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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1888, p. 5

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Call on H. C. TAIT for Photographs, School Books, Fancy Goods, Picture Frames, &c., Bowmanville. USE ONLY THE IZJJAHL BRAND OE' PURE I The Great Standard Remedy for all Weak· i 011s and diseases of the lungs, impaired nntr1'\0n, etc '(. This Oil JD Pure Fresh, ne&rly Tastelees, and tllerefore most su1t..ble for delicate d11restions. None genu ne without the name IZDAHL stamped on each caprnle. Whole·ale by LYMAN, SONS &, CO. SAND HAM'S COUCH BALSAM Cures the most ob&tina.te case, it taken p3rseverlngly. 8 ANDHA M':3 COUGH BALSAM has stood the teet of} ears of trial. SANDHA.M'S COUGH BALSAM can be taken by the your.gest ohlldren- la pleasant m te.ste, perffctly safe, and prevents consumption ft taken in time. S.AN DH a M'S COUGH BALSAM is made from a prefcr1ptton of established value wh1ch he.s been rn use tot years. Large Bottle, SlllaU Price, 25 cents. ..._____..._ , ______ ____ _____ A preparation which has been continually in public favor is Stott&· Jury's COUGH S_Y_R_u_p It is undoubtedly one of the best articles ever manufactured and for a cough of long standing it cannot be excelled. Bow~rANVILLE , ,,.. - Oa r. 10, 1888. - · ocal and Otherwise. S weepm g r eductwns for cash . E llison & Co. O ur prime object is to sell q uickly . E llison & Co . ~Ir:i . D onnelly's n ew ad vert isement will appear n ext week . W ools and F ancy Goode i n gr eat variety a t Mrs Mornson'e. K id Gloves- every pair gu ara.uteed. See J . J. M~ aon's adver ti sement . F I RE, L IFE, ACCIDENT Insura nce. RonT, V IRTUE, A~ ent, Bowmanville. tf. Our d earmg sale begms Oct . 5 th. G r e at bargains will be given. E lltson & Co . GooD BoYs D rn YouNG unless t hey ar e fed on victuals mad e with Imperial Cream T artar B akmg P owder . :t Mrs. D onnelly invites t h e ladies t o cal1 and inspect h er new an d b rge stock of millinery b efore purch asing else wher e A fin e p1utndge flew against an electric ligh t pole oue d1iy last. week an d fell dead on the gr ound. M r . D. M cDougall saw it fall. R ev. Samuel Tap1-1' 1t t , an est eemed Bap tist rmmster "'ell i nown in ' Vest Durham, died on rhursd11y at Bram pton , in h is 85th vear . RH waR a native of Culmstock, " De~on, Enghtnd. Cecil, son of Mr. E . L . Welsh, fell into a w ell in a vacan Glot adJnim ng t h e family r esiderko on Saturday and was reecued by Mr. Jno. L Allin, of Ellison's. The well was deep and much water was i n 1t. A L ARGE F UNERAL.- M 1. J . F. Hawkins, a prornrnent farmer of Hope 'ro wnsh ip, died on Friday last, after a lm germg illness. He was highly r espected m the community, an d t h e fun eral was t h e largest ever seen rn t he to wnship . B u t·I!'A!.O BILL C oM INO with his W ild West Show c·.uses immense excitem en t , n early equal t J ,h :i.t ca used by t h e m troduction of t h<t· wholesome and pure arttcle known 'l K t h r3 I mo rial Cream Tart ar Bakin g P o wder Sold by all gr ocerfl. :i: A BOUT S'.l'O>.lls.- N o stov e h as e ver taken su ch a h al <l o n t he p ublic as the Ar t Garland 'l'hese stoves ar e t he originals of the1r class, and cann ot be surpassed ir1 durability , successful oper ation and li.:\t mg qualities. F ire Pot 1!'¢an b e t aktr1 ou t through ir on t mica d oors. Ash pan 1s very la rge. F or sale by L .G Quick, Bowmanv11\e. See fuller d escription m another column . G R.E..iT SALE OF SHORT Ho:aNs .- We direct t h e attention of farmers to the ex· tensive stock sale of Mr . S. Holman, Lot 1'7, '7th Con of W hit by . on T h ursd ay, October 11t h, Ui88, when, b e11ides a large stock of h orses, cattle, and implem ents, tl~e whol e of his fine herd of Shorthorn Cattie will be sold at a uction , wi th out r eserve, as Mr. Holman has sold his farm . Prices lowered from 15 to 25 per cent. Decided bargains in Overcoats. Ellison & Co. E !ll·on & Co. rey lt'lannels at temptin11: prices. G Foster will offer four bro·,,1 mares at Ellison & Co. Orono Stock sale, Oct. 16lh. Customers will wonder how we can sell MerchanLij do the largest L11s mess who so cheap. Ellison & Co. adverthe in THE STATESMAN Men's Pants remarkably cheap. W . Sandercock won the r od ticket on Ellison & Co. his single driver at Port Pen}'" All 1vool Twe eds and Cloths at cost. Mrs. Morrison's stock of Fall Millinery Ellison & Co is now complete. Call and inspect. Read Mr. Mayer's new advt . T he most comple;;e sud choice st ock of millinery is tound at Mrs. Donnelly 's. Don't fat! to read all of Mr. J. M cMurAll th e new sh apes and styles in Fall try's half·page advt. S tr aw a.nd felt h nts r H-shaped m all and Wmter millinery at M rs. D onnel1y 's. the latest styles a t Mrs D onnelly's Ladies German Mad e Ulsters and A very special line of Black Cashmer e Sh ort Jackets elegantly cut and very stylish - now sho wmg at Couch, Johnston H ose. All sizes a~ John J. M ason 's The re is gr ea t d emand for dwellrng & Cry dermans. Sever al fine sm ts sent ou t last week at h ouses t o ren t in town . R en ts are going J. J. Mason's W. P eardon , t he No. 1 up. BICY CLE FOR SA m .