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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1888, p. 5

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__ Call on H. A Delicious, ___.,. - - c. TAIT for Photographs, School Books, Fancy Goods, Picture Frames, &c., Bowmanville. YOU Noul'i~hing HAVE Soup i n a moment by usmg I FLUll) BEEF! TBE BEST FOR BEEF TEA. THE ONLY EXTRACT OF BEEF smtabfo for makmg JULIEN and o ther C LEAR SOUPS. A FlNE RICH FLAVORED SOUP can be made IN A MOMENT by addmg boiling water. LYMAN, SONS &Co., SOLE AGENTS FOR CANADA. - ------------ -- ------- A preparation which has been continually growing in public favor is Stott & The clearmg sale will last the season. Ellison & Co. Cloakmgs and mantles must be sold. li:l!IBon & Co. Mr. ·wm. Muir, of Toronto, called on us last week. R. II Nunn, of Wmmpcg, was m town last week. Miss Emma Gilbert, of Toronto, was in town last week. L'ld1es, get your Hats re-shaped m la.test styles at Mrs. Morrison's. For a good choice of feathers, wrngs and ribbons gr, to Mrs. Drmnelly's. Ladies call at Mrs D()n nelly'a and see those new styles of ]'all and Wwter hats. Have you seen the twilled wlnte C otton at lOcts worth 14cts at Tod Bros. sellmg fast. \Ve mean busmess and want the store crowded with customers from morning till night. Ellison & Co. '.l'ho Ilu.ppy 'rhought cookmg range sold by S. 8. Edrnll 1s the best stove m the market. Newspapermen who made contract!!! with "Bad and Lord" a few months ago, how about the payments 1 At Tod Brus. for $1.00 you ca.n g<.(t the best Kid Gloves the world produces at the price, (black and colored). Subscript10ns taken for all Canadian and American newspapers and magazmes at lowest rates :i.t the STA'l'ESMAN office. Truly it is about time that our town authorities wo1dd take some act10n to catch tho fire bugs that infest this town. Toronto Council have accepted tenders amountmg to nearly $1,500,000 for the blllldmg of tho the new city hall and courthouse. The m,m who is convmced that advertismg does nut pay 1s generally an uous to hin e au extended persona.l w.t1ceevery time he leaves town or returns. Jury's COUGH S_Y_R_u_p It is undoubtedly one -Of the best articles ever manufactured and for a cough of long standing it cannot be excelled. BowMANVU,LE, OcT 17, 1888. Local and Otherwise. T~ Ellison & Co. Our prune object is to sell quickly. Ellison & Co. Splendid value m Cardigan Jackets at ·rod Bros. Mrs. Donnelly's n ew advertisement will appell.r next week. Wools and Fancy Goods in great variety at .Mrs. Morrison's. Swe~pmg reductions for cash. Kid GluveB-every pair guaranteed. :See J, J. Mason's advertisement. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance, ROBT. VmTUE, Agent, Bowmanv1lle. tf. < Our dearmg sale begrns Oct. 5th. Great bargama will be given. Ellison & Co. Have you seen the Drees Meltons at 12§.cts at Tod Bros great valu~, cheaper t han wheat at 40ats. Mrs Donnelly nn ttes the ladies to cal! and inspect h er new and large stock of m1llmery b efore pui chasmg elsewhere. The evangelists, Mesars, Crossley and Hunter, have just closed a very successful c:amp1 ugn 111 Oakville. Durmg their four weeks' aerV1ces 347 have been fol:'ward as seekers for salvation. Mr. Benj. Ashton left at our office on Monday a basket of the finest apples that we ever received. T hey were Aloxandrms. He has a splendid frmt orchard ancl we l1ope 1t may evtlr ) ield such superior apples. AnouT SirovEs.- No stove lias ever t aken such a hold on the pubhc as the Art Garltrnd. These stoves are the originals of their class, and cannot be surpassed 1n durability, successful operation and h eating qualities. Fire Pot can be taken out through front mica doors Ash pan 1s very large. For sale by L.G. Quick, Bowmanv1lle. See fuller descr1ptw n m another column. We h ave received two letters for pubhcat10n about the base ball match. at Eun isk1ll011 b etween the Gladstones of Tyrone and the Beaver.a of Hampton, but we do not t!:unk any good can posaibly come fz;om further discussion of the matter, and t herefore decline to publish anything moro about it. We believe the umpire on that occasion tried to demde justly, and any amount of abusive corumunicat1ons will not shake our confidence ln Jum Veribum Sap. Don't forget the editor when yo11 have -a newB item. If your wife h cks you, let us ) ow of it, and we will set it right belo the public. lf you have company, tell lli!, 1f you are not ashamed of 'Visitors. [f a youngster arr:vea at home, beggmg for raiment, come around, and if you are a cash subscriber we will furmsh you a suitable name fer lum or h er. and if you have a social !J&thermg of a few of your friends, bring around a big cake and the particulars. A SEVJilRE A ;TTACK.