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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1888, p. 1

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- ~ - ........_-~ ...... ............. ____ _ ..............______..,,..____........_ ....________ --- . ~ _________.... ~ - tsman. TBRllB :· ~11.GO Pu A.nvlf, 01'B ron AND 001'NTY J'IMT: TBB WORLD All'TBRWA.RD8. WEDNESDAl'. OCTOBER 31, 1888. 80LIN.A. Our pcpulatlon Is oon~bntly loorea!llog. Dr. W. E. Tiller and wlte visited the academy lately. The apple crop In thlB vlclolty has been very laTge. Quarterly meeting will be held a t Elds.d on Sunday mornioir. Mr. A. J. ~yoolde hae been re-engaged at the Solina achoo! aga.ln. 8. Waehlnirton, Esq., and lady have been vi1ltlng at "'Maple Lane." . Mrs Jno. Pascoe la nloely reeoverlng from a severe attack or lnftammatlon, 'l'he &tore here l a now vaoant. Some enter· prielnii person should start 1t again. The Salvation Army j11.blleo, on Wednesday, wae 11bead or u.oytbiug yet at1empted here. Master \Vllllam eon of Mr. Thoe; Baker had a finger cut oft' while playing with a turnip cutter. Mr. Geo. Awde, oar Dep11ty Reeve, comes to the front with a load or turnipe ~O bus with o~ ly 380 turnips. Mr. Jno. Ashton, thresher, bas had to bo~row an enginD. his own being dleable!l. H6 le hav· Ing a very large ruo this season and is doing splendid work. Miss ,J, JameA, Oshawa : Mies Mary Mo ett& James .a nd Mies Minnie \Verry, Bowma.nvllle and Mrt. Short. of Courtloe, are among the visitors ·hie week. Mr. A. Hogarth has got "Young Princeps" home again having had him on the t r ack for some t.ime under the skillful training of Mr. Pollard, of Clarke, who has got him down to aome very fast time. One or the colts slred by th., fl.hove ho, se took first prize ·a t CaTtwri1tht fair w hlle another took second at Bowms.nvllle. 0 BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO. VOLUHB XXXIV. NUKB!B 44. 1PREPARE -=POR=- SORATOHED 28 YEARS. A. l!t'lllY; ttclllng Skin Dl8ea11e wUla Endless Snnerlng cund l·Y C11lleura Jtemedlu. Tt I bad known or tbe CUTI CORA Rll:Mll:DJE8 twenty·elght years ago It would have saved me $200 (two hundred dollarsl and an immense amount of sufl'ering. My disease (Psoriasis) commenced on my head lo a spot not larger than a ceot. It ·pread rapidly all over my body and l(Ot nndcr by nails. The scales would drop olf of me all the time and mv eutrerlng was endless and without relle·r. One thoueaud dollars would not tempt mo to ha'V'e this over again. l am a poor man, but feel rlcb to b e reles.ved ot what some or the doctors was leprosy. some ring·worm, psoriasis. etc. I took .·. &tid . ·. Sarsap&rillae over one year and a ha.If, but no cure. I went to two or three doct.ors and no cure. I cannot praise the CUTICURA REMEDIES too much. They have made my skin as clear and Cree from scales as any body's. All I used of thPm was three boxes of CUTICUR.A. threo bottles of CUTICUR~ RESOLVKJST, >ind two cakes of CUT· ICURA SOAP. Ir you had been here and said you would have cured me for 8200 you would have llad the money. I looked like the picture in your book of Psoril·ais (picture number two, "How to Cure Skin Diseases.") but now I am 11.11 clear a · any person ever we.s. ThrouKh force of he.bit J rub my hands over my arms and legs to scratch once In a while, but to no purpose. I am all well. I scratched