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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1888, p. 1

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· · t'B R HS ::...el.60 .P u Alm1nL Ol1B TOWN Am> oomrn l'IBBT: TD WORLD il"l'DWARDB. VoLUXK XXXIV. ORUNO. (From the Newa.) Bowmanville has a few very 1mart young men tllat want looking after bad· ly. F. L . .Andru1 has purchased the resi· done~ of the late A. Townsend, on Mill 11t. Rumour 11ay& that Ja1. Leigh, who left for British , Columbia, was sandbagl(ed and robbed in Toronto. R. F " eter, Orono, and David Bell, Lea· kard, have undertaken the management of the mnnthly stock sales, in this 11illage, Mr . .John Foater, of Bowmanville, retir· inl!', H. Moulton, collector of taxes, is go inf.{ the rounds onoe more. With barllly at 75c., and pro11peots of it being still hig her formers will give him a cheerful recep· tion. PEltSO])(AL.-Misa Maiigie Benson, of Manver8 1 is vi11iting her brother, Mr. Thoe. B enson. Mies Mary V ennor, of Orillia, spent a few days with her friends here lately. Miss Squair, who haa been in Manitoba. the past year, is here on a visit. Mr. E. Dancaster, of Port Perry, was h o me on a visit last week. Mrs. Neil Ste wart, and Mre. Sharp are stopping at Mr. Wm. Hille ns . Mrs. M ary Swith. of Brooklin, is visiting a t her brother's, Mr. Thos. Smith· Clarke Council met Oct. ~. · Members all present. 150 was granted Thos , Allin for injurifls to wife and vehicle by defective road. W. W. Trull and W. Ga.maby were accepted as suretie& for H. Moulton. Orders passed : for $100 in favor <'f D. Burke Simpson for defending suit B a r rett. vs , Clarke ; $1.42 R . Armour registration ; $7 ticket for N . S a unders, i ndil(ent, sen t to St. Vincent; $165 for W , R. Kiddell, Cobourg, costs in suit Barrett vs. Olarke ; $54 t o iodigente. Geo. Wannan was credited with $2.50 paid in error. Co uns. Jackson and Hall were deputed to exami11e road lots 6 and 7, con. 8, and have it rep,.ired if necessary. R eevo a.i;id Mr. Hall to get Clarke's hill r epaired. Council !idj ' urned tQ Nov. 6. (FROM OUR OWN CORRK8l'ON D:&:NT.) Miss Annie Newsom h a s r eturned from a visit to friends near B elleville . L"rge quan1.itiee ef apples are beini;: shipped from this vicinity to Mr. McPherson, Orillia. · The Rev. Manly Benson, pastor of the Berkeley St. church, Tor.onto, is a. guest at the Methodiat parsonage. Elder Garbut~ was Ci'lled aw&v by telegram to Newmarket Oil W e dnesday to attend the f1meral of a friend. Mr. Wm Hillen, who has long suffered from paralyets, paaaed awsy to bis re<1t on Thursday afternoon. He was much respected. Miss Cartmell, a returned missionary from .J·pan, ia announced t o ~peak in the Methodist church on the 29th inst. , on .Japanese Life. . We learn that A. H. Bren~nell, of Ste"m Buggy fame, ie centering his 11eniu1 on the con11truction of a safe that cannot be broken open, Jaok1on'1 atage with six or seven passt1ng1:1n on ·its trip from Newcastle on Friday met with a miahap-a wheel came off, bat no one was injured. The Re..-. .J. D . Dyer and W. Kenner occupied t.he pulpit of the Methodi6t church on Sunday week·in the absence of the pMtor11 who were preaching Missionary sermons on Tyrone circuit. Between the recent rains and heavy teaming the roads are not in the b eat condition ; bui with barley at 7o cents a bushel u.nd wheat at $1.20, the farmer's h flart is glad and his wife doth sing with joy. Our local professionals, 0. A. Gam.sby and C. G. Armstrong took p a.rt in the mueica.1 proi;i:ram at the Leskard anniversary on Monday night. Mr. Armstrong n-as congratulated by the choir on his happy evasion of the burglar'11 bullet. At the last meeting of the Oouncil an order for $50 wa11 granted in favor Gf Mr. Thoe. Allin as compensation for injury to his wife, who had her collar bone broken, and damages to buggy and harneH. When driving home after dark some time ago their buggy was overturned. Said to be through a defective roadway.