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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1888, p. 2

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" ~atutdilltt Jtate£ntntu. I ------------·---·- --·-::-'::- j 1 · . .. The Original 'I \.\?;VC" S ' as fl'l.\.~ LITTLE ii' WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 1888. 1 · ! [NOVI' F IRST P UBLrnmm. l J~. · IIC.E ~~ND By ' - - ' t i f f Nii - ZLl -- ~-------------·------ @ I IM*'P· (AIL R1anTS ltmSE&VED, ) ·-M -E -- B.RA ~D . n ·. ON lJ.NLI KE. , · . E TO. · .· . .-!..u~1i:o11 OF "L.1DY AUDLEY'B SECRET; WYLLARD's CHAPEER XLV.-ON THE R~cK. landau ready,,and loi>k sharp a.bout it, . for . .. THE- ·JEWEJ~LER , . _i LIVER The had been called for 2 o'clock WBehlfiere.eldd'1:d you Mr: Belfield?" ftfi. °'\ .,.+ s::. Pl L LS h d ~··; "'_ . . . ,Y..V . .. . , .ip · · ~· "'~ , . · in the afn,;rnoon, which hou r gave t e e-, "I took him a,s far aa the avenoo le11>ding · "· :.-: ·<.:·,. ALWA.Y S tective tima t o _get btuJlr from I:mdon shortly to the Abbey. · In the m iddle of the a.vonoo ·· ,.;·'a ir F01l DB. PIERCE'S PEL£ET8, 011 1 after t,ha optmmg <>f t~e enqui;y. . he puts out his 'ed a~d calls, to me to stop, . . . I-ITTLE SUGAB·CO.t1TED PILLS. The Corone~ bald hie court In an upst:i-xra a.rid gets out of the trap a ~o~t before ·II · . · ·· · ble th room of the Rmg of Bell~. It wa.s a w~mscould 11top. He gives 1;ne a. sb1llmg n.nd tells 0 We carry a. fuil line of Gold, Silver and ~teen~! ~~·~~t~~ba:c~~~ti1he sJster:iydiJ>~ coated a.p~rtment. which at ordinary tun~s me to go home and then he starts off a'most ·oerraocc'~p"3on. Put up in glass vials, henneti· waa di.vided into two rooms, hut which ID a.t · run terwa.;ds the Abbey. " Nickle, Hunting a·n d Open-face Watches " ~ which we are se.lling very cheap, 80 cheap "Are you qui~e mre as to the da.te ?" cally, sealed. Always fiesh nnd re11 ableit A s its double length was use d f or vest ry an d public meetings of 11>11 " Can't be no tha.t. Mrs. Ma.rra.ble. - Did ever miss a carpet "It wa.s more than a . point ot et iquette ,· in fact i.hat n o one need be with out a. satisfaction. kmdr, fly was booked that ntght. There it is Ill f k d t 0 f 0 ne 0 f the Abbey good r eliable timekeeper. We can supply 0 · Ooionel D~verill ~nd L1 >;d Sb. Austell sat the master's day. book. August 19th. Fly or rug ~~y m ou it w11os a. point of honour, Mr. Melnotte-if you with them a t all prices, from the · nea.r theCoronei" with the1~~t1.oea in shadow, to Belfield Abbey." bedrooms· your name is Melnotte" cheapest "Wfl.terbury," at $2.75, to the t a.nd their fi~ures partly hi dden from the " you are sure the gentleman you drove Again ~ra. Marrable looked a.t Mel?otte, "My name is Markham. I bore her Ma.. m ost expensive G old ones We B ilio1i11 Headache, crowd at the lower et1d of t he room by an · was Mr. Belfield?" ~he ~t~ctt~':·t an~ ~~the .n~rv:d' :~t~on jeaty's commission before I joined the de. Dtzziucsrs, Couatipaol_d.fashioned four-fold screen: To tile 1 "Quiie sure." . . er Ul(era 1 · mig e ,i~ ~r a. s .e tect ive pglice, Sir Adrian. Neceaeity com- have also i n stock a full line o f thf>se tl ou 'us Iudi~e11tion lo~gecl to inflict persona.l rnJury upon his pelsmentoadopt stra.ngetra.des. Wi.llyou cele brated "Rockford" Watchea, for Bilio Jlttac ra,nndnJ\ rig h t 0 f . t b e C oroner sa.t 11> ~ 1ddle-ageel ' "Would .yon know M r. BelfieId f rom h is im erturb hie oounten°~ce which we are th e sole a.gents for the derangcmei1ts of the sa.n d Y·Wh ISk ered gentl.eml\n, wi th " ~ bald b1·other Sir A.dria.n?" ask e d M r. G resh am, k be driven to the gaol in v. r o ur carrfage, 8ir, ·~ ~stom. " P a. ~ ' . n<:h and bowels, are prompthead, a.nd a. le~a.l air, who j;ook mireful notes the Cor~ner having no further questions. to "I ma.y have been foolish enough to ta.I or will 'you. allow me to drive you in my gig? distr ict. We have a lso com p lete lines of ly relieved and permanently ' . of the p:rooeadmge. It WP.R known to some ask this witness. some of my nonsense to spies and eaves· T b ompson can walk" Elgin, Waltham, Oolumbus, Illi nois a nd cured by the use of Purgative Dr. . acrimoniously,f "but "I ma" Pierce's Pleasant Pellot·· of t h e aud' ience '·h v a t· th" is uentleman w a.s a. "Yes sir. Mr. Belfteld' s a. h' 1gger maid e droppers,' she said h a.a , as well go in your gig. It i3 too Swiss m akes , al t of which we g uar.mtee In explanation of the remedfal