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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1888, p. 1

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TERMS :-11.fiO PBB. A:tumu:. '.'l B:W SERIES, NUMBEB ,533. SULIN.A.. Mr. Ward loaves this week tor vVe~tern Ontario· Mr. A · Hogarth received a klck from a horse recently, Mias MoCormiok of Osha.wa. ha.a been visit· inp; her e. :Mr. Thoe. Ward's sale on Friday waA well attended and prices ruled falrlywoll. 'Ve are pleased to know that all the thoro'-brcds did not leave the section, Mr. T. Stainton having bought two nnd Mr, 'I'. Pascoe one. '.rhe Beker farm was sold to Mr, Thoe. Baker for H, Fox's. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M, A. JAMES EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, VoLUME BOWMANVILJ.. E, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1888. OLA.RKE UNIUN. Patrick Cox has sold his farm to John J,usk. Fred. Hill, Salem, was a uuest recently at .T, XXXIV. NUMBER 42. TAUNTON. William Drinkle is slowly recovering. E, Adams' Sil.le on '.rlrnrada.y last was a enc· cess. , . .J. 'l'reva il hns a Red Brook potato weighing 3l bs !Jo~. Beat that who can. A. E. Henry shipped a car load of apples last week. T. Stninton has added to his herd a fin e thoro'.hred cow and CA.If purchased from 'l', Ward. Solina, H. Salter ls going to erect on Ills fa.rm one of the finest hons ·s in Sle.b·town. John ·rt·ick bas moved from here lo a. house near Bowme.nvm.... Mr. Underhill is going to leave the school here at Christmas. HAYlJUN. Our hunt club ca,.tured a iox on Fair day. Miss Eve Brown h as been viaitiog M ends in .town. Fred Goo-Jinan r r·contly purchaaed a fino mi>re from 11r. Alex. Riggs, Mr. Irrecl Goodman j " erecting a fine dwell· ing on· bis farm, Pinc Grove. Mi·s Alla Broad, of Liltle Brittain, is visit· ing at her uncle's. Mr. vV. Broad. John Fiockin has ll'!aeed Sam, Woodley's fitrm or 200 acreR. John Hillier ha· bought 'l'hoa. Ashton's 100 aero farm on the 10t h con. Rev, .Tas. Thom, B. A.. of "N"ewcaRtle, preached a missionary sermon onSunday after. noon to a crowded church. Subscr iptions and colle<ltion3 about $33, Mr. A, McNeil lost his pocket 'book coming from Jlurketon cont1tining hio tir.ketB for b ar · ley delivered and $62 in ca, h. .It was found by Mr. Chas. Swain and r eturned to the owner· Visitors : Mrs. Thns. Colwill, Piclrnring; Miss rn 1md brotller..Mr C . Staples and Rister, Mr: R. Virtue an i. sister. and Mr. Vv. Irarrell and two sist!)rB. of the Sault. Mrs. s. Slemon id visi ting in Toronto. Mrs. W. Cowling who was injured in town on ~he 6th inst,., by being th rown from a wagon, was removed to he1· home here the f"llowlng Monday, but is not recovering. She ls quite ht'lplesa and it is thought her >µ,ino is injured ORYSTAL WEDDING. THE EDJTOR OF THE STATESMAN AND FAMII.Y PLEASANTLY SURl'llISED . · Oblfortunato, oh happy day, When a now household !Inda its pla.ce Among tho myriitd homes of earth Like a new star 'just eprnng to bir~h And roll'cl on its harmonious "Nay Into its boundless realms of space! 80 said tlie ~nests In 5peeclt and scng Are too busy this week s e l ~ And merry was ~he feast a ud long. REPORT f.lll' 8. S. NO. 9. SALEM. ll'OR SEP1'.$7,000. 4t.h Olase-N Oollacott, G Hutchinson. S Mc· ling DRESS GOODS and This ' time, h owe ver, it was not a Feeters, G Collacott, N Hacken. 3rd Olass-C OUURTIOE. new houselft>lcl finding its pla.ce, but Souch. Sr 2nd Class- A Welsl1. SHutchlnson, MANTLES to write an adMrs. Goyne ls away on e. visit to Brock. W Cullie, L Scott, W Souch, W McFeeters. a number of people wending their way on :Mr. John Roe has sold his farm , lot 28, con, Jr. 2nd Class_:. W B Steveus, E Davis, H Gana, vertis ment for their regular Wednesday evening last towards a houseH Stephens. W Symon~. W Pinfold. Pt. 2nr! 3, to Mr. C. Horne, of Harmony. SKIP. G Whith, L Darch, F Stephens. I h old that found i~s place fi fteen years Mrs. Wm.Cryclernrnn and dau~hter, of town, Hutchin·on. space. C Stephens, L Burgess. C Pinfold. ago. It was intended for a. surprise and are at Mr. L, M.. Courtioe's. BETHESDA. A. Tablet Claes- J M Hall, S Hocken. B. A eale of cheese has lately been made by the 'l'ablet C· Stephens. E Darell, H Smith. I will try to sho w that i t was a success : Mr. Thomas White, of Elizabet.hville, was D. U. C. Co. For t he rice ask Slow Boy, c. 