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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1888, p. 3

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~~~ ~ml'.:1!¥~1!!!'.~= ~ ~&!iilltiiilit~Mi.MA~.AiJl!AiS!or.llllil~~~-~~!'-~&22~ ~~ aa~!-~-~~ ~&~~~~!!:'8Ll!!!~iDlllll!l!l!I;.~~·~·! · ~WWW!~---~-~·~-~.!!ln~A!l!il!:illll~ ~-lfllr~ ~~ ~~~ of 1t even !ihere. By-and-by my hea.d began I . Bull and. Wolves. t o vvhiz nro~nd j ust like J il!1's ,,.. p, ,,and it A far mer of McKe0 n · C h> p _. ,g.,t4.o,ij. 11ounded 1u d & dozen "strng-' "'ea were . oun",,, . enney1 OU.B. COOKING OLUB. · ·a · va.n1a., had a. r ather unpleasan t an:l dangt!r· :::::=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== ======-=--!\"-rn111 e my ears. d · l H ]for people to ex pect a cure for Indiges- ( _ G I h.y down by the church s t~L1~ . but I · o~a !\ ven . ur<> one m_ormng r ecent Y· e _en_t_i_ c_ m_e_ ·n_'s _ o_ I_ ot_h_ . es Made t o Order. tion, unless t h ey refrain from ea t ing W EDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 1888 I am r.n only dog, !\ p ure.blood d Sh. c ouldn't endure keeping still; P" I got up heard ~ grea t com motion _ In t he barn, where =====-=--=~=- Bernar d, an d I belong to em only !{irl ; be- imd t urned to moet t he ohildr ei· , who were he kop , a young . Holstem bull. T he b ull what is u nwholesome ; but if anyth ing rk~sa us two onlieli bhere's an only boy, J im, coming after m~. By that tim:, nhe trouble was bellowmg as If ln. pain, !\nd n;iw and will sharpen the app etite and give t one j an only h orse, and an only spit eful cat ; yes, had gone down into my legs too. 9,nd they. then came sounds of savage growlw g and t o the digestive orga ns, it is Ayer's Sarthere'e 1>n only mother a,nl a father, and an wobblsd around 80 that 1 conld n't; do any - ~narlmg. . Mr . Mc:~ay, t he f1 \rmer,_thou_ght sapar illa. Thousand s all over t he land 1 ~ ftBUWUR only cook; ~nil we all live in t he only house thing with ttlem. a large dog, b~loD 111~g to one of his neigh· t estify t.o t he m er its of this medicine. on onr r oe.d ; r;n<l beca.u~ thorc was so much A lot of men and boys nea.r the Poat- ?ore, bad ge>t mt o the_ham, 1>nd was worry· Mrs. Sarah B urroughs, of 248 Eigh th "enly" a b.ou t it, th o mother allid ib was t oo Gffice boi;:an to l augh !\t me, a.nd one cried IDP, the bnll, a.nd burned to the spot. street, Sou th Boston, wr ites; " My lms· O.a opening t he b~rn d ?. or,_ he was astoni_id· tenely foe Miu j.,rie,'ao ehe let h~r get up the out , "M.a.d dog !"Then sorrebocly eMe said , i ret a n.t only " cooking clnb" m our . p lace. , R un for y our livel!I I-mad dog ! mad dog !" ~d to R ell a ~arge w?lf, wit~ i ts fang s buried band h as taken Ayer's Sar saparilla, for T ba.t Is how the misera.ble thing got s~artI didn't eee any such animal a bout, but I m t he bulls nostrils, wh1)e another . wol~, An d~with its advent Dyspepsh~ an d . torpid liver, and has ad ; arid tl::e ·. >ther day I heard th e only 'didn't want to meet him a ny wore than nearly M large, WM t en.r1 .ng the o.m_ ma._ ls been gr eat ly benefit ed ." · fr.ther 11ay t haa he "hoped all little girls they, so I t ried t'() run too, but I ~oa.roely ~a.nks, The! ul~ wa~ rm~~mg about .m 1~s I would .co()king olnba, it Yr&S auob oculd, on acc ount of my feet a otillg ~o odd· m~loaure, be!lowmg m p a.m , 11.n d ti·y mg in a good idea.." But, yon ~ec, h o doesn't; b'"· ly o.nd my head grew wor se a.nd worse. vam to shake the wolf loose ~rom hfa u~rne, ) Jon g t o it ; J im doeen't either, and he's m&d ' _ . although he d!\shed t he tenacrnus beast tune C. Cantci:bury, o! 141 Franklin st ., has opened. out a fine new s tock .~ I be-0l!