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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1888, p. 3

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.L i l ~a~adiltu Jtatmrnu.! AFamous Doctor WEDNESDAY, OCT. 10, 1868 YOUNG FOLKS. I Didn't Think. I know a naughty little elf Who never can behave himseli ; He heat 's his drum when graw1ma 's c11>p ls nodding for a cozy na p, And leave bis hall upon the fl,,·w For Uncle J ames to stumble o'or. 'Twas he w ho tried to scrat~h his name Upon a painted picture frame ; Twas he who left the gate unt~ed, Which beindle cow pushed open wide ; 'Twas be who nibbled Lucy's cake She took such pains to mix and bake ; And, though we blamed t he trickRy mice, ·rwa.s he who cracked its fluted ice. Thi· little elf upset the milk . H e t ..ngled i\.unty's broidery silk ; He went to school with muddy shoes, Though credits very sur e to lose. ~ ga.inst his m11>mma's gentle wish Be took. the sugar from the dish ; He lost t he pen, and spilled t he ink ; This elf we call " I didn't think." Our h ouse would be a nicer place If he would never show his face ; We hope ~.nd hope some aunuy day The naughty t lf will run a.way, For oft he makes our spirit s sinkTbis troublesome " I didn't think," -MARGARETE. SA~GSTER. MISOELLANEOUS. I j ' I PO PUREST, STRONCEST,, BEST, CONTA I NS NO R DR.FOWLERS . .·WILD· issued and Oollectione made In Europe ,. That's a good nl.\me,for her, I th!nk, " frost; a common circumstance, it seems, Unit ed States and Canada. Freddie. "Won't your wagon h ? ld but one? but new to m e. The reports w ere loud and I should think two could go into t he circus on sharp, thew od, I was informed, actually W ··T··TONES, su oh a show as that will be." splittin~ into v isible rents and fiasures." Al!'·D "I don't k now, said, doubtfully. Th e work of the frost, which Wll>S so new "I'll let you go in with me, if I can." 11>nd st.range to the t raveller, i s unknown to Elegant in Design B ut Nannie Hooker hl.\d Bpled Freddie a.nd the p eople of England and Scotland. The ' never 10 · t ense enough· m · th ose coun continues t o do a Genere.l B anking BusineBB t:h!I peaches, and she went tor . both. With coId 18 Solid in Constructi on uo wmanvillo Bra.nob . a. eudden leap she overturn!.'d the c11>rt, 11.\nd· tries to produce such disastrous effects, ~xce!l ent in Tono DEPOSl'.l'S T his now famous p reparat ion for i uvig· iiig J on the ground, and planted her It takes a. tempenture of twenty degrees or ating and stimulating t h e g rowth of the forwe.rd hoofs on t he top of the wall, biting below zero, or lower t han t hat, to work the PRONOUNCED IJV AR TISTS TO BE THE FINEST i eceh ' ed in Savlnge Bank Department and i s universally accepted as t h e mosi the p eaches, a.ud shaki ng her horns l.\t Fred· mischief cold is 011.pable of doing i n the for· MADE IN CANADA, and equal to the best United States ·all and interest allowed l.