twenty· eight yeare and it got to be a second na.t.ure to me. I thank you a thousand tlmea. Anythinir more that vou want to .know writ.e me. 0 '" any one who reads this may write mo and I will answer it. DENNIS DOWNING WATERBURY, VT., Ji.n.20L'1, 1887. .BE8T'B OORNE.RS-C.LARKE. A.n·n mbel' from here attended the funeral of Mr. Wm. ll'lleu. · Mrs. Phlli11 Rum~ey has been very ill during the past summer. Mr. Thos. Davie and wlte. ot Ballydutr were Visltlng friends here. Mr. Robt, McGill left on Monday morning tor the city o! Toronto. · Mr. A. Best haa con11>leted tbroshing his .grain Which was a very fair yield. A great number from here attended the Bil· ver wedding at Mr· .Jamee Colville's, and eay ·hey had a good time. Mr.George Brown contemplates removing from the Belknap homestead and taking up bis residence m the v1'lage, Mr. Phlllp Rumsey. who wae Injured by being oaught by the arm in the threshing me.· chine. we are sorry to say Is very slowly ro· covering Mr. Edward Rsvy and wlfo from the county of Bruoe, who were realdents or this vlclnlty some tweoty-tlve a11:0, are visiting at Mr. D. McConnachie's.-Newe oor. NBWO..d8TLB· Mr. and Mns. Brodle are gueeta of Mr. C. Wrl11:ht. Bn1lneu Is boomln1r with the Pu.el& neu Company, Mr. Rich. BeRllett· ot the Bond Rea.ii hotel Is 11erlously ill, . "Did 7011 sell your barley before · t:ho ·prico dropped1~ That I· tho bl.ll' qullitlon.stound theB11 corners. 1 Cannot 1ay whether or not thlnp .sre boom· IDK with our merchants, but ..;a have aanie live meo here. · :M.r. George WU mot, late of the Bank here, and 11ow of the Brighton branch paid a flying visit to his 1'riend1 here last Saturd6Y. Another new Bntchf'r in town, A Mr. Bates has opened up in the old place. 8ucc1111a to him. We do not caTe how much m~"t ·he cats up, but he must not ··cat up" like lua predecessor Foster. Foster was a fraud. · :Mr. WealeyHntchlnson hs.s started a machlne ~nd repairing ehop In Newcastle, and that 1 8 JUst what Newcl\stle wanted. Fa.rmer11 wlll find M~. Hutohleon 111 Mr. Moore's old ShOJ>. and he 1s in a good shape for attending to them when any of their machmerJ' needs re· pairs. Wesley le both obliging and oompete11.t;; WATOUINO. What~ number of people are ·buyin1t et.aves this season. Our local st.ove kind Mr. Donathan, is d~'in1e an imn1enao trad~ in s toves. Why shouldn't h el He keepa the best stoves th<!.t can bs made, such us thd popular Art Garland H~ ater3 11ontl Ranges, the Jewel Ranges a nd full llincs of other stoves. He sells much cheaper than some dflalers, hi~ P.Xpt'tnses being very hght. T he peree" wh. · 1-luye a stove before inspec·ing H;·nathan's large"assort · ment loses mon~y a11r<1. T1ke the advice of o ne who knows and gi·e h im ac· e a :ly call all ye who waut stoves. Mrs, Sima who has for some tlmct been very Ill Is con va.lcec.,nt. Mias Mary Venner. of Orllll&, Is vMting her slstflr, Mre. S. Ma.son. Barley is at a atandstlll owing to the drop of. ti ve cents a bushel. Some or our sports ai:e trying their luck. 11t the duck.a at Scugog lake. W, T. Booathan's etove depot is attract.Ing the attention of the pu bl!c. Our band le ms.king rapid progress -several ne w pieces under practlae. Rumour seye the Methodists are going to give 11811. grand fall supper again. Mr. A . Allin. caR h !'ll" or tile We.~tern Bank s.t Midland . ha.! i-ctunied ~pendlnc a couple cf wook" h~1.