>u~e he'l! kept out . Th~.t made him the After a while I found l1 w&a I 110Y were and & gainst t he eille of tba barn. B oston, Mass., w ri tes , that, su ffering II m<:m1 W"illin~ i o write !'his for mll--" from shou.t i:og about, and t·hat ~om~ men w ore T he door to t he incloau re opeMd on a for years from I ndigestion, h e was a t -of-dict ation," he gaya. oh:uii~g me with atones. Cha.smg me, D.i.n amaH barDy ard, anl when th11 farmer recovl ast induced t o try Ayer's Sa rsaparilla l do t he d icfation, a.nd he doea the other Driggms, wh:o cor.i imven hu~dred dollars ered from his surpri·e, · he flung the d oor ·a nd, by i ts u se, was en tirely cu red . pu t: and ih mn1t hurt him,. for he mak<:s ~w- when I was bo?gh~ for MMJ< >rie ! T hey open, and, without a thought of the peril he Mrs. J oseph A ubin , of High street, ful face~, and k eeps his to.n gue rolling around m!lde an ch e:. norne it B o&red me nearly to might plu.ce himself in, sprang to the ai<l of ()Utcide his mou~h fe11.r fnl, and bis fingers are, ti.nd when I tried ~o get t·~ the rent of t he bull. The bull a m ah for the open H olyoke , Mass., suffered for over a year I . blacker thu.n mud. It'a the ink, I &uppose, the club thev w ere frighten~d too, and door , bu t a. gu_ s tof wind blew H shut before] from D yspepsia, so that sh e could not and a lovely stock of l!.nd I'm ths.nlr.ful M11.rjorie didn't teach ine sca.rnpere~ 11.way f~om · me _ a u . ast as they bo could pass out into t h e yar d. eat subst a ntial food, became very weak, t e write. She ha.a nearly everything else, could. 'I be four .little white ca ps bobbed Farmer McK ay ·seized the wolf that was a nd was unable to care for her family, 1 fxo m " dying dead" to oar ryin1t her bo9ka to "l' and d~ wn, m sb mg.ahead, and I stagll'ered fabt ened to ·the b uWs nose, aud it ll\t once Neither t he mediciues p rescribed by zchool ~11 · growmg more blind every step i but I reltlaaed it s hold; and turned upon t be far mphysicians, n or a ny. of the remedies T her e are four in the club besides me. finally reached the la.wn, and dropped down or, ll.nd a ttempt ed to get at his throat. The advertised for the cure of D yspepsia, PURESiiG ST !N' O li'JCimT~ (; !£SVo 1'1111. 'an " 'honorary," and ," don't oounb," on t he g ra.11a. . _ other wolf was still. tf.:iring at t he bull. Ladi es in wnnt of a choice of fine CONT AINS N O Mr. McKay, atruggii11g with t he infuriat helped h er , until she commenced t he Ha.rriet says ; bu t I've decided tb11.b is a mi a- T he peopl.e k eptJ h all?omg as if they were ancy Dry Goods, please give me F ALUM, AMMON i /~. Li ME, PHOSPHATES, ' mootin~, 11.tJ Dr. P ep- c:~·~' but I wae t oo sick ~?pay, any heed cd an imal t hat had turned from tlie bull to bake-since oux use of A yer's Sar saparilla . " Three onmy iniu,.fous l11atertals. · ain'M, till [ h~ard ~ man say, . H ero 8 a gu_n,; him, b~cked to the door, puahed it open, bottles of this medicine," she writes; a call. I have them. in endless TORONTO, ONT. T he Doct9r wa1 av1ay that dny, and shoot 1m quiok before he bites somebody. r.nd into t he }'I Hd, quickly followed " ·cured me." E. W. Glll.ET"f, 1; · OHICAGO, ILL. vaiiety at store, opposite S. A. kli.el'e isn't any mother a·b his h ouse, aI! d the . I tried to get up.and show them I wa.s all by t he bull and the other wolf. Blood w~.s Ka~'f'r of the C ELE!ll:!AT:!:D tO?AL ?llACr c.auo. k itchen woman d idn't!\pprcve of the "club," righ~, but I couldn t, a.nd I thought I should pouring from t he bull's nose, and from Barracks. eo she took an " t\ fternoon ou t ," and lef t the be killed. numerous wounds on the fla:nk neck and P REPAR ED BY gilb t o " clean up their own messes." _ Just then a. horse and gi~ "?11 me tea.ring · side, where the wolves had tor~ t he fle11h M EA OI -IAM. ~ The rule ill t o make four new t hing11 at mto t b.e yard, and Dr. P epsm J umped out. with their loDg sha.rp t eeth Dr. J , C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bowmanvill,e , Ma.rch 13, l i88. · 11' every meeting, one for each gir l. Min jorie "What does all t his tnea.n ?" he asked, Once in t ho ; u.rd t he buli seemed to g&in Price $1; s ix bott les, $ 5. Wo1·1h $5 a bot tlo. IW-d off the list: breaded cutlets, stiewed " Why that dog of t he J udge's has gone couraae and overc~rrie t he panic and helpIf y are languid a nd weak , a nd your