Y ·V·a ·· ·u · a ..tt· J twt ttt' \Ht. l, " "" .n .\.'HUH" "' "' H Y, WEDNESl !a&! !!! Xki!SZMii ¥ t !!!!i!!! !l!! !! !!!! Ui .LX 1!!1 .!4i ;;;;e; - ! l!!lll!'l' !! !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!! !!! !! !!!! !! ! !!!! !!!! !!! !!l!! !!! !!!!!! !!! ! !!':l!!!!! !!! !!! !!!! !i'!!!'!!! !i --I ==:-::::==== · OCT :n 1888 HOUSEHOLD. . onehalt teaspooc.fulof salt, M·ke a boiled . a 1 prn t °f A DV ICE TO M OTHERS.-Are you d is· cus , t ard 0f t1 10 · yelk 0f 3 · e"g, turbe at niht and ? roken of Y.our rst i sweet milk and o>ne taasponful of cm;n. .emon. ·Put the rice by a s1ck ch1ld suffering and crying wi th 1 s tJ.rch; B..vo1· with 1 . sm IL ·.mpg, n d w. . hen perf tiet1Y coId P". t 'I'eeth ," ' , If 80 en d 1 m pain of · _Mrs . Wmsl<!w s 1. th e . blls in a dish, pour over the cus on<ie and get 8 bottle of . ta.rd and serve. Soothing Syrup." For children .teethng, Goon V1N1;0AR-Molas9B, one quut; lte vz.lue ia incalculable. It will relieve De· i y ea.e t, one pint; w:a.rm. ram wa.ter, three the poor little sufferer immediately, l keg r l\nd pend upon it, mo th ers ; there is ll'>' g_al on. BH into s. JUg' o It cures Dysentery I tie a pMoe nf gauz over the bung to keep b0ut i t ·i t k '1 ri I Hie and let in a.Ir" ln h ot weater set h a. d out t e th 111.rr . re a, \' e Stoma.c e I in ' SUD; in cold weathar eet by i' e so ft n s- . th .oowe1 s, cure11 m 0 1?· · . , . the weeks yon will three sto ve : in Gum s, reduces Inflamrftatwn, and gtl'e" ha.ve g<>oi vincg ..r. When part of this has to,ne and en e rgy to the wh ole sy·tem. , h·,en used fill up with th'e so.me preps.r&· tir(' r 1 ton. i msl?W 's. Sooth' m g Syrup ' · "'M r<J. ' w· . lilluldren teethmg is plea11a.nt to the twite DELICATE SFONGE BrscurT.-T..ke a. half and is the prescription of ono of the old- pound of fimr,. three-ourths pounds sifted ea!; and best female physicians and nur1,;:a aug a.r. B iat the whites of six eggs by themIn the United Statea, o.nd ie for 1&le b7 selves, add the be11oten yolks and toss them all d ruggists throu·h the wo1ld. Piice t ogethe r. Put in them a little grated lemon 25 cents a bottle. "B6 aure aud &lk for peel, ten the uar, e.nd fLrt ell with an whisk. Stir Ill the flour with a wooden «MRS WINSLOW'S SoorJUNG SYRUr." egg apoori, and put th e mixture in small pat)·· 'ther kind · a ke no 0 and t' pii.ns to bake, with sifted sugar t o ghun, No·tes For R()usekeepers. · l ' pmt .ICE S ow B A.LLS.- B 011 o n e h a.' R of nee l!m1l soft, ma 111art of water ; ?-ild · j Cuttmg t l Ill, )'e r'! d a · .Powe1·'s Block, ann all 'l'hroat and Lung Affections, also. a positiv e and r a di c al cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested ita wonderful curative powers in thou· sands of cases, hns felt it his duty to m ke it lmo-ivn t o his sutt·ering follows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve· human to ll who .auffering I will send free of it' this receipt, in Germ11.n, ,J!'renoli or d· and preparing th full di rec tions for En Iieh, Sent by mail by ad d ressi ng with using. Jsto.mp, n o.mi ng this po.per, W. A., NOYES, 149 Consumption, ing bed placed roissionorv the re med y for the retired from practice. hav All old pbysidan. in his hands y an E ;ist India ()0'.\:SlllUl'TION (mKED. fornlllla of a simple vegetable speed y und permanent cure of B ronc hi tis, Catarrh, .A.athm"' ; <e ) charge. \vi a a Plea.se inform your r eaders tha.t I have above named a poeitive remedy for the ·ciieuse. By its timely use th o u sa.ud1 of h11ove been perma11.ently hopde ss c11.se1 I hall be glad to send twB bottles cured. of my rcme-dy F?IEE to 11.nv of your rM>ders 'W'bo have coummption if they will send me tlieir Expre!!s and P. O. address. . Respectfully, Dr. T. A. SLOCU M:,73 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. !