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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1888, p. 6

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--I I n WW P ·o in any sense, sugar· . mee.ts the A Oataraot of l ee. r of the<-, in 8 ldke Ill Walking back a.long the railway from, 1 IS PUBLISHED Diabetic Food wh~ch sugar must be eeiieved to act on , Fi~ld 8te.tion, where the Canadian P!l.cific J n w ·.w'EDNES'DA.Y MOENING ' Iom..toes are popul Yu · ' skirts the base of Mt. 8tephen's stupendous 10 ~ood evidence of ! precipices we were startled by a sudden / _. E.n..a 91 'Ihe characteristic symptom of diabetes is the h 1·er, but ther e is · -BYth e pr esence of sugar in the u rine in large the fact. Many druge winch not v~r_y long i loud from thb mountain f ·r above ---- o· ~--quantities. We have met. cases in which ago were regarded .0 ~·lll by phrsicians as j followed by a whole series of minor crashes: 1 1 tbe a_mount of sutar daily excreted from promoters of the b1hary secretion (chola-, as of split fragments bounding downward AT THI: OFEIOE the k idnevs was betwe1;!1 three and four gogues), have been proved to act only on the and shiveriniz to piec~s on the rocks below. · roli emce Block, Kin ;; Street, Bewman· ounces. For many years 1t has been known bowels. " ,. . · "What's i'hat ?" ,, Ia tbat a. era!." comm v ille, Ont nr lo. that the amount of ~uga.r thus lost could The whol e of greec s IS well smted d . ,, "I t' t h t ·~d~ t f t Ti t k th I f own.1 s na an 11va111nps e s .;r~ . I>e 11rea.tIy 1essene d b y t he empIoymen. FA R lllEftS' E.rt1l'·oa1u1J1. T E R .:hd" S o ho su~mer d se.T' iey a "h e p ·a.1e do were some of the exch.rn11.tioos which ney meet t e. s pec1a e- 1 burst simul timeously from the party of 1 ,, Jn n Jt .. ·I $ l U ll·hl In nd,·nJJce. a diet free f~om starch and sa.ccharme ' ~artier foo . ~--- o-~~substance. This has led to the manufacture mand of our taste, a natural guide, at that d st . r · 1 · ~ 1 strictl7 in ad...ance required rro1n and sale of a. large number of so-called season. But it is best to eat them without pe" ~ rl ~tn~. tl d" t b d ll llfer!bersoutsi<le of t he connt7 . Orders to diabetic, or gluten food preparations, which any particular r eference to their rnpposed 1It . otnh .e great Y · 1.~ ubr 0 'gden emlden. . J1ooatl1 :.t1f' 1he p1>per mn~t be accompanied by b . d b . th l" . . 1 1s e we ca, o serve an o er ·eamoun' due, or the pape wil noG bestoppPd, have . een exten~1ve1 use y persons action o!1 . e e ~mmatmg. org~ns. 0 mons I tourist. "A glacier impends from one of ull payment. Ir suffe~rng frem th!s d1se~se. Dr. "Charles ar e oo_unshmg, stimulate d1ge~uoi;i. ~n~ the the lofty cliffs a little further around, CID : i""""lber11 a r ereeponslbleunti C twit, Har~rngton published 1u the Boston secretions ~enera!ly, aud while m i;k1dn.ey . the northside of the mountain. We shall &.A.TE ii OF ..l.DYElilTil!llNG 1 ;;;\!; Med1c11.l Journal," for March 22, .1888, a and _lung d1fficoltrns they ma.y b~ of spe?1al soon come in sight of it." Highest price paid for all kind s of produce, All k inds of grain boug~ WI! · "fiQ oO I..;,.> report of t he analyses of eleven d1frerent service when used feeely, there ta no ob3ec- H · lf . f ·th t · f ~ ,'?1eCo},u mnn'!1 00 ~ ~ ~ brands of these foods, with the following tion to their ordinary use. Though the juice fill T~ 11e ~t jr. 1e. promis;h was tu1 o-- - )ooo"' .. " One quarter ..... . ··. 20 00 ~ - results, as summarized by the editor of the of lettuce some-wha.t resembles that ot the e · d~rej rn P IU~ ".16wt on .e crb 0 Bali Colnmn on e year .... ......... .. S6 "American Lancet" :poppy, the common uoe of t he veget able is a rrpenh !0 Uht ..r fpretctplice~ otwermthg a ·>Vde _Having heard so many expressions of regret at my intention of b " Halt yeitr ...... ·.. ... . . 20 00 " GI t fl d t" d b t t . d us o a e1g o a wo ousan · " One quarter .......... . 