ Chaolin. d "th th discret ionary, 31. Leghorns Black, Ctncks, A Tamblyn, 1 1 t The weather has.muc 1 o '? wi e · and 2. Worsted Work (, Miss Chaplin, Mrs auccess of an agricultural fair, and on EXHIBITORS OF HORSES . B hm s Liuht E B irch 1 and 2. Batt&. h th anythmg but ra a o · · · d t Sti.tur ay e wea er was ld d th t Among the exhibitors of heavy draught Brahmas Light, C hi cks, Birch 1 and 2. Col. ladies underclothing, Mrs Betts, el~asant, it .was cloudy ' co ut a~~e ~~~ · horeos were: A. Power, R. Brown, W.J. Brahmas dark, E Birch. . Mrs James Pollar.d . e mn g for rat or eoowid Bd 'dd lpagedy Clemtmce, Jno. Holmes, G -1 0. Gray, J no. Brahmas dark, Chicks. E B irch . Girls' dr<oss,·Mrs A A Gamsby, Mrs J 0 Cla.rke peop e,young,o an .mt ti' Mason, John Davey, George Bigham, D. Spanish , W B Allin· & Soo. L Power . li'ne and auperfine (the l~ttb here by McConnachie, M . Garvin, Wesley Walton, Sp~nish chicks. \V B Allin & son 1 and 2. Baby's dress, Mrs A A Gamsby. fiom Ktmdall) were _not 0 e ~roo Th Y James Brown, W. Brown, S P. R:cka.rd, Plymouth Rock, W C Blackburn, A Cott!1n tidy, " Mrs R 5 11uch uofalork~le rrcumdtafc" · e,i ~~ J os. C hapman, Thos, Moffatt, and .Toho Tllmbly n. Ard. lia.d b een oo rn~ orwi;-r eor w:ulds let Hancock . Plymouth Rock, chicks, E Birch, A Wod tidy, Mrs Betts,MrsAA Gamsby. -ttns event, and Wlt?ess ~: th Y ' Some of t he foregoing had general Tamblyn, F ancv tidy, A nnie Monta~ue, Lillie 0 . pmpose horses. lo this class the followthe result be what it mi ht. Wyandottes, AG Moment, 1 and 2. Chapple. 1 The fancy youn,;c yeom~n was t i ere m ing were also exhibitors : W. Lake, GasWyandottes chicks, AG Moment,! and Wax flowers, Mrs N "IN P ope. t igh t pants and kids ~ookmg as spruce as per S cott, W. Clemen ce, .Tas. Adams, W. 2. ' Wax fruit, " Miss a. bank clerk after 3 cln?k· The mash~r Cobbledick, W. 13. Allin & Son, M. J . Wyandottes, white or black, A G Chiiplin . each from K endall an~ K irby a~d ~ c~~~i~ Holrrian and J. L P owers. . . Moment . . Crnch et work(cotton), Mrs AA Gamsby, from Orono were bowmg and hfti gd th Besides some of the above the exhibit· Wya.ndot tts chicks, A G Moment , 1 Mrs R Ard. 0 flats to e very 5 ih lady ~thsoh an·n ·t · ~ ors of carriage hor ese were: C.J.Hughson, and 2. ' Crochet work (wool), Alice McClung, 1 . ~couth co1.1:ntry 116 chap ~8 8 1 lktar R obert Cowan, Charles A. Coulter, J . A . Langshan , chicks, A P errin, 1 and 2. Mrs A A Gamsby. cigar was aping t pro esarnna 1:1° ~ J erome, A. McNeil, R . Stutt & Son, M. Bantams, AG Moment. Camp st ool, Miss .F ergu3on. !n a manner to make a knottyhchunl.. spht Hall, James Scott, A. M. Wright, J. H . G :-. -ne B antams, chicks, J Sta.pleton. Darning on n et, Mrs Jas P ollard, Mrs its . h~art open. . Two or t r ee young McLean, W. Oakes, G. A . ·Jacobs, Chas. Buff Cochin, E Birch. Bet ts. etr1plm~s with cigars£ ~ 0~? manly ;noug~ Wilmot, J . 