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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1888, p. 8

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Jno. J. Mason's, Dry Goods ai1d Jewelle1~y House. Mrs Th . 11 D arcey, 1 a ,,d ~. Fancy ku it- $ 2 00-W . S. B.11R,elL.... 2!'\ ;.ing, MrsTho~ D ;i· cey, Mrr1JY McLallgh1 50-N S . YounK ... .. .............. 1 OO-l>. Beach .... ......... . .. ··· ·· ·· ···· 2:'Jl· n.. Eui b1·01'deryonmt1s!111 M1·" JasBt·.a1 00·-,T H . Morris ............ ··" ·" ' ~ 1 cock , Mrs 'l'hns Darcey. linad work, Mrs !50-W. M Good,· :· . . ................... ?~ J as B1'acoc k, 1 ar.d 2. Wax shelle, Mrs .1111.. .· · · · ...... . .. 2 'l'hos Darcey. Artificial (l owers, Mrs 'f Sweepstakes at 2or J yards. 5 shots , l$ 2 00- J. Sando. . · 25 Darcey, Mr:i Jas Be& c·lch. Paintin11 in 1 50-- W. H. c .................. .......... , Oil, M iss E Moore, Miss E ~pinks Paint- , 1 OO J R 01 ,farlce · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 2 ·~ 23 ing in colors, Miss E Moore 1 and 50 - ri ·s ' ey · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ;,0-,) 1 OUng' ......... ............ .... 22 2. Pencil drawing, Miss E Moore 1 and ~o=\v Mitchell ....... , .... . . ..... 22 1. Crayon drawing. Mis s E M oorl! 1 and · Hilton .... . ........... . ...... 22 2. Lea1her work, Mrs T Darcey. F a rm· th;~:n~r .tcl1e· were the best ever l:ield on e rs wretLth, Mrs 'L' Darcey. fL1ir wreath, vV S - J; the B hootmg was extrn g.v"d, Mr. .l'lra J Wri ~ ht. Berli n wool wreath, Mrs inn-' tt.' .Ru~sell. makinri three pos·1hle. dur11 J as Beacock. B etlin w"1Jl flowers, M rs ~ .c day a~~:~~!-~s, c Hl 500 yds. DMc· y, Mrs J as Bea ·JOck. W oo 'en uuSSlJMl'TloN c1J11rni~. tidy, Mrs J M Bea.cock, Mrs S TFerguAn old pbysi,,ian. ret.ired frnm prRCtice. ba.vson. Cotton tidy, M i~s F P :HT 1 and 2. OK bad plt>ced in h is bands by an l!:f1st India Wax flowers, Mrs S 'l' F t·r!;nson 1 and 2. . mrnslon·rY the tormul11 of re slm pfo vegetabli;: Fea:lier flowers, Mrs T Darcey . Pa1Jf r 'I remedy fo:rthe Bronc ~peedy a 11cl perrranen t, C.,ut,hre1n~r Commrnption, tiitis. O><ttu«h. ,,_. w flo wns , Mr~ J Y McL><ughlin, ." .' ana all Throal and Lum1 .A ffeet.1one, a lso a Heacock. German raist.d work, Mir J~~ positiire and radical curo for Nervous Debility a _.!; and all Nervous O<>mplaitvs. having Spin Im. !.\'.Ire S 'l' Ferguson. Cot tor ' k tested itb wond erful cura.t.i\'e powers in r.hou· 8 Mrs Jas Par r 1 and 2. Cotton st' ' P.oc sands of eases, Jrns felt i t his duty to it 1 ·· 'I'D 1 ~ 2 S0 f .ickmos known to his suffering fel Jo ···s Actuated by Jn rs arcey anu · a P' l t his motivo .i nd a desir to rnlieve human S 'l' F erO!,UBO<i, Miss E Moore. · ~ow, b s suff.,ring, I wi'J sencl !rt'e or charp;e. to all who in quilt,· Mrs J y McL au:!t JMOg c a T- desh'e it. 1his receipt. in German. irrench or . "-' catch and Euglish Trowserings and French Worsted Sui tings 'lt u, 1m, rs 8 English. w i h full directions f.1r preparing and F erguson. T U ft qm ,,, J y M L l using. Sent by mull by addrcsHing wit.h W e arc turning out the best fitting suits procurable in Bowman ville. lin, 1\-lre Wm Tai tor. J c aug l- st.amp, naming ~bis paper. W. A. ~OYES. 149 J as Beacnck, Mrs's T F ,ace w ork, ~rs Power's B lock. Rocheste1·. N. Y. 41- IY OUTTER-:i Mrs S T Fer guson, "~gu~on . B attll·g - - - --- - ·--- Mrs SMcC!ung, l\fr· Crazy patch work, TCHE~D sham~, Mrs S M" ..l A McLean. P 1'.low Gent's drawers, JV .cCl~ng, M rs J Qumn. Fancy bracket. 