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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1888, p. 2

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µ -----·----__ -- ,,,,_..- ------ - - -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - ----- tire American population over ten millions' One Touch of Na.tnre. suffer from it, and consequently the medic11l profession, and its I~··ge following of Two or three m<!nths ag_o sev_e~al thoueand Ill PUBLISHED .Rheumt1.tism. quacks, pret.endera, an(l cha.rla.tans, Zulus rebelled against their British COllquer.El'EB.Y~ll'EDNESDA~ : H ORNING The surroundings of a p11tirnt suffering found in the treatment of ca.tarrhal cases a ors. and swept across a pa.rt of the country, -BYfrom 'rheum11otism are a. m11otter of no little ·rich and extending field. A disease perfect· !·:png vn1ste the home· of all who would not importance. Tbe Boston Jo'Urnal of Health ly democra.tfo in its Jia.tu·'O, no < in the JOln them. ~large .number of loyal Zulus what experience warrants the intelligent community is free from iti ; if anything the too~ refug? m a. pohce fort at .N"'.a.nde, to ~-oAT THE OFEIOE phyeicia.n fa saying, that free ventilation "better class "those who ,.,ear ecft clotbing which the m surgents at once laid siege, a.nd live in high·c~iled house~ o.nd farn sumpt u~ Gen. Srnyt~ se.nt a flying column compos~d shonld be secured, but without draughts. ~ .tat omce Bl··ck, King Street, nowmnn· We beg to announce that we will begin a vii.le, Ontario. · and the temperature kept between ·68 and 70 ously every day, are more annoyed by the of the Enmsk1llen J?ragoons and the thirdrgrees Fahrenheit. The patient should stoffy nose and irritating exuda.tion of ca- teenth Hussars to relieve .the beleagured 1J.eoTER:hll:S: be clothed in flannel and lie bet ween woollen ta.rrh than the plain working cl!Uis tha.t pie. The soon d1·persed the rebels, .....i.H t·er A.nnuw, er $1 i f paid Ill mlTancc. blankets. His covering should be light. An dress roughly, live frugally and are out iD and a.s they had orders to a.bandon ' the station, they escorted the poor fugitivea :paymkni etrlctly In e.dva.nce required from excess of bed clothing win add to the . pain " a.11 weathers." ~Ollcr11:l·ers outside of the county. Orders to in the inflamed joints, and unnecessarily in· Every type of disease has its peculiarities to a place o! safety. · ,j}i!Contila.ue the po.per mu~t be accompanied by that bear relation to the person affected, It work t?iling over thepa.rch1Rim'.IC)~t due,ort.hepape wil not bestopJJCd, crease the swea.ting. It should be a. studied of DRY GOODS and CLOTHING on &baorlb\ers are respensibleuntl full payment is effort to him any painful movements but none exhibits so many and ed prain~s m the bhzmg enn, aJ'.!d .ma.ny a lllHiide ~ . possible, and every ministration should be humors as this trouble with our noses. It mother with a her arms .su;!Iered segentleness itselt. Milk, with deltzer water reflects, one may sa.y, the mental or nervous verel~ as she struggled a.long trying to keep " lt:il\TE8 OJ! A.DVll:JlTISINQ 1 '=- ~ 1 cha.racterfatics of the sufferer and he who up with the column, But BOon tho Ennia· "'«lldedolumnone'yeor ....... . ..... 360 oo,ihf;; r lime water, pre·eminently meats t he re· would undertake its treatme~t ca.n not ex- killene 11nd the Hussars to the rescue. ·:: ~ :: Ha.lf)'eRt" c.... ca o.. u S6 ()()· ~~ u iremcnts a.a the principal article of diet . One quarter ......... 20 00 .dnring the active reriod of the disease. If pect any satisfactory degree cf success unless Then the epeota.cle was presented of bronzed We want and must have about $10,000 bcf~re Dec. 31st, and in or* ~.l\lalf Colt!1 mn one year ............... S6 oo - - this proves insufficient, or is not well borne, he ta.kes into account those persona.I cbarac· ~nd ~ardy regulars. · each wit~ a brow:n baby to ~et tlie money we sell goods so cheap that customers will see 1 ·~ He.It year ............ -· 20 00 then other light and concentrated food can teristics. Tempera.ment, therefore, hae. much m his a!ms or. balanced on hie horses neck plaml! the gr~at difference between o::-dinary and extraordinary "i One quarter_ ......... 12 50~ be a.dministered. Some authorities Insist to do wi: h one's. susceptibility to the ; before hm~, while the _grntefu.l mothers. tru~g "'11ar\er C' olun.n ene yeJ!.r .......... . 20 oo that animal fo<>d and alcohol are contra-in· the delicMe, highly organized fair skinned ed alongside r eassurmg their tremblmg m- bargams. We single out for the c~eapest slaughter Dresll Goods, Silks, ,; ; ,:· Ralf yea.r ............ 12 50 5 00 ~ One quarter...... .. 8 dicated during the height of the fever. The person is more liable to contra'ct a cold, and fants, who were inc~ined to distrust their Flani;iel~, Cottons, Tweeds, Cloakmgs, Blankets, Hosiery, and Men'~ ~·M llnes a ;ndnnder,first insertion. $0 50latter should certainly be prohibited, as a subs£quently becomes the victim of a chronic neyv P.rotectors. It is s_afe to ~o.y that by Furmshmgs. ~ut Boys' and Men's Suits, Pants, and Overcoats will be il:aeh s11 \ bsequen t insertion.. .... 0 25rule, but the patient's diet -need not be so na.~a.l oata.rrh, than the strong, coarse, dark- this krndly a.ct t he Enghah soldier stood re_.. ?Om six to ten l!nes,ftrstinsertlon 0 75 much restricted ~s in other highly febrile skmned person, yet the latter from severe ve~l?d t? the~e hul!lble spfferers from former sold at any sac:1fice. It is an admitted fact that we can and do under. , Each subsequent insertion...... 0 3.5 !l·er tenlin1 es,firatinsertion,perline 0 10 --10 disorders. Those who are habitual to the exposures and tho indiscretions that are British rnvasions, 1n a. light they had never sell all compet1t?rs. With fresh reductions now from 15 to 25 per _ .. . BaeheuJ;)seq.uentinsertion " 0 00= . use of stimulants shonld not be entirely de- common in the life of the mtJ.ssea, may con- dreamed _of before. cent., the pnces must be the lowest ever seen in Bowmanville, , '2.'h1;4tum"'kler oi'linee to he reckoned bY1 _ r:'ct the disease and carry it to the end of On a bitter cold d~y m November, 1~62, prived of them. ·':rh'e·opace occupied,Jmeasured bya scaleotj his da.ys, a.bout a. thousand Sioux women and child- An early call from our old steadfast customers is respectfully requested ~id Nonpareil, Tbousa.nds regard it as a. constitutional ren, under the escort of volunteer troops, because that means a call from all their friends as well. Our Great The Oare of the Nails. disorder, an element in ~heir "heredity," were neari?g the ~nd of their long march to DRS, HcL..UJ4'DUN .t BEITH, Very few people know how to properly and eo school themselves to ite toleration Fort Snellmg, Mmnesot a.. They were the Cheap Sale of 10 years ago is still remembered. The present sale will care for the nails. In cleaning them, a. but the delicate and sensitive always fini!l. it , families o! the captive. braves who had been be far more sweeping and thorough. · 0.Fll'ICE :- l<fORl!IS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. sharp knife ought never to be employed, but a source of trial, and whenevl'? a. little acces ' engage~ m the terrible massacre of the t>r·.J.W.McLAUGIILIN,, Dr· .A., BEITH, Gradu We would respectfully request an early settlemenc of Book accounts. f ingcrs of cold has been sustained, they may be fore- prec~dmg sum~er.