12 50,. 1· u en our a ver ise as su s an- no in any sen~e P"nger0 us. feet, hung the lower edge cf a glacier, itself gom g out of the Dry G oods business-it being so convenient for t hose trading wit h ~arter Colun:,n one yee.r ... .. ·. ...· 20 00 t1ally free from ~our, yet he f?und that , a vast wall of p ice three hundred me m my Grocery D epartment -I have been induced to continue the sarol'I feelin" " " Half year····· · ...._ 12 50 bread made from it would co~t1un over 3~ Boils Oontag1ous, feet in thickness by a thousand in width. that by ca~rying a 1rrns-r CLASS stock of STAPLE D1w Goons-goods that ev'erybod; :re:11nee s~dun~:;~,fi'i-~~'i~:e·ition:: .~g~1 ':- 6 per cent of starch, or the fqu1valent of 3:> D Oh b d f p . h d" d Itwa.sagrandspectacle. Jagged cracked ~ per cent of sugar. r. am ar , o i.lrIB, as 1~cove!e fi . . . , .' needs and 111 fa.ct mast have- - a nd sellling t hem a t ve1·y CLO SE PRICES, I can give my , R Ba.oh s ub'sequen ilnsertion ...... o 2 [ " 2 S · 1 d" b t· f d d t" d that boils the resul· of germs He claims I ' ssured and out JOttrng i t hu .ng there, as 1f many old customers, and any new ones t hat ma.y ·favor me with their trade every -'"'l'om sl:x to tan llnew, firetinsertion 0 75 ..d" a th1a. Iieea oo s at"tv;er ed in ct;lti~atin .F "the microbe , in · ' Baoh sub·ohuenl inser ti on.. ... . 0 35·-1ab et". tc pfiec1 our a.t det f compe 1 ion iseThae e to l1ave sun.eecl v" h angry menace to all b livinl( things that satisfaction. Over t<!'nllneii:1ii-Btlnaertlon;perline 0 l 0.- 10 b d d f th· Id t · '35 which produces boile and states thaD when ' 8 ou1d venture to pass elow. 18 Bach subsequent insertion " 0 03,.re: fm: e brom 40 wou t o~n am per the cultivated germs'are injected under the I The slowly acting, yet irresistible presBeing in a position to buy where I please, I am enabled to buy in T he ntlmber of lines to be r eckoned by-:: ce~,; si:~~lthofloul~~c:':m~n~~~a:~ a su skin, they at once proceed with great activ- ' sure of the enormou? _ mass of ic...e _ on tho the very beat markets and at t he lowest possib le prici>s, and l feel coofident that the 'Ula space occupled,imee.sured bya scale ofl . d. b t" Th b d f th. ity and energy to produce a. very successful slope above the prec1 p1ce forces .hrs out- purchases I have made for this Fall and Winter trade c;i.nuot be ex:c9lled either in 10 fl olld Non\t& reil, pert~d ia te . ~ur.t 40 e rea t ~s boil From this it appear s tha.t boils thrust front wall forward over ~he cliff; q uality or price. . . ~ wo4 u 4 con am fa on per cen o s ·a rc ' catc.hing o.nd th~t they ought to be treated and, from time to t i me, ponderous frag· or per cent o sugar. · t k d d f lJ · t · -·· I find Dry Goods cheaper than ever tl1is fall, and intend giving my D · ll, "11cLA1JC"DUN · B El'l'D. "4. Gluten fionr of the New y ork Health antiseptically. men s orac a.sun . er 9.n !l. , -a.n m .erm1t. . · · d tent cataract of 1ce, - on the ledges far be- customers the entire benefit. F fW0 BJ.lWl!I :-:MOllRIB' BLOCK, BOWIU.NVI LLE. . ood Coll)pa.ny. Th1s 1s c1aime .a~ J:>r.J.W.llLOL.A.UGBJ.IN. , Dr. A. BEITH. Gradu 1 ~& almost the ~oie .recommendl.\tto~ of phyd A Cure for Rheumatism. The.;; was what we had heard, while yet a .tlc:01.tiale of the Royal ate o f the Toronto s1cian s. Ex!'m1~ation showef d t hat Ihts brrea38 Dr. Price of Oconee county, Georgh , suf- long way off. Sometimes small blocks, but College of 0 3:> per oent o stare ' occi.sionallv enormona ma.sees fall down, and me-mber .of the Unlve rs1t;r, l'hys1cle.n would cont.i.m t f fered for years the pa.ngs of rheumatism, 38. WEST END HOUSE. .lt(lf'al College of Sur- Burgeon, &o. per cen sugar. vainly tr-.,ing all reme,ci.ies. Six ago with crash9s boa.rd for many miles a.long the " 5. Gluten_ wafers. T hese are ~uar~nr mountain r·vi ' nes. &C!ClH, li:dlnburgh. ~ h teed ·..., con t am no s t a~ch· yet exammat wn one of his sons in Texus bee.rd that a hair· There many such glacial cataracts in B:a. J, tJ, JIITtJDE:J,L, showed tha~ th~v con tamed over 60 per cent less Mexican dog, if allowed to s1 eep at t e t his section of the Canadian Rocky Moun.IEMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS 0 f 8 tarch y1 ld mg over 74 per cent of sugar feet of a sufferer from rheumatism, was a. ' · e w11.fers (butter). These con· ' aura cure. He bounht n ta.ins 'the some farshoul grander itMt. is said than this .1n1d Surgeone, Ontario, Coroner, etc. "6. Gluten v · ~ dog an d took it from lofty der 'of St~phen. Oillee and Residence. Enniskll!en. H. tamed 51 per cent of starch and 51 per cent home to his father. The,old gentleman laugh- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- of sugar. ed at the idea of such a cure, bu't to please What is a Thoroughbred Arab. -W. «>ll MJSTO N, L, :i.. B. " -7. Dr. Johnson's.Educators. The seller his son tried the dog. The accou nt sa.ys ~~-;Barrleter, Solfcltor, Conveyancer, &c.!Y assured the doctor that they contained no that as soon as the doctor lay down in bed What is a thoreughhr ed Arnb is a kl lean . 011\co, in l:lea1'er BlC1ck upetairs m starch, yet his examination showed t hem to the dog " sprang in and coiled itself a.round question thl.\t has often been asked, ·and a rooll'.ls formerly occupitd by Dr. Harnden, h" f I 1 h h th d Dowmenville. 3!l cont over 71 per cent of starch and over 1s eet. n ess t a.n an our e og gave number of different a.nawera been given 79 per cent of sugar. him evident relief, and in a short time effect. to it. The latest, however, is from the "8. Boston Health Food Company's Dia- ed a cure. Wherever the pain struck him Melbourne Sportsman, which saye :II. tJ. Jlc:Dt'WELL. I CENTIATE OF ROY.A L COLLEGE betic Flour. This is sold as absolutely he made t he dog lie against the place, avd Not every horse imported ae e.n Arab is a of Physicians. Lonuon. l!:ng.;Member or uonstarchy, yet examination shows that the heat from H .· tmimlll'a body drew it out thoroughbred. Many are what the Arabs College 01 Pb;re1ciane ano Surgeons. it~ bread would cont! about 30 per li ke a mustard plaster . Every night for call sons or daughters of a horse. What SURGll.l\Y AND RliBlD!'.l'iCE:- Rear of Me. ~are cent of starch, or over 33 per cent of < 'ix years the Doctor bas slept with h is hair- then is a thoroughbred Arab? A well-known Bigginhothatn'e lJrug l:ltore, Bowmanv1Jle, - - -- o- - less bedfellow, who now be~insto ~how the English writer on the Arab, and an acknow. sug11r. · 6-lyr.· " 9 Dia.bdic Hour made by the same com· dfects of [bge, and D r . Price says that after !edged a.uthority on the suhject, definca 1' pa.ny as for the for<going, makes bread its death , if t he rheumatic pains return he thoroughbred Arab to be one belonging t o D . BllltKE SIMl:"SON, will at once Eeud off for another Mexican the Khamsa.. There is a tradition among ARRISTER, SOLICI TOR, &;o. MOPltll; cont>ning about 23 per cent of 2tarch, ~nd dog, the Arabs that the K hamsa. is descended BLOCKl' up stairs, King Street, Bo~mo.»· over 25 per cPnt of sugar. :> " 10. flour of bran. This is sold as devoid e, Solie t or for the Ontario Bank from one of thA five m ares of King Solomon of starch, and very va.luable as food. l t ThB Garbage-Box . Pri vate JleaeTa loaned at the lowest rates: W e read illl. Holy Writ that" King Solomon ~~~-o---was fouud to contain no starch, but neither The garba1J;e-box, or, e.s this receptacle of brought horses out of Egypt." It is assumed .Je n K eltll Qa lbraUh , was its food.value greater,tha.n its equivalent filth sometimes is, t.he swill b:i.rrel, is an t hat the wise king procnred the beat horses weight in saw-dust. D A R R Is TE R SOLICITOR, NOTAR Y enemy of health, which ou.,;ht not to be tol- in Egypt. The Eu.stern tradition, ·1 P UBLI C, &;o, ' Otll.ce- E ounsall'a Bloo,k "l l. Cai hba.d wafers. These are made era.ted in a civiliz·d community. The idea therefore, is that one of t he Egypt ian me.res \.