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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1888, p. 4

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~~~~~!"""!' -~ . ~~~~-~ """'~w~==~~~-~ ~ ~~~~~'""TM"~~cuw~ ~ ~· _ ~~ · ~"""~·~--~~-~~~~-~~~~~~ -~~~~~~':".':~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"""!'!"""!'!"""!'!"""!'~~'!:8-!"""!'_~~~!"""!'~~-7~~!"""!'!"""!'~~!"""!'!"""!'~~!"""!'!"""!'~!"""!'~~~!"""!'""":"'!"""!'~~C&!\Gi4:eii~~.1;-·q-~·~·Tif& The Linwood-Br JWn Case. FRANK LEsLrn's SuNDAY MAGAZINE for Steph. H <>garth re~eived 2nd prize on October, contains many interesting and yeurlin!? carriage filly. 'l'hefollo~ing article fr?~ t.he Whitbt y valuable articles, all freshly written and "W. S1111 cler cock was awarded 2nd prize Chronicle will be of so_ ne mterest 0 brightly illustrated. The centinned for carrillg<' horse, sty le and speed, instead many readers of this pa ,r, as Mr.Tiro ~vn Rtory, "Genevieve," opens the number. of T. W. P owe r. wa3 for many years a res: ent n ear So· lt is a story of the Hllguenot troubles in A foftl H i!'fld 'by 'The Archer", shown lino. on the farm ow · ed by Mr. W. France. Mrs. Alexandor contrihuts a by Mr. Fre R andle was a subj ect for Baker: \' ery t ouching story, " F ait.hful in Duty " r)f *Mb· ·~· many favoralile comments. 'rhe rape case tried he·'ll in the assiu, and "Ru bc ms," by C. B. Todd, is a slo;y Samuel Snowd,·n is the leading b reeder court on Tuesday night, uff '. rds a n in- a hout. an intellige~t and faithf·il dog. ef Berkshire and Suffolk hogs iu the rid- stance of wh M. ig110ra11co: m alice a fl d e11- [ T~e .i l lus~r~ted articles .are, ,"Pioneer ing and his · xhibit of ee ven h ead wan ti re want of respect for ui ther self or an Missions in Central Africa," oy Emma greatly admired. oath may l ean to. Th11 uccused D. S. B.ay mend Pitma.n, with portra.i ~s of cele1 1gton, h ·> s h>rig brttted African explorers ; " M "·l'·«i lles," The ca.n iM es shown by Morris' llrown, E sq., of C1rn,rii1 Carriage Works were all sold. The ex- been known as a prumiDl' nt man in th !s by L. E. <J. ; "Cave Hom~s and S h rines," hibit was a fine one and well maintained cvnuty, being a justico of the pea~e and by Marc F V allet'o ; " Dolls and Dol l-· OrnP~ments. the reputa ·i nn of 1he proprietor as an A 1 a successful bnsiness m ·.n. 'l" o crim in al makera"; "Francis So<}tt Koy," b yWa!tnr act was ever before imputed to h im nor Eldga·· M'Cann .; and " Mme. Dieulafoy carriage builder. Compl:i.ints are made by merchants a t. would anybody think of suct1 a t hing; and her Travels." A vigorous sermon by Port Hope and Whitby that their fair until for some rer.scn1 or oth· r t he Lin I Dr. Talmage, entitled " 'l'he Age of grouod11 ar<l too fa.r away from the bnsi- .voods. motlier and do.ughter t ook it i nto Swindle," will provoke thought and nesa part of the town. Our grounds are their heads to cha··ge Mr. Brown with comment. The poems ancl short articles this outrage. Few believed a v.ord of it are numerous and good, and thero are a too emall, but are centrally located. at the time the charge was proforred, number of full-page engravings of much So great was the interest taken in the nor could the evidence convince them, beauty. It is a specially good number of piano and organ contests that three money it seemed strong' u ntil silted by this favorite family magazine. Picture Frames and Pictures prizes should be offered by the Society although cross.. examination. Then tho ca·e - - cr A -for players over 12 and under 18 years; collapsed. No pr osecutor could possibly How TO LIVE 100. YllARs.