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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1888, p. 4

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --"""!"9-" --~~------------ ·--·-··--· ··- ·· . - -- , Toronto Globe 'I nual aale ie postponed until further --o-The pllbllsbers of t .. . no tice. Entries are still open. . . , attention to the · · · nre gtvmg a great dea 1 0 · WEDNESDAY, Ocr. 10 -Mr. Isaac Clarke, -ANYexhibits a.t the Ind11etri 1Exhibitton, a~d) north of Hampton, Ourling\on will sell any display of me.nofact1· .es that merits ! hid <"11.lm1ble f.. rm. stoc~, implements,eto. special mention get it. H. C. HUNKING, aucttoneer. . The peoJ:lle of West Dur~am are all THURSDAY, OcT. H.-Salo of farm stock interested m stoves and wt~h t~ know and implements for Mr . . liJ. Adams, lot which are the best. F :llowmg 18 what 1, con. 4, Whitby. S.C. HuNKING, the Globe says abol1t the products of Auctioneer single and double plo1Vs, chaff cutter and Buck's Stove Works, BrAntford, and , champion fanning mill. which are sold by S. S . EDSALL, Bow- THURSD'.\Y, Ocr. 11 -Mr. S . .Halma~, A Cocksh11tt sulky plow was n.mon5 rr tho .11 ( one mue we&t of Col um hue, will sell his man e : a manufacturor of stoves aud · I1erd o, ' S cqtch .v ,. !;:)r ' t H orn cat · implement exhibits. " vi When entire Wm. Toms, Newcastle, had the biggest rangee can point to a Ion~ and aucc<s~~ul tlc. See MLt. ant!. l->Ot!k'.'~ . thing e.t the fair, one of Ingleton & Co's business career, rangi.nt-: from the small Tl!URSDAY, OcT. 11.- Mr. s . Geo. Patter<louble blast Separators and "Conqueror" beginning of ruo.n y year. ago to the son, lot 6, con. 2, _Darlington, will ~ell traction engines. This double dresser liue of buildings at Brn11t!ord busy with her farm . stock, nnplemellt~, turn~ps, threshing machine cleans grain fit for the hum cf machi nery aud t he echoes of some furniture, and other ri.rtrnles w1thmarket and ' haa 1111 imprc.ved smutter. a Jar1<.e army of men at; work; _when, out re?erve, as the farm is ~old. The Thie is claimed to be the best and fasteat amid comp111it iou and business nrnlry, slock is well bred a nd the implements cleaner in Ameri~a. ~r. Inf;(let.~n was J his goods not only maintain their well· miJetly Hew. Sale at ~ · p. m.. See present and aS11sted 10 operatmg the I earned popularity, but produce an ever bills. L. A. TOLE, Auctioneer. Picture Frames and Pictures machine. I increasing demaud thac ·axes the maker FRIDAY, OcT. 12.-Mr. '!'hos. Ward , one BRWING 'llACHINES. to 1mpply it, it muy safely an~ truthfully mile west of Solina, will sell his thoro' a specialty. A large numbm· , . · . , . . be asserted th8t those prnduct10ns i::ossesH bred Clydesdale horses, Short-Horn · cattltt, aome sheep, brood sow, wagon, . The fourSmger sewrng machmes exhib- superior merits and qu~lities. 'l'h1s ex· of fine engravings just it:ed by Messrs J. N. ~1vell, Bowman- actly describoo the stoVt's, ranges and sleigha, farm implements, ct.c. Sale at received. ville, .and H. ~rgue, Sohna,. were one ?t furnaces m.anu~adured byth11ot. well·known I p. m. See large posters, This is the .b~g.attractious in the d~ill Rhed, their maker, Mr. Wilham Buck, of Brantford. possibly the best stock sale that .vill be 5 quires of Note Paper for 25 exhi~it1on eurpa~sed anyt~mg ~ver seen The exhibit ot Buck's stoves in the Stove held ip this di:nrict this seadon. Everyhere m th~ sewmg machine T~e Building at the Industrfal Exposition. is body · wishing to improve their Rtock cents, still a special line. fancy work execu~ed on the Smger ~IS· the largeot .