-Next 1 Mrs. Fidelia Gillette, of Michigan, lectured in the Christian church on Wedneeday evening under the auspices of the W. 0. T. U. Tho president, Mrs. F. L. Andrus, occupied the chair. The lecture was one of the beet the Union h11,s ever secured here. 'rhe subject, " Education and Alcoholic Intemperance," wa.a ably handled. Incidents of a very pathetic nature were freely related and a number of strong point s made in favor of the education of the young aa to the evils of alcohol. On the momon of Be..-. T. Dunlop seconded by Mr. W. W, Trull, a hearty vote of thanks was conveyed to the lecturer. The audience was not aa large ee it ought to been. Nzw So1KS, Nuxei:B 534 BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1888. m C..£8.A.REA. Nuv.Bu 4S. ~PREPARE -=FOR-~ .MANVB.R8 JOTTJNGS. BNNISKILL11N. In the absence of the preacher appointed Jut Sunday night. Dr. Mitchell occupied the pulpit of the Methodiat church. He diaoouraed to a full llouae on the Sunday school le11on, to ihe great profit and delight of all. 'l.'he Dr. 08r· tainly should h11ve a license to preach ae well u . to practice. We are glad to say that Mr. 0 . Solich is recovering rapidly from hi1 111vere cident ; but sorry to aay Mr1. Tyerman is failing faat and no hope1 ar& entertained of her recovery. Mr. L. Gilbe~t iB some better. 8. S. INTER AND BUY Flannels, Flannel Sheeting, Blankets, Tie Downs, --=A N " D -- LADIES &GENTS' - ·A T -. ril, (D UNOERWEA R ID ~ Ill~ JJ ® Ill fil ~ ~ © fil & CRYDERMAN'S, One Door West 'of Post Office, Bowmanville. MILLINERY, MANTLES & DRESS GOODS --1 WITH CLOTHING. I . These are the articles that are undoubtedly interesting the ladies and gentlemen just now. ' Buying time has come for all the above lines and the people are asking the question : Where shall I go to get my Hat, Mantle, or Dress, or Clothing 1 Who has the best assortment ? Which of all the merchants can give me the best value for my money 1 These questions that almost all are turning over and over in their minds this tin.e of the year. W elJ, all I ask is a faithful and esreful inspection by an unbiased public, and l have no fear of the re1~1 it.. Every one in the store is anxious to please and suit you, so that l ,3re need be no hesitancy. iR giving us a call. Come yourself, also · tell your friends to come and take a good look through, and I feel confldeni you will save time and money by buying at our store. GENTS,- ----o,---- J I ' MR. JOHN HINDSON, so well and favorably known in town, will take charge of the TAILORING DEP.lRTMENT up stairs, over the store,rwhere he will be pleased to meet hiB old friends. He also intends it> do work for any who m~y favor him with the same from out:side, parties. Yours very respectfully, ~ I i GEO. L,AINQ. · A. man'ft rubber overcoat was J03t rrcently · W. J . . Coulter. Pontypool, took second prize bet.ween Cmearea 9.nd ·omewbere in thA ,,.f. in JUlbrook with hie black mare, olnity nt Fallie' mills. Th" tinder will b· ·re J. W; Mitchell. Lifford, has ret11rned home wuded '-:v sendluir tt to Hhririnbotham'e Drug ator.e or THE STATESMAN otftce, after a Tlslt to New York and Philadelphia. Jlr. Heury Rendea, Yelverton. carried o1f flrel Jlriae In Peterbor<> and Llndeay for bis TAUNTON. l1111101'ted stallion. . . ' On the llt'1 a dsnghter was born to the wife ReY. Mr. Windell, J,otus, has 1.1old all of his ot Riobard F lintotf, · 1tocll and rarm Implements, 'l'be reverend aentlemen ie irolng to Toronto. Jamee Tremeer. ot Penetan1:ulahene Is Tl~lting friends here. · Jaa. Ml <.ohell, Litford, alao carried oft' first ldr, Wll·on ha~ moved to the f11rm lately prbe in Undsay againe· 6 competitors with bl11 2 rear old Entire colt "Scotti&." occapied by John Trlok. G. H. Nesbitt, ageni for the C.P.R. company Mr. A . Vandyke's team ran away, be was at Pont;rpool, took his departure last week to &hrown out and one of his eyea blackened. 