I Call on H. ~~~.~.':""""·"""~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Decided bargains in Overooats. Prices lowered from 15 to 25 per cent. , Circulation thiB week, 2,4'00. Ellison & Co. EUIHon & Oo. Thanksgiving Day i11 Nov. 15th. Rain ha11been 11 ufficiently "bundant this Grey Flannels at temptinq prices. Murdoch Bros. are buying barley. in Fall to satisfy all. Elli11on & Co. The clearing aale will last the 8ea11on. Customer. will wonder how we can 11ell M.r. Tho11. Hoar, of Galt, was visiting Ellison & Oo. -IN- I N THE-relative11 here last week. 10 cheap. Ellison & Oo, Cloaking11 and mantles mu11t be sold. That electric light in thA band stand Men's Pants remarkably cheap. Township of Da.rlingto 1, Ellieon & Co. should be hung high on a pole. Ellison & Co. A new advertisement appears for J.J. And Residence and other Lots m Mrs. Morrison's stock of Fall Millinery All wool Tweede and Cloths at cost. Marmn this week. In the matter of the Estate of the Town of Bowma.nville, th& is now complete. Call and fospect. Ellison & Co. Mr. 8. R. Wickett, of Toronto, wu in .L UCIA BURK, late of the property of Edmuno G. Burk. Inspect Tod Broe. winter stock ; you For good value in Shirts and Drawer11 town on Wednesday. Town of Bowmanville, in the do yourself wrong by not doing 110. try Tod Bros. I have received instruction· from MR. EDMuNDa. Ladies, get your Hats re-shaped in County of Durham, widow, de- IlUHK. The most complete and choice stock of Straw and felt hilts re-shaped in all of Campbell!ord, to cause to be offered forsaltt latest style11 at Mrs. Morrison's. by Public Auction at the ""me time l\nd place na thtt milliaery is tound at Mrs. Donnelly'e. the latest 11tyle11 at Mrs. Donnelly's. ceased. ILCCOlll punying; "' "'e of the LUCIA BURK Earate, tho The Atlas Woolen Co., with mills at All the new shapes and styles in Fall A very special line of Black Cashmere following p·rcels of laud; Whitby, is .going into liquidation: I have received in1tr11ctions from the Exand Winter millinery at Mrs. Donnelly's. Hose. All sizes at John J . Mason's PARCEL 1. -All of Lot Hin the Broken Front Con· ecutors of the Will of the latf' Lucia Burk to cc·sion of the said Township of.Darlingto11, In tbe Coun~ John Sando had a fine· mare die last Will Allin, printer, formerly of this Mrs. Chas. Tod and children sail from cause to be offered for sale by Public Auction, ty ol Durham. 'J!hls !arm will be sold Qt so much l:>Ct." week: from bursting a blood ve&·el. 11ot the Roebottom House, in the 'l 'own of Bow· acre. and the acreage will be detennlned by nctual town is very sick in the hospital in Scotland for home on Thursday next. manville, on m ea.surement and survey. It ie supposed to co1ltnlra Mr. Thos. Osborne has been very ill Toronto. TRIAL TRIP.- New Subscribers can aoout 200 nores. The soil and quality of this farm is with inflammation of the kidneys. unsurpassed in the Township of Darlington; It is com. Mr. Ddvid Stott is staying in town get THE STATESMAN till New Years for posed of rich clay Imm. lt ie situ&tcd about Ol,lO andl For a good choice of fea thers, wings again. He should marry and settle down lOcte. a. half miles from the post office in Bowruanvilfo, · a.n<I and ribbons go to Mrs. Donnelly's. about three quarters of a mile from tho station, e,ml comfortably in life. Before ordering a. winter 11Uit inspect 1888, at the hour of 1 o'clock In the afternoon one and a 1 _ 1all 111iles from the wharf. Se\·e "'l """es ot· · Tait, the artist, bBB on exhibition good J'J11t let us wh isper that it wm ' do yoa Tod Bros. stock of Canadian and im- the !ollowlng very valuable propertiee: beech-and rhaJllc of fir,c healthy s&ock Is ,still on .th.<> ·iew11 of Trinity Church after ihe fire. THE. .BE81' F'OR BEEF TEA. PARCli:L I.- Lots 137 and 138, In Block K In farm. The house, outbuildi111C9 and fences aro in goo<I good to inspect ·rod Bros. large. stock of 'ported Tweeds . Town of Bowmanvllle, fron ting on Scogog condition. · · Ladies call at Mrs. Donnelly's and see Blankets, Flannels, etc. Trii:iity church looks more ornamental said THE ONJ,Y EXTRAOT OF BEEF Street. This is the most comrortable and com- One-tenth of the 1mrclmse monoy la to be p..'