- A 52 inch bicycl e Cutter can ' c b <l b eat. If you want a new almost n ew, cost $85, will sell for $56. smt call t here. FARMERS.-! have some n ew s teel-ft ame Ap ply to W . A. B UNNER, .Bowmanville. two-furrow plows that y on sh ould see. There will be a big S tock sale a t Oron o, All kinds of plow pom ts kept in s tock . o n Oct 16th. H or se and cat t le buyers C. R OGERS, B owmanv11le. will b e present. Send en tr ies to J ohn B EFORE COLD 'VEATHER --Examine F oster, Bo wmanvill e , R ob t. Fos~er, your l~ nrs, ladies, and nee what they re· Orono; or D. Bell, Leskar d on or b efore q uire m t he way of clean ing, dyeing, r e- Oct 3 . pamng or r e m od elling and t ake t h em to On D ec 1st David D a VIs 1s going t o ll'I. Mayer, the practical furrier. m ove int o the store n ow oconp1ed by It iB ex tremely mterest ing to visit sowe G eo Buck, the great boot sud shoo of t h e leadmg manufac turing h ouses in d aaler , so that Mr. Bnck announces a btg Toron to. P erhaps the most m terest mg cleating sale of boots and shoes at whole and surpnamg of t h em all are the exten- sale prices till that date when he will eive Orn am ental S tained Glass and D ecot·- m ove to Whit by. Call and s ee goods at1ve wo1k s of th.i l'l1cCs usland & Son. an d prices. It 1s fwm this esta bhel1ment that the ONE D OLLAR AND CosTs.-The firm of finest windo\I s h1 \\ e co me for th e pr mci· McClung B ros. was fined o ne d 1,llar a11d pal edifices throug h ou t our country costs for d isplaying a car load of ch.,a p A saving of 2b per cent. on the pur- t ea on the pavement i n fron t of t hA The information was laid by chas of a first clase ptano is an im portan t s&ore item, b ut such 1s t h e ofter of Octavrns some of t h e Grocers in t h e tow n who a1e Newcombe & Co, whose n ew Piano Fac- a fraid t hat their day for sellmg tea is tory, Bellwood s avenue, 1'oronto (J ust o ver. SKATINGRINK B URNED - The B ow m11.·1com plet ed ) 1s t he finest m t he city, a nd equa l in its machrnery and equ,rm ent, to v1lle Curlmg and Skat mg Rink and a the latest a nd b est 111 the U mted States. barn o wned by Capt. R . T R ayn<'S were I n tendmg pnrch ·s .. r o " ill d o well t o com- hnrn ed do1Vn between 11 a nd 12 o'clock Mond ay nigh t. The r10 k n eiu l y municate t oem 37-tf $4,000, but was insured for nnly $ 2, 500. ' 'Very fe w p ers on s kn ow h ow to a tamp M os t of 1 h e t >wn cnrlers lost th eir s ton es. s lettei.- prop1r ly, " rem~ rked a m an at F ire b ugs a re s u~pected the post office tne oth er d ay. "Which IS \Ve have made ar ran 2eme nh t h ,tt will the r ight way," queried a listener. " W hy the en velope sh1J uld b ., l i~ked, n ot t h e en able us t o give m ore attention and stamp If you lick th e s t amp y ou are tim e t ) w1>tch iepairing, e tc , we have liable t o carry a way all t he mu c11.lge on had such a r egu lar and co ntmned w crease your tong ue, or so much that t t1e st amp in ou r r epair ing d epart ment that we tind will fall off. Many a lt tter has reache d this n ellessary. W e will do yo ::ir work J . J Mason, the rl t>.irl lette r office because t he sen der right without overchar~ e lick eo t he stam p mste'id of the e u- Dry Goods and Jewellry H ouse \elope. · SrECH L N oTicE.-Perso ns having sales Wrnter 1s commg an d e verbody wau ts sh ould rnsi· t on get t m g the b ills at '.l 'n E boots and sl10e~. Geo, Buck of the P op- ST \Tl<:SMAN offi ce S ome of our customers ular Boot a ud Shoe S t ore m ust clear out a llowed a certa in a uctioneer t o get t he his en tire s tock before D eee:-nber 1st, as b ills, l\nd whe n they nscer t ai ned th at he Farmers havmg auct10n sales will find h e must th e u give up t he sh op, an d is did not get t hem at 'l'HE STATESMAN it t o their 11d vanl age t o order their sale m ovm g to Wht tby. Hen ce a gr and office they wer e ~ery s or ely dr~p leas ed. bills at this office an d get a free no cice in cleim ng sale at wh olesale prices b egan on A six -line noti-::e of a saJ., m t his paper 1s THE STATESlf.AN which nParly e very Oct . 