-.Health with a specialty. A large number and three for children under 12 be left in a worse plight with his case many years m~y easily be attan~ed. Temof fine engravings just Jesse Williams, of Enniskillen, showed tha.n was Mr. Lount, Q. C., in this in- perance, Abst~nenoe ~~d care m fond eata fine specimen of an agricultural mare stance. No evidence for the d .,fence en are the mam conditions. Always use received. with foal at side, winner of a red ticket was taken~ nor were nearly all the wit- lmperial Cream Tarter Baking Powder in at the Industrial Exhibition. He is the neeaes for the crown called. Not only biscuit, cak·s &c. and tbat part of the 5 quires of Note Paper for 25 leading brefder of good horses in his ~hould the public remember this, but food will be all right. Sold by all Grocers. 1 district. they should also rightly bea1· in mind · :?: cents, still a special line. Geo. Gray showF,d a splendid three that the witnesses for the d efence were .._. - . - yeal" old filly. Af;er handing him t he never called thus preventing the prisoner BIRTHS. red h cket or:ie of the judges said "l'll from proving that he was nGt in or ne:Ar VICKERY-In F.nfteld. on the Iltll. Inst., the give you $250 for her." Mr. Gray: his own premises o.t the time the crime wife of Mr. M. Vickery, or a daugb.ter. DAvrs-In Orono on Seot. 29r .h. fe or "Thn.nk you." Mr. Gray made a good ex- is alleged to have beon committed. The girl int.his casi. appe,tred to swear, ·in the Mr. Herman Davis, of a t!aughter. hibit of Cotswold sheep. thing that in ARMBTHONG-Jn Orono on Oct. 6th. thowife . of Mr. C. G . Armstrong, merchant, or u 001>. The exhibit of bread and cakes was most reckless mauner. ally -- - -===> her ignorance, tihe supposed would conLoNGIn Orono on Oct . .8th, the wire of Mr. very light, if some of the bread was heavy. vi ct Brown, and her mo ' her seemed G. M. Long, Reeve, of a daughter. Six loaves and four cakes only were Some - - -- - FowMANVILLE , OCT 17, 1888. shown. Better priztJs should be 11.iveu accessory to thu whole .,fi r. DIED. for cooking. 'l'here was no home-mad., thing sh .. uld b" done to m ·ke au ·X· ample .,f such p· i.rti"s as no man would AsrrToN-Snddenly whHe steuptng in to l\ls cheese and onlv one factory cheese. Notes of the Fair. ·~ arrlage at Silworthy Farm. October 2, I IJ!jg, . d · The following diacretionory priz,,s have be saf e f rom d l8grace an imprrsonmenl, Francis 'l'homa· Ashton. of Dinworthy, Rrad· We b 1<ve not learnAd who got 2nd prize been 1'Warded in 11odditinn to those men- while such brazeu women hav"' the wo·thy, Eng·. Nephew or Benj. Ashton, Es(l,)., privilege <1f trying th .. ir luck in courts at Darlmgton . on b ·e ed_ tioned befor ,_ , : Fancy eastl!, H . H. Cole- t k' h ' l 'b t f 1 f H d th GrnsoN-ln Whitby on Oct. 15th, frnm n mg awny ts l er YO 1 e. a e injuries receive!] by a. boiler exnl··Bion M man; P orcdam plncques, ht Miss Geor11ie Some of the driving horses should be Lin woods been as cunning as they were Whitby Fair on Oct. 1st. Harrison K Gibson ,. Cole, 2nd Mfas Odie Cole; Adam's apple ignorant and malicious, DJ.vid S. Brown, aged 2i yrs. ahown on the first day. 7 da;ym, J'unenl to·dav to Bowman· tree, W . F.'oley; collection dahlias, W. S. Mr. Pol't-er will pay prizes at Mr. Wi11J . P., of Oanningt0n, would to d o:.v be ville cametery. Ga.msby. · WILSON- At