~o be setm, the spacfl occup10d should attend. It is likely the farm played was exceed11~gly fine. So.methmg having a frontage of nearly 130 feet and I will be sold at tho same time and place. - -Q-new was _a drop cabmet! a mach.we that a depth of 12 feet, or a. total area of over S. C. HUNKING, Auctioneer. by touchmg a small sprmg was rn11ta.ntly 1 500 feet which is covered by the aston- F Th B k H d · h' t ' ' . RJDAY 0 CT. 1 2.e a er ornestea , t d f conver e rom a 11ewml{ mac me o a ishingly large numbe t· of 110 stoves and . 11 ·1 t .f S r ·11 1: · Ill b beautiful stand that would or1!ament any five furnaces. onet? u tl"t' s 0 L> inSa, wbi . Je su Cy parlor The wo rk done by Miss Ward of Th Id d ll · d f ·t th auc ion a 3 P· m. ee i 11 8 · 8 · ' . 'd 1 e o an we -trie avor1 e, . e HUNKING, Auctioneer. Toronto was con111 ered by the IU IeB ~o Radiant Homti, 118 v,.ry nam 0 happily be the finest work ever executed m this ty if ing one of it~ chi~f qu,; Jioiea-!;hat of Tt;F.SDAY, Ocr. lG.-The sale of the stock, town. M_r11. Kiv?ll also operated one .of raa\fting the home in wlnch ii. is placed ~mplements goods and chattels belongBOWMANVILLE, OCT. 10, 1888. the machrnes mth comme~duble skill. with its enial glow and war mth-is pre· i'.'.g to the ~state of th~ l.ate Hon. John Two machin1>s were ~old dnrrn~ th~ day. sented wfth new &nd haudwme nickelled Sunpson will. be sold _without res~rve !'- 1.m11!ber of Srngers are now 1n use dress of the11finiist artistic d . sign, making on th.e prem,1ses., ll mi.lea east of J,owTHlll FAIR. !n tbrn dis_tr1ct and they seem to be grow· it more than ever a thitJp; of bea.nt.)' and a mall ville, I art1c~la~s rn farge posters. ·uso. lr, is also 8_;,l..~ at 1 p. m. S. CJ. HUNKING, AucThe Fait of 1888 is OYer and has prov· mg mo~e in favor as they become better decided ornameutiu th., h < known. :fittHd wi tha larger d:i uble·h~ate1· base than nonebr. ed a big sncoees. There are, nonrtheless, 8PECIAL DISPLAYS. formerly, which is so consiructed as to re· SATURDAY, Ocr. 20.-Mr. Goo. Ande"oun, many changes that should be made in the the a1r from tl:rn bottom, pas" it uplot 10, B. fl'.. l·~as t Wh itby, 11ear P . 'l'rebilcock made n handsome di2play move prize list, judging, managementi, eto. Now ward through the flues until it merges a.t Ce<lardale, will "-': I r. 1~ r" Ht , stock, of wall paper~ and pict,ure frames. the top heated and adding its Wdrmth to implements, et . ,'~ 1.du at 1 r Ill. S<·c while this exhibition is fresh tn the ,miade A very great attraction was the beaut.i· theheatofthestoveitself. Thisimprove-----if_,.,____ _ bills. S . 0. l ! ·1 NKI1'G, Atw·· ·meel'. of the people, we want anyone and enry- ful furniture nhown by Levi Morrie. ment assists the cil'culatir1n of worm air WEDNESDAY, OcT. '.14,.- Mr. 1\ L "" t. Arnot, one who has a soggettion tt> effer or a A centre table mad0 of a variety of al!Tohvee·rRtla1edi'~o 11utBeI'-Io· me i·s ·made . i·o fo11r lot 24, con. 8, D;· tling~on, w1il ~ell his We beg to make known to our numerous customen: and friends grievance to ventile.te to 11end it in for wof:lds, the workmanship of Sid Jackman, ~ valuable farm ·tuck, implements, et.c. \ . , sizes with ·d ouble heaterd, and iu four Sale at 1 p. m. · See bills. s. C. HuN- that we have received a new and e~tens1ve stock of Fui s, Hats, Caps, p·ublication in our next isrne. Writera' \'file a novelty. KINO, Auc>ioneu. (it nti' Furnishings, etc. Tile praises of ihe Singer Sewing Ma- si:i:es with siog¥.i heaters, !l>ud tw0 sizes names· must l\Ccompany their l~, but with oven, >Jlld has 110 ·qual in heating theer will uot b11 pablished 11nlasc 10 Ille· ebines and Eagle Steam W aaher11 were power or economy d futil. ~ince its iuTRI:P:D AND PuovED.