1! ~ . McMillan, Cha.rles Baker, B uff Cochin, chicb, E Birch, ~and 2. Darned netting, Annie M ot1tague, Mre 0 0 t o pu~ m t~e faces . a ies ort ~ lev~ D . tJalbraitb, G. Mitchell, I saac Ce.rson, l'artrid oe Cochin, chicks, E Barch. Jn·· Pollard. ·cam~ m their way lll !he lcrys .a P~11 -~\~ Robt . Moreton, W. Coulson, G. D~vison, Any other variety fowls, AG Moment , T ;vine lace, A MoClung. A slip t hrough the grain c eane~t e~ i a Thos. Linton, D r. Dickey, T. W . Under- E B irch . Darned stock ings, Mrs A A Gamsby, ed by Mr. Toms would n~:ou lave I' wood, James P ollard, R. Oaborne, T. Any o ther variety chic3:s,l:.. G Moment, Mrs J Rinck. arefinrng effect on them. e young,,mau H enderson, A. Rlaworth, A .P. Mitchell, 1 and 2. Lamp m at , Lena Ballagh, Mrs R Ard. with the col~ that shows speed en::i~':~u~o i W. H . R <:iid, J. Otton, and J. Wilson. Turkeys, A Tamblyn, W H. Oakes. Pillo w sham, Miss E Davey, Mrs J get lef~ 11 tim es out of '~asd nu d 0 · bt. The principal exhibitors of cattle, s heep Geese R Watson, W B Alim & S ons. Rinch. 0 That his hor.~e could go a notl ~ and swine forure in the prize list. D uck; Rowen , E Birch. Crochet work by girls under 12, Mabel 1 but ~o convmco ?t~er _p_ e ople of \ acs W. T. Bouatb a n m ado a capital display Ducks , Aylesbury, E Birch, . E ddy. required mi;ich drivmg · mdeed two ~ea~t of Art Garland, Cr own Imperial and Ducks, Pekin, E Birch W B Allm and Crazy patchwork, Mrs A A G arnaby, who had evidently been once or ~Wl "t other stoves. H e keeps t he best st oves Sons Miss W F Eddy. ho~se trot tofo~l tdhot who ~ ~} er- in the market and last year did an ext en· P i;eons p air, R Bennett, E Crozier. F ancy knitting (cotton coarse), Mrs W 0 noon at the JOb and ai e ge ier e J sive b usin ess , and this se9son so far his "' Rob~on , Miss F er guson, after all. h 1 1 A peep intri his CL ASS F . - GRAINS AND SEE DS. Fancy knitting (co tton line), L Chaplin, 1 · sales have been good . ! t wa~ T a hbad ~ay for ~ : 0 ~~kr ~~~ s tore showed us t hat he has ~ bi~ s tock Sorin"' wheat, A Tamblyn, W B Allin J as Pollard. Col. fan cy work, Mrs R Ard. ~. m ts. e 11 ° seet mhe so that cu~tomera can t fail to b e & Soxi . 0 face blue 01· ye ow so at th e pre3 once on. hand d Table scarfs, Edith Chandler, Lillie f the powder or' rouae or l otion w·a s smte · . F all wheat , M J H olman,T H enderson. Chapple. v · 1 vi 'sible very not iceabl e CLASS A.-·HORSJ::s. Small peas J Hancock, J Stapleton. Bead work, A M ontague, J ennie Stark . · , . ~ ' R A ·d Ch A Coulter conspicuous Y charac teristic was th~ un_gallantry of the 1 H eavy Draught mare, foal by side, G Whit: oa,",s, } ' as · Chain stitch, M rs J as Pollard, Mrs R ~ung men , for excel?trng two young l Grey, R Brown , J Mason. Black , . Ard . Barie~. N S tewar t. " S Harris awells fro m Bowmanv1lle, we <'.o not ! H eavy Draught, 2 yr old Geldi ng or P io cul!hion, Lillie Chapple, Mies A remember of seeing an y escorts with ~he Filly, G eo Grey, w Walton, J Brown. C,)rn 111 ear y ellow 11t runo, · D rummond. hdies, and these two you ths were showmg Heavy J)raught, 1 yr old Gelding or M Hall. . ' Ottoman, May M cCon nachie. their ladies (two blondes 'of N ewcastle)A. Filly A P o wers J Mason. Corn white· strung, _ A Ferguson. k F oot stool, Edith Chandler, M M cConA. Rolfe's J ersey R eds a nd in< tuiring He~vy Draugh t sucking colt, G G rey, J Beans, W H Chaplm, J Bancoc · nachie. whether they were sheep or h oga. The Mason , R Brown. CLASS o.