['o C::onsumption Surely (Jnred. THE RocheRter, N. Y. U-lY EDITOR : 'When llaby WllB sick:, we gave her Castorla., When she was a Child, eho cried lot Castorill, When eho bocamo '.Mioe, eho clung to Ca.etoria, When ahe ht.I. Children, ebe gavo them Ce.storia, - CORN STARCU Prn.-Put one pint of sweet milk on the stove a.nd when boilinu ·hot stir into it the y olks of two and one tblc stirred poonful corn starch; Ho.ve now full ranges of all their Kewest s them s moothly put in a little cold milk ; st ir Designs, and i nv ite MEllCHAt-fTS to briskly; when it has boiled r emove from p rev i ously to examine tho fire, add on e boo.pi ng tablespocnful white buYing elsewhere. sugar and one tablespoonful lem on extract. - -. t ir well a.nd then pour this custard into a · S ' ba.ked pie crust. B9s.t the two whites to a - · _ -·--- MO!. .:____."____ stiff froth and add two heaping tablespoonfula white sugar ; spread ov er the pies, put -".- _in the oven and brown the frosting delicate ly. Set away to cool; the colder it is the · nicer. -· Runs l\Jasy T he Ma gog Texti le and Print Co. same "I've o f··.en "Well," replie ' ,l . her ho·tes·, 0 0 thought of th11.t, for our f ami ly is g'.lite as . large as yours, but D.S all seemed to enpy . the ginger-read so m uch when s u µp r time ca me , 1 h111ve kept 00 maki:ig i.t." h uc'ss, gi\'es increased vitalil;y, and re· The next nig t when the f amily of the storos 1.lie nN·1·011s syste m to a healthful lady who had invited, gathered about the couclit.iou. ta tu.ble, there wa.s a. plu.te of be a.u 'iful , tempting giriger-bread, To the r e m ark s Ro\'. T. G. A. Cot, a.c;ent or the Mass. satisfac tion, which were expres5ed' she re· Home J\[jggionary Society, writes that plied : his swmaf'h was out. or )!'!!er, his sleep "Well, I find our nei gh bor over t'ie way, very ofl;en disturbed, aud some imthinks she can aff ·rd to have ginger-brc·ai · · un p 't·Y 0 r ti ·e bl oo tl mani fest; but that for supper, and if she can, I d on' see ·why r a p e f e c t cure was obtaine<l by the use we can't also." o! Ayer's Sarsaparilla. But s.t the neighbor's over the way, there Fre d e ri ck W. Pratt., 424 'Vasliington was n o ginger-bread c-n the t11.ble when the family a.ssembled for the e vening mea.I. To atreet, Boston, writes: "My daughter the diEsati·fied looks and words, to which was prostratetl with nerrnus debility. th,look gave rise, the mother replied: Sarsaparilla r est o r eu lier to t e s Well, Mrs . So-:i.nd.So across the tr e health." l:as no ginger-bread for supper, as she thinks William F. Rowker, Erie, Pa., it a needless expense, and if it is sue\i for w as cured of uen-ousness and sleeplessness her I am snre it must be for us al so. " sprinkled over the top. 'vfhether this particular c:i,ee is tr ue or not l>y taking Ayei·'H Sarsaparilla for about COLD SLAW -An excellent dish for hot there a.re myr ia d s of like cases tia.nep1ring n two months, dming wh i c h time weather; Cut the cabbage very fine For his very. tru:th e ery dsy. Onr w o r ds o.u d def!as y 'Yeight lacreasetl 01'er twenty iiounds. a. q uart of c11.bbage take the yolks of three . the mto the. droped ar e e mdee.d !1k eggs, b3at th em well; one a.nd one ha.If cup pond, their mflu:n;e is felt to th e. of v ineg a.r; two large spoonfala of ugiu, bo un d .of t. he sensitive surface, until here can " one cup of thick cream, a. t easpo onf ul of