'l'a blet Class - J aa 'V White, H Burgt·ss, C united First, it must have b een no slight surprise in holy wedlock on Wedoesday eve11in11 Mrs. 'J'homaa, Port Perry, and M1·s J.Rundle. Rurgess, I 1'ra.velle, E Smltb,- ROBEI!T R. Oct. 3rd, to Mise Mnrtha J, Hoskin, daullhter China Wedding. to the Editor of THE STATESMA:Y and his Hampton, have been visiting friends in this LAWRIE, Teacher. of John Hoskin, E sq., lot 11, 61.h con,. Da.din11:lady t l find their hous e suddenly taken vicinif.y. ton. The ceremony we.a pertormed by the possession 0 by over one hundred One of the greatest surprises of t.h e Rev. ,V, K enner, 'l'yrnne. The brid· looked Master John Oourtice baa secured a.situation TYRONE. lovely. her sister, Miss ]~mm11-, wite bridesmaid. in a hardware store in Osha wa. We wish and all of whom in baskets brought year was at Mr. L ewis C<Jrnish's on Fri'l'he groom was assisted by Mr. W. J . F.lliott him success. Mr, Dickson, Michigan, is Tisiting here, enough for himself and one or two others day evenin~ Late on t h e previoua of 0Rca. After congratulo.tiond, an adjourn· Mr. P..-tterson , or the ToroTito pdlice f8rce, Mr. John C1·eeper is a guest at Windsor ment was made to the dining room wher e a _ 80 much s o as to convey to my mind a.ftertoon they had invited forty-one of has been' a guest of Mr. vYm. Reynolds during Cas~le. bounteous repast wsR apreaa, aud to which all the impressivn that it was intended either their most intimate fri ends and neiohbora the past week or two. Beech·n11tting seems to be VCl'Y attraotivo a.t did ample justice. Tho evening was spent in TRI1\I to withstand a siege of some weeks dun· to spend Friday eveninf;( at th!li; resimusic, conc!uding with "God be with you till pre·ent. we meet again:" At 8 o'clock the happy tion or to lay in a stock of provisions for dence , Centre street. Accordingly at tho OSHA W.A. LUNG SAULT. The mill flam was r epairedlast week by B, couple, amid showers or rice, Jett for home In the family for the winter. It must have hour appointed 40 out of the 41 p er sons M:ooro & Co. (From the Onta1·i0Re forme1·.) "the great lon e land." l'hc bridal presents .Johnny i;rre w tiro:i or bach~lcr been a surprise therefore t o all serin ns assembled, notwithstanding the heavy Mrs. McLAod. Rrandon, ls visiting her sister, were numerous. costly and useful, as /ollows : The first veur of the Oshawa Mechanics InAnd took uuto himself a wife. Mra · Curtis. - l\ilr Sohn lloskin, beautiful set of parlor and 11tll ute hes been very successful. persons to tind so much disposed of a.fter downpour of rain that prev.;iled. Thf~ Rcv1v1il services have commenced at thA bed-r oom furnitm·c; Mrs John Hoskin, lovely Mr, Geo. Gibbard, Whitby, was a guest in W. J. Hare will commence A.t once to erect Sault. so short a diocussion. Could onr Editt·r occasion was the twentieth :\nnivm:-i>ary of set of cliina; Mr a.nd Mrs J L Perrone, pair lace the village last week. found1y on the site of the one destroyed Mr and Mra 'l' R Hoa r, llilver pickle M ies 'Moorey. of Roches·' er has been vlsiting have been fastiog 1 but we forbear to their w ..dding day, but .this ~as ~ept ~i by fire. Capt, Pepper has b·en imprt)ving tllo front curtains; cruet; Mr and Mrs D Montgomery , parlor lam p at her brother J;1 nes.' push onr inquiry. Those lovely chicken prof~und eec.ret! a~d their obJtJct in e:x.A young man Bowden has become a of the barracks by a cca t of paint. with pendant; Mr a.n c l Mrs Charlton, silver Capt. Brown hM