power of these solicitor trom the Treagury, and tha.h he rna.n. rive known ~he two gentlemen by to missing a rug or a. carpet out o a ouse dark for anyone to recognise me; a.ud for t o give good s at isfaction. Pellets ove1· ·so great n variety of dieeMes, It was preaent _in the_co.pacity of Public Prose- sight since they ·was boys, and I could swear where there's nothing but honest servants the mat~er of that, e verybody in Ch.;i,dford may tri.1thfully be said.that thei. r nctlon ~i1mn . cu"-"·, but it was not known l;o anybody ' to e· 1 ther of them "nywhere"." ' ' will know wher e I a.m· before to-morrow the system is unive1·sa.I. not a glnnd or tissue uv. ~ " B d h · h"l I escaping their sanative influence. Sold by tha.t his ariival on the scene Wl\S b;ou~ht So muohfor John Gran~o, of the Station "Mrs. Marrable, was t here or was there morning. e goo enoug to wait w 1 e druggisf.s. 25 cents a vial. Manufactured at the !\boutby Lord St. Aus~ll'a urgent apphca.~1on Hotel. · , not a l'eraian rug missing out of Mrs. Bel· give a.n order t o my servant." Chemical Laboratory of WORLD'S DIBl'ENSARY to the head auth;itities at the Heme Office. L" dy B·Jfield wa.· the next witnees called. field's bedroom on t he twentieth of August?" T ' e detect ive waited, taking C<\re not to MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N. Y. h w l l S ' Ad · · f h" · ht d · "h She ova.a asked to state a.nyfacts she c.ould asked th" sandy-whiskered gent eman severe· et 1r rmu ou t o rn a1g urmg o e In our Silverware and Jewelry D epartL ady Belfi.lid o.nd S\r Adrian sut t oget or ment it is our aim <tnd pride to keep on t.he other side of the room, and L11ody reoall connected with M rs. B elfield's dis- ly. "Remember, if you please, that you brief delay. . ,, are on your oath. · Adrian ordered a valise to bti p :lcked wit;h always the nicest and newe 3t ~oods to be Belfield'a old and tms~ed lawyer, ~r. Gres· appearn.nce. "There is very little for me to r ecall, Mr. Marrable hesit11~ed, looked piteoualy the n ecessary changes for an absence of three hv.d and we mm furnish you (our variety ham, of the old-sstabl:shed firm of Gresham, Gresham, and Thorol?'ood,_ Lii1~oln's Inf!, ~at she "My first knowledge of my at her mfotress, whose face was rigid with or four days, and t hen sat down a.t a table is unlimited) with anythin g in theae lines 1 is offered by the manufacturin the hall to write to hfo mother, while a t the lowest possible p rices . ers of Dr. Sage·s Catarrh a little way in front of Ins chent. Ae1r1 1n da.ughter-iin-la.w's disappearance was from agony, and repli.ed : "I did misB a. P ersian rug." Markham stood in fronb of t he fire, warming .~}l Remedy, for a case of ha.d entreu.tecl h is mother not to be present I my housekeeper a.t nine o'clock in the morn1 · ;!.:~yf Chronie Nasal Catarrh which at this e11quiry ; ~ut she had ~nsist~~l, and 1 ing. A housem~id had found Mrs B9lfield's "O<!.n you tell me the pa.ttern of t llat rug?" his back and 11dmirin:~ the stately old \,,,,.,..., .. · '~·" they .cannot cure. he could but subm1t; to her .will. S,1e was! room empt y. " "It w1>s aomething of V: ph.1e pattern." panelled h1>1l and Vimlted r oof. SYMPTOlUS OF (JATARRH,- Dull pa.le as marble, and her plo.m black gown j " A housemaid found her room empty iu " If you will be good enough to look It was a difficult Jet ter to writ<i, and heavy headache, obstruction of the nnBil and bonnet only m9.d~ her pa.llo~ more <:on·. tl1 e morning of August 20 th. Had the b ed closer a.t th>!! rug on t he table, I think you Adrian could think of only one fo rm of We :i.hrnya have on h and a nice variety of passages, discharges falllng from the head spicuoue, H r;r old friend the Vicar sat JUBt I been slept iu 1" will see that it is a pine pattern." consolation. "My arrest ma.y make my new designs in Walnut, one a11d eight into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, "It is too .much d iscolored for me to brother'a escape easier," he wrote. "Thev day, weight a nd sp ring C locks, t oge ther and acrid, nt others, thick, t enacious, mucone, b~hind her, a,nd bent for ward ~ow and then 'j "It ha.d not." purulent, bloody and putrid; the eyes are to ape<'ok to her. On the ·~abl~ tn fron.t of t he . "Then the inferenc9 would be that she out anything abou t it." · cannot find any direct ev idence a.gaimt me, with a large assortmen t of Nickel t imes weak watery. and inflamed ; there is ringing . "You are underrating your own intelli· and on r e;flection, I believe i t will be in· the deafness, hacking or coughing to Coroner a.nd Jury lay th~ stam<;d a.nd rag~ed left the house at nivht." and alarms. clear the throat, expectoration of offensive r emains of a smo.11 P er?1at1 carpet, a. silk: ; "I do uot know t hat. She ma.y llave re· 17ence; Pray look at the rug again. Now, impossible t o bring any conclusive proof matter, together with scabs from ulcers ; the hand kerchief, andfonrr~ngs. ·. I mained up all night, and may have left cu.rly will you ewear t ba.t it is not the rug you Va.lent.foe. P u ll your trust in voice is cba.nge11 and has a nasal twang; the :Ji'el ix L'.Jseby, a medtC'\l pra.ct1t1oner of in t he morning before the servants were saw in Mrs, B elfield's bedroom?" Providence, d ear mother, and hope fot the breath is offensive; smell and tnste are imChadford, woo the first witness. up" ' "No." passing of the dark hou r. My heart is lees paired; there is a sensation of dizziness. with mental depression, a hacldng cough and gen- · He depooed to hei.ving examined .the body, ;, She left a letter, I underBta.nd ?" "Then perhaps you will admit t hat it is heavv than it Wi\S under the b urden ot an lt i" a mistaken idea. that many people eral debility. Only a few of the above-named which he pronounced to be ~hat of a. yoni:i~ "Yes, t he housemaid found a letter." the same rug? Remember ths.t to deny a intolerable aecreb. " have that they should p u t off wearin g symptoms ara likely to be present in any one wo man with long a.ubnrn ha.1r. He had dis" AddreBBed to your son?" fa.ct o± which you a re convinced is per jury.' An hour l!i.tcr hia mother was sitt ing by si;>ectacles as l ong as possible beca use by Cll60. Thousands· of cases annually, without covered :m injury ui>on t he .left temple, "It was vvrit ~en to my son." "I believe it is the rng." hie side in the gloomy.looking room which manifesting half <;>f· the above ~ymptoms, result in consumpt10n, and . cud m the grave. viheretbe bone w11,e fractur<Jd as 1f by a heavy " ;·Vas it a sealed letter?" . "That will do." he was privileged t o enjoy in Chadford so d oing they oft en do permanent injury No disease is eo common, more deceptive nnd bl ow, from ~om~ blunt iusl;'.ument. ~uch ,a. t o their eyesight . Good Spectacles, cor "No, it was open and unfiniahed.". . · The brief win ter day ha.d closed in some gaol. dangerous, or Jess l!nderstood b)' physician~. "An unfinishei letter, left open, .ymg on time before th;i enquiry had arrh,ed at this " My poor Adrian, it iB ho.rd that you r ectly fitted, CO\U never in:i ure your eyes, By its mild, soothmg, and healing properties, blow, he sMd, tn answer to the Co1oner s 80 Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy c ures the worst q11cation, wottld be euifbient t? oause a table, I presume. 1 stage; aud the coroner now anggestcu ·the should suffer-you, who are innocent-who but on the contrary am al ways be11eficial. cases of Catarrh," col<l in tJ1e bead," There wa.s no other m:~rk of v10lence. I "I did not ask where the letter w as adjournment cif the inquest t o gi ve for w ?uld have saved your brother 's good name If yo ur gla3ses do not suit y ou or if you Coryza, and Catarrhal Headache. 1 The Cowner asked if deatb. could have ; found.? t he development of fresh evidence. had he only been guided by you. It iG very ba.-.e never wom them a n tl fine your eyeSold by druggist.a everywhere ; 50 cents. beAn c1.1u sed by drowning. . · f u Did you see your's room "The case is a very p ainful one, gentle- hard." i~<.i\j sight failing we can supply y ou with a "Untold A g ouy fJron1 Cat:arrll.s' No. The st;i,te of the lungs . rndrnated that mornhi<> ?" · me11/' he said, "an e:x:ceptiona.lly painful one, " I can boar it, mot her. I would beu.r suitable pair at any price you wish from Prof. 'V. HAUSNEit, the famous mesmerist, thi·t the decoa.~ed hi!.d died befor e ehe fell N o I w':int to London by the morning 1 L11d I should be sorry if anything were done more for yoa r, Woul d to God it he.d 25 et a. t o $12. of lt11aca, N. Y . : " Some ten ago · train. 