· Uncle Sam h~d been :'!c;cntiate of the ~!'Yal ate of the Toront~ between the ends of the nails and the · the apace should be filled with soap and then ed to place themselves on the sick list for a. figll the Sioux m et ead of feedmg and C'ollE'ge of Phys101a.n a ·'tlmd lnember of th<i . University, Physician· removed by brushing ~ith the so-called nail· time, and obtain tbe doctor's assistance for clothlng them, and now the innocen Gamong 'Royal College of Sur· Surgeon &o brush. Many improperly cub away that relief from the distress that may supervene. them, in their thin and ragged blanketS. ·'&e"VDe, Edinbuxgb, ' · · During the sale. due bills will be taken on a cash basis only. In some caeee oa.tarrh appears to operate were euffering for the orimes of ~heir hue. pa.rt of the flesh which grows over the nail Bowmanville, Oct. 3rd, 1888. from the bottom; but it ehould be simply benefic~ntly, relieving the system of organic ban~s and fathers. Aa !he mournful pro. DB, .J. CJ. llllTl:HELL, MEMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICI.ANS pressed backward, and sufficiently to show congeatwns or the accumulated debris of cession encountered the 10y winds lilf Ten the white part, considered by some to be a some tenacious "diathesis." Scrofulous Mile pmiric, the little childrl)n began to ' ,.. a.nd. Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. ·""111oeand Residence, Ennisklllen. 7<1. mark of beauty. If the flesh is adherent to rheumatoidal constitutions may find relief cry m_?st piteou8ly. The sigh~ of their help. the nail the operation may be facilitated by by such an arinoying outlet, Dr. B eard has lell8 ?·e tress moved ~he boys m blue, a.s by DR. E. CJ. JlcDO\VELL. pa.seiog the sharp point of a knife under- said: "When it attacks the weakly and aero- one u~pulse, to carry out imhnt mea.suree 'L IC:ENTI.ATEOFROY.ALCOLLEGE the fold of flesh and separating it fulous, it is apt to improve with the bettor- of relief. Every was unstrapped ' . ol Ph;y~iclans. London, Eug.;Member or from its att11chments. . When this is done in~ of tile general condition. Therefore, from tho knapsacks, scores of overcoats ~ol!q;e oJ Pby~lcians ano Surgeons. Ontario. it can be pushed back more readily. Sci.:i· children who suffer from rhinitis in early were thrown off the shoulders of brave men BU.llG:1!l1Y .AND BRSIDJ!NCE:- Rear of l\ffssre. sors should never be used to cut the nails; years often 'outgrow' it, a.s the grandmoth· w~o r~ally needed them, a.nd soon. every B1118rn botham's Drug Store, Bowmanvllle, that should be done only with a sharp pen· era say, and as they advance to mat urity ch~ld ID the ca ravan was wra pped ID the 6-lyr,* knife, the enemy m!l.y never a~' disturb thrnkest.of woollens ; and the leas t hardy of n. J.AlllllflllJA.N iu. :o.. u. n .. them. Cases, however that ensue after 1 .he captives were stowed away under t he - -, . , measles and scarl atina 'are more likely to shelte1· of the canvas· cover3d baggage wa.g· 1'.t EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PRY· Hmts for the T1eatment of the Unconsc1oua. run a protracted courne, and bein~ alwa.vs gon~. Only a. little while .before these .J:l'..J.. t:llCIAN S .AND SURGEONS, Ont. ~he following brief directions for resus. associated with pharyngitis (sore throai) s?Jd1er~ had be~n targets at Yellow Medi· <J1fiee and R sidfnce: l!nniekilltn, Ontario. so citating persons who, from the ca.uses in· / are sometimes difficult to treat, a.nd the re'. cme, B1rch Coohe, and half a dczan uther dicated, have fallen into insensibility, are J sults are not as ce.rtain or a.a speedy. But plac.e~ for the bullet~ of tl}e red men whose W. 8, ORMISTON, L, i:,, B, worth remembering, a.s one ca.n not tell though the heirs of scrofulous parentage are fam :h es t hey now d~d then· bes t te :ucc_our. ·1Barrieter. Solicitor, Conveyancer &c Money when a life ma.y depend upon it;: ~ar1i_cubrly liable to thie form of infiamma.