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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1888, p. 1

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tsman. TBRMS :-11.50 Pu Alunni:. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. J A.MJl:B VOLUME EDITOR Al(D PROl'JWCTOR, .. Nxw SERIES. NUMBElt ="".'.:'~;;;;·; :::,wt.'!!'b_1.C~.l~N 5:32 . BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1888 . PBOV.IDENGR, XXXIV. Report or S. S. No. 5 Da·linicton. for Au!l'uer.~ Mr, T. Curtla l>M been ll!. ln the last l8sue of THE STATF.BMAN and Sentember: Sr. 3rd ClaAs- E ·wright. F Mrs. N. N. Cole Is visiting here. Hottr. E 0·aµ-o, E Alim. ,Jr. 3rd-M BrR.gR', I our readars were favor0d with a half· Mi~s .Tamfeson,of, Toronto is homo for a (Continued from last week) Osborne. K !<ln.ckbnrv. B Laing. Rr . . 2nrl-8 page announcement of the prepara.tions DowAon, W. Honr. Ir Blackburn, .Tr. 2nd-N short 11rne. The judges on heavy draught horaos for Fall and Winter trade at the oldest A !Hu. P E!rnrcl. L, A Wright.-M. E . M r. JRR. Soucb purchased the Hancock l\'IA~N.lNG. ~l'eaeJ1er. Farm at $6.000. were-Joseph Henry, J ohn Honwick, C <stablished bu11ineBs house in Bowmao'rhe scholars have taetefnlly decorated the Anderson. Carriage horses- T Baker, J ville, the noted West End Bouse, John RAMPTON. sohool house. Dickenson, Jae Caldwi!I, D Westington. McMurtry, proprietor. l!'. A. Cole has ailded to his stock a very Mr. 8 . .Brown, Cla remont, was visiting his Ce.ttle- R Calicott, .T Bellwood, Thomas It is needless to say one word about pretty ai;sortment of l·dies' dreRa goods, which brother on Saturday. he is selling remai k>l.hly cheap. Every lady Mrs. R ··lames. Cambray, ls visiting .Iler s'is· Vickers. Poultry--J Hern. Grain and the proprietor himself as he is favorably should c»ll Rl·d PXamine those lovely goorls. ter, Mrs. R. Collacott sen. aeeds- W T Lockhart. Ladies depart- known to almost eve ry man, woman and His stock of gents' furni·hings, tweeds and Miss Ada. Broarl Llt·le Britain is visiting ment-Kate McMurtry, Isabella U nder. child in West Durham. But for want of other suit.Inge hits been Tf'.plenlahed for the rail her sister a1l Mr W. Brent's ' and winter trade anrl will be founu verv at. · · wood, Addie Moulton. space last week we could only direct atMr. J. RobinEon of Town. wa~ tbe guest of traotl..-e. Prices always right. Mr. W. H. Clenndening, of Toronto, tention to the announcemeut without, Geo. Welch, on Mr; A. E. Harris hroright 11. potato to tbe was on the grounds with a very pretty comment. We n " w wish to say a few ENNISKILLEN. store which weighed 2 lb. 1 oz, span of blacks that everybody admired. words about the display of lo(oods that Mr, .T. P. McLaren has returnert to tbe city Mr. A. l:lingham, 'l'renton, and Miss Itla The outfit cost $1,000. awaits public inepecti<>o. Mr. l\'lcMurto pursue his studies at 'l'oronto Untversil.y, Bingham, Town, were here on 811turdaf. try had intended givin11 up th"' dry goodil Among the visitol·e: Mrs.Trundle.or TenneR· CLASS K,-AO. IMPJ,EMEN'.l'f;. Mr. J, Oowliqg nnd wife. Hampten, were see, U.S., sister of Mr. A. Riggs; Miss Brad- the branch altoget.her, a nd sold ofi the bulk guests or Mr-. Jos. H awlcey. on 8abba.tll. bu.r n, Cartwright; Mr. S. G. Brown, OlAr~· Single cultivator, F Stilwill. Pair of the stock, bu t h e has decided to con· Our S. A. corps ·ttonded the banquet at J,eamont; Mr. Geo. Rtg~s. Toronto; Mr. William Harrows, S Moor, F Stilwill. Cutter, F tinue this departm ent and has added a ~rcLanl!hlin . son of Mr. A. McL,.ughlin. Mich· kard accomp1LDied by Capt. Harper. or Brook· igan; Miss R. Davey 11.nd Mr. John Davey, !in. Stilwell. fine new stock in all the ~taple lines and Mr. W. A. Bunuer preached a Profitable eerPicketing; Messrs.Mc Pherson and Sut.herlanrl, is prepared to d o a r.ushing trade . this Trinity Medical Oollega. Toronto ; Mr. John mon here on Sabbath morning. He Is popular CLASS L.