\itl dowm those new styles of Fall and Winter hats. Wm. Crawford wa· re-elected president outside'than wllen new. The 11late roof tnodious residence In tho Town or Be1wman- nt time of sale, nnd enough to mnkc one third In thlrtir ·uitable for makmg JULIEN and other ville, hes been for many yeal'I! the site of the d..ya,'the balanc!' can be carried through " mq~<> Have you seen the twilled white Cotton of Bowmanville Agricult ural and Carriage and pretby 11te_ e ple and epire improve it. -OLEAR SOUPS. Homestead of the late .Toho Burk and eince on the furm nt six per cent. per annum, pByable hall· at !Octa worth 14ct11 at Tod Bros. selling Co. at the annual meeting· . · MR. TAYLOR, of Toronto, is now in his death. of his widow, the late Lucia Bork. ye..rly, or the whole amount CAil be paid ln mah. , A FINE RICH FLAVORED SOUP fa11t. The house, which is a frame ono, has bi:en ' PARCEL II.-Parts of Town Loie 10, 20 and 211111 If fine goods, low prices and courteou11 ·' charge of our Tailoring department. always, ean be m11de IN A MOM.ENT by adding and is now. In the very best etate e1f 1 Block 33 in Bowmnm·ille. CoumMmcing at tbti., i nter· Mr. Robert Philp ha1 been on a vl1it attention are inducements, ladiea ishould Leave your measu~e, a. perfect fit guaran- reps!r, hC?th i.11 reg11.rds the etate or the building Isection of the eMt side o! Centre etrect with the' southl .boiling water. as in pau~ting. It is in perfect order. The , side of a. hne rmming north of·aboYO . mentioned Iota. here recup~rating after a severe attack of patronize Mr. Laing's extensively. teed. McCLUl!fG BRos. ma.in PClrtlon of the house Is one and a halt I thence_ south along Centre street 4 chains, 13, links. ayphoid. BARLRY.-The highest price paid for William Bryce, publisher, Toronto, has etor!'YBand has commodious and convenient (272 !cet 7 incbe., about) thence ·Mtcrly live plmlns,~ add1tlona for kitchen, woodshed, &:o. Is links, (86_6 fee~ about) thence. northerly t chai11s, 1:1 Meears. Farewell and Henry, Oshawa, any quantity of Berley at BowmanvilJe · i11Sued the new novel, "A Strange Me11furnished With a hot air turnt1ce. The &table, links ·to Mid lane, thence wes~rly a chains, 113 links U. are shipping large quantities of applea to or Newcastle harbours. Murdoch Bros. sage," by D ora Russell, The 1tory is an coach house and Ice h!'use adjoining are of the place of beginninJI', and aleo commencing to m <>iis· SOLE AGENTS FOR CANADA. brick, and a amall buildln_g to tht> front of ure at the lntenection of the wee\ oicle ot I.ibcrf..,. England. Within two week's Montreal had nine interesting one, Sold at book11tores. l!llme taken "tt"ith them could e&lllly be conyert· street with said lane thence aouthorly 2 chains oJinks. We melln bu11ine11s and want the 11tore elopemen111, whicih 1hows that Montreal · Mr. C. R. Mallory ha11 been elected to ed into 11; separate house. All the proper v is (1~6 feet~ iuche3, about) thence w...terly u ehuins ' ZI Inches, about) thence oout~1cr!y S crowded with customers from morning is bound to keep its name before the pub· ·the Ontario Legialature for East Nortb- well drained. There 11 a large ~arden behind links, (SH foet 10 . preparation the boueo which ha' been well oared for and le chaino c. links, the1ice easterly & challll! 27 l inl<o to Li· umberland br th11 caating .vote of Sheriff etocked lic in e?me way, till night. Elli1on & Co. "!ith a number or fine fruit tretie and berty street, thence northerl1Zcbalns3 links to tllf> small frmt. A. handsome lawn ls l\t the front place of bei,>inning. continually growing The Happy Thought cooking range At the Victori1' Rifle Club's annual Proctor, there being· a tie between the of t,he house. This is a most valuable property This property is ·haped like the letter L It brui a sold by S. S . Edeell i8 the best stove in matchee at Hamilton on the 15rh, W. S. two candidatee, and would make a comfortable home. . frontag-e on Centre 8 treet of about 27!! fdut i inchoe, .a the market. · Rulll!ell won $10.50, D. D. Beach $6 and,, What's the use of ·lyi11g about the in public favor is :rA~CRL Il.-A part or lot 139 in Block K, in frontage on the .lane nbovc mentioned of about M:> said ~own ot Bowman ville, deaoribed as com- feet, a11d a frontage !JD Liberty street of nbout J.3f· fee!) · N. S. Young $4 · "Orono. Stock Sale. The hammr r ·may Be11j. Rogers, probably the oldeat menomg at the South·east anii:le of 8H.ld Jot, 4 lncheH . It contains 3 ncrcs, i rood, 17 perl'hos. Has The notorious To'D Buckley· the slayer have been " unelded in : great ahape," thence nmoing West along the southern eide "line two storey lrricl< house 54»~ with a !