1!!!!1!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!! ~ ·!!!!e !!!!!';!!!!!*!l~U ~idi~ RiiZ!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!·!"!P!!!*P!!!!! P! '! de9!!'!"'*¥!!!!~ Mi ~ !illlllllii !!!!!·~ ip~"'f?"" ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iM !"!!'!! M !!!!!!! iiiliiiiliiiiii!!!! ~~~:!!:~ ~ !!!'! . '!!:!!!!:!!;!! !!:!! __ · ~ · · ~ T Cntal'l'b, Cut auhal Drnfness,and Room. bern iu genern.l hygiene, and in witting rid , -BY. Duy Fe" er. One of tho Ju.xuries of invr.lid life is a of roi;ctiba~ bret ding- place~ outBi<;ie of t he -Y::i, O The micr oscove ·bas prove t h at th ese i .fiarmel we.nhcloth. ·ro 11, aenaitive peraon who body. .A.lmoat n othing h as been don.e to 1 · ~ ...v.; i.;.-;i' d·soa3e~ are cnntaglo oa. and tha t they are th t h f t k k l d ·1 bl f ti dwJ t:o the ur eEence of livini,-: parasites In the d!'eada e.nd shriolrn fro111 · e .ouc o a we ma c 01.1.1' ·now1 e ge a va.1 a e or 10 cnre ---oAT .T HI: OJ'J:IOll linino m em J rane of the upper air pu~sagee linen or oot~on cloth, t.ho suhatitlltion cf a of di.sen.so. ' · 'PH& 9 r.J.c,-e JU e ck, IUni:: Sireet, Bow1n:m. and eus1acti1 a n t.ut>es. The em inont sclent· -watholoth of soft baby.fhnnel will oftE·n· :!1111ny pr oblems remain to be solved. A!ll W e~ beg to announce that we will beg in a YilJe , Ontario. iatR !' 1 nda!I, ll.uxley 11nd Beale endo~Je this, time ..o·eervti to render tb.c bu.th agreeable if cording to the ··M~dical R ecord," we know nn d th ese authori! ie~ canno~ be d1~puted. 1· l h. · b T.be «e°'ular mctho 1 or treatiog tht.> d.loeaH< not positivdy enjoy ab!e. It ehould be made 1tt e of the way in w 10h micro ea eXtlrt ':I.'ERh-!.C S : ia to app'y an il'rite.ut remedy weekly and of two or three th ickn~si,ts of the fie1nn<1l their mor· b id inlluence ; why they disapp ear 1 , , J. 1· J· l ,,. o $1 i f p aid b 1 a·v··«<· e-veu dady, thua keeping t he deticat.e mem - lightly t ackt·d t ogether, and should nob from the blood 1>nd or gans of oome anima.la ; ' ' ! · r· 1trlctl1 le 11.d..-a.no" r equired rron1 brane ju a ooni.tant eta.te or ifrt,a · .ion · b e larger t h au th wl;y similar ~· ~ou11s ofdlseaseaca.n be~xcitr;d · e nm·se '~ h !\nd cau hold · .·nrcnl!crn c utsia11 of the county. Orden t!J accornpt1ni fd by violent snecziEg, allowing Auothe1· denirabla a1·ticle for one who is by difforent microbe~ ; whence the differenoe I H' C .'ll tll>llll ~hll p1>per rnu't h'i'J acoompl\n!ea br 'it no ooan co to l>ea.1, sud ae a natural oonse· ·ea111.0t1I1t·d u e,or t be pBJl'~ >Yll not besto11.Ded, Quance of such treatment not on.i pnmauent long confined to t he bed, ia !\ iight pri11t in the rrnulta of inoculating wilh sma.11, a.nd of DRY GOODS and CLOTHING on t o be worn t hr !>ugh t he day wi th large, quantities of miorobic ma.terfoi ; · !bs6'!1bers a.re r~rnpun eihl·~i:mti hill p1.11neut I: C\11 e hac; enr been recorded. It is nn , wrapper lf,b8olute fi;,ot appli that .ation theee d!B ea :- !B caon~t be n~ t~a,d o 't a mg · ht·<Jr - e., p , 0 ne who lm s t ne · d wh y m · d' ' du·li"t .., 8 " "O import·~t 11 y,a1· · \Ao' I cn1 ed '>Y any made oftener than 1 v1 ~ y pl.o., ~ r ., once i11 t wo weeks, fort.he mem "raue must tt 2ay s tbat 1he fir3t of many ree.sona for in t he me.nifestation of dieee.~e, 1.rnd why the IU1'. l&I! OJI A l'l>VEb't'I'll!illMG 1 ,';;;;'; Wl1c;e Column ·one7~:n.~ ...... .... . .. $1~~ ~2;;:;;!~ get a chan' e to hee.l be1ore any appll : '.ition appreclatiLg it ia that it enables her t o re~tilta are so different in healthy~,nimals an d repei;ted. l ti s now 7 yrs, alnrn .Mr. l.J1xon nui her urnw cuts1cle the bed-clothes, in tboae slightly dieeaf.ed.. It aays : .. " Ifol ye11or ... · ·· .. ·.... SS ~, := ~ i.s oiBcovered thA psra>1ite in vatarr l1 and fo;· m.