purchased a stylish young pfos, "their inmates ba.un t us yet." t e r!dtng the mv1tatlon so close on the qpravln11: maniac and has been taken to Whitby Hoval R r·st is greatly improved by the coat but.ter cooler: Mr A.nd Mrs J Colville. silver driv"r frvm Mr. D. Ste wart. ' Jail. of paint g ·ven it by Dr. Ed, pickle cruel ; l\fr and Mrs F Bragg, pair ln.cR I have always fondly cherished the, pomted time was to preve~1t .the g u sts Mias Mary Heynolds who has boen on curtain·; Mr anti Mrs Brunt, globe; The anniversary of Simcoe St. Methodist R ev. W, Kcrrner and Rev, J, D. Dyer were thought that everything of a lite rary j fromt b~commg aware of this fac t.. . Fo~· Mr and Mrs W Brunt, 11Jobc; Mr and the SH;k list is around a~nin. church. Oshawa, will be held on Sabbath and Pr<l" Chlng on Newcastle circuit on Sabbath. H "Voodloy, silver pickle cruet and scent Mr. and Mrs. William Hooey, of Glenlee, character ~hould have prH ference over all t~na. ely, however, one gentleoiao a nd bis Tuesday, Oct. 20th and 22nd. Mr. .T. Sylvester and wlfo, of the subu~bs of Mrs bag; Miss E Couch, toilet set; Mr S V Hoar, were down to Petl'lrboro lately. els.- at im evening p a rty, but I must wife knew that th.e day ~ns near at h .. nd There la qnite a demand In Oshawa for car· :;J:nniskillen, were guests of Mr. Jas. Bingham crystal tea set, Mias E L Hoskin, woolen brae· Mr. Wttllace Staples and John Hughes at· c onfess that this morning I feel somewhat and a~ter ~<Jnversm~ ~v1th anot.her ma_ penters and bricklayers. Thia is a good sign, on Si;bbe th, n ket.; Mis Northcot,e, crystal cake stand; Mlod nmilton. and sbows that the town is prospering. Two excellent sermons were preached here .A Potter. colored we.tor pitcher and fruit diAb; tended the Central I·'air a· M r~. Ai,dy Brown who WMS ta.ken sick at her inclined to argue the question with my- and his w1fo they dec1~ed to g~ve th.e1r Mr. Jo~. Drew, of Ardoch, Dakota. is hero on Sabbath by the two l't'entlemen from New· Mrs Donnely, cryatal water pitcber and celery self, for how else shall I acco unt for he h ost a~d hostess a ge numo ~ui:prMe, wluch and speaks very discouragingly of Northern castle circuit. dish; Mrs C Reid, crystal fruit dish, Mr and son John's was removed home recently. Dnkoto as a farming country, He had 200 W. 'l'. Bona.than, the store king of Newcaa· happy remarks of the gentlemen except they did by ourcha~ms;r on beh alf of the W e ltnderstan thar. Mr, A. Couch, better Mo·s 'l' Woodley, sliver pickle c ouet; Mr and acres of wheat which would not pay for cut· known as 'Mosa,' an old Tyrone boy, has gone ]Vire J C Vanstone, eilvar pickle cruet; Mr tie, bas b~ en visiting at Mr. John Tape's, their heart.a and hea ds had been reach.;d guests,. the best China ~edr?om ~et to b e ting, McClung, silver cake baslret; Mr W Quick: & to British Columbia. A - Virtue who fills a prominent position through their stomachs ? found m Murdoch Bro~ . Chma . Hall, Co, two china cups and saucers and a lamp; Mr. Geo Anderson, of Cedar Dale. left at in Pickering, ·lt:<e been vis ting in this section. The scholars were photographed in a group the Refo1·mer Offic,., a cabbage which w eighed in front of the school house on Tuesday of Mrs .A. Gully, woolen bracket; Miss lt Cotton, · The dark wings of the Angel or De11-th that This part of the proceedings was hap- after tr;a. wa~ serve~ whe n 11. s mt,.ble _ophand painted plush pannel with photo and for some time have been J1overing in our pily ina.ugurated by appointmg Mr, .J.B. portnmty offered, it WM conveyed mto over t wenty pounds. Mr. .Anderson has last week by Mr. Hamill, of Davidsville, thermometer; Mr S H enry, crystal tea. se·; about 2.COO of such cabbages, which he will 'l'yrone choir en1eavoring to get some Mies J, C.i.nn, silver salt; and peppor clusters neighborhood, hav at last o'or sbs.dowed tlie Fairbairn, P. M. , to tbe cha1r who called the parlor and Mr. and M~s. Co~nt·h r e