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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1888, p. 8

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e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!i:!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~~==~E~~~~~~~~~ · ~....~· ..... ..,. l!Ome of the in nature the Magllzine, Sliver Wedding lll Clarke. bnt it idea i~ difficult one of rapid survey to d o anything like jnetice oither _to the esPo!sibly one of the moat lllriiely tabliehment as a whole, ihe article man- attended weddiog oalebrah,,,, s th"t ha1 Ufi\ct\jred, or the undert11 Jdng &o quietly taken place in thi1 p ,·rt of Canlld", and there have been morA here"bnu1a than h in ar 11en. · h There ate many yet living, who, no any oth11 r dis·rict, was t e one at t e doubt well remember the laborious weth- family residence of Mr. and Mr11. Jame1 od (·f years ago of obtaining light and Oolville, lot 35, con, 7, Olarke, on Friday fire by mean! of flint and 1teel. . They evening, Oct. 19th, the occ!aiou of tho will aleo remt'lmber with what delight the 25th anniveraary of t.heir w~dding. · The woodell mat.c h wa11 b ..iled, ungainly and g11eat11 bad been invited by printed eii.rd· cumbfr1iome though it wa·, and what a by a committee at th1J head of which were wonderful fnveniion it waa thought to b ;. Mea11ra. T . W. Underwood and Angn· To-day wu have pl."oed Stalker, and \he affair wu11 intended to be 1115 indeod it ll'H. before 118 an ' invention, which to u1 111 as a 1111rprize P"dy. After all had arrived far 'ahead of the common match metboc! and .zreetings over, Mr. W. P. Prower, of light.fog as the wood mate~ was ahead ex-Rt>eve of Bowmanville, was called to of the fliut aud steel and r .mder box. It rhe chair a nd after a neat ·peech call<>d will 110 deoubt very soon bec,,me an indis- on Mr. A. S t11lker to .read ~n aJdre·e ~nd pen'sible article in every household, be- to present Mrs . .Colville :With !1 beautiful irig simple n.nd durable, always ready for S ilver Ti:;a . " erv1~e, massive Si.Iver Tr1<y, use handy t :J carry and free from any e111~ ant ttltmi.: Silver Wat,n Pitcher ~nd d ' · · !Pair of Gobl..,ts, the to·al valne of which. anger. is c"nsidera'>ly upwards of $WO. Mr. 'ril:E MATCH DEPJ.RTMENT. l Colville madll a ninely word11d and The pellllt ot match used in the ma.g a· I appropriate reply. Tiu· lari;:e_ company zine is manufactu: ed in a separate bmld-1 went in for amusement and w1·h dance, iuv. sit,uat..d probably s :·me thirty-five or sonil: and variou· games t.he hour.& paa~ed forty ftiet from ·the main building. On swiftly by "til~ c;Iayl~ght did appAar." enteritg we were met by Mr. 0.N. R~se, Tm11 STATESMAN JOIOS m the con1tratulamanager of this depar tment. The budd- t.ious, and hopt>s th." happy coup~e may i1,g is divided into several apartments live to celebrate their goldPn wed dmg. knnwn as stock r oom, dry room, packing room a ud manufacturing room. When THREE CARD MONTE. running full force twenty men are employed. The match is about ihti size and UN SUCCE~SFUL ATTEMPT TO TAKE IN A ehaµe of a gun cap though having mor_e DAltLINGTON PARMER. of a µoiut. ThtJ body of the match is made of sawdnst, prepared by a special Early in the summer a ftuf'nt tongued process, being worked and kneaded t o a man apparently a well-to-do-farme r, met c&rtain consistency, then by means of a lady on the 9th conct-soion of Darlingmangles is forced into steel plate moulds ton and inquired the nam"s of some of each plate c·intaiuing over fifte1m hundred th., oldest and most wealthy