- FRUI1'. Brackets, M rs B etts, Mrs R Ard. conclusion they arrived a t was that t h_ev H eavg Draught, yr old, Entir e colt, D H oniton lace, A Mont ague. were a cross b etween tt fox and a pig, JUcConachie. Fall apples desert, A F er guson, James Aueaene, Lillie Chapple, A McClung. but when we suggested that th ey were General .P urpose rnaro,foald by aide, W P ollard. · Applique work , Mrs J as Pollard , Mrs guinea. pif.(s they thanked us and waltzed 1 · L ake, W J Clemence, T M offat t. Fall apples oookio g, A A Gamsby, R Bet ts. off apparently satisfied. , . Gen eral P urpose 2 yr Gelding or F illy, Osborne. . . Fancy screen, M McConnachie. The judges on h orses h au a ,Pleasant I A P o wer s, w Clemence, J H ol mes, Winter apples dessert, WA Chaplin, E Panels, Leah Chaplin,, E dith Chandler. ' General P urpose, 1 y r G:elding or Filly, 0 Beman. , afternoon. 'fh~ well·fo~med n!1g and 1 K ensington painting, Lena M Ballagh . altill of the directors m keepmg tl~e M J H olman, W B Alhn & Sona, W Winter apples cooking, R Osborne, M 011 painting ( land11cape), A McClung, .crowd outside of ' the ropes made the;r · , Cobbledick. CMp er & Son. E Chandler. t comparat~vely easy._ When there rn l Gen eral Purpose S ucking Colt-, W L ake, N orthen 2py, Jas J>olJard, R Osb orne. Decora tive painting, A M cClung, Lillie n o ring or lim1t, but a six -acre field for ii. Joseph Chapman, A Powers. . F all Snow, R Osborne, A Ferg uson. . Chapple. h'Or l!e ring with libert y to go-as-you-please 0.eoeral P urpose, yr o1d Entire Colt , J Gallen russet, " F 'W alden, Pain ting water colors,M1ssADrummond a:nd where-you -please, t he work of the L P ower. Spitzenb urg, A F er guson, R Osborne. Mi~s Drummond. j.u;dges is less desir~ble. The Clar~e He:wy DrMight t eam, in flarness, J Bellflower , R Osborne, J as P ollard. P ainting 0 11 velvet or sat in, Miss A Agricultural Society .i s a. ~ode! on~ m Chapman, s Ricka rd. Tompkins'Co king, " " Drummond, Mrs W F E ddy. . thte r espect, hence t his special me nt10n. Gen eml P urpose team, in harness, W Baldwin, " _' ' . Crayon drawing, Miss E Davey, Mrs The thanks of the newspaper represent· B Allin and S ons, C Baker, -G Bigham. Ten variety.. " W ll Chaplm. W F E ddy. atives are due t o Mr. Alfred ~-. Moment, Cllrriage Brood mare, C J Hugh son, Winter pears, E C B eman, R Osborne. Pencil drawing, M iss M cC!ung, M rs G the acting Secr e tary, for ku?-dness a nd W Walton, Gasper Scot t . . F all " R Moon, " J M itchell. V arietv " EC Beman, WHCha.plin. attention shown, and to the directors for 2 yr old Gelding or Filly, M Hall, A. CLASS N ,-Ol:'EN TO MEMllERiS ONLY. a complimentary badge. w Wright, :ft Stut t and Son.. · Orab' a pple, "I' Little, J as P olll!'rd. Col. Photos, A E ls wort h. ·r HE EXHIBITS. 