1rsS 'I Fer~us~n land 2. A. l!!caly, Hch111g SIU.11 Di~ca~c witll E mllesM Sul!Ct·iug t:ni·ed l·Y C11Clcu1·n Child~ ·en ,. 0 Genfs slipper , M~s ,J,,s Beaco":1' l an d 2. Remedies. d 'I' Fergm :s, Mis& ~mma Spmks, l\~rs Tf I had !mown of the CUTICUHA REMEDJB8 Mrs T F .on. Outh ue work on. umslm , is still in advance of all his competitors, a fact that; the majority of tw enty.eight years RIJO it would h1tve saved on linen e;guson 1and2. 0111.Jme wol'k me I . well dressed gentlemen in this section will corrroborate. Wo will $2UO (r.wo 11urnlred dollars) a t\d an immtrnse F'nest , M iss F Parr, Mrs S T Ferguson. amount or suffering. My diseafifl ( PRoriasis) give you a PERFECT FITTING SUIT as cheap as you can buy a ' work on velvet, M rs S T Fergu- oommenoed on my hc11d in a upot not larger son. 'rea. ·c·isey, M1s S 'I' -" ,,.erguson. than a cent. It <preu.d l'd.pidly l\ll over my body commonly made job elsewhere. Ch' . and got nnder by nails. 'rhe scales would drop er's dress, Mrs J·a.s Parr, ~rs T Dar- oft' of me all the t,ime and my auffedog was endless and without relief. One thousaud - Jy. Ottoman tr,p, Mrs J as Beacock. We have just opened out a large lin a of dollars would not tempt me to have this dis· Kensington painting, Miss E Spi uka, oase over again. I am a poor man, but feel Miss E Moure. Ribbonette wol'k, Mias rich to b· releaved or what some or the dact,ors was leprosy. som o rins:r·worm, psoriasis, E Spinks. Darned N et.t., Miss E Spinks. said etc. I took .. , aud .·. Sarsapadllas over 1 · Guipure work, M ies E Spinks. L amp one year and a half. but no cure I went to two or three doer.ors a.nd no cure. I cannot mat, Mis3 ldf > P arr, Mrs W Taylor. 1 praise the Ouncc1u R1-.mmrns too much. ]fancy tnm el, Mr( · John Quiun. goods are handsome and not very expensi . ~Te 'l'hey have made my skin as clear and tree of new designs. Tuese ~ from ·cales as any body's. All I u sed of thPill SPECIAL l'lUZES. was three boxes of CUTIOUrtA, three bottles of ~---·,......·~--~ . .__, A lex. Stewart, pair halters Vttlue $2.50, CU'lHCUP.A. HESOJ,VEN'l ', u nd two CB.ltoa of cu·r· Another shipmeiit of our special lines of ICUHA i::10Al'. 11 you had b e<m hare and said to team of general purpose hurnos which you would have cured m e for $200 you would took first; prize, 'l' \Verry. have had the mmwy I lonkt'd like 1 .he picture J J McKee, whip, to single clri·ving horse in your book of Paori nsi~ (picr.ure number t wo, ··How t o Cure Skin Diseases,") bnt no·v I am which took first prize, Jas Parr. as clear ·~·· ar1 y person eve!' W f LS. Through Kinsman & McLean, neckyoke value force of habit I rub my hands over my arms and legs to scr&tch lu a while, but to no $L50, fo r first prize two y ear old gener;,,l pUl'pose. I am all once well. I scratched twenty· , p urpose 001.t, T