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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1888, p. 4

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EDITOR J ANEs,-Much dissaliefaction haa been caused by the ·allocation of the by purchasing Sunday School Llbrarics reserved soots for last night's "Caldwell" and Prize Bookl from Book concert. The. plan of the Hall was ad verQ4;1noerns, or any other tiMed to be open on Friday 26th at 10 a. llity e11rablishm.; but before that hour a large number mout. of the seats were taken by the Society ·mcier whose auspices the concert was held, - o - -. some of tho partiea individually aecuring rows of seats in advance of the hour. This is unfair as well a11 unoourteous to ·here yon can make your choice. without the large !JUIDber of ticket-holders outtl1e p:\ynmnt of a railway .fare, and side of st::Jpaul's church and its Aid So· without t,he lou of tim<i. You ciety. It would be only common courtesy ean get.8.8 jlOod a·soninent, in the promoters of any concert in town and the VERY SAME to relegate the privilege of tho better DISCOUNT, and scats to their outside patrons, and wait in ·many ollle1 their . time, giving the outside pub· OH B.Al'JC ~ lie "the prcfereuce, W o are promised in BOOKll. the near future, concert. by the M:cGibI have reooived the fir1t ahipment of a eny family and the Leroy concert company; it is to be hoped, at least tho wish large and well aHorttid lot from is entertained, that thees things may · llQt Nelson & Sons, Religiou1 Track hilppen again. It would also be a wise Society, S.S. union, Sooiety idea, if a. wicket could be erected and all for thn Promot.ion of those holding tickeh bo bound to fall ()hristian K n o win line and gilt thllir seats in rotation in· ledge, Partridge & Oo., stead of aa at present, the u111al rush and and guarantee l!Atiftfaotion, push after eeate. Yours etc. and a. savin~ of mouey. Schools · A LovBR OF Muiuc. contemplating buying · Oct. 3bt 1888. Library will do well io see my 1toek. MONEY LOST BUY AT HOME A J u b 11ee a.no_ . _ Ba.nquet. I -. ~.,resting anniversary An?ther of tho1e mt t ion Army in .How· occa.s~ons of the Saly d and will be duly ma,uville has come 1·ol_n c.~Il t . celebrated on Nov.· 3. 4 a, n d 5. · be t l·· re. .D. o. Morris ., Tom Howell Wl11 alway· so welcome, in comrnf;(, too. Big · S t d · 1 t S d y at 7 a meeting' a ur a.y nig 1 · un· a · m, "A feast with thn Lord." At 11 a hr,Jine.ssmeeting. Praise-the-Lor· i meet· ing at 3 p. m., and 11.t 7:30 a · ·D~sp8rate warfare for God." Silver collectivllB a t tlie door. · On Monday, Cith, a gr,\ nd banquet will be held in tho Barracks from 5 p. m .. followed by"' big JUhilee meeting. As thie . . . w·11· ·' . is the first b1~ domiz::s smce C>}pt. 1 iam11 and Lieut. Hewitt assumed command let , t t h there b e an immense turnou · o 11 .ow them what a jubilee in BowmanviJl.e means Hoste of visitnre are expected. · 0 Executor's Notice to Creditors. rrHE CREDITORS OF WILLIAM ARGALL, late of the 'rowoehip of Clarke in the Connty or l>urht.m, yeoman. decea.sed who rl!ed on or about the 10th day ot Sept., .A.'. D., 1888, are hereby notified, under Seotlon 36 I Local and Otherwise. ( Ca1~timud from fifth page.) Circullltion this 'week 2,400. Read. this paper, then mail it to a .distant friend. A lovely lot .:,f Ribbons for Millinery at Mn. Morrison's Dr. Hillier was regi11tered at the Russin House, Toronto, on Monday. FAllMBit.'3.