1st and wi tl contmue to Dec. 1st . wor th 1000 bills, because almo>t every former m West Durh am r eads T his b ig sale is n o humbug as the st ock farm er m West Durham r eads i t. C ARIWRIGHT FArn ,- All to t he Cart- must sold an d goode will h e s acuficed M rs W Cow hng, of H ayd on, had an wright Fall Show on 'l'b u rsday and Fri- D an t rrms this opport unity or you will ro- arm b r <Jk en Ill two places on s~ turday by day, 11th and 12th inst . T his promises gret 1t . b eing t hrown from Mr. J oh n M ou n t joy's to be t h e best exlub1t1on ever h eld nn der Rev . C A D oud1e t, late of St J ohn 's wag,m on Scugog'-st. The h orses took t h e auspices of tlus S ociety. All should F church , Montreat, a nd now special frig ht at Mr .·TasV eale who was attendmg go. agent of the Evangeh r.at10n t o the elec ir1c ligh t m the ban d s tand When you n eed a good , safe laxati ve, Board , will d eliver an nddress rn th e m - and a dog r an >1.t them and made the m u nask yo ur dru ggist for a b ox of Aver's Pills, terest9 of t he F r ench W od;: of t h e P res· contr olable. Mrs J Ryan and d augh aiid y ou will find t hat t hey g ive perfect by t enan chu rch in St P aul's church, on ter wer e also b aa ly b rmsed There were satisfaction. For ind1gestic m, tor p id liver ruesday e venrng n ext, 16th rnst., at five persons m t he w.1gon and the wonder and swk h eadach e there 1s n ot hing supe- 7. 30 o'c 1 ock . A col!ect10n will be made is that they escaped as well a13 th ey d id. rior. Leadm g physicians recommend for the Extension F u nd of t he Pte·aux- Dr. Potter attended t he wounded. them. :t Trembles schools. Mr. D o ud1 et is a man Pers ona l. Oonsi~ten oy t bou art a j ewell. An ex- of large ex perience and success in F re nch changfl th at accused u s of stealmg its evange lizHron, and au e loquen t and Mr W. E Peth tck at t ended P eternews, st ole from t his paper t h e Ctarke fi 111ahed s peaker . The pub lic ar e cordially b or o F air repr esen t rng th e N ews . priza h st for which we drove t wice to mv1tesl. Mr. H. W . Christ ie, of H as tm gs, 1s Ne~castl e to copy 1t from t h e Secr etary's ] MPORTANT L AWPAUTN ERSHH·CHANcES, visrtmg his a ant, Mrs. Geo , Bickell, On-The ci ty p ap ers announce t he retu:n t o tario S treet. books It did t h e same tlu ng last y ear 'f ru Jy t h e ways of some p ublIBher s are act1vo la1v practice of Hon Edward Mrs. (Dr .) W. H , R ouse, of D et roit, peculiar. Blake as the h ead of a n ew law firm com- M ich., IS VIs1ting mother and e1ster at li'REE F(JR 1888 - T HE STATESMAN will posed of th e fo llowmg gentlemen - Hon . N ew llaveu . be sent free for t h e bal ance of 1888 to E Blake, Q C , H on S H.Blake, lil C'. , R ev, R . D. Fraser, M. A., h as been nE> w subscribers for 1880. Price in ad- Z. A . L ·sh, Q C , Walter Cassels, Q C., van ce $ 1 00 T h e \Ve ldy Globe, Mail, A . l\'IcKeuzre, W H . Blake, Wm. Cr eel- el ected o ne of the associate Editors of K nox College Monthly . W1 tness, Adver tiser and almost any other man, Hu me Blake. T!ie followmg new Mr. Geo. W . Henry's familiar face is dollar paper on the sam e t erms a nd con - firms have b een c·mstituted by gentleseen on o ur s G reets agam. He is h ome d1tions. S ubscriptions m ust be sent t o m en retmng f1om the old ]3lake firm.M. A ,l AMES, Bowmanv11le. \Holman & H ol man, cons1st m g of C . J. frn m British Columbia. ,, Hol man and E . A . Holman, of F oster , Mie. E !ias Foster, of Lyn den '\Vood, I h~ success of Bowmanvi.lle men at Clarke and Bowes, with ofilces at \)~ East Ogle Co , Iii. , i s v1s1b n g at hor mother 's, the I.1mdsay r ifle m at ch es was. J S & ndo, Adelaide . Cassels & Cassels con 8'1stin cr M rs. W . M utton, K mg-st. East th ree prize· , one a handsome silver cup , of H amiIt'on Caese1s an d R · 's . c asse1"' s, Mr~ . \V. Pearson, of S m~hamp ton , fi rst pnze m t h e ex t ta series ; N S · m t 8 d 9 M · 10 ,, Ar cade J B ~[' l18 11 w1til owces a an , ann n , · h r o ung, t re~ pn zes ; · · i te K mg str eet , and li. W. Mickle, wit h On t., is visiting frien ds in Bowmanv1lle · and C11U k e, after an abse uce of 21 years, 1fi t M · A d K t wo, J . Our t1s, four ; J . Horsey one. In t h e ex tra series J . S ando and J Mitchell 0t ce~ a 14 annrng r ca e, mg 'rhe Misses Power h av eta.ken t he r ooms 8 wer e ,ties for first p l ace, S hooting off, rD~~TH OF R EV. J onN JoHNS.