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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1888, p. 3

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at:auadhtu Jtattsmau. HOUSEHOLD. Parental Responsibility. This sounds old, andyetparentskeepright WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17, 1888. on forgetting their re~ponsibility. One of the most difficult lessons to be imon any mind, is the power and e:x:She Tried in vain 1.0 Get pressed tent of individual influence. In nine cases but of ten the mother's influence is more rtelic1' and had quite Ia.sting in her family than the father's, but Given up aJI Hope. both parents equally responsible in their! high and holy callings, a.nd io is a pity tha.t Campbellford, June 9, 1887. t I t b 1· th t th · B BO BOW 0 e Ieve a e1r MR. E. MoRRIS, Toronto, children are wha.t they make them. TO TOW WHEAT TO EURQl'.E. DEAR SIR :-I feel it my duty to give Now, I want to talk just for a few min0 ou my testimony for the . good I had utee whh .Y u;, mothe;,s. It may be dry .I. Scheme f'rom Dul nth but one n«i·· Llkery Y 'd talk-nothmg funny, but true. to 8 cce, 1 lrom your Dandelion Liver an d K 1 ney The oak which waves in our · a c· : · · Bitters. My liver was in a ba.d state and wes its form, its specie and its tint to the' A ~an m _D11luth hae ,a.n mvent1011 whrnh I waa a great sufferer. I had tried in a.corn which dropped from its aucll!ltor. Hu- he thmks will cheapen by half the · 10st , of vain to get relief and had quite given up m an life extends beyond the,three score and transporting grain and lumber from the all hope, till a friend told me of your ten years which bound its visible existence Northwest .to E~rope. In hi15 ido" there Bitters. I got a bottle at once and I am here. The characters of the dead in· euggest1one ot the L eary !aft, t· h to say the Bitters made a new wo- wrought into those of the living ; the gen- boat, a.?d a t~rpedo b?11o~. His plu11 is. to m;JYof me. I can heartily recommend erations below the sod formed that which make mgar-suap~d cyhnuere.of stee.l, which t bl d 'th l' now dwells and acts upon the earth Pa.rents to be loaded ID D11luth with gra.11>, sealed lihe_m to any one rou e wi iver com- J of this generation molding th ..t which up, taken in to"! thro11gli the la.kee to Bufta.lo, Yours truly S sh11.ll suooeed it and distunt posterity shall through the Ene C11ona.l to Albany, down the CARRIE TEPHENll, inherit the cha;a.cteristics which we impress Huds~n, &nd over to L iverpool, witl11)ut once - - -- · -- - -- - - -· into our children to-day. Is it indeed true breakmg bulk. . Good .News at Home. that the generation crumbling with the dust Oae of the~e s~ells 1snow on tJ:e stocks at · formed that which now d.w ells a.nd a.eta upon D11luth,. a~d 1t will be sent to Liverpool as E. MORRIS, EsQ., - DEAR Sui,-1 hav 4 the earth? Is it true, that when we our- soon a.a it is teated and the necessary conreason to speak well of your Dandelion selves are mingled with it a generation shall tracts for towing are made. It _is likel;r, Liver and Kidney Bitters. I have been be left behind which shall bear our impress; though, t~an on.e shell will be bnilt ·roubled for Rome time with my Kidnoy that the happiness ' of the living indeed before a.n e:x:penmental tnp a.cross the ocean " affected by thtJee whose very names are for· is n_iade, as it would ?ot be a complete e:x:ahd a friend of mine recommended them gotten upon this earth ? We must believe periment nor wo11ld it pay to take over only to me and I tried them in my case, and it is truly 80· one shell. The shells are made as large as found them to work like a charm ; thereTen thousand shades of character make an the locks of the Erie Ca.:ia.l will permit. fore I have much pleasure in 'recommend- age, ten thousand influences leave the pla.y· That is the limit to the size of any fog them to all persons who are troubled ground to tell upon the nation, In what vessel bound from D11loth to New _York. light then must we r egard puenta.l responThe shells ar~ o_f steel plates nve~ed ln any way with their Kidney. Yours truly, sibility? L 3t the parents whose work is to each other like a boiler's plates. Inside J. J. JONES. yet to do