f><'troit, Mich.. Oot. 12, Mary · d datt's office to-morrow and Friday. cut off from his family and f rien s and Ann, beloved wHte of Chas. R. \V"Uson. nnd The base ball toumament 1) wa ~ a fiz. shut up in peni1e ntiary for life. The eldest daughter ol!' Geo. Haines. Esq .. Police Tho;i poultry should be give n better 1 zle, owing to some mismanageme11t. Dar· failure of a plot 80 devili·h, and so Ma.gietrat.e, Bowa·r.i.uville. Interred in \.Vo.:>d· quarters t.hnn \Tore occupied this year. mere cemett.r y, lingtou got badly left. Cl,.rke scored 12 McMULLEN-In ©1arke, on Oct. ith, Samuel Any peraon can become a member of to her 1. Bowmanville did rn"arly as bad brazenly c1<rried out, may h .. ve the eiJ,.ct the g, ciety by paying $1 nefore Au~. 1. allowing N e wcastle to score 7 to ber 2. ot staying low women from such business, George McMullen. ar;:ed 27 years. but i · . ahoulJ an··ther elf.,ct of makThe fol lowing appeal baR been allowod: Clarke and Nowc astle played the final i1ig juries do1ibly carefol whom they may BOWMANVlLLE. MARKETS. Mil!!s McA!'thur lBt instead of 2ud prize match, the winner being Clarke tvith a find guilty 011 evidence, for it; is seen Gooo on t issue p1~per finwera. score of 14 t .. 9, and get.ting the $10. Mr. tlv.t evidence m'.l.y be of tlrn nwst infer- <Jorrected by .J, MllM·artry, every Tae~day, Our thanks are due Mr. R. Windatt, Ohas. Roblin umpired the game very sa.t- nal 1.1ature; and m.iy be plot t ed hy peo- .--:--the Secre tary, for kindnesses during the isfa.ctorily. ple too ignorant t o know, and t oo heart- F1oun., 'IP' 100 lbs ..·... , .· $3 00 to $3 -30 progress of the fair and since. Mr. R. Dickson, Port Hope. - 1 -would less to fe<'1 that iti effects may be an in- WHEAT, Fall, 'IP' buaiil_ .... 1 15 " 1 20 Spring, " 1 15 11 1 20 " Ex:hibitori. of stock should have large suggest that a convention should be hold noc ent man's inc,,.rceration for life, und BA1iLEY, ~ bush, N<!>. 1.. . . 0 76 fl 0 00 cards postvd up on ·heir pens informing in a central place, where delegates from the hopeless wrecl· of his family affairs. , II II '" 2 ... , 0 72 fl 0 00 the different Agricultural Societies, say apecta.tors who owns the stock. II II U · 3 ·.. , 0 67 ff ,0 00 froi:i Peterborough, Lindsay, Cvbonrg, A 'rERRTBLE T11N YEARS.Mr&. Tbomas R. Beith & Co. won the l at prize for RYE, II · · · · · · · · · · 0 60 fl 0 65 carriage team under 15-! hands. W. Whitby, B ow mat·ville, and intermediate Acres, of Huntly, Ont., suffered all the OATS, II · · · · · · · · · 0 00 " 0 3-0 places, might discuss the matter aud fix tortures of liver complaint for te'llll Glover simply showed the team. dates for holding their reA pective fairs, Four bottles of B. R B. entirely cured PEAS, Blackeye, 'IP' ba!!h. . . 0 65 11 0 70 The judges on d ecorative art think so as not to interfere with and injure her, making her like a new woman again, 11 Small, u· 0 60 " 0 00 rl\dical cha.ngea should b"· made in the each other. " Blue, "· 0 60 11 0 70 after other medicmeit had failed to·rnhieve list. liS it is not suited to thiR section. BUTTER, best table, ~ Th. . . 0 18 fl 0 20 Nnmb~r of entries at the West Durham her. lt is· hy no means creditable to the Fair : Ladies depart'llent, 127 ; work by Eaas, 'tJt doz ..··..·...... 0 16 " 0 -00 Everything marked in plain figures and away down. large busines~ hous·s in town that so few girls under 14, none ; decorative and 1 POTATOES, 'Ill' bush. . . . . . . . 