· The.ron~h, ha~d hfe. of the . eoldter in a to loan. <Jftlce, In Beaver Bloc'k upstairs in One of the most frequent things found . hon m a.II its stages, it has yet to be proved o~mpa1gn is not mconsietent ~Ith the exer· .rom!'le formerly occupied by Dr. Harnden. in connection with cases r equiring immedi · : that there is any direct oonne-:itfon between c1se of the most humane s entiments. 39 llowmanville. ate action is insensibility. It is caus· rhinitis, or pha.rynghis even, a.nd tuber. She Was "Just Dyin~" For Ona. ed by injuries to, or poiwning by na.rcc- ' c ulosi2 of the lungs. The pla.usib'e idea D, B1JRKE SIMPSON, e will 'work down' is a "I saw such a . beautifulsky this after.&.RRISTE'R, SOLICITOR, &c. l.{OPlUS bi.cs, n.nd is oftentimes mistaken, eepe-1 tha.t tbe dfaeaE · ,_m.~CUK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman· cially by the police, for drunkenness. favorite theme with qua.cks, a.nd is quite noon," he said dreamily, as they aa.t and ~ ..,o cltortor the Ontario Bank In theae ca.sea note the position o! th? body,! unlv~rea.lly dreaded by tbe mas.see; but it is, made love together. "Was it blue!" she . ~.t'hate Mone,,e loaned at the lowest rate&, Place the body on the hlok, mcbne the ; I thmk, UDtenable. Pulmonary tubercu inquired eagerly. "Yea, love, with a deli· head to one side, extend the legs, 11.nd place / Josie is very often a.ssocia.ted with rhinitis cate white fleece." .John Keith Galbraith, the a.rms at the side. Compare two aides just a.s it is with conjunctivitis ( "And, oh, Harry, did it have lovely eonl'DA.RRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT.A.RY of body. Note condition of the pulse, eyes), but; itis no mores. consequence in ful eyes and a dear little cunning wp l'UBLIO, &o. Ofllce-Bounsall'e Block h h k d h th . h nose?" "I am talking of a ifnK .s treat, _B _ o,_ w .m ._an.vme. Money to lend.' w et er strongor wea , a.n t estate of the one case a.nm t e other." .. ribs and collar bones. Examine the hea.d for A case of special interest to the writer, ak y," he said graveil·· F RA l\'K It.I. Fl ELD 1 B. A, wound s, bruises, swellings, or depressions. and one th11.t is in point here as illus· " That'u t ho kind, dea.r ! Oh, won't you Open t he ey es and see if t.he eyeballs a.r e sen- -trating the error held by mn.oy ~h at try to get it for me? I'm just dyin~ to have BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, &c sitive to t he touoh, a.nd if t he pupils become t he · dise1>se, when of long s tanding is a blue Skye I T hey aro such sweet pets." OOBOURG. small 1~hen 1>xposed to the light, whether likely to "work down," was that o f a -.......~.,........,.=~....,=,_......,,,.,. O.filce,-Armour Block, King Street, 22, they are large or small and of tb.e same size. woman sixty years of llge. She ha.d he·m ~~-~ ~---------------.....:...... Obserye whether the breathing is difficult or troubled wioh nasal catimh and irr ita.hilfoy 'lt'<!R~~ 8. CJ. HtJNKli\:G, easy, the presence or absence of stertor, and of the tbroat for thirty -LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR theodorofthebmuh. Drunkennessca.n\Je Owingtopoorteetha.ndca.relessnessindiet, . the County of Durham. Sales attended detected by odor of the breath. Insensibility her stomach became exha.usted to the d~"A'.ee . 10 t.n ehortest notioe and lowest rates . .Address is usually incomplete. Both sid~s of the of entir~ f@µr,e .!i!. !:l'iivcii)!;", With _Jtumo11 P. O. . 36:tf body are equa!ly helpless. ~here/~~o et.e:,!'!-Vof her dyspepsia., the catarrh s. BURDEN Pi> £0., terous brea.t~mg. The pu_~!~- S. ,Jie - e yes became a.gr11va.ted and frfque!lt cougn setl lJCTIONEERS for the County of a.rebusua.lly d1la.ted. a.!'1-Z~~iial in size, a.nd the in, the na.ture of which, however, I was as,... eye alls "' -censit~ve · · · t" , Durham; Insure.nee and n eneral.Age1.1t·, ··-.: .. - - · ~·a to t oneh · F or th" 1s sured f roman exn.m~na ion was more n~rvous -Valuator.and Real };state .Agents. SP ' ~~.::- ti '- i.....