· ·· · · i ' " Vh 11 f · d J'k We w1mt and must have about $10,000 before D ec. 31st, a n d in order ·' ·~ u One qna.1·tcr ·.···· ~. , Zt · \,JV r- . ulated hls new tnm.tmnt, and since then h ls er ~tep from the bed to the chair, w1tar en a t.be oregomg, an many t e, 'Hal! C'-0luron one year ...... . .... . ... 36 0.0 · - rt:0medy h as hecome a boirnehold word. in out h11.vi11g any of th.at undressed feelin g problems a re solved, then it will become to g et the money we will sell goods so cheap th11t customerd: will see ~ " H&lf yem· ...... ........ llt &II every couot.r:r wlrnre the English language she le always coneoious of wh~n clad in a more easy to employ bi:.cteriology in prac- p lain l;v the great difference b etween o.-d 1 " One qu.-rter_ ... ..... . 12 n 'l.ry and e.xtrmordinary keu.. Curi'ls R.tfecl·Nl by him seven Yoors night-dress. To inenre its b .'eing comfor· tica.l medicine, and t h en wo shall learn to ls s ~c '°8rH!T Colun:.h one ye"r ... .. . ..... 20 00 - · ago ai·e cures etill, tl1ore having been no bargams. We si ngle out for the cheapest sla ughter DresH Gooc.1::1, Silks, .. " Half ye"'r ..... .. ..... 12 501return of t he di~oasc. t&ble and in no way burde-nsome, it should estimatil rightly the great value of this new " " · OIJCl qus.rtcr ...... . ., 8 1101 -·· ~ Flann els, Cotton s, Tweeds , Cloakings, B lankets, H osiery, and Men's So highly >ire tb.eae r01,,ediea valued , and. be ollt by tbe night· dres.~ p ttt'bern. (n cold ~~ndy. " TeD. llJlttt;1 andun·er, flnt lnmert!on. 31'.150·!so grea. i 8 tlio demand for them, that lgnor· wetbcr it m o.y be worn over t.he night'dresa. Quite rece.n tly a Germ~n ~xpcrt ha.a Furnishings .· . But Boys' and Men's Suits, Pant'-', and Overcoats \Vi ll be Hl&el\ subneo11em 1lne11rtion .. .... 0 il~ -· ant lmitacors h a"l'e started up <ivern~her<', A little thino that bus lonb" made,, bright gre»tly helped to settle the first problem, rom six to t0n·Unee, ftrstin110rtlon 0 701··' · pretending to llesLroy a pura·it e , o. r which . " h d h 11li;.oh eub flequent Inser tion .... .. 0 35r·th<JY know notl1ing, by re<nedie~ t he r·aults ~pot In one sickroom ia &. tiny bunch of r eferred to above. He as prove t at sold at a ny sacrifice. His an admitted fact t hat we c :m and <'lo url'der- . -1c or tbe appl ication of which tb<'y -are equall.Y fl.owera, in a emall vial, fastened ·t o an microbes, by their own n·~tural ac tfon, de- sell all competitors. Gver t e». l!nea 1'1ret.in8ertion,perlin e 0 rn1 With fresh reduc Li.ons now from 15 to 25 p er B:aoll 1mbsoquent!nser t!on " O 031 = ii, nora.nt !\fr, l lixon's rem~dy ts applied, lnvieible t ack in the he»d·hoard of the b!ld· vdop v1uious poisons ct a most deadly char· cent ., t he prices mus t be the lowest ever seen in Bowmanville. ' T he number of lines to be r eol!:oue1l .b:f· _ only in 1 wo effect weeks, and !rom one to utead , ju st ov~r the inv«l.d, ·11 The noter. "'h · f th h. h l·,,e h a d o bt1un· tnreeonco aJJplications 11. permanent cnre In 1 s pi ow. .L ree G · ese, w :c .the SPf·oe ooor.rpied,1meaeured lty a sou.le of / .An early call from our old s t e adfast custo mers is respectfully request ed, N.B.-:For catarrhal vial is suspended from t.he tock by me~ns ed and tested, he exhibited e;t the lc.te Sur· most aggro.vl.l.ted cases. ,9Jtd NO!l11are!l, . .. . . 1. troubles pt:cul11U' t o females this remedy is a of ·a thread tied round lt.1 neck. The gioal Congress in Germany. becaus e that means a call from al1 their friends as well. Our · Great ~~·--------~------ -----::..':'=-~·... .specifio. · flowers concfal the t hree.d am! tbe· tack A correspondent from Berlin wrHes, " l t Cheap Sale of 10 y e ars a go i s still remembered The p resent sal e ~ill D:as . McLA.IJGBUl'f di B ElTR. Mr. Vlxo n sends a pamphlet describing bis ·n · d ,1 · 1ot seldom bi.de 'he vial also, T h e little fa beli.,,vecl we sh .all soon be able to under. new ;,rea.tm ent on ihe rece\pt o ~ ten con ta i n ~ 1 "( be far more sweeping and thoroug h. " atamoH. 