0 25 fl 0 oO AUCTION SALES. of them rn~de exhibits in the drill shed, constru.c tive art, 16 ; fine arts, 45 ; P.oRK, 'IP' cwt ....... ...... 7 00 11 7 50 'l'he ex.cellent music by the band was dome. st1c manufactures, 113 ; for special Po2·rPONED S&LE.-S. <:J: Hunking'& an- HAY, iJl' ton... .· . . . ··-· ... 14 00 11 15 00 WEST END HOUSE; an attractive and plea·ing fea,ture, and prizes, 63 ; entries n ot cfassified, 30 ; nual sale is postported until fo«-th. er was enjoyed especially by people from the horses, 216 ; cattle, 79 ; sheep, 122 ; notice. Entries are·stHI open. country. swine, 36 ; poultry, 264 ; machinery etc, WEDNESDAY, OcT. 17t11.~Dr. McBr:ien's rn ; grain and seeds, 58 ; annual sale, Lot 6, (Jbn' 1, Reach, ct:onMra .·Jesse Williams had her pC1cket 14 ; butter, :: rnrs, 118 · 1 ~1. ing of 11 horses,50' c:..ttle, pigs;hay, book taken from her dreEs pocket on the frni,s, 331 ; plants and flo 1 $300,8110. l"ald up Ca1·it1tl, ' corn wood, turnips, etc. Sale one. fair grounds, she thinks, by 11. woman. vegetables, 313. Total, 1,984. $ 70,0110. Ar6 showing a. large and varied assortment of D11y Goods for the It contained $7 or $8. Visitors to the fair mi8aed the usual S. C. HUNKING, O.\lctfoncer. FALL and WINTER TRADE. A guard sh ould be placed over the ex- display m ><de by St, & Jury the drn"- FltIDAY, OcL 19.-Mr;. E'. J. Phil4ip8, I beg to notify the publio· the.t am l.'eceiving Ceda1 Dale, will sell· hvL'~ee, imll'le- deposits tor this comp1u1v, and allowing a hibit of bread, cheese, e ..c. T he woy the gists. We understand that this firm i~hh1her 1.'&te o ' interest than ·he ban ksments, etc. Sale at one. S .· C. H \f'NKpublic have been allowed to miuilate and tended making a large exhiibit this year !ING, auctioneer. distroy exhibits in th is line is a disgrace. but over pressure of business during the No No:rrci: oF WITHDiP.A.WAL REQUIRED. week JJrevented them doing em, but their I am also prepared to grant A large stock in· newest f hades- and fabrics. We arE) showing a. special The fruit exhibit was much smaller windows were dressed up wit.h the finest SMl'lWAY, OcT. 20.-Mr. Thos. Conlin, !ine in IJ>ress Meltons at 12} cents, that can't be beat. than it should have been for such an ex- line of plush cases of all ki1 n ds that we lot 28, con. 9, Do.rlington, will sell his Loans 011 RIEAL ES'l'A.TE Jlarmsrnck and implements. Sl.le ao 1. on favorabl~ terms. cellent fruit year. The Society ~hould' ever seen-parties wanting weddmg s. C . HUNKING, auctioneer. OFFI<ll'E: rescin d the rule apprvpriating the fruit have presents. In one of their wiindo.wa there At :McMnPtry's Dry Goods Store, shown. was a novd device which attracted large S.MFUIWA.Y, OcT. 20.-M:r-. (!J-eo. Anderaon, Houselreepers requmng Table Linens, Table Napkins, rowels, W. I<". ALl.. IEN. The receipts of the l!'air were $672.97, crowds. It was a houst> built entirelv of lot 10, B. B'., East· Whitby, near Towelings, &c., &c., would do welt to inspect our stTocR: before buying. B owmanville, Oct. 11, ]88S. 42-Sm or only about $3 less thrtn hst year. Had Burdock ..Blood Bitters inside of which ©edardale, will sell< his farm, stoe-k, implements, etc. Sale at 1 p. m. See the "' er been &! fine as last ve1 ir the there was a. fo untain playing aud conbills. S. C. HuNKntG; Auctioneer. receip t.a would have beeu considerably in taining one of the largest Mudturtles A large cow·ignment just recei¥ed which have been marked at very excess. ever caught in this district, together with. W :!!DN ESDAY, OcT. 24.