appe· pot...toea, a~par:i.gua on toast, and "pop- m~d. We've co~nered him he~e, .and a.r e leas t:'r ; or into ·which it had been thrown \te poor . onre" for desaer·t . T hey 'te alw11ya a.s gomg t~. uhoot him. He hasn t hur t any ' by the combined a tt·ack of the wolvee in the My Beef, b:on and W ine is the tonic. be sure. happy a.11 bil'<le, b ut thi s t ime they were .0 n~.rot. · , smt\ll incloaur e, and, turning on it s t or mentAs an invigora ting tonic it i s recognised lly bappier . T her e't eo soul in the house . No, nor over will. H e 8 not half 11 ~ or caught t he wolf on ita horns, an.d flung the Medical profession as the best ~tr1i11gthan Clear out t he lot of yon I it violently 11o~a.inst t he barn. The wolf in ~ ~!Jdicine thus far produced. ' It ls l11valu,. t o bother them, a nd they meant t o mad aa yo u are. l~ut they muttered and hung ar ound, fell stunned to tJ1e ground, and · btifor e it blet Ji a blo<Jd a nd muscle umker. evpeolally such a. nioe supper ready when the Deet er To buy F oot Gear for Men, Women, in tlios0 caaes where weaknees is the roealt o f on,mci home. Marjorie had t he cutlets to w~~le the D ooboi· and st<.iod over me. could r ecover, the bull ripped it open with imperfect or insufficient food, or wasting 0 B oye an d M aid ens, at r follow, what has ha:rpened to ita horns, and tossed the body out of .the fevers or excesses or any sor t . It contains tho pr epm e, Helen Gra.y t he aspar agus, Laura nutriment or Btief, l·he stimulant propertieM or R eed the poh\to~, a.n.d Harr iet the " pop- ~11 ? · . ya rd. Wine and the tonic pow ers of Iron, and is ad· onra." _ I ope!1ed my eyes and looked at hun g rate· Thia had occupied but a minute, b ub dur. mirably calculated to buihl up thA ecnll.tlia.ted Mar jorie prepared her cutletil " ~xactly fu~ly ; it was all I ha.d atr engt h t o <lo. ing that short time, Far mer MoK11y had fystem, Sold in Bowmanville by H igginboth· like direct ions," bu t t hey didn' t a.ct like Then he stood up a.nd told the paople to h ad a desperate st.m ggle in d cfendiog h imam Bros. 0 000· :Sridget 's ; they st nck to t he pun, 1md b urn t · ,. self against the ot her wolf, a nd preventing llolld emoked llorridly. Ll.\ura t hought there . The ?0 ble fello w UJ sick, bu_t I Jl ansyrer it from getting at h ia tbroa.t. Hill olotl-iing 18 should bee n some grease in t l!.e p:m for at he n_ot ~angc~oua. He ia my P~,tient waa nea rly 1111 torn from him , and he had fireil to fry them with, b u t the mot her a.1 our now. H!Ynet · MarJorle ! c 0 '?1° here. been severely bitten about th e arms and Ma n ufa cturere of hou e had Citu tioned t hem not to get thing!$ All soon as t hey hear d his voice they k new shoulders. · too rich, 80 they d idn't uae any, were _ s aie, 11ond came out of t ile ,hons~. He had no weapon of uny k ind, but he ..l ~ , \Vell, t hey fussed a.nd puck ered around, " . Now I want t~ kno'!I" w~at you ve given . a t last succeeded in getting bo~h h:m_ds on a.nd the more they worked the mor~ t h£J ubls poor ore·~t~re - Quick. the wolf's thr oat, and .clut ched 1t so tightly ArtUic~ al t hings wen t crooked , till tbey were all friz . "\Yhy, ~.othmg, papa., only what we had t ho.t the animal was forced to r elease its zled and scorched, an.d Harriet t hey fo~,clu~ner. . . hold ou the farmer, and strnggled t o free A l:~c1 I0n~: stm1y. I W Jm..:R1nbs, AHRMr'!.' rnyre;nodyto might a.a well give t h at dbh up! for she knew Did.vol£ e~t that ~ou~ochon_ yo~,ho.dfor itself from h is choking grasp. The st ruggle ~J'? 0 \'\' Ol~Ht cn.~1e,9. !)(~ca.use other s have And Appliancco for a ll De- ha fat her never would t<mch it, he was so da~~rt? an<;I d id you gi-ve it to ~:un was a fierce one, and Mr . M cK ay a t fost :Ldfod t.s n o r e nson f, 1, l: ?.to t HOW rec:eiYln v a. our J., Onr New Stock has a rrived, and com· formities oft.he Human Body can;ful abou t his food. ilJt 1Jn c3 ! 0 -r· a FR 1r. ~ "f~;y.:..":~:.r.:!; W e tried, und I supposehurled the wolf w ith a.11 his str ength against D~nd prisce som eth ing neat aild pretty for -Spinal Diseases, Hip J oint c:~ ill'": I l lfll'_ AI"JL! IlLE ltn:MEDY. (}iya J::.