- Rev, former ly occupied by D r . Tamblyn as a M r . San_d o made five bullseyes, t he hig h - J ohn J ohns, fur t he past t wo year s pas tor surgery, opposite Percy's blacks m ith es~ p oes1ble. Mr. Mi tch ell was only oue of the Beek man H ill Meth odist Episcopal sh op, wh ere t hey will carry o n dress and pomt b eh md wit h four bnllseyes and a ch u rch , N ew y ork c1 'ty, d ie d s ep t 2o" tli , mantle waking '£he q uery has been general "Who Is centre. a t h is home in East Fiftie th street. Mr. BIG PRIZ:Fl TA!>Im .- T h e most success- Johns warl bor n in Devonslurc, E ·igfo n d, Ubserver 1" t he clever JOnrn ah st who ha s ful exh ibitor at Bowman ville ]:<"'air in m 183i:i H e worked on 1~ far m u n til h e been writing r ecently 10 the Globe He Short Horns and Gr.i des, as can be see n was stxteen years uf a;(e . A ) ea1 later is M r . J. S. W:lhsom , Preside nt of the by th e p rize list, is Mr, '\Vm. Wer ry, of he became a Brblo Christian j\1ethod1 st Young L i ber al Club, 1'orouto Roselandvale S tock P ar m, S olina, P . 0 , p reach er . He educated himself as h e Darlm gton, who h as a l ways good stock trav elled arnund. H e t o this coun.BIRTHS. for sale Any person wislu ug to purch ase try m 1873, and p reached for three C r,A HK ~:.-Tri Hamvton, on the eth 10st., t he or 11ot is invited t o call and examine mo ntl13 m B r ooklyn, a nd afterward filled wife mghte 1 '. of Mr 'l 'hos J , Clarke, of a. dc stock at h ome at any time. Mr W err y's a n umber of pastorates in the New Yor k P AINTON.--ln .Bowmanv1Ue, on Oct, 5th. t he wife of M~. Wm, Painton. of a daugh t er. success in past year s, both rn br eedm g Confer ence, gen erally r em!l,lDm g through an d fatten m g fancy beef for good pr ices, the foll term ltmrt m each pastor at e H e DIED. h a s b een ver y encouragm~ and sh oul d acq uire d eome r eputation tn a lecturer , L AMMHrAN - At Currie's Crossmg, on Mon. H e was a godd man command confidence m in tending pur- and was well ltked. day, ~e pt. U , Nancy Lammunan, wire of Mi-. ch asers, Farm one half mtle west of a nd a successful p astor - N ew Yo1k Ob- John Lammmuui, aged 50 years and 18 days. Solina . srrve1·. Mr. J·)hns ' many ucq uam tances BYTilRS - -KAttr Tyrone, Oct. 8&]1, David H. M r . N eil McPh erson of this town , has in Canuda will h ear with deep sorrow of Byers, rn h18 37th year b een p r eachm g at Rat Portage and Kee- his d eath. He was a favorite writer m FARI,ll:Y - At " an Jose, Caltforma, on Sept. 18S8 J. A. l!'arley, son of J . N. F ar ley, late wa tin d uring t he summer month s a ud be- T mn OllSERVElt, over the signat ure of 2!tb, of Hampton, 'l'ownsh1p of Darlington, Canada, fore leaving ther e t o resume h is st udies ·· T r ebleJohn." The cau se of his d eath aged 21 years and 6 months at Queen 's Coll ege, K ingst on , the P res- was par alysis. - - -Sm ee the forgoing byterian congregation at a p ublic m eet- was p ut m t ype ws learn that last winter '1'111~ YE A.H.' S m g at Keewat m presented h im wi th a Mr. Johns h ad an apopl ect ic st1ok e, and well filled purse ' 'as an a ppreciation of fou1· months ago he wen t to h111 old h ome h is labors among t hem and a farewell ex- m E ngl and h opm g to regam h u h ea lth, p ression of t h eir es~eem for th em. " S ub - but he was swk almost all t he t ime he sequen tly t h e ladi es presented lum wit h was abroad . He r et urned to New Yor k (;lJ ~' and PL lJG anoth er purse a s an expression of t heir t h ree weeks ago after a very stormy voyregard for him. Mr . McP h erson made age, and ke pt steadily getting worse nised by hapoy r eplies. T he News from wh ich we uutil he died. H is death was c1 glean these fact s says : Mr. McPherson hemouhage m t h e bram , b ut h e ha~ goes back to college, havrnF( the well suffer ed fur m any years from 1ridney !PIN E R THAN E VER. wJBhes, kind r egar ds, and prayers of t he troub'e, i:tnd he was worn out with over Rat P ortagers as well as of the E:eewa- wozk Se c A Goo n N~JIGHBOR.- "Late last fall tim tes . CONSTIPATION is n early always ind uced I was l aid up 111 b ed three days wit h a. by ne;;:l ecting to k eep the bowels regular, very sever e attack of diar rh oea and vom1tand i s also a freq u ent seq u el to dyspepsia inz N ot hrng b en efited me un til my or indiges tion, R egulate the stomach n eighbor, Mis. Dunning, r ecommended and bowels by using .Bur cock Blood B it- Dr. li'owler's E x tract of Wild Strawberry, in b1·onz e on t ers, w hich is certain t o promptly r elieve and brough t m e a h alf bot tle, which she RnEI u ltimat ely cur e t h e worst cases of h ad in h er hou se. In three hours the Eaclt P LUG & PAC:KA.GE. 41- l y con gtipat10n. vomiting was stopped, and I was able to TJCTOK I A. t: .l ll K O M C S A.Ll E ls n won1ler · JllLBIJltN'S AllOMU'JC Q lllNINE ll'JNI<; sit up by night. I would n ot now t hink f~·rtUles the iY~t em a g:ilns t attacl'8 of' aitu·. of usm g any oth er medicine." Col umbu s ful b ealin ~ C"Ollll)OUJHl for ·"1118. WOlttltl!il, brui 8es, burns, sea Ids, bol l~. J>ilos , plm1·les . r!