~ Ntreat , Bowman ville , Money to lend, of three layers, the middle one of · which is that the sa.viog of such refuse matter as produced five fillies of surprising beauty, comp<1aed of pure sugar." .· usually goes into these r eceptacles is a and from these five mares the five great l'flf.l,J,Ul Wl~UT. measure cf economy is a ~rave error. The breeds of Arab horses descended. Ac· ICENSll:D .AtJO'l'IONEER for the infinitesimal saving is vast ly more lhan bal- cording to the writer referred t o - well· Climate for Consumptives. County cf Durham. Orders left at the <Jonced by the enormous waste iucurred in kno\Vn by his initials " E . .F. D. "-all true ari..T~IJUN oftlce or forwarded to Tyrone Professor K nieht, of the Harvard Medical the injury to he;i.Jch . The best method of Ar11bs tr.i.ce to one or ot her of these five fillies ~1111 reeeiTe prompt attention. 28:Bm School, read a p aper, not l ong ago, before disposing of these w11.ste substa.nces is con- of King Solomon. Some of the Arab tribes the Boston Society for Medica.l Observation, .sumption in the kitchen or furnace fire. preserve the pedigrees of t heir horses with S, (), JllJNKI NG, on tbe chofoe of a climate for consumptive The objection some urge, that the odor of as much care as a Scotch laird preser ves the JQENSED AUCTIONEER FOR person. Some of the ideas a.dvauced may burning vegetable t rimmings, of charter of his estates ; and wlien a chief sells the County or Durham. Sales atten_ ded be of v !!.lue to onr readers. meat, e tc. , is offensive, is without foroe, his .horse he usually gives a written pedigree lo OJI lhortcst notice and lowest rates. Address P ..tients who have c vit iea in their lungs, since the gases produced by t he consnmp· or gua.rnntoe the.t the horse is pure. T;iis O~t!JITJCJ> P. o. 36:tf and those who have severe hectic symptoms, tion of coal or wood are vastly more po iwn- guarantee is gcnerully preceded by t he especially if they are poor , should nor.leave ous in character than are t he odors objected remi:o1k, " Praiee be to Allah, this is a good Pia.nos Tuned amt Repaired. home; nor should those who have any"!l:cote to; 11>nd if the draught of the stove is sum. horse !" I t then recounts how the family affection oft h e lungs do so, during the acute cient to carry away these dangerous gases, came in to possession of the t ribe, and how AR TIES WISHING THBrnPlAN0S stage of the disease. it is a.ble to dispose of · these odors as well. it had been handed down una lloyed from 'l'aned orrepa1ren t hom attendee> lf, in the ea.rly of consumption, generation to generation, and' that the preby lea.Ting word ,a.t the DOM I NION 0l<GA1' complete core can be hoped for, a climate Our earn··st advice is to burn the 11!11.rbage, sent is a. pure lineal descende.nb of one of o.nd t he garbage-box also. ·Co's OFB'ICK, Bowma.uvllle A 6nt-olae m&>: P. S.- We can supply you with anything in the Drug ]m e. is to be chosen in which t he patient can K ing Solom!.'n'd ma.res. llOW lteinR in their emvlo: emain through the J'ear. I r, on the other hand , nothing more than temporary relief, Training .Ballet Dancers. The Fmt Peisian Railwav. and some prolongation of lifo ca.n be expectMlle. Dorst, the premiere, eat in the An extra.ordinary sensation ha· been caus Q l ed, a mild winter clima.te is r ecommend ed. parlor of the La.olede the other day recalling ed among the. n!l.tive Persians by the conU \Vhile consumption preaents a. variety of t he trials she had to undergo as an unfle d~e:I stroctioa of a railroad between the postal phases and conditions, making it impessible ballet d ~ncE,r and prospective premiere. stations of Mahmoudabad, on the Caspian to lay down fixed and invariable