'A telegram was delivered just after in a h urried )r precipita.te manner, I believe been possible for me to pay t he penalty of I suffered untoid agony from chrome nasal into the water . Tho r foga en t he table h&d bee~ found on I heard of mv daugbter·i~·la.w's disappear- that upon enry consideration it will be best my brother's crime. I. would have done as catarrh. My fam ily pllysicinn gave me up as incurable, and said I must die. My case was t he fhigers of the left h.u1d, which w&s Bo ance- -a. t.elegrz.m purportmg t o come from t hat this enquiry should be adjourned until much willingly- for y~ ur al\ke." such a bad one, thnt every dny, towards sun- confined by tba em-ptit and t~e long hair ' my younger son in L oudon, and which next .Friday, when we will meet again in set my voice would become so hoarse I cou Id (TO BE CONTJNUED.) bnrely spenk above a whisper. In the morning that It was impo:,sible for t.ha r1Dge w I ed me considerl\ble '>fa.rm. I started for the thi6 room a.t th e .3!\me hour &S we m et We are always prepared t o do any kiad my coughing and clenring of my throat would betm washed off by th actiou of the W!\ter , sta.tiou a.s soon as my carriage could be got The interment of the remains of that nn· .. --~--~-.,,~~ · almost strangle me. By tho use or Dr. Sage'e Hs mM of opinion t ho.b the body had be~n re1J.dy." ha.ppy Iudy whose fate we are here to invesof Watch or J ewelry repr.iring neatly a t Catarrh Hemedy, in three mont hs, I was a well in the river for some montbs; probably, m " Wa.s the teles:(l'a.m actually from your t igate, can be proceeded with in the mean· J im's Curiosity. m od erate cost. man, and the cure bas been permanent." reply to a juryman, six mcnths, son 7" · time." Jim Wl\B · a Httle boy, and about as "Constantly IB!inwlldng and Spitting." Mr. Loseby further described how the "It was not. I bave r el\son to believe It we.a some time before the room was THOMAS J. RUSHING, Esq., 2902 Pine St1·cet, ca.rpe~ ha.c l b o.en tied ro~n<J. the body by tne that it was p i!.rt of a. plot to !urn my di!iughter ckared of coroner, j nry, report~rs, s.nd full of curiosity as any midget that Bt. Lauis, Mo., writes: "I Wl\S a g~eat sutrercr long silk mufiler now lymg on the t able.. 38. from her home." audience, but L'l.dy B elfield and her son did ever li ved, He was never ~a.tisfi ed with Tbe Jeweller . ·from catarrh for three yoars. At times I could q aegtioning his seniors concerning The two men who ha.d dragged ~he nver " :mr.1 you find your son In L ondon?" uot wait for the crowd to diaperse. They subjects, hardly breathe. and was coustan:tJy hawkinl!T but endeavored alway.ii to find out "I did not." retired together by a door near the end of o.nd spitting, and for the Inst e1ght months depoaed to having found the ~JOdy In a deep coulcl not breathe through t he nostrils. I pool, whic~ formed a little inlet, under a. "Had yon a ny r eason to suppose that he t he room where they had been sitting, 11nd by practical experience. His mother was a.t her wit's end to know what to do with her thought nothing could be done for me. Luck. group of willows. · · was in London? " thus esc&ped tha crowd. Hy I wrui advised to ti-y Dr. Sage's Catarrh precooious you ngster, for he kept u p a con Remedy, and I am now a well man. I believe Colonel Deverill. was next e:ca.mmed. He " Either t here or at York. I had hear d Sir Adri1w1 put his mother's ha.nd through t inual vollev of questions, and even u pon be· it to be the only s ure remedy for catarrh now had seen the remams, and beh aved them to his a.rm a nd suppoi:ted herfaltering footstep3 ing amply informed a~ to all the p:.rticulars, manufactured. and one has only to give it a be those of his dv.ught er, o:u account of the of him a.t York." fair trial to experience astounding results and colom· and texbure of the hlllir . H ie da.ugh· You did not k now t hat he to the a,a he led her downato.ira and out into the he was not ~a.tisfied until he found out for a permanent cm·e." er, had been t cmarkable for the bea.uty and Abbey on t he uight of th<J 19th ?" d usky street, whore her wa.s waiting himself. profusion of her hair, which w:i-s of a pecu" I cannot believe tha.t he wa.s there." for her. She spoke no word unt il after t he One da.y hfa mother heard a mi~ita.ry band Three Bottles Cure Catarrh. liar shade of d ark a.uhuru, w ith a. natural " Yet you have hear d the evidence. of the ca.rria.gc had moved away, and then a.t passing the house, and anxious to give J im a ELI ROBBINS. Bunyan P. 0., Cotumliia Oo., · · nmn who d rove him into your pa.rk ?" h the white lips moved, and she 11.sked in tones cha.nee to sa.tisfv his curiosity wit hout asking Pa., says: "My daughter bad catarrh when "I have hea.r:l that." that were