Whitfield. Durable, Reliable and Crown Diamond Brand~. We guarantee eight years and it got to be a second ns.ture to Geo Suggitt,, pair of whifilutrees and me. I t.hanlc you a Lhou~tind times. .dnythinll: every pair satisfactory in fit ~ud wear: Any pall' not up to guamnmore that you want to know write me. or any d o uble tree value $2.50 1 for first priz:e year- one who 1 ·e11ds this may writo me a nd I will tee. c~n be e;xcnanged for auot~~r _ pair. ling general purpose colt, F. Philp. answer it. DENNIS DOWNING Our flannels ~,re h~vrng an immense sale. Our neavy, Grey, an wool Di· Fish, $1 cash, for first prize double \VATEil6UnY, V·r., .fan.20th, 1887. car riage team, '1' Mel vor. at 20 cts. per yd. is une.qualled. We have a foll lint:> of oven and P11orl!i.als,Ec:oema, Tett1>r,Ring-worm, Lichen. Geo Cortield, ~5 cash for the 10 lbs butfancy check :flannel'.wh1t.e ~n.d grey. Bl~,nk' cts, ktp t'Dbes, tie-downs. PruritM, Scald ffo,.d, Milk Cruet, Dandruff, .ter awm·ded first prize, Mrs N Marlow. Sarbora', Bakers'. G-rocers-,and 'Nasherwoman's A fine assortment ~f Lad tes Vests, m i::?r ,otch ;md Canadian. 'l'he Geo \.Yhee1er, $1 cash for lirst prize l oaf I tch, and every species of Itching, Bnrning, i:lcaly. Pimply Humors or t.h.e Skin and Scalp largest r::wgc of U nderwe~r and best V? ,fue to be had in t his section. of bread, Mrs '1' Whitfield. Blood. with Loss of Hair. are positively Shaw & McOJang, lamp value $2, for and Top ~hirts, a large quar .city ah'ady sold. cured by OUTJCURA, the gr,,at Skin Curo. and the two bushels of black oats awarded first CU'l'ICOl<A SoAl>, "'" exqufaite Skin Beautifier externa.lly. and CUTWURA ftESOLVTrnT. the Our am;orbnent of GENERAL. DRY GOODS is very lm·ge and .p.tize, J H D e vi tt. new Bloud Purifieriaternall y. whe1 1 physicians Sam J c:ffery, $1 cash for first prize four u,nd all rcmedie.s fail. attni ctive. Y' ,urs, &c., heads of cabbage, Mrs S Stepheus Sold every whore. Price: Cu TICURA, 75 eta.; JOHN .J. MASON. Wm Parr, $:3 e<tse for S'~cond prize 10 So.u·.-33 c1.a.; B."soLVENT, $1.50. by lbs of butter, Mrs J Y McLaughlin. tJi e l'O'l"l'tm LlJWG AND CnEMIO.l.L Co .· Boston, Daly, Grange & Co, JO lbs te1i value llfas&. a;B'Ser:d for·· How t'O C uro Skin Diseasoa," 61 J;\~ Coates; P8'.ir d orkrngR,'1' Dar .·cy 1 and2; $4.50; for best dteplay of homo made buns, pages, .SO ill11atration, and 100 teotimonial. bread, cakc3 and pastry, M1 '1! J Y Mc_ "· pair buff c0cluns, T D11rcy; ·pa1r hamburgs, PLES, blacklleads. clmpped a ncl oily ekin! Pan, T Darcy-2 and 3; pair ·bL'ahmas, Laughlin. )lreven ted by CUTIC uRA MEDIUATEDSOAP· P ffolt, $2.50 cash for third prize 10 CLA.SS A.-HORf" ,ms. light, Jas Parr; pair turkeys, 'l'hos Swain, -----= ·---=~~-·.--.,...-lbs butter, ! .J Y McLaughlin. ·a.ucrlit t eam to d oul I ~,.·v A on Samson S hepherd, S T Ferg·tson; pair Dr o .1, 'e ·n"~·5 on, ns L T·· l S T F NM l · Cash prize of $5 for best loaf -0f bread ·raylor, Thom11s Dare· 1 , T Ferguson ; g~ese, · ay or, . . ergu~".n, . . ar ow. brood (fo111 by h .aniide) Thos Darcy, p,ur ducks! N ~at.lo w, '3 'I Fe1guson, W made with the Breadmakers' Yeast, 1 Mrs . J as Coates, Thos W' ,ute:; two year old colt McLaughlm; pair <fowls, game, M Chap- .J Y McLau.