Mix this wibh h: no eet.i mo.te of the amo u t of mustard, s!!.lt and pepper. PR;PARED BY uau di, ither for e n. for wielded o g or either d o the eggs. When hot add the cabbage; Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. · . be any recall. cover a.nd stew until it is thoroughly hot.,. there ., . s to person..! responsib1h;y m the matte r Bold bynll Druggl·ts. Price $1; six bottlea,$ Let it cool before bringing to the tabl e. 11, ohnH.uenee, that query as been met and an. . ca.re swered a.way baek in the earlyeb.apt SAVE BREAD Cn.uMJoi -With 8: little _ era of the every pa.rt of the bread ca.n be utilrned, All Bi ble. When one ma.n do.red to ask " .\\.m I the odd and ends of crusts should he spr.ea d my br:o ther'o keeper?" thti stern voice of evenly on a. p!!on a.nd 8:llowed t o dry m_ a G od replied that that brother's blood was wo.rm oven. When qut dry put them Ill · cryiug to him from the ground. Elude and a. sm al l bag a.de o! iickmg or ca!1vas a.nd evade the question now, as to the impo1·tance pound them fin with 11 alet. Sift them of our example over others as we may, the Paintod iu flrst·ola.ss style nt a.d ut them in empty fruit cans. h ey molnes fact of there beia g a great responsi fu w ll .eep f r mo n ths, and can be used for bility in this respect, of which we oug h t a.t lneadm .n.eats, sh, croquettes , omelettes lea.st to be aware, will face each one of us Parties having anything ill the above line tha.t and. ma mg dresmg for fo la. :W sooner or l·ter. Many a. cons cien ti ou s man requires painting will s ave money by having · 01\ of bay (hiiile de laurier) . is extensively and woman has refrained from participation tho work done at my shop, . qse m Switzerland b.y butchers to keep in pleasures, or engagements they felt con })ring your S leigJ\S and C utters in early in the their shps free from ll:es, and af t r a. cos.t vinced would be powerless to harm them, for sea.son, It wont cost any m ore and better work . can be done by he. v i o g plenty of time, of t ie oil has been a.pphed to the walls nol!'e fear of the th ey might exert over Orders for of these tr oubles o me pests venture to put m others were their example followed How an appearance. This remedy ha.a been tried many thouse.uds havo been led to the Saviour nd found effecm1.l in the south o France a.nd into church thro u gh the example of . will eceive prompt attention. m p reservm .g gilt. frames, . chandeliers etc. o hers, only the judgment day will reveal. from becommg smled. It is even remo.rked Alas I that there muat be a i·everse side to Shop o ve McMURTRY'S LIVERY S'l'ABLE. ths.t flies soon avoid the rooms where this this consideration ths.t there mus t be those· application has been e-.nployed. who will have to ealize then, tha.t throui;:h CHICKEN R1ssor.Es.-Take cold ba.ked their la.x, indifferent exa.mple, there were S!l-3m chicken left from dinner, free the meat from those who regarded religion as an unimpor the bones and chop fine. R ub a lit1;le dried taut, meaninless th i ng I It often needs but bre ad into fine crumbs, and o this add s.ny a word spoken in season to opan the eyes heated liquor of chicken or hot water, s.nd wide, and to stir the heart to a. sense of the moisten the bread th oro ughly. To a pint deepiealitiesand responsibilitiesrestingupon bowl-full of crumbs a.nd mes.t- tlie propor· each one of the !J<:>rd'd true followers. In tion may be as necessity makes it-allow l following the best a.nd h ighest exa.mple ever teaspoonful of salt, 1 of peppe , 1 of sift ld kn o wn, that of our P"ttern and Redeemer, aa.ge, and 1 heaping tea1poonful