-:~1~'·et?.'1 3 M.i!>r jorle called , " Dan I Dlln I" 11>nd I '. '. I t wa o~ly pop-c-ver s. " . the atone wall surrounding thl!I ;yard. Disease. Diseases ot the ~,71(]. '.t'cs t OrD,ce~ I t c:!o~;ts y ou :.rtothin.:-; '!."::' D.t Ladies, Good a nd Service11ble for M ea W ell, it 8 nearly popped hii;n over for The t enacity of the desperat e o.nimal was ;r.'1!.1, ,,-:ml. lt. will C'.!l'C ;vo:i;. AdC:.sor.:l ·· K nee a nd Ankle. K nock crawled from u nder t he <'reab table an d & nd B oys, and B oots tha.t R Boots for Knee, Bow J.,ege, Club ]; , eet, followed her oub-of-doora. She put t he bot good ; what _bet:ween that , m~n .~ gun Rn~ such t hab ib struggled t o its feet, and would :. \ ·, IT, Ch ROOT, 3'1 Y.onge St,, Turo:ito, Om. every member of the hou11ehold. Etc. pu down on t he grass, and a fter it had your genernsit y'. if he doesn t die its lucky. have renewed t he ba.ttle a.t onc6', but at t hat ;{f;~~~~mt\U~~'lR .ALSO CUUTUHES. cooled somewhat I ate the st-ill!. It was Poor litble m&e~reas wa.a down on the mement th e hull had just vanquished tho hard work, much as I love mea.t ; but then ground by tha.t tune, orymg ov~r me and first wolf, and, with a furious bellow, TRUNKS, 1 ' A.USES, .t;,SA.Tt:ID!l.S, IN S'IOOK. begging my par don, but 1'er grief w c.s cu t plunged forwar d and oaught the aecond I had t o help them out. ~ im calls me a." t ra velling w!l.Bte bar rel," short. · wolf on one horn, which it thrust ite entire . ~Ordered Work n.nd Repai ring a.nd says I'm only to t he clu.b for "No time for nonsense now ' The Doc· length in t he wolf's aide, and, wi th a. quick Specialty, s s us ual. pr11. c tlca.l purpoaes. tor ~ut her a way, and poured some n~st;)". movement of the hea.d , disembowelled the t D. DAVIS. J,aura r an out to ~ee me ea.b, a.nd then we stuff down m,y th_roat, a.n d foi· a while I t he impaled animal, and tossed i t h igh in h!\d a t umble on t he gril'.ss ; :i; knew she though* h e had fimshed me, after _ all. It the . VETERINARY SURGEON. ought to t1e in the kit.chen, but I wa.s gl11od, was horrible. Af te1w.a.rd I got better, and all the, to romp with her, she's suob. a. !was 80 thankful to him I A erial :B11ittles, jolly one, and tells me ao of t en that I'm a. When I coul d drag. myself a.. few s teps Doubtleae t he p rogreali in aerostat ics SU I'(· Savin~s oplend id fellow ! We were having a good he m:lde a be~ f?r me m the ca.rriage·h0 ?86· geuted t o.Tennyson t he1 ' propbecy,[in" L ockaJ>a1cl u 11 Capital, time, when t he other cooks begim s hrieking, a.nd t old Mir.rJorle I was to s_tav the~e t ill I aley H all," of a.erial no.vies batt ling among $ 30 1).(1(>0 nest, $ 7 (), ()()(), " L aura I Laura ! come quick your pot a- was w~ll. I was W?rth ~avmg, which ho the clou ds, though the conflict of birds in :lg Ca nada's Favorite Br ead-m aker. toes have boilecl over o.nd a.r e it.11 bnrniDg couldn t say of a.1! h is pat ien t s. . mid a ir may ha ve colored t he though t. ! O -,ears in the 1nar kct 'i7ithont a. co:m--o-" Al!d n ow, " aaid he, when I bad tr_ 1ed t o Not l ong ago the people of a. G or man vil np !' ~;';~ ~:ta~f~~~c0!~ri ~~~;rw .!',!d~ 1 beg to notify the pub-·c that. am rer, eiving t la n,~tnral, a._nd show the clu b I bor~ !age were a~tonished to 6ee a flock of eagles ~=:~~~ We just flew back t o that kite;ben, a.nd, act.a ht_ so ur, un w hok~some ln·e!!.d. deposits for this co1.r')an:v. a nd nlln wi ng a 18 one thin11 you must fiyiug rapiclly tows.rd the mountains, par · sure euough, tbe milk had run ou ll of tba pan no ill· will, ., there A 11 Gro~en · e ll f t . hi:lber rate o · i n t.c r est t lrn.n the ""'nka· . (;i LL!.'T'l', M'f'r. 'l'orc;;tQ, Ont I! Ch!oigo, m, No N OTICE o~· \ YrTHDRAWAL REQUIRE D. upoD t he utove, aud the conten ts had "stuck' ' rem~mhe~. ,· . sued by 11 finck of 8tr,rks. '.l'hey wa tched I. W wor~e t han the cutlets did. . Hm v oice was st ern, and not a oit like until t hey BL\W th e storks ow r take tf.e eag les I am also µre pared t o iirau t : when such a fierce ba ttle followed bet·· eeu " Oh, wha.