~hlin, 2 Mra Geo Marlo·v. ..-~ (gelding oL· filly ) " L'hos White; 9n e year man . CLA118 ·F . -D~IRY PROD.UCE. c olt, 'fholl Darcy. , Tims White, A Beacock; RIFLE MATCHES. foal by side of ',t,~ mother; Thos White, Tub of butter 50 ltJs, Mrs N Marlow, Cl\'l'ARllH. The annual mst ch of the Bowmauville Jas Coat es, TJ· ,os Darcy. .TY McLaughhn, G L McLo1ughlin. 10 :Rifle A ·s< .1ciation took plac0 at t he ranges Gt:neral pe,rpose team to double wagon· lbs butter, N Marlow, J Y M.o.Laughlin, A Ne'" nome Trcatn1cut Jor tJ1e (:are of here on Thursdr.y of last week. The scoring We beg to announce that we will begin a or democrat. wagon, Thos '\' erry, Sam'l G L McLaughlin. Bread, T Whittield, t;atu1·rb, f;nlarrhnl Dt~n rueSH. ancl was r emarkably high·. Following is the Day llevc~1.·. .Allin, Jo1'.u F order; brood mare (foal by J Y McLaughlin, A T .1ylo,. ·. rcsultd: her side) :Sam'l R-0bbins, Richard Philp, CLASS G-H<JPLEMENTS. The microscope has pro 7o that these d soases are contagto ,s. e.nd thnt they are Firnt Match·-t!.1'1 Citizens-at !?00 and John P.1. Devitt, ; two year old colt (gelding I duo to the pre sence >f livlno; parasites in th o or filly) Teasdel Whitfield, Levi Taylor, D oub!e wag1Jn 1 Ja15 H olmes; s~t horse 500 V !,ds rau~e. irn y position, 7 shots ut Hnin~ mem 1rane or the u ppAr 1iir p a.ssa.gfls · F d . ll lt R' J d shoes, heo S11gg1tt 1 anc! 2; Sew m g maeach · .Jo h 1.1 and eus· acluan tube. s . The eroillent aoient· or er; one year o l co , 1c l'H' h "Th -Th " l "b't 1 b H ish \' 1 nd11,ll, Huxlf.'y &nd Beale endorse this, Philp, Teasdel Whitfield, W J Holmes; c 1'!1"._· . e ;'umestic, ex u i ec Y Y· .$ 8 OQ.- W . ·0-aroble. Port Hope ....... ..Pte 66 of DRY GOODS and CLOTHING on and these authorities cannot be disputed. ..'de o f i ·t is mo th er, H enry M oun t - / Elholt, Jr. , o. Hampton, agent. ioalby s1 7 ·00-W. C . K ing. I\ow1uanville ...... 64 'l'he re,.nla.r metbo ' o r trea.ting.tJo, dlseasM joy. Sam:'l Robbins, Richard Philp. CLASS '1.-GRAIN, 1!'RUIT ;lND YEG.ETAJIJ,ES. .6 00- J t"audo, BowmanviLe ...... ..... . .S3 is to apply an irrit..1.t remedy weekly and even daily, thus keeping the d ·}IJoa.te mem5 00--·W. Eliltou, l:Sowrnanville ...... . .. 6~ Carriage toam, Thos Mclver, 'Vm P.arr, ' Fall wheat, Andrew Bruce, Rich Sugbrane in a. oonst.ant lit&te of irr1 a .ion, 4 00-D Beach Br,wmauville .. ......... 6~ J' H Devitt; brood (foal by her sid e) 1gitt. Spring wheat, eoft, N M u.rlow, J . H by violent sr1oezivg. allowing a.ccomp,mled 4 00 -J. A. '\Vilhamson, Lindsay . ...... 62 it no obance to heal, s.nd a s a natural conse· We want and must have about $10,000 before Dec. 31st, and in order .John English, Jas Parr; two yea.r old ·cCllt Ta1lor, Thos W erry. Peas, small., N 4 00-lJapt. Deya.IL, Port Hope'. ...... . . 60 quence ofsuoh treatment not on; pHmaaent (gelding or filly) Jas Parr, .J Y McLaiugh- Marlow, M Chaptnan, J H D <i\'itt. Oata, 3 00 - J. lfontcr., Port Hope. ..... ..... . 59 cure has ever been recorded. It is an to get the money we will sell goods so cheap that customers wiU see lin, Geo Nesbitt: one year old colt, Wm white, Jas Bea.cock, rhos Werry. Ja.