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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1888, p. 7

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iiiiiii i_ ill5i'Rii-tiJl -ihiil ..1if~ i i jli!i' lii l--ilfri "!fil®iiifii .!iii '"nUli11iiTiliiiii~~~~~~~·~-~~ ~-~lllMl! .! r.~-~·~!!!~~!!·!·~gw~··!!t!it~renr~i!!Z!=~,.~ ,p~~~~?~·!ilg~1 '_,..~ ·~-i!IY~ ··~ia! :..~g~;..~ · ·~~~-~-! i-~i~iti~iz!!!1~ . ~I~-~u~~~~~~~~!lll~f!!J~Mm~~MlmllllllllW~~L~~i~~~.!_~w.a!~~t~ -~·~ma~~·!!·~·!l"!!!!ll,!"J ~ auadiau -;:.:,:-- J tattsmau. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17, 1888 " Did n't Know 't was Loaded" May do !or a. stupid boy's excuse ; but Y OUNG F OLKS · I PUREST. STRONCEST, BEST, CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LI ME, PHOSPHATES, or any injurious materials. E. w. G I I.LETT' TOil~~l~~G~~fir,. what can be said for the parent who sees his child languishing daily and fails to recognize the want ol a tonic and blood-purifier? Formerly, a course o1 bitters, or sulphur and molasses, was the rule in w ell-regulated families; but n ow all intelligent households keep Aye1·'s · Sat'saparilla, which is at once pleasant to the taste, and the most searching and effective blood medicine ever discovered. Nathan S. Cleveland, 27 E. Canton st., Boston, writes: "My daughter, now 21 years old, was in perfect health until a year ago when she began to complain of fatigue, headache, d ebility, ·dizziness, indigestion, and loss of appetite. I concluded that all her complaints origi nated in impure blood, and induced h er to take Ayer 's Sarsaparilla. This menicine Roon restored her blood-nm !dug organs to he~lthy action, and in due time rneatabJlshed h er fonmw health. I find Ayer's Sarsaparill a a most valuable remedy for the lassitude and d ebi lity incident to spring time." J. Castright, Brookl yn Power Co., Brooklyn, N . Y ., says : "A.s a Spriug Medicine, I find a splondid substitute for. the old-time compounds In Ayer's Sarsaparilla, with a few doses of Ayer 's Pills. After their use, I feel fresher and stronger to go through the summer." lfan'f'r of \hQ Cl:'lLE!JP.ATED 1\0'il'AL 'il'l!:AS'~ CAltl:'l9. Ayer's ,Sarsaparilla, PlUU'ARED B Y CAUSE AND EFFECT Many petsoM wonder at the tiro;d, worn anti weary teeliDg that oppresses them without '»' apparent cause. It may be pov~1·ty ot t .\e blood or a dlS<lrdered stomach ; in either case the stomach, blood nnd liver are not performing their regular functions. and, with many persons, there w ill follow a dull , heavy headache, nausea and many other symptoms that vreccde a well developed of Dyspepsia. Purify tl1e blood, cleanse the system of the clogged secretions by using Dr. J. c. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. MEAOHAM'S MANDRAKE MIXTURE, prepared by J.B. Meacham, 133 Young street, ·a chemist of ninetePn years' Pxperience. Sold n Dowmanville by I:liRginbotbam &; Son. ' AUTHORS & COX, Manufacturers of , When I say Cu n:m I do not mean merely to stop t hem for a time, and t11en 11ave ti}!lm i:atl!rn agarn. I M EAN.A UADlCJ.\.L CUR&. J. have the disease ef Fl S! .TRUSSES' . J~"JCTS9 Artificial EPILEPSY or F ..l\,!,J:,ING SICKNESS, Limb8, And Appliances for all Deformitiesof the Human Body - Spinal Diseases, Hip Joint · Disease, Diseases oi the Knee snd Ankle. Kuock Knee, Bow Legs, Club Feet, Etc. .ALSO CR UTUHES. A life !ong stm1y. I WARRANT my r emedy M 01JrtlJ_tlLe W O!'G t cases. Because otloers f!