of bu tter. our o<Vn example will become worthy of imi Make into little cakes, dust with :flour, s.ncl ta.tion, a.nil the influence we exert will be for good. fry to a light brown. noe various and oo untle u wa.y. An a.musing story has been told in print of a. lady who, ta.king tea with a neighbor one night remarkd: "Ho w nice your inger-t.,·ea.d loo k s and ta1tes; [med to have it fvr su ppe r quite rgularly ' but a.t last d<ccideu that it was a 1 ·1 · y, . so arge fami di' ess expense w ith my I I as a m!l.'ter of e coll ::>my I stc.pp"d ma.k in" ' t." ' 0 i l I I nee i· I I Is sending thousan<l amrnal ly to tlie 's insane aylt.un ,· ant! th e docto:s say th 1 trouble is alarmingly on the increase. · 'l'he nsral r e med1'<>" 'le may " 11 ,,,,, ..,I " · tl1ey gi rn temporary rliM, itrn likely to do nioro liarm ihau goou. \'Vhat is needed ,l · 1" an _ ., , tcrnti\rc aad Blood-rmrifier. Sarsaparilla. is incomparably Ayer's t11e best. It corrects t hose dist1ab&nr.es in the circula.tion w hi ch caase 8leepless- w ant of Sleep ..- ' . ' " " ,. . . .- . .. . . . . '· . -· . ' " . t of 1' for I '. HC utnta lasowell&daptedto tbat r """onune d i'asanperiortoany r11!!lscri ·p&ieu ll:!Mnnlto II ·-ft '· '. ·D., · A.. a.J11 """"""-, .aa. . :ne." . · Ill So. Oltorci 8'., Brwkl,Jli, N. Y. lnrants and Children. on I OutMla CUfe8 Colic, Condlpatlott, Sour Stomach, Dia.rrhren, Erilctn.tlon. Killll Wonns, gives asleep, and promofilla 6 Tall CZNTAUR COMPANY, 17 M urray Stroot, N. W'*iou.s toJurlous medication. Ayor's FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLEi ebble uttermost h . Ayer'S Sa . rsap ar1 "I I a, nilnence . HARDWARE ! HARDWARE I l Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils ... Begs to inform ths inhabitants of Bowmanville and surroundin Townships that he has opened out bminess in the old sta.nd, occupied ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one door ea st of Stan dard Bank, and willat all times keep ln stock all goods usually kept in a first-class Hardware St ore, co nb is ting of f T Surreys, Buggies,Market Wagons, Sleighs, Cutters, &c., SEO.£. MANN/NB formetli. - LOWES11PRICESHN TOWN. h e t infl·1ence t w-.M00RR:rsoN. SIGN PAINTING r r Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Sheit Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, &c, The 'n1anufacture and 1mtting up ot' Eave T1·oughS1 will receive special attention. COOK, HALL a. S tove I shall also kee-p a well assorted stock of the best manufacturers' Pi p es, Micas, &c; PRLOR STOVE&e, r Having purchased cheap for cash, I am prepared to sell goods at small profits and prices will be. cut close to suit the times. Bowmanville, April 2nd, 1888. eggs after having ____ ,. -, ' - 93 'ST PETER-STRE-ET · 9u "ords HI 10 ... Hll!lllli' NO BACKACHE..· OURS 'cJ ?0: . molte a mistake. Se11t free wUh rnachine. To «>thers, f11r eorumon ross·cut s:nvs, l1y nrnil $2.00. Il.Utl<1rodshavesawed5to9COltD8·d11ily, We want all who burn wood and an intercstett in the timber business 1io write for otll' Ilh1str11ted 111ree Uatn l ogn e. We bavc ex· e 8 t ? i1A 1 ;. v 1 t\J{,g,vi t 1ty secnre::so.g1mcy. N Unty to fmy. Wemannractura in. Cu.nae.la. 1"0LUINU SA1l'lNG lU..lClllNK C:.O., 208 to 311 Bo, «Jaual !:'lrct, Cldc:11gc, u, s, A· not AJso TOOL '!)lV ONE. MAN. Greatly impi">ved. for filing .1;u.w.s wlte1·Ly those )cost ex1H,w1c1wed cart· :;[ "; :;11 :f ; MYRTLE . 'l'lllS YEAlR'.