rules, "People little know," she said, ··how much coast, i.nd Amol, abeut twenty-five miles in it ma.y be said thab in general the first ob- labor and misery go to make up the the interior. Some fi ve miles of rail have j ect aimed at by a change of o\im;i,te is to pirouette of 1 dancing girl. A child ~ ho111d already been, and along these locomo---M.ANUF.ACTURER 011'--" nable the patient to li ve an active, out- not begin to 1 study da.nciog after she iij 1o: tives are now at work, in order t o hasten the door life, for t he purpose of as~isting nlllri- 7 is the bes t age. The limbs then a.t the 'x rension of t he line. Th" ~ ' gines are ob tion of the lungs, and this is best 1>ttained degree of suppl·mess to take a pupil over t ne j ct· of unceasing wonder, <>.nd of absorbing in ~ituations at an altitude of four thousand first difficulties and help her on to the lower imerest to the natives. Scarcely t he slightKING S1'REET, BOWMANV fL!, t o eight thousand feet above the eea level. "quadrille," which ehe may not hope to win est conceptien of the power of the hissing llae now on hand 11o number of vehiclec (and la manufacturin11 a great many moreJ of tho ne Dry and pure air, 1\ good proportion of patterns and best finish, which I am otl'ering tor sale a.t the ll)wesl prices oonsisten* lhe is 16. The form then ha.a gained monster, even after a mont h's observation, with due regard to workmanship and qua.lity. The following I! o. list or HA R,.NDEN, L . D. ~~ . clear days, aud a rarefied atmosphere which before the roundness and the fl eEh and muscl es appears. <>S :yet to da:wnen. upon the the principal vehicles manufactured by me compels greater !llltivity of t he respiratory the firmness r £quisice to the artistic poses crude m tel~1gence of the mhab1tant1J. As Graduate ofthe Royal Coliegecf Dental organ", make a mountamcus country the which create such furore. In my casti the , the locomot~ve app!oa.ches, the crowd of ~a Double Cover ed Carriages ............... . ........ .. ..... ..................... $150 Upwarch Su1geonB, Ontario. best for this purpose. T hose for whom high daily torture commenced at 8 o'clock. Every tomshed natives 1:.itires for safety_to a. dis· Singl e Phreton.s ........... ... .. .... . ... ....... .. . . . ......... ... ....... ..... ..... 100 u 0 FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS Ol!'FCE. o.1.titudes may be recommended are : Open Buggy............... . ..... . .. .. .. .. ............... ... .... .... . .. .. ··. ···. 70 morning my feeu were imprisoned in a tanco, and ~here fol.lows a scream ng chorus ~OLD F'JLLING A SPEUIAJ,TY (1.) Pa.tients who show no more abrmin'( '.l'op Bu ggy.. .. .. . .. ... . ... .. . .... . .... .. . .. . . .. ... . ....... ...... . .. . . ..... ........ 90 groove box, heel against heel and knees of ,excl8 .ma.t10as. _ .AltTIFICIAL T EETH INSER TED WITHOUT symptoms than a morning cough and expec· t urned ou t w1~rda. By thia process my feet . Tnere are up~ards of ~.000 men enga~od D em ocrat Wagon., ··,... . ....... .. . .. .. ..... .. .. ....... . .. .. . ................... 65 PLATES. to ration. · accustomed themselYes naturaily at last to m.t he cons tru ;t10? ?f rh1s p ioneer Pe~sian Lumber Wagons .................. . . .............. ............. . .. ............... 55 ('.!) 1'hose who have some comolidations Qreat Reductions in price on a.11 Dental Light Wagon ... . ......... .......... ................. ... . ......................... 40 Wllrk. 'Vli;a.Jize(. Air, constantly In use pro· of the lungs, but no cavity, nor any · serious fall into a parallel line. T his is what is railway. The mai ori ty of them :"re ha~ians. called se tourner. Af ter half an hour of the :r1ie M.a.houdabad a_ud Amo! R'\1lroa~ Is be· iucln!l Painless Operations, Particular att.en consti~utional disturbance. For persons Express Wagon... . .. .... .... . ... .... ........ ........ . .. . ... ......... .......... .. 75 tiOJl paid to the 1ei;culation of Children's Teotit. groove I was subj ~cted to another vo.riety 1ng construct ed ~nt1rel y fo:r commer~ml pui:who exhibit such disturbance,- a high pul·e of torment. This time I had to raise my poses. D. fficult1es, dcl!'ys, a.u~ c~ns1dera_ble Skeleton...... .................... ........... . ...... . .. .......... . . . . ·· ... . . . . . . ·. . 50 _.-,,i_r,L WORK WARRANTJIW. ~ and temperature,- a lower 11l titude should Sulky .. ..... . . . .. . . . ... ....... . . ... .... ... .. ...... . . ....... . . .. ... .... . . . .. ....... . . 40 foot and place i t on a bar level with my losses ha:"'e been expen enoed 1n landm_ g be tried first ; and then, if ther e is im· head, which bar I was obliged to hold in a of me.terial a.t t he p ort, where the water 1s PosBessing superior facilities for me.nufaoturing carrlagoe, I Intend to sell very cheap tor ., .Branch office. Dr. Rutherford's Orono, 0 provement, a mor e elevated region : or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly Increase m7 number ot sales. WouIG horizontal line wiijh the himd oppcaite the shallow! and the ce.nces lashed together to (3) Cases iu which there is early and 'fre - foob I was exercising. This they t erm secJ.a- form hghtel"I! have fr~quontly coll apsed. sell the wood pa.rte only, or the gearings of buggies Ironed, quent hemorrhage, without much other evi- aer. After these preliminary labors we were St_eai:-iers of b~ht draugl:rn cannot app.roach dence of disease. The mountains are pecu- obliged to go through a. variety of steps w t~hm three uules of the sh~re. Desp1.te a~I liarly suited to persons of this; a nd, and movements. uhts,_howeyer, t he conscruct1on of the l:me 1s At the Shortest N otice, Painted and Trimmed if D esired. (4) Persons who are r ecovering from acute " The teaching in necessarily long and makmg fairly good progress. It r emains .to diseases of the lungs. But in these cases painful, t he primary object being t o bring b~ see~ whether the su cc;-ss of the enterprise At the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sawing with Cirole,Band .,,. Soi Saws, and prepare all kinds of lumber tor oarp6nters nd others tor building purposes. gre'a t care should be exercised, l est the steps by sheer exercise extreme agility and will g~ve the nece~sary 1mpetu_a to th.e conOrnamental and Plain Pickets ror renctis ln every style reoulred, to order. taken to ward off permanent pulmonary dis- strength to the joints of the limbs and feet, _s tru~t1on of more important railway hnea in e11oae, have an.evil effect upon ether organs Even in the education of the two g rea.t toes, Pera1a. weakened by sickness. Patients in whom tubsroular disease haa so as to make us capable of standing and Ingersoll's Method of Preparation. invaded the larynx should on no account be pirouettiag on them, a. vast amount of 'Wl'l'R T.l!llTH, and t ime is expended. And not only must Col. Ingersoll's method of preparing for a sent to high altitudes. They need mild a.nd moist climate. Mor eover, those who have the power bb acquired, but it must be kept public speech is simple and effective. Many a t<1ndency to irritability of the bronchia.l up, for which purpose constant exercise is people in the vast audiences who have ;lisP :a.ACTICA.:J, DENTIST, tubes,a.nd nervous persons, do not do well in required. Otherwise the joints become tened to his fl.owing eloquence have wonrler. QVU TWKNTY YEAR!! EXPll:RIENOJI, high altitudes. A very high altitude shou.l d stiff and relapse to an ordinary degree of ed if his effeote were entirely produced upon n····xld e&:a· A.dminl8'ered r or Palnle~ not, as a rule, be 1 ecommended for aoy strength . A week of repose must be re· the spur of t he moment, or if his ora.tions deemed by two months of r edoubled, .i n· were carefully worked up beforehand, a.nd 