\llod1 s no r eason for not nowreceivin1'acur0. fi(!)Jd at once for a treat1s eand ~tFmi: 1.'i'io:rc:!,!: of mv INFALLIBLE RinrnoY. Givo K~;'r:'n ~;~~,Post O!Ilc~.. I t co· ts you n otlllna ~<r: a. 'd"'"· and it w i~. cure you. Addreso .:r;,., Ii, G, ROOT. 37 Yonge St., 'roi·o:ito, O!lt. }~\;.~"£D ~!'.'IB. ~~~~"i~~ "&:', 117 GHURGH ST., TORONTO, ONT. GILL 'T T'S POWDERED We We DJl(fOJli:mlf~ VETERINARY SURGEON. LYE 99 PER CENT BEST. lto!tdY t'or use in auy quantity. JJ'or making Soap, Softening '\Vator, Disintecting, and a hundred other uses. A can equals 20 1>ounds Sal Soda. Sold b y all Grocers and Druggists, JI. w. GILL~rr. · ~OllONro AND Oa:ICAGO. PUREST, STRONCEST, ;~,;::')!L c· ~.':;:., ~ - <(1 '"«~~\_ \ f~ $ n TORONTO STEAM b\'J$Q~. A 106 LAUNDRY. Yo"~.!~_ Toroat<>. f . Graduate or the Ontario Veterinary Colle11:e. G. P. SHARPE, rn-opri'etor. Reglatered mem her o! the Ontario Vetfirina.r:v r :Medical .Association. fext door to Palmer hou&0, Ha.ndT to Unfoa WOflice and Residence. Newtonville, Ont. IA~--~R;~ei:g~o!!!-~============= Will visit Orono every Tuesday 11ndJSaturd&y I' OJll.ce hour& fr m 10 a. m., to ~ p. m., at Coultera' Hotel Calls by Telegraph recein imr. ediat· attention. CH.AF GES MODER.ATE. It neTer,was Intended, so far rui I can lear.n. That either men or women were intendod to be bald. I think you will believe me, indeed I'm stre you will, If at the "Paris Hair Works" you have cttlled. · ~EX _ T:_:OF.J!' There is one thing Nature thinks of- let n1 thank her for all we can,·Wl 'LD~ Sbe ta,kee particular trouble w ith our race; She knows a scanty growth of b&h', the gray and whiteaing locke, Will detract from the beauty ol the face. But Nature bas her law1 e·o Btrict that you CURES must, never err, For you'd surely pay the penalty at laet, 8u~tain It. that bounteous head Of hair Dr. Dorenwend'allair Magic's unsurpaaeed. Just try it vou a tllicted, you never will regret 'J'he l\1ae:ic wa8 neve>" y<>t known to fail ; And the good tha,t it will do you will make you soon forget 'l'he expendBure a bottle will entail. I a. spoc1a1t.r. Out ot town .,,.or)!'. UJ promptl.f att ended to acd rettiraetl per in~trttotions. SHIRT.S, COLLARS AND CUl"l"S ANOTHER WONDER ·. DR. _ FOWLERS . TR,AWBERHY: HOL.ER1\' holeraMoyhld OLlC...-e_@. ,,,,. RAMPS 's SALL N B0U Marble and Granite Works, BOW1'1Al1 VIL LE, Ont. ESTABLISIIED, This n ow famous preparation for invii.:orating rnd stimula ting the gr owth of t he is universally accepted 11.s the moDl valuable specific o.o. th e market. All disease s of the scalp are either r elieved or permanently c ured. A rich and rapid AND ALL SUMMER COMPlAIN'rS growth' of h air will follow after judiciou11 ~ND F"LU>.u :s OF' THE BOWELS and r egular trea tment. It r emains with IT IS SAFE. AND RELIABLE. . FOR the n21e r alone t o socure the d esired GFllLDREN OR ADULTS. · results . Dr. D orenwend's "Hair Ma~ic" ==============~ - ii sold b y all d r uggists at tll per bottle, or six bottles for $5. If not obtainable in your loc.i.lity send direct to t h e sole manufacturer , enclosing price . A . DonirWJIND, Paria Hai r Wor ks, 103, and 105 .. Yonge St . , Toronto. For sale by , .T. Higginboth am & S on, and all drugiiat; fi1IARRHCEA l!;JYSENTERY 1857, ·' '~- .A L L :({ I N D S O.J!' Unlocks all lhe clogged avenues of the CEMETERY d one in the latest 11tyles and materials, Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually wi lhoul weakening the system, all the i mpurities a nd foul · humors of the <;ecretions ; at t he same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach1 cLLring Bili· SCOTCH, ENGLISH , GE RMAN .AND BRUNSWICK NEW CRANITE MONUMEN TS IN STOCK. ousness, Dyspepsia, lleaaaches, Diz· ziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Di.m.