- Mr. Albert Arnot, low prices. lot 24, con. 8, Darlington, 'will seU: his If there is one director more than an- some small fish. --TO-The Judges were: Heavy horses, Jas. valo.a ble fa.rm stock,. imple ments,. a te-. other who deserves credit for the success of the, that mun is W. R R. Caw- Colville, Da.vid Carstalni, W m. Ratcliffe. Sale at 1 p. m. See bills. S. C. HMN· saxon:v Yarns in,, all colors. Fingt:ring Yarns in both Scotch and ker. He worked M a man should work Light horses, R Staples, .fa.cob Polard. · llUNG, Auctioneer. who acJepts such a position. Cattle, George Sanderson, ©:corge Awde, T u. .ESDAY, Oc1~. 28.-Esto.te of late W _ Canadian makes.. In this line we make a specialty ofi Baldwin's Beehive Argall, lot 23, B . JI;, Clarke, fa.rm We printed aa extra edition of THE C. ,V. Smith. Sheep, Wm. Jeffery, .Jas. Fingering. Canadian Factory Yarns in a large number of colors. S\\ine, .John Crumb, Samuel stock, imple men ts, etc. Si~le at one. STATESUAN containing the report and i::ltanley. of the late Burk. ~. C. HUNKING, auctioneer. :p rize list of the Fair, but we have no pa· .Allin. Pol1ltry, J. M Hern. ImpleUB.SU ANT to Revised Statutes of On· EDNESDAY, OcT. 31i . -Mr. Ira .. F, pers left. This paper always takes t'1e rnents, ,J~mes Linton, Samuel Pollard. , "~ tario. 1887,;r 110. notice is hereby at prices that are bound to sell them. Dairy Protlu~e, Henry Elliott, Charles ~ .Pearce will sell a lot of standing iiim- given to the Creditors e>f f,ucia Kurk, late lead, and tho people will have it. Young. Gram a ud seeds,. S. Vanstone, her on lo~ 21, con. 4,,. Darlington. S.. of the town of l3owmanville, widow, deWu were much plea.sod to see so. many John T"VVE:~:I:>S ceased, to Rend on OZ'i! before Thursd11y. the Lyle. Fruit, '.l'homas Burden, M. ~. HUNKING auctioneer. Clarke fa«rnera among t he prize takers. Prout. FIFTEE'Nl'fl DAY OF NOVEMBER, In t li·i s department we have a large stock in ScotQh,. English and Irish Vegetables, J. l!iligginbothA.m, --'------Our Darlington farmers will have to wake F. Bleakley. Flowers, Ool. Cubitt, N.S. Ln·rLE WOMEN are :li8 a rule, pose~ased 1888, to D. BURlrn SJ;i«PSON, of the 'l'own Suitings, Pantings and Canadian Tweeds. up or they will get left badly. Look Young. L a.dies' depi.rtment, Mrs. P ope, cliJ happy dispositions ;: but when tlhese of liowmanv.ille, in the County of Durham. again at Hie prize liat and see if we are Mrs . Hay, Miss Logan. Decorative and sweet dispositions be@.ome soured and i:r- Svlicitor for Edmund G. Burk ::i.nd David Sp~ial attention giv,en to the ORDE.RED Cl.OTHING Galbraith. Ex:ecntord of the last will 'and not correct . constructive art, Mrs. Dr. Hillier, Geo. ritable, in consequena.e of the l ong t11ain ; testament of the Lucia Burk, their department. Call and ins1·ect our stock W hat is the difference between an agri- Baiden, 1?--· Minge1 md. F ine arts, Mr. ofi distressing feature:i...peculiar to l'smale C bristian names. surnames, addresses, and beCore pu1·claasing, pl1.rticuhrd of their deacriptfons, with . foll cultura.1 and a g·meral purpose horset Cutts, Miss Scott. Dom.. manufactures, complaints, they are ihen not .on- claims in writing, and the nature of the These t~irms are not synonymoue. An agri- Thos. Paterson, Thos. Smith. able to say t:he leMt. It is the duty, not securities (if Bny), )\.e ld by them, and that cultural horse is one adapted to farm use -------... -~in ly of little women, .. but of a.II w0>men so - -·- - ---·-- - . - -~-after