·e . l\llss C~rtmdi,, :'\U~slon ;11·y of .Japan. gave a m1 ~s10u>tt' V J: ,c t.·i.-e In the l\Iethodiet churol1 hero on Fri d!ly .,veuing. Mr, A. Tamblyn, t re11aurer of Clnrk.e!- · culture.I Societ.y, will be . in Newcastle Wednced1>y 31st, 1>t Bennett's h otel, to pay prlzoe. On Sunday t wo young men were ueln11: o.ur streets cl.8 a rifill ranii:e. w ere caught in the 1 wt. Bppeal'ed before J . J . R .. bson and wero fined $6·00 and c<>~t·, · People have alwo.ya contended that 11.ahermen and sailors could tell the biggest yarn· that no ooo else conld vouoh for·. but thi& year the leather. medal ror th& blil'gest blGwlng must be a warded to threshera.-News Cor. INTER AND BUY LVNG SA.ULT. Flannels, Flannel Sheeting, Blankets, Tie Downs, --=AN n--- LADIES Pl M &GENTS' :Mrs. Riche.rd Hill is vlsitiDK io the W st. ·Mies Ida. Wright hs.s been oo the sick llat. Mr. \\'. .Edgerton h&S secured a ts.rm near LifTmd. ·w. Brlsbin's s.nd z. Pollard's sales were succeeeful. Mr, James Hodgson has been quite low the past week with quinsy. The revival services bore are fairly attended. Several conversions arn reporte<l. Severa.I from this locality attended the eil ver w·ddtng at Mr. Jam' s Colville"s, and report a Peoriasis.Eczeme..Tet te··.Rlng.worm, Lichen. eplondld time. Prur!tee, Scald Head, Milk Crust, Dandruff, Barbers'.Bakers',Grocero',and Washerwoman's Miss Sadie Byers. wh<? was eo Ill recenrly, le Itch, and every evecles or Jtchlog; Burning, able t.o b? around fl.gam. Dr. McDowr.11 was, Pimply H umors or t.he l:lkin and See.Ip ' the attendmil' physlcian, and Blood, with Loss .of Hair. are positively Mr. Edward Farrell ha.a completed another cured by CuTJcmu. tbs great Skin C11re. and COJ:Jtract of picking 120 b,.rrels of applee tor-hie CUTICURA 80;11>, an ~:xqniaile Skrn .Beautifier unclo, Mr. Fisher. or Carleton. externally, an~ CU'l'ICUllA RESOLVENT, . the What's the me.tter with the folks at the Sault 7 new Blood Purifler!nteroe.llv. when Are they going to Jet the tea. fall. through 1 · e.nd all remedies fall . If ab. it will he e. burning eha'lle. A.od wlil reflect <l1scredlt on Lorig Sault"e fair Sold everywhere. Price: CUTlCURA, 75cte.; name. SOAJ',.35 ots.; REBOLVHON'!', l)l.OO. Prepared by Visitors at the Sault recently: Mr. Lan11;etalf, ~~a~.OTTER DRUG AND Cmnuc.&.L Co., Boston. Millbrook; Mesarif c. Virtue, F. Marke, E. .4'4rSend for" How to Curo Skin Diseases," 61 Allin and J. Scott. Mia~ Ella, Mlss pap;ee, 50 Illustration, and 100 testimonial. Llzzle and Mln·Je McNeil, Haydon and Miss PLES, blackheads, chapped and oily skin ~~ ~~~!:t~~e'n.;:;~one. 'l'he Sault ie noted tor prevented byCUTICURAMKDICATEDSO.AP; ···-- · - -- OSHAWA. (l<'rom the Ontario R P foi·mer.) UNDERWE ·A R A T·-. '@fil(glll~ JJmrom~n P - &~ ·-CRYDERMAN'S ' One Door West of Post Offi.ce1 Bowmanville. Since the ladles' dress goods had been added te F . .A. Cele's stock or Y Anti· l"nln PJ11ster relieves Rhen· clothe and gent.s' furnishings, a. groa.t m&ny llitltlo, l:lclntlc, Sudden. Sharp and Indies called to lnspecc them, a.nd thev Nerv.,ne Pains, Strains and Weaknees. The prGnounce them both pretty and cheap. lie w< ends making th'H bra.ooh a permanent one 11rst and only paln-K!llinJ:! Plaster. 30 ots. and is bound to give satisfactian. ' ' - RAMS FOR SALE - I have three (3) Mr. Isaac Olark removes to Peterboro thi11 ve::y finl.l !Shrog,·lure Ham LDmbs for week, e·.. 