·· ness ofVision,Jaundice, Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Scrofula. flutt<dng of the Heart, Nervousness an\l .,,!eneral Debility ; all these and many .) fi>.~ r similar Complaints yicl< l l o the happy inRuence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Call and see our d esign s and get ou r estimates l.iofore purchasing . Sample Bot tles 10c ; Regu lar size $1. F or sale by :ill dealers. ··.·, N !UI.R?JJU' d: c o ., J"t·orw·~tm·s, Toronto strokes brought him to hie brother's aide. The twins, in gniltl{S3 innocence of any U ntil your liair becomes dry, tliin, and Clothes Made to Ord~1;:danger, though t all this great sport. Here vrere their two elder brothers having 1' bWim gray before giving t he a ttention n eeded BY J, MACDONALD O::< 1,EY, without first taking off their clothes. T hev t o pr eser ve its lieauty and vitality. There were four of them-Hugh, the had n ever seen anything quite so funny b~· Keep on your .t oilet-table a bottle o~ : eldest, tall, dark, and sineW:y, besp eaking fore. T hey kneeled upon the stern-sheeta. Ayer's Hait· V igor- the only dressing his Highland descant in every Ene of face and lean ed over the gunwale, and clapped you require for the hair -and use a little, aud figure; Archie, the second, short, and their hands in childish ecstacsy over whnt d aily, to preser ve th e natural color anu sturdy, fair of and blue of eye, the seemed to them so intensely diverting. preve nt baldness. mother's boy, a,s one could see at a glance; But to th.i t wo elder brothers it was verh and then the twins, Jim and Charlie, the far from being diverting. When Hug} Tliomas M unday, Sharon GroYc, K y., joy of the family, so much alike that only reached Archie he found him <>!ready rx writes: "Severa l months ago ruy h air Aud;: with its advent ~heir mother could tell them apart without haustcd, and when, graeping him with hie commenced falling out, a u <l in a few making a mistake; two of the chubbiest , left hand, he strove to. force him upward w eeks m y heacl was almost bald. I merriest, and sa·1ciest youugsters in the against the current , he realized thnt ern long tried many remedies, but th ey d id no whole of Nova Scotia. he would be in the same condition himselr. good. I finally b ough t a b ott le of A yer 's Squire Stewart was very proud of hie boys, The s trength of the current was appalling. Hair Vigor, and , after using only a part has opened out a fine new stock j and looking at t hem now as they all came The best he could do, thus encumbered by up from the shore together, evidently dis· Archie, was to keep from slippiniz downof the contents, m y h ead was covered -ofcussing something very earnestly, his coun- ~ard. To make any headway was uttuly with a heavy growth of h air. I xecomten~nce glowed with pride and affection. impossible. Hoping that there might be, mend your preparation as the best hair· s,~ E When they dnw n ear he bailed them perhaps, a helpful eddy on the other side of r estorer in t h e world." ,,. with a cheery "Hello, boys ! what are you the run, h~ made his way across, only to " was faded and dr y ," writes talking about t here?" find the Cllrnnt no less pow erful there. M abel C. Haruy, of D elavan , Ill. ; "but A rchie's face was somewhat clouded as The