farmers in h oles the size of the match. The plates the v1c;inity. Being told, he preceeded are then put into a heated oven till thor· to visit them and stated that he repreoughly dry then paratined. The matches sented a banking cornp1 my o.nd was lonkatl:J then removed from the moulds to· inr1 for investmflnts in · ea! esta.t.e. After t!ie pin boa.rd .. by a verr i1 °genio11s con vi; w·ng the farm and having a long .c~at trivancH, each m1J.t.c'1 bemg elevated, and with ;the owners he went aw·· y prom1smK separa·e, then di~ped in~o the igmting to call again after a. whit,,, N thing was compo~it.ion, aftE>r becom11?g thoroul(hly hea1·d of tbe man until 1 week when dry aud nmoved from the pma and boxed. h ·· ag1 un put m an ap f'" arance, and deF rom eix thousand, t ·· ten thousand sired to 10011 over 1he f1vm" mor>' careboxes, each coutainiug five dozenmatches, fully. 1>.n hour ep nt in this way, will be turned out each day. the ehv.rpn (for s"eh he pr ·ved t<> be) M:..ssrs. F. H . :Via.son & W. Ruse have met, r;y arran~ernent of cour·e, a .s ·ra.1!ger the contract of manufacturing the ma.tchelil who was drivin~ eastward and mq mred 1 for use in Canada. for My·tle. A lengthy conversation ensued a.nd to all 1tppearanee the man was NOTES. intoxicated. He ~"·Id the land hunter The magazine will be placed on the and his wealthy farmer friend how he market immediately. had been euchred out of $500 in PeterThe buildiug is lighted by ga11 manu- boro at a game of cards, and he had factured on the premi11es, and heated by bough t a pack of cards af···rward11 and steam. was going to learn to pby and ret,11m and From four to six thousand magazines try t,o win the money back. He w»s will be t11rned out each day, with amt- asked by sharper number one to let him able supply of matches. setJ the cards, which he declined to do About seventy-five hands will be em- unt il pressed to do so when he took them ployed in the manufacture of the maga- out and endaavor·,d to explain how to . zine in all ts use them and fin ally wanted t o play a Each sectio u is connected with the en- gamo. Sharper l\I o. 1, tried h is luck and gine room by 1 sig nal bell. won. 1'his resul·ed in t he man of the card~ producing an imrn· n ·1 e ro l of bank bills and cball·-ngmg either ··f rhe others West Durham Fair. pl1roy for $100 "l:ipel\ring l\l l t his t i!De to be drunk snd r t·cklesij, No. 1 was mThe. followiug special prizes have been cJined io play, but said he had not $100 awarded in addition to those already pub- with him. His wifll was in Oshawa and WORK~ r:·quiaite shape for use. lished in this paper : ' he had left $1000 with ho·r. Watching a 1J · · " Aoother P"rt of the Magazine is called Hon. E. Blake's prizes for Durham 'crood chance he turn ..d to the old farmer the Ciick, which operates the switch h erds :-arul. Allin $3, Wm. Werry $2. :nd aside remarded iu a low tone "This TUil: WONDERFUL MAGAZINE LIGIITER. plat.a. The latter is fas tened on the out . W~. Ruse to exhibitor taking largest m11.n has more mouey than brains. Let side of the Lighter by weans of a. dimin- number of prizes, plow valued at $12: T · us try him a hand," Old f,.,rmer said no, The writer had the privilege and pleas- utive rivet, s<> constructed with a should- T. Coleman, who took 80 priz~s. he would not take advautuge of any man urea short time ago of visiting the above er as to ens11re a perfectly easy motion. ,V. P. Prower's furndture prize, for in that way, and declined to have any· works ant! of.witnessing t.he lightning rapBesides the parts already rnen~ioned, carriage