-uuole cold wa.ter 1s the best remedy, a.nd, t han due to bronchial or pulmonary diseas·:. ~lier busmil\s\~1·omptly atte11" r'J.72 if you can get it, a l ittle hartshorn, which She grew thin and feeble, 11nd wtJ.s pronounc. l!J ~Pry O'\'lmonv e · O. -- ~~a ' 36- tt ' must be put to the pathmt's noitrils, and a ed to be in the last stages of phthisis by two llil ~--·------few drops in water to drink. or three physicians, a.nd by her friends gen· ~ '\'\'hen I say CURE I do not mean merely to P. S.-We can supply you with anything in the Drug line, fol' a. tlrno, and then have them re- -rianos Tuned and. Repaired. In apoplexy, the pat lent becomes suddenly era.lly The lat t er frequently said that they lltop them 81ta ln. I MEAN A RADICAL OlJJ.Ul:. insensible. '.l'he face is either flushed or knew "she would die of consumption." turn J[ ba.ve1 made. the disease of very pa.le. :fhe pupils of the eyes are fixed R~st, a. very carefully ordered diet , and the ··p . , ARTIES WISHING THEIR PI ANOS 11nd dilated. The pulse is slow i>nd labored; Hghtest of artificial stimulant finally over· l"l!'.l"S, EPILEPSY · Tuned or repa1reu oan nave them attended and stertorous breathing is noticeable. came the atony of the s She bevan :lo'by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGA:>' Convulsions also occur. FALLING SICKNESS, In such ca.see to eat with relish and nutrit ive result , and Clis 0 F1'ICE, Bowmanville A flrat·olsa ma-r. place the body in a reclining position, and ic the course of five months rose frc,m the .A,1\felongstndy. I WARRA~rTmyremedyto uow being In their emplo; raise the he11d. Undo the clotbing around state of al most a skeleton to her condition· OrruB the wnr:;t cases. Because others h t:.1re f~.!lod.isnoreitson for 11ot 11owracelvi ngf1 cure. the neck, and apply cold water or ice to the of useful act ivi ty cf two before. The B1lnd :.t once for a tre11t1se and aE'l tE :; no·i:-:rrz: head. cattarrh still i'emains, but fo not so 11onnoy · of lll;i;, l ?1FAT,Ll:B{4C REMEDY. Give E:;f11r~~s a11d .·ost Ofiic0. It costs you nothlug o;: a. Epilespy differs from ap!>plexy in 1 ,b11.t the iog as in former tri!ll, B·n d it wlll eure you. .Address patient foams a t the mout h, is only partially --M.ANUil'.ACTURJ.m O F - Dr, }!, G. ROOT. 3'7 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. insensible, bites the tongue, and the breat h· IP.,{}~,,..,.,, ' . "Danger of Snoring. ing and pulse are normal. All that can be Governor Lumpkin, formel'ly Chief Justice done by most persons in these <;a2es is to of Georgia, was such a.n inveter ate snorer keep the patient from injuring h imself. KING STREET, .BOWMANVILL Hemorrhage from the ear, mouth, nose, tha.t he could, ~s Shakespeare saye, " snore Re.a now on hnnd a number or .,·ehiole~ (and is manuracturing a great many more) ot the ne or oyee indicates a fracture of base of scull. upon the ilint." 'l'he following s tory i~ t old patterns and best finish, which I am oifering for sale a t the lowest prices oonsisteni j 0 with due reg1;1.rd to workmanship and quality. The following i~ a llst of cf hrn Excellency's extraordinary snoring Treat these cases as thoae of apoplexy. the }Jrinciva l vehiclee manufactured by me B lows or falls on the head produce c~ n feat, while holdiug comt in a Georgia. town. ·i .'he landlord pu t him in a. room on the cussion of the brain, and are det ected by ouble Cove1·ed Ca.rriages... .. . . ..... .. .......... . . ............ .... . ........ . $150 UpwardA external bruises, a cm1fusion of ideas, sick· ground floor of the hotal, the doors and Single P h ootons ........ ........ , . ........ . ........ ................. . .. .......... 100 11 nes2, fain ting, Mid .stupor. In &uoh < windo wa of w.hicl:t opened on t he s treet. Open Buggy ····.·.·. ·· ···J···· 70 111 Gl'ail.uate ofthci Ru:Yal College<it place the pat ient on his back in a. dark Judge Lumptdn, when sound asle ep, could Top Buggy ···..······· ···,. ..... . . . ..... ............... .............. ........ ..... 90 ·· place, slightly rnise his head , and apply Pwukeu ~he natives with his loud breathing. Surgeons; Ontario. D@mocrat Wagon.············ . ···· .··...····.··. ·~ ·········· ····· · · · ······ · ·· · ·· 66 u warmth to his extremities and surface ot the .Abou t midnight, when everything was quiet, 0 FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS Ol!'FCE. Lumber Wagons .. , ........... . .... ........ ..... ,........................... ..... 55 11 puffiing, blowing and commoncsd t he j udge body. PUREST, STRONCEST, BEST. IJ(H,D ]'ILLIN G A SPEOlALTY Shock or collu.pse follows injuries to ner· in his sleep. Light Wagon.... ..... .... .... . ... ................... . ... ....... . ....... .......... 40 11 1teo.dy for use in a.1).y quantity. Fol' .ARTIFIOI.AL TEETH INSERTED WITHOUT E x preaa Wagon..... , ................. .......... ...................... ........... 'lfi 11 Out on the street wa.s a little piney woods malting Soap, Softening ·water, Disinvous system, !right, grief, and lightning. PLATES. fecting , and a hundred other u se11o Skeleton............ ................... . ..... ..................... . ............... .. 50 11 The patient's breathing is very feeble, pulse bull, which was " monarch of all he survey· A can equals ~o pounds Sal Soda. Great Reductions in price on all Dental almost imperceptible, eyea dull, face pinched ed. " He heard the snoring of J U'lge Lump· Sulky······.·...····.··.·.··...... .···.··....·.···.. 40 11 Sold b y all Gro<Jer11 and D r uggist!I, Work. Vitalizee. Air, constantly in use pro· and pa.lo. Apply warmth .to t he smface of k in, a.nd he must im·gined t hat it w:>.s snperl.or tacilitles for manufacturing carr!!lg~s. I lntond to sell very che&p tor e a. i11cing Painless Oper ations. Pariiculal' atten the body i111d extremities, give stimulants in one of his rivals from a ncighborinv plantaE. w. C\lLLE~~ · :ronoNro J.Nll ClllOAQO,, Poae1asislng or ii.:pproved oredit, and by ao doing I hope to greatl~inorease m1. number of s a.le11, Woalf, .a.t1on of Children's '.l'eet'~ .lion paid to the 1egu1 small quan tities, r emove a.11 tightly fit · tion. ~ell the wood parta only, or the gearings of bug;g1es Ironed. ~Al,L WORK WARRANTED,..-., very The little hull U1rew a. few bushels of dirt ting clothing, and aid t he restoration of cir· Brm1ch office, Dr. llutherford's Orono. cttaltion after placing t he patient in a hori· over his, and p repared for batL ie. He bellow;;d onoa or twice to notify his adver· - - - - · - - · ,___ - -- - - Z'.)nt~l .p osition. Many persons wonder at the t ired, worn At the Shortest N otice, Painted and Trimmed if D esired. C\ Stupor, contracted pupils, progressive in· aary that he was on tis ground, hut it did and weal'Y feeling that oppresses 1hem withany apparent c1nrne. It may be po-vercy A~ t he Faotory I aloo do P lontng, Matching, Turning e.nii Sawing w lth Oir ole,Band "rfiori . "" 0 .. ~eneibility, indioate poisoning by narcotice. not disturb the judge in t he least. The out: he blood or · a dlsorder ed ; in of 1 fla wo and prepax·e all kinds cf lumber tor carpenters nd otbere tor build~g purPoees. Treatment for these cases id oold wa.ter to rnoring went on without int ermission. either oase ihe stomach, blood and liver ar e Ornamental and Piain Pickets tor fences in every style reQuired, made to order. This exasperated the little bull, and curl · not the head and chest, emetics, strong coffee, performing their regular functions, and, ing his t1>il over hia back, he made a rush wi\.h many persons, there will follow a dull, and exercise to arouse reaction. heavy headache, nausea and many other ~'--"""""""""'~~'!!!"