~ sh B>ll I do ! t hey are so bi t · its~lf. , Loans on. REAL E V.1\~ TE t er and spoiled I it won' t be any ki nd of a . Don ~ you ~ver oat!' t manufootur · pur sued and pureu~rs, tha t many de:i.d st orks TORONTO STEAM LAUNDRY. 0 <:,po supper without ubem I I'm so sorry !" She ed In thrn ~oc:iety un~ll rnme woman ,has and d.e!ild tiaglcs fell to t he eu.r th. A writer '0 1 06 Yori< P!lt. Toro1ue. on favora '>le terms. OJ<' FlCE : . began t o ory ; bu t Helen just lifted the seen M d pronounced it goo~ ; and don U:- deacribee an aerial fight which he n.· W beSHIRTS, COLLARS A ND cu-a ~moking dish and carried It out, then ii iked unless you, want to ,lose him- ever agam bween ;:i, hawk and 1~ cat : At :Mc Mur try's Dry Goods Store , t t b 011 b 60 di h fP1 a specila1t:r. Out of towa wor-.. Ha1·rlct for a clot h and basin to wash off r~a. your ?rnry mem er s ono: · In front of my cabin, a b M!l.rble G ..p , on lLJ promptly attand·d to and returHd. W. F . A.l... i1... ~N. Gradua.te or the Ont&rio Vet.erlnary College, t he stove. That girl 11lwa.ya goea abont as a b_ y as t o use _him for a. waate· barrel. It is a. high mountain side of the Cheoah range, per lnstr uotlons, Ilowmanville , Oct. 11, l !lf8, 4.2-3rn Register ed member of the Ontar io Vot1;rlnarr quiettily as !lo mouse, o.nd I've heard the a m~rvel, to science th~t he has gone t hI'OUJ h are some t all ~rees _ w it h t hick ei~erers of G~ P. SH.A.RPEJ, Propriet or. M ediC;ll.l Aesociat1on, otbera eay, " H urry up , H elen ; don't lm a. Y"lll~er a c_ ampalgn with 7ou and come out u nder grow t h, 1:1 w!u eh an ol1i h rmd lu C.\~ llt1xt door t o Palmar houso. H~d to Unlon S"Ofilce and Re&idenco. Newtoll'vllle, Ont. nc.kt.s h er hs.bu a.t 1o r., "'...d "' hem ·hlo h 1i & \ !2,epot. Y W ill visit Orono every ·ruesday andlSa.turday so s!ow !" b ut :Jhe never ~polls e.nything, alive ' but it W&s ~ ~ari: ow shave, so let 1 there be no more of it. raised a. fo:nily of k ir.1e r:s. Y ns terd <i.y- three· 11 "3!!!!~ "~""~ "~ · ==============~ OllJ.c.e bours fr m 10 8.. m., to ~ v- m., a t and ia generally rea.dy to help t hem. "Oh, foolish L:.u::a girl, crying for pota 1 hllre never h a,s been. large ha.wks w ere hC~t> fl t ir:g o vn ~he tl'ee~, Coult.ere' Hotel Calle by Telegraph recein ' imi: ediine 1 tttention. t oes 1" she, in t he drollest way. We * NoTn BY THE DoCToR.- J im "gave, evidently looking for vroy. O F CAN A DA. all l!\ugbed , ai:d Harriet jclned in m:.king oub" on the firnt page of tbia MS., but for l P reoently one wa_ s eeen t? d sudd enly CHA:f e ms M ODER..:.\TE. Ctt p U 11l JUL1'.I u p, l!ll.ti11lll.1108, D:c 1& . lllll!OOJ,OO b&r happy agam. the benefit of other clubs I have completed ; to the ground, seize a ki tten, an d · ma ke It never WI\· Intend e el, so far iia I CM \ l e llrn . ._ ,.,_ That men or womeu '"'"re i11 tended to " I t doe11n't ma·tter a bit , now the out. hie task. hast e for her nest in t he top of a tall poµlar. T u i,, Ba nk ill propai:ed to do L egi tl· be b al d; . let s are gone. W ho'd want p()t a toes alone ? The crying of the k itten in its rer ial flight I think you wlll believe me, Indeed I'm 8'131'16 .tu·te B a n k ing l u all 1trs briinch e11. There's pbnty of bre!ld and bu t ter downwas distressing &ml pit iful, a nd t he mother , y o u w ill, ' ~EXT: OF~ ·· 1'\·rmerm n otea d !sco un t ed ; D e polllit s stair.~ , nnd I'll open a box of sardine&. W ith The Undis covered Uount ry. now frantic with grief, watched t he hawk IC a t tho "· "Vorks" you have called . receincl. and Interest p aid on 11mou n t11 · of the 11sp~ragus aµd lov'ely 'pop -overs,' we A t rut;h w hich ia worth r amembciring , in wit h a vigilance· t hat only an angry cat could Is oue thing Nat ure thiulrn orlet us 'f here , ·WILD -~l ll5 u p wa rdfl In S a vings Ban k D epii.l't JRent; ~hi>ll d o nicely." this p ushing a ge of invention, is that the eommand, t.hank her to.