\t current rates. Ne i nstruments 1 at (when duty and freight is paid) 1 otloo or withdrawal necessary. All depoalh valuable specific on. the m arket . All die who had ecr&mbled off on the other side. est. That degr ee of cold is common in the ~ayable on demand, disea ses of t h e scalp ar e either relieved or "Yon are a hooker," lle, aa he sur· winters of New England and in all the AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAlNTS permanently cured . A rich and upid veyed the lively animal from his own porch. States of the Northern b order. The deEXC:DA.NGE AND F'LUXE.S OF THE BOWELS g ro wt h of hair will follow after judicious "You're welcome to t he peaches, Nimnie s t h ruotiyd e eftectsf ohf ,thle cold are familiar to ~ought a nd sold and Drafta iesned upon Europe · · b Hooker, ·ut I don't ·-~lieve you and I wi·11 t e resi ents o t 1s ong belt of country, li IS SAFE AND RELIABLE. FO.R It r e mams wit Jnlted States and Canada, a lso Gold, Silver an an d regu1ar t roatment. "' "" Th · h' f · d b h · f WITH TllE lllANUFASTURERS · rcua togethcr,- you nre 01 ·rcus e misc 1e 1s one y t e expan sion o go to t he 01 J nlted Sta~eM Greenbacks bou11:h t and sold, CHILDREN OR ADULTS. · the user alone to secure the desired enough ~ · The sap and t h e moist · · OCTAVI US NEWCO MBE & CO . by yourself." wat er · m f reezm;. results. Dr. D ore nwend'e "Hair Magic" · ch are in · t h e t r unk and b ranc h es of l4JOL iLIEU'J·JON~ And now he heard his mother O>~Uiog from ure w h1 107-109 Gl·nrncH STIH:ET, TORO NTO is eold by a ll druggists at $1 per bottle, the a tree ar e under pressure, and do not be<:'romptly made a t current rates upon all ·piu or six: bottles for $5. If not obtainable .. Freddi.a, come quick.. There's a come solid when the temperature is but litt le VE~SE .,f (,lreat Brit tain, the United States and Do in y o ur locality send direct to the sole lledler down t h e street. R un a.a fast as you below the freezing point. But when the nlnlon of Canad!:'.. manufacturer, enclosin g price. A . D ORN- can, and buy t wo qu..r ts of peaches for sup- ?o!d. b~oomes intense, the ice exp11>nds w~tli A , w . JtHlJCJUS .t mto . Tclcgrapl1 'l'ransrers WBN D, Paris flair Works, 103 and 105 per. H ere's your :md a. baske t. irresis ti.ble force, an~ t h.e wood must . give PROPHIETORS. MONTREAL, tor large or ~m all 1mme on all parts Y~ng.e St., Toronto. For sale by . J. And when yon setback you ma.y'give one warto 1t. Therendmg1s hne of Canada. 'l'h is is especially advantageous H1ggmt.otham & Son, and a ll druggist to Mollie a nd one t-0 t,hey do look i;t 'resistance. I n ha.rd·wood trees th1a is usual. I ,er e<ins llvlnir In M11.n1t oba or tho North·w that old tree of ouru so longing ly. But mind I ly from the.hear t to t he surface, what is ,.e It makes the tunas availa.ble at once .at ulac e of payment. you, d on't get in the way of that goat ot c»lled the n fu. O..k .trees suffer more,, than any JJ'or further pa.rt loula.ra call at the Ba.nkln I\ I their's· Yf!ur fatht:r s&ys its a hooker" ' ot hers. This is be<)aUS'.! of their free rift. !louse. BOWlUAN VILLE O 1l f IlRl!AD t11ad· of thla y...;t L t. Cases of injury to this tree are more noticed, T. RODIE, GEO. McGILL . · ' · ro:/j 1~· Pir·t Priz.., o.t 01>tMi, Save egii.l Trouble. fer i t is oftener t hari others sawed or riven Accountant. Manager E sTADLtenEn, .1857. '1' 0~~.. ~:,~ 11 ;.~~~· writte , U ncle Ra.stus-I's thinkin' of gettin' mar- ~nto lumber. The beech is also liable to in · ·ly to eo.y that it surl"' '"'"" ""Y Y""' r ried a.gin, Mr. Goodman, a n' l'spc's I wants Jury from cause. The t1 ·unk onoe split , ev er 1104d by then·. yo' to perfo'm d e ceremony. n ever heals p erfectly. It nrnko~ th e ligi1tost, ,..i.;1:..-, Minister-Th11>t will be a pleasure, Uncle It is not unr easona ble to suppose tha t one ALL KINDS O F swcet"6t h rt Rd, r"ll·, buus aa l R~stus. r eason why the ocdt 1~nd t he beech ca.nnot buchv h"'t p~!lle<tkC'S. · Bakers in n-=uly · very ~wa ! 