1111 a,nother position with the same comvany In On the lllth. twin daught.ers were bom to the the west. wife of C. Mackinelly, They have aloe" died. Dr. Drummond, of Pont;v11ool, has eold out BXIP, his practice here to Dr, Phillips, who hails from the' west, and hlt.IJ gune on 11 trip to Col· NBWTONJ'ILLE. orado for his health. The R ev. T. M. Whltlnok, of Ohio, has been B.ALLYDUJ!F. visiting his rriende here. PJ:RllONAL,- J, Porter Is collecting taxes. J. Wm. Ca~w·· ll and S. R. .Tones started on a P orter, :Milbrook. visited here prior to ge·ing hunting trip to Hal burton last w eek, to Rooheeter. Harvey Porter. of Ki.ox Mr. John Hughe·, of Lotus, h&s Mmmenced College. waa home week. Misses Holmes a general store In the bulldinii: lately occupied are visiting around last Llodsay. D. Benson, of by Mr. Jaa Loohart. Toronto, visited !:>ere late!)', Mr. and Mrs As Mr, F Leitch was spinning towards F red A.llht, of Port Perry, visited at D. .Baird's Newce.srle on a bicycle, a. few mo, ninii:s ago. 8 nnday week, Mrs. J, Porter of a fine dauu;b· he c<>llided wit.h a. cow. The cow Wt\B not ter. hurt, b ot Fred waa; ORANGE CELEBll.A.TiON.- The re-opening Our b&nd was out on a eerenarle and favored services or the Presbyterl&n Church here will )fr. Hughes "Ith a few choice selections ; he be held as follows : Sunday Nov. ith, sermons replied In a neat little speech, thanking them, at J0.30 a. 1>1., and 6.30 p. m .. by Rev. Mr Wt!· complimented the boys on thtir playing, and eon. On Monday llth. at 10.30 a. m., 1l orange presented them wlt. h .. sum or money. They lodges are invited co march rn uniform. Grand nex visited Mr, s. .Tones. and mine noet, Pope. jubilee dinner at one oclock. Platform meet who al·o bHcked them with aomethlng more 1ng at three. Speaker·. MeserR, Craig, W ..rd, subatantia.I tbau wind. Bnreton, Hughes, and Revs. Wintle!, Wilson. HAHi, Williams. HaSl!ard, Auras and McK11.y. Mu·lo all day .b y our b"'ud. A splendid time .,xpeoted. Everybody come, Dinuer 25o OUURTICE. Children les~. James Clarke is chai rman of R ev. Mr. Lent occupied the pulpit at Eb· committee, ene~er, on Sunday last. There was a very interesting spelllng·match 0.ANTWRIGHT. at the Y . P. A ·. on the 16th in1t. At the (lntario Central fair last year Jamee Mr . Samuel Courtice has been engaged fer Parr. E sq., reeve of Cartwright, exhibited .. the school at Mltchell'a Oornera, next year. team of !(rays for which he was awarded We tiotlce by sale bills and by the .STATESMAN fine prize. 'l' hts year the same team wae \hat Auctionee1 · Hunking leads the pr ocession. the awarded the second prilte at the Internation!!.l Mr. Arthur Rundle, who has been on the Exhibition held in Bufl'a lo and their owner sick liattor a we<k or two,1a now convalescent. afterwards re1used $1000 for them. Thia team Mr. W. E. Courtlce hall a chicken ha tcllf'd was raised in Cartwright, and would probably tbie epring that ha~ s nest of eiigs and have been there yet had they not been eeen by hatched a brood of young clliclr.e1111. Who can an A111erican horse buyer at ~be talr here who since purchased them. toii:ether with a car beat that for a business hen 1 load of other horses, and took them to the Mr. Harrison Gibson. who wa1 10 bailly mher side, where the above handsome aum aoalded at Whitby, died on the 15th inst. Hie was refused for them. remai11s were followed to Bowmanvllle cemet· On the 4th of Octobm Mr. and Mrs, Girvin ry, on the 17th inst., by a larii:e concouree of started ror their h ome near Godl'lch, Mre. sorrowing friends: . Girvin has beeu a member or the Methodist TRIM, church here for beveral years end h !