43, f There has been a revival in the Methodist sale. I,ETI 8KlNNKI<, ·JrO!J_ ·- - _ , ohol1·-sovcral new members added. TORE To LET.-The 11tore 1ril1" OC· . ,1 t h Ml K 1 S copied by Mr. w H Ives on King st;;;et -r·1'"~.... :i_oP'}.. a~ie::c ~:~;e beS! erelake dar two doors eas or t,h., p o 'Posseseion Mai '-"·1'· '""a;· "' -_ " eo re-engage or 10th. Apply to A. BvcKLER Jeweller another year.' - - - : - .....,,.__ ' ·1~tt A ;oung people's improvement olaiie!i::i:-i.eetioetl!obliehed -~ere. :.J.udglug trom the otncers in , · · · -:,~.- ·-- -·- - · . OOKE.r- DOOK FO · ND eonta1mng cbarge, it will be a success. a eum of money.. Owner can litetlt by .Ii'. A. Cede ha.e anded to hla stock a ver ~l'ovlng property aod pa;y1ng tor thl1 notice pretty assortment ot ls.dies' dress goods whlc~ B:,BE_ PH CI.EMKNB. lot 12. con. 'f, Darllogtoo, he la Belling remar.kably cheap. Every la<ly wmanvllle, P. 0, -··------· 42-Iw sh.onld call and examine these lovely .fiood~. SHEEP STRA YED.-On the premises b of the underelgne<l. Lot 11, Con. S on or adotut 0 ct. 12th. two sheep. Owner 15 request.· e o prove p,.ope1 t.y. pay e:xpeDl!ee and take them away. JOHN IIOSKIN. · ! 3_ * ·- - -··- .. . - - - - -·· ..3 ..~-· -· ·TORE TO RENT OR !.!ELL St ~ '· .ore, · Dwelling and Drivlog·house lo Ennlekillr-n. .a. 11:ood stand for business. on reaeooablc terrne, .Apply. to ihe owne r, R. ~:hn<'RISON, Lletowel, or W IJ.LI4M BINGHAM. Eonisklllen. . ·40tt ·~A ·d -n ··-·,. BOARS FOR SALE. o ag· .v~"'· !!hire, a young Herkshlre, and a vonng l:lnlfolk Boar, all thoro'-bred, and wlnn-;,re of llrRt PTl%es at Bowmanville Fair, for 881 6 on reasonable term&. SA:MUBL SNOWD.BM lot°' 22 coo, S, Dai:lin~ton, Bowmanvllle. P.O.' t3· 4;.v~ and "Ymter tr&d"·· and will be round very at· tr1& Prfoea alwaye rlgbt. . · .. h t i i .... .1'10 rcat 8 n store for the people In this section . .M~.J.A. Cooke,ortho U.8.,an eloquent and enterta11\1Dlt speaker, will deliver two o! hie PCIPlllar lecture~ in the town hall Ha mpton en Monday and Tuee<lay, °Novem~r r, aud 6 under th{i auspices of Rielog Star Dlvt 8 ioo s' ot ·r· .No, tor. Silver collection at the door ~1'«:11 evening, to aid in defraying expen 5 ,.8 , Lectur.i Monday night.. "'Too and FrQ ill \~ Sunuy South," Tucedar night, ··The Blood S\\ckers." SLo- BoY. f~~~~!~1~~n~Q!~c~!!!! ~.A ann!1!!r!:~~!~t Ira Hall and family have moved to Toronto. R.H. Bryce. of Winntneg, spent a few days in town recently. 'II:" Thos. Ackeey, lot 23, con. (. Whitby, has grown a turnip which weighs 33 lbs. Thos. Morrison has built a 100 borse.power boiler for the Me.llcable Iron Works. Hobson i.nd L. 'l.uchlaod have e.dded a large three·storey addition to their tannery. On · r uesday, 23rd ioet., the barn and stables ot T. lt. Hawthorn, were destroyed by tire. For some weeks bread has been 14 cents peT loaf here and ooe day it was 16 cents, bnt the combine busted. R. A. Pa.tcreon, B. A .· of Gananoqne. has I !t~er~;~~ri~ ~:~\'.:~ef:~~~:~l~:edtro~elh~ ~~ff M!~heodl~~~\i~~~~ryca:ie;~~s 0 ~f Su~S!coi:,::~ nips, weighing 21lbl!, lbs I}. They were l!'rown by David Moore, Lake Shore. Mr. Mitchell also shows a cabbage wit h 13 heads, Re v. J. Creighton. B. n.. of Cartwright, preached twice in St. George's Church on S!mdny. Oct. 20. lie was aselste<l ill the ser· vi.ccs by Rev. A. Carsweil. M. A.. Rev. Mr. :Middletou to~k Mr. Creighton's duty, The juilii;es in t~e root competltlo~ In co~· n('.ctir m with Whitby Fair, have given their awards M follows: s acres turnips-lat Young Broe., Whitby 2nd Wm. Maw, Broo<lio. 3rd Robb Broe.. Whitby. 