1 U~cle Rastu.s-Does y o' enshure de suc - !ive so far n orth as. the willow aud the bir oh ~m··t;SP~'m"!ffl'·lP~ "lm~ Canad" 1 u ·c u sin g it. cess~of. de marnage ? !s because t.hey suffer more from theae rend- Pronou need by practical consum1i= . .:z::i PRICE FIVE CENTS. M1n1ster- Why, yes, so far 11>s I'm con· m gs of the frost. _ _ __ cerned. ers, superwr to anytlung in She Would .Rule by I, ove. . Um:le Rastus- Dat's wot ~ wants, ~a:h; The numb er of wom en who are engaged . · the Matket. done in the latest styles and materials. I ~" heerd of. so many m:-rr_iages provt!" upon some specifi.J employment io Grel\t I B elv· Loc~wooil having visited the Capi· £allures, I'd b ke de negotia.t1ons down m Britain antl the Ut!itcd S cat es ia r.;m~i'kahle \ "'"' 7 ri "··e to!, at Waahmgton , tho other day w1\s plied black anl white, sah, so ef yo' don' make a. a nd is annually lncreadog. In t he United 1111· " tor Inf'ot·mation. SCOTCH, ENGLISH , G ERM.AN AND with q uestions by s everal of her Congres. success ob dis yere marriage I kin gi t my Kingdom it is estimated t hat there are five . sional friends as to the course she w ould per· money l:ack w ifout invokin' de lega,Jity ob millions of women and girls who are r egu · 1 Mauuf'actu rci-s A.lso of Th e Celebrated . . . NE\V BRUNSWI CK sue ~f the for tu?es o! politi?s fhould place de law. l~rly engaged in. v11>rious trades 11>nd p~ofes-:B"Yi her m t he Pres1<lcntlal ch air. Fmal!y, it is s1 ons. ln the city of N ew York t he mter - 1 Mu - ME ru1g · related . Mr. ~onow, of Ca.liforni:1 S!l.i.d : _ J<'r.iend(who~!l.B b een.listeuillgtoa m an eats.ofthewomen-worker ii areal rea dyen-OF! ' n - a ' ~1 nl ; "Bnt you couldn't i., comi;n ...nder ·lll·oluef ' kioktng a.bout lne coa.l b1ll )--;l <vouder how gagm g special a t tention, and a number of 811~ ! $ I a.m fully prepa.rod to at tendFunera.l 1 IN STOCK. olR1he armieF, How woulel you arrange you ea.n sb&nd all the abnse,Yon get. Coa· prominent citizilns are promot ing t he organl the ehorteat notice, at the lowest possibiera that? ' Mrs. Lockwood th~reupon shook ~er : dealer- Well, I d on't ~ind it. In this busi· ! i z ~tion of a,n association p artal>.ing of t he . I ' ~sketl! a ndBuria.ICa.sesready onshor tnott , ( First -olas!l he,arse on v ery moderate tern: finger a·rchl.v a t her questioner and replied ~ ness you get used to be1Dg hauled pver the . features of both the labour union and em - · Ca.II and see our desi gns and get our sweetly : "I would <:ti~znias the iirmies and · coalfl j ploym ent burea Toronto Oftico and Warehouse : 20 l!lWNT . Shrouds and Cofr!ns conetantl y on hand. tl'11 , ;. rule by Jove" I ' · u, S' l 'ItEET EAS'l'. I eraloa1·de supphed a t once. Furnitu r e ShoJ!l estimates b efor e purchasing w. c. BONNELL, MANAG E R . I chow Rooms- Bounsall'eNew Block. · · 38-6m Nannie Hooker. .Freddie sat on the high wall between his yard and Mr. Heath's, wa.iting for the lbn'l'r of !ht CELEBllA'i'EDROYAL YEAST CAIEIL peaches to 11eu ripe. He was waiting and longing. The peaoheu were red alree.dy on one side, and he wa.s waiting for the other side to turn yellow ; for Freddie knew very l'repnred by D r . J . C . .Ayer 8t Co., Lowell, M-.. well ths.t not until the green had changed ",, Sold by all Dealers in Medieinc; to 5old on the shady side of the peach would If y are lanRuid and weak, and your appe· it be quite ripe and juicy. - -- -- ..