'l ' h~ addros3 is .a. II. Dixon & 8c..:i . bonqtmt is an very small th!it even iu winter stand more about tho de11d1 y infections caua. IJ· 0 1e,m;c11 :-M:oi11i 10' B LOO:ir, Bow:au.NVILLE. ~'03 King stl'eet west , 'l'oron to, c ant\da.-- i ii may be renewed, d i.y by day, from t he od by the8e organisms." Dr.J.ll".M.oL-'UC>BJ,IN, D'r. A, B DI TH, Or~du Scicntific w ould res pectfully requ e st an early settlemem of Book: acco untsf W e '.Amer-ican. · window plants. . llceat.iat· of the ~o;ral ate of the Toronto si1fl'erera fro" oatarrha.J. mmble3 shoµlil A wiudow-hox outeido the window of a .College o! P h1 11cian· Unive u1t:r Physician ··ad :uu:wbe:r of the ' caretnlly r11arl the above . · sick room ie 11nother little thing that gives An .Eiiglish Olergyma.n on 'l'ight-Lacing. l'lo:ral College of ~n.r· Surgeon, &c. much plea.sure.t oaninvalid. Evenifm11.1ble 1 TheReverned H. R. Haweis, of Engb.nd, pen1, ltilinburab. D uri, n g the sale due bills will be taken on a cash basis ·b nly. fo leave her bed, she may, if strong eLmtgh, must have ~tartled !ome of his fasbiona.ble Bowmanville, Oct. 3rd, 1888. {IJ-3m B it · .i; (), Jfll'CJDIEI.L, ha.ve the bed rolled close t o the open window hearers by the following donuncio.tion of E MB !.llR Oll' COLLEGill OF PHYSICIANS ··Wb0n Bab y ..,as aiok, we g aTe her Casto:rla, ~nd with her ow n ha11ds gather the blossoms unwholesome fashions in dr eos :. .. pd Surg· ons, Ontario,.Coroner, eto. . " When t he door," h e exclaimed, "close& for her pillow bouquet.. If too feeble Dilbe 1u1.d R 8111denoe, ·E nnieklllen. ?~ . · When ahe WRll · Child, eho cried !or Caatori&, for · t hia, she will yet find pleasure in on the light and splendor cf the revel, the When she became Mias, she clnng to Ca.ato ti· , watching the plants "'s they grow and veil is drawn quickly acrosa-·the public a.re U . LA.lll !UI MA.N M. D .. C. H ., lVbon she had Childnn, ish· gave them Caetorla, bloom. shub out; butt.he true physician, of souls i<rJ EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHY· An invalid who is ao fort unate r.s to be well as or bodies, will invite you to enter that .OICIANS .AND SURGEONS, Ont.' . able to write whil<l in a recumbent position gloomier apartment, a.nd hear the stern verc e and R £idence : h nniskilltn, On ta~ o. will find a home-made writing:board a.great diet upon another which to- morrow may be 0 conveuience. T ake a board e,bout eill;hb pronounced on ycu,- " Death from uatnral ------------ --~---inches wide e.nd ei11htecu inohea long and causes !" Lay no Buch flattering u nction to Bil. :a:. c.- JlcDe'WELL. oover ·it w it h white cotton fi11.nne l. This can your soul. "Death from rut in the liver I CIUS 'fl.A 'IE OF R OY AL COLLE GE he pr opped at any desir ed angle, e.nd, lying and corn on the heart, 11roducect by t ight. of Ph1 1lc!11ns. Lolldon. li:Dfl. ;:Membei· _or on Iler lef t sirle, with th a paper im the upper lo.cing !" These are the very words of a .Ce>ll~ll" cl Fh,1lcilrna u >n Sureeon·. Ont«no. lilU· \l.l l n .i>l'ID R1tSJDJ l'IC1t:-lle11r ot Jlll,r,M·o. end of the. writin!l·board, ehe will find its !P.t:\ding ph y sician of the day, to me. I :Bi11Qi» botllam'a Drn11 i::tore, B cwm!lnv1JJ", lower end - t he i~wer half of ita l ength- p lead for nothing impossible- for n ot hing 8- lF.· a r estful support for her arm and hancl, which cannot be, and which is not accom. To the imn atc of a sick-room _ frequent plished every day by sensible women in the Tr. fl. e·JfJ STe N, L , L . B . ~~ changer. in the p osition of the furnltllre a_re best circles, Many p l.eu.d for the mitigation J!arr11ter, eollcit or, Conveyancer, &o. Mon!