§ .. SMOKING TOBA,.,CQ \.. FINER T !"lA. ee C:1JT and PL1JG N EVER. fined in speech when the door ha.a closed after the 11uest as he was when they converaed together, the child wHl learn to be hll>bitually polite and m o dest. For good manners are better taught by example than by precept. '£ne w om n who wrote the" Pra.ctical Thoughts of a M ot h e r, " says she has o ften noticed that ?irla who ha.ve gt·own up in retirementa.nd simplicity, have shown whe11 placed in the great world, such elegant tact, and behaviol' to astonish high-born ladies, "Where ha.s the little one learned it?" . She beho.ves exol11o1ms some one of them. " , like 1.1oqueen;s.nd my daughter, who has been educated in Paris, onl y j 11st look at her I t with her company dress, if a fathel' is as re- If a mother.does nob layaside her courbesy Home Influence. as c ;:¥:s:1:o;:?a!:::s::e:t: :h:: Eacll - T TH few rules of politeness, but has set an exam ple of high-bred courtesy. The girl has ac quired so unconsciously the a.rt of polite in bt·onze 00 behavior that she feels wha.t is and what is P L U G & PACKA.G·E . . not "good form," 4J-ly a : : =;l::iin!:r::!:!.1: t1::!i;si::t r7l!i: ::t:r::!: .;! .:!i:o:rli;:;J:J! dau gh ter has been taught many rules of : bod1e5" are I am told t'.lat gum chewing ha.s been in vog·le for many yeat's ; but iO was never brought to my Ice until three yes.rs a.go, when I bect1me a resident of C aliforni!l.. 'i' There I sa.w it its worst pba.ses. Old men and matrona, young men and ma.idens, and children of both sexe3 walked and chewed, read nd hewed a.nd ta.lked and chewed until I wo ndered what kind of people I ha.d been thrown among,t. It was not confined to the lower classes, al tho ugh the ha.bit, or vice, seemed to me to be on a )Hr with the snuff-dipping of the poor Wh i tes of the S outh. fashionable youn g lady ce.rrioR a iiainty little silver box in which to ke ep her chewing gum, and the very "fly" young ma.n coDsidera it a necess.:ry item in hi5 co u r tship to keep the object of his affention s · in the ffo.est and most attnctive and newest thing in gum. E ch of thes e packages is reitheti· cu.lly tied with ribbons, and s. card is a.t. tached setting fortb. the advantages of gnm che w ing to the American constitution. It reads : "Dyspepsia, which is eo pr eve.lent in America, ia caused solely by a. lack of saliva aasimilii.te with the food, due t o the · fact '· · tha.tAmencans eat too muoh and too rapidly. ( . 'l'he act of chewing gum stimulates the sali- , . . · . . food tak- · vary gIa.nda, and, b y g1vm to the . en itaproperquota of sa.hva., . diges tion 11.nd positivelyjprevents dyspepsia.." for ___ ... __ ,,. __ _, _____ _ .HQth Sexes. ' --· @11JJ@m e JmA11!001(00@&. - l!fFNote.- J'his f(J/vorite medicine is put itp in O'Cal Lottles holdiny i!iree 01tnces each, with the name blown in tl!e glass, ancl the name of the in'l:entor, S. R- C'amp bell, in rc1t ink across the face of the label, Bewa'l'e of 1:mitatfons, refuse all sitbsti tittes, and you will not be disappointed. MDOUGALL & NJETCALF, · - . ·- - -- - '= --- s-- are ottering Coal as fallows : Ths Campbell's Cathartic Compound Gostivsncss, and an Gonrnlaints or Indigestion, Eilious ! Cures Chronic Constipation, Stomach and Bowels, such as Twenty-five cents extra will Grate and Egg, . Stove and Chestnut, . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . arising from a disorcforccl state of the Liver, be charged . . : ........... $6.25 .. . . . . . .. . .. when accounts 6.0·0 run greatly aids! :OAV'IS &LAWRENOEOO.