-MANUFACTUUEl'I. here. Lee has returned from Toronto. Fall and Winter \Ye need not enurner· Mi. ei~nary ~ormons will be preached here Farm harness, R Barfett. HorsB ate the stock as t ha ·. w1u d ,>1HJ in t h e fd· next. l:'! by Rev. T. Dunlo11 1md Rev. J. 1'AUNTON. Rhoes, draught, Wm Rick·.rd. Horse VC\rti·ement. A vi si t tn th· double s·ore Tt1oms. M. A Mr. John \Vright. Ha.yo on, assist.ed Mr. J. shoes, cardnge, Wm Rickard. William Drinkle is sick. Cabinet will couvinc l~ nuyone of the correctness Il:v"n in making bsrrelM at Oinghf\m's cooper· work, A A '.J.'ucker. Tweeds, .J Simpson. Two Slabtown bo)'s will winter in the lumber age of the ;\11nouncement Mr. McMurtry last week. ahantioa. Mr. Thos. M cT,ean t.hrnsheil. fo1· Mr. ,loa. Ten yds tweed, Mrs W Cooney, John is not 11 man ·o er ,te 1rnd what he William McLnnghlin of Michigan, made o. Reiley 375 bushels of hal'ley in 2~ honr8. Be11.t S impson. Ten yds all wool fln.nnel, l\frs says he cau ba..Jk u p To m~ke r.he esfiying visi t here last week. tha.t Who cau. W Cooney, J Simpson. T e n yds union, t ~ bli~hment sti ll m .. re wmple·e, Mr. S. A medical man is frequeutly Reen climbing over Zion's hill. H e is 11 happior sta.t.e, Mrs W Cooney Ten yds plaid, woolen , H. H ey nolds h as \·j)tJHl:'d a meat st<tll in WHITBY FAIR PRIZ.El LIS'r. W. G, Mitchell has moved from h<>re ·to 1~ J Simpson. Ten yds plaid, cotton 1md 1 he r ear piir t of t he 1rr<1eerv trnd provi,1house lst.ely occupiPCl by D. 011<· ke uea.r lto,1 n OR CARRI AG~: HoRs~:s.-Stallion. 4 :v'rs woolen, J Sim pRon. \V oolen blankets, ion departui e 11t . M.r . Rllyn 0lds i· an A Oourliee. Su:ir. Rnrl <·V<>r-J Port··r. J H Wi lson, Wm Oakes. Mrs W Couney, Mrs T Little. 'l\m yds 1 bntclibr 1md U11) sho r t tim<i htl ha.~ been 'Pair hor"e·-O ·Hrb:;:e-W p Prower, TI', Hieb· h 8 flannel, an wool, MrR R Clarko. Ten in hnsineS$ on hia own account h" haii OUUR'J.'IOE. ard·on, P1tir borees - ro11.d;.ter .. - D Burke d h fl l F ur 1 ~impR·>n . H ..rr~' Cann. Sin1?le 0 .. rria<ie- J D Y s ~ anue cotton warp, < n a Jon, worked np a ~p l eudid p.~tl'orrnge . We be. l\fr. Dav·i d Clarke hM moved on his fa.rm. 1 Pa:.<·nn. 'l' Hall. Allan 'l'rull. Single W Br0 wn. Bla nke t, homo spun, Mrs R speak for him a still greater patronage in Mrs. ·(Rev.) Thos. Brown. of Plalnfleld. is G C K ellet, A '1.'r11ll. W Ayrns. ~ta1Uo n 3 1:'rs Ard Ten yds h <·m!l spun carpet, woolen, his new sitnati.ou. lllt Mr. J11.s. Conrtice'a. -S G Pickli>. \V C Paxton, J ··s Trull. 