-Beet power Straw Cutter with reverae gear sold by CHAS. Roairns. The noted McGibney Family are com· in11: to Bowmanville 11hortly. Look out for poat6rll and notice11. . We claim that Tan S·u.TESNAN contains twice'" much Weat Du··ham news al! any other paper. Compare and lltlll. Mr. HenrJ Bunner, . ahoem$lier, has be"'n quite unwell for a few dl&ys from nervou1 proatration. He i· improving mcel7 again. rhe largo·t musical family known is the McGibney, 16 member1. They trav· el in their own palace car. Will be in Bowmanville 1ou11, Overcoats and suit11 in boys' and men'11 sizes. Ready.made or made to ordeJ:. Be1t goods at lowest orice11 at John J. M.aaon'1. See advorti11. e ment. The Chriati1m Guardian of Oct. 17th uya: 'Ve have rarely listen"cl to a richer musical t.reat than tbl:l concert given by the celebra.teQ McGibeny family. An awful ~cue ha~ been cnused among c<'rtain competing hou~e11 by the low price11 wo selling lea at. See our tea before buying. Mc)CLU.Nll B1tos. To Tm: DEAJ". -A Peraoa cured of Doafnes11 nnd noises in thu head of 23 yeara' standing by a eiinple remedy, w1il ~end a description of it FR·& to any person who applies to NlcHOL!:!01', 30 St. John St. Montreal. 44-lyr. BIGGEST YET.-A Red Brook potato, ~rown by Mr. Jas . Scott, lrtt 14, con. 4, Darlington, had been bid on our table. It weighed when dug 3 tts., 12 oz., and now weighs within an ounce of that weight. This Ne believe Jowns any "spud" yet heard of. A great crow<l of Darlington people attended a surprise party at Enfield last night, when Mr. and Mrs. D. Dyer were presented with two valuable Rattan chairs and a beautiful hanging parlor l1tmp. Mr. D. moves to his new homo west of Columbus thii! week. Messrs. Newcombe & Co., of 107-109 Church street, Toront", are closing out at reduced prices ono of the largest stocks of Pianos and Organs iu the city. previous to alterations in their premises, which, when completed will give them tho most extensive Pianoforte wari;rooms in tho city. 43. Mr. M. P. Talling, B. A., of Knox College, Toronto, gave us a friendly Ci\,l l on Monday. He preached for Rev. Mr. R·etrn1m, at Oshawa, on Sunday. His sojourn at Roseeau, Muskoka, during the summer. months seem,s to have improved his health very much. He speaks highly of Rosseau as a summer reeort. The parlor concert at So1'RISE, the res idence of Mr. W . R. Climie, on Monday night was an exceedingly enjoyable atr~ir, liowelike and plea~imt. A very interesting program was happily rendered. Mrs. Phillips, nee Ltzzie Mnnson, Mhs Glover, Miss Mamie Beach, Mr.IH. Knight, and Mr. J. S. Climie vocalized; MiBB Climie, Miss Laura Taylor, Miss Beach, Willie Alexander, instrumentalizecJ : and Rev, Mr. Warriner, Miss M!lbel Tait and Miss Allie Welsh and Mr. Geo. Maynard recited. Proceeds about $10. The entertainment and bazz11.r in con· nection -with the Church-[t. Methodist church under tho suepicee of the Willing 'IVorkers,in aid of the'Missionary society, on Tue8day evening of last week, in epito of a heavy rain, was a grand success, surpassing all expectation. The h.ncy ar· ticles for iale, made principally by the members of the b·nd, were soon clisposed of, after which bread and butter 1md hot coffee was served to all. The program, consisting of recitations, solos, duets, and instrumental music, was rendered entirely by the children and proved a most pleasing and enjoyable one. The Willing Workera' Band is comprised of some 40 or 60 membera, boys and girls ranging from 8 t<> 16 yeure, with Miss Minnie J oness ae teacher. To Misses M. J onees a11d R. Maynard belong the praise of prepuing the children and getting up such an excellent entertainment. The net proceeds wore $25. A11 a family medicine, Ayer's Pills excel :~II others. They are suited to every age and, being sugar·coated, are easy to take. Though searching and thorough in effect, they gre mild and pleasant in action, and their use is attended with no injurious results. 