~~:~ie~lllons fever,dmub n:;11e mul like Hopkins, H am ilton , On t , .tc. The clearinrt sale will last the season· 0 Ellia on & Co. Cloakmgs and mantles mnst be sold. Ellison & Oo. Geo. ' Wr1ght won 18 pr1z~s on fowls at Port Perry. N ote the change in Mr. Trebilcock's ad rnrtisement. Several important auct10n sales come off this week. See our list. Ladies, get your Hats re-shaped in latest styles at Mrs. Morrison's. Bowmanv1lle Rifle Associ11.tion annual matches tak e place on Thursday. For a good choice of feathers , wings and nbbons go to Mrs. D cnnelly's. Farmers, if you want to buy or sell stock patrornze the Orono Stock sale. An oilcloth a nd b ag found on the fair grounds can be had from Mr. M. Porter. Ladies call a t Mrs. D on n elly's and see those n ew sty les of F all and Wmter hats. W e mean busin ess and want the store crowded with customers from m orning till nigh t. Ellison & Co. John Hurst, the victim of the boiler explosion at Whitby, died on M on day The Happy Thought cooking range sold by S. S . Edeall is t h e best stove in the market. John W yllie wo n second prize on "Topgallant" m blood stallion class at Port Perry. It is an acknowl edged fact that the best sale bills in the district are printed at THE ST.ATESMAN office . 011 the 5th inst., the son of Mr. Isaac Tabb shot a large ea gle m eas uring from tip to tip of wrngs 6ft 6 m. One local auct10neer see m3 to be popular with the w1c l ows, for out of 11 sales advert ised 6 of t h em a.r e widow's. Subscnpt10ns t ak en for all Canadian and American ne wspapers a a d m agazines at lowe8t rates at t he S'.11ATESMAN office. Mr. R. H . H enry wants the p erson who sent him a complamt alJout t he award for organ play iog t o make hrs com plaint t o the d ir ectors. Gate r eceipts a t Wlutb y Fau were about $800 M essre. R. Beith & Co. rnade a gift to the sociti ty of the pnze money they won on h o rses. The Presbytery of Whitbv will meet n ext Tuesday (16t h rns t) at 9 30 a. m . m the school-r oom of St Paul's church. A morning nnd nn aft ernoon sermon will be h eld. The summer 1s over. T hough tful peo· pie look ahead to make themselves com· fortable. This can bt1 d on e b y calling at M cCluug Bros , the leadrng Dry Goods H ouse, Bo wmanv1lle / 0 EXECUTORS' SALE OF LANDS -IN- interest at six per ceut. per ~nnmn, payable hftllyearly, Further terms and cond1tl0'1 s viii be made lrno" tl In the matter of t he Estate of at t be t une of Sale For !ull ~r, better or nn) particular·, apply to Ille BOWMANVILLE. cash, or carried by mortgage on t he p1e n1tses, bei, !j\pg or ga1c l emug put poses TERMS l'OR PARCELS II, I II, IV -One tenl11 f>fpurchnse money a t t11uc of Sale, enough t o tnako ·>Ge· half In tb1rty clni s, the balance can lJe e1 thei pa, I t..- ot Thomas Burden on L1be1ty street Tbc dosml 1tkm la too long for mac1t1on he1e1 Uut w1ll 1Jc tna.dc J r11owra at tlmc ol mle It 1 s very rnluuble !or pnstur~ tan· part of BO\\ m11nv1 llc. Tlus is six o.cres of vaom1t adiomlng Prnch's Nursc1\' "nd behind tlic roal lellOe LUCIA BURK, late of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, widow, deceased. uoclers1 gnc<l Soh c1tor fo t E u1mN1.1 G J3U&.h, tho vendor. Dated 0th Oct , 1888. n BUR.KR SIMPSON, or Bo11 man' Ille, Sohc1tor for Edmund G Burk . LEVI A TOLE, Auctioneer I have received Instructions from t he Ex· ecutors of the Will of th(' lat!' Luc la Ifar k to cause t o be offered for sale by P 1 1blic .A.notion, o.t t ho R nebottom House, in t he '! 'own of Bow· mannlle, on B. I ulltlMDIA.N, ltf, n .. C. !If., Er<IBE R OF COLLEGE OF PHV..L ~ICI ANS AND SURGJ10NS, Ont. Oftloo and llesidt>nce Enniskillen, M at the hour of 1 o'clock m the afternoon, the tollow111g very valuable Pl'O!lert iea · PAR( EL 1.-Lots 137 ·o.nd 138, ID Block: K , in ·u1d 'l'ow11 o:C Dow111anv11le, 1rontmg on Scugog Street. 1h1s 1a the moat comror table and commodious residence m the 'l'own of Bowman· ville, has been for mtuiy ) the site or t he Homestead of the late J ohn Burk. and amce s Burk. his death o r hls widow. the late J,uc1 The house. wtuch is a frame ono. has been always, and is now. 111 the vel'y best of repair, hoth i.s re1onu ds the state of tho bu1lrl111g as 111 pamtrng. H is In perfect order. The main por11on of t bc house 1s one and a half storeys a.rid h a.a corn mod1011s and convement add1t1ons for kitchen woodshed, &c Is furn1ehed with a bot air furn'1 Cll, 1'he sC able, coach house a nd we house a dJoinrni; are of brlck. and a sma ll lm1ldrng to thu front of taken with them could easily be convert ed mto a separate house All the proper v ra well drained 1'horc ts a. large garden behind the house which ha.