8 1 a 11·wn Mr, L, M. Oourtice tool;: nll the prlzes nt :.! y'rs--J B WilA on. S C Brown, A Hoicarth. F Waldon, Mrs R Clarke. Ten yds h s Whitby fair .and nearly all at Bowma.nville on Scallion l y'r-J !"rmgle. J Robson, J Monnce. ca rpet;, mi-z:eri, F 'Va!don. Ra~ carpet his Southdown sheep. Maro or irelihng?. y·rs-W W Dickey. A 'l'rul l. t n d M W B . F W ld R ' Birthday Celebration . M1 iro or i;ieldin~ 2 y'rA- .Tno Marti11. J R~b ··on, e Y s, .rs ro wo, a · on, ag Mr. Harr1·on Gibson, who was so badly Jerome Scott. R .nd foal-J Porter, 'V mat, Mrs R Ard, Mrs S Bowen. Home sc1>lded by the boiler explosion in Whitby on Hodson. J B Wileon. Filly l year-.fas Trull. spun woolen coverlt:t Mrs J Staoleton On Friday eveninll 28th Sept. about the lst inst., is slowlv Improving. .J Dehal't. J J,ensk. Foal 1888-J \V ' · ' Tho Y. P. 0. A. held their first meeting for H odgoon, .r B Wilson. ·any'..J R Mrs R Ard. F ae. spun woolen CGVerlet., five o'clock the children, grandcb.ildren the season on The 2orl lnst,. when !he following Wil~on J Port?r·. BeRt hor;1e colt 1888 (L H Mrs R B Thornton, F Walrlon. Homo and friends of Mr.~. Maria Rick »r d, r elict officers were electd: Pr·e·. R Osborne; Vice lJa.niclsl-Ja" Sm1t.h, C Chatterµon , J Pierson. d F 'V l' p · P1·es, <1 Wo1·den · f:lecy, B Handerson; Treas. Best. filly 1888 (l, H Daniel ~)-W Hodgson J ma a counterpane, a _uon . air of the late J ohn R ickard aasem blPd in w Jt Oourtlce ; 6rganist, F Oourtice; Editor. Rich'1.rds. D w Mcnonald. ' woolen sheets, h rn, Mrs .J Ruwh , Mrs R great numbers at h t'.r res :denee lot 1, S .J Court!ce. AORJCUrn'URAL HonsEs - R1ood mare and Ard. Pair home made horse blankets · on Army b·nqu · et week foal- J < ·b 'Wtnte. J Martin. Ent.Ire colt 3 y'rs M n1 B · . ' con. l, Duliugtoa to cell:lhrnte I he fle ventyThe "'nl···ti ·.· ~ ·~' ~ a ago -J Mu.ckie. E"tire colt 2 ·'rsw H Balrtn·i · n rs " rown, F W11ldon. Skem woolen third >\1rniversary of h ,u- b irt hd ay. Tl1e was a success. A flrat·class aupper was s~rvHd , ·· to a large crowd and the indoor meeting was A\lin ~ros. F iil\· 2 years-W Kerr. Entire yarn, Mrs W H R eid, . J Simpson. Pair meeting was C1Llled to ord er by. Mr . G. 1 on<' of the tJest ever held here. It was led ,b>' co.t ; ear-.J Cribb, A J effrcy: Horse colt h m woolen stockinrrs Mrs RB Thornton Rickard who oiade '·' few ti t,ti.,g remarks Capt.. Willia ms, of Rowmanville, who made a 1888- W H Ra.ld·on, A. Jeffrey, Filly 1838· " ' .· . > very favorable impre ssion. The :tine Army l:l~.xt:e1· &. Tur~ei·, Duff Bros. . Mrs A Ferguson. Pair Cl)tton stockings, and explained the reaso ii nf t,h .. ir m ··eting b"nd, or Bowman ville, added ~re.. tly to the HAOKNEY-Ht.allion-1u.nd2, H H~ith & Co. h m ·Mrs R Ard, Mr11 R B Th ornton. togeth~r and then call ed 11 ;10 11 Mr. Wm. . D M · d HEAVY DttAUGHT HonSES ···Stllll1on 4 year~ p · ' I k I d M R ' nterest Of ti>e nl e e t mg. . an and over-1 and 2. lt BLJilh &. On. S'·,,,11i·1Jn 3 rs B Rickard to re>id the follr1wiug address : tlicer& from surrounding corps were orris present. " ·· T air woo en soc s, lnme ma 11, O horn ton, Mrs J Itiach. Pair woolen years-\. 2 11nct 3. R Beit.h & Co. Sta.Ilion 2 y'rs HOME. Sept. 29th, 1888. -;-1 and :l, R Beit.h &. Co, 2, A Ca.·nernn.· mittens h m Mr~ A Ferguson Mrs E C To Dear ,lfothe1·: t:JULlN.A.. hon l Y"«r-R Belt.fl&; Co, Stal hon 1tnv· ·' · .' · . It !lives us mucn pleasure t.o rneet you this Nearly everybody went to Bowmanville talr. Wm Jelfrny Filly or gelrlii11t 3 y'rs-0 Groat. Beman. Pai: woolun g loves, h m. Mrs J evening anrl join together in cel11brating your Mr. Yice's youngest daughter is very Filly or i(elding 2 y'rs - A ,Jeffrey. A John"ton. Rincb, Mrs R Atd. seveuts· thlrd blrtbda.y ; we hf>DPY to find·h roal--P McDerrneld w· G Dow Duff Ill. at this advanced !tge enjoying a measure you Bros. !for.