>rick !Id.di~ resident of Oshawa, died on the 16th of aald lot llll feet, thence in a Northerly dition to same. The house contain· I'll the modem tm. of Bertha Robineon, passed through but the stock rlid nnt sell. J. Foster's inst., aged 91. rcct.lon 71 fe~t to Church Rt.reel, thence alon'cl iirovemcnt., h"· a b14th room and water closct, lsheatBowmanville on WednesdAy for Kingston ' h or1A11 were the only ones 11old and he At Tod Brue. for $1.00 you can get the Churoh Street Easterly 95 feet, thence in a eJ try" hot air lurllnce, and la lighted w'ith ilumtf' aaya '·th· Y were given away " Southerly dlrect1on 12 feet to the place or be· . Gas Mnchine, the piping beimr laid nil O\'er tho home. best Kid Gloves the world produces at penetentiary to serve a 15 years' term. 11innln1r. reserving however. out or same the i The cellar I· luge and well arnm&'Cd. The rooms M'~ There is grumbling about the taxes. . CoRREOTION.- Mr. Joseph Jeffery, the piece of a~ove land to the west of the booee on .I eonv.enioutly nrranged and ceiling· high. It ls In goo<I the price, (black and colored). the prem1ees, On the~e premises Is a brick repair. , John McMurtrv is making business Twas ever thus. Ratepayers aek th.e ·Tailor, has not had full credit for his eic- cottage with three rooms In main body or A !rame stable Tlith driving houec is plaood ~ Bhortl boom in the W eat End. He ill buying Council for improvements and they grum· 'hi bit at the Fair. He wa~ awarded a hoaso on the 111'8t lloor llnd a good oe1lar of full . distance from the house "nd well arranged with 'bo x: ble because they hav·e to pay for them. diplowB for Jeray lrerd arid Jlrst prizes size of the house underneat.h ; a kitchen with stalls for horses, a room by it.elf for a. cow, and th<> an immense quantity of grain. pantry and coal ho1111e at back built of brick coal ·heds and wood houses are vory convcnlcntto,ih<> FARMERs.-1 have some new steel-frame each for Jeney bull, cow, grade co w and lo summer or 18BT. Tbe whole house was house. A windmill with clev·ted kmk l· ·nl·o :on' th() Mi~· McPherson, fashionable dreH and a second prize for Je11ey cow. thoroughly renaired and improved lately and 1 premises and pipes arc ln!d from it over the icroood!I. twofurro w plows that you should. eee. mantle maker, has removed to room1 di· Ifor \Vatering purposes. The gsrden !\IHI orcl1'1tl n-r~ All kind ii of plow points kept in stock. JNo. McCLuNo, -l:'iummoned to appear is now In excellent condition. rectly over J . England'11 etore. PARCEL Jil.-Lot 1st ln Block J , and tho w,ell stockcd with Jarg? arid siu~ll frulU!, o.nd tbcgfi\~ c. RoGJms, Bowmanville. 'before Geo. Haines, Esq., · police magis- South l'li links of '!'own lot 185, in said Block, v1~es arc in Ir?"" bea,nng cond1tlon. TJ1e ,g~den ,,. Subscriptions t "k "n for all Canadian trate, for ob~tructing the eidewalk with a. the latte··· piece being ·ubjA ct 10 right of owners Q,u1tc. the earheBt in town. The _grcBtest beau~J'. OOJ!· and American newspapers and m!\gazines It will oblige us very much if aubscr1b-· Car load of Tea. We will get Rqnare of Jot 186 and the North I'Ti links of 185 in Ba s1sts rn the fi ne trees, qhoscn prmoipruly for their fol~· Block to use same in common with the own:: nil:·, .about the l:n~·u und front part. of tho hou'i<" Tin,. at lowest rates at ihe STATESMAN office. ers and oth ers who are owing us will pay with the Grocers who laid the inform·\· of lot l &i and said south 171 links of1S5 in Block. ls without exception the finest residence in Dowman· · h ville. . 1 Dr. Beith has been elected on the as sovn a3 possible. This ia the season tion by selling th.is tea . at prices which I f theolru~mg Sa'?Je as a Jane to get to 1 e rear 1o f PAIWEL Jll.-Part of Lot 9 ·in Block 34 In Uo,vmnll· Board of Management (If the Ontario when we r~qnire a large amount of will paralize them. MCCLUNG Bitos. espect1ve pr~pertle11, an!l o~ USlllll the ville Commencing 011 south boundary of snid LOO well on same. On this property 1s situeled two · ,, t th · Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling money. On D ec. bt David Daviii is going to semi _ number O, thence .north 131 fee , cnce e<Ult 1,41tfcet. detached dwellings 8 nd re good p 0 undoubtedly ith to t {: r. oer tbmce south along the eastern boundary l ol feet. Club . PnoTECTION.