1 acre turnips-let John Mor;is_<>n. Brooklin. 2nd Wm. Maw, BrookUo, 3rd J-a.,;, -~·n..,ke··'!.~.. Columbus. l acre man· golds-1st Johnllil.o:-!!~o ·.Br~oklln. 2nd .James Smith. (Mitchell'e farm) ~~by: ., t acre oarrota-lat .T. B. Wilson, Oshawa nd .1!J-S. 8tocks1 er., Columbus, 3rd Jaa, siocks, ;.,,,_ ·_ Jl:f..,(lLUliQ ColumoU$, ................. - g;;~~!r~:~r~~~~:~:t:1: :::e:h::~:~:~ 21and18~ re~pectlve 1 -- & BELL'S -·~ Tuesday last. On Sabbath the R Y D Pirritte preached two able and lna~r':'ict· r. . 1ve sermons to larire congrega.t1ons. 011 Tuesday the Han·eet Home supper was held. Up. wards ot 700 persona partook of the supper. The proceeds amounted to $16.'\ which was entirely es.tlsfe.ctor;y. and very encouraging to the Pastor, the Rev· Mr. Mcl>iarmid who 8 1. thcngb. herfl but a few months, has already en· deared hlmeelt to hie congregation. I " onvNO. (.From the New3.) Mies Mary Erquhart has gone home to Osha· wa on a short visit. Mr. .apd Mrs. Cle.rkson, of British Columbia, are visltlni: at Mr. John Jackson's. Mrs. .T. Vinson was In the city last week purchaalog a oew lot of millinery goods. Mr. F. Walden, ot Newc!lstle, was In town a couple ot daysls.telv calling on old friends. The presentation to Mrs. Jamee Colville was made by Mlest s Jennie. Colville and Mary Mc. Connach!e. M c c r. · ookms.n and Miss S. Cookmlln. or Coboeook. were visiting their sister. Mrs. D, 1'. ~.\l!ln recently. Mr. Ezra IIan h11.s a.nnounoed his determln· ' ation · not to otl'er him8elf as a. candidate tor :Municipal honors for 1889. · Our town received a viei: from Cool B11rgeH. and hie ;wonderful combination. Of all the snide performances that ha.a ever straek this town Cool'e takes tne bun. .At the time the .Orono 11ost office was bur. glarl~ed a pocket book wa.s carried off contain· lng over SJOO wort.h or checques and notes. 'l'hls book was.found on Sa.turd..y week by Mr. O. A. Ga.msby m a Jleld north or t ile by residence, and tlbout twenty yarda ln from the gravel road· 'l'he late Wm, Hillen who died on tho 18tll Inst., In his 50th year, was bo1 n on the 6th Line Clarke, t.hen a. wilderoeee, clearin~s were few and far between. Hard la.bor we.a his Jot In youth and ea.rly manhood. Well read and lhollghtful, had ne beeo favored with suoh educational ftlcillties as young people lo Cane.rte. now enjoy. h e would have been I\ prominent man in some capacity, Over a J'Oar ago ho was stricken with para.17ee1 and from tbat time to L h" day of lits deat h he became a pa.tlent eutterer. H is remains were int1~ired In the cemetery, the Pr69byter~ Ian burial service beinlf read at the grave b;y Rev, .J , A. McKeen: the funeral cortege we.s very la.rg:e, showing how he was esteemed by all who knew hlrn. He leaves a widow. several brothers and a sister. · (F ROM OUR OWN CORRESPON.DENT, ) MANTLES & 1 V,VITH CLOTHING. I- F ___,,,_.~9,.,,,,.,...,.., OOD HOUSE FOR SAT ~--~ 0 store' frame house Bil-" contaiolog seven roolJl~ ,- ..te on 0 Dell St.