!!!'.'!!!!'!!:!'l!E~~~~~~~--~~~!!'!""I!"!!~'!'!!'~'!!!!!'!!!!!'!'!"'~ You ca.n always tell sunstroke, or heat for the w indow, weu t through it, and carried eym ptom3 that precede a well develoried case streke, for one need not be exposed to the everything before him. of Dyspepsia. Purify the blood, clean20 · the The sudden entrance of the bull into t he 5ystem of the clogge.d secrd ions by using sun's rays to ca.use t his malady. Being in a heated. atmosphere is enough, Ae a r ule, room awakened t he judge, and, taking in the MEAOHAlVI'S MANDRAKE these ca.see preceda:i by hea.dache, sick- situation, he Ielt, wit h the bull in full posMIXTURE, ness a.t, a.ud we11kness of the knees. seaeion of the room. WIU IOUT T!UlTH WITi! 'l'EE'l'Ir. The foce and he11od are hot, the pulse full but pr~pa red by J .B. Meacham. 1S8 Youn" etreet, a chemist of nineteen years' e.xperience. Sold 'M' weak,andthe brea.thingslowand fabored. A DlminutiveTimepiece. n l lowmanville by Higginbotham &G Son. · "111.1 .UL AU. SI.I, The face is red, a.nd sometimes purple. Put PBA.C'li'lCA.L DENTIST, the patient in a. cool place, apply ice or ice Apropos of the newspr1 per talk about t he OVllB TWENTY YEARS EXPERIBNOlll, water to the spine, hea.d, and the back of the "smallest watch," a. resident of Brighton, i~j troaaOxldeGOBA.dmJntsteredforPainle· neck. Eni;la.nd, writes the N ew York Times, say· · ·Operatlona. If the case is rather one of exhaustion, ing that in the show window of one Full nel, Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders the enimi: · . ,,,, IJ"' which can be told by a face not much a watchmaker of Brighton, thei e has been 111':'"'L ,~c·s BWCJlt.. flushed or pale, pulse frequent and feeble, . exhibited for m8ny the " sm&llest f LIVER, ST01 '1ACD, .KID:NEYS A.ND BOW -W -A - N _T _E _D _ f_ A _ t ...: o_ n_ ce. -L -o _ c_a_ la _n_d _ t.ra;. 1 and nG' difficulty, in brea~hing,_ give. stimu- watch in the world." "lb is a. good lever They invigorate and restor~ to h ealth Debilitated Constit utions, an, m~a.sures only seven·~ixteen_ths o~ an eliIJg agents forour goods lanta gra.dua.lly, and spanng of t he ice. are invaluable in &11 tB lndd.enbl to Females of all A ges. For Liberal commissions. or salary and expense~: I n ca.sea of hanging and suffocation by gaa, mch m c ha.met<ir , anCI. one eighth m t h1ok . to competen~ '"and reliable· man; · For terms undo the patient's clothing, clear ·ou t hie I neas. I t has IO hol29 jewelled r.m d five otber C h ildren and t he a ged th ey are priceleu. and full particular.s, address mout h and nostrils d ash cold water on h ia ruby actions, goea 28 hours with one wind· J. F. LECLAllKE Nurseryman ' · . . . . d k t· . l . Unlocks all t he cloggerl avcnnes of the !2- !tw · Brighton, N, y; !leek a.nd_ chest, and mduce respiration a.s mg, au . . aops ·11:_1 !: a.ccuriire y ·. ~~ w!ts ---~ - - - ·- - m drownrng ca.sea. first .~xh.1b1ted at .t1<i ~reat exh1b1t~ou m , Bowels Kidneys and Liver, carrying Is an infallible remedy for Bad J~egs, Bad :Breasts, Old Wounds Sor MORE MEN to sell our 1851 ID H . P ., cfass l o, No. 26; l)bo m the l off gradu'ally without wc,\k ening the system, M_ ljru i.t and 01·na!um1fal Pn.rls E xhi bition, cbss 8 a.nd for which I all the impurities ..:n<l fo\1 and Ulcers. It ls famous for Gout and Rheumatism. F or disorder11 of th .. J l humors of .the 0 ·a good pay ng Stock. Weat can ;i;' NlVe you Catftlrh · . th · secretions : at the same ltm e Correcting -Oheet It has no equal.situation "' · Causes "'nd Treatment·· med a Is we~e inya.r d e d · l t , 1s 1!l exact size 0 c:e. Ad· dress for t