horse, style and speed: Mr. thing to do with the cards, though the idity()f manuf11cture of the Lighter, one others, known as cap-lighter, head, Underwood. corner of one had been turned down a vf the moet-11ovel aud ingenious, and at etc. J. Rueb..ttom's prize, 35, for carriage little to enable him to d ·stinguish the the · me time the most useful inventions The lighting ia caused by tw9 st~el sucking foal: JtJnathau Porter. lucky "puzzle card "' B·' ginning to smell <>f the age. p ,tints in the extreme end between which ,J. Higginbotham & So.n's 50 lbs. cattle "a rat" old farmer brou.~ht the interview Brtdly, tftilt Lighter or l\'lagazine, prop- the m~tch is forcod. ood, prize for grade heifer: Alfred C. to a sudden . ending by denouncing the ~ ia ita improved f,,rm, is a.bout three Altogether aowe foutteen 11eta of dies Allin. scheme .aud giving the meu to underatand t ong. three·quartMs of an are in use. These are all rnado on the Murdoch Bros.' lamp, for agr'l tttam: that he wanted further to do -wide,-and,f>·'Ob~bly a quarter of an mch premise9, under the auperviaion of Mr. .Albert Clemens. with them. The bauk llgt>nt tried to thick, 1111d .1>onsists of two barre le or tubes W. S . Mountford, uf l:hrmingham, Eng.; Q., 0 · Buck undershfrtii, light brahmas: smooth the matter over but find i ng the which h<>l<l di~ pellets or m~tches. Be- a youtl1 in years but old iu experience, as Geo. Wright. old farme1· too wide-awake f,.r them bade tween th~1e is. the wech11.nism so con- is amply proved .by the perfect and comMcClung Bros.,dress and bonnett, f16, him adieu and each drove off in different etrucLedthat r.aunJ?le preeinu:e of the 1 .flog- . ete . success which hat attend.ed h!s ex- best 40 Iba . butter : J . M. Joness. directions When walking over the ei: on the push pm imm?di 1 >1hts perimenta. N oue but those experienced Couch Johnston & Cryderman, dresa, farm he had told old farmer that Dr. <me of "the matches, whtc!1 will burn c;i.n understand the vexatious trials of $10, best 25 lbs. butter: J. M. Sweetapple, of Oshawa, was coming out .slightly loni;(er than an ordinary match, 1t esting and irnr> roying parts, making and Joness. with him, but could not get away that with a 'ltright-~dor.lesa flame. . 'remaking dies, training wor kmen, as Young, Allin & Co., best 20lbs. butter, day. Dr. Sweetapple has Aince been inThe factory 1e situated about midway\ must ever be the case when the article $8, Mrs. Wm. Crago. terviewed and diael11im11 1my knowledge betweea the centre of the town and sta- ) manufactured is a new invention. J. H. Jury, dressing case! $3, collect- of the men. This iR anoth"r lesson to t ion, a iit!(e to the c:as~ of Ontario street. Directly over th" department last men- ion native leaves, F. L. Elhs. farmers to have nothing to do with entire ()n enteri!lg the bl!tldmg .we w~re first j tiened is a. large room, in which some Oawker & Allen, set dishes, $4, for s trangers. ehown iato the busm.ess office., a hgh_ t and thirty hands are emplo ped, all seated at toilet set : Mrs. Anderson. . :;;~~=============~ airv apartment equipped with mnde.rn work tables which ex1end through the Geo. McGill, $1 for crayon drawmg, conveniences. 'Here we. found the genial l centre of the room and ou the sidlls. Of figure subject : Miss M. McClung. . · proprietora of ·the estabhsh00:ent, M~ssr~. those at the centre tal>le some were enThos. Elliott, $1 for crayon drawmg, F . McDo'..