- ----··- -- - -- He poor "That limb that hangs over on your side My Beef, Iron and Wine is the tonic, be sure. of uhe wall is youn," he said to Mollie Heath .As an inv;gorating tonic it ie recogn. i sed by when she ·came out into the yard for a ba.eket the Medical profession as the best strengtben· Jr.~ · medicine thus fa1· produced. It is inv aluaof chips. "Mv father says so. and what he ble as a b!o?d ..nd muscle maker, ee·peoie.lly says is true. He eaye I musn't get a single in thoEe cases where weakness is the res1'1lt of peach on your aide aud I'm not going to, if imperfect or insufficient food. -0r wasting they are riper 'n ours. fevers or excesses of any sort. It contains the nutriment of Beef, the stimulant properties of "My father says that every sinirle pea.oh Wine and the tonic powers of [ron, and is 11d· on the belongs to your fo!Jrs , and if we mirahly calculated tu build up thl'> e maciatE>.d Agriculture in Australia. children eat one single one of 'em, he'll ·ystem, ~old in Bowmanville by ll!ligginboth· punfah ue." The growth of the Australian colonies am Bros. "Is that so?" Freddie, taking a deep has been exc ~edingly rapid. They have sud. bre11>th. "I don't; km,w what'll become of denly risen to importance as agricultural 'em then, I guess they'll·all be spoilt and communities. They possess an immense - When I ;'.LY CURR: I do not mean merely to · nobody c11>n't ever ea.t 'em." are11> of fertile land and their r11>nge of proMannfoctm·ere of stop t hem for a tnr.o, th011 have them re· , " Perhaps Nannie Hooker will eat them," ducts is large. So important have they turn a)'.( I l<mA_ M A RADICAL CUEB'.. said Mollie, "She's fond of ftuit. We become as competitors in t he markets of I h6've made the <iisesse of c11>n t and you c11>n't; buu nobody hasn't the Old World that the United States k,_"ES, EP!.l.!t.:PSY Nannie Hooker can't." Government h11>e caused enquiries to be A1·Hti~iaJ "Who is Nannie Hooker?" questioned made into their condition and capabilities J,i11nbl!!, Freddie, a.s farming countries. The report sent in A 1'~0 !Clng st1,ily. I wAitnA:irT my remedy tG ' " Who's Nannie Hooker ?" r epeatsd contains much interesting information. I t .And Appliances for a.11 De· C'JP.m the worst cases. Because othera have Mollie. "You a funny boy, Freddie shows that the population of all the Aus. formities of t'.he · H uu1u1· Body Ll-i1i'j disnorea.sonforno.t nuw1·eceivina a curo. - Spinal TH~eases, Hi p Jomt F W<i a.t. once fu r a treatise and a.I·"RE /IlOT'.:L:: W hire I Nannie Hooker has been to our tralian colonies, in d uding New Zealand, Disease. · l>isease8 oi the r.f mv lNFAt.rSBLE REME'.DY'. Givo F:c'"'~c!; house two whole days, and you don't know was in 1,86 1, 737 509. It had, in 1886, in Rne<' SJn<l Ankle, Knock :md l:'ost Olll.ce. It cost.$ :yoll nothing t.c~· a · about her yet. I should have thought you'd increased to il ,426. 