~· a ll 'Ille canShe takes var ticu!iJ.1· trou llle w .i th 0 111· ra <' ..s ; So they atood a bout to wo.tch Helen dish ninteenth centu ry bas not pulled aside, When the hawk went t o its nest with a. DU A &F'l.l'~ 9Cl\Uty growtll or h tLir; tho !!ray up her r.sparagus, which . was one t hiug even ever so little, bhe cur t ain that hides fc< ·for her young, t he co.t imme<lfately She :r.·.nowa" and whitea inll locku, [saned and Oollection11 ma d e Jn :Eur o pe "juzt n gh c, " they deelar ed ; and after it from us t he inviail::le world. In oJl s nob ra.n up the tree, which_was fuliy forty foe t ·w m detr act troru.t he bes.ut.y o! the face. Un ited Stat es a nd Cana da. ' CU RE.S was pu t in t he tin even to keep wa.r m, t hey attempts it is just as much baffled as w&s to the first lim?, and, m her dee.per~te rage, has her laws tiO strict lhllt yo11 all went out for some fun whilo the dessert the darkest and. most stupid cent ury of t he sprang at the nawk, when a. fearful fight But N&ture W . J ··TONES, mus t, never err, was bak inv. Midd le Ages. W e have never p ushed t he ensued, dur ing which the cat , hawk, ki tten For you'd surely 1 my the 11 enalty at, .ig·n By-a nd-by H ar riet's father to the "gates &.jar," except in a. novel, and it is and y oung ha.wks wer e p r ecipit ated t o Sustain it. that bounteous head of hair hole.ra.Mo...r:ii~ Dr. Dorenwond·eHair Mi<g lo's un~urpaaeoti, door a.nd found me , and I suppose I only 11o novelist who has -attempted to go tLe ground, figh t ing and equalling as they k itchen 0 ,.. Jul!lt try it vou afflicted, you never w ill regret musb have looked a.a for lorn as I felt. He " beyond the ge.tes," or "the gat es be- fell. 'l'he Ma l(ic wall never yet known to fail ; sa.t down m.1 the step a nd t alked to me. t ween," or to fling the gate of the future T he sudden contact wi th t he earth caused the good tbat it w ill do you will malt· c Jn tlnuea to do a General Banking llua:lne111 "Poor fe llow J b& ve t hey aet you to swal- wide open. " " Spiritualism is a fra ud each to br eak its hold, when the hawk flew And yon soon fol'i;:et Bo wmanvilh1 Jlranch. low t hat dose? Woll, you needn't." an d a vulgar fraud a t that." E very second up, only to be shot down bv a guard on post The expendit ure a bottle will entail. DE l"O ~l 'l!' S H e t ook up t he pan, and aaw the two some one enters the w orld of shadows, but n_ea.r ~y, t h_ e old cat being mfotreaa of tho This n ow famom1 prepuation for i nv. i ground places .vh ioh had been burned tn his since.the stone was rolled away from Joseph's s1tus t1on, wit h a badly lacerated a.nd brok en.~eoeivcd In Sa vings Bzmk Dopa.rt.ment lfoad gmss. new tomb, no onf, h11a come back t-0 ue legged kitt en! and the_yo\llll? h i· ,wks on which or a.ting end sti mulMin g the gr owth of the 'all 11.nd intereat allowe d a t on rren t rl\t es, No hair is u n iversally ·a ccept ed M t he m ost ;ot lce of w i tlHlru.wal n eoee~ary . All dil;ioslh "Whew !" said he\; "I must teach t hose from t he world of ah~dows. Ingersoll oan to feast her h ttle family. valuable> s pecific 011 the market . All , ayablo on demand, midgets bel;ter than thllt . Now run to the see no further into the twiligh t than Cic · · diseases of t he ccalp eithe r relie ved or Ca.rried Off by a.n Eagle. .EXCJHA.NGE children, Da.n, and I'll take .car e of this er o ; both are hopeles· and helpless at t he AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAIMTS A r ich and rapid Sought a n d eold a nd Dr&tta i01uod nµon E urope at uff.' I was gl~d enough t o go. . grave~ of their loved_ ones. . N o E dison, The baby of F!