the ~:tid 15th Day of Nowimber, 1888, only; a gener"l pt·rpose horse is one fit . Combines. afflicted, to bring about the subj~ct1on, the said Executors.will proceed to distribute for farm work a.nd the roa d as well. lf i and immediate reml).val, of these gainful the a.sets of the· estate of the there is only one class for showing these Coal combinations e:ciist in all the prin- · maladies_ This is easily accomplished by among the partie3 "otitled thereto, ho.ving two clas~es of horses it should be n gener- cipal cities in Ontario.. In Toronto there I the use of Dr. Pierooi's Favorite P:uescrip- regard only to the· elaims of which the suid Executors shall have received notice at the al purpose class . are 56 members, of whom only about tion, the greo.t specific for "femah· weak- timA of such clistri.b ution. and that all claims We would suirgeat now that the rule is half a dozen are impol'ters. The other nesses." It is a positive cure for 1'lhe m ost of which the said J<Jxecutors shall not have enforced iu the Ladies' D epartment, that members buy from the importers at 75. complicated and ob5tinate cases ofleucorr- received notice uh the tim9 of such distribution shall be co:gsidered to be waived and the articles must have been made since cents a ton below the retail price. Dealers. hea, excessive flowing, painful menstrua- the said Executx:>r~ will not be liable for the the faqt, preceding exhibition of the Soci- selling below the priee fixed by the com~ tion, unnatural e~pressions, ~ola.psus snid assets or any part thereof t.o any person ety, that exhibitors be limited t o W est hination are fined $-Jt,000 for each offence.. or falling of th~ womb, weak back " fe- of whose claim notice shall not have been Durha.m. This would exclude prol:es· One-sixth of the amount of t.he fines goes. . male weaknes~," anterversiou, retrover- received by th-em at the time of euch dis 2ional exhibirnra whoee articles are exhib- into the funds of the association ; the sion, beuring-do.wn sensatious. chronic tribution. D. :r.umrn SIMPSON, ited from yea.r to year in different parts other five-sixth a:rG divided among the congestion, infi;.mmation and ulceration Solkitor for the ·aid Executors. importers, of the womb, inflammation, pain and of the Prnvinoe. D ated a~ Eowmanville, this 9th day o! The fire insura.nee combination includes tenderness in o;·aries, and kindred a.ilThe officers of the County Society are: -----CO::---~October, 1888 . t W. J . Roy, Preisdent; D. Burke Simpson nearly all the stock companies doing booi · ments. All dNggists. 415t. ------------ ----~·V ice do.; Geo. \.tray, 2nd Vice; R. Win- ness in Canada, thirty-two companieiJ in We beg to make known to our' numerous customers and friends "The Old, Old Story," an Secy; M. Porter, Trea.s. Directors a.ll. They are pledged to maintain :rates, na.tional responsive Christmas service for and not to reinsure risks ta.ken by comthat we have received a new and e:::.tensive st0ck of Furs, Hats, Caps, -W. C. Blackburn, J. Davey, A . Tamlyu, ,V. McCormack, L. VanC.tmp, S. panies outside of the association. The Sunday Schools, is received. The carols Gents' Furnishings, etc. Allin, W. Werry, T. Werry, W. R. Ca.w- report says : " The effects have been are new, and from the facile pen of :Fanny J.Crosby. The music by Prof. P. Higher .ker. The Township Societ.y officers are: decidedly injurious. * * T Baker, P; II. 0. Hoar, Vice do.; rates have been the rule in nearly every · B. Sparks, whose ability