-Miea Bella Elliott, Gf Pontypool, nt., writes-" My brother and I were both taken ill with a severe attack of duurhma, havmg tried other remedies, we tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Stra11iberry, winch gave immedi· ate relief." Pnces l owered from 15 to 25 per cent. D ecided bargams m Over ·oats. Ellison & Co. E l\1son & Co. M y a have been G rey :Flannels at temptmg pripes. M ayor an d rs. oun~ E!liao.i & Co. V!Sltmg friends 111 St. Mary P· b f w Methodist I Cusiomos will wonder how we can sell . t Th e f1rs num er o a n e h El~ & C 80 c eap. weekly will be i ssued uext u1onth 1son o. Mrs. Mor·is »u's 8 t,,ck of 1 i'all Millinery 1 Men's Pants remarkabl~ cheap. is now complete Call and inspect. E l.h son & Co. Inspect Tod Bros winter stock ; you All wool Tweeds and Cloths at cost. do yourself wrong by n ot doing so. Ellison & Co · s·~ For good value m Shirts and Dr11.wert1 C apt. R . T . R aynes, o f C o"e ""· Antome, Que , was m t own la~t wcok. try T"d Bros Mr. Jos B assf'tt satled last week for Straw '·Dd felt hats r e shaped m all his hom , at Lostwit luel, Cornwall Eng. tb.e latest st} l es at Mrs DoDnelly's The most cornple e and choice stock of A vety spemal hne of Black Cashmere millinery is tound at Mrn. Donnelly's. H oue. All sizes ai J ohn J M ason's All the new shapes and styles lil Fall TRIAL TmP.- New Subscr·bera can and Winter miilmery at Mm. Donnelly's, get THE STATESMAN till New Years for lOcts. Mrs. A Barber, of Cobourg, 'l'i as via1tBefore 01 derrng a wmter em t rnspect mg Miss G ale and other friends here reTod Bros stock o[ Canadian and rn1cently. ported Tweeds. Mr. W. Wright has been spending a Brcycr,E l'OR SALE -A 52 mch bicycle few days rn town prior to settlmg down almost n ew, cost $85, will sell for $56. in 'l'orouto. Apply to W. A. BUNNER, Bowmanv11le. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Davrn and Mr. Byron Br1macombe, formerly in daughter, Mrs. Worth, l1ave been visitmg Dr. C. Harnden's dental rooms, 1s attendat Mr . .Jos. Brirtam's. ing the Dental College at lndumapohs, Just let \JS wh·sper that it will do you Ind · ~ood to insp~ct Tod Bros. large stock of Mr G eorge Hames, P . M , and wife, Blankets, Flaunels, etc. Mr .John N Kivel! attended the and Mr G~o C. Hames we nt to D etr01t Ottawa exh1bHion in the interest of the on Saturday to attend the bunal oE Mrs. Wilson Smger Sewmg Mac1une. Rev J, C. Cox, Grimsby, i s in town B.ARLF.Y -'l' he highest price paid for any quantity of Barltly at Bow man ville m the rnterests of Missions of the Church or Newcastle h arbours. Murdoch Bros. of Eagland, and canv ~ssmg for a new monthly magazme edited by Rev. Dr. Ladies German Made Ulsters and Jlfockridge, Hamilton Short Jackets elegantly cnt and very 50.000 BUSHELS B.ARLEY W AXTED stylish-· ow showmg at Couch, Johnston J iho McDou..(a.ll wants 50,000 bushels & Cryderm:i.ns. barley delivered at Port Darlrngton for SevPral fine suits sent out week at whtch the highest mRrket price wtll be J. ,J Mason's W. Peardon, the No. 1 paid. Offic~ at McDougall & Metc~lf's. Cutter can'r b l' beat. If you want a new 37-4w. amt call there JNo, i'vfcCu;:r;o.- ~ ummor.ed ho appea,1 FA.RMERS -I have some new s1eel-frame Stott & Jury are offermg a choice lot two-furrow pl< ws that you should see. b1fire Geo. fl ·mes, Esq , police mag~~ of English Wallflower::. for sale cheap- Allk f l k k trate, for obstructing the sidewalk wit h a call at once as etock 1a )muted Also a m ·s 0 P ow pomts ept rn 8 toc · Car load of Tea. W o will get Rq11al·e C :RoG1ms, Bowmanville. \\Ith the Grocers wh o laid the inform 1great va·iety d Hyacrnths und othPr flowrng bulbs. Mr Thon1us Paden, Ola1ke, left the tion by SBlhng tlus tea Bt pi ices wluch Mrll. Gairdner Ima sold llt'r beautiful Guide Editor half a dozen potatoes (Bur· will parahza them McCJ,UNG BROS. bank Sweedlmgs) a;veragmg a pound and On D l3c 1st DaHd Davis ts gomg to residence aDd grounds on Ooncese1')n St. eight oncee each. \Vho can b eat that 1 move mto the store now occ11pied by to Mr. J J. Mason, merchant, and her houst1hold effects bv auction and has gone People \\ho carry thf11r pur·es m Geo Buck, the great boot aud shoe to reside m Ottawa. wa!.