\rmer William B eattie, who pe r man ently curad. ~N~$LUXE.S OF' TH E: B OW E.LS Soon we went m to set t \.le t able, and i t even m these busy, mvent 1ve days, has i lives on the Cimmarron R iver K a.n was car g r owth of hair will· follo w after j ud icious Jnited Sta t es & n d C1mada, also Gold,Silver a a all looked very n ice. T he desserb had been .found a telephone which can stret ch its _wire ; ried off by a.n eag le on Sa.ti~rday.' ' Beat t ie and regu lar treatment. It r emains with Jn it ed Sta te~ Green hack:u bou rcht a nd it old , IT lS SAFE AND R ~L I ABL E FOR take,~ out of the oven, and aeem_ e d_ a succeas ; acro~e a gr~ve, No Erice~on ha.a . hml t a went to work in the morning, leaying in h!s t ho user a lon e t o secu re the desired CHILDREN OR A DULTS. i.JO J~ 1.i ~l 'V'I' .HPN~ ~nt ,, tJ;ie proof of _ t he pucldlng_ lB m t he e1'1- monitor wh ich can pu~h im wa~ m to t he digout bis t wo children, one five year s old results. Dt'. Dor en wen d's " Hair Magi.o" mg , J 1 _ m says. It was tha~ time, I know. unknow-'?' seas of etermty Why 1s the fu- and a baby aged t wo months. A.b ou t ll' Oon iG sold by all d r nggistl1 at $ 1 por bottle, l:'r omptl:r made at current ra t es up<1 n &11 par The httle round yello~ thmge looked very tu re so r a loualy guarded? Why not B eat tie ret urned home, and found his girl in or six bot t les for $5. If not obtainable ,f !h eat Bl'ittain, the Un ited Sta.tee aLJld Do -n. tn ion or da, fat a.t first ; but by the t une the folks wer e ~he pry mg eyes of to-day allowed t o peer t She sai d she had taken t he baby into ready to ea.t them they bad all eolemne.d m to to- morr ow ? P erhaps, t o keep man the yFird and lef t it while she went Into t ho in y o ur loc.i,li ty 1:1end dir ect t o the w1'1 ·rel er.;raph 'l'.r aiuf'ers down to "look pre1ty glum," the D octor re- humble and reverent, . waitin g i.nd watch· house In a few minu tes she hei>.rd a crv manufac turer, enclosing price . A. DonNWllN D, P a r is H air Works, 103 and 105 Mi.a.a tor la rge or email uum11 on all par ts or maxked. He "".asn' t g?lng to take auy, ~iJJ. in~, expectant a nd ~opeful, bnt unsa.tiefied an d i~ looking out 3 s.w the " , t F 1 b J Canada. 'l'hi1 11 especially adYa nt1<1leous to Y cmge S t . , T oron ~e _ glanced a.t his ch~~d s fa~e, a.u d som.e1lbrng wit h t he prese ut: ] or these reasons ~e awi1y, " as she ox pr essed it. o. nr au. e Y · · pel:sOn· llvin11: in Manttoba. or the N ··h ~eltm11oke1 the tundo n.vailablo 11.t oa~~'"ii"'t6:e 11! it I?ade him a11.y,, Yes, but, luckily .ol.' c.:!1.n , un_dcra:-a nd 1 ::i part,. ~~ l eMt, why, Ill fhe fat her k new at ouoe tha t an eagle h a.d· Higginb o tham & Son , and all druggist hui;, Just at t hat mmute he was called, at.Cl Gou a mfim t e w isdom, ,,it dot h no o yet viaited bis h ome, aud summoned his neigh - - -------------- - -- -· j ola ce ot payment, hau to l_oave the tabl e. "ppear what we shall be. · bors to the wooded bn.nk2 nf the river, for 1·1~ a!~~~nrther p.i.rticulara Cl.Ill a t th e Bankln ----------~----... which tho eagle had made. In about a n h our I noticed a goo~ many queer face11 wer e made when_ th~ g_ 1 r ls had helped themsel.ves; Ooincidence. the sound of a shot summoned t he sear ched T. RODIE, GEO. McGILL. I 1 Accountant. Manager they d1dn t Bi t much longer at t he tanle; together. One of t he men ha.d found t he BOWlUA.NI VILLE , Ont. and -ll' and w~en they clea;r~ a.way , th~T brought F ond Mot My dear, are you feeling ea gle, and was engaged i n a d eadly conflict me a. d1shful of t he_ 1r pop -overs. · 1;· any bet tor ? "' itb it. H e had empt~ed bis gu u at the big ESTABLI SHE °n, 1857. Dolly- I dunn o ; am the j eil a ll gone? bird and broken a wmg and was uaing his I looked at my h ttle mistress !\S p Mfully ;:' I c~uld, but sh~ wouldn't understand. F ond Mother- Yea, my dear . gun aa a d ub when rei~forcemcnts arrived. ALL KIND S O. F ~at i b, good dog, s.h? commanded, ll.n dDolly- Well, I guess I IMU well enough t o T fluttered in to t he bcah , and t here I did ! If I had not, t his t ale would never ge~ U,P now. the fat her saw the infant dead, t he body hor - 1 1 ha;e ~~6 i-~1g·th t . f th . t f ribiy lacerated and part of it gone. J qm e 1 e o as;;o o · e mix urc, or I f th t t bl" 1 d f ti 1 t ·-··- · .._ ____:,__ _ _ _ _ it wan sw<:>tit, and I love sug?l.r , · but It had e ex r ac s p u is 1e rorr. HJ a ,e -" i k ' d ' t She W ~nted t o Be on the Sa fie S1 ' de. a wrotohod way of sta,y·lug · in my mouth, E . mperor F . .reuer c " 11 mry ar e no o,poct y· .. and iit iok ing to my t.tieth, and fooling queer in ph~l, they mu&t h ave t he eft't.