- We are determined to · move into the store n ow occupied by ties re 1 . e er ren or to pure as~ for private thence westerly along the nol'th side of said laµe 147j:. B dencee. They are well drained and are feet to the pince of beginning cont:.inln"' 0 1 pei·ches Lsdies you should visit McClung Bros' protect the public against high prices in Geo Buck, the great boot and shoe most desirable properties, · ' " " best Dry Goods. Our great Mantle and Dresa dealer, so t.hat Mr. Buck announces a big · t · l t 22 Bl k K l On this property is sitnated n good_ frame hduseaml Millinery show room to see latest P AR, CEl, Iv. - .a. par O· O · lll OC · n has been used a s the house for the man employed with clearing sale of boots and shoes at whole- said 1own or Bowmo.nville This lot hl\S a the ul>ovc residence as it is conveniently aitunted lo~ Those German Mantles are Goods sale is now in full hlast . :manufactured and for a D(Jvelties, McCLUNG BROS. sale prices till that date 'when h e will frontet<"e on Scuii:oii: St.reet of 1 chai_n and ~2~ Huch purpose, being about 20 !cet from the lot con· very fine. lmks .(107;1 feet) by 38~ links {about 25 tt.. Gtn. tainlng said residence. BEFORE Coin WRATHER. -Examine move to Whitby. Call , and see ipods oo Kmg Street. Thte is a vo.cant lot. but from , · , Within a few week11 three aged ladies its comrnsnding position and locality is a de· I' ARCEL IV.- Six acn e o! land more or less of Joi;. of long standing have your Furs, ladies, and see what they re· and pricC!I. fallen and sprained or fractured a 11ira.ble property, 10 in the 1st Concession of Darlington now jormiog ONE DoLLAR AND CosTs.~The firm of wrist each-Mesdames Fe1 guson, Coates quire in the way of cleaning, dyeing, re'--Ipa.rt of Bowmnnvillc. This is six ncres of va.r ... '\ut lo.ncl pairi ng or re-modelling and take them t,o McClung Bros. was fined one dollar and be TERMS OF SALE. - One·tenth of purchase adjoining !'inch's Nurecry nnd bo hind the re"idcnco and Currie. money at da.te of sale and enough to m11oke one o! Thomas Burden on Liberty street. The deocriptioll M. Mayer, the practical furrier. costs for displaying a car load of cheap hair of same in 1 hlrty days, and the balaace in is too long lvr insertion hel'e, bnt will be ma,de known As will be seen by card on an inside A BIG D u .L.- See J. J . Mason's new tea. on the pavement in front of thtt ca.sh at said time, or can b"' carried on mort· "t time of sale. It is very valuable for pn.stt1ro IAn<I pa110, Mr. W. F. Allen has a.o office in The information was laid by gage on the premises ror five years. with In or gardening pnrposea. McMurtry's and is receiving deposits and advertisement. He ha s bought from the store. at the rate of six per cent. per annum, TERMS FOR PARCELS JI, JU, IV.-One-fe; 1th of trustees of a. large bankrupt wholesale :some of the Grocers in the town who are tereet .....__ .... payable 11ai! yearly, with such terms as to purchase money t\t time of ~ale, enough to mi'ke oneloaning money on fa\'orable terms, house a large quantity of seasonable dry !'fraid that their day for selling tea is Pa.YID,ll: back the whole or any portion of the half in thirty days, the b:>lnuce cM1 be either p.~id ·in B~;;MANVTL t.E, OcT. 24, 1888. A very large concourse of frier;id/i and gouds at panic prices for spot cash. prmc1pa.l money o.~ the end of any year as the c:.sh, or carried by mortgage on Lhe premisoa,; b<Jartng over. purchaser may dcstre, ., . interest nt six per cent. per .~nnum p:.yablc half· neighbors attended the fuueral the Further terms and cond1 t1oas of sale will be yearly. . ' John Hindson, the practical tailor, ha11 Gents wanting a good fitting suit of late Harrison K. Gibson on Wedne.~a.y. }'urther terms nnd conc litions will be mado known made known at date of a.ale. started business on his own account dothes or Overcoat would do well to call For ~ny furth~r. particnl~rs apply to the at the time of Sule. He wae a grandson of Mr. J. Kirkp"~ck, in rooms over Laing's store, and will do ~t the ·west Jijud House. ·Mr. McMur- und?rs1gned floho1 For fuller, better or any pnrticuJnrs, npply to th& tor for EDMUND G. BURK, Maple Grove. · '.'." Campbe1lfo~d, . and DAVID GALBRAITH, of undersigned Solicitor for En.ilUND G. B URI{, the render. all· that ~rt can do to improve your ' figtire" try ha11 ·made arrangements with that first- or SwN:ping r"'ductions for cash. . ct., 1888. . The Salvation Army are preparing foll a with stylish cut, well·fitting and substan-· class cutter, Mr, Hindson, to do his Whlt,oy, the Executors o! the lasr, Will ot Dated·6th O · · E llison & Co. LUCIA BURK. . ·: D. BURKE SIMl'ijON, big jubilee on Satnrdt~y. Sunday al!c4 tially made garments. Dated at Bowmanv1lle, October Gth, i888. of Bnwmam·iJle, Solicitor !or Edmund G Blll'k. work, which is a sufficient guaran tee that Our prime <Jbject ill to sell quickly. Monday, Nov. 3rd 4th and 5th. A banD. BURKE SIMPSON. LEVI A. TOLE, ; Samuel McKnight, of Tyrone, was . nothinl{ but the hest work and fits will be · · E llison & Co. Auctioneer. of Bowmanviile. Solicitor. quet will be held on Monday. Particuarraigned last Monday before Oul.Cubitt, turned out. The prices are right. Splendid valuti in Cardigan Jackets at lers next week. J.P., <>n a charge of crim~inal assault SEND lN Now.