· clo11ets. pantries. ~· ~- and summer kitchen, full i acre of · .,..o. Hard and soft water ; choicer~·· · . !!:found with good selection of n P - ,,, ~trees. Apply to M. A ...JAllUR or to ' ~· lffil:AG, Proprietor, Bowmanvllle. U- tf -~ ·· ·--·-···-- -------- ~ FARM TO LET. -200 acrl'1 of land, consisting of the north three·qua.rter11 of lot 15, and SO acres or lot 16, In the 5th coo. ot Pickering, between Brou2ham and Greenwood. Well adapted tor grain or raielnii of stock. Usual privilege of plowing, Plenty or living water. As preeeotloall6 expires Oct. 17 Immediate possession ean be given. To a good reliable tenant very favorable term· ~ill be given. Apply to H ENRY HoWRLL, Whitby. or to J. X:. GORDON. Barrister, Whitby. ; ·2-4w* AH.M IN PICKF~Rlt< G ,,.....,F =o_,, -R ,.._ S ALE. - One o! the best farms In Pickering tor sale containing 125 acres, all ot which are cleared e.nd in high state of cnlti t ·o o the premises are a good dwellin;'J'i~i:se and out buildings and two wells. Thi5 property le situated on lot 15, b. f.· one mile and a nalt rrorn Pickering vllla2e, half a mile from Grand Trnnk Station. three ml ,es from Pickering Harbor. and six miles trom Whitby. For further particulars apply to JAMES P1c1URD on the premises, or Pickering, P. 0. 29-tr G a "' . · . F Mr Wm Wh1"te has lo · lino he1"fer S· a from inflammation. Mr. H. Salter Is building II n~w house on hie farm near slabtown, Mr. John Brent has moved onto his . ' farm which he bought in the summer from Mr11. Adair. While Mr. R, F. Richards was aplittin"' ., wood a few days ago, a srnall stick flew up and etruck him on the side of the ALAPLE GRUVE. nose. He now ~mrries a bruised nose and bl · k .l\lr. R oya.1 Hall i1 slowly recovering a. ac eye. Slow boy is b e tter posted on bronze . ····· Mrs. C. Rundle has been sick, but; t urk eys and th mr · d' h pe igrees t an on is better . ····· A social wa3 held on cheese matters. When he gets the "official Friday evening. A very enj9y~ble t i me· fi u " h 0 ill fi d th t D l" t U · was spent. Proceeds nearly $15. On& I( res w n a ar mg on mon jnst one cent a. pound more for of our good young men is goiug to faretheir August cheese than Hampton made. well soon .· · .·. 'l'ha choir practis~d at. Mr. ;:;. Penfound's last ThurHday e vening. Mr. Wellington' Lott' a horse with a ca.rt Some 20 other young peopla were presattached skipped over the bank into the ponµ a few days ago. With t11e assistance ent. A very eujova.ble time was spent . .··· Ono of our young ladilll is st udying · of several neighbors the horse was got law - ··..· Mr. Wil·on Power is sick ·· · ... safely out having received little or no Mr .. Tonkin, of li'ive Points, has been dama"e. TRIM. "' visiting at h is brother's, Mr. W. H . Tonkin, t eacher. DE.XTEil.. TYRON°J!;. Mr. Jas. Hod1o n has b een eick. Take in your cabbage- hallow ' een is near at hand. Reletting of powa :a.t the church tomorrow night. · Leskard 'a Big.gun was at the barracks on Thursday night. Quarterly serviilee will be · h eld at Bethesda ned Sabbath. Good opening for a barbar--our profesaionala have left tho village. Many farmers are s.nxio us abo ut t he price of barley. Will it raise? Mrs. J. Bell and Mr. W. M oyse, of Toronto, are home for a few days. .A few of our crack shots returned from a rabit hunt lately with .o n e rabit. The scholars we re dismissed on Friday afternoon, Mr. T. A. Brown being siok . Mr. I. H iggins has rented Mr. S. Hooper's bouse tho school houae. Mr. S. Hodgson haa rented Mr. Jame11 Branton'11 