~ :3 00-R. Sylv(lhter, Lindsay .. .... _... .. .. absolute fact th at; these di~eaees c11nn·Jt bu plainl;y- the gr~at difference between o:-dmary and extranrdinary cured by any 11.ppli :ation made ,ftf.'ner than 3 00- N S . Young, Bowma.uville ..... .. T aylor, Geo H ooey, John Jobb; singl e Beacock. -Oate, b 1 ack, J H Devitt, N once in t wo weeka, for the mem '1rane must bargams. We smgle out for the cheapest slaughter Dress Goud8, Silks, 3 00-\.V S. Russelt,Bowroanville ... .... .. 58 driymg horse, .las Parr, Dr. A J M arlow. Barley, 6 rowed, J H Devitt, get a chnn ·>e to heal before any appll 1 ation 2 00-W. M. Golldwin,Hamilton ....... 58 'bell, Dr. W. 'l' :Fish ; Saddle horse, Wm l Joo Samella, J H Taylor. Potatoes, Jas ia repeli.ted. Jt is now 7 yrs" smoe Mr. Dixon Flannels, Cottons, Tweeds, Cloakings, Blankets, Hosiery, a nd Men's 1 oO-J H Morris, Bowmauv1lle ...·. 68 cliscove:red the parasite in · . Jatarrh and Corm· Taylor, Thos Swain, Abram Bea.cock:; foal Parr, N Marlow, J H Devitt. Turnips, 1 50 -· W . H . l 'lark, Hamilton ......... -07 ulated his new treatment, and since then hlo Furnishings. But Boys' and Men's Suits, Pants, and Overcoatt-1 will bE> by H ide ·o f its mother, John English, D D Galbraiih, Rich Suggitt, Teas Whit1 00- J . Curtis, Bowmanville . . .. .. ... 56 remedy has become a honseh .Id word in sold at any sacrifice. It is an admitted fact that we ca.n and ' v uudeTevery country where the English language 1 00-W. Milligan, Newtonville ........ 5f> Galbraith, Andrew Bruce. eld. Vl' l1ite beaus, S Shepherd, Wm ' With fresh reductions now from 15 t... 2'5 per is spoken, Cures affected by him seven years sell all competitors. 1 00-N. McFarlane, Montreal·. . . ..... 06 er.ASS B.- CA'.l'TLE. McLaughlin . Carrots, J Sa111ells, Jas ago are cures still. 1het·e ha vlng been no 1 00-G. Lewis, T oren to ................ 55 the prices must be the lowest ever seen in Bowman ville. cent., return of the disca~e. Durham milch cow with pedigree, Joa Beaeock. Table carrots, J ohn Quiun, Second match, the Association, 400 and So hii;:h!y aro these rer>·ediea valned, a.nd Campbell, TA Wright 2 and 3; one year Mrs A McL~an. Cabbage, 8 T Ferguson, An early call from our old steadfast customers is Tespectfully requested, 600 yards range, any position; 7 shots at so greo. ; 19 the ti.emand ror them, that lguor· old heifer with pedigree, TA Wright,Jos T eas Whitfield . Squashes, W Woodl ey, ant Imitators ha\'·o srnrted 11p everywhere, because that means a call from al~ their friends as well. each. Our Great pretondlng to deet l'OY l\ parGsite, ol whioh Campbell; 2 and 3; heifer calf under one Pum pkins, JohnQumn,JusP,1rr. Beet\!, $10 00-W. S . Rus~ell, Bowroanville ..... 68 th1iy know nothin>t by remedlem tho rtsnJt.s Cheap Sale of 10 years ago is still remembered. The present, 1'ale will 'fh W TA Wright,· bull calf Jas Parr, Geo Marlow. 0 Hions, S Shep-' 9 00- W. Hiltun, Buwma.nvilie. . ......... 67 of the application of which they are equally y ear, os erry, l d W M L hr M ld W t be far more sweeping and thorough. 