-Every one should TORE TO LET.- The store now oeBIRTHS. 'Tod Bro8. The summer is over. Thoughtful p'eo- on his brother Thomas' wife. He pleaded take his own local .paper, and when he cupled by Mr. W H Ives, on King Street. COATS-At Maple Grove, Darlington, on Oct. two doors eas< ot tho P 0. Poase~s'ion .Mq Mrs, Youmaua iii unable to write but is ple look. ahead to make themselves com- ~uilty of common as~anlt and was tined can afford it a good metropolitan new11- 20th, the wire of Mr. D. H, Coates. B. A.. 10th. .Apply to ,A,. BtrC KLEn,.Tewellor, fortable. This ban b1 done by calling at $10 and $7 50 costs, or 30 days in jail. · f di'tner s h ou Id tak e Mathematical master, Bowmanville High tin.proYing 1:1 lowly. paper a 1so an d every 15--tt School, o a son, · 1 l N "' Miss Isabella: Cowle, dressmaker, has McClung Bros., the leading Dry Goods . uncan Clark's Lady Min·trels are to an agr1cu tura paper. ; ow we ca.n ouer D OOD HOUSE FOR SALE.~A twG House, Bowman ville. teturned to Torouto, app,e ar in the Town Hall on Thursday t h e w h o1e ]' ts t f or very l' _ 1ttIe, B y a spec· DIED. storev fram e house situated OD o·neu St.· conta.minii: seven rooms and summer jdtchen. Wools and Fancy Goods in great "· SevHl'al dozen of Christies of London, night this week, Oct. 25th. . The Press ial. arrangement with tire publishers we Gn.RGORY.- ln Oshawa, on Sunday, October closets. pantries. &c. Hard end soft wa.t~ :· Eng., samples for next season's trade in and public proclaim this the greatest cm give our subscribers the Weekly lHh, 1888, Ophelia A . Manning, beloved wlte full t a cre of ground with good selellti~n Of. 'Variety a t, Mrs. M.orruon'11, Hat.a bought by J. J. Mason, from female show travelling. The New York. Mail to the end of 18891 the Farm and o! James Gregory, aged :12 years, 7 months and choic"' fruit trees. Apply to M . .A. JAll\ES or~ · Good prollrees i& being made on . the stiff 10 days, tlie agent. See th e new styles for spring, World says Clark's Company deserves the Fre111'de to the end of 1889, and Ta~ D , B. FOGG, Proprietor, Be1wmanville. · i~-tf .f .. new Public Scliovl buildings. 'l'YERM.&.N.- In :Darlington on the 22nd inst., 89' l you wan t a Ha t ' crowded houses they receive nightly. STATESMA:tl for one year, all for Two .Ada ot Mr. Iflorence Gilbert, beloved wife Farmers have evrnctid iireat interest in ARM TO LET. --200 acres of land, M . Mayer will begin on Nov. 1st to , dollar1, . Benson Tyerman, aKed 23 yoars, 5 months. 22 consisting of the north three-qu!lfl'ters or ·the barley ru ark et for a fortnii;iht. M!· D. D. B.each s eldest daugh~er, Canadisn barley has sold in Buffalo days. Funeral will leave her father's rcsi· lot 15, sell for cash only. All goods will be and 50 a 0 res ot lot 16, in the 5th con. ot dence, lot 2~. con. 7, on Thursday at 1 p, m., Pickering, between Brougham "nd · GreenA dtdieh, was tshurb~rtt!lhedd on Mdondady etvh enmg for equal to90c.cash, anddealersf~elvery for Hampton cemeterT. F IRE, L1Fl:C , ACCIDENT fosurance. marked d own to a cash figure, so bring 1 woud, Well ada.pted !or grain or ro.ising pt . l · as ' er tr ay, an ma. e e reh t ' fi d I t · l'k I th t C d g va ue in . · t f . h . t b mnc ea ts e . 18 1 e v a ana · :ROBT. V111.TU.K, A;(ent, Bowma.nville. tf. a Iong your monev an d ge t b 1 8tock. Usual privilege ot plowing, P lenty or furs and gents' ftirnishings. cipien ° a mce P1us t~t1 e case Y a ian barley will have the call in England living water. .As present lease expirea Oct. 17 BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, Our lll('aring sale begins Oct. 5th . · number of'her y .. u ng friends. A. con- 1 1 f ' th · b f d d immediate possession can be given. To,a g9od .we a~ pleased to he~r tha~ ~memorial 1 gratulatory address was read by Mr. J.S. a so, samp es o t avmg . een orwar e reliable tenant very f&vora.ole terms r"m bo Great bargaiuo will be given, Ellison & wmdow is to be placed in Tnmty church Climie, and fittingly responded to by to prominent brewers for their report. Corrected by ;r. lllclllurtry, evel'J' TResday, given. Apply to HENRY Howm.L. Whitby, or Co. to J . K . GORDON. Barrister, Whitby. as a mark of respect for the pastor w~o Miss Beach. A happy time was spent by This will be good news for Manitoba !12- iw* There a.re C1nly 59() men in Darlington labored so long and . ~rduously to build all present. farmers, who can produce as fi ne barley FwuR, ~ 100 tbs..... , .