\Y almost always. pleo.~ant. Chauge the pie- , of a public eye aore, aga.inat which our to lee11 , ()J!ko, In .BeaTer Bl<'ok upstuiu ir. room~ formerly ·c.cupie d by Dr. Har nd.cn. eures, too. Brmg tiictures from t h_ e other prE ·sent fashion of following t he natural lines Do"'manv!lle. 39 rooms e.nd hang th£m on her walls in placti uf t he body, instead of creating false ones, of those she haH looked at so _long. proteats as loudly as do the doctors themD. tiUJ&Elll Hl!il"84·N, D ear friends. let us not wan. for uncom - selves, I want you to be reasonable, and, A.RIUSTlll:lt, SOLICITOR, &;c . M0Pf08 mon things. Let us rememb~r m how great knowing the ter r ors of the violated law of JILOCK, up Btalrs , lilnu Street , Bowmi+n· ifi~iMll DREAD ma·e of thie Y °"' t measure it is the con:imon thmge, .the dear nature, I pray to be persuaeivo ; and t!Jis e. Solioitor for the Onta.rio :Bn.nk took l JZ Pirnt l"rizos Rt OIO!Mi · common things o1 life, from whtoh t hese is the spirit in which I plead with you this Fall Sko w· in 111&7. Pd-Tate Jhnevs loa.ned a t the lowollt311.t~. ;;u.ffernrs are so il~illy ehu,1; in .. Carry your morn~nic a~ains~ t h e ev.ila of excessive con;i-,_____ ~--"""'" ~'" O-vw 10,coo ln.tli·e :ha ve wri* l to sa.y that i t i:u rpo.iitC0 nny y"'1 t fnend a sod of v10lete; placed m a shallow preee1on m t1ght-lacmg,- that ayatem~tw Jeli.Jt. l!lelth. Gamra.1tlC .e Yar used by th~n1. bowl where th ey cau he ~rcel y wa.t ered,. outrage u pon t he hu man skeleton, that fatal D A RR I 8 T :Ill n , SOLICITOR, NOTAitY It m ~k<s tho ligllt...t , w hile9, sweotttat hrca<l, rolli;, tt'1R.S &11. J I.hey will grow and bloesom m . her wrndow att ack upon the sacred organs of circala.tion, "') PUBLI C, &;e . Otl'l.ce-Bounaall'D Blco.I· buckwhl'at JIAncak-.. for days and days. c ~rry one of your blo·- respiration, and nutrition." ·JM: liltreat , Dow~~yi_lle '.._!{_one:r to lend. Bak C!r5 in n ttr1y eYe.ry Wwn i -t ~oming h ouae-pl&nto and leave it tpere a Cnn Mla a.re ltliing it. F.RA."NI{ ill. FJJ<~ LD i B. A . \· eek. Ca.rry your canary, and let him sing PRICE FIV E . CENTI. there. ,Send her vonr photograph album, Look ou t for Typl'oid Fever. B ARRI STER; Solicitor, Notary , &c y'o ur ecrap ·book, your box of stereogra.pha, The prest'lnt is the season ot the year in tt-0me dreary winter day. C:i.rry your pre· which t he fatal typhoid germ is most to be Ot!lce,- Armour 22. ·> ions eilk quilt or your new afghru:i, and let dreaded. The evaporatio11 of water from ib lie a while on her bed or lounge. Even the Doil occasions a concentration of the p oi\,hough ahe has one equally pretty, yourn son, and water l!upplies a.re consEquon tly Ii. :iiiJNKlNG, will be d itlerent,--~onwthi ng new to look more liable to contain the t.yphoid pc-ison in ICEI\SllD AUCTIONEER lWR ,..,_,,_ deadly qu1mtiliee. Count1. of Durham. Salteee "!1£.~ Have now full m11 ges of all their Newest a,t. le ea 1111· sllorte1t n·11ce a.nd lowest ra. s · .Li. . · If y ou have a sick frk nd lit a !lista.nce, "M. Dujardiu Bna11metz, in a r eoentcom· vte.a'i!c» p, o. llfi:tr · Desians, and invite MERCHAN'.l'S to write to her. Write ofte11. N ever, until munication to tho Paris Academy, givea the examine som e previou9ly to you bave yourself know11 t he loneliness of case of a family who took a house for the S, BlJRDJ-;N, buying elsewhere. lbru:( illuess, can you understand how much season, a.ta faahionable resort. They were 4 UCTIONEER for the Coun ty of uornfort there is, to an invalid, in a ohe~r W<>rncd not to drink the weU-watH , & ~ Du:rhnm : lDEUrnnce end fieneral .Agei;t, a ib ful, newsy, ch.,,,.tty l etter. Valuator aIJd R eul JJ:stute .Agent. SaleB en,~ was supp osed to be impure. They drank other business promptly attended to. !)ox 17., MONTRJ<JriL. mineral wo.ter exclusively until the last day Bowmanville P. 0 . .l6- tr Working-Dresses. of their ate.y, when, in the hurrJ of packing, P. S .