1 yr ·old Gelding_pr 'Filly ,J H M cLean, White grapes, W H Chaplin, E C Gen tle man's .shir t and collar, Mrs A A Tho following figures will give an idea Ch as \\'.'ilmot, 0 J H ughson. . , 'Beman. E C Beman, R B Gamsby. Suckmg Colt ,'0 J H ugheon,W 'Valton , P urple grapes, ~ Of' tho extent of the exhibition as a whole Cotton ·quilt , Mrs Betts, Mrs R Ard. . graiies, R B Thornton, E C and the display in the various departments R C @ wan. ,, . , . , 1 ·w Thornton Col. r ed Log cabi n q uilt, Miss B W atson , Mrs ieparatoly. The entries were: _Hqrses, Span 15~ , and over, Geo Mitche I, . R Ard. . 167 · catt le 81 ; sh eep, !>2; swm e, 18; Walton., . ,, . M Be~i~grapes, E ·-0 Beman,.RB Thornton. P lain q uiltin g, Mrs E H Betts, Mrs R poultry, 123; grains and ~?eda, 56; fruit, ~·pan 15f a nd under , W Colson , A C· Col. [llums, W H Chaplm, AA.Gamsby, F 162 ; pla nts an d fl owers, 63 ; vegetables , N ell, R Morton. amendment thereto, in such case made aud provided. Tbese are Late Potatoes, R A1·d, W H Chaplin. therefore to comma~d you, in Her Majesty's. name, to be and appear Early " A 'f11.mblyn, R Ard. Var iety " . H Yarrow, " Satu_rday, t he fitteenth day vf September mstant , at the h')ur of 10 Turnip field, J Scott, A & W F Thomas. o clock m the forenoon, at the Police Court, in the Town of BuwmanC1>rrota table, R A Foster. R Ard. ville, before me, to answer to the said information and to be further Beets table, M Cooper & Son, " dea lt with according to law. ' Parsnips table, D Arnott, " 1 Cabbage white, J Scott, W H Chaplin. Given un ier my han d and seal i.his 14th clay of September in the " red, J Adams,M Cooper&Son. year of our I.ord 1888, in the Town of Bowmanville, in t he Counties Onions red, W S Gam~by, W H Reid. aforesaid. GEOR GE HAINES, P. M. [L. " white, W H Chaplin, C J Hew· son. The above is the result of information ]aid by somo small minded Unions potato, R Ard, S Harris. grasping competitor, who fears honest compe tition. Cauliflowers, M Cooper & Son. Celery, M Cooper & Son, WHChaplin. Tomatoes, W H Chaplin, M Cooper & Son. We do IJot in~end to re~aliate, but will ge~ even with them by minding Pumpkins, W H Chapman, S Hurla. our own busmess, lookmg out for and taking them when Squash large, R Clark, T DouglaSll. Variety garden veitetables, M Cooper& offered, giving our customers the b enefit. We a lso intend to return Son, W H Chaplin. GOOD FOR EVIL bv ,giving the public the BEST and CHEAPEST' TE A Field carr ots, W H Chaplin, W B Allin ever sold in this Town 0 1 County. We can only sell by the &Son. Mangolds, W H Oakes, S Rickard. Citrons, E C Beman, J L Powers. R!idish, M Cooper & Son. Musk melon, W B Allin & Son, H Yarrow. Water melon, H Yarrow, W H Chaplin. Get one and divide with your neigh'tor. Therefore in Her :Maj esty's Peppers red, R Werry, J Rinch. name we o? s,J RETALIATION. Half Chest. KID GLOVES you to appear at our place of busine~s, when most convenient to do so to get your supply of thi11 Choice and Cheap TEA, and t o inspect th; most c.