-" I h< 11 s~d loudly sung the day long by t.he wide-awake sired. troductiop iuto O.".oada, th" usands h.ave Dr. Fowler's JCxtract of Wi!d S rrawbetty 11.j(ent, J. N. KiniU. A good display of Domestic machines been sold, t.h e dCloo.and is yearly in- for summer cornphiiut, a.nd have pro1·ed crea.oing wbich, ·RS h.11e beeu s,id, is the i t, alter H fair , rial , a au re cure, both in IN the East Nortbumberh.nd &lection and work W · ll m&d.e by H . Elliott, jr. bes~ evidence "f its wor th th>1t need be my own case and others of t e family." We have commenced repairing Furl'! and would request all persons trial, Mr. Cochrane was unseated for corA cosy looking room wa.a fitted up by produc~d. Lau1atta \Ying . New Dundee, Wa ticrloo Avery Johnston, with carpets, curtaius, wanting repairing done to bring the articles along as soon as. possible, The H appy Th o ugh ~ Rflnge will ulso Co., Ont. ruption by agent·. Thia is not a fortnru'g s, 1>iate, pi1mo and table covers from as later in the srnson it will be impossible to give the s ame attection na.te constituency. There ha've been 1ix the well-lrno"'n <'&tabliahment of Couch be familiar to hundreds whose kitchens t o this braneh. are thus up1ipped. They preseukd ~S elections there in three years, and 1ixteon J ohm ton & Cryderman. in no leas th an twelve different styltiB, f-L i . in the past fifteen years. A capital exhibit of Humphrey's harness and titt~d with the unobstruc1able . We solicit an early call to examine our goods and prices, and and eolian and of coal parlor, haU and dawp~r which cenLroJs thd <lr1<ught from A. ~e"ly, Hehh·g Skht Disease wHh Jo:1ulless Tl th suuerlu!! cu1·~d by cnu. bring your furs for repairs. · · 111 11 iey are e ., ~ MR. Ro:aBRT WHITE, OonserTatiTe, cooking eto'rel was made by L. George . t he range to t h e cnnnney. only ranges fi~ted with the genuine "Dullcmcdlcs. Quick. was elected in (Jardwell last We~ne1day, J. M. J oness snowed the Champion plex Grati>," which 8eparates the ash from Tl 1 had known of t.he CUTICURA llEMEPJES over Mr. Stubbs, the local candidate, by Creamer and Churn for w'iich he is agent. the fir., without du2t or wast<>, enabling twenty·eight years ago it would have saved 1nd an immense me $200 (t.wo bundred dollars) 1 112 votes. In the general election o~· THE PRACTICAL FURRIElt. NEADS' BLOCK, Bowmanville. Harry H. Coleman ha :l. e. big attnction you to. always h a ve a clear, bright fir~, arnou11 t ot suffering. My ·diseaso (P8oriasis) 1887 Mr~ Thomas White waA elected over in thEo cases of stufl>d birds, fish, animals, without poking or scraping. It is strong 0ommenced on my head in a spot 11ot larger handsome aud durable, and is also fitted thu.n o.ce11t. It ·preadrapidly all O"er my body Mr. Newlove, his opponent, by '03 and insects moatly shot caught and gather- for the most powerful heating. "\Vater and l(Ot \lnder by nails. 'l'he scales would drop ed by himself. He showed a fine pair of off or me all the time and mv sutferloii: was votes. Moxicim .horns and a b11aut.ifnl fancy easel Front" made , mimy people having their endless an<\ without relief. One thot1sand dollars would not tempt me t o have\ this disfor parlor with a stuffed Northern Diver bath and diuiug room heated from this, ease over again. I am a poor man. b11t feel as well as a large supply of hot water for rich to b" roleaved of what some of the doctors THE Winuipeg Free Press charges (duck) displayed oo it. The arrangement bath and kitchen purposes. 'l'hey are said was leprosy, some rim~·worm. psoriasis, @f this assortment was artistic too. Premier Greenway with aooepting a also adapted to the burnin11; of wood, coal etc. I took .. , and .