situation ~rew more and more serious. a fte r using a bottle of A yer's Hair Vigor and a lovely stock of he answered, in quiet, respectful tonea, Th e dense rus es defifd all dforts to pierce "Hugh and I were talking about going over thm, and t he boys were fain to {(ra.sp a it became black and glossy·" toBlackRunfora day's fishing, and Jim handful of the .tou..hstems, and thereby aud Charlie want us to take them too." kllt'p themselves from being swept away by I 7 "What do you think a.bout it, Hugh?" the relentless currGnt into the grasp of the Sold by Druggists an<l Perfumers. asked the Squire, turning to his eldest son. fatal rapids, whe>se roar t hey could distinc t· Ladies in want of a choice of fin~ ··Well, is's ju~t this way, sir, " answered ly hear but a little distance below. Fancy Dry Goods, please give me Hugh. "The little chaps will only be a flugh says that the memory of those har· bother to us, and perhaps get themselves rowinv momenta will never lose its vividness a call. I have them in endless into tn;uble. We can't watch them and Blissfully unconscious of their brothers' p eril'. So disfiguring to th e face, forehead, anu and watch our lines at the same time, that's the twins laughed and chatter ed in the stern neek , m ay be entirely r em oved by the variety at store, opposite S. .A., certain." of the boat, their chubby faces btamiug upon use of A yer's Sarsaparilla, the b est and Barracks. "No, we won't;" plrnded Jim, w hile Char- the two boys st ruggling desperately for life safest A lterative a nd Blood.Purifier ever Iey seconded him with cager eyes. "We'll j in the rushing water. Even in the midst of discovered. be so good." that struggle H ugh was thrilled with aJJxie ty D flJ C A & Bowmanville, March 13, 1838. "Oh, let them come," interposed Archie. as he looked back a~ them last they should r. · ' yer Co., Lowell, Mass. - - -- - ---·- - -- -==- -= ' ·1'11 look after them. " lose their balance and topple over int o the Sold by Druggists; $1; six bottles for $5. Hugh still seemed inc: ined to hold back; water, and he shouted earnestly to them: butthe Squire settlcdthematterbysaying : "Take care, .Jim! T ake care, Cba.rlie I" "Take them with you this time, Hugh, whereu.t they both nodded t·heir curly heads and if they prove to be 1· bother they j aud laughed again. · need not go until they old euough · Hugh was now well nigh uhansted, a,nd To b uy ll'oot Gear for M en, Women , to take care of themselves," sorely divided in bis mind as to whether he "All right, sir I W1,'il take t hem. But should stay by bis brother und perhaps, go Boya a nd Maidens, at P11inted i'l first clns9 style at mind you, youngsters' ' -turning to the d?wn to death with him, or, leaving him in twins- " you must br- h just as if you his desperate plight , stmggle back to the LOWES ~ I l~T were at church ," boat, if that were possible, to preven t a like _'j l'>irt.ies hav ing any th ing i n t he above line that Black Run was the chief outlet of the cat; strophe to t he twins. Poor fellow ! it r equires paiu tin;{ will · tnoney by h aving lake on which Maplebank, the Stewart WM a t~rrible dilemma. for a mere lad. the work done u t m y shop, H~use, was situated. Here its rnperabunHappi l y , however, he was Epared the llring yom Sleighs al\d Cutters in early in the dance poured out t hrough a long deep ehan- necessity of choosing either a lternative . season. I t wont cost, any m~re and hetter w ork can b e. done by h><ving plenty of time, nel leading to a. tumult uous rapid that foam· Suddenly and swiftly a boat shot out from Orders fo r ed fiercel y over dangt rous'rocks b efore sett!