ia of high order The highest prices paid R. B. Andrews, P. Werry, T. Pascoe, instance." Not only does the com bmation as exhibited in the choice productions J.M. Jonesij, J. Oke, R. Beith, T. T. iaj 11re Canadian insurers ; it injures given in thiii service. Competent judges for any quantity of Barley Canadian companies as well. There is a who have examined say it is the best that; Coleman, T. Ormiston, N . S. Young. We have commenced repairing Furs and would request all persons delivered at my Elevator or tendency to forsake the Canadian com- ha.a been publiehed for We hope Geo. C. Haines proprietor of Haines' panies for foreign companies with large our readers who are interested will send wanting. repairing do~e to. brin~ the a~ticles al?ng as soon as possible, at the Wharf ; also for other Carri.age works made a. good ·" show of capital, and the home companies are for a sample copy, 5 cents each, 36 cents as later m the season it will be impossible to give the same attection grain and fa.rm produce. single and d ouble carriages for whicl1 he bein~ gradually frozen out. per dozen, $2.60 per 100. Wilbur B. to this branch. waa awarded a. diploma. His exhibit conThe egg combination is not formed for Ketcham, Publisher, 71 Bible House, aisted of a 6.ue douUe Surrey, a. jnmp· the purpose of puttiniz prices up, but of New York. We solicit an early call to examine our goods and prices, and seat top buggy, eliptio, and side spring putting them down. .The desire is to bu;, BOWMAN VILLE. bring your furs for repairs. When the hair sho"ws sigm1 of falling, top carriages, aa open buggy, ma.rket from farmera at low prices for export. begin at once to Ul!!e Ayer's Hair Vigor. wagon, cutter and two fat·m wagons. This preparation strengthens the scalp, · Tk&e is a.lways to be found at Raiue1' NEVER £.I.I.OW the bowels to rem1tln eon· promotes i.he gro'll"th of new, restores 'VICTl)RIA () .l RROU() IU.I..VE l i a wonder· the largest stock of fini1hed work in this 1 l~t 8erioua evn e11sue. Nutional the natural color to gray and faded hair , ru1 heallRK compouad ror ent·. wound· aection. He n::ight have shown 30 vehi- 11tlpukd Plllsareuwm1rpnssetln11aremedyCor cond . d "t ft 'ibrnUes,burns,scutdi,boUs,plles,plmples. 1 NEADS' Br.ocK, Bowma.nville. . d THE PRACTICAL l!'URRl~ 1 1 sttpa&J,on, · an ren era 1 so , plant an g1Oll&y. .tie. cles if necOJWa.ry" --o-I have now in a very tine hne good s, suitable for p resents Family Bibles, Albums , Beautiful Gift Books Vases, and Bric-a-brac Clearing out sale of l J. H. KENNER'S -FOR- WALL PAPER. GREAT BARGAINS. v~RIETY HAL Wall Paper, Window Shades, Silver Ware, Plush Goods, Novelties, Books, &c., &c. P~CTURES FRAMED very cheap. --o-- ) SPECIAL VALUE. ------o----- Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths, Flannels, Got tons, Men's Underwear; Fits guaranteed. IT?ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIAL FEATURE.c:£J.J CHINA HALL. Just opened .upja splendid lot of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets and Toilet Sets. Ca;ll and look through our China Hall. JOHN McMURTRY, The Ontario Loan and Savings Co. --o-- ----o---- ::OFl.ESS G:r-C>C>:CS. NOTICE OREDJITORS- CC>TTC>1'TS. -y- A.Fl.N'"B- In the matter of the Estate tucia BLANKETSJ. COMFORTERS & FLANNEL SHEETINGS P .. I TOD BRO_ J 3. -~THE BOWMANVILLE~~- Hat and Fur Store. -----·-<»--- -- FALL AND WINTER GOODS. * Barley Wanted. REPAIRING FURS. JOHN LYLE, Mr MAYER,

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