·. Sarsaparillas over A well executed portrait in colors bore or gas for fuel, are positively guaranteed 011e year and a half, but no cure. I went to ---o--bribe of $12,500 from the Northern '\ two or three doctors and no cure. I cannot the smiliug features of Mra. J, Reid. to the purchaser to give satisfaction with· praise the CUTICURA llEMEDIE8 too much. Pacific railway, for which they We beg to a nnounce that we will begin a Miss E . Davey, Le8kard, exhibited a out prejudice t o either the cook, the fuel '.l'hey have made my skin u.s clear and free were to receive valuable amendments to crnyon drawing, dog subject, worthy of or the chimney, and over 20,000 are now from sea.I es as any body's. All I used of them was t.hrer, boxes ot CuTJCURA, three bottles of certain railway charlflrs. Mr. Green· special mention. CU'l'ICUR<I- R!i:SOJ,VENl', e.nd t wo cakes or CUT· in use in Canadi>. !CURA SOAP. lf you had been here and said The exhibit also i nclndcs i~ fi ne line of you way will probably bring an action for Mrs. AnderRon, Oshawa, made th e larg· 00 you would would have cured me for $2 hall aud parlor grates, tailoring stoves, have had the mon~y. I looked like the picture e at display of fancy articles. libel. in your book of P·orMtRis (picture number two, cookrng r anges, etc., while there are no Curiosities iu the poultry exhibit.a were less than twenty-two different styles of " How to Cure Skin Diseases,") biu now.I am a.~ 1t11 y person ever was. Through as clear of DRY GOODS and CLOTHING on four black wild ducks, raised by Thomas force of 1111.bit J rnb my hand~ ovet' my al'ms wood cooking ~toves . Windatt, Gam'3bridge, and now owned by and legs to scratch once in a while, bttt to no Taken altogether the exhibit in its ea- purpose. I am all well. I scratched twontyHany Coleman. tirety this year i8 the most attrt\ctive, the eight years tmd it got to be a second nature to 'rhe mammoth of bru!lze turkeys fin~st aud the largest that has ever been me. I thank you a thousand times. Anythin£t more that you wnnt to know write rue. or any We want and must have about $10,000 before Dec. 31st, and in order The Fall exhibition of the West wa11 shown by A. Tamblyn. · seen at the T oronto ludusnial Exhibition. one who reado t.his may write me and I will Durham and Darlington U nion AgriculMr. Edsall has for the past fiv<> years answer it. That beautiful .A.utograph quilt of to get the money we will sell goods so cheap that customers will see .. DENNIS DOWNIN'G tural Socil'lti~s held h ere on Thursday Mrs. A. Younie's was the big attraction sold a great number of Buck's stoves and plainly the great difference between o:-dinary and extraordinary ,'IN A1'ERBURY. 'VT., Jan. 20Lh, 1887. and F ti<lay, Oct. 4 and 5 WM one of the i n the ladies' department. their iucresing popularity: in this dis t.rict Psoriasis.Eczema, Tet;tet·,Ring. worm. Lichen. bargains. We single out for the cheapest slaughter Drem; Goods, Silks, most sMccessful in the hist.ory of the McClung Bros. made a showy exhibit, has indu~ed him to buy an immense stock Prurites, Scald Head, Milk Crust, Dandruft'. F lannels, Cottons, Tweeds, Cloakings, Blankets, Hosiery, and Men's united societie~. '.l'he morning of Friday, of carpets, mantles and a lovely case of for this seasou's t rade. Before buying a Barbers'~Ba.kera',Grooera',u.nd Washerwoman's the "principal day, was by no means millin ery that caught the ladies' eyes, stove of any kind ca.II to see Mr. Edsall's Itch, and every species of Itching, Burning', Furnishings. But Boys' and l\fen's Suits, Pants, and Overcoats will be Scaly, Pimply Humors of the Skin and Scalp favora ble for inducing people from a dislarge display. It will pay you. and Blood, with Loss of Hair, are positively sold at any sacrifice. It is an admitted fact that we can and do undertance to leave th6ir homes, being cold THE MUSICAL CONTBSr. cured by CUTICURA. the great Skin Cure. a.nd sell all competitors. With fresh reductions now from 15 to 25 per and cloudy and Old Probs said "local . . A TERRIBLE TEN YEARS.