~ b<len weli for and is st ocked wltb a number of fine f1111t trees and sm<tl! f·mt A handsome lawn is R.t tbe frout of the hone<J, '!'his Is a most n lluablo proper ty and woulel make a comfortable home. PA R( E L II -A pa.rt of lot 139 In Block K, in su1d 'I own of Bowm1111vdlti, desc11bed aa com m on c rn g at >ho Soull1't·ast angle o f aa1d lot. thence ru on rng 'Nest along the souther n side o f said Int 119 feet thence rn ~ No >rt herly d t 1cct1on 71 f~· t to Church "'treet, tbenco alon~ Church t>treec IC ust erly 95 fee t , Lhenee m a Sout her ly d1rnc1w n 12 fe et to the place o he 111u muir, re"ervrng however out ot Harne the IH<"C l1 " f above hind to the west of t he house on the prnuuses On the~e pre1 u1 aes rs a bdck cotta ge wit h th1ee room " in roam body or house on t h e tb st ft oorl\ud 1~ goodce 1liir of fu ll size or tl.e house underneat h: a kitchen with pantry and coal house fl t back, tm1!J, or brick m sum mo1 or 1887. 'rhe whole lt ou~e WM thoroughly 2e])u.11erl e.nd 1rnproverl lately and is no w m e x c~ llen t coad1t1on. P..1.RCJn, ! JI - Lot 18! in Block I, and the South l i l l wks of '!'own to e 185, i n Bald Block, the lattei< piece l>emg H1b1ect tonght of owners of lot 186 and the Norlh 17! links of 185 In same Block to use B9 m e m common with th e owne1s nf lot 18! and said south 17~ links of 185 m Block I , of u<:mg B lme as a l1<ne to get to the rear or Uietr rcspectw e p1operties, and of usmg tho well on same On this prop·rty is Brtuated two semi det><c!u d d wellingd und a re gooe1 prooertlcs either to rent or to fo r pnvat·' rn·1 dences. They are "ca dr1uned a.ud are mnst desm1ble prop~1 ties PARO EL I V - A part of lot 22 ID Block K , lll su1d 'lo"n ot Bo " manv1 1le ~'h·s lot b aa a f1ont· 1te u n Scagn:.< ::;rreet, of l cha,rn and 62~ !mks ( IOii feo1 ) b y 38} ltul.s (:1.bout 2a t r. , 6 Ill ) ou K1ug ::;rreet '!'hes 1· a ,-,rnant Jot but trom its commandrng pos1t1on aad looahty t d a. de01rable property 1888, Saturaar, t~o 3ro Da~ of Novem~er, A B 30 s. nmrnEN. UCTI ONE ER for the County of Dm ham ~....JnsnrRnce and f'.leneral Agent.. Valuator and u eal Estate Agent. \St1les 11£11 other hus1neas prompt ly attended to.' Box rn, Bowruanv11Je P. O 36-t f F R ANK M.FIEL D,B.~. ARRISTER , Solicitor, N o tary , &c, CO BOU RG Oflioe,-Armour Block, K mg S tt·oot. WAN'fE D. - - A general SERVANT servant w11.nted immed11\taly. Apply ANNIE Wellmgton Htreet, W ~ I HR IDGE, to Bo'l\ menville, MR !l 33-tf AN WANrED.- To work at generttl fa!'tn work fn~ t\' o months, with .a chrin<ie for a yeF.1 1r he suits J . M. JO?\i~S, "Retreat Dairy, ' Howma nv1lle 3~ tf M rrEACHER WANTED.-A male teacher fm 8 S No, 12 Dar hngton. f or 1838 A:pplrnat1ona "ith test1momals and sta m g snl it;;J A hOuld be rnnt to T . C. L AN G~!ATO 'l'rmt ~, ra.unton. 40-3w * H E J::t W ANTE D.-A T E ACwith No, D!!.rlrngton testimonials statrnir 8 S 19 tt\ ~ch et for for 188') AvpU. Att a·y ,;o:. r ms 1 ect»d. sho11 lil be add ressed to C. W SM1 ru, Sec'y Treas , Ham pton U t.t ...,,;t'IORE T O REN T OR ~ ELL - Store, fo r m H, .Applv to the own6r. R H u · r <JJusoN, L i sto \\ tl], O.F WILLIAM B rNGllAM, E nu1s Jullcn .. j ()tl' 1'..)Dw·'llmg and D r l vu g·hol!se rn Enornk11le~n. A good stand for busmess on 1easonaele The owner will please i1rove property, 'Pl"i' eirpen!'es and tl\l<e them a.way W . L 1,...,.., Gar den Hill F111m Solina <ll-S 11r OL'fS AS'l' K.AY - C11me onto t be C prt·rmaes Da1l1 11Rton, of colts two yeat a old or over, on 0'L. q. Jot 2;, con ,~ i. BJlllD ESJ I MON IAL - I take great pleasure 1u 1eoomrneutl mg to the ladies tJf t l>ia 1ov. n and v1clmtv Mrn"es Ko1r a.nd Kelth, wlua have succeeded me rn the dress !!.'Id manUe rnak rn g buBJnP.SS, t> nd b e·llN> k for t hem l ur~e patro n a ge M a s CocrcurrRN. 38 tw 42, mu.uv1 lle Rn I T R SHI P. - T he adve1t1aei:, P .\.RTNE s ged is d s1rous of rcs1du1 " "'Vtsho.~ -- - - - - - - - eettthhahed h usrnes9, Ple,.Re state 1tmoa11t r eq1u rt>d and natu r" or bu Rm e;~ Ad tress~ "ltl':LIAJ.1LE "cttre of 1l11s olllc,e, 3S 5w m B ow a. sn 1 dl in au u e p n rchtt...:ic1 UHtY Uetu r e Th: tt M S OF' SALE - One·tenth of purchase O OD HOUSE F OR. S ALE.