(ons aud baby carriages hardly deserve dt,~ler, so that Mr. B nck announces a big The summer 18 over. Thoughtful peo· the pr· tet t1on of tlw la.v, because t hey cleann·{ sale ,,f boots and shoes at wholepnt too much stram o . n weak hnman s"le puces till thttt date when he will ple look ah· ad to m,~ke themselves com- nature mo ve to Whitby. Call and see t: lOds fortable. This can bf! dune by callmg at McCJung Bros, tho l eadmg Dry Goods BEFORE Co1,D WEATHER --Exu.mine a1,d prices. House, Bowmanvillo your Fnrs, ladies, and aee what they reONE Dor,LAR AND Cosrn.- The firm of quue m the way of cleamng, dyerng, re- McClnng Bros. was fined one d ,Jiar aDd M Mo.yer will begm on Nov 1st to p ,mmg or re modellmg and take them to costs for displaying a car l oad of cheap J!ell for cash only. All good0 will be M. ~fa~r, the practical furirnt'. tea on the pavement in front of tM marked dc>Wn to a cash fig ure, ~o brmg The information was laid by along your money and get big value m It is extremely mterestm)!; to v1S1t some store fuis and gents' furmshmgs. of the leadrng manufach·rmg h o nses m some of th e Grocers m the to1vn who are l'uronto Perhaps the most rnterestmg iifnud tlmt their day for sellmg tea is Rev J as. J,ittle, M. A · of Toronto, and surpnsrng of them all are the exten formc>rly pastor of St. Paul's church, s1ve Ornamental Stamed Glass and Decot'· over., Bowmanville, preached two excellent H~re is a truthful adnussion published sermons m Knox Church, Milton, last ative wor ks :if thll McCau sland & Son. m a l oca I paper. A m an is seIdom so It 1s from tlus establrnhment that the can d 1d m t1us respect a b Ollt l ns own Sabbath rnornmg and evemng. finest wmdo111 shave come for the prmc1· b "A I t t k bout 20 officers of the 8alvat10n Army usmess: ny man W io rH s 0 ma c A al edifices throughout our country. 1 b 1 tl t d h t d peop e e rnvo ia we 0 as muc ra o l eft 'l'oronto on 'l'uesday bonnd for India P A savmg of 2b per cent. on the pur- wi th the farming cnuntry now as we did Th ey go vo1untan1Y t 0 f urther t i16 a;rea t " de'- 0 f th A th t t C t chas of a Jirst clase piano is an important b u fore the time of t11e C. P. R 1~ ~ ~ " wor" rmy m a cou>l ry. ap o ce1ver of tlrn first water." 'W1lhams, of Bowmao>ille corps, along item, but auch is the offer of ctavms with others accomp.inied them to Mont· Newcombe & Co., whose new Piano Fae'Ne have made arran<remenb that "ill real. tory, Bellwood B avenue, ·roronto (Just enab1e us to give moro attention and The uew adverhsmg in last week's compkited) is tile fmest lll the city, and time t o watch rep~irmg, etc , we have STATRSMAN amounted to a larger ~nm equal m its machrnery and equ1rment t o had such a regular and contmned increase than m any previous issuH under the the latest and best m the Umted States. m our repairmg department that we find preaex· t propriet0r, and no' a hne of 1t lntendmg purcl11sers Wlll do VI ell tu com· tins necessary. We will do yonr work was sohcit~d Tho gr oss amount wils up- mumcate with them 37-tf nght w1thont overcharge. J. J. Mason, wards of $100 Adverhsmg m Hus pa· Wmter is commg and everbody wanes Dry Goods and J ewellry House. rer pays double. boots and sliot 8. Geo. Buck of rhe Pop· Genta wanting a good fittmg wit of Oue of the b usiest hou ~ ea m town the ular Boot 11nd Shoe Store must clear out clothes or Overcoat would do well to call past wei;k has be·m Conch, Johnston & his entue stock before D ecember 1st, as at the \Vest J~nd House. Mr. McMur Cryderman's. The ladies are after Dress he must then give up the shop, and is t ry has m ade arrangements with that firstGoods and Mantles. No wonder when movmg to Wh itby. Hence a. grand class cutter, Mr, Hindson, to do his the patterns and styles are so lovely clearing sale at wholesale prices began on work, whwh is a sufficit:mt gu11<rantee that They will be kept busy m the same way Oct 1st and will contmue to Dec. 1st. nothmg but the heat work and fits vnll be for many a dal yet, that's certain. This big sale rn no humbug as the stock turned out. The prices are right. · FREE FuR 1888 - THE STA.TESMA.N will must be w1d and goods will be sacrificed. A SEASON.ABLE OFFER.-Any person be sent free for the balance of 1888 to D cmt miss this opportunity or you will re· interested in Manufacturmg, Mmrng, new suhscnbers for 1889. Prrne in ad- gret it. M1ll1ug, Engineermg, the Mechamcal vance $1 UO 'rlw We kly Globe, Mail, A GooD NEIGITBOP·. -"L~te last fall trades, or Sc1entlfic subjects, will receive Wi tness, Advertiser and almost any other f I was laid up m bed three days with a a copy of one of the beat papers published dollar paper on the same terms and con· very seve1 e att11<ck of d1arrhcea and vomit- on such matters, also a complete c ~t:tlogue ditions. Sub~cnpt10ns must be sent to mg Nothmg benefitod me until my of prnct1cal and mdustnal books by aendM. A J.urns, Bo.vmanville. 