a.lm,011t like a wail of agony:she was five years old1 very badly. I saw Dr. ripple in i t. H e could swear to t e cat.a questions, she ca.lled him to the open win· eye and diamond ring upon the table as his . d d f ·1 "Is thl.s t rue, Adrian ?" Sage's Catarrh Remeoy advertised, wid pro· dl\aght er 's engagement ring, g iven to her by dow. Bnt this was not enough for the lltble "What time di you an your am1 Y re · cured a bottle for her, nnd soon saw that it questioner. He looked for a few moments t th bl k tire to re9b on the the 19th of Atiguat ?" "What, mother 1" H Id helped her · u third bottle efl'eet ed a pol'Illa- Mr. Bel fi el d. · swear ·o upon e ao "le it true t ha.t he came to the Abby t hat a.t the ga.ily dresied mWJioiaus, and then innent cure. "she is now eighteen years old and enamel ring witheacou brilliant cross the " Mrs. Belfield left the drawing-room aound 1U1d heuty." quired: enamel. It was a mourning ring, and hie soon after nine o'clook. She complained night ?" of a. headache. I went to my b edroom at "Yes, it is ·true. " "Mamma, what do you call those men ?" I own l:(ift to his younge~t daughter. t condS d · t h "Oh, God I And you aw . ore that he was uot " Why t hey are ca.lied t he drum corps, A delightful Toilet Article. Not a paint tained lier mother's ha.1r. half·past ten, an ir A nan wen to t e taere." my boy," :i.nawered his mother. or powder · 'u does not cover over. buL ir ted h"l library at the same time." cures. sed in connection witll The Colonel was deeply a.ueo w 1e " Did you hear anything unusual during "l perjured myself- to save him. I knew " What a. funny, isn't it, mamr. ?" Pond Lilly Silver Pellets a.nd givin~ his evidence, and Lady B elfield seem- the night?" nothing about the Jiy, I did·no~ know that "Oh, I d on't k now," returned his Pond Lilly Ski.n. Soap. ed equally O\"ercome. Tbere wa.e a. dead "Nothing." any one had seen him. with a. sigh. Most Effectu11.I and Positively R emoves all silence at the end of the room w~ere t he "How far is yom bedroom from that occu. ··You tried to eave him- that means tht>.t After the band ha.d p11esed litt le J im was P imples, Freckles, Tan, Black Specks, crowd was congregated-a nilence 0 regret· pied by Mrs. Belfield?' he is guilty--=tha.t-he killed her," sobbed unu11ua.lly allen ~. Evidently he wa.s think· Blotches a.nd .all Roughness from the ful sympathy. · h k h d f h insi. A ~ la.Bt he inquired: face. bands. neck and arms, leaving Mr. Belfield was next called ; whereupon " It is a.t the other end of the house." Lady B elfield in ro en snatc e o epeec . them bea.utifally white and ' ', haan't a.n a.pple got a core?" velvety, · Mr. Gresham rose md informed the Coron" You S!lY Sir Adrian retir ed to the Adrian was silent for some moments, " vVhy yea, J immie, why d o you ask?" er that Mr. Belfield bad uone to London library a· ha.If-past ten upon that particular thinking deeply, deliberating wit h himself A@"dOLD DY DRUGGIS'l'S EVERYWHERE, "Q "Oh, nothing." three days before. A message bad been ev<ining. Do you know at what hour he if it migb.t be possible t o keep the f&tal truth Tile next day Jim wanted a. drum, and a · h G t W t went to hfa bedroom ?" from his mother. But it neemed to him teleJ1;ra.phed to him a,t t e rea es ern that it would not be possible, that the drum he must have. His mother ha.fl a. PONn L ILY CREAM, 25 CENTS. Club where he usually put up, and to the " It must been very late. H e is in meshes of the net were fast closing round great dea,l of con2idera.tion for her neighbors, POND LI LY SILVER PELLETS. 25 CENTS. - 25 CEN'l'S, two ~lubs which he was in the he.bit of using, the habit of reading l ate &t night , and on him and his brother, that all which had and heaita.ted to bring this torture to h8:i.r POND LILY SKIN SOAP, but uo r n· ly bad been received. this night he told me tha.t he read la.ter t han k s . l'J~RJHN. <Jhemlst, J.indsny, It wae · ··; this J · uncture t hat Mr. Me.lnotte usual and fell a.sleep in his chair in t he lib· been d<me that night in the da.r ness must upon frisnds. Then again there wa.3 a.uother Manufacture~ and Proprie tor for Canada, thing to be considered. She was in the d d h rnry." inevitably be brought to light. T he only quietly enter ed the 'room an ma e IS way ~ hope left was that Valentine might escape ha.bib of borrowing p9.rched coffee a.nd a. little to a. seat at the back of t he Coroner, "Do you m ean tba.t he did not go b bed bit of tea when ohe ran short; not to say t II d p ursuit.. B Jfi ld 18 Sir Adrian e w nex ca e · a.ti all ?" · "Mother, I have striven to keep this hor· a.nythiug of t he butter, eggs, bread, veget· He was asked to state the circumsmnces "He dicl not t ell me t hat, only tha.t he ror from you ; I have sworn falsely this da.y a.bles and other ti.Iifles whicb. go to make up of Mrs. Ee!fi.