sell by auction on Friday, 19,h instant. m ore recruit;<. Kindly leave your name with and crystal fruit dish; Mr W J Bragg, lar>i:e dwelliua of one of our uea.r ne ighbors, Mr. the bride and groom before him, c o ng r a t- quested to appear. Their s_n,rpns,;, when Tbe members of the Oshawa Curling rnub tho le , der all desirmg to associate with the tray; .James Bye1·s. and removed hi~ son. David, a Mr R J and Mio!! M Werry, crystal bread rn held their annual meeting w heu the following ..11 in his prir1111. I think his last days were ulated them upon reaching the J:iftee nth t h ey entered a nd the mag mfice nt. pre"ent dl~h and dozen fruit servers; Mr and Mrs E officers were elected :-President, Mr. A. J, crowd. hi . best d,\) ~. Tho ministers that a ttended anniversary of their wedding da.y, wish ed was uocovere? bef?retheirwonde~mgeyos, 'V hite. thmr photo, cabinet siz"; Mr T Rundle Capt, Pepper and a numder of soldiers at· Sykes: Vlce·Presldent, Mr Q. I>. McNlder; him in his sickness ··re sangu ine or his tnture, fruH di~h ·n<l dozen servers: Mr and Secretary Treasurer, Mr. J. F. Tamblyn; t.pnded th· jubilee an<l banquet at Brooklin on crystal l.iad ue Lo behevo that h a died a true peni· t hem still many hap,Jy return R of t be cl<!y ea.n bette r be 1magrned ~ha.n d escrib. d. M:r. Monday !net. where Capt. Ha.rpor, late of Ty- Miss R Whit e, cryst"'l frulr. di~h; Mies 1.,Cann, and Chaplain. Rev I Middleton. tent. and called upon Mr. D. H. Coates, B.A., W, one of the happ1est .rid cr:vstn.I cbeest1 dlsb; Mr .T W Hoskin, bedroom A fairly attendPd meeting In the interest of rone. is in charge, M1· W J" Rlliott be1<ntiful ladies' com pan to r·ead this address ; m os , approprmte Bpeec~ ea w~ ha "'"' ·ivet· A big time is expect·d at the Div.lsion to. set; J)rohibition was held in tha Town Hall, Usha· i·m ; Mr H C Tai~. plu~b hand a..tobel: Me h eard ou such an occM1on b r·1 Uy c ·11veyENNISKILLEN. wa., on .Monday evening, The speakers morrow night, d <1oidlng who shall take charge Hoskin, dinner set; ·Ir an<l Mr W J Roy, MR. AJSD Mns. 1\' T . A .. JAblES.-A number of of the provision depnrt.ment for th<1 Christmas were M.r. E. 01!.rswell. of this town. nml Mr. ed to t he hos t ho~tell~ th .. co gt;\tUhnndsomo dressing case; Mia" l\oI G White, Mr. J . C. Cal!.inder le1tvcs this week your frit>llda, eateaming it. &11 houo r ns w0ll a s S. }I'. Spence, of 'l'oronto. .An eJJ'ort wa · made t oee. Who shall it be 1 The Church, the S. A:, muste.1d bowl; Mr and Mrl'\ JR H odge. half u plo11s11re. have met with you this evening ill latioos of t heir fr.ie11cl s ·m this ans 1.·tci 1u;i to form a Prohibit.ion Club, and severrtl per· or t he members of the Division, Come along dozen dessert spoons; MibsLC Ho skin, cr) ti<l to r ,1sume his st udies a t t he Ontario ordt>r w congra!.uluto you upon rea.chlng 1 .he e vent, a ud asked the m to , pt the bedall ye yeas and nays and have a voice in the !!Ona enrolled t.hemselves. tea set: Miss J, Moll on, dozen salt castors: JI.ii~" V er.eri ri ..r y College, fifteenth anniver~ary ot your wedding day . HOME .AG.AIN.- Dr, Hae arrived home on maLter. M A White, pair vtu1es; Kev J [)Dyer. voi God It is ot merely because tbi· is your "ryst..1 room s1,t as a sligh t m emento of t h e day Quite a number of friends assembled at Mr. in History; MrJ E\i~hl· y, $5; Mias S Bennett. Amon·~ t.he visitors are M:ra. S ouch, of wedding I hat we have corhe. but i t is especi· and of the respect of the friends as ~embl Tuesday evening from a trip to Los Angeles, CaJHornlo., attending tlte Sovereign Grand and Mrs. W. R. Clemens on Monday ni<lht pair vases; Mr C Prowse, leather hand bag; Brussds, Out.) a.11d .M r. Dickson of nlly to show our ,a ppreciation of tho straighth wa s so much surprised Lodge of Oddfellows. The Or, saw no rain laet to celebrate the haapy event of the 10th Masters Cephus and Fred Hoskin, dozen silver forward and manly course that you, Mr. ed, Mr. CorniM except a.