(Lim1tec1), , the manufacturers otcigarettes I i Dyspepsin Acidity over one month. of the Stomach, Rheumatism, Losa 01 Appetite, Gravel, N e rvou s ebil ity , Nausea, or Vomiting, &c., &c. :t\ff'ections, Readnehe, Heartburn, D · LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & GORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. Price 25 PREPARED OLY BY Cents per Bottle. . --;-----'- Cleaned, Gents ' Cl 0th" Ing Dyer and Clothes Cleaner, Soods warranted to bo a.c no one will know them from new when done, Corner of King and Ontar o Streets, QS Died,f.Pressed andjRop&ired by ' P E A T' i Bowmanville. OF YOUTH' ERRORS . . 1 L01se1a.ud pr.Ill&· NervousDeb1llty, Semma. tureDecayprowptly and vermanently tur·d by Does not Int e rfere with Diet or uaual occupa .1 · tiol' and fully re stores loet viu;or a.lid lnsurn :Example a.nd Influence. feet manhood. Sent t o any addre1111, po1t· - plaid on recei pt of pri ce" One Dollar per box. . ------T he tirst t h" mg a eh"ld l attempts to do is · Sol e agency SCH(iFIELl>'S DRUG STORE ' almost invarfo.bly something it has seen 1.. o..-- King stnet.'·r oronto. NOt Hard to Please. . some one else do ; and all the wa.y up from · ---. earliest infancy, human beings S ir Brantford Grif!iGh, Governor of the of i mit a ion . Hence the truth of the oft re- Gold Coa.t, a s.vs a London correspondent, pea.ted assertion that children become j uat 1 has been interviewing the Afrioan kings who HE SCIENCE OJ!' LIFE, ! what their parents see .fit to make them. rule the ne groes in his pro vinces, and repo t s the great medica.1 work an ex ample is . on wha.t he saw. "lam pleased to tll you 1 or the age on Manh ood, constantly being enacted mre t-0 be followed thi:.t kings out there a.re nots.a grasping or Nervous and PhyRical De· At by the little folks, a.nd a bad or perni i ous 1 s hai'd to plea se a.a th ey are in Europe. blllty, Premature Decline, example will be copied quite as readily as a }'ram Frim the king, wh o is a very old izenE1Tors of Youth, and tho goo d ancl benefioial one. Xemper ance sp :i.k · tlemcn, only wv.nted to h ave the tax on um\ t·J sixpen ce a gallon, ancl the right : t.mtoldi miseries com:equent ere are fond of r e peatin the little incident of ' re duced a _ boy, who, on sittingdowu withhiafa.the_rto rn? torcd t? h im of exhuming he thorc ; oo pages, 8v?.,15 prescriptions fo! al l d1seaees. Cloth, fUJJ um. dmner at a hotel, wa.s asked by the waiter Kmgof Big Awoonah went wdd with delight I lllust ratin Rapt. what he would h a ve to drink, a.nd replied, at a pre sent of 10 shillings and two bottles! only $1, by mail , eale. j ' WJ1 te:ver father ho.a." Any suspicion of champgne. The king who receive the I I _ i- 'tihat his father could order anythmg h a. rm - 1 Governor 1u gre atest estate was the Kmg of to the auther by the National Medlct'l 1.1t1on · .Addr 1s P. o. Box 1895, B03ton, ..., 'ful never entered tbe boy's mind. But the Odumassie. This kirig appeared re latively . or D W . H ' jlradua .te or H a.rTta.r power of example is by no means confined to 'happy, but begged for a p11.ir of h11.ndouffs to j t Me d 1-... ear1 m BOii on, · l C olle 8..,, · .Im peop1e. M en and women' · en fOl'C0 h" ' IS powers, and a 1am11 to Pll!I.ble h who111aybeoonsultedcon!1dentially. Sp<toialty. ch li dren or young I are constantly influencing one another in , to iitay up late.