1 of Chapter 110. of the Revised St>1.t11tcs of Ontario. 1887, to send by post, prepaid, on or before the 17th Day of November, 1888, to McGEE & JONES, Oahawa, Ont., Solicitor11 for the under mentioned Executrix of the said deceased, FULL FAllTicur·.lRB of their nn.me1 !~~~is:1i;r:;i~h~~~m3 and of \he securities, if And notice is hereby 11h'cn that immediately after. the. la·t mentione~ d . . te. tile aaid Ex· ecutr1 x will proceed to <l1atnbuL<1 th" assets or the said deceased e.m(lng the JJl'rsoas entitled : t.hereto, ha.ving rega.rd only to claims of "'hich ' ~he ah11oll then he. ve noti ca and will not be liable for the said assets ·to any person of whose ~J,.im ahe eh1toll not have been notl11ed at tho hme or such d1strlbuUon Dated at 01hllwa tbls 27th aay ot October. 18811. MARY ELI.ts P111LL1rs, Cedar Dale, Ont.; 4l- 3w. Je B. KEHHEB~s. VARIETY HALL, BEADQUABTEBS FOB ..... Exer.µttlr. SPECIAL TO t LADIES -· --o-- ALL THE 8. S. PERIODICALS AND LESSON BEL»S. AT LOW.EST . RATES. M.,thodiste and the Book Room. Mrs. Donnelly wiahe1 to notify the Public that 11he ia going to ·ell her Immtin1e Stock at the very lowest ratea that has ever been offered in this town. Look out for bargains the remainder of this 1esson. Straw and Felt Hat1 Dyed and Reshaped in all the Ls.teat Styles. AGKNT FOR THE 'l'ORO!CT() DY:& WORKS, P. T_ REBILCD CK. 1 Siie ~aua&lia· cft&llAl&u. BowMANVILLE, HON. Ot:r. 31, 1888. gou· oa a trip to British Columbia.. A Winnipegdespatch '6fl he will spend. several days in that city OD h is return and probably will be tile recipient of aomede1non1tration. He a&fl he fa feeling in -rery good. health. Tho rest of a year and a half which he took, and which he r emarked"" a pretty largo 1lice out of his tirne, has done him great good. Spoakins.; of hi.I ccmstitution, he said that he ·b.11,d onc.t felt that Rothing could tiro him. He had known himself to worlt conaiantly and at high pres11ure in intellectttal work for 36 .hours, and then take a b11th and a little breakfast and go to his v11l.oe and put in & good d1 \y'11 work, n.nd he never felt tit'od at tho tiDte, b11t he could not do such a thing now. . A few hours' liard work would f "'. tigue him quice as much as a long turn such as he had just described. BLAKB hllA E. s USE TAFFY. Tho N . Y. fodependont lia.y11 if there is friction oui wi!.11 yo ur oil-can. If there i11 a quatrel, pour on oil. Ulensed are the peace· makers. ~ But the nil·can is for the ·rarer emer· gencies. It is not. everybody that has the gift of putt ing oil on j111t the spot that grates; and it i3 not every day that qu!l.rrels occnr which call for the oil-can. But blessed be taffy l Ct is wanted evMy day and from .iverybod7. It i11 the univers"l &weeb rnas of secial and domestic life. EDITOR S'J'Ul:SMAN.-l read in the Guardian. recently a letter from a Dar. lington minister in which this aentenoe occurs: "Permit me to recommend all who want S. B. librarie1 to patronize our own Book Room. They cannot purchue better books or eheaper anywhere, and, moreover, by eo doing, they are prowot· ing the be.t interests of the church." Now, sir, I have po11ibly had tbe 11election of aa many books aa this minister or almost any other man not in the book buein!!se, and I am convinced that I c..n do quite as well at the book 1tore1 in Bowmanville a!I in Toronto. But what I want to know i11, How "thtiy are promoting the best interests of the Church " by "patronizing our oum book room 1 It may not be generally known to Meth· odiats that the · church, that ia, the denomination, not including the mini·· tere, does not receive one cent from the esles of the Hook Room. And whi&t i11 more, though we