~ew minutes at Kansas City, after he a.nnlverBBTY ot thei r wedding day· . .A very tea spoons; Miss A Mollon· doiien butter serv. Sout hern New YorL James, have pursued In our m1dat and in by the unexpected presen t.ation t hat his J.ett Oslli>'Wa, In the journey he travelled pleaoant day was spent by all present, Those era, Miss E Cl\nn, crystal butter dish; Mr L apprecl!l.tion oft.he lnt.erest you h11-ve taken In On Saturday Cephas S ouch while acknowledgmeut was with difliculty exthrough more than twent) states and Pro- assembled. wiah the happy couple many more Morris, beautiful rockin1<: We join In the social, moral and religious welfare of the happy years in their marital life. 'rhe pres- wishing Mr. and Mrs White a happy tu ture assisting at John Pye's threshing lost his com·nuulty. We also desire to expi·es~ our pressed. Music b y Mis11 Hvrom and > incea. and a reunions t God's right band, foothold wh e n cross1hg the scaffold o.nd epprov!ll ot your conduct lu your. 011.paclty of Master Arthur Cornish and · the usual >\ 'l'he Toronto Empire says : ··o H. McGee, of. ents were numer&ns and useful. October 8th, 1888, .A. large number we" t moro for curiosity We aro aware that gentlemen of Oshawa, in the honor examlna.tions tor B. A.· f.,11 to the floor of the barn, Burne 15 ft. jonrnallst. e Fourth Estate are surrounded bv peculiar parlor pastinw s wiled away a m nst pleas-which havejuet been concluded bas obtained t.ban any other purpose (sorry to say) to th. His arms were very severely bruised a.rid difficulties and temptations. and yet we are ant evening. :tlrst place iu first class classical &nd mathe· barracks on 'l'buraday night to witness the ORUNO. matical bonon. and has won the Prioce or chriatenlng ceremonies, which slightly differ one wrist dislocated; otherwiee not ser· glad to say that you have ever merited the We.lee- prizes in each of · t.hose departments. t om any other chrlstlan clemonatratlon, for u.pprnbatlon of the people, We h! always iouely ioj ured. (Frum the News.) This is or:ly the third time in the history they dont use water The and Lieut, · or found you having the couri:.go of your c;~nvic of 'J'rinity Universttv that a double tlrdt has Leskard, and U eut. Ha1gue, Newoastle, were tlons. boldly declaring what 1ou <JC(llUiid to bll Mrs. Oapt. Bnrk, ot Oht\tball1, ls the guest ot been obtained. and 1\lr, McGee is to ho con· a.Im present. Hut Capt. Pepper was the officia- Mrs. for the be~t lnterosts of tho community, Ezra R all. 8AMP'l'UN. ting clergyman. · gralulated on bis splendid Bland." un1Unching in tho 1lonunciution of shams and c;iuhc!U11r lrr.n !sin bad lta1>e at present unwavering In the support or right; and we nn'l'ATED llY MANY.-EQUALLED llY NON.E. with rheumatb·n. Good opening for a shoe-maker here trust th,.t., whether in a public or i:n-i v,,.te Mr. Thomas G. Thompson and daughter of now. capacity, you may cor tinuo to work on simii!l.r Toronto, a.rev siting here. lines. Richard Moyse, boutma ker, is moving We alBo aesire to express our beat wishes We c»ll special attention of re1lders o.f Mr. W, J,. Brnad. "l"p Clerk, ltas been to Whitby. for your most e·time.ble partner In life, and to the STATESMAN wanting etoves to a few of seriously Ill during the pt1st week. expross the hope that she may be spAred to h l d · f · f T Messrs. Jamee and Byron Leigh left on Miss Cole, Ma.pie Grove, was visiting celebrate with yonyoul' golden ,vedding. t e ea m~ pomts o merit o " he Art Saturday last for British Columbia. We ask you, Mrs. James. to accept these Garland," the leadiug Base Burner of the here recmtly. Mr, David Darnh, and family have decided presents.not. for their intrlnelo value, butrather world, and cl>:im for it in gener"l all of lo leave Orono and reside Jn Toronto. Iuac Obrke's sale was a. grand success. to show our feelings of regard tor you a.nd the estiml\tlon In whlch you are held. the