>c t of consi<le1·· " Be my wife," he implored, " be my wifo, ~' \ft(!r spending much t irue llnd money, .1 a.DA -""" ';>' my t hro;;i.t; but by uzing my paws t o pok o i t c.bly modifying 1Jhe wor ld's opinion of Bia· my adored one. See l I have had my life in I 1ow d one in t he latest s tyles and matorials. 1 irepared to tnl all ordorn promptly. I ·""'"" around, and my tong ue i>-s J im does when Inlilrck. Jt hM alway~ been cupposed that sured for $10, 000 in you r favor," and he \ :ave a fine assortment ot W A VE~. BANGS, he write~, I got through a.t , ;'and joined to t he German Uhanceilor belougec ib11 fl1.urished the policy in t he air. ·ry oheap. I SW I'.fCHES, COMBS and PINS 'VE t he club on t he lawn. credit of promo bing the id ea of the unitloa.She :pondered a. momen t , and th!ln, rais E A NQ-S FRO :tv.t: $2 UP!· SCOTC H, ENGLISH, GERM AN AND ' W b · f t tion of the .!!;mpire, whereas it ap pears a c in g her h\rge and lus tr ous or bs to his, she J .Jld Switches colored and made t.o look 1 e were avm g a. 1ove.y game o ag, E , d. t l t h 1 3 - B-YN E W B RUNSW ICK tary la c - : I new. H igh es t price paid for long cut hair, 1 when all at once I felt oomething strange in cording to tho ate mp eror my inside. Sometimes I have swallowed WM r eluctant ly for ced into giving u p his " Before I give yQu an answer., I would I ml!AIR Torwi c r~ ORR&Sg l!.HT~ M ~ H!~ benes wi thout cr:tcking, bm it wasn' t that h ostility t o the proposed o4i·ilge. It is no like to k now tbe en.ct state ot your health." i Warrant ed t o prev.ent the P, from falling L 0'° 1 c.m'tully pr epjj,rect ~o atten<l ll'n:1llell'als on nl a 1. I'll fiYg [J~ \) J kinu of a foel ; it W i\l:! heav ier, and gummy· won der that so much fu3jj was ·n ade by the I th1~ ohorteat notice, at the lowe~· po8&i ole r a tes om and will make it grow. " r , lik e, a.nd more ; and it made me ~ ennau pCl.rt_Y in power about the the more prominentwa.t ering places II ~I ha ve also a fine lot or new Stam ping I a11skets a nd Bur ialCases r eadY on ahol't notice IN S T OCK. lie down q uick. I r olled over, and t he more aion of t.he d.rn.r y, as t b.ey ha~ no d?uht a in the United St1J.tes may be mentloned Sa.n·· Pa.ltllrns. A. .11 orderll promptly attended to. Fil" h ea r se on ver y modera t e t onne. ·· , I tried to get aw11.y from t he q ueer m ss, the shrewd euep1010n as t o the na.ure ot :t s con- t oga, Newport, .At la.ntic City and J ay { "1'1.. l' -.· .... Bhr oudeand Cofilneconatan.t'y on hanfl., FunCall and see ou r d es ign s r.n d get- our j deeper in me it went, till I firmlly ra,n off t ents. .,1.. , ;J ~ ...: ' · · ,. f..._ ' · e't'al ca rds su·vplied a 't once . lfnrnitnre SJ.op [& Gould's office. J .t7 Neads Block, Bowmanvllle. 8 i,ow 'R ooms-Bon noall'eNew Block. e£timates be fore p u1·ch asing ,l up ·ohe villl>ge s trce~ ; but I didn't get cleal' I ...,. . J. ' ' ~u\t d ·~ Wll'fl ~n Jl · $t,4lt,C~tlUUl + ·y o UNG F'OLKS I j It · IS Absurd R. PEA TE , TailoP, ··-SP R I N-G_ ! \W ~ J!h1'\-l J1 1~ ~~ i · --o -- A .Confi rmed Dyspeptic. R S .IV .Plushes'! * s l !Lace s,! E m b r oideries, j . I lADlfS' rIN t U NUfRWEAR. !1 Ayer's Sarsaparilla, MRS. IVES BEEF, IR.ON AND WINE. 1:? A1 UTHORS A r UOX, go,? th?r _IJA V IS' EMPORIUM! nnRussus Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe 117 CHURCH S T., TO R ONTO, ONT. ~~~Jt;glf We We ROY AL· Y EAST The Ontario Loan and Co. CD $ .$ n .-.- ANOTHER wmmER. STArfDA.R D BA NK DR._ FOWLE.R S T RAWB E RRY HOLER¥\" · O L I C_...e.\\. RAMPS THE O NTARIO BANK ri1IARRHCEA l!JYSEN TERY B O U N SA LL'S Granite Works, Marble and fly ing .. GooAs U Fine Ha L ADIES, WOR -K . , ! I Patron ize H am e I I likol : uNDER" TA K IN C . L EVI GRA M n u l u n .. TT\ ( ! A DAV"I 8 l ChUdr~n Cry for Pit ob9. r,iit ~>-:i ~~f.'..~-fli:ffiiJ

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