1 rie1ghbor, Mis. Dunnmg, recommended m g name ai1d address to 'l'he M echamca.l CONSTIPAl'ION is nearly always induced Dr ~·owler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, News, 110 Liberty Street, New York." by 11egl ctmg to keep the bowels iegular, and brought me a half bottle, which she SrECIALNOTICE.-Persons having sales and is also a frequent sequel to dyspepsia had m her 1w!1se. Iu three hours. the should msiot on gettmg the bills at THE or ind1gestwn, Regulate the stomach vomitmg was stopped, and I was abie to STA.TESMAN office Some of our customtlrs and bowels by using Burcock Blood Bit- sit up by mght. I would not now tbmk allowed a certam auct10neer to get the t ers which rn certam to promptly relieve of us mg any other medicine ,. Columbus bills, and when they ascertained that he and' ult imately cure the worst cases of Hopkms, Hamilton, Ont. did not get them at TH}l STA.TEsll!AN constipatwa METliODIST MISSIONARY ANNIVERSARY. office they were Tery sorely d!dplea.sed. Mr. "\V McKay, accountant at the Or- -On Sunday last week Rev G Brown, A s1x-lme notll)e of a sale m this paper is gan Factory, was varnishing some chairs frGm Parry ~:lound and Rev. R. Cade, worth 1000 bills, becausa almo3t every 111 his room on Saturday, having on his from Sault Ste. Marie, pr(>ached m the farmer m West Durha.m rna.ds it. hands a pair of ktd gloves. When throw- two Methodist churches m Bowman ville, SEND IN Now. - Every one should ing a cloth saturated with varmsh into and public meetmgs were held on Mon- take hia own local paper, and when he the stove, the flames burst out and ignit- day and 'fues<lay evenrngs fol!owwg. can afford 1t a good metropolitan news rng some varnuh on his gloves and before As the Conference Missionary Committee paper also and every farmer should take he cuuld geL them off both hands were held its annud meetmg on Tuesday an agricultural paper. Now we can offer terriblv burned He will be unable to several of the mm1storial and lay m em- the whole hst for very lrttle. By a specwork for oeveral weeks. bers took part m the mcetmg 'l'he iail arrangement with t h e publishers we The concert given by Mrs. F. F. Mc· business of the committee was all done cm gn'e our subscribers the Weekly Arthur at their beantrful re~1dence on on Tuesday. Dr. Staffo1d presided with Mat! to the end (}f 1889, the Farm and Tuesday last netted $25 for the organ hIS usual ability. Rev H. S. l\'.latthews Fres1de to the end of 1889, a11d 'l'HE fund of St. Paul's church. The program and R. Cla.rke were elected secretanes. S'!l~TESMAN fot one year, all for Two mclue'.ed p iano solo by Miss McLaughhn, The m eeting was one of great harmony. dollars, violin solos by Mr A . McEwen. fl. chorus There was only one regret- that morn ADDRESS AJJOUT FU'RS.-A special reby St. Paul's choir, vocal solos by MrnsE. money could n t be expended on domesqueat is made this week by M. Mayer, Allen, Mr. II. Kmght and Mr. W. J, tic m1ss10ns. Each married mtSSlOnary our practical furrier, that ladies and genMcMurtry, and recitations by Mr. J. should receive $750, but unless the tlemen havmg fur 1<,oods wantmg repairs Irwm. The selections were all well ren- m1ss10ns r!l.lse more than they havo or making ov ·er to brrng them as early as dered. Miss A 1mour and Mrs. Meath promised, this amount will not 111 any inpossible, when they will recmve the best stance be paid, as only about 70 p er cent. played piano accompaniments Mr. and attention. Mr. Mayer would aho direct Mrs. McArthur and daughters succeeded of the amount asked for h as been granted attention of re1Jders of the STASESMAiN to m makrng everybody feel at home. A by the Central Board, and the committee could not exceed the gross amount at its his exteasive stock of new fur goods, hats, very pleasant evening was spent by all. caps, and gents' furnishings- all the new A GOOD JOKE PLAYED ON MR. KIVELL. disposal. Some of the missions should styles and prices to suit all pockets. A declare tb.eir i ndependence, and l eave - One day last week Mr Jno, N. K1vell, call sol.cited. the w1ele awake agent m tlus town for the more money fur more needy places, The committee never met m Bowwanv11le beTlie new officers of the .Bowmanville fal\lous Smger Sewmg Machmes was summoned hastily to tI'oronto