· e "olt lh88- .Tob 'Vbite, A .Je'ff1·ev < JLAltKE l'Allt NO'l '};f;. Mr. ;roh 'l'hompson leaves in a few days for Jno l\fa<Jkie. Ff!ly or qelding l y'r·-P MoJ)ei·; or health amt!l'th and In full posses·ion of your marital pow ere, and for this great blessing Oxford county. meld. .!<'illy 1888- P McDermeid. Jno Mackie, Geo Bigham received first prize on we would 1 1ot be foriret!ul to return onr sincere j. . . Miss 'Ric·h ardson, or Oshawa, is spending a. Du tr Dros. Best mare any age-P l\foDermeil!. draught sucking foal. thanks w 1he great Giver of all good : A.nd Heavy drauc:ht team in harness-'Vm Jeffrey few days hero. whl!e w<, <lo w we would bumbly pray that W G Dow, C GroRt Best 5colts1888-.A. o'amer'. ·~ Mr. A .. Hogartll secured a prl7.e on his colt on, Wm .Jeffrey, .Jon. C. Clemence was awarded 1st the Mm ·· """et hle3~Jng may be continued to at Whitby :F'alr. you. SADDLE HORSli:S AND PONl'li:S-Saddle horse prize on heavy draug ht entire colt. Mr.W.We rry, ef"Roslandvale Stock Far m," W Hodgson, F Peck. Sa.ddll' horse ridden by As rnemnl'r c><rri~s us backward th ls evening exhibited ten of his thoro'· brods a t Bowman- a lady-·MisH D<'ew, D. Lick. Miss Gould. Bost to orn· chH,Jhood even to our e>\rllest r ecolltctionn, and as we trace the memories of vllle and secured twelve pri:.:ea, Including the pony-Wm J effrey, 'l' Howden. Mrs P Harvey. OSTIAWA . sweevstakes. 'T'his speaks well for hla herd. the pust up to the present time. we can nil bear Shetlancl poni..11 in harness-\V Jeffrey. testimony to the fact that we have alw11ys had DUHllA~ CATTLE-Bull 3 years-.Jno Mt.lier .All Ehotild attend tbe great stoclt sale of Mr. (From the Ontario Reformer.) in ;ou the best and greatest earthly blessing. & Son, Jno Drydeo. Rull 2 yearsJ TPn"k. J T. W·a rd's on Friday next and secure some of Bowmanville, Oct. :2nd, 1888. The M essrs. J. 0. Guy & Son are sell- nnmely. a go<ld, lo·ing. praying -nother ; a.n(l his thoro'·bred M.or thorns. The Baker farm \V Philp Bull I year-D Dyer, Jno D1·i.,tuu, O we kni:>w full well that though all other fri~ndq will be sold on the p1·ernises on the same day. Groat. Bull co.lf--Milter & Son, 2 1t11u 3 John ing bal ed h ay at $Hi 00 ptir ton. may f".il nod. all other love f.' TOW cold, a 'l'his will be a go·)(\ cb11.nce for some one to ga t. llryden. Bull a nv &. Son. Cow 4 mother's love is ancl will never rail a good farm. S. · C. Hunking wlll wield tho years-1, 2 and 3 Jno Dryde n. Cow 3 years-I, The work at the W orka is still and 2. Jno Oryden. R eiter 2 yeara- Jno Dn· beiug dAlayed by t h e Dou-arrival of build- while life ~"rt belnf.I: liist.R. hammer. 'Ve rejoice to.night chat. so many or yonc I year-I, 2 and 3 Tno Dryden. NOTI<JE.-Henry Argue desires to inform the d·m. Heifer family are spared to meet with friend~ and calf-Miller & Son, 2 and 3 J Dryden ing material. ma.n whl) ·nter.ed his house on Satw·d&) night, Heifer neighbors here to celebrate tho o.nniveroary of He8t. i calves·-JnoDryden. Best herd-1and2 Oct. 61.b., thrc*ig-JI pantry windo w and took J A meeting to organize n Prohibition your birth ; but while wo dos a. sad thought Dryden from his pants pocker. his puree conta.inir1g o. ,,.., comes over us as we think or the loved onea HEREFORDS-Billi 3 y's-1 anil 2. R J Mackle. Ch1b, is to be held in the T o wn Hall, sum of money that Hit is returned to him by .Bull 2 yearu-R J Mackie. Bwll 1 yeo.r-t and thn.t. nsve been t.11.k~n from us. ln the provimail or otherwise within one week that bis Oshawa, 'Ill .Monday evening, nex t . drnce of God it hao been your lot to loose a kind R J Mackle, John Hogarth. Bull calf-L E name will not be revealed nor wilt action to 2, and a ffecUonate lrn~b.