~ld's disapptiara.nce from the had fallen a.sleep in his chair." in the hope that my brother's guilt migh~ the ordinary meal. It she offeuded her Abbey. The next witness was Jane Pook, t he remain for ever hidden; but after to-de.v I neighbors they might retaliate o.nd cu t off "I can only tell you t hat we rose .one housemaid, feel that all is over, that the evidence you the source of supplies. But at lcng lih she VETERINARY SURGEON, morning- on the morning of A ugust 20th On being asked if she remembered any· have beard must bring h is g uilt home to yonr yielded , and a clrnm was bought. to find Iler gone." thing particular upon the morning of A ug ust miud as well a.a to the mind of etr angen, In the a.f·tarnoon litt:le Jim wh o had em0 R 0 NO. ON'l'. "D'd h I t ce f tl1e m· nner the twentieth, she described . her entrance 1 s e eave no ra. o ~ only he iH not eo guilty aa he nia.y appea.r- ployed the whole morning in driving the by which she had gone !" into MrB. Bdfield'a bedroom with t he early he was not a deliberate murderer." neighliors, entci-ed the house with his "N Sh I f t letter s···t 1°ng her 1°nten cup of tea., which t hat lady was in the u "" · And t hen he told his mother, briefly, drnm in sections. W hen his mother witnes~· e husband, tion too.leave eher which letter was ha.bit of t aking while her bat h w1 .\a being ed t his stru.nge state of a.ffairs she inquired: TO 1"lllST API'I,Y!YG. wrn1 .;'( LAST. found by a. servant a.ftet my aister -in·law's prepared for her ; and how she had fom1d plainly, unflinohin;,ly, how t he de.ed had "Well, well, Jimmie, you been VVc w ill send b y ma.i] a n a p· " the room empty and the bed undist urbed ; been done ; h ow one moment of p:i.se1on had propria te t-~ ift to (~ ch nrn!clen, doing with your drum ?" . disappearance. h -> made Valantine Bel field a criminal , · a.ud how ·w ife, mother or cook- one 1lo " Can you produce t hat letter?" and how on looking about t e room she h"" . d h"d' hi "Why, mamma," answer ed Jimmie with a family -- who will try the " I cannot. I t is in my , brother's posses· discover ed open letter lving on the floor. he h ad obs tinately Insist~ upon I m~ s a look of wonder in his eyes; "you spoke BREADMAKER'S DAKINC POWD£1l sion." · . · " Did you r ead t hat letter?" crime, and had thus brought upon himself of t he drum corps when th11>t band p.i.ssed C ut the red circle from t he "You and L:i.dy Belfield were both at the "Yes, I was so ta.ken' a.back that I read th e ig nominy of this day's enquiry. here. I took niy drum apart to find t he lab.._.l an d setH\ i t in a letter Abbey a.ti the time of Mrs. B elfield's disap· the letter almost before I knew what I was "How are we to save him, Adrian ?" ask· core." stRting hot1es t opi n ion :il.ft m· fairb·la l. E ithera5, 10or25 " If I h d · · · h b ed L!!.dy B9lfield. " We must save himd Probably his mother did not laugh and doiug. 'd a time to give it a. t oug t, oh, God, to t hink cf my best beloved arraign· per.ra.nce, I under stan · ccr,t size will secure the gi ft. "We wore." I should have been above doing such a kiss her boy when he gave tha.t answer. I Any g r ocer or storekeeper "Do you know nothing as t o t he hour at thin , " · ed for murder, standing in the dock to ank uow.i:I where to gctl tifn.skcd think she did. for by you. -.Acfdrus. ch 'sh e went, or her. mode of leaving t he "g. 'd th" l" · ewer with his life. They would hang him, whl 3 t "k house ?" the l~t.ter?