- ~he northern side of the run's ~outh, and in ing down into good behavior again. The it se.t a brawnr fari:,ner, whose quick e~rcaught largest ...nd finest fish were sure to be found at once tluuh a farnt though frantic shout in or abour. Black Run. But then it was for help. · wlll receive pr6tnp t ati.enl ion. full six miles away from Mapl. e b ank, and "Hold on there, . my lads; I'll get you In a Slhop over MoM U R'l'FtY'R. LIVl~RY S'l'ABLE , a,n cxp~dition there requird a whole day to m inute, " he ·shouted back. Sending his HOWMANVJLLK be done properly, so tha.t the Soowart boys boat a.longstde that of the Stewarts', he "'tTT did not get there very often. quickly fastened his painter to it, and then VV ' l.~ ..&.. · The Saturday to which all four boys were dropped down t he current until he r oached 39-301~ Our New Stock has a rrived, and com-· looking eagerly forward proved as fi oe as the endangered boys. "Just in time, my· priaes somethin g neat and pr· tty fo: heart could wish, and after an early break- hear~ies," said he cheerily. "Now, then, let Ladies, G ood and Serviceable for Me· faet they started vff. Hugh and Archie m e gi ve you a hand on board ;"and graspiug and B oys, and Boots tha t It B oots far took the oars, the twins curled up on the t he°!' one after t he ot her i n h is m ighty arms, every member of the hous<ihold. stemshef'ts, where their elder brother cc uld he hfted them over t he sid a into his 01vn k eep his eye upon them, and away t h ey , boat. went at a long steady stroke that i n two I Neit her Rugh nor A rchie were any the TBlJN1'S, Y ALISllS, &ii't(;JU:Jl.S. JN S'H)(;K, hours brought therr to their dest ination. worse for t heir wetting, and the twioa JSt70rdered Work and Repairing a " Where'll be the best pface to anchor, tho~ght them even more funny-looking in Hugh ?" ask ed Archie, as he drew in h_is . their. wet, bedraggled con.dition than tl!ey 1· Specialty, aij usual. O!l.ra, and prep to throw over t he big . were m t he water; .bu t neither of t hem are D. D AVIS . stone that was to serve t hem as a moorin~. nevertheless at all likely to fol'get, live ~B -~--~-~~~" Out there I guess," answered Hugh, such as th Gy tn9.y, the t i me they were in point ing to a epot about fifty yards above long peril at Black Run. the head of the run. -·- -"Oh, that's too far away; we won't Warm Weather m Australia. Your attention is d irected to the immense cat ch any fish there," objected Archie, who The most r emarkable feature of the AusBtock of waa not at all of a cautious te ptrnn:ent. tralian clima.te is the hot wind, The fli.t 1 ( ~iquttl.) " Let's a.nchor just off hat poin t ." sandy interior of t he continent resembles th~ favorite medicine 1·s put af!:~~h t-r0ctt~is ~~aed. c~;~~~·sclo=~f~;; deserts of N orth Africa and Arabia, an d t he 11pl!fFNotc.-Thi5 in oral iottles' holding three oitnces of every description at strong, ,you know, and , we'd be sure to winds, therefore, are very similar. I mmense drift ." quantities of sand are drifted a.bout by t he each, with the 'ti.a1ne blown in the glass, and the nauw of the inventor, S. R . CC&mJI· 0 " Not a bit bof it." persist ed Archie. !