are frequeutJy urged to be loyal to the Giiardi4n, our own church organ, not one cent of the profits from ite revenue goes to tho church proper. True, n11 a medium for communication on denominational matters it ie a oottV;,nience and benefit, but financially Methodi11t11, outside of thfl preacher11, derive no hens· tits from it. It is 1mbstantially a joint· stock concern owned exclu·ively by ministers, and carried on by the grace of the General Conference under the auspices of the Methodist Church. Whatever profits accrue from the Book Room and the publisbiug concern go into the Superannuated Ministers' Fund and no other scheme of the Church gets a cent of it. lt is alright for the ministora to urge the people to patronize the Toronto concern, but they should be honi;st enou~h to tell them truths about it. In Bowma.nville, for instance, three of the four booksellers are Methodists, therefore it would be mo~t ungenerous,if not unjust, to give them the go-by and patronize a comparatively private concern that would monopolize the whole Metho· dist patron.. ge if tho minietera, like the one to whose letter we refer, conld have their way. METHODIST. ' SPECIAL VALUE. -----o----- "\. I Mrs. Donnelly. TOWN HALL. 4 NIGHTS, cornmencing WEDNESDAY, OCT. 31. ZERA SEMON, In his Wonderful Illu11ion11, or Black Art, Dress Goods, , Mantle Cloths, Flannels, Cottons, Men's Underwear: ll?ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIAL FEATURE.c:£JJ Good Fits guaranteed. MISS ADELE GILBERT, M ueical Artiste, SIG. GIOVANNI And his flock of educated C1\uary Birds. Royal ~ario_n~ttes Just opened up . a splendid lot of Dinner In Mmstrel Soemalties MME. STRONG'S Fata Morgana. C H I NA HALL. 100 ELEGA~TANn VALUABLE 100 PRESENTS Given 11.w1w each night. Sets, Tea Sets and Toilet Sets. Call and look through our China Hall, Everything marked in plain figures and away down. ADJ1118SfON.-With one present envelope given you ... .. ..... ., · ............ 2/i (1ents. With two present envelopes .......... .36 Cents, Fall I Fall ! I Fall I I I --o-- JOHN McMURTRY, WEST END HOUS.W. EGLI PSE HOUSE Goods are down to the lowest point except given a.way. . - ·AT THE- TOD BJ: <.OS; Are showing a. large and varied assortment of Dry FALL a.nd WINTER TRADE. Goodsfo~ Husband, you oomo home and do you. find yo nr wife tired and hot with the Models Visit Welcome School. day's wurk in chamber and kitchen1 Give her a litt!e taffy. Say a eweet thing to At tho suggestion of Dr. Tilley, P. S. her. P raise her for something. Tell her Inspeotor, Mr. Wood, with hi11 Model how nice the bread ill, so n..uch better Clase paid a visit to Welcome School,last than the baker's; that the cabup is the Friday, for the purpose of giviug the beat. she ever miufo ; thl\t the house teachers in-training an opportunity of looked so sweet, e.nd rcatful when ,ou observing the methods employed by Mi·s came in ; th11,t she h;i.s the dearest child- Fanniniz in teaching and managing an ren that ever lived ; and at your leis11re, uni;(raded school. before she go~·~ to bed, tell .her 11he is Tho exorcises were conducted by Miss JOUr own hearr,'s tre&sure. It · w ill do her Fanning and repreaented her ordinary good ; i Lwil.I make hor smiles come. She echool work. The rapid h1mdlin!