·· $3 00 to $3 30 AJ:(,M lN PICKERI.N G FOR.SALE: qualified to sorve on j uries. In Clarke th t WHEAT, Fall, f' bush. · · · · 1 15 " 1 20 a8 can be grown anywhere, and as the fi 1 te l d d d ti R · te t ' a mo e sacre 1 ~e- te a ev. ft . t t · 't - OBe o! the best farms in Plckenng for 11 Spring, 11 l 15 11 1 20 only 565. Heu de Bourek. is ex r.eme1Y lD res m.g o v1s1 son;ie froat does not aff.ict the crop, it is a safer sale containing 125 acres, all of which s.r& of the leadmg manufactnrmg houses m ..one to grow than whe11.t. The next few BA.ItLEY1 f' bush, No. 1. . .· 0 71 11 0 00 cleared and .in high state of cultivation. On Rev. Saro Small has just been beaten T~MBER ~ALi:.-Mr. Ir~ F. ~earce ad- Tor.onto. Perhaps the mos t interesting years may aee a great developement or II , II 11 2 ., ·, 0 68 11 0 QO the premises are a, good dwelling hotiso o.nd "in it cont est for the position of State senout buildings and two wells., Thia prqpurty ill vert1ses a big sale o. f standmg timber on and surprising of them all are the exten- the barley trade in Cana.de. 11 11 11 3. .. . 0 67 11 0 00 situated ator in Ge·Jrgia. on lot 15, b. f.· one mile and a halt lot 26, con. 1, Darlin_gt?n, on Wednesday sive Ornamental Stained Glass and D ecorRYE, 11 · · · · · · · · · · 0 60 II 0 65 from Pickering village, half a mile from Grand A special d rive in flannel11, h osiery and Oct. 31. Note that it ts on the lat con. ative works· of the McCausland & Son . A Bro Rus11.-There ls now a great OATS, Trunk Station. throe mites trom Pickering U · . , · , · · , . , 0 00 11 0 30 underwe.·r at J . J . Mason'· dry ·g oods not 4th as stated i? notice last week. 8. It is from this establishment that the rush at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Harbor, and six miles from Whitby, For -PEAs, Blackeye , :if!' bush . ·· 0 65 11 0 70 further particulars apply to .TAMES P ICKARI> and jevrcJl,,ry hou~ e . 0 . HUNKING, auctioneer. finest windo\I shave come for the prmci· tailoring establishment. T heir stock of 11 Small, 11 0 60 11 0 00 on the premises, or Pickering, P. 0. 29-tf T · h 1 f h S lovely fine worsteds, tweeds, etc., is at~a~ou seen t he Drees Meltona at 11 ·Blue, 11 0 60 11 0 70 ~e petit ion for t e repea o t. e cott pal edifices through out our country. tracting all classes of customers. There ARM FOR SALE. -130 acres, com'121-cts at Tod Hr"s. great value, cheaper Act ID Peterboro count:!' has recei ved t~e A local paper insinuates that " There's is a big run for fine suits, fine overcoats BuTTER, best table, ¥' lb. . · 0 18 11 0 20 posed of south part of Lot No. 19, Broken than whm·t a.t 4C kts. ~ecessary number of s1gnat!fres. . It ~s no snap " to the public men of this town. and heavy winter clothln~. This shows Eaos, ~doz . .... .. , . .. ... 0 16 " 0 00 l<'ront, and is three miles from the Town ol: ville. 'fhis j s one or the best farms in S. H. Reynold11' meat stall in McMur- mtend ed t o have. the repea~ .election .m That's unjust, if not barber-ous, to say distinctly that the citizens of .Bowman- PoTA.rOES, ~ bush. . · · · · · · 0 25 11 0 00 Bowman the county or Dorham. It is in a high state ot ·try's RreceL'Y st ore is well supplied with th.e several counties of the Midland dis- the least. Where is there a m ore izo- ville and surrouuding country appreciate Pon:a, t" cwt .... .. ..... , 7 00 11 7 50 cultivation and is well fenced On the premlses there is o. stone d\'i'elling, t wo ·larg& i;hoicest weate. Call and 11ee him. tr1ct held at the same date ahead or prett.y town, considering the good material 1.nd good· workmanship, in HAY,~ ton.. ... ....... .. 14 00 11 15 00 barns and other out·buildinl'(S, wit-h ston& M rs. D onnelly in vi tes the ladies to call A WELL DRES~:ED MAN is art's greatest l imited district from which it draws preference to buying old bankrupt stock CHIOKJi:NS. · · · · · . · · · · · . .. · 0 08 II 0 10 stabling for cattle o.nd horses. ' l:lree wells and and i,l:i!rp·rct her new and large 1tock of triumph. Being well dress ed does not trade, in C11nada 1 Not one. What has tha~ has gone out .,f fashion, a.ltl1ongh DUCKS, . ............ . .. . 0 10 II 0 11 four cisterns, also win:l·mill for pumping For further particulars apply on tb& millinery h t.fore .p archasing else where. necessarily implv "purple and fine linen" the man who p ublishes this insinuation sold at half price. To keep up with the GEESE ..