\s be1m , .. faithful wort(er in both church and B>L bbath l't1 1 JPLF1 Glj.QTTB. 13cho ol. She will be> wls.ed in the ctmrch and community. W e trust she will be a ble·siog to Farm ere are busy harvesting :-oots. i.nose with whom she may be associt11~cl i n Mr. Walter A.xror'1 is home on a vlijit from t)le future. On the eve of thei r departure the Manitoba.. members of the church and s ch ool pre· tH·t·tld Mr. W , WUheridge has bet'n home epeo·lng Mrs. Glrv!n with a hand~ome l!'amily Bible. a. a f.,w, ' Forget-me·not album and a. nicely worded Mr. W . Foley du11: 28 bushels or carrots trom &ddrllss. ;; -a row 411 long. · Mr. Tonkin has enirsged to teach the school OSHAWA. at Ht. Carswell for 1189. {From the Onta r i o Rf!,/o'f'mer.) Mr. D. H. Coates has taken another degreeF. Yen-ilf h&e purchased the bu11lnc11B ot F. Papa-e. bouncing baby boy. · M. Hol~nd. There is to be a social at Maple Grove on Dr. W.!!klnson bas entered into :partnership Tuesday eveninu: the 23rd inst. · · ·With Dr. 11'.arewell. , The leader o(our hunt club haa shot a part, A f!Ll!hlonable wedding is to take place In ridge and 2 rabbits this season, Beat that, ·· ·osha;"a in a few davs. · Mra. R . Harnden Intends moving to tbe Robert Morris has sold his farm of 83 acres. house now occuoled by Mr. W. Axford, ' ·)ot 16, ~od con of East Whlt1'y, to A . L. :i'areleavmg Wesler alone In.his b ..chelordow, 'Well, Ba -monr. llr. Jamee Burgess intends returufnlf to the Weer this week, accompanied by J,fr, Samuel · lire. Hancock hAs solcl her farm, situated in Rundle, who 10 roin1C.ohc tkere to spend a few tlle North Eaet part of Oshawa, to Mr. Bulmer, . of Toromo, for ,6,000. , )'e1Lrs. Sykes & Son have the contract tor the 'tfoodThe Division meetings are well attended. work ot w, J. Hare's new foundry, and Geo. 01flcere tor the current quarter are: ..w P· J1M>ob Stt:vena ; W A - 8 Rundle ; F 8-John .B:dwar~ll the masonry, 8tevene ; Treas-J Snowden ; , RS-A. i'ole:y_; Whitby and East PIOUR'hinir Match AR S-A B all; Con- D McDonald; A C-w took place on tke farm of \Vm, Smith, M. p ., Snowden ; Chap-W H Tonkin · I S-Robert near Columbus, on Oct. 23rd. Stevens ; 0 "'-M Monday ; P W P-Riohard 'l'homae Morris, Collector, h11.a.creoelved up Snowden. The decision of the debate was date. fll, 700 of taxes. On S&turday and aiven In favor of the afthmaifve, that the to Monday last he reoelnd about $7,000. ·moderate drinker does the most harm. 'I'he reelaenceofW1111an Squelch, near Rag. DKXTJt.R. Ian, was entered recently and over flOO was abetractecl rom trousers in Mr. Squelch'a bed· TYRONE. room. Joa. Carter has rented Mr, Bond'· bouee. Iuepector Ferguson visited Port ?erry on Tueadav, and induced De.noaster to go $100. Miss Heard, Toronto, ls vlsltlng at Mr. Jos. and Stewart ~o. each with costs, to the Scott Hawkey'a. Act tunde. 