>mple~e stock ot D ry G_ oods, Dress Goods, Millinery, Clothing, and Carpets m Town. You wil l find not only the Largekt Stock but; the Latest Novelties an d Lowest Prices . An immense stock of GERMAN MANTLES just rcceind. McCLUNG BROS., Sign of Golden Sheep, BO WMANVILLE. - K ; it M; s Quilt piece work (woolen), Mrs lt .Ard, Mrs W R obson. Quilt piece work(cot ton) MrsEHBetts ' ' Mrs R Ard Quilt crochet, Mra E H B et ts, Mrs R B Th t orn on. SPECIALS. CLARKE FAIR I ~1:1ilt, Chap~~:~--~:: ~.~~so~-. ISp-I~ndi;F~;~ Fo~ I 1 knda L ady Driver, M iss M L ean. G11ntleman t urnout , Jas Scott. Best y earling R oadster, er trut ter,Chas Wilmot. DISCRETIONARY PRI ZRS. ° t Embr o idery with color ed silk or sati n, Miss A McCluog. llfacr amie work, Bella W atson. Col. bi· ds eggs, Ernest Crozier . Col. stamps, Ross Crozier. Wax shells, Mrs N W P ope. Mirror oil painting, L eah Chaplin. Two pieces i mitation wood, J ohn H R olfe. Imitation Marble, J H R olfe. ~ ·.· _ .pec1 'man scroll ~~ork, J Spencer, V S . · " Satchel bag, M rs A fl. G11ru11by . Fancy kni t stochings, Mr8 T Littl ri. Pair Guinea P igs,E Orozier. P air H a.bbita, E Crozier. 'l'o be continiiecl . A G oon N EIGHllOR.--" L ate last fall I was laid u p in bed three days with a very severe a t tack of diarrhcea and vomitin(!. N othin g b en efited me until my n eighbor, Mrs. Dunning, r ecomrneode(f Dr . li'owler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and br ought me a lrnlf b ottle, which she ba.d in her h om e. In three l1ours th e vomiting was stopped, and I was able to sit u p by nigh t. I would not now t hin k of using any other m edicine." Columbus H opkins, Hamilton , Ont. · THAT Ad · b1- . mira Y situated h omest ead, . the estate of the late Samnol '\McMurtry in the town ol Bowmanvll le heini< ttie nort· ! east part orI~t ». con. 1, oo acres or rich 1. 1r 1011om, highly improved . On the premises0 a n excclient brick dwelllu" house onntalnltlg 12 rooms and all necess!lries o! a houee · two barns, stable, driving-house, shed. etc.' also ten aores with choice fruit trees, 500 applo and 100 pear treas ; an over11ow!ng spring In the pasture fleld ; Ju !aot it is such a home rarely offered for sale: . For te· ms and other particu· Jars apply on the premises. or to JOHN M c· MURTRY. Bowrnanville, July :ll, 1888. a 1~tt s ' ale Sale of ·seven Acres of Land near Enniskillen. 'l'he undersigned hlls received instrucllon to soil by private sale that seven aer o ~ or lot 23 ln the 71.h Concession or th9Township of Da.rling· ton known as belonging to the Ltttle Eatate, and which has for some yeiira past been rent· ed and occupied by J ames Pye, beini.: compos· ed 01 the seven aoree lying immediatoly t.o tho South of tho Northerly nine ac1 es of the South halfot the East ha.If or said lot. 'l'itle indisputable, pos,ession can be given immediately after hurve 1t. For further par ticttllJ.rR apply t.0 D, B U HKESIMPSON , 35- tt Solicitor for Vendor. ;;~;;;;.;;;.;.;.;;.;;;;;;.;;-;;.;;;.;.;.;;11!1 h t Barley Wanted. The highest riricaa piid fo r a ny quantity of ·Barley deli vered at my Elevator or at the Wharf; also for otlrnr grain and fa.rm p rod uce. I °1 A l I I Fir st-class Farms for sale on Easy Terms of Payment. 