·.nd. ancl ours to lo ~B3 ti Mr. Gourley, the newly appointed loving prosecute betaken. The man ha.fl been traoed Drewi. R ,T Mackle. John Hogarth. Bull any father. a true friend and neighbOl'. ancl is welt known, He wlll please accept age- tt J Mackie. Oow- 1. 2 &. 3, R J Mackie. mathematical master for Oshawa Hi~h has also been your lot and ours to lay iu POLLED ANGUS-Cow-R J Mackie. LE Drew. thaTiks tor leaving other papers that were He!rer ~ilent tomb a. much loved son, brother anrl School, assumed his duties on Monday l year-R J Mackie, 2 and 3. LE Drew. in the pu me. rriend in his early manhood; o.nd w0 well Just as we go to presH we lea.rn that the He1tei: calf-R J Mackie. Jno Hogarth, R .J las t . remember how well a.nd faithfully yo1i per. purse stolen from Mr. H. Argue, n.iar Solina, Mackie. Best 4 calves- L E Drew. R J M<>ckie. formed the arduous duties devolving upon you AYERSRIRE-Bull, 3 years- 1 and 2. T Guy. Rev . S. R l~as tm an inter d11 giving his ho.a been returned with the monev, excepting Bull 2 Years-'.l'hos Guy . Bull calf- Thos Guy. congregation some account of his recent durin"° his long a .,d tedious illness. and how a $2 bill and some ama.11 cha.nge,··-E1>. you ministered to his w11.ots as only a. mother Cow-I, 2 and 3, T Guy. Cow 3 milking -1 and 2, Thoe Guy. Heifer 2, 2 and trip to Californi1" on Tuesday eveniug, could ; and we aru ~llre that In t.11ls matter as URUNO. well 1ts in many others, it must be u. cornfol"tlng 3, Thos Guy. Heifer 1 yea.r-1. 2 and 3 'l' Guy 16th inst. thought to you to know that. yl)u well o.nd Hoifer calf-1 and 2, ·r Guy. Beet 4 oalvos-'l; Having 1·cceived our £'all a11d Winte1· Stock o.C DRY The P . 0. was burglarized on Sunday Guv. Best herd-Thos Guy. On Tuesday, J 'ohn Connors, a farm faithfully performed your duty and done the ;on could. Som" of ll· ha.Yo lo· L other morning, tho safe blown open with powtioLS'l'EINs-Bull-Oakland's Stoc k F iirm J l::i.borer, attempted an indecent nssaull: best loved ones; wife and chlloren hBve bet.n taken GOOD~ we arc it a position to 0Ke1· the best value in der, and about $450 stolen, J a.mes Hal- & S Penfound. Bull 2 years-A A Farewell. from us and gone to the other sh~re · but , Bull Olllf-1. 2 and 3, Oakland Farm. Bull any upon a young gi rl in Whithy_ Ho was in all these berea.vements we sorrow' not the trade, because 've confine ourselve! exclusively to 1et, Jr. , saw the burglars at work 1md age-Oakland Farm. Cow-I. 2 a.nit 3. Oakland arrested and committed t.o j:iil. as those without hope, for we believe they the alarm when he was fired at, the bul- Farm. Cow 3 years·- Oa.kland Farm A A · h ' } db · Farewell. Heifer 2 veo.ra-A A Fareweli. 2 and On Sept 29th, Mrd Coo~a:1 was up be- have gone to the better land; and we would the Dry Goods, which includes Jlhllinery and Mantles, 1et l UCk t.l y escaprng to hope and pra.y that Gou in his IS tea y a few m- 3, Oa.klaucl .li'·rm. He1'rer 1 year--1 °nd 2 Oak- f oreG R po1· . t rate G rrnrson, . " ice M ag1a on a venture wisdom and rnercy may so direct our way c h es. C . G . Armstrong next appeared and land Farn~, A A Jhi.reweli. Heifer calt- 1 and 2, l Lace Goods and Novelties. Our stocl.: is very complete shouted and t wo bullets lodged woefully Oakland :Farm, A A Farewell, Best 4. calves- c lll.!'ge of keeping a housci of ill·farne. throul(h life that In his own good time we may :F'1.rm. She pleaded guilty and was sent to Mer· one and all be brought to meet the loved onea and being selected. 