( of tho may box your e !l.r s ll'hen you eay 11weet, different classes by the teacher, the petting t hings, and toll you are talking thorough work done in each, the M you would t o the o~ t i but· she will limited time at her disposal. and her like it jusi the aatlle. careful supervision of the eeat·work of Wifo, docs your good man come homo those not reciting, 111! tended to demouweary and burdened, exhau11tecl and-no, strata that the method11adapted to gr,·ded not cross, but uudemon11Lrative and 1!ilent1 schools, re quired m!llerial modification Go up to h im with a eweet welcome. Sl<y when applied b mixed or ungraded something pret.ty to him.. Men all love schools. to be apprecfated and flattered. Give Before the cliildren wera dismissed, him the sugar atiok. Tell htm aome brief addreeses were given by Dr. Tilley pretty thing aomabody said about him. and Mr. ·w ood, both e:x:pre11aing themTell him how m ucl1 yon admit·e wl211t ho ·elves as being highly pleased with the has done; and when yott can 1it down alone work done, and thanking Mi' s Fanning with him take h is hand and pet him and and the other friends who had aided in tell him you lo"fe him more than tons;:us carrying the schemo into effect. A sump<J&ll tell ; clon't bto v.fraid of overdoing it tuous luncheon, provided by the ladies of and usiug comic~l lit~lo oxagerations. the 1ection who wero present, was then He may know and you ma.y know that served and heartily partaken of, after there is l;affy in it ; wt it i1 very nice which a vote of thanks was passed by the taffy . W0 a!! like it; we all like to be 11tudent11 and formally tendered to the told we are loved, and the saying it makes ladies for this extreme act of kindneH. it all tho tru0r. It i.s a great deal better The atudents were much pleiued with to cultivate ons'a love with. warm ex- · thoir observations and the genornl appi:essions than to blight it with frost. pearancH of the school and 11pparatus·, Pretty nothings~ Why they are big reali- and feel greatly benelittcd by their visit. ties, the stuff happiness teed~ on. G ive -Guide. us more t !lffy. Did vou lffer r;ee d"vee rub each other's DR. WILLOUGHBY has at l&5t bsen debill.a 1 What is i.; khss r Taft'r. What is cla.recl elected in East N orthumberlancl. compliment? 'l'.iffy. What is politonossY Ta1fy. The good Lord him&elf praisea His majority is only three ; but it is a 11is loved o oell with a well done far be- majority. The burning question now is, yond their desortR. For qua.rrele give us aays the Spectator, Willoughby permitted oil ; but give us taffy every day, all we cllll!erve, much more than we deserve. to hold the seat without a proteet 1 Doa't be 0Ter-oonsoientio11s about it ; let At first report had it the eleJliou wa1 it be full and abundant and very eweet ; won 11weet with smiles and laughter. Gi vo it By Willoughby, Willoughpy, Wil11,ugh; to your father, your mother, your hu1· Then the Grits claimed it by majority 'f bancl, y our wife, yuu.r brother, ·11iater, onochild, friend, How your child loves it! Poor Willoughby, Willoughby, WillSod~ you. More, more taffy. ough. Aed they laughed at tho Tories and with jokes were quite free ; A Goon N mGREo&.- "L&te last fall I was laid up in be-.! tllNe d&.fll with a B11t 1mddenly their jawa dropped, for, don't you 11ec, VNf leV6rn ii.t b~clc of diauhooe and vomiting. Nothing benefited. me until my Twas found that the Tory was elected bv three-neighbor, Mrs. Dunning, reoommended Dr. li'owler'1:1 Extl"llcl of Wild Strawberry, Was WillouKhby, Willoughby, Will· ough. and brought me a half bottle, which 1he had hi her honse. In three houra Lhe vomiting W&ti atoJ>1>6d, aad I w&11 able to When the hair 11hows 1tigm1 of falling, 11it up by night. I wow!d nQt now think of using any ot.her m.edioU:ie." Columbus begin at once to use Ayer's Hair Vigor. Thia preparation strengthens the scalp, Hopki~, Hu.miltcll., Oat. promotes the growth of new hair, restorea the natural color to gray and faded hair, Sweepini reductiona fai: caah. and renders it soft, pliant and gloasy. Elliwn & Co. --o-TIES, COLLARS, CUFfS, CLOVES, in endless