-We can supply you with anythin g in t he D r u g line. lf women wou ld only consent to attire they neglected to send for mineral vrat::ir, Plttn H Tuned und Eepalred. Ten themselvea in heaithful dresaea w hile a t and concluded t o try the well water. drank of it, six of whom have since died ; work, the misery resulting from improper · p ARTIE8 WISHING rn11rnPIA.NGi:: dreeaing would be II'.uch_d~mi:i~sh ed, since .a the remaining four, who bad previously had · ftnad orrep1ur11u o11.nuavethom nttendetl. great shar e of the mischief ar1smg from th.ts typhoid fever, were made sick, but recoverto by leaving ·word .11.t the Do:r1UNION 0RGA1' ot1.usa is p roduced by th~ & ttempt ta u~e, . m ed. A microscopic examination ef the wollCo's OB'll'IOE, Bowmanvllle ~ ftrst-olao man water revealed tlie presence of the baccillue i.:~1 'OOW botn111 in their ettq;iloy BV O N E M AN. 0-r<H·t ly improved. Also YOOL work or vigorous exercise, muscles whic:h f or fllin g SLLws ""h"'reby t h ose ltH .ti.;t experienced ca.n~ are so trammeled b y the weight of htiavy supposed to be the cause of typhoid .fever. " H AINES ~ J , \. . -t' l £.J llot ma.ke "' mi st.u.ke. Sent free with rm.Le/tine. Tu If t he family r efer ed to above, had taken <lthere, f't1r tornmon croi::s·c1 :t uws, by mnn 11!2. 00. B nn· skirts or the pressure of a coraet, th~t they pains lo boil t.he water from the suspected cll'e (~S have au.wed o ton con.us daily, We wu.nt all who Imm wood and all i111e rcstetl Jn t h e ttmber b 11sh1 ess to :i.re either r endered helpless, or obliged to write for our Illus t ratt>c\ Ji!rec ()atalogu e. Wo h a ve 0::c- work a.t a great disadvantage. . If women well before drink ing It , t hey might tc. ·day be :;Nf.1;~,~{J~<~;~"~';{~~;·1t~~l~'~!~s:1~tl~~}~.~~;~~o~~·dv~g~t would w e1\r healthful dresses whlle at work, i.live and woll. Beat is one of the b est disitiy secures u.gcnl!v . N· .> d 11 tv to p11v. ' Vo 1nun11ru.ct11re - - -MAN U F.A.U'.IU R E! l t iJJf-----they would noon find themgel ves so uncom· infectants. Suspicious water should u.lw.ays 1n cunu.cla.. lfOJ.iHN6 5.\tVI7'G n.i.dU?iK to., 303 to 311 cr table ia unhealthy ga.rments, wlie '1 they be boiied b efore drinking, a.a by t his means So. Canul :Street, Chicngo, u. s . A. · "dre~s up " as to lead them to be glad to the typhdcl germs may be d eBtroyed. make the'more healthful stylee habiiual. ' KING STREET, H OWM il.:"-1 VJJ~L We are glad t o see ths.t sensible r emark s Remedy for Smillpox. Ha s u ow on hand a r.nmber or ·vehlole~ (and is mannfaoturlng a. great many more) ot the De liko the following from a contempor2ry, are Edward Hines, !lo Tnweling correspond en t )latterns and bel:lt finish, which I o.m ofi'e rini': ior ~sle at the lowaEt price a consi.otent !llore an d more frequently to be met in the with dne regard to workmanship and quallty. The follovi-iug is a list of e!l>~urnns of popular newapapern and mi:.ga · of the Liverpool Mercu.ry, aenda the follow· . the pr incipal v ehicles 1r. a.nnr.aetured by me CANADA'S LEADING PAPER. inl!B :ing to t ho.t paper. " No disease ia so repulDouble Covered Carriages ........................ ... ........... .. . . .......... $150 Op ward' "~h e nniform in,isted upon fo1· women sive as eroo.llp.?x, and so genern.lly dreaded. HAR.NDEN, L. 0. 