advantages tba.t are generally claimed Rev. J. A. McKflenls1dvlngaconrae otSun· Hunking fa the " boss" auctioneer. Permit ns to express the desire that bot.h of for stoves of this class. da.y evening Lectures In hia Church on 1he The Cheese Co. sold the balance you may b even more useful Jn tlte future 1 Th b fl · life ot Paul. th11-n in the, the hope 1ho.t you may live st. e ottom ues give greater of the season's cheese t ,. Jackson & for Mr~. Robt. Johnston, of Newtonville. and many together. a benefit anll a. radiating surface from the b o ttom of the Miss Stuart, ot Kenda.11, are visiting at Mr, Hallett., Guelph. ble.saing to society, and when your l{olden stove than has ever yet been attempted. Wm. Hilli en's. I comes, may It t1uthtu!ly be described "ncti've f·.·11.t.ures of Mias Nellie Jamieson, Toronto, was wedding 2 nd. One of the disti Mr. R. Hockin ha.a sold tQ Mr: Joseph Rob· by these beaut ful !in es of Lon gtellow: v lnson the rigs and good will In hte ·tage line, calling 011 friends h~re recently. Mies "The ancient bridegroom and tho bi-Ide, utility is the original pat ented syste m ot runnir.g between Orono and Newcastle N. Trick returns to Cobourg this week. Smilin~. contente·i and ·erene, and ventilation, the cold air is station, Upon the blithe bewllderillg scene, d 'tt d th } A barn b eloning to Mr. Wm, Osborne, Bt'hold, well pleased, on every side .A postal ca.rd received by Mrs. Jas. Hallet t a ml e to e stove tbroug 1 openio,g from the Dunsford family states that they B F., Darling ton, and situated on lot Their forms and features multiplied under door- the supply being reguarrived aafo nn<I w oll at their destination, .As the reflection of a light I a ted b Y th e in · d" t 'tl 16, co n . 5, east of this village abont Betwoen two burnished mirrors gleam ica or suown up0n 10 Sa.lem. Oregon, on Saturday Sept. 29th. Or lamps upon a bridge at night front door. By thia mMns perfect venOn Wednesday evening Oct.17th, a Loctllre, half a mile, was e utirely consumed by 8tretch on and ou before the 8i1<:ht, tila.tion in secured, and th~ air so m1;id is under the auspices or the W, O. T. U .. wlll fire last Friday night. The barn wa.s ochf delivered In the Christian Church, by Mrs. cupied by Mr. Joseph Wilson . 'l'ill the long vista endless seems." made to pass throu ~1h t.he fire, thi:> same ParticuFitlellia W. Gillette. of Rochester, Michigan. Sismed on behalf of your many friends, as air which iB usually introduced through la rs as to origin (Jf fire unkno wn. Subj~ft· " Ed ucn.t1on and .Aloholic In temper· Bowmanville, Oct. 10th, 1888. anr;e. the draft slide in the fro nt door ; this We congratulate Mr. William Allin on The anniver·ary services in connection with Mr. James replied in a speech of jerky improvement alone will recommend the St. Saviour's Church wero held on Snndity and his success a~ the Bowman ville fair, tak - t' l oquence with a nervoils tremor running Art Garlaud ti:> all thiuking consumers. Monday last, On Sunday morning R ev.Canon ing firs~ prize on bis Mammoth Bronze 3rd. 'l'he eutiro back of the s tove is Brent. of' Newcastle delivered a.n earnoat and turkey~, competing against birds that thro tJgh it, thanking his friends for their i o1pre~alvA addreas. In the afternoon the Pas· kind wishes of happiness, for their hand- used as a hot air chamber. the cold air tor, Rev. Mr. Rooney preached, and in the "swept the deck" at Whitby and New- s ome present3 and for their approval of entering at the bMe of t h e stove and eyen!ng the J;t.,v, Rural Dean Allen delivered castle fairs. All the . turkeys ta.king his course in a public y. Be hoped being discharged in a highly heated conan able aud eloquent sermon to a 'Vory large a,;dience. On Monday supper was served, prizes a.t the Bowma.n ville fair wore the large company would enjoy them- dition through openings which are on a and was pronounced one of the very best, eibher t>red by I. L. B 1 ·own or tlle dire ct SP,lves to t l1e fullest extent. Letters of level with the pipe collar, addinJl greatly Addresses were delivered by Revs. Elder Garbut1 .