variety-we make specialty in these goode. ----o--:OFl..ESS ~C>C>:OS. A large stock in newest fhades and fabrics. We are showing a special Jine in Dress Meltons at 12k cents, that can't be beat. a ~IN'"El:N"S. Our CLOTHING DEPARTMENT CLOTHS & TWEEDS-A LA. MODE. Housekeepers req11mng Table Linens, Table Napkins, rowels, Towelings, &c., &c., would do well to inspect our stock before buying. in has still at its head the only firstclass cutter in town. Most of the A large con,.ignment just received which have ber;in marked at very other houses that blow of first-class low prices. cutters have their work made up ~ by sueaters a.nd call it first-class, Saxony Yarns in all colors. Fingt;ring Yarns in both Scotch and to gull the public. Canadian makes. In this line we make a specialty of Baldwin's Beehive Every customer tha.t bas an eye to Fingering. Canadian Factory Yarns in a large number of colors. beauty in clothes calls upo'l OC>TTC>N"'S. .A.I=l.N'"B. IVES to design them for him. BLANKETS, COMFORTERS & FLANNEL SHEETINGS at prices that are bound to sell them. T~El:EI:>S. In this department we have a large stock in Scotch, English and Irish Suitings, Pamings and Canadian Tweeds. ~pecinl W. H. IVES. ----~·-- --- · "BETTER THAN EVER!" attention given to the ORDERED Cl.OTHING department. Call anti inspect our stock beC01·e purt'.basing. - ADVB B TISH B Commemo,.tes its THE WESTERN - - ---- ~---~----~ TOD EROS. ' ----~ - -~----~-- · - - - - -- "QUARTER OF A CENTURY" By appearing in entirely new outtlt and pre· sentin~ a magnificent Souvenir Picture to each subscriber tor 1889, entitled Bat and.Fur Store. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. -~THIE IDWMANV~LLEM- "THt fALLS Of NIAGARA," This : beautiful premium, ·which ls a large ~~--wo----· phot<>-lithograph. is l8x2! Inches, and is being specially ex~cuted !or us on plate paper, A photograph of this e!.ze sells for 82.W, and We beg to make known to our numerous customeri:; and friends cannot be dlsting11ished from the ltt.hograpb· when placed beside it. It is explained by art that we have received a new and ex.tensive stock of Furs, Hats, Caps, critics allover Canada to be the tlneatspeclmell o! photo·litbography ever produced In tb6 Gents' Furnishings, etc. Dominion. Will be malled In Decembe!", New Type Throughout! R EMOVAL.-MlSS McPHERSON. dress and mantle·maker. has removed to rooms over John England's store, Reed's Dlack. , 43:3w Illustrated Departments! Beautiful Free Premium! REPAIRING FURS. We have commenced repairing Furs and would request all persons wanting repairing done to bring the articles along as soon as possible, as later in the season it will be impossible to give the same attention to this branch. ARM STOCK-Farmers having stock F or 11.ny kind to dispose or should advertoe It in a paper that almost every farmer In West J.mrham reads. TR& 8TATi' l!M4N.<. Balance of 1888 FREE To all now ordering for the year 18(¥,/ at tlie low rate ot 43tt OOMS WANTED-two or three-in central part ot town tor two females. R Address A. Drawer Bowmanville, or We solicit an early call to examine our goods and prices, and s ... Or $3 for tour copies !or the term mentioned, bring your furs for repairs. H., 7, Agents wanted everywl1ere. Registered ST.1.T:e:11u.N Office. U let ten oome 1>t ot1r r isk. l'or tree sample pa· OUSE TO LET.-That very de11irable pers, terms to agent., etc., address, A.Dl'E&Tll!llR ,_.JllXTING ~G .· bouee juat weat of Mr11. Johll Brown's J,ONDON, (h!T. I residence, Conc~aeion street, Apply to Couca NEADS' BLOCK, Bowmanville. THE PRACTICAL FURRIE~ H-2w I JOtiff8TON & ORYDliiRl'dAN, M-tt $1. H Mr MAYER,

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