91 Single P h ootons. .. ....... ..... ... .. .. . .. .. .... .... ....... .. ... . .. ... .. .......... lOu u by th112e who direct gymnastic exercieea ie I am willing to risk my reputation e.s a ih& onl,y oue s,ppropriu.te for house-work. public nun if the worst Cll8tl of smallpox Open Buggy............... .. ............... ..... ......... . . .. .. .. .. .. . · · ···· .. · 70 11 Gr11duate ofth e Royal OolleKecf Dent,;.! a& fti.r M the under-garments a.re concerned . cannot b e effeotua.lly cured in three du.ya, Top Buggy... .. .. ........... ...... ... ........ . ............ ... . ..... .. ............. 90 H e ura eon11, Ontr.trio . No c&r.ats looee banc!s, e.n.d t he weight of simply by cream of tartar, Thie if; the sure Democrat ·wagon ... .··.··.··.. ; ···. .··..·.··. , ·..··_....... . ..... ... .... ...... ... 66 o 18 FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. tihe 1kkt 8~8pended from the shouldere, is and n ever-failing remedy. Oaa ounce of Lumbor W agons..... ..... .... ......... ............. ........ . ................ . ... 55 " OOLD :F'ILLING A SPECI.A.LTY \lhe rm!if· formula. for a comfortable working- oream of t artar , dissolved in a pint of boiling Ligh t W agon.. .... ..... . .. . .. . ... ....... . ............... . .... .. .. ......... ....... 40 " All.'.l'IFICU.L T BB TH l NSJ'lRTI!ID WITHOUT dres13 t.:1rwomen, t hat over we.sor can be given. water, to be drank when cold, t at &hort i.n· E:xprcs11 Wagon... ..... .. . .. .. ... ............ .... . ...... . . .. . .. .. .... ... ...... .... '15 " PllTl!:S. We hear in fancy, t h e ex,Jlu.ma.tion, u ttered terval.s. It can be ta.ken at any time, 11n d Skeleton... ............. ........ .... .. . . ....... ...... .. .. ..... . .... . .. .... .. .. . . ... 50 H bv an ~verwhelmir.g chorus of feminine is a preventive 11s well as a curative. l t is Oreat Reduotions in price on a ll Dental Sulk y.... .. ......... . ........... ....... ........................ .. ... ... .... ..... .... W01'k. Vitl!U~ Air, con sta~IT In U BB pro. vtliees, "No corset s 1 Give up snpp or ter a ?" k nown to have cur ed in a hundred thousand l ncing Palnle11 Operations. Particular att<lm a.lid we make no reply, save, " Try it. Ex· ca.see, without a failure. I he.,..e myself Po1se11llng superior facilities tor manufacturing carriages, I intend to sell very cheap for 0 , ~paid to the 1egulatlon of Cblldren'a Teeu perience is bhe best t eacher ." L eaving the restored hundreds by this means. I t n ever or approved orediti and by no dolng I hope to greatly lncrea.se mJ numb er ot ealea. WoulG .- ·.JILL, WORK W.A.B.R.ANTJW. ~ eel the woml parts only , or the gearings of bull:gies ironed, matter of under -clothing, the outer ga.rmente leaves a mark, never cau ses blindneas, and should certainly be ma!le in one p ieoe, and a lways preventtl t edicue lingerings. It is :Branch office, Dr. RuU1erford' s 0 1ono. should be both well fitted and c omfortable. ao effectual that if properly used, would dla- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·- - - - - · For stout women, e. wrapper made in gab pelll!e w ith the unna.tural l'\W of ve.ccination At the Short est Notice, Painted and 'f rlmmed If Desired. e.ud the costly staff of vaccinatora, for rielle, ol' princeEse fashion ia the most comillg ; while for slender forms, the pl~rn , smallpox never ..ppeara w ithout a need , and A.