~b~eangis~~~=do~~V t!d :~:.coo; j ~~~s~~bell, in red ink across the face of the label. O " ur anchor 'll old us all r ight. 1845, Sturt's t hermometer rose to U' l d Beware o f imitations, refuse all substi- She has just opened o ut one of t he largesfJ B ut Hugh was not to be persuaded, a,nd tutes, and you will not be disappoiri;ted. so they took up t heir po9ition where he in t he shade ; the mean temperature for · and moat l!ltylish st ocks e ver b rought bad illdicat ed. Ibey fisl;ied awuy b usily December was 101 for J 'anuary l04 1 and to town , consist ing of :; for some t ime, the two elder boys using for F ebrnary 101 ° ·· So parched was the 1 Uillincry, D1·e ss Silks rods, and th e t wins simply ha,nd lines, un- ground that there were great cracks in it ti! a g1Jooly number of fine fish flapping from 8 to 10 feet deep. At C',ooper's Cr eek Vdvets, &c., on Nov. 11, 1845, h e Experienced one of b h with a very fine stock of Feat hers an~ a out t. e bottom of the boat gave proof these hot-air ourrents, and thus describes i t · ..t ~neir success. ~till, Archie was not con· "The w ind, wh ich had b een blowing ali F low ere. · tent. His hear t was set upon fiahing right 11t the mouth of the r un, for he had a no- morning from noi t h-east, inoreaacd to a ~ale, Call and inspect this fi ne di· play, which tion that w me extra big fellows were to and I shall never forget its withering dfocts. cannot fail to give satiafaction. arising from a disordered state of th e Liver, be caught t here, and he continmd harping I sought shelter behind a. large gum tree, Stomach and Rowels, such as npou the subj ~ct until at last Hugh gave but the blasts of heat were so terrific tbat I Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious wondered the very grass did not take fire ; Affections, H enda.che, H e artburn, wa.y.All h A h. everything, both animate and ina.nima.te rig t, re ic, Do as you P1ease. gave way before it ; the horses stood with " Acidity of t he Stomach, Rheumatism, OF CANADA. Here I I'll take tl:e oars, and you stand on their hacks to the wind and their noses to Loss o1 Appetite, Gravel, N ervous the bow, and let the anchor go when you're h Capital paitl wp, Sl,090,0ff. test, $~,ee a.t . the spot." t a ground, the birdR were mute, and the Debility, Nausea, or Vomiting, &c., &c. Delighted at thus gaining his ;poin·, leaves of the trees fell like a, shower round This Bank ls - ; r; pared to do Legit(. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Archie did ae ha was bidden, and with a · us. At noon I took out my therrr.ometcr, P REF'ARE.0 OrtLY SY mate Banking in all i t s branches, few etrone: strokes Hugh directed the ooa.t graduated to 127 ° · and put it in t he fork of DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. (Limit ed), F a rma n n otes discounted; Depo111t1 d b S a tree, and an hour afterward·s , when I to~ar t e run. o doonae they appro~·ched went to examine it, the tube was full of mer· MONTREAL. <ecelved and Interest paid on amount· of she began to feel the influence of the our- cury and the bulb had burst ; about sunset to upwards in S a vin gs Bank Department: r ent, and Hugh let h er drift with it. the wind shifted to west, and a thundercloud DRAFTS Archibe was so enghrossed in picking out the passed over us, but only a few drops of rain (esned and Oollections m In E urope very est P 1a,ce t at he did not notice how fell." The bursting of the instrument s~owa Unit ed States a.nd Canada. the boal· wae ga.thering speed until Hug h that the t empernture was much hi· h er ·h·n sh outed : ., " w the being unable to assist the " Drop the anchor, Archie, What are 127 W . J ··TONES, expansion of t he mercury. Vegetwtion sufy ou thinking- abou t ?" Ar chie was standing in t he bow, balan cing fer a gr eatly from th e parch ing chara.cter of t he big st one on the l!Unwale, and tht;l in - this wind. P lants droop, leaves shrivel as ~tant Hugh called he t umbled it over. The if frus t -bit ten, and wheat crops have b een !