or now in progress ponder it well. there is ~ she_a.thing to prevent the ~a.ter Newtonville, May 3, 1887. If it is true that the ha ppiness of familiee, from ~ettmg i~to t~1e wheat.. That 1e. all the well-being of the nation in the trust th~~e 1s to the mter~r. Ouu.1de there i~ a of parents, it parental character produces rail1Dg a.round the hatch a.nd a place for a effects which stretch from time into eter- man to stand and sker. The steering appa (J~nsmnption Surely (lured. niby, which are s aen through all the phases ra.tus is detachable. The intention is to have of society, commencing around the cradle a. on ea.oh shell while going through (I'o THI> EDITOR : Plearn inform your rea.ders that I and extending into the comp:my of seraphim; the Erie Canal and other canals on the way then sorely parental responsibility is a eub- from D11luth to New York, but at New York ., positive remedy for the above named j ect worthy of deepest consideration. to the shells together and tow them disease. l\y it! timely use thousaud11 of As parents, we should not treat lightly ..cross to Liverpool, hking the quietest time hopeless ca.&es been permanently our commission, a.nd yet not be over-seosi- of the year to go and the easiest routes, with· cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles tive with a feeling that such responsibilities out an dfort to make a.ny quicker transit of my remedy FREE to nnv of your rea.dere are awful. They· ask but faithfulness and than a sailing vessel would, t hough in time who have consumption if they will send me love, a.nil met by these return a reward, improvement might come that would allow their E:xpreas and P. 0. 11.ddress. soul touching.and unending. quicker transpQrta.tion. Re~pectfully, Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, 37 The saving would be in elevator charges, YoDge Street, Toronto, Ont. in the cost of loading and unloading at B11f· Mischievous Babies fa.lo and Now York, and in the reduced cost of towing, as it would be cheaper to tow the ADVICE TO MOTHERS.-Are you dis- Are a great care to t he mother who is cook, shells over than to load the wheat on a. steaturbed at night and broken of your re11t housemaid, sewing woman and nurse all at mer 11.nd ta.kc it 11.cross. The grain cornea by once, and where to put t hem for safety is a by a sick child suffering and crying with great problem. For my creeping children, I rail from the wlleat fields of Minnesota, Dapain of Cutting Teeth ? If so send at had a sort of little table, with outward . kota, flood M anitoba. to Duluth, where it i.8 -0nce and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sloping legs mounted on casters. The top of put in the grain elevators until ready for Soothing Syrup." For children teething, the table w ..s twenty-two inches shipment. At present it is taken from there Its value is incalculable. It will relieve One ha.II the top wag moveable, attached by through the lakes to Buffalo, eleva.ted, the poor little sufferer immediately. De· a. pivot. In the centre of the table was a put in ca.n<iol boats, t aken to New York, a.gain pend upon it, mothers ; there is no hole j11et lu.rge enough to admit the baby elevated, put into ii. steamer, and sent to Limistake about it . It cures Dysent ery below t. he e.rms. When in this, the aix- verpool. The waves can wash over the shells and Diarrhrea, regulates the Stomach and months-old baby could tr11ovel as fast as any all they wish, a.s the shells hermetically sea.led, ..nd the water will not get in unless Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the of the older children. There was no danger the seams et11.rt. Gums, reduces Inflammation, and give of burnt fingers or other hurts, for the table The main trouble will be in keeping the proj acted two or three inches beyond the tone and energy to the whole sy~tem. little fingers . A slight rim around the edge tow toget her in the ocean, The waves may 1 ' Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " f\for break the tow line or a storm may arise and mffiJed t o keep toys in r each ing distance. children teething is pleasan t to the taste was ta.ken not t o allow the child to be· swamp everything. T he towing steamer and is the prescription