with his fore, but as all were pleased with their Curling Ch1b are . Patroness-Mrs D B. horse and rig. Arr1vmg there to his entertamment they will not obJect to Simpson ; Patron- Hon.E Blake; Pres. Vice-Pres - J . N. gre3.t surprise the old h orse he had driven come agam, and doubbleas Bowmanv1lle -lfobert Beith ; the last two years was taken from him by will soon become a conference to\\ n. Gordon , Chap -Rev. M. Gunn; Secy.the manager at the head office of the Public meetmgs were held on Monday rreas - M. McTav1sh ; Representative Smger Co., and a fine big bay horse and Tuesday evenmgs, at which the pres- members - D. B. Simpson, Dr. .Beith ; handed O\'er to him with the req nest that ident ot the co11ference occupied the Managmg committee-S. Burden, John he take " Frank " and treat h im well and chair, and m add1~ion to the mm1sters Wesley, () L. Munson, J, N. Gordon, the wrnll that John and Frank might long named Revi;. Dr. Stone, 0. E, Mcintyre, Wm. McKay, T. H. Mcl\fortry ; Skipslive to work in the mterests of the Smger J H. Locke, C. A. Simpson, and Mr. Dr. Beith, Duncan Beith, ;:;, Burden, Sewmg M achine Co. .John no doubt Warring Kennedy and others t ook part .Joseph Rnebottom, 0. L Munson, John smiled blandly an<l. thanked the Co. for in the proceectmgs. The meetmg of:1889 Wesley, N S. Young, W. P. Prower, Wm McKay, Thos. Burden. their generosity. Mr. Kn·ell is evidently is to be held at Parkdale. as popular with the Co'y as the Smger TRIED AND PROVED.-" I have used Catarrh is iu the blood. No cure for Sewmg M1tchine is with the ladies of this Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry this loathsome and dangerous disease 1s district. Ile tl1at is faithful shall receive for summer complamt, and· have proved possible until the poison HI thoroughly his reward. Congra.tulat10ns, John. it, alter a fair trfal, a sure cure, both in eradicated from the system. For this lllLBURN'S A.ROltlA.TiC QlJINJNE 1HNE my own case ancl otb.ers of tbe family." purpose Ayer's Sa!'sap11r1lla u the best fi1rt11i1·~ the syne1n ngnlnst nttacks orn:tn~-1 Lauratta. Wing New Dundee Waterloo and most economical medicine. Price $1. .-.11ui.. blllot,~ feler,du.ntb 11gue nn1l Hirn C O t ' ' troubles o., n , Six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. 1 0 I RAJU: !lllkDM-~ EXECUTORS' ·-IN- SALE 0 F - I N THE- SALE OF LANDS VALUABLE FARM Townsbip of Darlmgto11, And Hesidence and other Lo ts in In the matter of the Estate of the Town of Bowmanvil1e, tb.e p r operty of Edmuun G. Burk. LUCI.A BURK, late of the Town of Bowmanville in the I hn.\e rece1 ved 111s t1ud1011s --. f1om MR LD.l\TUNDG County of Durham, widow, de- BUl{f, of ca111plJeil!01d, to 1auso to he ofl'e1ect 1 01 sal~ BO\'VMANVI LLE. ' I ceased . --- b) Pu bl1f' i.\rn t1011 '"L1 the k~lme tnnc n.n U phco l ti the. UCCOll\Pan; rng sale of the LUCI\ BURh llshle, thl) f ollo wrng pt.uccb of ln.nd I have rnl'.',e1ved rnst1 notions from the Ex ecutorn of the Will of the late r,11.cta Burk to oause to be offored for S>Lle by Pnbllc Auoc10n. at the Ruebottorn House, m thCJ 'lown of Bow· manville, 011 ccs.s1on of the s:ud T0\1 n sb1p of Di.u lm gton, ir1 th Coun- PARCEL 1 - All ol J,ot ll rn the Brohn Froul f 'on- ovem n!Jr S tUraa~I th l.i 3ra aa~ 0f N ii I a Q I ty of Dtuh un 'lh1s f:l.un ~ill be se>ld at 1-;o nn1\ h p er acre and tlrn acrna.gc w 1U be dt.:tcrmrned bJ 1ctna.t rnea.smem e it a.nd :sttJ.' e} It; rn ~up posed t.-0 (. onta1n allout 200 acres The w1 l .ind qn thty of tins r 11 m H a unsu1pissed 111 the l'ownsh1p ol Dailm<:ton, 1t is composed Of lteh clay 101111 Jt IS s1tnate<l about OllC and half nulco nom the post oftioo m Bow1umiv1llc, a.nd 1888, th ft one and a half 111\ic, !tom the whart Se\eial umcs of . f. 1 · l k o C oc Ill "a erno on beech and rnaple of fir,c health) stock 1 s still on the> a t the h O~t o the followmg ' cry valuable properties farm The house, outbmldmg-s and fences aie Ill good PARCEL I.-J,ots 137 a.ud 138, m Block K m condition ~aid 'L'owi; of l3ownrnnv1lle, fron·mg on Scugog One tenth or the pmchase u10ne) is to be paid do\Vll Street 'Ihts 10 the most comrortalJle and com- at tune of sale o,nd cnou"h to nml e one thud 111 tmrty mod1ous roa1dfmoe In the Town of Bowman· daJ 8 the b ~la;icc can be ';,an ied tht0nYh 1 n·oi ville, lw~ lleeu fo1 LUauy y ears the site of the on the farm at six per cent pct nmnm~, payable hal!Homestead of the late John Burk, ar.d smce , eat!) or the whole amount mu be pa.d m cash 111s death,' Of hw widow, the late Luma. Burk. 