~y ID~ p eou iar ri e. you m Adrian- they would han~ my dar ling- my ,..;;..aB~ OHURCHILL & CO .. TORONTG "Nothing." "It was a. dreadful letter, ielling her idol- the deligh t of my ife. Oh, Adrian, A Considerate Husband. (This Engr;:idnrr r t" p resents !he L u ngs in a healthy staie.) He answered unfalteringly. . H e knew husband that she did not love him, and that you can help me to save him, to get him " l'here ain't any blemishes a.bout this :rm·: RD L ~:D Y l'OR CURJNG t hat in so answering he was guilty of per- she loved somebody else, and was going off away to some safe hiding plaae before the animal ?" a.eked the would be purchaser of jury ; but he k new also that .t he only cha.nee with him. The letter wasn't finished. It police can hunt him down. There are cora cow. Ha.e received her new 1took o1 f . h 1s " b rother was t o rie unblush" ners ofgo the earth where would be safe. I · a11 rig . b· b u t I mus t t eII mg- left off i·n bhe middle of a sentence." would with him, livehe with him, live with " N o, sh e is u ; o Eavmg A ST H MA , CROUP, "As if ehe h ad been)nterrupted while · d . f h you, candid ly, that aometimea she kicks ly. H e wh o loved t i:uth and honour bette1· tlla.u his Own life Was W illing so t.o perJ ' ure wr" it " i ug it?" him anywhere; m the rea.riest spoto ea.rt , h h . b . "lk d ,, . . d "h ALL D ISEASES OF T H E T HROAT , L UNGS AN D 1 among a. people ; happy and full of w en e e is emg m1 e , r ep ie · e owuP ULMO NARY O RGAN& himsr: f 1for the love of his broth er, and of "Yes, ·air ." . a.titude to God only to know that my er of the cow. . the h· ·· ·· ·· broken mother yonder, whose sad "Dld you observe a.n}'.thmg else .unusual t ha.A b ei{ saved from a shameful " That's all right. My wife does the B Y I 'I' ,'5 Ji' A ITU Y UL U S E eyes v·. ,.., watching him. on that p a.rt1cula,r mornmg ?" enqmred the d ea~~s,, e n1ilkin', " CONSUMPTION. HAS BE:EN CURED and "Wi\a Mr. Belfield at t he · Abbey on that san~y;whiskered gent!eman,. upon t he Coro· e~, ' Ve will do all that inaenuity ca.n do, \ Vh cn ot h er Rcmec1i£;> ~ :-~nd P hysici<lns have 0 night?" ner a tntenogatory bemg finished. d th ,, Adr" n wer ed qui "etly fbi!cd t o effect a. cure. H t "No s1r,· ear mo mother er, ans a corner of t he ' . a wor d vo1 "d of sense ; noth" R ecom mended Ly P 11 vs 1 cr A ~ s. l\I INIS'J' ~ll.S , A'f' " · " e was no ?" . noth" xng e1 se, l ea.a t ways- -" hile his satia. back'in C h anoe is mg N u n s &:;, In foe ~ by e very bod y w h o h os J4"iY ~t! J ane Pook faltered, reddened, and looked w . h f h"dde ' h r wh lo fra.m ' e I can exisb without a oause. - [Volta.ire. :..:.,;e~·;t " You are sure o[ tha.t facb? You had and asaortmen t of · ! s· Ad · b f 1 t d s· Ad · er ace I n, e o __ it " goou tr l~I. n lleJJel' fall· to bring rel iel fl b etter re ect senon&y, Ir rian, eore ne~ousy owar s Ir . r1an. , . convulsedbythevi?lenceof her sobs. "In j Various J a.pimese towne building A S AN E XPECT O RA N T IT H A S N O ~O U A I<-. you answer my question." drherhe. tk vas dsomettllung else:,u rs the I a.11 p robability Valentine ha.a left E ngland ' wator works, the Tokio works having prov· n j,R harmle.'!H to the ]}fo~l ])1:liccf..le ChUcl. He suspected an attempb to trap him into sa.n y-w IB ere gen eman n a.b was I . ! d f l ' before now. T he fact that h~ ha.a not writ - Ie so su ccesB u . a fatal admission, and answered delibemto- ·t ,., It contain s no OP I U M in a ny form. ly : I «sir Adrian's bed had not been sle tin. " ten to me m a:y mean that he is on th~ sea ; . Pl:iot ogr?-pher - " Eve~ythiug is ready. l!,)'l'ORE 1-li!e~OJ!.ll Door lVild 01' Wi l.Uaau "I am sure. " "Where had Sir Adrian spent the n'fgat ?" that.he sn~~c~~d the earliest opportumty of Pleas? smile: " Ke,r;it uck1an- " Thank you, l o.te111ler Stall" "That will ·d o, Sir Adrian. Y ou can sit "He must have been all night in the library. , get~mg a w · . Y· . . I I don t .care if I do. · . 1 DAVIS & J ..AWRENCE (Limitca.j, d own." The oil was burnt out in the two 19.mps, and . 'Ihe carnage wu.s m the a.venue !>Y th1s j A? 1mral K rantz, th~ F rench Mm1ater ~f G e».o>'a l , f gentfl , 111.0 NTR 1~4.L . whispered something to t he t he candles on bis d esk were burnt to the time. As the coachman drew up his h orses , Marine, declares he will not ag ree to addi· ·· ' Coroner, and the nex t witness was called. sockets. Sir Adrian often sits up late a.t ! in front of the Abbey, a gig dr ove l iona.l r ed uctionG in t he b udget. - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- 6 L iqnoi' '\2!i H nbU, I'ositlve.!y 'llil John Gre..nge coachmv,n at the Station night, studying." round sweep and palled up m t he j A little . g1r . l , b amg . Or tho (J11reil H t 1 Ch df 'd d "B t d h ft f · f · to 1 roar ofthe thegrav~I · arrmge ask e d to d efi ae a voI· ~ l:#i7 Atl.m;clsteri1>tr Dr. Hannes' ' . o e, a or -roa. . u oes e o on re ram rom gomg i " . answered " It's a. mountain that ! · G old011 Speclflc. "Do you remember anything pBrticnlar bed at all ?" enquired the sandy-whiskered J ~women alight ed from the gig. One of th w' u p fire ! moke ~nd 1· i ver ,, I ' WANTED. Permanent pos1ttons ncan b e glYen In" cup of cotreeor t"" withOUI I h th 19th f A t '--t tl 'th M l tt th d t t' d · ro 8 ' ~ thoknowlo<lge ortM»ersont.'