$ the Fn.otory I a lso do P lanln!l, Matching, Turning a n d Ba.wing with Circle, Bn,nd ,,. BO! Sa we and prepare all kinds of lumber !or carpenters nd others for building p·nrp@sea· . full skirt, :ittached toa spenceror yoke waist, then ought to be purifying and healthful to Ornamental and P lalil Piokets tor foneea in every style required, made to or der. is mnre desirable. For matsriti,l, cotton goode the system, a.nd when capable of being so - gingham, seersucker or calico- arethe only quickly removed need never be fear ed above ____ ___ &±~ ----- - ~ - - -~ --~ --- '!!!.::::. _ suitablefobrics for ;vorking-drea2e~. These can a cold or an overflow of bile. be worn tho year round by lin ing with heavy, unbleached muslin for winter, and, Third-Class Travellinr;. if necessary, adding an extn\ under· garment. F~OR Ther e is a. ea.ying a.broad that only Amer· In t)leae, one can always feel a.nd. lpok tidy, and the increased eelf·reep ect ar1em g from icans and princes ride " first -class" on foreign WITHOUT Tl!lll'H WITH TEl!lTB. such a condition of t hinga, will prove both railways. A fflw statiatica show how large r estful and atimnla.ting. Woolen materials is the proportion of the unprincely and nonhave su ch an affinity for ashes, d ust and Americans amcng English travel!ers : T he ascendeii'cy of the t hird ·claas pa.esf.ln· a.nd grease, that if worn, one muot either OVU TWENTY Yll.ARS EXPl!lRmNOlli, s pepd much v aluable time and s t rength ger every year becomes more marked. Acf t he chairman of ltro1110:lddeGa1 A.dmlni8tered fc1· J!"alI>l e· brushing and cleansing, or pr.as for a sloven. cording to tl:e statement O . Hingham and s eersucker n.re preferable to t he Great Northc:n R!!.ilway, in the Juno Operatiffni;;, Pu rify the Blood. correet all Disorders of the halt of l 887 the percentages of t heir p assen calico. " liVCJLtJN'1'S ru.om. ger traffic, afl to numbers, were as tollows : r-'NV.ER, STOIVl.!U JU, f{IDNJE"YS AND BOWEi.:.s. - - -- - - - - ---·- - ----·--·· ··-· (Height, 11 inches.) .First cla.sn, 3;{ per cent. ; sesond class, 5~ Microbes. .At once, Local and trav· per cent., v.n ·i t hird class, 91 per cent. ; THE E~IPUU: since its eBtablishment has They invigora.te -~nd ~·,~store t o h ealth Debilitat ed Constit utions, :e.n · eling agents for our goods. It wa.s a gre& t d iscovery which r evealed w hereas fe r the half y:iai:· under. r e view t h e Liberal commiss1ons. or salary and expense<. met with unprecedented success, aucl already iill?O lnv!\lu.a bl11 in ·~ll Ooroplalnt.s !ncldentnl to Females of all A g es, Fo1 stands in L he proud position of Canada's Leading the fa.ct t h11ot most epidemic diseases a.re due percen tages had been, respectively , 3, 5.~, to competent and relia ble man: For terms .Journal ; but, in order to place the WEnm:J.Jl to microscopic organisms, now known l\l!l i:md 91 ~ p er ceni;, In 1887 the receipt.a from Ohlldr~rn u.nd t ha. aged they ~re priceless. and full particulars, address · EDITION in the hands of c" ery Farmer in the J . F' LECJ,AHRE. Nurseryme.n, . t he firs~ claa~ were 14 per cent., and now Domi. nion this fall, t he P nbli shers have had mierobes· or bacteria. 42- 4w Brighton, N. Y, TI:f.l~ C>I NTMENT~ prepared a Handsome and Life-liko Bust of · Thus far, however, our k nnwledge IS con- they were 13 per cent. ; the seccncl. clr-.ss ltIOUE lllEN to sell our fined to this fact. Researches in this line gave them 7t p er c.ent. in 1887, and now only I a an iufallib1e remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds 11,, J<' 1:11U and Ornamental SIR JOHN MACDONALD, have been prosecut ed with immense zeal b y 7 p er cent.; and from the third class they and Ulcern. It lA famoui1 for Gou~ and Rhoumatism, For dfaordera of t1'a . Stock, Weooni:nveyou Tobegiventoeverysnbscribertothe WEEKl.l' i experte t hc worldove.. B u t as harmless d · d ~s1 t f t h! · t · Oh t i h I a good pay ng situation at once. .Ad · IENIP _ IRE PAl'!NG ONE l'EAR IN. ADVANVE, [ I mt"c · robe" ·1·e vastly mo;~ numeroua than the er1ve I :a per ceu , o er r ece1p B in I ·- ea . t ae no eqna . dresa fo,. terms,, "~ 1887, aa ag<>inst 79~ per cent. la.st h alf ye!!.r. F "" - ,.._ .rn .._ . · C h 11'1 d E. n. 1U4JJIAB DSON dl Co., ONLY $1 ·PEE .ANNU'Jld. harmful, and