'fhe house which is a frame 0110 has been I PARCgL 11 - l'art. o! I own Lots rn, 20 and 2 1 iu always. and is now. in the very best state of Blocl 33 rn Bo" m.innlle Commencrng at the 111terout11 repair, 1'oth "'"reg nds the state of the bmldmg j section of the east ·1de of Centre street with t 10 B as rn painting. I& ls !u pertect order. The side of" lane rnnnmµ; not th of tt\Jovc mcnt10ned Jots, marn portion of the house 1 s one and a half 1 theme south along Ccntte sheet 4 chams, l :I J,nk:;, storAYB a.ud has commod1011A and convenient ( J72 feet 7 rnchcs, about) t heuce easter!) Jivc cboms, 3~ atldit1ons for kitchen woodsherl. &c Is !mks (lG'i feet, aiJout) thence 11 nthe1ly 4 eluw,.. l<i furmshed with a hot air furnoce, 'l'he ata.ble, 1lmks to sn1d lane, thence \\esterly o cham., '>3 lmks to. about tlu ee qmntcis ot a mile from the station, a nd I J · brick and a small building to the front of me at the mtcrsod;10n of tho west side of L1bc·ty e"me'rnken with them could easily be convert street with said lane thence southerly 2 ebam· · , hnkH, ed mto a separate house All the prnper v IA (l:J5 feet 4 inches u,bout) thence 11 cstcrl,J 5 chums 27 vrnll dramed 'l'here is a large !(arden behmd !mks, (~H feet 10 mehcs, about) thence sontherly 2 the bouae v.hich ha'l been well cared tor and is chums r, !mks, thence custcrlv ~ chams 2711111 sto Ll· stocked with a number of fine fruit t rees and bcrty ·treet, thence uoithorls - chams ll lmks to the. small f1·111t A handsome lawn is at the front place of 1Jeowrn 11 g of the house, 'fh1s rn a most valuable property Tins p1ope1ty 1s shaped hkc the letter L 1t ha.s a. and v«;quld make a comfortable home fronta0 c on Centi e street of about 272 feet 7 u1chcs, a. p \R~EL II -A part of Jot 139 lu Block K m !1011to.0 e on the lane i;bo' o mcnt1011ed of about 36'i said Town of Bowmenv1lle deSCl 1becl as com feet, and a fronta!'-'C on f,ibc1ty street of about 135 feet men:;.mg at ·he Sonth·easi anA"le of said lot 4 lncheH It co11ttt111' J ac1c·, l 1oml, 17 pert hes Has thence 1unniag West along the southern side I" lmc t\\o stotey tmck hou0 c 51X3l \\1th .i bric!, adchof 68111 lot 119 feet thence rn a. Northcrly di t10n to s<\me Tho house contams all the modern 1mrcctlon 71 f:"l,_ t lo Chw ch 811 eet' thellce alon5 pi:ovcments hag a. b ~th toom :tnd '" ater closet 1s h%t~ ......, coach house a nd ice hottse a.dJoinin~ rue of the pl \Ce of bcgrnmng- n.nd also commcmcmg t o 1neas- I Churcll htreet Easterly 95 feet thence m a ed by" hot air furnace, ""cl is h,;hted '"th Hurn» "'outherly du ecnon 12 feet to the place 0 , be Gas \fachme, the p1prn,; bcm.::: I .id ill oi er tbc house. ~~~~~~,t' above lt·nd to the west of ihe house on convcmently ann.n,;ed and cc!lmgs h1,;h Jl teserving however out of same the The cell tr is la.rge aml \\ ell a u m£ed c. fo1 '1ateung pm poses '!1110 ga1dcn and ordrntc.l 18 nO\V in excellent condition "ell s tocl,ed "1th hrgc n.nd i:nna.11 frmts1 and the g PARCET, lII Lot 18! lll lllock I, and tho \Uleo ~re ln "QOd !Je lllll!l' cond1t10n rlie ,.:u1de 11 ·~ South ll~ lmk8 of l'own lot 135, Ill a.lid lllocl{ qmte the ea~iest 1 i t°'rn The g1e1tcst bco.uty con· the premises On theoe premrnes 1s a brick cottage with three rooms m m11 m body o( ho11se on !he first floor a11<l a. good celhir of rull size or the house underneath, a kitchen with pantry nnd coal ho11se at back built of brick In summer or 1887 'fbo wh~lc house was thOIOll{l'hly LePHlled and improved l«!t1lY and i A lrnmc stab e ,, tth drivn1g hon.o 1s phccd a sbo1t <l1 stanec from the hotlSO r>n<I woll iaangcd With box I stalls for ho1so·, n toom by Itself ~01 " sow, am! 1lte ma! ~h~cls mid waorl housos u,rc v,1) convenient to,the hou~e A ".Jl(\m11l "1'1l olei'a!cd tin!, is <1lso 0 11 the p1em1s1 >nhrl pipes :nc lain lrom The looms It .s 11 good 1t over the g'lOll!ldS the latrer pie< c timl1tl 1-ub~e ct ro light of owners or lot 18G itnrl. \JI·· Noi ·l' 11 l !mks {'f J 85 lll same Bh1cl\. ta nee asn1e 1n corn1non with tl.c owners or lot 18! i;nd said aou1h17~ !mks ol 185 m Block I of usm& ·am<> i;.a a lane to get to 1he rea.r >f then· respective properties, aad of USIDf\ tile well ou same. On 1h1s prop~rty JS s1tnated two semt detached dwell111gs ~ nd are good pronert ies either to rent oi· to purch·ae for privntA sists rn t·1e tine t1eo> cho·e11punc1p1lly for then loh"~" abont the I l\\ fl ;nd fi ont pal t of the hOllRO This i t;"" ..