-ell and W. 0. Kmg, who m gaged in riveting, others in putting the animal subject : Miss Georgie Oole. A. Scaly, Ttchtng Ski· Dl8ea~e with Endlesa Soa.erlng Cored by Cnlleora thoir usual hearty manner req.uested ~e sides of the Magazine together, and othSocieties' prize for case of fresh m oat : BemedleK. to make myself at home and visit the <l:If- ers a soldering. This is done by Jno. Lyle 04, Cawker & Allin, $ 2. d ' Th e 0 ffi ce opens m- means "' of gas gets and blow pipes work e d 'II' prize for base ball, 010 the twenty·eight lf J had known or ago t he lt CUTICURA REMEDIES ' f erent ep~tments.. Societies' 'II' : years would haye sa.ved to the chiei Mech.a.meal D epartment, Ma- by a fan faatened to the ceiling under - Olarke nine. me $200 (two hundred dollars) and an 1mrryense chinists and Die·maker's room. In the neath. amount of euffering, My disease (Paor1aaia) commenced my head in a all spot uot centre wer& 11ix i>Ower pr1>sses, an d ?n After soldering, the Magazine is taken AU CTI ON SALES. than a. cent. 011 It spread rapidly over mylarger body sides of th.e room we not1?ed la·hos, dr1_l· down stairs and caps tir.ted on the e nd, and itot under by nails. The scales would drop f 8 h off of me all tho time and my One autferlog was l ing mac 111011, a. or!te, iron h mg ·fl an- endless and without relier. th ousa'!d . aper, m then t o the buffing room where some d oz- POSTPONED SA.LE.- S. 0. Hunk" fact, all the,m ult1tudmous machmery ~ad e n hands are engaged in polishing and nual sale is postponed until further dollars would not tempt me to have tbia d1a· 1. · · are s t'll ease over again. or I am a some poor man, reel app 111noes neeeMa ry . for the . construction <>leaning for p 1atmg. notice. E ntr1es I open. rich to b~ roleaved wha~ of thebut of the die~ used m .the press~s. Adjoining the buffing room is the plat- WEDNESDAY OcT. 24. -Mr. Albert Arnot, said was leprosy, some rmi:c·worm ·. flsor1as1s, A. wire slr111ghtemng m,a chme o~up1es . ing department. where some four hands lot 2 , con'. s· , Darlington, will sell his etc. I took . . , aqd .· . Sarsapim las over · t pOlli "t" an- are employed. · '"1 year and a. half, but no cure. I went to ton, w h i1e n.e in·. It . This room contains a. valuable farm stock, imple ments, etc. one t-;rn or three doctors and no cure. I cannot a prommen Sale at 1 p. m. See bills. S. C, HUN· praise the CuTICIURA · REMEDIES too much. -0ther turned. out the b.eautif~l ~plr~l pl..ting dynamo, bat hs, large iron kattles springs used m the rnagazme, spm . nmg 1t contai "ning the potash sol ution and hot ~ING, Auc'i'oneer. They havo made my skin as clear and tr~e · · a bout t h r ee m11 ~ > scaloe as any .11..llthree I used of them es per ·~attir from the boiler, dips, galvanized M J Abb tt 1 · from ~as threo boxes of body's. CoTICURA, bottles of <mt, " · Tut.JRSDAY, OcT. 25.r. . o ' a. " " RESOLVENT, and two cakes or c u:r· hour. · iron drying oven, in faot we consider this l IL I I f to k CuTICUlH The material out of whic_h the M aga- one of the neatest and moat p~rfectly coo., Reach, wil ae 1 s arm s c · !CURA So.Ai>. u yon had been here and said 8h would have cured Ime for $like 200 you would i mpl ement 8 · e t 0 · S ale at one· S ' C · you zine is constr~oted, comes. m larg~ eets equipped plating rooms in .the Province. han had the money, looked the picture of brass, and 18 first cot mto strips the ln the platina bath we noticed countlesa HUNKING, Auctioneer. in your book ot Psoriasis (picture number two, d 1 gth d ed t 0 d h "' How to Cure Skin Diseases,") but now I o.m necessary wi t an en an pals numbers of theMagazine and parts recei'l'- SATURl>AY OCT. 27. -Mr. C · H · Allin ' " lt8 clear any person ever was. Through 88 