of one of the old- come tired. Ther e wer e no bad results from "Ilight have to part with the shells to save est and best. female pbysiciaus and uunGe the use, but I think he would have walked itself, but they we>uld fl·)at, and though the In the United States, and is for sale b y "'lone sooner without it, as he was a yea.r old cha nce of picking them up a.fter they were all druggis ts throu;.!h the wodd. P 1ice before h e would attemp t to walk where he once cut loose would be small, there would a possibility of it, 25 cents a bott le. Be sure and ask for cculd not touch hie fingers. A better con · baIf this invention turns out well it will cut "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. " tri vance, because two children can be secur - the cost of transporting wheat from Duluth ed in it at once, is to h11ove a large dry goods and fake no other kind, box mounted on cascers. Rsmove t he nails to Liverpool five t o twelve cents a bushel. proj acting on the inside, and pad the sides T hat will be a big item when multiplied with old comforts or cotton ba.tting ; cover by the millions of bushels yearly exported ·vith cretonne or furniture calico, If two from the North west. The saving by not or three six-inch Equare windows are left in having to break bulk at Buil'alo would a.Ione When Daby wao sick, we gave her Ca·tona, it, ib becomes a vtiritable doll house, and amount to three to five cents P. b11ehel, and few children will refuse to go into it. H ow- if the New York to Liverpool p~rt of the When ehe was a Child, aho cried for Cnstoria, ever, it must be a.lways understood that it experiment is a failure there remains a large When she Miss, ehe clung to Castor!", is a house for good children. If the child is prob11.bilit y of cutting the wheat rate beWben ehe had Children, she gave them Castorta, put there for punishment it will never IJe tween D11luth and New York while navigll.· thought· a nice house again. One wom"'n tion on the Erie Canal is open. Thie, if successful, will be a much ])igger utilized the sawn -into portions of a &uga.r hogshead to keep two lively youngsters out thing than Mr. L 1ary'a experiment of bringing lumber from Nova Scc>tia. here in ra.fts, of harm's Wt\y. Any of these arrangements sa.vee the as it will change the whole lake trade. If mother a great deal of worry and the child ·llCCessful, the Jake schooners which now a great dea.I of suffering. Every large city making enough profit in three good years HE SCIENCE OF LIFE, d ..ily has accounts of more :>r less little to pay for themselv~s will have to comP the great medical work cl\ilrlren scalded or bruised or burned, fa.I I down in their freight rateij, and the rail· of the age on Manhood, iog from wiadows or drinking lye or other roads running to Duluth will be banned, Nervous and Physical Depoisons that nobody thought the child would while the all-rail freight routes most will bility, Premature Decline, touch. I a.m acquainted with a woman, now suffer. There is a. fi)l'ht between Dulutn Errors of Youth, and .tho nearly sixty years old, 1vho has never been a.nd Chicago now for thewhea.tof the North· untold miaerieil conrequent able to either speak or hea.r since the time west. Duluth has the advantage of shorter thereon, 300 pages, 8 vo., 125 ehe toddled out where her mother was ma.k- distances of railroad transportation from the wheat fields, while Chicago has the la.rger prescriptions for all diseases. Cloth, full llllt. ing soap a.nd drank some strong lye. only $1, by mail, scaled. Illustrative· an111ple capital and the older business. D11luth has free to all young and middle a1ted men. liead large ore shipments in addition to the grain, .Recipes. now. The Gold and Jewelled· Medal awude<'l to the o.uther by the Kational J.ledical .Aueo1WAFFLES.-Beat t uee eggs very light, to the ore is not'shipped to Europe ation. Addt·eas P . 