8 J.1eratlon.11. patient over fifty years of age. cessa.nt toil. On t his condition only can then committed to memory. Neither of O PICll J(tJCLllKG'l!I B:J,O()Jl., Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the the dancer preserve her suppleness and t hese t heories i s entirely correct. Col. Inlightness. To acquire, later, skill and grace gersoll has in his employ a thoroughly cf. In Reply t o Some Questions. LIVER, S T OMACH, KIDNEY~ A.ND BO'WEJ... in t he movements of the dance is a subordi- ficient stenogra.pher named Baker, and when Stricture or contract1on of the <.e ~ophe.gus nate object. One of the most difficult p:i.rts his material for a speech"or :m .ixtended letter They invigorate and restore t o health Debilit ated Constitutions, an (gullet ) may be doe (1) to some disease of a dancing girl's education is for instance, is a.ll in hand he dicta.tee the entire thing are invaluable in s.11 Oomp lalnts incidental to Femalea of all Agee, 11'01 ing inflammation of its walls and their con. to make her smile with the re~t of her from beginning to end. The stenographer Oh!ldren and the aged they are price le H. sequent more or less p!lrtia.l adhesion to each companions and look gracefully at the subsequently writes, it out upon ..the typeother ; or (2) to accidental fojury from swaJ. nublip, writer, and it is read over once or twice by lowing boiling water or some corrosive fluid. "There is no rest for a great dancer at Col. Ingersoll, by which t ime t he thread of If it is a. serious case, the food ha.a to be any time of her career. I hava seen the the argument is t horouizhly fixed in his Is 1m infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds Sor given in a liquid form, sometimes through time when, after a four hour's lesson, I have minQ.. He then prepares a ser ies of head· and U lcers. It ls famoua for Gout and Rheumatism. For dlsord era of th "' an elastic tube. So far as mere nourishment fallen exhausted on the carpet of my room, inge of the various points he desires to oov- Ohest It has no equal. is concerned, liquid food is as good as solid, where I was undressed, sponged and r esus- er, and when he goes into court or mounts · 'l'hroats, Bronchitis, Cough8, Cold11, inasmuch e.s all food has to be reduced by citated, totally unconscious of my situation. the rostrum he is armed with· these head. For Sore t he digestive process to a liquid, before it The agility and ma.rvelous bounds of the ings. He.had no need to commit mere words can be taken up int o the circulation. The evening wero obtained only . at a price like and figures of speech to memory. Re ha.a a Gltt.ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and contracted n.nd Bt{ff j oints It acte Ilka a ·charm. Uter epending much time and money, I aru gastric gla.nds, however, are not equally ac- this. But there are, nevertheless, some singular wealth of lang uage in which t o 1ow pr11pared to 1111 all orders promptly. I tive where there is an absence of relish for dancers who, having by nature greater diffi. clothe his argument, whatever it me.y be, i11:ve a fine assortment of W .AVES, BAJ.'l'GS, the food. . Tho stricture is now often sue- catties to surmount, martyrize t hemselves and his only difficulty is to rrna.ll himself t o M f d l T H , SWITCHES, COMBS and PINS very cheap. cessfully t reated by gradual dilatation. with a willingness scarcely credible. Nath- the main track aft er being led off to one anu acture on Y at HOMA.B OLLOWA.Y B Establbhment, BA.NGS FR.0:1\a: $2 UP_ Sometimes there is not a. p armanent alie F itzjames was an example of this. She eide or to the other by the flood vf his own 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD STRE;ET), LONDO ~· .>Id Switches colored and made to leak like stricture, but a spasmodic action of t he invent ed a. new method, de se tou.rner et de eloquence. ... ld t l .l..d 2 9d 4 6d 11 22 d new. Higheet price for lonir out> bair, muscles concerned in swallowing, liable to 1 se caaser, a t one and the B< + .i\.nv are110 a 1 11. 