592. Their population Knoo, Bow Legs,.Club Feet, irial, e.nd i t Y·i!? cure you. Addresa heard her the first night. She was homesick had incea sed nearly five hundred per cent. : .7, F , C\ ROOT. 3'i Yonge Gt., Toronto, Ont. Etc. and she cried awful, " and, with a t~asing in twenty. five Two of the Colonie<, L··:,~:·62Eil-~ · ' glance .ALSO CatilJ'11CHES. over her shoulder, Mies Mollie nn N ew South W ales and Victoria, cont ain -·---- ------ ·---- -- - into the house. more t han a million each. T hirt y· one p er : "I wish my mot lier hadn't told me not t G cenr, of their inhabitants are engaged iu -----·---------·- -· - ' get over ithe wall," said Freddie tJ himself. al?;ricultura. The quantity of l!l.nd t.aken "I'd like ·t o go over and find out about Nan - up amounts to l ll.849,369 acr~s, while nie Hooker. I wonder if she's a little girl t here 11>re 1,856.302,541 acres still in the r ! like Mollie, with curly hair r.rnd bright eye 's h11>nds of the different governments. The r e · VE'fE.H.I.NARY SURGEON. and if she ca.n playj · Rnnt the gray fox.' portsays" the soil is g·mer a lly very fertile and P'raps she's a grown. up woman, only g rown- the products ranue from the cereals of tbA up womendon'tory out loud because they're t " mperate zone to t he fruits of the tropics. " homesick. Anyhow, I'm real. sorry for her. The wheat crop is large. The 11>rea P'rape she's all over being homO!lick by this es ci ma.ted at 3,697, 954 a.ores, and t he yield time. I'm glad she can eat the peaohe~, 45,541,592 bushels; oi this abou t 90,000, 000 ~OVAL 'cauee now t hey won't have to be wasted." was exported. The export of wheat, owing Is o ,.nada 's Favorite Bread-mo.kEJr. Jns~at this momen t Jake Hootb, Mollie'd to the increased h ome crnsumption ancJ 10 years in thv 1narket w lthout a complai nt of nny kind. Tho only y.,,est which b~other, drove np to the gate with the very_ likely the low price abroad, has dimha:q Btoocl the t n<t of ti me 1ihd n ever made q 11eerest team. It was a little two·wheeled inislied. Whe11>fls not the staple export sour, unWholeso1n o brand. 011.rt, stained red all over excBpt t be whcela of Austnlia. I t fa a great sheep-raising All Uroccni ft oll it. and they wer e yellow. Into the shafts was country, and wool is the chief source of i ts il. 'W. CILLETT, 'M'f'r. 'l'oronto, C nt. II Chlcal?O, ru. harncsoed a btack·and·ti.n goat. It was a. wealth. Io 1884 t he Australian colonies r eal harness, mad e of an old one Jake h ad p esessed 75,626,404 t.ead of sheep, and in TORONTO STEAM LAUNDRY, found in t he barn. He had painted the 1885 they exported 404,088,149 poundo of 0 ~~ 106 York St., Toronto. bridle a bec rntiful of blue, and · the wool, Owing t o t h e damage to t he p a.atures collar and sadnle were striped red 11>nd by the rabbits the q ua.n t,ity h !id decreased 6HIR~8, COLLARS AND CUFFS white. Freddie thought i t the finest turn- ne:xt year to ';)<;)8,541,828 pounds. The a spoent(tY. Out ot town wor promptly att!>nded to·and rettirne~ out he seen for a long time. value of the wool exported is $85,094, 230. Graduate or the Ontario Veterinary CollegR. per inetruotlons. "Hello,," he called, "what have you The yield from sheep 11>\'erages 4,62 Registered member or tho Onti<rio Veterinary l!Ot there, and when did you get ib ?" pounds and it sells for a li ttle less t han Medical .Associa.t1on. G. P. SHARPE, Proprietor. "This is my trained goat, Nannie Hook. t wenty cents a pound a ll aroun d. The WOfilce and R esidence, New1.1 mville, Ont. &xt door to Plllmcr house, Handy tO U nlon er," Jake r eplied. "I've had h er just two Australl11>ns own l arge quantities of live Will visit Orono every Tnesda.y an d;Saturctay i . . J?