~1thout cxcept101i the finest u.n;1dcuco ..n BO\\tuan.. Hlle Jmks \1011 feet) by 384 lrnks (about 25 ft., 11 m t tlllln0, sate! icoidcncc on J{mg ;:lt1eot This 1s a vacant lot, but troru its commanclmg position and localit y 18 a de PAitCEI, IV - Six acres of land more 01 It SR of lot 10 Ill the !st COHCe8SIOll of Darlu1gto11 llQ\Y loun ing s1rable vroperty pat t of Bo\\ niarn 1Jlc Ih1s is six acre$ of >ac iut Ja1 cl TEHMS OF SALJ.i] _One-tenth of puiohaeo adi01mrig- Prnch s ~ut'Sel\ 111 <1 belnncl tl1e residence money u.t date of su.le uod enou[~h to make one of same 10 hirty da)s and tlie balance 111 1 1estdences. 'rhey a1 e well drained and are 1 fccL to the pl o! 1JC£1 dhu~i f,;bllt,uu.i10 2t p t: 1( hes ... most desirable propeities , ,. . 0 1. tlrn, piop~ity lS s1tu1t ed a 3'0011 fl~me Lo1 1~en.ncJ PAHCEL IV.- A part Of lot 22 lll Bloc r h ., Ill hoa been used ns tho ho Lise for the man cm~fo\ c d with said 'J.1own or Row mgnv1 1;e 'J'hHJ lot has a the a.bore ic~ldencc a" tt 1:, convcmcntly ~1 '"11 i trnl for: frontal'(<;_ on Scugng1 ~t ree of 1 cha~n and 62! such pm pose, bc111g about 20 feet fl om tl1J Jot con- PABCEL l!I - Pait ot Lot n m Block 31rn llo,nn Ill· \Ille Coum1cncwg on south bound"' 1 of 8,ud Lot number 9 thence :'forth rn1 feet, them e oust 11 71 feet thonce south along the castein l1onndary ui ·feet, thence """te1Jy along the no1th >t<le of ""'d Jin~ 147~ cash at said tune. or cau be carried on mort at tune of &-ile It L' vety 'ahmiJI< fo1 paotu1e 1,.ua gage Oil the premises for five years with lll or g~1den111g put poses terest at the rate of SlX per c, 11t per 11nnum, TEl\MS FOR l'ARCELS U, HI IV - 01'e tenth of paymg back the whole or any portion of the prmmpal money at tile tlnd of any year as the ptirchaoer may desire. li'urthe· terms and cond1hons of sale will be made knovo n at date of sg.le 1"or any fur tller parttcular· apply to tho undersig.1ecl 8olICitor for EDMU:\'D G. Bmm: or ( ampbeJlford. and D \VJD GALBRA11 ll. of Wh1 i bY. the Executors of the W 11! of LUCIA BUHi{ DMed at Bowmanv1lle, October 6th, 1883. D. BURKE SIMPSON, or Howma.nville, Sollc1tor. B LA.lUUiilU.S ill, D. ";'I of l'homas Dm den on L1herty st1eet Tile doso piion 1s too long for m lie1b.0 11 h o1e, lmt \\111 Oe mn.du 1-.now11 payable ha.If yea1ly, with such tor ms n.a to 0 h.t f rn thHty dais tbc b11lo.ncc ca'· he e1 thc1 _p11d in c u;h or ca1ned by mortgage on the premrnes, bcarmg; rnte1est at ~1x: per cent per wm11u, payable hn.1£j yearli l'urthcr t mmr:; a.1d conchtions \ ill be made l... nowu nt the time of Snio ~or Inlier, better 01 nnv part1enlats, .ipnl; to tlm 1 nclcr,1gncd Soh(1tO" fol l'rn111rn« Rum' t he \ B 1dor. D1ted Uch Oct ' lSSS D lllll1hl: SIMPSON. of B0wrnam 11le Sohmto1 for J<,dmund u l:lurlc. LEYI A '.IOLE, Auet.oneei puu hn.~c money nt tune of 8alc, cuoub h to n the one .. Cj. H., r WA_ N _1 1 .:: ED. '~ce. ~'lCal aud tr · I .1.'i'..L ::llCI \.NS AND SURGEONS, Ont. to competent antl relrn.blo mo.n. JPor terms; Office and R s1denoe Enniakillen, Onta_tlo. and foll ptuticulats. add1 ess 30 J .l!'. LECLAlU·E, Nurseryman, - - - - -- -- - - - 42-41v _____ _ Br _1,ghton.:_:~ y.!-. s. BURDEN, lm11rn ltlEN to sci! OU!" UCTIONEER for the County of '4 · l<' ru. lt and Ornamcntitl Darham, Insurance and <leneral Agent, Sloclr, \Ve can give you Valuator and Real Estate Agent. Sales and a good pay ng s1 uatron at once .Ad· other business promptly attended to. Box 172, dress e1 ms, 36-tt E \ ti· JI lRUSON .. t f o, Bowmanville P O Nuiserymcn, Geneva N. \'.; l\A EMBER OF COLL.EX,.E OF PHY· Llber·I comnussions or sulary a1i.i AXPMSe '. t eJing agents for ou r gonds.. v.' A w ·'N TEn ARM TO LET. -20'.l acr<>s of land,. · ARRISTER, Solimtor, Notary, &c F cons1strng or t he north thr"e or B 15 and 50 acres or lot 16, m the 5th con. of " COBOURG. l ickermg, between ll·ongh11m and QieeQOffloe,- .A.rmour Blook, Kmg Street, 22, l~t qtl0.~ter3 f' Ill A NI{ ill. F 8 E l"D, B. A. _ _ _ 40--llw ERVAN'.1' WANTED.-A general servant wanted immediately. Appiy to Mus. ANNIE \VALBRIDGE, Wellmgton Street, 33-tf Bowmanv1lle. OCKET-UOOK J?O DND containing P a sum of money. Owner cau get it by provrng property and p·ymg tor this notice JoSEI'H < 'I,EME~S lot 12. con. 1, Darlington, Bowmanv1lle, P. O, 42-lw rrEACilER WANTED -A male teacher for 8 S No, 12. Darhngton, for 1888. Ap· pllcatlons with testimonials and statln!l sal!J.ry should be iient t-0 T. C. LANGMAID, J'rnatee, 40- 3w* Taunton. EACHER W ANTED.-.A teacher for S. s. No, 19 D1~rlrngton for 1889 Appll· cations with testimonials, atatmg Ra.'ary ex: pected. should bo add1essed to C. W 8Mri·11, Sec y·Treas., Hampton. H If UTORE TO REN'!' OH SELl'...