ei:me, · Cata.rrh in it3e~f in a geoeral term having of .a.n . Enghsh silver two· penny p1ec.,, s~acial Acidity of the Stomach curing Bili· Fol· S ore Tbroa·ts, Broncill.itis, ()ooghs, (JoHds, N ., ll, D. '\tl«JHARDSON &<lo., r eference to a.n mfiammatory state of the co1Dage. I t took Mr. ffunnel, who designed ousness, Dyspepsia, Readac~es, :piz· ur.s()Jymcu, Gene4~~wy; mucous coa.t or lining of the internal pas. it, _five yearn to complete it. The bow 1 ziness. Heartburn, Co11st1pat1on, Gl"lndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no riva l ; and sages or organs of the body. It has become wh10h .waa u~ed ~or, turning was r,;iade from j Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dhh" contraoted and stiff joints lt acts llke a charm. common, howevel', to aseooiate the term t he ha.I!' of hrn wife s.h~a.d. Mr. ] unnel has ; ness of Vision,J aundiee, Salt B,Ji.:>u:m., Erysipelas, Scrofula. Flutt'"}ng of .A list of 1000 n· e .. ., di S · with rhinitis, a local inflammation affecting also a seconcl m1mature watch--a,lever, l 1ivive nto TATES wspapers c · · d ' 11 d th h 1; I t · t 'l t h ' Manufactured only a.t TnoMAB HOLLOW.Ii.Y's Esta.blh1hment, ~ND, .~ . :t>CTIO.NS ·wm be sent on application- the cav1t1es of the nose and thr~at, because a.!l Jewe e .. 1 t': 011 · is. exa~, y e : the Heart, Nervous:r.i. ess an a .,-eneraI Debility; all these nnc1 many .Ji l1 ·~ \' sitni.tUMl. of the wide·sprea.d prevalence of that disor- s1~e of an Enp:hah i ".le·penny piece. '18, NEW' OXl'ORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD S'.1.'RE'ET), J..ONDtrii 'l'o thoe~ who want their advertising to pay, der So preva.lence in fact is nae11l catarrh hr C0mplaints yicl<l to the happy ,nf\uence we can ouer no better medium for thorough · 1 · ·· · j Pot; and ett.ective. work· than the various sections that of a hundred peop e casually met Creeu 1s an extremely faslnon!\ble color., 1 of }<TJSDOCK m,OOD BITTTil-t~, our S~~cct. J.ocal U st . . we could 211.fely affirm that one q uar . and in its various shades of emtirald, lapis Sample Bottles J.Oc; 1;,of.,ula1· size $1. GEON1·. IWWET,J. 1111 ()@,, . t er or t hem were t roubled with it · in; lazuli, a.ncl beryl is faEhio1mbly combined l' ar.11.rd\ se~s hould hell: ot ·he Label o n the l!'otrs 1m<il. lloxeH. ewspafoe~_ti.~~~r~i~'i:!,~,W;,~.y.ol·k. one form or ~iaother. P robably of the en . l with blues, olives, browns, and dull reds. i F or ~ale bv all ck~lers. i a 1133. Oxford Street. 1'o·cloa, they are 11purlou·. "\', M.iWIJJtN . ti J"...oJJ"'~i·H·s, Toronto ~l'H;E CANADIAN STATESMAN HEALTH. M1 A.JAMES, A Word to our Friends and the Public. mrnrnlil~ ~~rniaraum(tr~, fil~rn FRID..A...-Y,IOCTOBER :Will 5t~;· =- I ELLISON & CO. ----; o ---- I J. HIGCillBOTH!I & 8011 ' Chemists and Druggists. ----o - o---PROPRIETORS OF I B I A full assortment of Drugs and Medicines always on hand, also Toilet Soaps, Sponges Perfumery Cosmetiques, &c. ' ' Binge's Syrup of Horehound, Nasal Cream, for Coughs, Colds, &c. ·. · _ JI.-- -,. 1 fJ 1 CURE Dr. Woulff's ·· '· for Cold in the Head. R~medy, A I FITS ' or for Cholera, Diarrhrea, &c. ~ COEN"" CU-RE.. 0 " to·..c B;; Our Corn Cure:is the most popular preparation irl . the market. it. .. HAINES' CARRIAGE 'WORKS -------GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, OARRIAC ES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &G. z HARN DE N, l. D. 11····· ······························· ........... . 99 PER CENT ······W ························ CAUSE A ND EFFECT . .. N T I DE T Ry - All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired HEALTH FOR A !LL! 1 BR!'IW.ACO'M'BT,,!! rHE KEY TO H!i/\l THE PILI.,S of 1u. s. j W ANTED . l TH E OIN T ME NT ! . - l I To. A 0 VE RT ISER S ·- I I I i · «.:o.:

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