0. Box 1895, Boeton, :u:-'l which add one pint of rich milk, two table- and,!jthough a. cheap rate of transportation would ena.ble or DR. W. H. PAltKER. graduate of Harra.m the ore companies to send it to New York. spoonfuls of butter, a teaspoonful of salt, Medico! College, 25 'ear·' practice in Booton, 1 who may be consulted con11deotially. Speoialiy two tea.spoonfals of baking. powder, with Diseases of Man. Office. No. 4 Bu!Anoh St. flour sufficient to make a. soft batter. Bake quickly in buttered waffie-irons, and serve to the Northwest. · Most of the coal con· sumed in the Northwestcomesfrom.B11ffa.lo, very hot. the freight west being coal, a.nd east grain BAKED a nd core large, and ore. juicy apples. Fill the cavities with sugar , Cleaned, Died,fPreseed and,RBp11.ired by a.nd a. little lemon juice and thin slices of The KincJ.Ller Uountr Wav. the rind ; p11t them in a. pan with a little · ' water, and sprinkle suga.r over the tops ; Now it is inevitable that the kindliest baste them often, and when done, set them people living in cities should fall into a Dyer and Clothes Cleaner. greater reserve of manner toward strangers a.way to cool. Serve with cream. Goods warranted to be as no one will know BROILED PHEASANT. -Place on a steamer tha.n tha.t developed in the country, where people know a.11 about their neighbors. ln them from new when done. over hot water until tender ; rub over with. a city you cannot nod to everybody you _ ·Corner of Kmg and Ontario Streets, salt, pepper and butter ; lay on a greased meet on the strnet ; there is not time for it, · Bowmanville. gridiron, and set over live coals; broil a.nd You ca.onot even call on those who live in turn until both sides are brown. Take up, the same block with yon. You may be !iv· put on a pan 11.nd cover with butter. l'ut ing in the next house to a professional Nervous Debility, Seminal Losses and prH1&· in a very hot oven ten minutes, and serve gambler and have no means of aecertainiog the fa.ct. All these things produce in peo· tureDecay promptly and.permanently sur11d by with currant j elly. BOILED CORNED BEEF.-Put a piece of pie from the cities a ha.bit of;more guarded corned beef in a pot with cold water to cov intercourse, which is certa.inly less pleasant er, let come to a. boil, and oet on the back 0 £ than the kindlier country wa.y, but is not the stove to boil slowly. Let simmer fou . easy to lay aside. Agl\in, the mere pos· Does not Interfere with Diet or usual ooc11pa- hours-longer if very large. Wher:; nearly session of a new acquaintance, as such, is a. tio11 and fully reatoree !oat vigor a.nd inenres done, scrape a dozen carrots and drop in. privilege to one who habitually lives an is· perfeot manhood. Sent to a.ny addr011e, poet.- When done, dish, and arrange the carrots olated life, but is not a thing so eagerly on receipt of8rlce One Dolliir per box. a.round. Serve with sm!!.l l pickles. desired by those who live in a crowd all Sole agency, SCH FIELD'S DRUG STORE, King str iet, 'l'oronto, TolllA'I'.o 8o~r. -Peel a. dozen large toma.- the time, and have rather to acquire the toes, boil until they ~re thoroughly done, habit of defending themselves against num· &nd press through a sieve. To a quart of here. Indeed a gteab deal of what ie ca.JI. tomato pulp add a ~e11ospoonful of soda. Put . ed hospitality in thinly settled regions and . al! o;ince.of butter In a sa.uce-pa.n, and heat, new communities has no especial unself· st1rrmg Ill a small .ta.bles~oonful of flo?r; ishness a.bout it ; where neighors and guests when coo~ed, P.our .m a. prnt of hot milk. 1are few it is really the visitor· who confers Season :with a little oayenne pepper a.nd salt. the favor. 'ro give the plea.sure of his Th.row m a h11.ndful of broken crackers,. let company becomes in that c ase a. phrase of bod, a.nd add the tomato pulp. Heat with· some mep,ning. out boiling, a.nd serve, --------· FRIED L1vER ·wITH BRowN SAucE.-Cut A Trifle Skeptioa.L. I the liver in slices, CO'~er with boiling water, Minister- W ell, Bobby what did you learn and let stan~ five mmutes ; b~e out of the j at school to·day ! ' - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - - water and wipe dry; drt;dge with flour, s~It I B obby- I learned that the world is round, A .Iand ltepper. Put two .slice~ of fatbrown bacon on ID I and turns on hinges like that globe in the ~.