11lr. T. Scott loeta colt last week of Intl&· The ale of Mr Samuel Holman last week mmatlon. we.e a Rr· at eueceea. Nearly four thousand Mr. T. T. Jardinellas the job of gravelling dollars· wae realized from the stock. The the west end. price per head avera11:ed from $ 70 to $175. Our ministers are conductlna- revival meet~ Week before last the barn ot Mr. " ' llliam Crowles. .Jot 8, con. 3. East Whitby, together Inge at the Sault. Mr. John Awde and wife, Mariposa, were with 1,200 bushels of grain , Implements 1md . h b 1 harness wae burned. The oause wae sparks v I8 itI.Dg erea outs ast "'eek. from a steam <'nii:lne While threshing. The '£hat m11Jst regular of all callers, the colleot· thresher was also burned. Mr. M. Warren or of taxes, Is on the war path. owned the thresher. Mr. Crowles was insured Mr. S. Bond's house hae been undergoing l'e· for $500. pairs by Mr. W . Joll, Hampton. On Bunda)' evenlnl{, Oct. 4, a most deter· Ajollitlcation was enjoyed at John Mutton's mined, unsucceijsful, criminal assault wa11 on Friday nhtht by a few young people, . made by Joseph Strlokland, hostler at the Bachelore who go courting should tie old Queen's· Hotel, Oshawa. upon a highly re. Charley securely a.nd 110 ~ have to walk home. spectable {oung woman, who occupies the position o waiter at the Hotel, and who is Mr. '1'. Gardiner la erecting a stable and bnt a few months out from England. He drove drivinit house tor Mrs T. Harrill, Maple Shade. her to Whitby. Dr. Ed. Bingham ha& gone to ·roronto to On Tuesda:v, October 16, Elgin W , Annis and complete his studies a t the Veterinary Collage. Mias Annie Pascoe were united In the happy A few ot the yonng folks attended thejubilee bonds of matlimony at the residence or the at Humpton or, Saturday night. Get up Farm· bride's fat.her, Mr. Edward Pe.ecoe, ot W est er I Steady Fly l Whitby. The marriage knot was tied by the k ev. J, D. Dyer's horse stumbled and broke Rev. Mr. Totten. There were a large company the emall bone In the ootlln oint. Mr. Dyer of friends present to witness the ceremony, h,.s to huy another. The wedding ~resents were numerous. lndi· Stale hen. rmit appear· to be av·l\abl· · 8 the eating the hil!' est.earn in which the young u oouvle were held by there many friends. who contents of one was left on the new paint at I.lie wish tbeni a lite of happiness and uaetnlness. Barracks, For ehame May the sun of pros erity ever 11hlne brightly A few friends from town a1sem bled at Mr. S. upon them. Bingham's " Buckingham Palace," on 'l'.burs· Mre. Jae. Gregory paeeed awa:r on October day flVenlng and had a pJenant time. · · 14th, in the 33rd year other age. Hor maiden D. 0. Morris &nd his boy trumpeters led tbe. name was Ophelia Manning, site being a meeting at the barracks Sund·Y afternoon: daughter ot Mr. Riobard Manning. On the after which a few ot the soldieni were enroll· 11th day of November, 1880, she was married ed. ·to bei:' no.,.. .s orrowing husband. She early Our Methodist frien.ds purpose having a tea united with the Methodist church and wae he1e onT.b..nkagiving day, Nov, 16th, for whiob . ·at.t he Ume ·o ther death a very faithful member. prepar.. tioua are being made, Pariiculan She was la her place In the church the Sabbath 10.ttr. previou· to her·death. She wae out for a short drive on ' tbe· following Thursday. When the Mr. S. Bingham has BO great a demand tor .llev. J o; W. Totten fl.nnounoed at the oloae ot barrel.II he purposes bulldlnll a new shop· thla ·.lll,11i:aermon ·on l::labbath morning that Mrs. tall so as to keep men working all the yeM Gregory bad passed away to her heavenly 11.round. Sam 18 a pusner. · home, It was to many a very great surprise, Many chanitee have taken place In and ·. and,; 1 :he co11gregatlon was deeply affected. arouna t.bls village. Jae· l::lully has retired l:lbe died ·ae 111l.e llved-a true chrlstlan. The from farming and moved into Mr. It. Hodii:aon luneral took place on Tuesday, ltith, the re· house. Mr. A, JI:, Harrill ha' taken a part of mains being followed to the ii:rave by a large l!l"ple Shade. Mr. Jae, Poole:r goes to llve In number of friends and acquaintances. A me. Mr. W, Couch's houee, Bethesda. and Mr. 1::1. mor1al service was conducted In J. w ..1hlngtou