· J, A.. McKeen, and Rura.l Dean descendants of his stuck. For siz1}, per· congratulation were read from some to the heating of each size. Allen. intersper~ed by selections by tbe oho1r, feet markings and symmetry, these birds persons at a distance. 'l'heu followed The fire.pot is extm large and is so 1 Songs by 0. A. Ga.msbY and C. G, Arma ·.ronir; take the lead. speeches by representatives of sections of arranged that it can be taken out through 11,nd 01ie of the best organ rocttals by Mr. H, Gilbert of Bowmanville, thA.t it he.a eve1· been country stretching from Brooklin in West the front door wit~out taking the stove our pleasure to listen to. CJESAREA. Whitby to the :ixtreme eastern boundary apart, as can the grate, and, in fact, the (PROM OUU OWN CORRESPOND:·:NT.) f of D urham. Mayor Younie was the first, enti · re i'nai'de of the stove. . gett· C msarea c h 1uch is m~ a coat o ·~ Rev. A. 'Vlleon, D.A.,otBobcaygeon, paAAed p aint. as the ·representativc of the Queen, then The grate is an imvrovement over what through here On tlaturday On hiH Way tO J,e!l· followed Mr. Stephen Washington, Mr. has been used heretofore. The dust kard Fishing is about over. Uuclta are Rd M B kl" M W · B · C OtlCh , ciamper, check damper, and direct draft . o ore, roo in, ~ .r , 1J:lder Garbutt has not yet got settled In the These are the articles that are undoubtedly interesting the ChristfA.n President of the Board of Trade, damper are all upon the same side of the cl:lurc uarsonage, but expects to be plentiful. ladies and gentlemen just now. rn a few days, Teachers' weekl.Y m eeting for study of !'fr. _H. C. ~011.r, Mr., Chas. M. Cawker atove. '..L'he burglc.rized voat office safe wae shipped the S . S. lessons 1s to be r esumed. m h1a usual lively st ram, Mr.Rd.Osborne, Above the mica section aro three re, on 'J'hursds.y to thA ractory at Gt1lt for repairs. Buying time has come for all the above lines and the people the Pleased to see the genial countella.nce , Mr. J.M. Joness and Rev.H.S.Matthe wa. Hectors which caat a blaze of light from burglars still at large and likely to be, are asking the question: Where shall I go to get my Hat, Mantle, 01· Th e h1Jme of our Reeve, G. .l\1: Long, Eeq., of Mr. Thos. Edwards P.m011g ua again. j who was rese~ve~ for tbe last to round off the entire top of the stove. There a.Te wa· 1<1~.ddened by the 11.rrival of a daugb.ter Mr. Dunn's ea.le on the 8th was well the speeches 10 lus urnal.happy s~yle. no joints int.he magazine tlrnt. ca.n possibly Dress, or Clothing 1 Who has the best assortment ? Whioh of all the 011 l\1onday, Oct. 8th. Each of his five boys attended and a success. Ho is moving Then every body w.ent m for en1oyment leak from putty falling out, it b e_ing all havo now a. sister. merchants can give me the best value for my money ? estern Canada. and ~ee~ed to. find it. Those who had in ot1e piece. Tho swing cover i$ LosT.-Some where in tho United Counties of t" a farm in '\T No1·tlrnmherland and Durham. a Scott Act In· music . m their soul:. had a. rare and double as in all Art Gada.nds, and These are questions that almost all ate turning over and over spec tot· aud 11. Police Magi.Strate. The finder Services are again being held in Salem temptmg treat spread before them by t.he very perfectly fitted. church after several years cessation. f h d f M in their minds this tiii;e of the year. W eU, all I ask is a faithful and ought to ho suitably rewarde.d. 1 er. be pres~nce o sue goo per orm~rs as ISi! An adequate descrit~tion of this wonc '.f'he ladieR of the Methodist church ha.vo T be c h urch 1s ing thoroughly repaired, B t C ti O b d M B ... " careful inspection by an unbiased public, and I have no fear of the re- jnst sent 11fl' a large nantity of clothing, old er 10 01;1 s, s .awa, an 1t1s yrom, ful stove is pr&etically impoasib-lo ; it n0w, to the Mission·.ry on the Blood He· An intprovement society was orga.r.nzed Bowmanv1lle. poss!'Jl!ses all the time-tl'ied feat ures of sult. Every one in the st~re is anxious to please aIJd suit you, so that And serve N.W. 