-Store, CDwelhng aud Dnv1og·house m Eu111sk1llen A good stand ror J:msrness, ou reasonable terms, Apply to the owner, f-t l:lurcnrnoN, Lis towel. or WnLIAM BINGHAM Enmskillen. 40tt' OLTS ASTRAY - C11me onto the premises lot 2a, con, 1 Darlmgton, ~ span of blacli: colts two years old or over. on Oct. 7 The owner Wlll plea Re pi ove pi opeJ ty, pay expenses and take t hem away. VV. L LAW, Garden Hill Farm, Solina ill-Ow S - ------- - - -- wood Well adapted for gram or r"ismg of ·tock Usual pnnlego of olowmg, r,entv of living water. As present exp.r·'S 0<'t 17 1tnmPd tate oossesa10n ciin be given To a :<ood rehablc tenant very favorable tcrmR will be given Apply to HENRY HOWELL Whitby or to J K GOUPON. Barrister, Whitby, ' JZ- tw* T Atc,M lN PICKERTNG l~OR SALE. - Oae of the best farms m Pickenng for sale coutammg 125 am es, all of which are cleared and in ll!gh state of culti vat10n. On the premises are a good dwellmg house anU out bmldmgs aud two wells. 'l'h13 property i!f situated on lot 15, b. f, one m1lo and a nalt from Pwkeung 'illage, half a mile from Gmnd 'l'rnnk Stat10n. three m11os from P10keruu:~ Ha1bor, and six miles from Whitby, For fnrtiler particulars apply to JAMES Prc·i<:~Rr> on the prnmtRes, or P10kermg, P. O · 29- tf F Sale of Seven Acres of Land near Enniskillen. The undersigned hi!.S teceived rnstrnctlon t() sell b,, pnva·e sale I hat seven acrn> oflot "hn the 7th Coneoas10n of th9Townsh1p of Darling· ton known ns belongrng to the JJ ttle li: Jtate, and which has for some past been rent;.. ed and occnp1ecl by James Pye, bemg cornpos· ed of tbe seven acres lJ mit immediately 10 the Soiith of 1he Northerly nme acres of the South half of tho East half of said lot, Tttle md1 sp11tab e, pos·ession can bo g1vea immC'd1ately after ha1 ve·t. 1"01 further pa.rt1c11lar· apply to D. llURKE S IMPSON, C rrESTIMONIAL -I take great pleasure _ 35-tf in recommendrng to the ladies of this town and viclmty Misses Kerr and Keith, "'.ho have succeeded me Jn the dress u.nd ma.11tle makmg bn~rness, and bespeak for them la.rire patronage MRS. OOCKRURN. 38 4w ARTNERSHIP. - The advertiser, aged "2 is desirous of residrng in Howmanv1lle and w1shee a small mterest m an established busmea9, Please state amount required and nature of busmess. Address : "RELrAJJLE." care of th1s ofilce, 38 5w OOD HOUSE FOR SALE.-A two storev frame house situated on O'Dell St., contammg seven rooms and summer kitclien, closets pantnes, &c. Hard nnd soft vo at er ; full l acre ot ground with good selection of choice fruit trees Apply to ::U. A. JA.HEB or to D, B. FOGG, Proprietor, Bowmanv1lle. H-tr Sohcitor for Venclor. Notice to Creditors. P In the matter of TH 0 M A.S ORMIS'rON, of the Township of DarhngiJon, in the County of Durham, Farmer. G Notice is herebv g1 ven tha.t the above nameil Thomae Ormrston has made an a"signment t<> me or all his estate and effects m trus ~ for the benefit of lne crnd1Lora. · A meet1n~ of the creditors of the said estate is hereby convened and will be hAl d at the ofllce of Mr, W. s. OnMISlON, Solicitor, Bowma.nv1lle, on Th,1rsday, 18th day of October, A D, 1888, at the hour of 1wo o'clock in the afternoon for the appomtment ot Inspectors aud the g1vmg of drrect1on with reference to the <hepoaal of the estate. 1IAT Admirably situated homestead, All creditors of the said estate are hereby Jllo estate of the late Samuel McMartry, reqmred to tlle their claims with my Soumtor m the town or Bowmanv1lle, berng the nerth· W. ~ ORMISTON. Bowmanv1lle. on or befor& east part ot lot 9. con. l, 60 acres of rICh olav the day of sucli meetrng. After November 1st loam, highly improved. On the premises 1888. I shall proceed to distribute the ~aid eRta..t6 an excellent brick dwellmg house eontam1ng ho.ving rcga.rd only to such olahns as I shall 12 rootllll and all necessa.nes of a hollse , two notwe of, and I shall not ba respons1 bla barns, stable, drivlng-holl.8e, shed. etc., p,!s9 tor the assets ot the said estate, or any part ten acres with choice frmt trees, 500 apple and thereor. to any person or persons whose clallll. 100 pear treas : an overtlowmg sprmg in the or cl&1ma ahn.11 not have been filea.. pasture field ; in fact it is such a home rax:ely Dated October 8th, 1888 offered for si>le For terms and other pa.rt1cu· THOMAS BURDEN, apply on the premises, or to JQtiN Mc· w. s. ORMI5TON, Trustee. MURTRY. :3 lhcitor !or '£rustee, Bowma.uv-ille, July 31, 1888. :n-tr J Bowmanville: 412w Splendid Farm Fol!' Sale. T

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