2 ., 11. ., e. I ., V 8, 1 11., an 3 311, aach Box 01 Pot > .1me. The . .. . . come 011 with .the attempt. There may be~ art of dancing has two branches-:en balloune Poss1b1ht1es of English. m117 be had front all Medic ne endonthroughout the World, 'BAIR T ONIC s ?f these muscles more or less and en ~ac'!uet~e.. The b~lloune is the sc~ool Mrs. Jones prevailed o n1her husbl.\nd to ·PnrehaMera honld loolr at lhe l.shel en tile Pon and Boxe.. Warranted to prevent the hair from fBilin& also a pe.rn!ys1 complete. In either such case t he applica- of Taghom ; it IS t he lightness comb~ned accompany her t o church Sunday but I D 533. Uxfnrd Street. l.on1lon, tbey """ ·Darlo1u. out and will make it irrow, · ·· ·R"I ~ave also a fine lot of new Stampin& tion of electricity. and improvement of t he ;vith grace, th? de.nee '!hie~ seems te deh~~t she was sorry she did so, as a strang~ min- ~ -·~ Patterns. All orders promptl;r attended to. gener al health furnish the main hope of re· u~ an~ fl.oat Ill ~h.e air: . The t~cquette is ister was in the pulpit. Very High, H A · lief. v1vac1ty and rap1d1ty; 1t ts the little spark" I wouldn't asked you to go dear " ome gam. :rs. Glycerine, from a Greek word which means li01g steps and measures on the point of the she e11oid apolo"et ically on their way horn~ Mrs. Browne- And how do you like R ev. Parkins, "No, I didn't have much of a. 41 Neads' Bl(),ck, Bowmanvllle. sweet ia the sweet principal of fa t. It haa fe : t; in a word, it is wha.t F anny Ellsler .. if I had kngwn we rad a new preache: . Mr. Choker? va.cation. I was working h ard all t he long been in use both as a. sweetener, and as made it."- [St. L ouie R1lpublio. and one t hat was 80 dry." . j Mrs. Smyt he- Oh, ve~y much.indeed. month. " Tea.cher_:_Have any animals a for "He waan't any dryer than I was, you · M1·s. Browne- V\' ha.t is h e, High or Low Smithers. "\Vorkingon yburvaca.tion ?" affection? Claae- Nearly all. IT'eaoher- a solvent for various medicines, and its safe. Parkins. "Yes. '.Chere was a very pretty Spiritualistic seauceshave bacome quite the can rest assured," said J onGs, and his wife Church ! · '. , Now, which aninial possesses:the grea.test a.1J. ty is fully established. Saccnarine is of more recent introduction, but careful experts '. raere in Boston. 'is still wondering wh!!>t he meant. / Mrs. Smyth e-\Vell, he's a. li tt le h1 glirrnh g irl at the hotel, and I worked ei~ht tachmen1l for man 1 Clal!ls- Woma.n. 1 hom s a day trying nei to propose to her, · assert its entire safety. It is not, however, \ ' fifteen thous=d a yea.r. _ _ · : THE . C ANAOIANSTATESMAN . ! ' wv M A. JAM E S HEALTH ma~d :.;f on!~ d~-1 c- ~~ du~be,es, nr 888. wEs T Fall and Winter Announcement 1 888 ~ END · HOUSE r U;!!;:::::: :::::·."'ail I I I Dry Goods, Groceries, Crocker y, Glassware, Flour a nd F eed. d f ()01 -- I I :or; I . JOHN McMU1 1,TRY, ° M I!!: o---- ·&. L J. HIGGINBOTHA &SOI, Chemists an d Df uggists. PROPRIETORS OF l} A full assortment of Drugs and M edicines always on hand, also Toilet Soaps, Sp onges, Perfum ery Cosmetiqu es, &c. L r.o. L Binge's Syrup of Horehound, for Coughs, Colds, &c. N ·asal Cream, for Cold in the Head. Dr. Woulff's Remedy, for Cholera, Diarrhrea, &c. CORN"" CU-RE. Our Corn Cure is the most popular preparation in the market. Try it. DENTIST R Y ff A IN E CARRIAGE GEOR GE C. HAINES, P r oprietor, GARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O. D E.NT I S T RY .. Al} Kinds of Vehicles Repaired HEALTH FOR A ILL! J. l l. BR I lttACOllBE, THE PILLS Fine Hair Goods. LADIES, s. THE OINTMENT Patmnize Home TRADE. I I lY-l A. DAVIS, I I Oh· l1dren Ct"Y for Pitcher's Castoria_ : Iii -- - - - ·-- - _ ....

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