the presses. The first of these, the large m g their quota of depo~it, while ot~ers Simcoe 'st. south, Oshawa, will sell hia force or habit J rub my hands over my arms nress t urns out. from eight th,ousand. to were bei'ng strung on wues ready for imfurniture and effects. Sale at 1 p. m. and legs to scratch once in a wbile, but to no r purpose. I and am all well. twenty· ten thousand sid es per d ay· Th eae Bld ea mersion, S. C. H UNJUNG, A uct' ioneer. eight/ears It got to beI aecratcbod !!Scond nature. to are what, when hollowed by the press and From the plating room the Magazines T UESDAY, 0 c'I'. 28.- Estate of Ia.ta·' ·w .. ,me. - thank you a thousand t1m~e. Anythml!' 0 0 h f more that vou want to know write me, or any . Maga· are taken a gain to the upper appartmen t put toget er, orm the b d Y f the Ar.gall, lot 23, B , F., 0 Jar k e, f arm one who reads this ma.y write me and I will 2i11e. From the :large ;press the 111des go where spring and push pins are inserted, stock, implement a, Sale at one, answer It. DENNIS DOWNING to the planer !'~er? they_ are made smooth other attachmente added and when comS. C. HuNJturo, auctioneer. WA-rERDURY, VT., J ..n. oth, 1887. 2 '1nd even for ]Olllhng. ,A second pr~ss plated are subjected to a severe teat. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 31.- Mr. ~ra.' . F, ' turns the e?da for the head, and a third The Magazin e, when on the m~rket,_ will Pearce will sell a lot of etandmg t1mPeoriaeis.Eczema.'l'ettei:.Rin~·worm, Lichen, cutll and trims the other end. The patt be sold in neat little cases, with directber on Joi; 26, con. 1, Darlington. S. Prurites, Scald Head, Mllk Crust, Dandrutr· ()1' half of magazine which forms t~e front . 8 for use enclosed. t" Da.rbera',Bakera',Grocere',and Wf!11herwom~n 8 requires additional laboc, as certain por· IOWe mentioned before something about 0. HUNKING, auc toneer.. Itch and every species or Itchmg, Barmng, Pimply Humors of the. Skin .s.calp tione rou!.lt be punched ou~, and slots cut the difficulty of simplifying an invention T HURSDAY, NoT. 1.- 'l'he farm of 11>0 8caly. and Blood, with Lose of Hair, are ud positively to enable the correct workings of others of this kind and of . the patient exper iacres, thoro'-bred H ereford cattle, farm cured by CUTICURA, the great Skin Cure. and AP, a n e:i.:quiaite Skm Beantltler t. h t A th press siock, implement.s, eto., of Mr. Thoe. CUTICURA SO and chief ·t c men s. no er . mentiog necessary. Ormiston, lots 23 and 24', oon. 9, Dar- externally. and CuTICUR.t lli::soLVENT,. the turne out what is called puh, The first productions under the circum-lington, will be sold without. r eserve. new Blood P urifier internally, whenphyaiolans and &II remedies !all, whicfh rth stances rouat o £necessity be far foom perSale at one p. m. . See arge -chie mec anica wor n g . ·· f t" We were ehown two or t kree of B d · S BURDEN & Sold everywhere. Price: CUTICURA. 73 cte.; SoAP,;35 cts.; R&aOLVENT, $1.60. Prepared by iU1portant part of the llagazme is th~ ec ion. ted m azines Each exThus. ur en, a11s1gnee. · 1 the PO'.l".l'EH DRUG AND Cnll:MIC4L Co., Boston, carrier an inge.nious -lit:le shuttle-like ar- ~~b' fi~t; cfe:1 !J>e a ma'1ed i~provemont Co., auctioneers. Mase. S . DI ,, Gl rangement wh1chh 03berr1e11 dthed pe_ ltlet t1h or o~::its prede~e11Bor remindind us forci bly SATURDAY Nov. 3.- Mr. J. Beighton, &ii"Send tor " How to Caro k m so!'-ses, matches from t e tu wan epos1 e e~ . ,8 theor of E vo ution with lot 8, co~. 