{g!egant in D e sign C?ntinnee t o do a Gener& ! Banking Bu siness . t0 h" h .· tt h d dest royed . Its intense dryness ia shown by tt:> o !;,~ ; ,.. ,,.. ;,_,S"'ll"' '""'"a "on Bo wmanvillti Dr anch . 8 t rong 1me w ic 10 was a ac e ran the relative humidit y falling to zero, and '"' "A ' " " '0 " · """ '"' ~ 8Wiftly out a s th e boat slipped down t he ~ JDE1~os11 ·.ar~ run. Then it st opped w ith a shar p sudden evapornt ion amounting t o an i nch of wa.ter a ..:.Xceilent in Tone i ecelved in Savings Bank Deparl.mon t and jerk, for the end was reached, a,nd the stone day. High up in_t h e mou~taina to t he east PRONOUNCED BY ARTISTS TO BE THE FINEST . all and dnterest allowed at cu r r1;nf l'atoii. Na had caug ht fast between the big stones on and ~outh, ml the midst of a frosty MADE IN CANADA, and equal lo the best United States 1 10Lloe ot withdrawal necessary . All deposit ! om. mori:1ng,_occas10na hot blasts are fe~t f~o1~ instruments, at(when duty nnd freighi is paid) t he botG >ayu.ble on demand, · y.,r h . k h" . mten or, a,nd th ey cause a, po: ul!ar irr1!1en t e J8r' . c~rne, Ar.c 1 e, suspectrng tation of the n os trils and t hrol\ t. Althon h . a"' lfllo11t EX«JHA..NGE nothmg, was atandmg upright on the bow disa<>ree1J1bl h t d . df t t g · s~ . lllil l!Jllii I 1 L!J i'(j thwar t aud at once like a, af,one from a I ." . e aa e9'. e a~r a.n a a1 ·O :veg?· ~ longhtand 30ldand Draft» issued npon:U:uro»e ca.tapuit h e went fiyiag heu.d first through tatton, this dry wmd, hke t ho.t of India, 1~ B~i'CRO: POP.CHASING ODt~MU1JICATE Jnited Sta tea a nd Canada, also Gold Silver an t he air, ' striking the water with a. loud , heal thy. '.l.'_he d r)'. cl.imat.e is praouica.lly '· , wrm TllE flJMUUCHR~ llS }nlted Sta ·e11 Green ba cks bonllht a~d sold, splash, and disa.ppearing into its dark em- free from mrn.smatw diseases. OCTAVI U S NEWCOMBE & CO. V@LlLEiD'.l'BOM~ brace. · · Would Throw That In. Hugh's first imp ulse was to burst out Pr omptly made at current r11.te11 upon a ll par Jt Great Br ittain, the United States &lild Do laughing, for he knew Archie could swim "My friend," said a, t ight -fisted b a,nker t o CONVE ~SE rntnlon ot Ca.nada.. like a sea.I, and when a moment later, his a y oung man w ho had pulled h im out of th e A, W. l'llORJUS d BRO. head appeared above the wat er, he hailed water, "!appreciat e the fact that you have Telegraph Transrerg him gayly : "Well done, Arch. Tha.t was .uved my life and I am prepared t o reward P itOPRIETORS. MONTREAL, !or large or small snm 1 on au parts splendid. Come b ack and t ry it aeain, Y?U- to r eward you liberally for your ser Canada. This is especiall:r advantageous M ANU1" ACTURERS OF won't you ?" while the t wins laughed and vices. What can I do for you ?" · per sons llvin1r in Manitoba or the North·w tllS it m ake· t he tunds a.vailable at once a t crowed over t h eir brother's a.musing p er "Well, sir, there was a sui t cf clo~hes place ot payment. formance. spoilt ," said the rescuer, who was good Archie was not \disposedt o take a serious natured, though not educated ; "that would )!'or further particulars oall at t he Danldn. Honse. . view of t he matter either, and shouted be about seven teen dollars ; then I lost my 1 T. RODIE, GEO. MOQILL back : " Try it your~elf. Come along ; h at ; that would be fifty cents ; t hen 1 took 1'11 wait for you." considerable liquor to keep off a, cold which Accountant, M:aaa.