8 00-W. C. Kinfr. Bowmanville . . ..... G6 ignorant Mr, Dixo-r.'a rem··dy la applied under one year John Wright; herd con - ier ' m c aug m. . a~go . ur only once in wo weeks, and from one to 7 00-D Beach , Bowman ville ... ......65 · · · ' t l f f. 1 'I' A zels, J Sarnells, Thos Swam. Winter We would r espectfully request an early settlement; of Book acc<mnts. tnree applications efl'cot a l)&"tnn·ent cure in s IStmg or one ma e anc our uma es, t Wm M cL au,!( hl' R J bb F a11 6 00-W. Milligan, Ncwtonville .... .. .... 65 Wrigh t. , app es, rn,' · · o · most ag'1:ravated caees. N . f.l,- For catn.rrha.l 5 oo-- ;r. Cuortis, Bowm11-n ville ... ..... . 64 troubles veculiur to females this remedy Is a Grade milch cow, Jos. Campbell, Hy apples, M C~apman, R Suggitt. Apples, 4 00-J. Sando, Bowmanville ...... .... .. 63 speclfio. Mountjoy Richard Suggitt· two vear old ru~sets, M Chapman, R Jobb. Snow ap 4 00--,J. A . Williamson, Lindsay........ 62 Mr. Dixon sends a pamphlet describing his During the sale due bills will be t aken on a basi<:l ·ni.l_ v. 2 OO- M11,j. S B U!(hes, Lindsay ...... . 6'~ h eifer, W1'.ight, John' Wright; one pl~s, R Cha pm1rn, R _ J obb . . ~orthe.rn now < en t on ' he rece1 .pt. o ~ ten con ·o in 3 00-J. tlu.nter. Port Hope .......... ... 61 atamv·· '.rh e a.<idress 19 a. H. Dixon & Son. Dowmanvllle, Oct. 3rd, 1888. year old heifel', R ichard iSuggitt; heifer spies, R .Jobb, Wm M;Lau~hlm. Fat~ 4-0-3m !'03 King street west, Toronto, ue.nada..-J 00- N. llfol<'arlane, Montr~al. ...... . 60 calf under one year, T easdal e Whitfield, pears, N Marlow, ~ 'Iavlor · Wmtet Scien/Jjic A m ericct.n. 3 00- \V, H. Clark, Hamilton . .. ... . . 60 H Mouat,J'oy Thomas A Wri·rht. pears, Wm McL~ughlm, Jae Parr. Grapes -~-~---~2 00- J . B. Mitchell, Bowmanville ...... 60 Sufferers fro ""- cu.tarrha.l troubles should Y ' "' Wm McLaughlm, Jas Parr. Tomatoes, 2 00 -Cap. :Oe)·all, Poro H)po ..........59 TORE TO LET.- The store n ow oc-0 arefully read the 11,bove. CLASS c . -SHEEP. ShephenJ, Mrs W T q lor. Citrons, Wm cupied by Mr. W. H . Ives, on King Street, 2 00- W . Thi. Goodwin, Hamilton ..... 59 .. ... two doors east or the P. O. Possession Ma.y Cotswold, Aged ram, John Sam ells; Woodley, Ja11 Beacock. I ndian corn, J 2 00- H. Sylvester. lrindsay . .. · ·N ....... 58 . IOtb, .Apply to .A. BUCKLER, J eweller; 1 00 ·-.l. Horsey, Bowman ville ............ ii7 Yearling ram , Jllmes Coates, David Milne; English, G T McL :i.ughlin. Varieties 15-tf 100 J Lewi~. Toronto . . . ........ .... ... 57 Ram lamb, John Sa.malls 1 an d 2; Two winter apples, Wm McLaughlin, Rich Third match, grand ag-grcg<>te : ewes t.hat h ave raised lambs this season, Suggitt. W. C. King, JJ. R. A. medal.. . ·.. ... 130 ARM :FOR SALE.-130 acres, com- Have now !nil :ranges of .;.\! .. heir Newest .John Samells; Two Ewe l ambs, James CLASS J .- LADIES' l>EPARTME:<T. W. Hilton. 0. R . A. medal. ... ..... 130 - ilosed of south pi.rt of Lot No. 19, Bro~en Designs, and Invite l\I EHCH.\NTS to Coates 1 aud 3, John Sam ells. 2nd. D. l3euh, pi1 mo cover .. . , ...·. ..·. ... . 127 lrl·ont, GDU is three miles from the Town of Leicester , Aged ram, 'l'easdel vVhitHome-made cloth, Mrs J Y McLaugh- $ 4 00 - W. S. Ruseell ........ ....... .... 1~6 exu.1uine same p·ru vi c~u r; l y to I Bow manvme. 'l 'his is one or tho best f1\rms in fieM ; Ram lamb, Rich Suggitt 1 and 2, Jin. F lannel, all woo~, Mrn A McLean_, the county of Durham. It is In a high 9tate·of buyfng elsewheN.. 3 00--·J. Sando ......... . .............. 126 fa well fenced On the pre· cultivation and Thomas Werry; Two ewes that h ave raised 1and2. F lannel, mixed, lllr· A McLean, 2 00- ,J. A. Williamson ... . . .......... 124 mlsee there Is a stone dwelling, two large 1 00-W . Milligan ................... 121 fambs this season, Rich· Suggitt 1, Thomas Mrs G T McLaughlin, Woolen carpet, barns and other out.buildings. with stone 1 00-.T. Curtis ......................... 120 stabling for cattle &nd hnrses. ' hree wells and \Verry 2 and 3 ; '.l'wo Sheal'lmg Ewes, rt Mrs A McLean, :Mrs J H De vitt. Rng MONTREAL. l 00-J . Hunter ...·............. ·.. .. 100 four cisterns, also wind·mill for pumping Surraitt 1st and 3rd, John Wright 2nd ; carpet, Mrs J F McLaughlin, M ·s A Mcwater. For further particulars 11vply on th e 1 00 - W, Gamble.....................120 T,.,;-;,"'Ewe lambs, The>s Werry, Rd Suggitt. Laan. Woolen blankets, S T Ferguson, NR\'. :MANN, Bowpremises or if by letter to IIm l!~xtra series. No. 1-200 yra.ds; any posimanville. 31-tf Fine Wool, Aged ram, 'fhos White; J Ql!l inn.. Woolen coverlet, 1\-:!rs May tiBn; fi YA shot~; Yearling ram, ,John English, John H De- Taylor, r~rn S Sheplie.rd . ,Co,tton cover- $15 00-W. M, Goodwin. W. S, Rusi;ell vitt; Ram Lamb, .John E nglish 1 and 2; lvt., J 1'. .· ~cLa.ughhn, S 'I Ferg~son. and J. B. Mitchell ti~s · ..... . .· 25 THIS ¥EAR'S '· 'l'wo ewes that have raised lambs this sea- / Fai1cy quu~mg, . 11'!-rs J Y McLaughlw, 1 3 .OO- W . Hilton ............ ... .... .... 24 2 00-N.S Young .. .. ... ......... .. . . .. 24 son, John English, David Milne; Two\ a.n d 2~ Plam qmltmg,Mi;s J Y M~Laui1h 1 00 - Dr. McL:i.ughlin . .. .... .... ........ 24 shearling ewes, ,J<!hn Emrlish; Two ewe lm, ,s T Ferguson. Gent~enia~ s s.h1rt, 1 00-J. Ssndo ....... ...... ... . , . . .... Z.~ fambs, ,Jc>hn English. M rs rhos Darcey, 1 11n~ 2 . Spec~meu 1 00- Major :ii. Elughea . . . ............ l!4 patch work, Miss Fannrn P lll'r, Mus E 1 00-J. H orsey .. ..................... ~3 CLASS D,- :;wINE. . Moore. K!'lit quilt, Mr!!. J Y-.-1\foLaughlin VUT and PLUG 1 00- E . Livingston . ..· . .· .. . ......· 2a S uffolk, Sow that has raised pigs tlus Mrs 'i'Vm McLaugbliu. Yarn mat, Mrs ,J Extru No . 2-Standing or knaehng; sMson, Wm Woodley, Sam'l Allin. y McLaughlin, G T McLau!;(hlln. Rai 2()0 ya rds; five shots: Berkshire, Sow that has raised pigs mat Mrs J y Mc Laughlin, Mrs J H Parr. $ 6 00-J _ B. Mitchell..... . .... ... . ... 24 thfa season, Thos Werry; Sow pig; six Sto~kiug yarn, Mrs J·as Parr, 1 and 2. 5 00- W. M . Goodwin.- ........ ....... 24 ' FINER 'J'HA..11l EVER. [ months old or under, Thos Vlerry ht and Woolen aocks, Mrs Wm T aylot., Mra A 4 00-N. S. Young .. . ..... .. .. .. ..... 9:3 2 00- W. Milligan ........ .. .......... .. . . 23 2nd, Albert Spinks, 3rd. McLean. Woolen stockings, Mr~ A McSee 2 00--J. Curti~ ... ............ .... .... . . ... 23 La~ge breed boar, Michael Cha.pnrnn, T Lean, 1 and 2. Woolen mittens, Mrs A 1 00 - Dr . McLaughlin .... ............... 2a S wain; Sow that has raised pigs ·, this sea- McLean, ST Ferguson . . \.Voolen gloves, 1 00- W S . Russell ....... ....... ....... 23 A list oflOOO nm:·SA\P!lf8 db:~i3.et1 Into l5·r ~.Ea son, John Bennett; boar pig, six months Mra 'Vm Taylor, Mrs S T Ferguson. l 00- J . l\forri~ ........... . ..... . . . .... 2:! .UID SECTIONS will be S~8t "" ' U .!lJlliootlonFJlEH. · .. old or under, M Chapman; sow pig, six Berlin wool or worsted work- raise d, Jas 1 00-W. Hilton .......... .. .......... 2ll T .. To th~o whs w,.n,t tli.,lr .i.dvtirl1"!,)1g ~u.11ar, l 00-J. Sando. W. H. Clark<! and months old or under, Wm Parr. Beacock, ST Fe~guson. Berlin or worstwe can otru JIO better m...:1111.m ror iltorough eH-engih and wholeso~enees. Mam William King ties .... .. ..... .... 22 11arit7, CLASS E- PoUL11RY. E«l work- fiat., Mre Darcey, Mrs S Mc· cconomieal than the urc'.l,ln&l'Y i.:1nde, and co.n in brenze Oft and cftectlve work than tho v u riDas ee~Mlle ' of our '-id"et Lot1::1l Ltat. not oo sold i11 compotition ~\Tith the .-iultltnde P ail- Plymouth rocks, Jas Coi1tea l ancl3, Clang. Embroidered braid wcrk, Mrs J At the conclusion of the regular matches uL·fG & pa a G ·e GEO. I'. R@WHLJ, ·\i f"O. , of lew took, s:hort wet~t. al li111 or phespltatA! 'l'" Darcy 2; pair b1iwk Spanish, 'L' Darcy; Thos Darcey, 1 and 2. Crochet work, a sweepstakes match took place with th!) 1'0Wders; SoJd onl7ih clans, l:lOYAL BAK· Each · II.I ..t1VJDUJL _a:.. New~!H'm>r Adv" ert!sil11-1; nw.re1w., ~t ... ly lll Si;m:;...e lttr\'let, New y ork. NG POWD.E~ CO ·. Uti.Wll]l St.. N. Y, pair white leghorns, John Quinn 1 and 2, Mrs E l\foore, 1 and 2. Fancy netting, following result, :five shots at 560 varda . . 23 0 McOLUNB BROS. 'i ·r !Millinery Show R00m .... ..-[!FNow-oPEN;-for the season, and well st ock. .:;(L the L atest Novelties. ----o---- CL ~ E:ING M·.' OUR NQ_ 1 Mr. Peard on, SCRA. 28 YEAR··S. IN GERMAN s for Ladies', Misses' and our stock is very large and a t tract:iv c. ----o ---- IN DRESS GOODS r Mantle our stock is immense, embracing ·~he latest Textures, Colorings and l.Jombinations, with trimmings to n:;.at ch .. . KID GLOV~S In the above Departments our stock is by far too large, and in order t o m ake a complete clearance this s.eason, we will begin at once to cut prices. We are determined to carry over n o goof!s from season to season. If you want anything in the above lines, y ou w ill find our stock large, styles right and prices low. GIVE US AN EARLY CALL. C ARTWRICHT F AIR PRll t l'iST 1 ·s PIM McOLU NB BROS. . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....-. ---o--- A Word to our Frierid~-~ and the Public. I I FRIDA..-Y;) OCTOBER 5th. l ELLISON & C O. TA s S The Magog t!extile and Print Co. _ F 93 ST. PETER STHEET, -' 9Cords·Nl0 HOUR~ I -4K1rtG, SMOKING TOBACCO POWDER I MYRTLE ~.~~2~~!~!!..~u!!:. ~ T & D ..,.-r ITO ADVER'T, S. ERS. I · ChUdreJ' c,y for Pi,tc!Jer's Ca.storiO~

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