house no" oi:cupied by 8. W aahington. · Mr. J. T. Welsh Rhot a wild goo110 week which weighed 7 llil. 11 oz, Not so slow for an amateur. Mr. W. B e nson's out buildings, n ear Bethesda, were d estroyed by fire on Friday wit h all hfa Krain a nd 11ome lmple· mentis stored ther6. The Lieut. from Leakard conducted the meetings at t he barraok.a on Sabbath in the absence of Capt.. Pep~r, who .baa \lean. spending a few dayt at V:xbridgc. · · CVURTICE· We a.rn still .... : ·lebrated 0 This tea c~ntiouts"'·to ·-gr~ m favor evnry day. We are 111:mding lllrge q L 1ant i u ea of it North, East and West, 11nd to the Sou'n as far &11 Lake Ontario will pe , m it Wt. a re offering a great and grtlnd Vi<ri ·'Y of Preuenta. All New Goods and of exuelle11t value. Tea Sets Toilet Set.., and the choices t of Gle.s;ware GIVEN AWAY with thin oelebrat. ed Tea. Call and see the display. Try this Tea; and, rememb>Jr, W6 are dutermined to establish the fact that MaCJu1w & Bell's is THE PLACE for Cheap Dry Goods. Our 1tock is new and completo and our prices, as everyhody knows; are moderate. We ha" e s ·ime wond11rfully cheap linea in Drees G..od11, Call at M cOLtJNG & BuL's. · ~rize Tea. ---ru·h~;,.., u- ADVER'.l'IS&:.O!ENT. A UOTION SALES. WEI>NESDA.Y, Ocr. 31.-Mr. Ira. F , .Pearce will f ell a lot of standing tim . ber on lo l; 201 con. 1, Darlington. S. C. Hu~11uNa, auctioneer. THURSDAY, No v . l.:_Tha fa.rm of 150 acres, thoro' ·br ed Hereford cattle, farm 111ock, implements, etc'., of M r. Thos. Ormiston, lots 23 and 24, con, 9, Darlington, will be sold without reserve. Sale a.t one p. m. See arge posters. Thoe. ·Burden, assignee, S . BttRDEN & Co., auctioneer.. S .U URDAY, Nov. 3.- Mr. J. Beighto n, lot 8, con. 2, Whitby, will sell his farm stock, implements, etc. Sale a t one. See bills. S. C . H UNKING, .Auctioneer, SATUR.D.~Y, Nov. 3.-The Executora' sale of the Eetii.te of L ucia Burk, 1111 ~lea· cribed in adver tisement, and the sale of the t own and f~rm property of E. G. Burkl Esq., will take plnca at tha Ruobottom· House, a; 1 p. m. L . A. Tor.E, Auctioneer. TmnttPAY, Nov. 27.-Mr. JamM N . Fairbairn, having sold his farm, l ot 4, cori. 1, DarllnRton, will eell, withous reserve, the whole of his valuable farm stock and implements, some ho11.11ehold furnit!ire, 2~ cord.ti wood, etc. Sale a t 1 p. m. See large posterd, L .A.ToL1c, Auctioneer. NE\'Elt .4t.i.D~.;: tbe bowels &o remain constipated le10& serl111111 eYll CJJsae. l'lat141aa 1 Fill· are as" re111cdf rer ce11. stJpaUou.. ___ These are the articles that are undoubtedly interesting the ladies 2\nd gentlemen just now. · Buying time has come for all the above lines and the people are asking the question: Where shall I go to get my Hat, Mantle, or Dress, or Clothing ? Who has the best assortment ? Which of all the merchants can give me the best value for my money ? ARM FOR SALE. - 130 acres, composed of south pa.rt ot Lot No. 191..Broken Front, atd ie three mtlee trom the Town· ot Bowmanvi!le. 