· l>iseo.11ea of Man, Ofiice, No. 4 Bultlnch St. I + + T i EXHAUSTED VITALITY I I - J I In her home she has never known a word, look, an act ths.t differs from the acts, words and look s need in polite society, When she H.rst stepped f rom her father's house into au assembly room where well· gathered, she simply bred people had larger but not differtransferred herself to ent sphere. Her requests are entreaties, favors are returned by thanks, little acts of service are done quietly a.s a matter of course, and a spirb of k indness and consideration is associated with all she says a.nd does because their father and mother were kind, polite, oonsidera.te at home any th ing to her dau<>h. If her mothiw ter a.s she was laving the house to go to the firs t party ' it was simply "B:,have j u t as " ' ·h · ,, · ' If you were 11.t ome. But no mother can be thus laco nic in behavior and t ct home g o od who se : are not associated with the eYerv-day life of th e family. saici s it is almost as great an evil to womankind as rum is to mankind. It makes rosy cheeks hollow and sallow, transforms dimples . into wri nkles, and brings deep lines a.round once PRONOUNCED BY ARTISTS TO BE THE FINEST beantiful eyes. He says : MADE IN CANADA, anti equal lo the best United States instruments, at (when duty and freight is paid) "The constant exertion of the masseter muscle hardens it and removes the fatty substance which co ndu ces to roundness. fullnes s of the cheek desNot only is troyed, but there is a grea.t tendenc y to · WlTll THE llAffUrACTURERS ol the skin, a Mtura l result of the f alling ..w y Q.£!AV.IUS NEWCOM BE & CO. the par. ts bel!e?'th it.': And now, iris, 1£ you will positively g_ive I07·l09 Cll1.iRCll STREET, TORONTO u . p gum chew!ngsu!'h of you are aduwt· I ed to. the ht>.b1t-I will let you mto a secret, , you have freklea, tell you how to 'l , , I and get rid of them. IL you don ,t h a.ve any A, w. MOltRIS ·" Rtto. yourself, try Hon a y o u nger brother. 'Vash T i P OP MONTREAL, RIE O tS. R your fa.e wlth the rind of a wate1 melo n MANU'ACTURERS OF from which the meat ha.s been to.ken. Do · this several times a day fo r a wek , o.:id , you ha.ve the word of a Southern girl, writ ing to the Globe.Demoerat, tha.t you won't I havn't any have a freckle remai ing. so oa.n t vouch for it. he mY: self, an . wnter s :.ys, No ma.ter wh!l't is wonii; with the face watermc,ln md will rectify it and pro d uce a cleiir SKID. to young people, begms Ins address with : " Girls, if you would ha.ve plump and rosy cheeks, don't chew gum . " He asserts tht1.t wrinkling 1! the u 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designsl 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, 20 -White Bed Room Sets. THE J A CONVEDSE M F'C CO SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR CLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. Elgant in Design Solid in Construction Excellent in Tone W . N 0 F-0 RT ES piA E MO:NT.REAL. -· h -ro- t· he- rs-' -·- 00 COMBE ·u--r-d B &JI , · McDOUGALL & METCALF._ .. . - --·- . .1L N""E-W-- C:S::I..A. :S::..A.I where are to be seen 2 5 Poer!:"oAe J·u. TE & COTTON Large variety Hanging and. Table Lamps, Fanc y Inspe('tion Solicited. . Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucars, &c. t are creatures j c e Consciously or unconsciously, g ! ; i r j Prono u need by practical consum·h in s superior to an y i er , . mg the Canadian Ma1ket. · 1 · STiiEiiERs AND FAiiERS ::LARD JIN E BES'I' USE ONLY McCOLL'S I I .t0;Ay8!ad1.re:i:dade · s: I '. e .£, AI215K7ER. j )Jre.o ice E : I d_ead. he; " RED OAP" BRAND S 'l'REJ£I E.A.S'l', W. 38--6m D't·He .for JH.fOl'Jllatio:n. . . . '" . , rcts Abo of The Celebritecl Mauuractu - . ! T DE 1 . · MACHINE L 1JBRICA.'l'OR . AlllLLA IN a R w IN [ [ B E T M (( r , . T o onto Oftlce and 01"- Warel1ouse: 20 C, BONNELL, MANAGER. ' . rI FHONT FAMILY SAFETY & s UNLIGHTCOALO · . When b uym g Coal 011 ask your dealer for the New Oils, . IN OIL. THE 1'1ARKU'.I. ·' Try it once' and you will use no other · .IJlc()OLL BROS · · · &-corf' · - IL.. · - · ' . rrorontot · ...._ ..