-A two money a t dat.e o f sale nnrl enough to make one "t-0rev tr .rne hMISo s1t Pated on O'DP-11 St , hn!t or e>o me lll 1hu ty de.)' S, and the bal1~11oe m c o1 t~n:u n g- f.:.even loom s and s ,n11n1er k itchen,. ca.ah a t ·aid u me, or c11n b~ earn ed on rn nr t· ch'&elB, rmntJ1e8, &c. Ha td aud soft water ; r uge on tlie 1nemi·es ror tlua years, with In full t acre of ground with good rnlectwn of terest t<t the late or Mix p ei c u't . per annum, cl101 C·) lrmt t 1ee~ Ap ply to ~ - A .TA MlliS or to payable h a lf year ly, w111J unch te<ms aa to D, B FOGG P ' OPlletu , Bo"'ma.11v1lle. 41-~ pa)'rn g back tlle w nole o r a.n y po1t1 on or the PrL(/ClPat money at ch e end of a ny yca,i a.s t h o G F urther tero18 and cond1t1ons of sale will be made ~n o " n at da.te of sale. For any f nrtber pa1t10ula1" apply to t he undersigned Sohc1Cor for !Gol\IUND G . B U R K, or Uamµ betlrord, »nd D AV LO G ALBRH'l'H, of Whilby, lite Executor- or the las1 Will of LUCIA ll uRJ;:, Dated at l3owma uv1 lle, October 6t h , 1888. D. B UR K E SIMPSON, ot J-<owmanv11le, o:lohott or. Splendid Farrn For Sa le. m t he rown oc Jlowmanv1l e . bemt" the .. ort.b. e,.st p a. t o f lot 9, con 1, 60 acres of i 1 ch el&v l oan.. , Jn g h lv impr ov ed . Ou the p1uunsea are an e:rnellen t brtcK d wellmg house con talntng 12 rooms a w l all necess· 1ries ol a llou·e ; two ' il-,El.AT A d mirably Sltnated homeste1i.d, Ji 1J1e of the l11te Ramnel Mcl\1nrt1 y, SALE OF ~1~ VALU ABLEFARM Sale of Seven A cr es O'f THE- bno1s Pi a ble. d11vrng-ho11Ro sheil etc . also acres with choice frm · ti eea, 5()() apple and pea r t1 e aa; uo overflowmg aprmg in the p·.stur o field , 111 fact iL ·~such 1i homo 1 arely olf'e1t.-d for sale. For te ·rns a n 1 l othllr partiou· !are apply on the prnnnses, 01 to J 011 "1 Mo· Mui< TIIY. B'rn n1anv1 lle, Jt!ly ;n , 1888 ~l- tf t en 100 Township of D a r lingt o n, the T own of Bow manville, t h e proper t y of E dmund G . Bu rk. I ha· c rncc1vcd mstrncttons from MJ:t EDMUND G DU!U< of Campbellfo1d, to rn1J"c t o be oJJered !or sale bv Public Auct10n at the s:ime ti me :ind place "" the above sa'c of t l1e LUCIA BURK Estate, the followmg L and near Ennis killen. sell by I pa1cels of land PARCEL 1 - All or r,ot H m the Broken l'ront Con ccsswn of the said To\\ nsb1p of D~thngton , m the Conn· ty of Dnt ham This fann will he ·old a.t ·o much pet acre and the acreage will Le determmc<l by nctual noout 200 RCI CB. The soil and quahty of this farm is unsurpassed m the Township of Darlmgton, 1t is com· posed of uch clay loruu It is s1 t11'1.tccl about one nnd measurement a nd s urvey The undersigned h9.s recen·ed rnstrnctlon t.o private Sflle that seven o.o'es or lot 23 tn the 7th Concosswn of th 9Towusl11p of D11.rhn,g· ton J.::nown a.s belongmg to the Little Eata.te, and which h as for some yeriis pa.a ~ been rent;.. ed a nd occupied by J ames Pye, b<'111g comp9fl· ed of tl:l e eeven acr es Iymg 1111medi.ttoly to tJie South of the N orthp,r]y nme oc·e~ of t he S outlll ha!f()f t he East half of aa.1d lo& . '.l'i~le rnd1sputa.bte, p os~ess10n can be given immediately after ba1vest . !'or furtlter parl iculara apvly to D BURKE S£MPSON 35-tf Sohc1tor for Vend01.·. It H5 snpposcd t-0 conta.111 Notice to Creditors,. In the matter of T H 0 M A S ORMISTON , of the Township of Darli n g ton, i n t he County of D urham, F a rm er . · Not1cA JS hciebv giv. n th-.t tho s.bove num ed rruo1:c..o.a O r mrnton 1 1aa m o a n ai;a1gnmont t o Jne oi" e.11 h is c1::1ta te a n d effects 111 tn1st 1!01 tho br~,.. eflt of bis crerh to ,, R o. ha.If nulcs ft mn the post offioe i n Bow1 u:tnv1llc, and about t hree qu a.rte rs of n m ile hom the l: :i t.aL1011, and one :u1d n ha.If miles from the wharf Several 11-0ras of beech tt11cl maple of fir.e hettlthy stock is still 011 the faun The house, ontlmild111g-s and fen"'es a1 e ,o good con dition One tenth o r tl.c m oll tse rno.ici 1s to be pa.rl down at t une 01, d.nd enou gh to m:'.\.1rn cnctln 1d 11 thuty d a.Js, the b1.fa.ncc can bo cauitd tluou~h a n ortg11gc on tho fa1u.1 a.t six pci cent ve1 aunnm, pa:,~l11t ,en1IJ, 01 the '1 holorunotl'1t can bcpndiHcash. PARCEL n - Pa·t· of To" n i;.ots HI, ~O rond 21 Illoc k 3S 111 I30\\ m am1llc h.tlf-1 m sect1 011 of the east side of Centre street with t'1c south rrrn11v1 lle, on side of n fane 1unm11g no1th of .ibo'e rnc0 twned lots, Thursd ay 18th day of Octob er, thence sonth a.long Ccntte stl eet 4 uharn.s, l S h nks (2i2feet7m·hcs, o.hout) thcnccrni;!;crly fhccl a111s,.m AD 1883, 'tt the hour of IWO o'clockm tlle hnko, (vUii feet, about) thence 1i.)lthed y 4 cn·,,1s, 1.l ttftcrnoon for tho nvpomCment or Inspectors !mks to """d l.