leave.e wtth hia family next Methodist church, on Sabbath evening, by month for Ulendiv.,, Moataua. the pastor. Thie wa.11 a mo~t lmp·r easive, In· The following of Tyrone DiTiaion terestln" , and beautitnl service. The organ were in·t"lled uo 'l'hursllaf night la; t by the was clraped out ot respect to the·dece&lled,who D U W p Bro '!' Creeper for the ene~g quar· was formerly a valued member of the church ter :-W P-Bro J H Manning ; w A. - 8 15 N choir, 'l'he choir sang before and after the Bingham: R l:J-Bro HJ Werry; AR S-flro se1·mou tieveral very appropriate anthems. A Brent; Ji' 8-Bro S J Henry ; T-Bro J 'J' and the Pastor chose for hl8 text: Rev. 5:9Welch; Chap-Bro J H Hioka; <Jon-Bro M '"And tlleJ' sang a new song," BO that the ex. Werry: A U-Sle B Bmgbam ; I B- llro'l' Cree· erclses throughout might fittingly be termeu a per; o 8-Bro s Pollard; p WP-TT Jardine. song aervlce. The sacred edntce was packed to the door&-seata being placed In both aisles, which ebows the great respect in which Mre. When the hair shows signl! of falling, Gre11or;r Wail held. begin at once to use .Ayer's Hair Vigor. This preparaiion strengthens the . scalp, · Su.ocess in life ia the result of push and promotes the growth of new hair, re11torcs the natural color to gray and faded ha~:, energy. If the blOQd ia impure and slug· gish, both body and mind lack vigor. To &nd renders it soft, pliant and glossy. oleanae wid vital~e the blood and impart WOIW.J tl,:lli&E D1I<:U. 8141KllESS aJallllll n&W life io the 11yatem, nothing else has children. lireewaa'· norm P11Wdl!\r~ pl'e· I &'"-"' 8 ..... lo .. a "'fi1ec· ... A e , "' veut 1ws, tuul Jll~ tho gWJll b:WgJU u»d 1 ~ _ . . va ....., .. · ..., y r: a ..~&a)I· ae- ENF'IMLD. Mlaa Emma !!mlth. Ashburn, 111 vl11iU111e at Mr. John Bray's. &:Mr. Wm. Bray, of Bowman ville, 11pent Satar. day and Swnday here, Mr. Donald McCullough hae purchase( a new Dominion or.:an. Mias Mountj oy, Ilaydon, and MIN IC!liatt, Bowmanvllle, a re alao vleltlni:r here. So .me of out' boyg intend plonghlnr at the East Whitby ploughing match this week. Sllc· cesa, boys, Mr. George Ormiston a11d Mt·. John Ormiston have ea.oh been Investing io aome thgrflU!Cb· bred Durhllm 09.t.tle . They were r.urchased from Mr. Thos, Ward and Mr. s. Ho r:aaa. Mrs· .Tames Hurlbut gave the young J>eOJ>lo · an "apple cut" !Mt Friday evening. A flue lot of apples were out Mter which all went In for a good time, 11:aro e·. mu·lo, eto. Whose ue:x:t. . BAMl'TON. Since tho announcement that l!\dles' dre~a goods had been 11.dded ta F. A.. c;, lo'· s tock: .<H olothfl and g (mt>1' fu rnishings, a great. many ladies have called to inspec~ them, and thev pronounce them both pretty and cheap. Ile intends ma.king t his branch a perman~nt one, and Is bound to give sat\stactlon. The S. A. banquet, Saturday evening, was a huge success. On Saturday, 20th instant, the wife of llllr. Thoe . .Rowe. ot a 9on. Mrs. W . Thomas, Port Perry, a former m ident of th ts place. is visiting friends h ere. Capt, Leonard, of the S, A., Whitby. 1 8 spending a few days with her many friends in this villaii:e . Mr. Ell' R obbins has been quite lndiaposod for some time, but hae eufllclently reeovered to be around !I.gain. 011r threshers, ·rhos. McLean and Rowe&; Co., have about completed enaagemont.s ror threshing tbiKseason. Ohl yes frleod Trim, as you have r eall.7.ed the tact that t.he public can't rely on :rour statements, we cheerfully iri ·e the information yon desire. T he price waa JuM k cent 1811 than Hampton CheeKe Co. obtain-'d tor their make tor the same montbs. SLOW BoY. F. A.; Cole ha~ anded to h is &tock a Tery pretty nsaortmeut of ladles' clrt1ij8 i:ooda, Wb!Cll he I· eelllng remarkably cheap. Every