- Mrs. '.I~homas CUTICURA SoAl', an exquisite Skin Beautifier showers," still by 2 o'clock an immense . On Thursday eve~mg the chief attrac- Acres, of Huntly, Ont., suffer ed all the externally, and CUTICUUA RESOLVE-.T, the cent., the prices must be the lowest ever seen in Bowmanville. new Blood Purifier internally, when physicians h " bl d on . the exhibition t1~n among the. girls and bore was the tortures of liver complaint for ten years. and all remedies fail. An early call from our old steadfast customers is respectfully requested, t rong- 11ss. ~ e . · piano a nd orgau contests for clnldren unB B · I d grounds a nd 1t was a pretty and animated i d A ti C . f Four bottles of B. . . entire y cure 1 son. 0 her, making her like a new woman again, Our Great Sold everywhere. Price: Cu'rICURA, 75cts.; because that means a call from a11 their friends as well. scene to view from the stand the living Ler .14 Jeiu:s.h . r ;~r orm\~ SoA,P, 35 cts.; llEBOLVEN'l', $1.50. Prepared by picture that the grou~ds presented. p ewr w ~~ms dJere ~rth ~o~ ei{r'.~0 · after other medicines had failed to relieve tho Po'l"l'mt Dnuu AND CHEMICAL Co., Boston, Cheap Sale of 10 years ago is still remembered. The present sale will · t f . . l d le th d .. ro . a ron ec are a o 1rn esi a- her ·Mass. be far more sweeping and thorough. o s pace prec .u, es a . ng ~ es- tin gly a.warded Arthur the first prize, but · a ·send for "How to Curo Skin Diseases," 61 cription of the exhibits ~hui week, but hal there been a lilecond prize he would A SEVRRE ATTACN .-Miss Bella Elliott, pages, 50 illustration, and 100 testimonial. We would respectfully request an e arly settlement of Book accounts. we h.0 t.o h ave somet!ur,i,g further to had great difficulty in . deciding. of Pontypuol, Ont., wri~es-:' My brother PLES, blackheads, chapped and oily skin add m Notes of the Fair next week. Mi es 0t1 rtie M. Brown, duud1t ~1· of Irwin and I were both taken ill with a severe prevented byCUT!CURA MEDl()ATEDSOAI.'· ·rrrE HORSES. L. Brown H ttmpton won the prize for attack of diarrheas, h aving t ried other During the sale d ue bills will be taken on a cash basis only. playing' o'n the orgit'n. The competitors reme~ies, we tried Dr. J!owll'lr's _Extra~t The horse l'ings uever contained so on the piano wero W. 0. L!1Blllle, W. H. of Wild Str;i.wbeuy, which gave 1mmed1Bowmanville, Oct.. 3£d, 1888. 40-3m many v~luabla horses and colts in t, h ree Cawker, Ltlliti Morri~. A. Cornish, Win- ate relief." ::::s leading clas:;es before, and we cloubt if nie Morrison, Bella Prower, and Winnie I ~==~====~==~====~ & CTORE TO LET.-The store now oc· The Bowmanville Agricultural any county fair in Canada. this year evr· Osborne. ~ cupied hy Mr. \V. H. Ives, on King Street, I BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Carriage Works Company passed the exhibir. here. · The jlldges two doors east of the P. 0. Poseessioil'May 10th. Apply to A. BUCKLER, Jeweller, found their task a most 'd ifficult one be- , srECIAL PRIZES. (Limited). ()orrecied by J. H e Muctry, e·very 'fnestlay. rn- tr cause of the uniform excellence of the I 'Mess1·s R Beith & Co's special prize of animals shown. $25 for beat 5 foale, the get of oue horse, FLOUR,~ 100 lts......... $2 75 to $3 00 ARM lN PICKEIUNG FOR SALE. AKE NOTICE that the General w0s awarded to V{ Patterson's Oliver WHEAT, Fall, ~ bush, · . . . 