··· ···· · ··.. .· - · 0 09 11 0 10 we.lei·. premises or if by letter to HENRY MANN, BowTumrnvs ... . ·. ....··.·.. 0 10 " 0 .12 man ville. even broadcloth. T~e homelist done for the town during upwarih of 45 press of business, Mr. Saunders has been ;H- tt or Follow the crGwd to Tod Bros. whero homespun becomes handsome by taste lo years' residence in it? secared aa asaiatant cutter to Mr. John· you will find a well assorted stock of AMS lWR SALE. -! have three (3J Splendid Farm For Sale. ADDRESS ABOUT F uRs. - A special r e - ston. .Fancy aw'< SL aple Dry Goods, Cloths, cutting, and skill in fitting. 11.ne Shropshire Ram Lumba for , We have received the following from ssle. very ]'REE FOR 1888. - THE STATESMAN will quest is made this week by M. Mayer, ·etc., to stil,,ct fro1 n and at li~ e·and -let LEVI SKINNER, Tyrone. 43tr be sent free for t he balance!of 1888 to our practical furrier, that ladies and gen· the Globe office :- On the morning of rrHAT Admirably situated homeste ad~ live prices. , theeetateofthe late Samuel McMurtry. new subscribers for 1889. lfrice in a,d - tlemen having fur ~oods wanting repairs 8atttrday 13th inst., the comp()eitors in EMOVAL.- MISS McPHERSON. in the town ol Bowmanville, being tl1e nort.h· The C urling Ch1bs in this district, vance $1.00 The We~kly q 1obe, Mail, or making over to bring them 11.s early as the Globe news room read the following dress and mantle·ma.ker, has removed east part, or lot 9. con: l; 60 acres <J:t 1,'lch claT : g rouped to play f ur the Ontario Tankard, Witness, Advertiser and almost any other possible, when they will receive the best notice on the slug board :- "Our popular to room11 over John England's etore, Reed's los.m, highly improved. On the premises ar& 43:3w an excellen t briclC dwelling house c<an taininl!: are Whitby, B:Jwmanville, Orillia, Peter· dollar .p aper on t he same terms and con- attention. Mr. Mayer would al,o direct Chairman, Mr. Ed. We11tcott, being about Block. rooms a.nd all necessuiee of a hon"e ; tw() boro and Liud~ny . Matches to be played ditions. Subscriptions must be sent to ·a ttention of readers of the STASESMAN to to revisit tho home of his innocence, to ARM STOCK- Farmers having stock 12 barns, ~table, driving-house, abed, etc., als<J any kind to dispose of shonld a.d vertise ten acres with choice fruit trees, 500 apple and _ at Peterburv . M. A . JAMES, _ B owmanville. his exte11sive stock 0£ n ew fur goods, hats, rejuvenate mid the·· fairies and fairy it ln of THE STATESMAN, a. pa.per that almost 100 pear treas ; au overllowing sprlfig in th& Our ei;;t.· , emed confrere, Mr. J. R. A HANDSOME PREMIUM.- We have caps, and gents' furnishings-all the' new scenes of hia beloved l:Sowmanville, his every farmer in West Durham reads. ~3tt pasture field ; in fact it is such a home rarely iltratton, :M . P. P. for W est Peterboro, received from the Em pire officf'I, Toronto, styles and prices to suit all po~kets. A fellow-craftsmen have determined to give offered for sale: }'or terms and other' partlcu· OCKET-BOOK FOUND cont aining la.re apply on the premises, or to J6HN M c· was the !'cd pfo rit of an address and an one of the busts of Sir John ! Macdonald, call solicited. him an escort t o the G , T. R. station, as a eum of money. Owner can get it by MURTRY. 6legant g old h e· ded ebony cane from his ~iven as a premium this full with the CANADA'S Qt'EEN OF SoNo.- The young an evidence of,,t he esteem in v. hich. he is proving property and paying tor this notice. Bowmo.nville, .Toly 31, 1888. 31-tt constitue.nt11 in North Smith in recog- Weekly Empire. It stands eleven inches Ladies' Aid Society of St. Paul's church, held b:y them, Then f~llo Ned particulars JosErH CLEMENS. lot 12. coo. t, Darlington, ~,_g, 42--lw Bowm&nville, nition of his au~i d11ou11 . exertion in the high, is a moat faithfu l likeness of the Bo.vmanville, have arranged with Mrs. as to time, e tc. The 1~ea captured the Sale of Seven Acre.s of interests of the Riding in the Ontario Primier, and would make !l handsome CJaldwell, soprano, Mrs. Drechsler-Adam- ·whole office . HEEP STRAYED.- On the premises At 4 o clock, Satu~day ot the undersigned, Lot 11, Con. 5 on or· Land near Enniskillen. Legislature. ornament in any parlor. There will no son, violiniste, and Miss Hillary, mezzo a.tterno.on, no less than forty compoeuoi:s a.bout Oct. 12th, two sheep. Owner ie request_ A:BOUT t<irovu.