·.J:>O~ daye. See how pretty she goes in the har· stock besides sheep. Those fig11res show OIHce hours fr m 10 a. m., to 4 p . m.., al Coulters' Hotel Calls by 'relegra ph r acelv· ness. See how she'll turn and back,- why , that agriculture flourishes in Australia, and imr: ediate attention. she'll do mo't anything a horse will. Bar- that our fellow subjects at the antipodes CHAI Gl!:S MODEH.aTE . nu m's ~om Ing next week, and I 'm going to know how to a.vail themselves of the r esour · It never waa intended, so far as I can lell.rn. try to get into the circus on this. D-0n't you j ces of the country in vrhich they have That either men or women were intended to ~hink 1 cl.\n ?" · settled. be b:i.ld. "Course you can," replied Freddie. I thl.nk you will believe me, indeed I'm eare " I t's mosb as nice as--n.s a elephant l you w ill. · Effect of Cold on Trees. · ~EXT: OF .~7 . If at the "Pu.ri~ Hair Works" you have called Bub is that Nannie Hooker? I thought Nannie hook:· r was a. gir I. " The Ea.'rl of Southesk wrote in t he journal 'l'here is O" e thiog Natute thinks of- let ns " Thie Is all the Nannie Hooker I know wbich he kept while t ravelling through t he thank hor for all we canof ," replied J ,.,ke, proudly. "You see she's territories of the Hudson's B»y Company: She takes particular trou b!e with our race ; She k nowcl "EC1tuty growth or hair, the gr.. y a n anny-go11.t, and she's a h!>oil:er if you get "When camped near Snake River, on tho and wbiteuin~ locks, near her horns, and bo we named her i!Oth of J anuary, we h eard t he trees crackWill detract from the beauty of the face. CURES Na.nnie Hooker.., ini;: repeatedly from the intenseness oi the or any injurious materials. TORON'l;O, ONT. E.W. GILLETT, CHICAGO, .ILL. ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, Once said that the s ecret of good h ealth consisted in keeping the head cool, the feet warm, and the bowels open. H ad this eminent physician lived iu our day, and known the m erit s of Ayer's Pills a s an aperi ent, he would certainly have r ecommended them, as so many of bis distinguished successors are doing. The celebrated Dr. Farnsworth, of Norwich, Conn., recommends Ayer's Pills as t h e b est of a ll remedies for "Intermittent Fevers." Dr. I . E. Fowler, of Bridgeport, Com1., says: "Ayer's P ills are highly and universally spoken of b y the people about here. I make d aily use of them in my practice." Dr. Mayhew, of N ew Bedford,, Mass., says : "Having prescribed many thousands of ~er's Pills, in my practice, I can unhel'litatingly pronounce them th6 be~t cathartic in uso." The Massachusetts State Assayer, Dr. A. A. Hayes, certifies : "I h ave made a careful analysis of Ayer's Pills. They contain the a ctive principles of wellknown drugs, isolatecl ~rom iner t ~at ter, which plan is, chemically speakmg, of great importance to thi:ir usefulnes~. It insures a ctivity, certamtr., and u~1formity of effect. Ayer's P ills contain no metallic or mineral substance, but the virtues of v egetable r emedies in skillful combination." A citizm of D.i.nbury, Conn., who was troubled with s:>re eyes, sa.ved some snow from the great bHzz~rd of l spting, melt ed it and t reated his eyes with t he wa.ter. His 1 eyes were cured, and n ow a. friend of h is, I who is threatened wit h blindness, is u~ ing t he water for his eye trouble. Want of Sleep I s senui ng th ousan ds annually to the asylum ; and t he docto~s say t his troubl e is a larmingly on t he increase. The usual r emedies, while they m ay gi 1 ·e t emporary r elief, a re likely to