-11 , ' KE~~ . :' , i> , . . · . a fryrng -pan, put the hver m, fry , parlor. cnop ha.If of a small, raw onion tw~ ! "A reliable Watch is of more value to sprigs of parsley. Put a. ta.blespoo 1 ut ? · sinner than a Bible or an E!'angelist." a sauce-pan, and let hea.t ; ~u m -Exchange. the onion a.nd parsley with ha.If a. ."u.p of flour, stir well until cooked, then ad t' a. cupful of soup stock, a.nd stir .until a m?oth pa.ate. Sea.son with pepper and s~lt, a little gra.ted nutmeg a.nd the juice of . lf. of. a. sma.ll onion; stir well together, an mix Ill the pieces of chicken. Mold into croquettes, ~oll i?- .cracker crumbs~ dip .in egg, ..nd fry I ' m be1lmg la.r~. Glrmsh wit~ pa.rsloy, and arrange sta.ndmg on a large dish. 'l'HE JEW ELLER, an f1 lft.. · ' , ... '!:-, " .. , '·l ' ' · ~ · . ~ ~ . 1 M AV N AR. D 0 '"WATC HES. has the finest stock . watches in Town. f for Infants and Children. I I We carry a full line of Gold, Silver and Nickle, Bunting and Open-face Watches ~vhicb we are s&l!ing very cheap, so cheap m fact that no one need be without a good reliable timell:eeper. We' can supplv you with them at all prices, from the cheapest " Waterbury," at $2. 75, to the most expensive G old ones made. We have al·o in stock a full line of those celebratud " Rockford " Watches, for which we are the sole agents for the district. We have also complete lines of Elgin, Waltham, Columbus, Illinois and Swiss makes. all of which we guarantee to give good satisfaction. ' ..Csatorlai:i so well ~t,ed to children tha.\ [recommend it aa supenor to any prescription ltl>.Ol'R&tome." R. .A A:acmrn :r.r D . .. · ' · ., :ill Se. OZford SS., Brooklyn, N. Y. I Cut01'la ctl!'es Colle, Conatlpatlon, WiUM>ui injurious medication. Tam CENTAUR COMPANY, :-7 l'!urray Street, N. ~ · ···~. ~:, ' ,' ' ' Sour Stomach, Dia.rrltooa, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dJ,., _ gestion, : :· ·" -.. · : ' ' 1 ' ., ' ·· ~ .. FOR SA.LE BY J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANYILLE. Jf WHRY ANO SllYtRWARf1 In ou~ ~ilverware and Jewelry Department it 1s our aim and pride to keep always the nicest and newest ~oods to be ~11od a~d .we can furnish you (our variety IS unl11mted) with anything in these lines at the lowest possible prices. HARDWARE ! HARDWARE !. I Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils. ----o---· - -- ~ We always haye on hand a nice variety of Begs to. inform ths inhabitants of ~owm.anville and surrounding new designs m Walnut, one and eight Town~b1ps that he has opened out busmess m the old stand, formerly d~y, weight and sprin!:{ Clocks, together occupied ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one door east of Standard Bank, and with a large assortment of Nickel times will~a1 all times keep in stock all goods usually kept in a first-class. and alarms. LOCKS. BEO.£.MANNINB Hardware Store, conoisting of SP E GT A0LES. ltlis a mistaken idea that many people th11.t they eh mid put of!:' wearing sQect~cles as long as possible because by so domg they often do permanent injury to th1:1ir eyesight. Good Spectacles, correctly fitted, can never iniure your eyes, but on the contrary are always beneficial. If your glasses do not suit you or if you h_ave ne~~r worn them and fine your eyesight f1uhng we can supply you with a suitable pair at any price you wish from 25 cts. to $12. Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shell Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, - Shovels, &c. I shall also keeo a well assorted stock of the best manufacturers' COOK, HALL & PARLOR STOVEi. · Stove Pipes, Micas, &c. The manufaclu1·e and putting UJl oC Ea,'e Troughs will receive SJlecial attention. REPAIRING. We are always prepared to do any kind of Watch or Jewelry repairing neatly at moderate cost. 0 Having purchased cheap for cash, I am prepared to sell goods at small profits and prices will be cut close to suit the times. @~Q~@g :m~ g,~JIOOIUl!@e I3owmanville,. April 2nd, 1888. g 38. MAYNARD, Tbe Jeweller. POND McDOUGALL & METCA LF, :SO\AT~..A..N""-VILLE~ ~1--M!Wli i LILY Stove and Chestnut, .......... -.......$6.25 A delightful Toilet Article. Not a face paint or powder ' ·u d<>es not cover over. but cures· sed in connection with Pond Li11y Silver Pellets and Pond Lilly Skin Boap. Most Effectual and Positively Removes all Pimples, Freckles, Tao, Black Spccl!!a, Blotches aod all Roughness from the face. hands. neck and arms, leaving them beautifully white and velvety, iHl"dOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE.~ PONO LfLY CREAM, - . 25 CENTS, POND LILY SILVER PELLETS. 25 CENTS. 25 QEN1'S. POND LILY SKIN SOAP, s. rEttBIN, (Jhomlst, Undsay, Manufacturer and Proprietor for Canada, , are ottering Coal as fallows : CREAM, Grate and Egg, ........................ ;,, ... 6.00 EXHAUSTED VITALITY I Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts rUli over one month. T LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. !!r~~~:~h~f1~s !~g~~eh= ~~~ t~~a~~e c~:i Gents' Clothing @2~·lN, . L~~,-r~)' 1 ',-~ - ,/ ) " V'1 ,....-=---.. . . . .. B A. ' t -:J \, ~ ~, A M -4. IIurd0 0 h Brot hers·': . , . · ...L"I McDOUGALL & METCALF. '""'"'E w c-r::rI'""'"'...A. ..J::l.. ...L "I :a: ALL ~ T H 0 S P E AT where are to be seen ERRORS OF YOUTH, 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, ·20 W"hite Bed Room Sets. (This E n g ra vi 1 ·.s r':prcscnts the L ting s in ri. healthy s tate.} SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. ,, : Tim 1rn:vl J,;D Y F Olt I CU R IN G l I CONSUMPTION COUGHS COLDS Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy ASTHMA, CROUP, ALL DISEASES OF THE TH ROAT, LUNGS AND PULMONARY JTS BA KI N C ill! ' ' Or & he Lict'n.or Ilnbit , P o$itinly Curet! 's DUNN Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and SaucArs, &c. ======================================= -=-~ · Inspc('tion Solicited. MURDOCH BROS· Victoria Buildinis. · CONSUMPTION HAS BEEN CURED O RGAN S. U\'" FAI T IJF U L 'OSE ! When ot h er R e mc<l ir s a rnl P hysici::ms h a.\'C fa.iled to effect a cure. ltecomm cnd ed hy Pl! y:ncrn:-; ,-;, ? .N T~TE.E.s, N u 1t:sl!:-:;. ln r n.e t by c n~ryhotly who lms ~; i v t:i n it a. good tri1 d . Il never J(ill::1 l o br'ina r elief ANT> I Ow DER P THE C ·QQK'S BEST FRI END AS AN EXPECTORAN T IT HAS NO EQUAL. It i s J w r inleM t<J th e ,ryfo11t Delii:< ttc Chilcl. THB.ESHERS AND FARIERS. USE ONLY McCOLL'S n D one s~de a~d t hen on the oth?r. Plac~ on a. Minister-Well, w hat did you think of I hot dish with ~he bacon, cut m small pieces. that ? by Admiafa . Dr. Hainea' , To the grease In t he pan add a tablespoonful 'Bobby- I think t hey're a·ki'ng me to Golden S p e crnc ' · h a.If believe · " boy. 1 b rown ; pour 10 n can ba lven !n 11. cup of coffc~ or tea withOU'I 0 f fl.our, an d 6 t ir unt'l a good deal for a small the know1e! :;eof the pcroon tnki n g lt;is absolotely a pmt of soup stock, a tablespoonful of · _ _ _ guaranteed with SALARY AND barml~'"· rmd will eff<;ct n perm11nento,ncl epeed.7 '\Vorcestershire sauce and mushroom catsup J T G · B 1· f ht cure, ·Mtiler the patient ls a mocler:i.te drlnke~ or h . h I" h · WO young Eormans ID er m oug a EXPl~Ns:t;s I' A.ID. Any deter mined ma.n cau an alcol.tollc wreck. I t h as Ileen glven tn t ltoosl'hdJJ eac · wit sa. "to taste; pour overt e liver duel with tricycles. Starting at " 00 ya.rds Rucceed with us, P eculiar a dvantages to ba· Pf cases, and lo every Instance n. perfect cure and serve. · agamst '? hM followed. It never fail·. The system onca a.part, t h ey ch arged f IIII tilt each ginners. Stock complete, including many fastImpregnated w ith the Speclflo, It 't!ecomes an n~r CHICKEN CROQUETTES.- Boil one large · other, with slight Injury to themselves and selling specialties. 0 utfit rree. Address at once, (Name this paper.) lmpossiblllty he liquor appetite to exl~t. or h' k 'th an onion · thro . · the wa · t er. j serious · · machmes. · · circular t.nd for full t pnrtlculars Ml.dr'l.f,!s GOLD IN c lc en, WI v n Ill hurts to their Their BROWN BROTIIERS, fil"EOJFJO co.. J.S:i Si., <Jlnclnnati,O. Whei;i done, cut the chicI! en in small pieces; honor was satisfied. NURSERYMEN. ROCHESTER, N, Y. u N " N ES·s I . I It contains no O PI U M in a ny form. P ttl f ' I: 2ijc, !JOc A~ D sum p~_; Jt l ~ OTT L P:. DAVIS & LAWDENO E CO. (Limited ), AlRD:JINEi MACHINE OIL. BEST .L lJBRICA. TOR I I I I G en eral Ar 1e n. t~ , lJ!ON'1.'JlE.A..L. S~f.:. lEr~e~s~s N I .N T HE 1'I A.RKE'I. When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New· Oils, FAMILY SAFETY & SUNLIGHTCOAL0IL. Try it once, and you will use no other. McUOLL BROS. & C:O'Y, Toronto.

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