'villi g1·eat care we bave confidence n ear his person in the door casing. The Oakland that have gone b"fore in our hea.venly borne JERSEY OR GURRNS1':1r - Bull- R Reesont R f t f m en, t hree in number, captured their Bull 2 years- ·Oa.kland !<'a.rm. Bull calf- R cer e orma ory or one y ear and 36! where parting sha.ll be no more. a quick lPesce1·ning public that tbey can a1>preciate boodle and went so11th and east. The n eesor. Oaklan<l Farm. Bull any age- Oak· days. As a token of love a.ncl sincore respect we heartily join in presenting you this chair anr l Farm. Oow-1and3. H. Reeraor 2 OakA A h W a well bought article. Each department bears evidence fr,;mt of tbe officii was blown out and land land Faro·. Cow 3 years-Oakland :Fa~m. R CCIDENT.-t t e hitby on pair of ·Pectac:es. W e know t h11.t :vou will esteem t.hem vcrr h1~hl .r ,ll<>t for thoir financial used were Reorso1-. Helfer Z yeare- 1. 2 and 3, R Reersor. 'Wednesday, Mr, L. Ad:u:us, of H arrnony, oC th.c care and tltoug·Jit expended on its sele~tion and I otherwise d a maged. , Th e tools , by 11 run- value. hnt bcc1>use ~ht" wet·e tokens of love . I Helter 1 year-1 . 2 and 3. H. Reersor. r eceived a severe shak ing u 1 ancl c8t.eom from you t' children, neignbors anr1 s t o l en fTom M c Ala ens carnage s iop. GRADE OAT'l 'LE-Cow-1 a nd 2, J Leask .T R ·· ltave 110 d.oubt but ou1· customers will app1·ecfate our (Frum the News.) Mathewson. Oow 3 years·- 1 3. J Leask; 2, away h orse. He was stArtill!;\' his four- friends. W" most earnestly hope and p ray that you may long be to enjoy theit use Juo Dell. Helfer 2 years-Young Bros, 2 and 3. year colt i11 :~ race whe11 the horse became that as you 81r. >U'1d r st yourmilf in your endeavot·s to secure their patronage. Mrs. McMillan. of Barrie, is visitini.r 11.t Mr. J I ..eas k. Yearlhg h eifer-Yonnr: Bros J friuhteJled a nd i.·a.n away. Afi·. Acl··ms and easy chair you will kindly remember 11.nd pray A. Connell's. r.ea~Jc. Heifer ca1r....:.r Leo.ak. J R Mathewson ~ " w Mi·s Nellie Hookin is visiting friends in J Dell. Best IIerll·-J n Mathewson, J Leask: received a aevere blow on 1he hMd from for all aseembleu here this evening. Tn conclusion, we woulu at1y wo uincerely Brooklin and Port PeITy. Fat cow-Young Rrn<, "V Anrlorson. J Le ~sk. the sulky, which was badly smashed. wish you much happiness in tho evening of M J 0 h Inl f Se f th i . Fat steer-1 and 2, J Leask; J H Ma.thowaon Fa·r 0AT1'LE-Fat steer-A Juhnston, J r,e,.9 ic A di strns~iog boiler explosion took life and whatever the futu ' o may be to vou r. · n i en . .o · ·"'.or · Is V! 8 trng ~is brother here, Mr. Wm. Hillen, who ~8 very ti!. · .T R Mathewson. F'ut cow-Young Bros, W place 11t the \Vhitbv . ]~uir Gr1)t1nds, w1'tl1 whe1her in the good pro viuenc" o! Goel th~ way n1ay be rough and rugged or smooth and Mr. ,V. W. Andruo, of the Haimlton Basa Anderson. J Leask. , Ball team, is homo, the club having ·completeu .LElClilS'l'ER Sunm·-nam a.gecl-1 and 2 w B fatal results on Oct. 1st. A traction en- easy. 1Ve humbly pray tJ1! may prove tho Plain truth God's p romise when he declares that their season's work. Allin &. ::ions. Shearling ram- 1 anq. 2,' Allin gine had been secured to run the e l-ctric as thyor rlays thy strength sball be; and when Mr. ·wm. Hall, of Plymouth, Eng·· who is ~Sons. Ham. lamb- 1 and 2, allin & Sons. 1· l t B f t · t