\kl11g it ;wnbso~~~l!'.1 aplJ~~mg u pon e o ugus ...., gen ema;i. , emw"s .e no . e, e .eec 1ve, au .m J . . . · · ! guarnnteed with SAL&.RY AND hDA'lnloM, n n d will <>ftcct o.p0 r;mo.nen t 1>nd ·~ri year? . "No, sir. ' the other Sir Adrum recogm zed a. loca.1 pohce I Duty 1s the power which ris,·i with ue lll , EXPENSl' S PAID Any detcrminod man can "Yes, sir. I remember being c!lolled u1'. "Did y ou ever k now such a thing to occur ·officer. I the mcrning, and goes to r est with . us at i V:ith us. · Peculiar a dvantuges to bell! cases, and !~ e'l'Ury in~iinco n. 6 perfect cure · to take out a fly after eleven o'clock. There s before ?" · He took no not ice of the two men until he n ight. It is co-ex tensive with the Mtion of ( gin!lers. i:lt~ck. complet e, including u1a.n y fast. h as followed. Ll """'"'" fa1ls, T h a yat~m onC111' a comes int o Chadford-road Station at "I can't ca.ll to mind· eir" · selling specia.lties' free. pa.per.) lmpregnP. 1ted with the Specl1lc, It l>ecomcs an"~ . ·. ·· h 'l.d assisted . his mot her into the. house · and our intelligence . · I t is uhe . shadow. which ! .Address at once,Outfit jName tmpons.lbllltf for t he liquor a.ppetite to oxl\t· 11.43, but we don't often get a fare by that 'You mean th at it never did occur before ?·' . p laced her m the car e of her ·, who was cleaves to u s, where we will, and which only I BROW N BRO'J'HEHS. 1 1 1 ~j.c:l} ~fjf(l is'l f)i'~: ~~~~Tu:r!1,..'.~4 i, as it's a slow 'un. I wa.a t o get my · "I think not, ~ir." waiting iu the hall to r eceive h er. Then h e leaves us when we leave the light of life. NURSERYMEN. RocHES'l'ER, N. Y, -~~'.\o.\'V9 inque~t 1kw'4~P "Q;.'iM,~~ATI()NS. I IM~; W i;:nm, ETc., drl~~ tn!i~xf;~:~e\>:i}!~r~v!eih~r !~~1r;erle~l d!nner~, auction~, 0 a.b~u~ T~a "Have you 1.ivcd long at Belfield Abbey?" : went to, the porch, a.nd ccmfronted the "l!'ive years." I detective. · Mr9. Man11oble, th.e housekeeper, w~s u~xt4 ";i: am ~.orry ~o. ap~~ar ~pon an unplell!la.nt l Melnotte. " I called. She w111s very pale, and her eyehds errand, Sir Aa r1an, sa.1c were. swollen with weeping. She ·gave a ; ha.v~ a warrant for your arrest as accesaor_Y vindictive look at Mr. Melnotte, a.s she took! to the murder of Mr11. Helen Balfi ~Id. It 1s the s· a.cred volume in her hand, which .. argued i t oo serious a charge to admit of b11ol l, so I ill for the Cb.rii.tia.u temper of her mind at 1mu>t reque~t yo.u to a.cooropany me t o Chad' thi>.t moment. · . . : · ·' 'i ford wit.bout lose of time." "Do you recognwe a.nytlung u pon that! " You mean to Cha.dford 2oa.l, I suppose!" table?" a@ked the Coroner. Yes. You will be treated with all "~o. sir." . . . ... ....... . . . . ·- . resp~c.t, and accom!I\oda.ted with a priva.te "Look again; if you Tfiere is /room. l must you thir.t· :something there which.· you have seen btfore. may aay--n Perhaps you had betteI put on Y:our specta- j "You may save younelf ths trouble. I cles, and look · at the·· a-· little · cloaer. am notJ going to say anything, except t hat Do you see now what it 1s? . I consider Colonel Deverill has been "It looks rather like a.n old rng." i;:uilty of a.n unventlemanlike action in briog"It. I th" k: h se nth t 1. d . . h t ,, 18 a rug. · m you e a mg a. etectlve mto my ouse a.s my gues · rug before." "Colonel D everill'a position a.& a. father "I can't you ca.11 it tot mind." may excuae· some laxity in a point· of et i· "I feo.r mus. .have a. ha.? memory, qnette. ,, ~--- 4 "A reliable Watch is of more val1. 0 to $inner than tX B ible or an E i·angelist . .. -Exchange. "WATCHES. w<J.rn anythiiig~you MAYNARD; qb~ec~, has the finest stock of Watches in Town. ~ou SICK HEADACHE if JtWHRY AND SllYtRWARf. Q , LOCKS. SPE CT AC LES. ! " i I -- r{EPAIRINC. MAYNAR D, POND LIL l CREAM, °· J. DHN SPENCER, I 0000 PRESEf~TS 0 1188 McTAVISH GOODS, CO NSUMPTION, COUGHS, COLDS, ' nd invites the Ladies of Bow· manville and vicinity to call see her Pattern lr BONNETS, HATS ft I I --- TRIMM INGS I D 1:~~ 1 1 1,"~ ~u · °' N~ KE~lR ; ~' ' ~' ~~ N ESs ~tMelnotte r~pidly ~'~~1j s co. A L E SM E N ~~·:r~gf~e~;~~"h'h~l~()~~~fi:iii~ fi,~~ I I 0 · I ei.{00e~d 6U!, ! , ·

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