lady should oall and e:x:amtne tlloeo lovel;r Koods. His stock ot gents' !urnfahin!l's, iweede aud other sultlDR'I haa been replenfahed for the fall and winter trade, and will be found very a ttractive. · Prke1 alwa;rer1ght, The Art Garland. We call special attention of roadera of the ST.4.Tll:BJU!f wan ting fltoveB I.a a. few of the leadmg points of m ·ir it of " The Art Garland," the lea.diug Base Burner of t.he world, and claim for it in general all of the advantages that 1<re generally claimed for stoves of tbia clus. bt. Tht1 bottom flue11 give greatfir radiating 11urf11ce f ,·om. the bottom of tli.e stove than has ever yet bi1 m attempted. 2nd. One of the distinctive fel\turea of utility is the original paten ted system of heating and ventilation, the cold air is admitted to the 11tove through opening under aeh door- the 11upply being regulated by the indica t or shown uµ on tho front door. By this means p erfect ventilation in secured, and the air so used i11 made to pass throuuh the fire, th.:. same as air which is usually introduced through the draft slide in the front do or ; this improvem en t alone -will r ecommend tlle Art Garland t o all t hinking oonsumera. 3rd. The entire back of the stove is used as a hot air chamber, the cold air entering at the baee of the atove and being discharged in a highly hea t e d con· dition through o pe nin!£S which are Oil a level with the pipe collar, addin~ greatly to the heaciug ca pacity of each aiaA . The fire-pot ia extra !urge and is .oo arranged thac it can be taken out th.rough the front door withou t taking the stove apart, 1\B can th9 grate, a n d, in fact, the entire inside of the stove. The grate is an imp roveme nt over what has b een used heretofore . The d11st damper, check damper, and direct draft d amper aro all opou the satue i,id<> of tho stove. A hove the m ica section are three reflectors w hi11h c 1t.·t a. blaze of light fr:pm the entire top of the atove . Thflre a~e no j oints in the magazine that can poseibly lea.k from putty fallin~ out, it being· all cast in one pieoe. The swing oover ie double &l'I in all .Art Garlands, and very perfectly fitted. . ' An adequate dea~iption of this wo nder· ful stove is pr11ot ically. i rnpo211ible ; it posse21ea all the t im e-tried fea.I uree of merit to be found in other sto11ez and is so strikingly beautiful and so replete with new f eatnrea that it ill sure to outrank any base burner that has ever been, mai;le. It. must be seen to be "ppreoiatoo. Qall at J,. Geo. Quick'~ ·tore, cine d oor elllt c.f the &r.aTEBM.Ul Oflloe, 1lo see the differen~ style1 and ai.zes. £1_ _ cz::::s:: . Ayer'a Pille, being convenient, efl;foa010ua, and aa.fe, are the be3t cath1uj'.ie, whether on land or ~a., in oity or oountry. For co111tipation, eiok he&d&ehe, indigestion, and torpid liver, they never fJlil. Try ll box of them ; iMy are su.gar·ooa~d. · D 0 The Difficulty ~periooced. In taking Cod Liver Oil ia entirely overc ome in bcott's Emul1ion of Ood Liver - Oil 11.nd Hypophoaphites. lt i8 "" pQ[Qr,. ablii «.11 Millr., and the moat valuable rem- htatt1Q'. Ianlta-1 ti . ""' edy t hat haa ever been produted for ·the ! cure of Conemnption, Scrofula and Wuting Dieeaaea. DQ not fall to try i~ Pnb ..!. PM.JN" 8TAmY.1U111. -A.U poiB-Onous up in l'iek:. and $1 aize, wute, a.ud w orn out mattu ought to eaQlllpe from the 8}'Biem through the BaCre· ' 'J(ll'ORI.& ()41lBO'LIC 8.1.liVB la a ...-en4er. tione of the bowela, kidneys and skin. .B. rut lleaUna wm»oaacl rcu· c:ntt.. wuancla B . B. clea.W1e11, opena IWld regula~ th'e:re bl'utses, buqs, 11Nffb.llllQ)I, ptl(is. ·lm))lu. nu.tllmll ott. . . for ~ ~viri Q.f di..eeMe ·

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