'l'. tor di!tributlon among tho on tho evening of the 11th., Officers The present~ were handsome and re- merit to be found in other stoves and 'is Indians. here need be no heaitancyr hl givjng us a call. Come yourself, also One of the citizens ot & northern village Pree. - W,J. Beacock, 1st Vice- flee t much cred1~ upon tbose who selected 80 strikingly b eautiful and 80 replete with tell your fr,ierid$ to come and take a good look thrqugh, and I feel con- was maki...g our etreeta rllll{ while under the Pres.-Miss Bruce, 2nd Vice-Pres.-!. them,, and consisted of a ve:y handsome new featnres that it ia sure to outrank influence or some evil ,qpirits, one day last Ba.relay, Secy.-Mise McHoull, '.l'reas. fident you will save time and money by buying at our store. "' week, but Han1>1,~ng Parlor ~amp, Ch1~ia Tea Set, any base burner thnthllsever been made. no one harmed him. Our village W. J. Emerson, After t.he election of beautiful Table with E°:"bro1dered Drape It must be seen to be appreciated. OJi;ll constables a.l'e very ino1fenaive men. . GLJl:ANJ;;R, officers an excellent program wa.s l'CII· and several valuable art icles. of Crystal. at"L, Geo. Quick'P atore, one door east d dared. · · It was the ueual wee sma. ho~r~, when the ST.ATBSMAN Office, lO see the diffore·t GEN1'S;Mr. Watson has returned. Mr. G. the pal'ty thought of h9me, ana whee etyl.aa and sizes A FRIEND lN NEED lS A FRIEND ll'U>EED. Dea.con, ~o well Mr: and !Hrs. Parr, of Toronto, next ho ride· to Islington inay I be lhere · -For Liver Complaint, for Bile, foi· 111- - - -- - - - - - in town, will take charge of the TAILOlUNG Dm>ARTMENT up stairs, over digeelion, for Heartburn, tor Sick H ead- and Mr. D e mary, of Lindsay, have been to see. " 01.'l':m WH9 WA:s PREllENT. The I)ifflculty Experienced. the store, where he will be pleased to meet his old friends. He also ache and for Acidity tJf Stoma.~h you will visiting in this vicinity. Mis& .Brnce a nd Mills Scott h~ve be.on visitin~ 1,;e~erIn taking Cod Liver Oil is entirely 1.iverfind a, sure and effective friend in intends 9 do work for any yrh6 m9.y favor him with the same from come in bcott'e lllmulaion of Ood Cockle'11 Anh-bilious Pills. In use for ~o;o, nnd Miss Jackse>n and M111s :Na1m, 0utside parties. in Torento. ,Mr. G. Hulburt has r eA PLAnr STA.1':EMli:NT.-AU poisonous Oil and Bypopho&pllites. It is a3 lHil.atabout a ce11tury and a quarter. 2 rooved from 'Ioronto to Mrs. A:m11tro11g' waete, aIJd worn QUI; matter o ught to es· abls IUl Milk, 11nd the nu1at valuable r~ · · Youn; very respectfully, ·~ . house, 1tTJd Mr. Carr from Ltndeay to cape from the ayssem through tbo aecre· edy that hM eve11 been prod1111ed for the c1.~:!:.8 i~:'!:'a~·!.i:o~~~.K:=e~~e~ I Mrs. Miller's.. We ar.e pleased. to hel.\ iions of the ltowels; kidneys and skin. J cure of Con11111nption, S01'ofula and Wast"en' fllh, 11:11d Dlalw·the (\Jllld ·brtarbs· uul that _Mr. LoUJs Ke~ly 111 soon gomg to b B. B. clean8611, opens u:nd regulate~ these 1ing Disea.aee. l>o Dob full to try it. Fut , · tuiaft!ly. ' · tet~denb of our "·1llage. na.t.ural outlets for tile removal ~· dDt11o3e. 'Dp in ~ Bizat. . Formers busy marketing barley, most of whfch Is A. l. Jaa. Berry by Mr. Sinclair spent a couple of days at home recently. One of our local sport.s shot four )l>artrldges within ha.If an hour. Who can beat thi· 1 FAMA. COUCH. JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN ------ "V a.rW 0 The Art Garland. MILLINERY, MANTLES & DRESS GOODS· CLOTHING. j -I WITH ! MR. JOHN HINDSON, and favorably known !u . U'· GEO. LA ING I I n. ueo. .,-ri ·

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