maklnp. a trip across this continent, 1s spend· lwo ewea-.A.11111 & SonA, .A. Jetrrey. Shearling ig 1 8 · e ore en ermg t HI g r ounds, the m.d ehall come may you gain the heavenly rest und hear the .Master say "Well done, good ing n. short time at his uncle'a, Mr. Daniel ewes-A Jeffr.ey, Allin & Sons. Ewe lambs...:. John Hurst, of O:shawr., tlw eugineer, and faith ful servant," Hall's. A J eftrey, Alhn & Sons. noticed the water iu tbe boiler was rather The exhihit of scroll at the Fai'r, The Lord's ing Soui·uooWNSR&m- L Ram M Oonrtice. ' t h ere was aufii c11:1ut · ,.,,. · bl e rep Iy ram-J, M Oourtice. ltimb-1 Shear!· and 2 l ow, b u t t l10ugnt for J.u.rd. R' 1ck ard mad o a smta and PJrhayc~ and son~~ fsaticdy dahr~iolee, tho wor,'!: ~t L M C~mrtlce. ·rwo ew1is- L :M Oourtice. 'fwo the engine to rel\ch its destinat ion. which t ouched t be hearis of all present. o n i::ipunct;'" '. " i im great cre!-'1t, it shearlrn~ ewes-l and 2, J, M Oourtloo. 'l'wo S was~· hllmit 1fnl piece or work and was Justly ewe lamba-l and 2 1 M Oourt' p -L M When crossing the Fair Grounds, tho enhe thanked idl pre11~11t for the beautiful J admir.·cl I;,. all. Oourtico. ' , ' ice. en gine s topped and the front wheels au ilk presents they had giv~n her, and she folt Jn t · c of the Mrs. Elinbeth Pepper. , SHnepsrrmE- Ram-Jno Dryden Shea.rling deep into the orounds. This caused tile tha!lkful to God fot· havin.,,rr such good belov,,d wife of Mr. John Birch, lot 27, 6r,h con. ram- J Dryden, Milter & Sons. u;m r..amb"' or tl·i· township, Clarke, has lost another or Miller & Sons, J Dryden. 'l'wo ewes-Miller & water in the boiler to flow to the front cluldreu and for gooc l deighbors. S he !ts early pioneers. During her life she was Sons. J Dryden. Two sbearllng ewes-Miller end,leaving the crown sheet dry. Hemg felt sorry Lhat she was going to lorl3e some known as an active. pushing, business woman & Sons. J Dryden. 'l'wo owe lamba- J Dryden unable to move the e n gine, Mr. Fitirst ()f her best nei!?hbors-Mr. and l\frrl. l and.a good manager. Long years ago tbe Miller & Sons. Pou- Joo Dryden. ' in all . family settled on the homestead where she MISCEI.I.ANEous - 'l'urkeys bronzed -L M commenced pumping water into the Mutch-but she was glad tha.t she had r"'l .t brea~nedberlast. '.l'hevery lR.rge c~ncourse Oourtice. B1>rley, ·6 rowed--S Cotton. ]'lax boile r . Thecrownsheetbeiug · very hot good neighbors left. Her prayer was ~ or fnends from all parts ~r the township, wh.o seed-Jae J,eaek. Turnips- J Leask. Carrots, d h 11 h d attended her funeral indicated the esteem in whlte- .J w Ph!lp, Collection of field rootsa isastro1111 explosion took place, smash - t at a t o unsave ·ni~ht be 11poedily ·an, Engl1"sh and which she was hAld hy all who knew her, J Leask. Turnips from Simon Fraser's eocding the fire box to piec es. Mt". Hurst, brought t·.> Christ and that all present ~ ... , ,_, Deceased lea.voe a husband and numerous J I.cask.. 0lll'rots-J \V Philp, n. T Philp. h" J h d 12 d h fi · h ct 'ti tl · l 'f · h family of grown up sous 1Lnu daughters to Square pumo-H li:!Hot.t, Sewmg machine ts son onat an age ao a young w en · UIS e · Wl l lls I e mtg t m eet mourn her loss. mu.nufacturers - HElliott. F'1rkinofbutter,50 man, son of Mr. J. C. G ibson, lot 1, inheavtin. lbs-Mrs D Ormlsr.011. 30 pounds butter- Mrs brnken front, Ei·st Whitby, wero terribly Short addresaes fol11 ,;verl by Mr. J ames "Mies Brown .wonld be a charminp:girl," I ~~~kmitii~ Pll~~~:r~u;~~;.