do more h arm than good . ·w11a t is needell is an Alterative and Blood-purifier . Ayer's Sarsapal"illa is incomparably the best. It cor rects those d isturbances in the ci rculati on which cause sleepless· ness , gi Yes i ncrease< l vitali ty, and restorns the D<irvous system to a healthful condition. Rev. T . G. A . Cote; agent of the Mass. H ome ::){issiou ary Society, writes t hat his stomach was out of :>rder, his sleep very often <listurbell , and some impurity of the b lood manifest; but that a p erfect cnr e w as obtain ed by t he use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. F rederiek W. Prat t, 424 W ashington st reet , B oston, wrHes: "l\Iy <l aughter was prostrated w ith n ervous d ebility. Ayer's S::nsaparilla r estored her to 11ealth." William F. Bowker , Erie, Pa., was cure1l of ner1'onsness and sleepiessness by taking Ayer's Sa rs:iparilla for ahont two months, · during w hi ch tim e his weight increasetl over t w en ty pounds. I Gentlemen'sCiothes Made to Order. · -SPRING- IR. PEATE, Tailo~ A~~~~JW· ~llb-0~ ~ I ~Jr ~~'U&~~~\5~1 .~ ' ME.AOHAM.H Ayer's Pills, BEEF, IRON AND WINE. ICURE J a.mes Campbell, a colored man of Mor· ga.n country, Ga. while working in the field heard the buzz of a rattlesnake, He seized a club, hunted vp the serpent, struck i t, 11>nd 11>s he thought, killed i t . H e stopped t o pick it up, 11>nd the snak e struck at his I hand, burying its fangs in t h e flash. I Campbell ran to the house 11>nd told what had h "'ppened. The neighbor, hM'ing no whiskey, ran three·quar te1s ofa mile for some, but when he ret urned the negro was speechless. He lived several hours in great agony. Miner M cC·ffery of t he Yellow J.ack et J mine, Virginia City, Nev., lighted the fuse of a blast anii started to go to a safo place. As he t urned t he charge exploded, and McCaffery's back, from his loins to the top of his head, was riddled with p articles of sand and gravel, rangi ng in size from mus~ard seed to goose sh ot. Not a Pquare inch of whole skin was left on his ba.ek. A doctor spent three hours picking out the Jargset fragments of rock. McCaffery 's injuries, though extremely p ainful, were not dangerous, but he must wait until he grows a new skin before he oan work. A traveller in Brazil writes to a hort iou]. tural paper telling of t he crop of mistltoe~ that he found growing on tel egraph wires near R io J aneiro. When he first saw i t he l thought that floods ha.d left weeds hanging to the wires but a near inspection and the height of the wires, convinced him that the apparent weeds were thousands of little mistletoes firmly fixed to the wire. Many species of this p\a.nt grow in Brazil, and some, ca.Bed " bird weeds, " bear berries which are eaten by birds. T he seeds are deposited on t he telegrap~ wires, and take root. They are short lived, of course, bnt t he constant deposits of seed clothe t he wires with this curious fringe. I --o- And with i ts advent MRS.IVE S has ot>ened out a fin e new s t ock -of- Laces, Embroideries, Plushes and a lovely stock of lAOl[S' · fIN E U NDfRWEAR. Ladies in want of a choice of fine Fancy Dry Goods, please gi ve me a call. I have them in endless variety at store, opposite S. A. Barracks. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PRE PARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co,, Lowell, Mass. Elold by all Dmggi>ts. rr!cc $1 ; six bottles, $5. MRS. IVES BowmanVille. March 13, 1883. ll! Surreys, Buggies, Market Wagons, Sleighs, Cutters, &c., Painted ill first class style at Parties h aving anything in the above line that req uires paintini< will save money by having the work dQne at m y shop, Bring your Sleighs and Cutters in e& rly in tbe season. It wont cost any more a nd better work can be done by having plenty of time, Orders for will receive prompt a ttention. Shoo over Mc MURTRY'S LI VERY STABLE, BOWA1ANVJ LL~ , To buy F oot Gear for Men, W omel'I, B oye an d Maidens, at LOWES PRICES IN TOWN. AUTHORS & COX, fl S! DA V.l S' Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe EMPORIUM! Our New Stock has arrived, and comprises s omething neat and pretty for Lad ies, G ood and Serviceable for Men and B oy s, and Boots that R Boot s fol! every member of the h ousehold. TRIJNM.S, V A.J,JSES, &ISA.TCHEJ.S. JN ST04JHl, . ·TRUSSES, SIGN PAI NTING or FALLI:l}IG SICKiiESS, 'W. !vf ORRISON. 39-3m 117 CHURCH ST., HlRONlO, ·ONT. ~lr~limlf we w~ $i111"'0rdered Work tmd &pairing a , S pe cialty , ·as usual. D. DAVIS . LADI E S Your attention is directed to the immense stock o f f/fi5'" Note .-This f1vvorite ~·P YEAST medicine is p1it MILLINERY of every d escrip tion at She hat> just opened out one of the largest and most etylish s tocks ever brought t o t own, consisting of : .$ n in oval lotlles holding tltrc<J ounces each, with the na?ne blown in the glass, and the name of the i nventor, S . R . Campbell, in reel fak across the face of the label. B eware of imitations, refuse all su bstit utes, and you will not be disappointed. @ ITJ Gamnb e ll's C atha rtic Gomuonnd Cnre sChronic C onstination, Gostiven e ss, and a ll C omnla ints arising from a disordered state of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, such as D yspepsi a or I ndigestion, Bilious A ffections, Ileadache, H eartburn, A ciditY. of the Stomach, Rheumatism, Loss of Appetite; Gravel, Nervous D ebility, Nausea, or Vomiting, &c., &c. Price 25 C e nts per Bottle . PR EPARED O M Y BY lllil .l incry, Dre ss Silks Velvets , &c., wit h a very fine stock of F eathers F lowers. Call and inspect th is .flu e d isplay, which cannot fail to gi ve satisfaction . AtWTHER W ONDER. STANDA.R D BAN K OF CANADA. Capital paid up, $1,000,CIOO. B est, 11 _ ,, _ $~0,00 DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. (Limited), M01"TBEA.L. TRAWBERRY R A . M F>S T his Bank ls prepared t o do Legltltllate Banking I n a ll its b r anches. Farmers Dotes disconnted ; Deposits 1eoeived and Interest paid on amounts of 15 u pward11 i n Savi ngs Bank Department; DRAFTS I!f?~Ji!!~ o Lt 1 c,,..e.@.-- fi1IARRHCEA l!.JYSENTERY But Nature has h er laws so strict tha.t you For~~~~J':;;,,~:1;";;,,y the penalty at last, Su ~tain it. that bounteous bead or hair I>r. Dorenwend'sHait· l\laglc'e uusurpa11sed. Just try it rou affiicted, yo11 nover will' regret The M!W<'ic wa.o no;ive" yet known t.o fail ; And !he good that it will do you will make soon forget Theyou expenditure a bottle will entail. P~AN OFORTES THE ONTARIO BANK 2 5p~~o~ep~!:w~~~~o~E!~;A~~e JU'fE & COlTON BOUNSALL'S JHE J, A. GOH Mf'C CO. Marble and -· Granl.te Works ' fHEADM. Allf, R'S YEAST,, I CEMETERY WORK'! ~- I I I '. . . l I I u NDE R TAK IN c LEV I M Q DR IS I "RED CAP " BRAN D GRANITE M O I MA NI Ll A 0E R Tw IN f Children Cry for Pitcher's_ Ca~toria;

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