'l 'hls is one of the besttarms in the county of Durham. It Is in a high state of cultivation and le well fenced · On thct pre· mises there le a stone dwelling, two la.rge barns and other ·ont·buildlnge. with &tone stabling for cattle and horses, · hroe wells and four cisterns, also wind·mlll for pumping water, Ji'or further particulars apply on the premises or Ir by letter to HEN"RY MANN. Bow· manvllle. · · 31-tf These are questions that almost aJl are turning over and over in their minds this tillle of the year. Well, all I ask is a faithful and careful inspection by an unbiased public, and I have no fear of the result. Every one in the store is anxious to please and suit you, so that there need be no hesitancy in giving us a call. Come yourself, also tell yom friends to come and take 11. good look through, and I ·feel confident you will save time and money by buying at our store, GENTS,- ----o---- MR. JOHN HINDSON, so well and favorably known in town, will take charge of the TAILORING DEP..lRTMENT up stairs, over the store, where he will be pleased to meet his old friends. He also inten~s to do work for any who m ~y favor him with the same from outside parties. Yours very respectfully~ Rev. J. Whitlock, of Newto11.ville, was in the Village oo Thursday, The undersigned he.a roocivod instruction to Henry·s brick block and Wm.Long's residence sell by private sale tha.t seven acres oflot 23 in havt! greatly improved tn appearance by the 7~h Conceeeloo ortheTowoship o! Darling· beingbeen painted anu pointed. ton known as belonging to the L!ttle Jl:5tate We learn that there are a number of cases of aod which hBS for some past beeo rent~ ed and occupied by James P ye, being compos· ' 11earlet ·raver near t he village or Kendall. An ed of the seven acres lying immediately to the el1rht year old eon of Mr. 'l'hompsoo, of the 7~h South or the Norther![ nine am&~ ot the Boutb con., sucot11ubed to t he dieell8e on T uesday maht. Every precaution should be taken to b&lf ot the East .bait o said lot. Title indisputable, pos~eseion ca.o be given prevent the e11rea.d or tao disease. immediately after hi<rve~t. · :Mr, 'l'hOll. Rolfe. or Newca.1tle, received some For further partlonlars apply to bad.gashes in hie hand from broken glass on D, BURKE SIMPSON Thn18d!l.y, wh.ile assisting hla father .to put in 36-tt Solicitor tor Vendor. a new glass f!ont in the poet otllo1n Dr. 'l'uokor wa1 immediately in attendance aod W&I obllged to pat in a number ot etltcbes. Re·openlnlil' anniver1ary sermons were preached in the Methodist church on Sunday OAR FOR SERVICE.-A thoro'· 21st, b;y Rev. Manly Ben1JOD, of 'foronto. Tile br"d Improved Berkshire ·Boar ie ·kept ' contrregailone were larire, espeolally In the for service on lo\·3~. con. 2, ClaTke. Price fl, I evening, ..nd t~e sermon~ effective. On the JoSEPil TRKW1"1 Proprlelor Newcaitle. -Monday even1!'lil', not"!1thstandlng another · · '3-ltw eotarts.lnment u:1 the village. betwee11 three ' and four hundred poople nsaembled ~o hear Mr - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - Boll.son deliver bill lecture ou "Men Wanted.': OLSTEIN BULI, FOR SERYIOE. The lecture was 111ay!ul. PIU!ite" t 1.Uld pl'ofltA thoro'-bred Holeteln Bull, "Ocron 11.l!ls. 8ho11ld M.r. lleoaon visit Orono ll&ain, No. ll708, registered In the D. F . 1l. Book. Toi. he may be 11ure ot a hearty reoepslon. 4. the property er J. &:; 8. Penfound1 will ~ Mrs. Woodratr and Mre.G11tbutt. ot BnrnamlulpL tDr eervloe at 81111:0N PEN'll'OV!W f!!.l on Lot thorpe, are vtalth1g ac thtlr 1hte.r·s_,, lltrii. John 33, Ce>n. t, DarUnatoa, Ptloe f'!.. · Jaokllon. \;iLliNJm. Sale of Seven Acres of La_nd near Enniskillen. Breeder's Direct_ o ry.· B H

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