2, Ea11t Whitby, will aell his pa.gee, SO illustratioll, .an~_ I~ _!.e_st.l,!':1°nuiJ._ _ PLEs·;·lilackheads, chapped and oily skin in the oentr~, wht ehre t~? f~rcedT:~ ~~i~~r;;,:nce thatywith man the point of farm stock, implement8, etc. Sale all prevented byCUTICURAM1mIC.tTE:oSo.o1.r. the plunger mto e 1g mg ?n . . erfection is yet to be reached, while in one. See bi111. H UNJU.NG, -0arrier is a pecul~arly 1haped Itttle. ar ticle, Ph Ma azine the la.tea~ product 88 manAuctioneer. and owing_ to this req~1re1 considerable t e r!d to-da has certainly reached a:s - - -- -- - - In one ml·ute ibe Cot!eura manipulation. A ma.chine first outs theae u~acttt . 0 f y rfection n our humble\ NEVER A.LI.OW the bowel fl&· rewaln eon· ~ ~ A.nit·PalnPlaater relievedtheu· out of 11heet brass a.t a rate of t welve hun- hi~h.a pom~ pe_bl ' s tl'pate d 1e~t 11ertom1 evil ensue. Na.&tonal ~ . i:natle, Soiatlo, Sudden, Sharp &lid h l' d thev must then be run op1mon as is poasi e. . Pllh are unsurpaAHed as a remedy for con- Nerrotis Pains, Stra.inB and Weaknel!llo 'f he d d tlrst and enl:r valn-.11:1llinll: Plaster. W et11. re pehr ou · 1 ~n '· t" bt·i'ul ' no t he· \Ve have thus fal' endeavored to give Ulpata..n. t l irou~ tlYO c 1 011 ve ore o ~. ,.., ·· . . . ~Ji!L 1, ABIG w EA R EN 0T BRA ccI.N· . when we say if you want the best place is .... ~ c·. DEAL '· I· Worth and Wear, Style and Strength, Choice and Cheapnes. s,, VVe have received a very large consignment of Tweeds, Dress Goods, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, etc. Bought from the Trustees of a iarge WHOLESALE BANKRUPT HOUSE. These Goods were bought for cash at panic prices. As 1011.g as they ·last Nothing will convince like personal inspection that for <;{:)asonable Dry Goods and reasona ble prices, the best place is Mcc : un~ Bros. A large shipment of pure, all wool,, Grey Flannels, worth 25c per yd.t we are selling for 17~c 9er yd. :' NOTHIHG LIKE THEM in the -iOMINION. Another lot of beautifu l Gl?EY UNION FLANNEL worth 18 cts., selling ~or 12~ ct,H. In ordered clothing we £: r e strong in style. · Having secu red the services of one of the be.- ·ti c11ttets in the City of Toronto, w iJ -> is now in charge. If you want erfect, ·fit give us a call YOU CAN CET BARGAIN SD Mantle Cloths, from 60 cts. up. Tweeds, all wool, from 30 cts. up. Overcoating, heavy, from 90 cts. up. Curtain N et, from 12 cts. up. '1 op Shirts, from 50 cts. up. rropShirts,navy all WQOl,from 60 cts. up. Under Shirts, from 35 cts. up. Cashmere Gloves, from 12 cts. up. Silk Plush, all shades, from 50 cts. up. The Goods are all new and were b ·o ught 'for this season's business. Hundreds of BARGAINS all through the House. Call and examine and oblige Jno. J. MA SON. aowMANVILLE NOVELTY in~hs ~nch McCLUNG EROS., Sign, Golden St·') t.~ e _p·~ BO"WMANV!Ll . :s:::z:: "Black B lood," by the popular author, Geo. Man ville Fenn, hat just been issued by Mr. Wm . Bryce, Toronto,, price 3~ ~ts. This is a military story, and is of t hr11lmg interest. A ll who h~ve read "The Master of Oeremr>nies," by the same author, will be plea1ed with another such a charming book. A handy little reference book t hat ahould be in every household where there are young people educatm~, an~ aurelJ in every 11chc·ol where Enghsh History Is taught, is "Handy Helpe i n t he Study and · R eading of English H istory " by Annie E. Wilson, 1101 'rhird Ave, Louisville, Ky. P rice 25c . "° The' h \1 , for any qu . . , delivered I V>J.f,(Jr 01' at the Wbart ; 1~ ' ·ff other grain and f,.,, ·, ,, d ur~., . a: : " p· 1id .. :,. -~n.rloy JOH 1 .......;, ) .... ;~ i ::·; E '· p . l tor' SCRATCHED 28 YEARS I The excellence of Harper's Mal(azine for October is apparent even from a hasty :r ;!j.' ~lance through its pages. There are short 1.' stories and long ones, sketches, "skits," poetry, and unsurpafsed illustrations. :;t· · .