1. Pa,rts of lots 7 and 8, on the Broken .Front, Townsb tp of Prnkerlng. containing 2'1~ acres. e,11 of w h lch i s l n a high state of cultivation, exeept "llout i umes of wood land and this is gr11ssed O\' er. 1'he soil is first.class clay loam. well watered by living wells and contains no broken land. 'l'h " farm buildings are in excel· lent repair, having been erected only seven years ai?o and bave a.11 the latest improvAments viz :- stone stables, root collar, etc. On tho premises there are two 11ood dwelling houses, t hreo barns and horse ana cattle stable. 'fbe farm is well fenced and there am gates lea.ding into all fields. Its situation is 5 miles from the Town or Whitby, 3~ miles froin Whitby Harbor and 41 mites from PickerinR' Har bor and t of a mile from a good school. '!'his place will be sold in one parcel or will be divided into two as desired. 2 Pa.rt of lot 23 on the 2nd concession of th~ Township or Whitby. containing G5! acres allot which is in a l1igl· ~tate or cultivation. 'l'he soil is clay loam, with no broken land and watered by living wells. 'fhere are on it first class farm buildings built only 7 years a11;0 on modern principles. stone root cellar, horse and cattle stables and an implement shed. Tt is situated trmiles 1rom the Town of Whitby, and t mile from one of the 'f own schools, 3 With No. :! or separately w ill be sold H acres of pasture land being part of lot 2J on the 4th con. of the Township of Whitby. This is watered' by a living st1eam r unning through the extreme north end. 4.. Part of lot I on the 7th con. To'!"ns~ip of. Reach containing aOacres all of whrnh is well fenced: On tliis there is a small frame houso and a first·claes bank barn nearly new having stables underneath. 'l'he soil is sandy loam and a ll under cultivat ion. 1t is situated 2~ miles from tbe '.1.\1wn of Uxbrldue. . Possesaion of any of the above properties can be glven at once if so desired. IJ'or further particulars a pply to JAMES CAMP BELI·· :Jf- hr Whitby. JOHN L YbE, BOWMAJ'>:VI LLE. THE BISHOP STRACHAN SCHOOL l"OR YO UN<.\ LADIES, · ' Vykeham H all. College Ave.:, Toronto. Re· opens WEDNESDAY, SJ!.<PT. 5th. A s vac!lncles for new resident pupils are limited, parents arc requested, before the opening day, to arrange for admission (by lotter or otherwise) wit.It MI:5S GR CER, the lady Principal. who wi ll be a t home after the 31st of August. Circulars are sent nt onco on application. ----------··~------------------------------~---- sent on applicationTo thoso who want thAi r ar1vertising to pay, we can offer no bettor m<d i tHl< for t h o< '>1J,gb and ettective work than the vi~riou s sr;. ' -,:. of our !!elect ~ocal U st. ,. GEO. P . ROlV.tlLJ. 4 c· .o ., ---... ·.. Newspaper Advertismg Burea"::1 .. ' 10 Spruce street.. New York. iWEi'.ECTlONS will be TO ADVERT ISERS. A list of 1000 nowspapet·s divided Into STATE:lil The Magog Textile 0 and Print Co. liave now ! t11l rangea of nn their Newest Designs. and invite MERCHANTS to eKamino samei :previr·usly to buying elsewhere. 9 3 ST. PETER STREET, .MONTREAL. I Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.

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