~;r When, however, h e sough t to regain the cost me a qu arter. I don't t hink ~f any. boat he found the curr ent too strong for thing else, sir.!' him, and despiue his utmost exertions, could "But you d o no t mention the fact that y ou make little or no headway against i t. This have saved my life. What can I do for yon ' would not have been a cause tor much alarm, on that score ?" however, had not the banks of the run been "Oh, well, call t he whole thing eighteen lined with a dense growth of hugo rushes dollars- t hat's as much as it's worth , I Pronounced, by practical consumthrough which Samson h imself could h ardly gu ess." ers, superio1· to anything in have effected a, while at their edge the Canadian Market. the wa,ter ran deep ttnd swift. Moreover, At Opelika a venerable colored man s truck it still had plenty of the w inter chill in it, me for a, quar ter to " help r epair our meet· for the time was mid·spring. in' house from damage by de cyclone." W ·t I r. . Beginning t o feel a good deal frightened, "Where is t he meeting house?" I asked. .rt e or H·Ol'ma IOU, Archie called out: "You'll h a,ve to come " Righ t ober yere about a mile." " Yon and help me, H ugh, I can't get back to are the fifth person that has a,sked for mon ey lllanuti1cturcrs Also o f The C:elcbr;ttC·l - .:BVfort~atchurcbwithin thr eehours. When you." Now u nquestionably t he proper thing for was it damaged by a cyclone ?" "A spell Hugh to hl\ve done was to take up the an- ago. " " I rode by it yesterday and it a.p- 0 Fchor, and letting the boat drift down to all righ t. ". Y{s, sah, it ar' all right, N~A tiflllA 1 · #la.mtullypreparedto attendFnneral wher e Archie was, haul him on beard. But now." "We a r' expectin' anoder cyclone ! · the shortest notice, atthe lowest poasible ra. I aaskets and Burial Cases rea dy on short notl stra.nge to say, cool, ca.utious H ugh for once in de fall, sah, an' it's gwine ter be a hustler 1 bl First-class hearse on very moderate tern · h tene d an. .ow de spire ~l'ar oII. ~ze col!ectin' Toronto Office and Warehouse: 20 FRON'!' Shrouds a n d Cofilns constan tly on hand. g 11 , lost h is head. l!is br other'.s pa1e, frig. face s tartled him, and without pansm g to agm1t , sah, so we km ma.kequ1ck repa.' rs," STREE 'l' E AST, eraloards snvp!ledatonce. Furnitur e She111 1 ~ 38-6m w. c. BONNE Li, MANAGErt. ' how Rooms- Bounsall'2NewBlock, IN P.E.RIL AT BLACJ\ RUN. 1~apedintothewater,whereafewstrenuous think, he threw off his coat and boots and Don't wa it R PEATE, Gentlemen's . Tail~, t-S PRI NG--o- - ®PJiN~N~ ~ MRS.IVES mbroideries, .Plushes ; Lace Ayer's Ha1'rV"gor LAOlfS' FIN f UNDfRWfAR. Pimples . and Blotches, I MRS. IVES Surreys, Buggies, Market Wagons, Sleighs, Cutt ers, &c., JI J:>ays · l I PRICES 'I'QWN. i I SIGN PAI NTING I l\tf QRRI SQN Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe ! EMPORIUM! j I j I LADIES · MI I.JLI NE RY MRS. DONNEL V'S °· ° Camubell's Cathartic Comuonnd curesChronic Constiuation, Costiveness, and all Comolain ts STANDARD BANK- °, E COMBE hgs Exnl'l nse P~ANOFORTES fffE ONTARIO BANK 2 5p I . ., THE J. A. MF'C GO. JUTE & COTTON 1 -- I t "RED C AP " BRAND UNDERT:AKIN G L EV I MORRIS. j BIND f R Tw IN E I ·

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