~~ -~ -~ _·" "' The articles most striking, perhaps, are .ii1, ~ Mr. Theodore Child's ' ·Limoges and its Industries," and Z. L . White's description _ .,__,, -·- ·· of "Western Journalism." These con..,.~\ tain a great store of n ew information, and L 1. even the old fact s are so presented that they strike t he reader wi~h new _force. , wi~hes to notify t ' f'u'blic that she is The portraits of Western editors will be gomg to sell h ll· lu1mc·l)Se Stock at tha 1canned by t he public with int erest. very lowe11t r QtHc. tbu,j; has ever beeR< A TERRIBLE TEN YEARS.- M:rs. Thomas offered in this t ow '· L riok out for bargains the rem inder , o f l hi11 season. Acree, of Hunt ly, Ont., suffered all t he t or t ures of liver complaint for t en years. Straw and F elt H:; ~ Dyc.d an d Reshaped· Four bottles of B. B . B. entirely cured in all ch" Li>t'est Styles . her, making h er like a ne w woman again, , AGENT F OR Tfll~ T"JlONTO DTJ» WORKS. after o~her meditines had failed to r elieve her. lv:lrs. SPE( . '· cf\o- '· LA .[ '> M rs. .T O s . ' · I .. - J] y 'nue I I Donn eUy.. NOTICE \Fall r Fa11-l !Fa1l1 1 ! - - TO- - I CREDITORS_ I - - o---·- AT T .HE-,- In the matter of the Estate of the late Lucia Burk. URSUAN1.' to 8tatutes of On· tario. 1887, Ohapter 110, notice is hereby P given to the Creditors of Lucia Burk, late Revis~d ECLIPSE HOUSE Goods dow n to the lowest poi nt except given away. tog:bh~r ire pus: ~h°J y.n lfi~~ngoes ~: 1 ro~ters. s. c. Pl M ceased, to eend on or before Thu!'llday. the FIFTEENrH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1 1883, to D . BURit:E SIM PSON, of tbe Town ., io endless variety-we make ai of .l:Sowmanville, in the County of Durham, specialty in these goods. Sc..licitor for Edmund G . Burk ~nd David G11lbraith, Executol'll of the last will and j CLOTHS & TWEEDS-A LA MO])~~ testament of the said Lucia. Burk, their Christian names. surnames, addressQe, and deacriptione, with full part icularH of their Our CLOTHING DF:PARTMENT' claims in writing, and tho nature of the h&s still at its lwa.d the only fh'St-~ eecuritiee (if any), held by them, and that ·u· "" w;· 1st o f tl~ ,,_ after the ·.a1'd 15th D·y of NovAmber, 1888, class cutter jn to ··~n ~ ~ the said Executors will proceed to distribute other li<:mses that low ot. first-class1 the 111111ets of th e estate of the deceased among the parties ~ot~tled thereto, having cutters have thd r work made regard only to the claims of whicb the said by suooters and ca ll it. ftrst-.class, Executors shall have r~ceived notice at the to gull t.he public. time of anch distribution, and that all claims of which the A id Executor· shall not have Every customer that ba.R ~n eye t9 received notice at the t ime of such distrihu· beauty in clot,ha.t calls upo'1 tion shall be considered to bti waived and the 1aid Executor&will not be liable for the &aid assets or any part thereof t.o any person of whoee claim notice sba1l not have been received by them at the time cf & ueh <li11 of the town of Bowm11nville, widow, de· ITIES, COLLARS,°CUFFS, CLOVES~ u:p FREE! FREE FROM PAIN! tribut!on. D. BURKE SIMPSON, Soliritor for the said Exe~utore. Dated a) Bowmanvill&, this 9th day of. 0 I: 1888 ~ er, · 4.1 llt I · · l IV · to. design tl1em for him. s W. RIVES. Cbnstren'" ~~, P1tohf)y:'~.._, '

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