~ . ~~!'c1~!~i;;..:.M~~ scalded about tho liigs and budy; two Ricka rd, Mr. W. Mutch and Mr. Benj . I h eard a y ouog man say, .T I--cck. Apples. 15 varletlea-E ~ Varnum. other men named Chas. Reid and .Tohn Ashton, 'l'hecompany then repaired to th~ "lf she had a good complexion, and tbose Winter apples, 6 varietles- E N Varnum. St. Rowden, were also prett" badly scalded. dining room and partook of a sumptuous . ld . J..awrence - E .N Varnum. HibstonA Pippin · spo t 11 wo~ go away , 11;11d Maidens Blush-E N Varnum. Tolman'e Tho poor boy died about midnight.. r apast pro vided by the ladies, after whic h But they spml h e r lc>ok11 completely." If I :-iweet-:-l~ N Va.rnum. Woollen carpet- J & S Hurst and Gibson wm·o removed t i> their the evening was pleasantly passed iu Miss .Brown would only tali e / ~'enfo1md. IOlbs honey in comb- J & S Pen· h h ll '11 l . l d . t t I . d . found. 3 year old trot--Dlckey's horsa, Clarke, omes w ere 1ey st1 ay m a very criti- voca an ms rumen a music an in a . , Dr. P1e1co s Golden Medical Discovery, Pony raco-Beith, Bowman~·ille. Sta.Ilion trot cal condition . social way. whnt a happy change 'twould make. -MJaMt. Por~e1~~v Jo~h Rll.ling~, Oshawa; 3rd. " It would drive out all the humors from · c urtry 8 ' arrior Chief, Clarke. ~ .._.. - --·WI ,.. her blood and make it pure, of Paris, s tates that 1 A FRrnND: NEED is A. INDEED. And the bkmi 3 hes complained of disapA PLAIN ST.A1'EM.EN1'.-All poiaouous cert~in _vita.l processed_of the body devc:Iop -:-For. Liver Complaint, fol:' Bile, for fob · d , tl h f' C t pear, bo very sure. waste, aud worn out mn.tter ought to es- putrifyml{ substances m the t1s:mes, winch, d1gest1011, for llea.l'tburn tor Si ck H eade1ng Ull er arge 0 on1pe person. Tbis medicine is the great purifier of c:ipe from the syste~11 through th~ mere-' ifno~s peedilye~i1ninated,producediscaae. ache aud for Acidity of S tom11,.; h you will ~ the blood, and disfiguring eruptions and tlons of the bowels, lndneys and sk10. B. Ayer a Sarsaparilla effects the removal of f.ind a safe, suro and effective friend in blotcbea will soon vanish wlren it is us!d. B . B. cleai;ise3, opens and regulates these I these substances, and thoroby preserves Cocklo's Auti· bilious P ill· I·l nsi·· foL' + natural outlets for tho mmoval of disease. · health. about a century and a quart.el'. ' 2 FAIR I TYRONE. CLARKE FAIR. A Complete House. NOTICE! I YVhen visiting our Fair this week Ladies are invited to call and examine the supurb stock of new DRESS GOODS TRIMMINGS with a fine assortment of the newest I to match, and at the same· time take a look at those Elegantly Cut and Lovely Fitting German made I Jackets and Ulsters now showir1g at COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDER MAN'S One Door West of Post Office. Bowmanville. SEPT., 1888. SEPT., 1888" New Fall Goods -AT- L A I N G --J s. Q to The different departments are : DRESS GOODS, Fancy and in Wincey, Stuff, "ettas. Cashmere and Henrl Black Colored. FANCY GOODS, FLANNELS, Grey and all Fashionable Colors. sizes ald weights · BLANKETS, Canadl TVVEED..._, ·Scotch, French. OVERCO A TINGS, I I Plain and Fancy. GEN TS' F U RN JS H J N GS, Hats and Caps. RY & MAN TL ES . E I M I LL N ., , . . . .th Mant}a, Cloth and Fi'ne Sealettes. Our Millinery Rooms are now open and no orders are refused, a t ' ie c en Professo;-Ga~thier, FP.I~l<D · 0 · L A IN \J · . GE t .

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