1 12 11 1 15 - One of the best farms in Pickering tor Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of EXHIBITORS OF CA'l"l'LE. sale containing 125 1icrea, all or which are tho Bow1nanville .Agricultural and C1 irriage Twist., the owners of the foals were W 11 Spring, " 1 12 11 1 15 cleared and in high state of cultivation. On Wor ks Company (limited). will be held on The cattle exhibited were a. very super- Lake, A Powers, WJ Clemence, S amuel BARLEY,~ bush, No. 1. ... 0 75 11 0 00 tho premises are a good dwelling house and Saturday, 13th day of October.1888, at the hour ior collection, the best we remember to Robbins, George Bigham. Mr D Burke out buildings and two wells. This property is of eleven o'clock in the forenoon. at the oflice situated on lot II II II 2 , · · , 0 70 II 0 00 15, b. f., one mile and a halt of the company, in the '!'own of Howmanville. have seen her e at any exhibition. We Simpson's special prize of $10 for best II II II 3,. .. 0 65 11 0 00 to eleot directors for said company and for from Pickering village, half a mile from Gre.nd had difficulty in a.scectaining the owners turnout, Mrs N S Yom1g, W RR Cawker. RYE, 'l'rnnk Station. three miles from Pickering general business. II · · · · · . . · . . 0 60 II 0 (i5 Harbor. and six miles from Whitby. For when we visited t h l'J shed3, but give a few Hon E Blake's prize of $10 for best OATS, Dated the let day of October, A. D., 1388. II · · · · · · · · · 0 00 II 0 30 further particulars apply to JAMES PICKARD vVILLlAM CRAWlfORD of them. imported Cl'felesd11.le mare, George Gray. P EAB, Bla.ckeye, 'II" bush ... 0 65 11 0 70 W-t! D. BURK SIMPSON, President of the Co. on the premises, or Pickering, P. 0. D. Dyer, Enfield, showed a pretty herd Mr A R Dobson'· prize dressing case for Solicitor tor the Comvany. 40- 2w 11 Small, 11 0 60 11 0 00 of Short Homs, including bull, cow, two b est lady rider, Mies J M Waddell. W 11 Blue, " 0 60 11 0 70 ARM FOR SALE. -130 acres, comyearlings and t wo cal ves. They were Quick & <Jo's prize, $15, for b est 50 lbs BUTTER, best table, ~ ltJ, · . 0 18 11 0 20 posed of south part of Lot No. 19, Broken and is three miles from the Town of Front, butte?·, Mrs W H Reid, Clarke, Mrs JM greatly admired. Eoos, ~ doz. . · · . . . . . . . . . 0 16 11 0 00 Bowmanville. '!'his is one of the best farms in Samuel Allin & Sons,Providence, ahow- J oness. S t,eele Broa prize, $10, for 12 POTATOES, ~ bush. . . . . . · . 0 25 II 0 00 ll'OR YOUNG J,ADIES · the county of Durham. It is in e. high state of and is well fenced On tho proed their yearling bull Vandyke. three b111l .h.eav~egt purple top sweede tu.rnip1.1,Samuel PortK, ~ cwt ..·· . .····.· 6 00 11 6 50 VVykeham Hall, College Ave.. Toronto. lte· cultivation mlaea there is a atone dwelling, two large opens WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 5th, calves, two aged cows, 0. 3-year-old all4 a Snowden, Samuel Snow<leu, jr. Maynard otber out buildlngs, with sto(\e barns and the Jeweller's prize, a $2.50 clock, for As vacancies for new resident pupils are stt>bling ror ca.ttle and horses, · hree wells and 2·year-old heifer, and one grade heifer. limited, parents are requested· .before the four cisterns. also wlud·mill tor pumping betit boy pony rider, Robbie Beith, Willie opening day. to arrange for admission (by water. For fnrther particulars apply on the W. Werry, Roselandvale Stock Fa.rm, Oa.rrn. Beet performer on piano R letter or otherwise) with MISS GRIER, the premises or it bv letter to HENRY MANN, Bow-~~ Solina, showed ten head and waa a very Worth's prize (card receiver, $5.50) lady Principal. who will be at home after the manville. . 