--No 11tove hu ever doubt be a rush for them, ae every Oon- eoprano and Pianiste, for a grand concert (10clud10g. delegates from .the News, Mail ed to prove proper\y. pay expensee, and 'ake The undersigned has received instruction t<J "3- aw· ,laken such r1 hol¢ on the public as the servative in the country will il'ant to have in the Town Hall, Tuesday, Oct. 30th, and Empire) assembled tn front of t he them away. JonN HosKlN. sell by private sale that seven acres of lot 23 In the 7th Concession ofth.e>Township of Dsr!ini;i:· .Art Garb nd ; Theae 1tove11 are the & B ust of "The Chieftain," when it can assisted by Mr. Wallis, clarionet , and Globe ~ffice an~ escoi:t~~ Mr. Westcott to TORE TO RENT OR SELL. - Store, ton known as belonging to the Little Esta.to, .originals d their cla11, and ·cannot be be got so easily, while large numbers of Mr.H.Knight, baritone, of Bowmanville. th~ Umon Stat1on- vmtmg several plac~s Dwelling and Driving·hoose ln Ennlskillen. and which baa for some years past been rent· Reformers will also want this faithful Doors open at 7 :30, concert to commence of 10terest on the r.oute. As the tram A good eta.ad for business, on reasonable ed and occupied by James Pye, being compossurpassed i c1 durability, 1ucce1111ful opernms, .Apply to the owner, R . HUTCRIBON, ed of the seven acres lying immediately to the t1 ation and h;;a~in~ qualities. Fire-Pot likenes11 of the Primier of t he Dominion. at 8 o'clock Admission 35 cents to all drew o\J.t of the station th~ vau t ed roofs Llstowel, or WILLr..!Jd BINGIIAM, Enniskillen, Sooth of the Northerly nine acres of the Soath CONSTIPATION is nearly al ways induced parts of the. hall. Seats 'may be r~served echoed aga!n and again wit h the hearty . can be tah out through front mica 40tf halfof the En.st halt of so.id lot. Title indisputable, poase88ion can be given doors. Ash pan is very large. For sale by neglecting to keep the bowels regular, without extra charge at t he Big 20, where cheers of his. fellow-typo11,. May he have OLTS ASTRAY.- Came onto the immediately after harvest, by L.G. Quick, Bowmanville. See fuller and is also a frequent sequel to dyspepsia the plan of the hall will be open on a good time m Bowmanville. For further particulars apply to premises, lot 25, con, i . Darlington, & epan D, BURKE SIMPSON, descripti(m in anoth er column. or indigestion· . Regulate the stomach Friday, Oct. 26th, at 10 a, m . Ou& .AN)<UAL P1uN1c will occnr in June ot bl11ock colts two years old or over; on Oct; 7. :;I'he owner will please prove property, pay 35-tt Solicitor for .v endor. TRIED AND PROVED. - " I have used this year. In preparing your lunch we expenses and take them away, w. L. LAW. A S&vx1u: ATrACK.- Mis11 Bella Elliott, and bowels by using ..Burcock Blood B it41-aw of Porat~pool, Ont., writes- " My brother tere, which ia certain to promptly relieve Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry sugg.est vou use Imperial Cream Tart:ir Garden Hill Farm, Solina. and I w~r{l both taken ill with a 11evere and ultimately cure the worst cases of for summer complaint, and have proved Bak~ng Powde~ (S~ld by · all gro~er,s) m OARS FOR SALE.- J\.n aged Berkit after a fair trial a sure cure both in maktng the b1scu1t, oo.kes &c. 1t is the attack of diarrhrea, having tried other constipation. ehire, a young Berkshlro, and a young B OAR FOR SERVICE,- A t horo'· ~IILRIJBN'S AROMATIC QIJININE WINE 0.:.y own case and others of the 'family." moat b eal·hy and perfect. M'f'd by E. remedie11, we tried Dr. Fowliir'e Extract Suffolk Boar, all thoro'·bred.i. and winners ot bred improved Berkshire Boar is kept ftret prizes a.t Bowmanville ~·air. for sale on for service on lot ao. con. 2, Clarke. Price $1 · rorttncA 1he usren· n1tnlnst.nuaclu1 or o1m~. , Lauratta Wing, New Dundee, Waterloo W. GILLETT, Toronto, Ont. . t .of Wild Strawberry, which gave immedi· reasonable ~erme. S.&.MU·L SNOWDEN, lot 22. JOSKPH TRKWJN Proprietor Newcastle. cltlll~. bilious revcr,doml· agu e and llkc C O t (0 t ' d .. rt " z ) ate relief." · troubles. o., n , on in1 ie 01i ._, _.1. ona page. ~on ·.3, Darl111gtoo, Bowmany!lle, P, O. 13-hv* ·3- 3W· c. ·TAIT for Photographs, School Books, Fancy Goods, Picture Frames, &c., Bowmanville. EXECUTORS' SALE OF SALE OF LANDS VAL. UABLE FARM BOWMANVILLE. FL'UID BEEF! Satur~aJ, the 3r~ OaJ of Novern6er, . LYM.AN, SONS &Co., 4 been which has Stott & Jury's COUGH I SYRUP one articles ever it cannot excelled. lt is of the ·cough .--.....~ ~ o Local a,nd Otherwise. S g G I 18 F F F R R F P S S C B Breeder's Directory. I ' . ·