abound in the bcdy! ?oth in The average of t he fa.res dnring t he half . Or ~ore 'JI nl'03.t!!I, U ·i"01l11.Clllll{IS, @Ug 8 , uOI S 1 Nnrsel'YJDCll, Geneva. N.1!; NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE dise~~sc a:id in healt~, i t has been d1tlic_ u lt to year has been 3s. ~d. in t he first cll),88, llfd . Gl.11,ndular Swelling s, and all Skin Disr~asos it has no r ival, · and ____ !l0-6w · t<bta.bliah the connection between a particular in t he second, and Sd. in the third. l\ddress THE EMPIRE, Toronto J indofdillease a.nditaownmicrobe. Thist-0nd encyis likelytoincrease. When contr.:acted and atlffjointait aota like a c harm, No expert ha~ bee~ able to gain .an acknow- railways carry a.11 classes at the si:.me s peed, A list of 1000 newspapers divid ed into STA1'ES M anufactured only 11,t TaoMAS Ho.L LOWAY's Establishme nt Aluminum resembles silver in appeara.nc.,, :adom eut <>f his drncovery until h e h ad and th E! third-class carriage is clean and AND SECTIONS will be sent OU application1 l!'JtEK . _ .,.,, , · . , · · ie stronger than steel., wil! not tarnish a.nd ~t 1~rntecl his microbe from a ll others, culti· CJ?mfor.tahle, t he purchMe of a first-class 'l'o those who want their a dvertising to pay, ia superior to silver for all purposes for.whiori ,,..',ed it by itHelf, and then, by inocnh;tion ticket 1s seldom rny thing but wanton lux -. 18, NJ1.1.W OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFOI.D S'l'REE'.t), I.ONDO~ we can offer no better medium ror thorough w aome anim1\l, obtained t he chara.cterfatic ury, I And sre sol d at ls. l}d., 2s. 9d., 4fl. 6d. , l la,, 2!fa,, and 33B. each BQ;; ' m; Pot~ and effective work than the various f!ections meta,l is used. symptoms. E ven then t he general verdict I b h d f 11 M di 1 V d th l th W ld oul' Select J,oe1t1 J,Jst. cmo . IP'. ROWELL 4(1 4JO., John Swan of Strood, Eng., drow n ed himself has had to a.wa.it.th~ 0~sultst of ts.imilar tests hSir Charld e~ and Lady Dilke are riding ""'"""n'~"mll~a!.,...e ,.,, 11 :0m A~ ~t ~ cL·~be·' =~ '~t~,s ""'oxt·~ua:l dounto~£~. or ' Newspaper Advertising Bureau, through derangement, o wing to overh appi· by other exper ts in au.toren na 1011s. t rough n ia. """A ··· ~ .. D~· ~ ·· ·· ..... ~ ""~ ~ ~· - '"~· "' o ~~~ 10 Spruce street, New York, ne~e at hia ~.ppror.ching mMriage, 1 ! . . . _..., · a :ia 533, IJ:.1ttor d l!itreet, London, the;r are spndou·· · . E 1'EllY ll'EDNESJ)A.Y lllI(llRNING Hf CA~B~~!~!K~ M A · ·- - -- &.ffe TATES"~ANI' ~ CJA 11'ARRll A New H nnc Trea;Dl~Jlt ~he tor HEAi T H 0 Cure of The Ministry ofL~hings i~ the Sick ~~!ebi:e:::~ri~~i~:~~;~~i:;e~~e:~~ift~~ Althougb several iIJfocticua dfaeases l:ave A w . d t0 0 F · d 0 r u r ri e 11. s and . the P. u b 11" c. . . . - JAM I / FRID ~Y-:i l~ O CT OBEB, 5 th. 5'11·· ELL ISON & CO; M L ,J. HIGGINBOTH &SON, THE coaK'S BESl" FRIEND r Chemists an d Druggists. - - --o- ...___ ~ rREA D MAKER 'S YEA S T . A full a ssortment of Drugs and Medicines always on hand, also Toilet S oaps, Sponges, Perfumery Cosm etiques, &c. ' PROPRI ETORS OF _ ____. . ,. _. ~~~~Y!<ttreet. ., . . _____________ ITh e c. L Mag 0 g Textile and Print Coo Binge's Syrup of Horehound, for Coughs, Colds, &c. Nasal Cream, for Cold in the Head. Dr. Woulff's Remedy, for Cholera, Diarrhrea, &c. COR N"" OuRE_ ~ 93 ST. PETE R STHEET, Our Corn Cure. is t h e most popular preparatibn in the mark et . Try it . CARBI ,, G« "WORKS D ENTI STRY~ GEORGE C. HAIN:f.JS , Proprietor, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, WAGONS, &o. 4'e· ., ' All Kinds of -vehicles Repaired D E N T I STR Y '?6· :E-I E AI. . '1., H f. m:. ER JJf{JlCOMEE, THE PI I.lI-'S WANTED ' . WA NTEn To ADV ERTISERS .. 1 l 01111 1 0 16 .J,\.;: w fM Ofyfor Pitahe~~_C).a'.~~r!~