31-tr successful exhibitor as ilil shown by the Arth11r B Cornish. Best performer on 31st of August. · Circulars are sent at once on applica.tion. . ·- - - - - -prize list. organ, R H Hcnry~s d oz photos, GerHe ···- - - - - - --·- -·-- [ A UCTlON SALE of the entire herd of John Hoskin 's howed a very fine tboro- May Brown, Hampton. ~ Scotch Shorthorn cattle the property or I SAlll:UELHOL~N,lotl7,7theon.,Ea.stWhitby. hred cow and calf, 1 Any oomplaiata in reference to errors or The highest pricespaid This herd cons1Sts of 20 females, of which 12 for any quantity of Barley Levi Skinner showed his promising two ml11takn in J>ril';e List, must be made in . are dar<t red heifers, ti. young bulls. ll'or the last 15 years Mr.Holman has used nothing but year· old bull. delivered at my EleYator or writin~to \b-e SefteWi.ry, on ar before the · \ Mr. Hryden'a stock bulls, e.11 of whioh were Al\N<l 0. Alli'n showed tw~ 'rary 11ice l!:tth i·1t. bred by Mr. Amos Cruleksha.nk, Aberdee:t>· at the Wharf ; for other shire, Scotland, 'l'he principal sires used on"heifers. Mr. 'Porter will be at the Secretary's Have now full ranges of all their Newest the herd h.ave been Royal Barmpton Wi503). grain and ra.rm produce. W~ B. Allin & Sons showed their fam· ();lice ea ThMMay and Friday of next nesii:ns, and Invite MERCHANTS to Lord Glam1s (48192). Vensgarth (!7192), Victor . lloyal (42200). '.l'Ws sale affords one of best Thia powder never ve.r1ea. A marvel of OU8 aged bull. . . treek, to paJ prizea. examme previous1Y to opportunities for purchasing good brooding purity, strength and wholeaomenees. More buying elsewhere. stock, As the farm is sold there w!lll, be no R. OollAOOtt & Sons, Tyrone, W'IK'9 oconomioa.l than the ordinary kinds, and can rell0rve. Sale to commence 10 a. m.; 'l'hursday WOIUU ClA.SAB Jll1J'CJI Sl()KXE!IS n111,on~ not be sold in competition with the multitude 93 amqng the winneu1 of red ti~ets, the anl- ddl4Jea. BOWMA:NVILLE. , Oct. 11th, 1888, Catalogues ..Qn application. Fniemaa's l'furm rowders pre· ot low teet, short weight, e.lum or phosphate mal.s ahowu being very choice and vahla· Tuit t1lla. aad make t11e child bright and J,EVI FAIRBANKS, 8A)TU&L HOLM.lN, powders; Sold only in cans. J;tOYAL BAK· I MONTREAL. 38·4'w· Auctioneer. Columb1111 P, O. healtlty. NG POWDER CO ·· l06We.11St ·· N· Y. ble ones. P. TREil Liioc_ K _. I have now in a very fine line of goods, suitable for presents Family Bibles, Albums, Gift BooksJ Beautiful Vases, and Bric-a-brac Ornaments. Clearing out sale' of Light BindE>r, mower, seed drill, 2 furrow plow a nd chaff cutter. Bowmanville Agricultural and Carriage Co showed their famous sin~le and twofarrow plows. Porter & Noden showed their popular "Hard to Beat" sinde and donble plows and Proven'11 hay carrier. Sylvester Br ·s'. exhibit consisted of Cha:.A~:::sR~:;:d1:;:=:::: NO CRACKU HERE.j PosTPON:us~~:. :.'s an- . ·· - -- - - - ---- - - - - - - 0 IF YOU WANT "W"ALL PAPER, J. H~ KENNER'S WALL PAPER. GREAT BARGAINS. l lS the place where you can get a BARGAIN_ P. TREBILCOCK. ·a· . -~~THE IOWMANV~LLE~- Bat and Fur Store. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. REP AIRING FURS. SCHATG.HE ·D 28 Y£A M. MAYER, A Ward to our Friends and the Public. WEST DURHAM FAIR. FRID.A_-Y-:1 OCTOBER 5th. I P?, PIM ELLISON & CO. T F THE BISHOP STRACHAN SCHOOL F lliY,~::1~;:~~::~~~ ·~·~! JOHN LYLE, POW . DER . ,. -4Klf4G 0 e Th e M agog Text·1 ·nt CO and Prl Absolutely Pure. · I I ST. PETER STREET

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