·nc, t11encc \\esterly ,, cho.rns, ' , bS to IMJcl. IJ1e g h ·mg of d1rccr10n w1tb refcrenctJ t o 1 ' Connnencu.gat the mt~1- A rneetrnir or lhec1ed1torn of the said estate is_-helflhy c onven~·d 1<.nd V>Iil be held at t h e OIU<:e < .)f ...Vf.r, \.V S. OR.M!Sl O:N , S oho1tor, llo w · the p1 tee 01 r.;e~mnnur, a nd ulso comrr1encmg .. meas 1ue n.t Lle 111terscctlon of t he weft i:;ide o lube rtv strcot, 1th sc.1rl fano thence southerl.} ~ ch ....1 1., 5 l nks, (l ,n feet i 1nchcs, ~ U<mt ) t hrnce \\CsterlJ fl cnmns 27 J·nks (,) ,7 l<et 10 111c hes, a.bout) thence "on·heih ~ ch:nns '· hnk.s, thence e0Hte1I ~ o ~7 hnl,s to Lt be1ti s:1 eet, t h ence no1 thei1J 2 c ha!PS 3 i..,,s t o the place of Leg111n111g This propcity ts ohn.ped li!,c the Jette. L, it has a thereof, to uny person or µe raons whose cWm. fiontagc on Centtc street cf about 272 feet 7 inches, n. or clai.n i shall not h.a<"e been filee1. frontage on t ho Jane o.bovc 111ent10u cd of nhout 86'> D&ted October 8th, J8RS feet, anrl a frontage on Lihe1ti ·t1cet of ·\Jou, l bG Ccet THOMAS BURDEN, 4 mches It contmn8 .l acics, l 10od, 17 per< hes. H as n- 8 ORMI " 'I'ON 'I't"··-· n fine two bto1ey liuck house 5<!X33 \\ 1th a brick add1- " · · ' 0 ~""' ' tion to St\lnC '[he house all the modern Ull· Sulicitor ror Trustee, Bowmanville. p10\emonts, h as a !Jath rnom nnd ' "'tcr closet, rnhcat Gas Machine, the p1pmg bernit l '1d '\ll o'er the house. The cella1 "luge r.nd \\ ell ananged Tne rooms are con' eniently n.1 rangcci :ind co1ltogs tugh It is in good repnu: ed by d. t he rliSJJOsa l of the r A.H c1cd1to1s of the s urd estate a1e her eby r eqn1red to file t h Pil" cla1n1s \Vtth m'Y Solici tor. \\ ... ~ OR1 i JS.r0!1, Bo'9'r manville, on 01 before the day of Euch meetrng. Afeer Novombcr lst, 1888 l d 1 (tl1 proc1·oct Lo drntubute the said cst.11te ha.··lnr~ xegarcl only to su 0 h c l ~1 rn ~ a~ l shall have not· ;e of, und r sh·11l IIOt be rnspons1ble for the vsse!s of I h ~ said e3ta.te, or any p'.\1'1; RT LE hot an f ur nace, o.nd is lib 1lted w th Htnns" SMOKING TOBACCO froJ..u t bc horn;e and " ell aira.nJed \\ith bolo: stnlls fo1 horses, a. room b:, itself fo1 a. C0\\ 1 a nd the coal sheds and \\ OOd honses ve1y oonve1ne1..t to~the A fran:e stable \Htl1 dr1vmg house is plnccd a ehort house A w111du11ll w1&h elevated tank is also on tl>c prem1 sesal'll pipes aie latd f1orn 1 t over the grounds fo r" .t·enng p m1Josos The gard en a.nd orchru·(J are & uot rn UH:, n. 1 1 11~ tat..o. Sn it ft ce w ith 1nacl11.ue. · r· "ell stocked with latgc o.nd 6mcill frmts, ttnd the grape Cit.I ers, rl1r (Jonu11om c rc;S ij·eut Ftawa, b7 m nll $ 2. 00, Il n n .. 'mes In good beaung cond1t1on. TJJ.e gu.1deu H:J d1clls ba.vos aw ~d 6 t !> U t Oitl.IS datly, W ow \ Uti all w llo qmte the e111hcst m town. Tito greatest beauty con· ln.u:n wood o.nd n ll 1nter e st tlll 1n the t lmbct business t a s1sts 111 the fine tiecs, chosen pr111c1 pn.lly fo1 their foJt. writ e !OL ou r l llm1tratcd J!ree Ca t.lio..;uc. We h ' vo & .. a~c, about the fawn unrl ft out part of t he hou,c Thie ~~ilfu~~:~l~~~,;o~~;~~i:s~~~!f~;d~1°~1 ~~~e;o~~dv~!.~ tor filmg 8 ¥ ONE r>a. \ MIU~ . Gccol ly improved. Also TOOL. s ' \her e by those Ien~t ex pe1i cn~ cd <:an · is " 1thout exception the finest ies1d cncc ln YJIJC Bown1an ~ in ( 'c.nada,. i"ULlHNG S '-?!lNG M.Ull.I NJ:; CO. , 808 to i t y acc 1reso.gc ncy. Nndntv top1 l\ f:jo. (.':aJ:l al titre.ct, Cluc;.iQ o, W um:urn r a ct nrt> ~ Jl number 9, thence No1 th 131 feet, thence ca~t 147t feet thence south along the eastern boundary 131 teet, thcnee " c>terly along the north side of R.'l.1rl lane Hn feet to the place of hegmmng, contammg 21 perches. On tlus p1opcrty is situated a good frame house n.nd h >< ?fen used as the house for the 1111111 employed " 1th t he rJ )O\ \.! rc.;.1den CC 3 9 it 15 COn\ cmcntly s1tua.ted for B tK It pm pose., berng ,,bout 20 feet from the lot con· t::i.rnmg su.1d residence. H llc PARC1cL Ill -Pnrt of Lot 9 Hl Block him BowmanCom.mcncrn g on sout h Lound,~ry u. s. Ji.. of said L ot TO ADVERTISERS. A N D SECTIONS A list of 1000 newspapers d1v1ded mto STATllll F JtE E . will be sent on apphcat1e:a- To those who want their advertising to pay, we ca.n offer no b etter medium for lhorougB &nd effective work than the various aect1onl!I of our Select Local Ulif. PARCEL JV.- Six ar1 ·es of 1 :1.nd more or Iese of lot 10 in the 1st Conccseion of Dn.rlmg'toli now forrnmg 'am. P. Newspaper .A.dver t ismg Bmeau, 10 Spruce street, New York. Jt@WEl.L -~ ()0 .,

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