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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1888, p. 5

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Call on H. C. TAIT for Photographs, School Books, Fancy Goods, Picture Frames, &c., Bowmanville. U.~E ONLY TRE :IZ ~D_1\_ HL llRAN D OF PU RE .,. Local newd i11 meagre- ·:· n 't even 11tenl Ladiea, get your Hat.a re-shaped in For good value in Shirts and Drawers try Tod Bros. much. I:i.-e11t 11tylea at Mrs. Morrieon'a. Mr, D. B. Fogg is offering to sell his Mr. John L. M11aon, J);wenport, Ia., Miea McDowell has been visiting her handsome residence. · vieited bi11 parents here r eieter, Mre. r. E. Higgtnboth11nt. A c HAPTE R ON STOVES. NORWEC1ANCOD LIVER OIL · The ,Grea.t St.ll.nde.1'd R e medy for ell WeakneH and db0:t.ill"8 of t.h ;J lungs, impaired n\ltrlt~erefore mus1. euiti.ble for delicate di~1\lonA. None gen1.1.i ne without the nlLl'.ll· IZ.OA.RL stamvedon c~paule. Wb(,J(!~»le by r.Y:.tAN. 80N8 /Jc co. tl.of'hi~t~il fa ? u;-e . Fre~h. n eiu-ly T11steleu, antl SAND HAM'S COUCH BALSAM Curet the moat ob· etlnata, It tr.ken p 3raevoringlJ'. S.A.NDHA M' ::I COUGH BALSAM hu 1tood Uio tell ot ;·ef>~S of trt,. I. SANDHAl\i'S COUGH BALSAM can be taken bJ th" yo<tngeat ohlldre"- ill pleasant in taste, pertecUy safe, ""<1 prevent· co1uump~on tr taken in ti roe, SA.NOH .1_ M'8 COUGH BALSAM la made from o. preecrlpi.ion of established ve.lue which h1111 been Ill ua" for y.,ara. ·- Large Bottle, 8 r.n«ll Price, 25 centa. A preparation which has been continually growing in pu blic favor is Stott & Jury's co· o GH S _Y . R .-up It is undoubtedly one ·Of the best articles ever :taanufaotured and for a .cough o f long standing it cannot be excelled. ,~_,_ ___ Lo_c~L and Otherwise. Beechmttting fa a popular game. Pot atoes ~t'lling at 25 eta per bush. . No caich pri1:11atthe W<:stEndHouse· ·:Everythi11p; ~ t1ld unifor mly cheap. .FIRE LIFH, ACCIDENT Immrance. ! RoBT. V~lt'J'UE, Agent, Bowwanville. tf. Tho Toronto coal dealer! propoae to advance the prfo\) of coal 50 ceuta per ton on .November l sL A special drive i n. flannels, ho~iery and underW09,f o.t .J ; .J . Mason't! dry p;ood11 .and jewellery hnu~e. Have you seen the Dre!I Melton!! at 12~cts at 1'o<l Bros . great value, cheaper ·than wheat at 40cts. Apples i.r e very plentiful this Fall, thousands of bartel1< are left to rot, there b eing no mark et for them. Mr. W I ... Lnw h a. ~ a second crop of barley on the same lacd thie season and -the grain ia folly roatnrnd. I ·Readers suffer ing from catarrh should n~t fail to re~d the articll;j on this au b· j ect in our health clepru:1menl. Mre. D onnolly invites the ladies to call and inspect h 0r new and large Atock of millinery b efore purchasing elsewhere. A married woman skipped out of Mill· 'brook last wee k, leaving h er husband in dire distre@.~, wit,h on e ehild on his hands. Ladies' Short Jack ets ~ud Ulsters made in Germany. The cu~ of these Coats is 1iuiply pertection. You will find them at ·Cottfili, .Johnston & IJryde:·man's. We publish ihie week a birth notice, being the lO~h child born t o these par· ents, · and < ir e r y <JD C of the t en has been published in Tu:& ~'l'Al'ESMAl'(. - Finale. Follow thfl crowd to Tod Bros, where you will find a well a~sorted stock of Fancy and S h1.p1e Dry Goods, Cloth11, etc., to selei::t from and at live-and-let· live prices Rev. R. D. Frase::: has been ordered to take a. rest for R ome time to recruit him· aelf, and tht) pulpit will be imppliecl by other minister s fer ~ome Sabbaths. We hope for hii< 1;peeoy return to health. ABOUT STO VEs.-No stove hue ever t aken &uch a lw l d 0 1; the public ns the Art Garland . 'fhese 11toves are the originals of t.beir class, and canno ~ be aurpasscd i:i durability, succe11sfttl operation and lH·a.!ing qunlitles. . Fire-Pot · ~can be taktm out throngh front mica -~ doors.-- parri11 very brge. For !ale by L.G. Quick. B owman ville. See fuller description in ~.uother column . A SEVERE ATT..WK.- Miee Bella Elliott, of Pontypnol, Ont., writes- " My brother and I were bot h taken ill with !l 11evere attack of di" rrhroa, having tried other remedies, wi' tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Stra..1 ·berry, which gave immedi· ate relief." · Om} prime object is to 11ell quickly. ~ Ellison & Co. Splendid value in Cardigan Jackets at Tod Bros. Our ~!earing sale begins Oct. 5th. Great bargains will b e given. Ellison & Co. Shippers of foll apples are reported to Our readers wlio can go !·o ~allyduff on For a. good choice of feathers, wings have lost heavily this year. Nov. 5, can depend on a. h1g time. and ribbons g() to Mrs. Donnelly's. Straw and felt.,,hRt11 re-shaped in all Mr. and Mrs. S . Scripture, of Char:D>Ir. and Mrs. H. Goodman, Toronto, lotte, N. Y., visited here week, the lateat atyles at Mrs. Donnelly's. hM been visiting at Mr. T. Hoar's. Mrs. Morrison's stock of Fall Millinery A very special line of Black Cashmere Ladies call at Mrs. Donnelly's and see Hose. All sizes at John J. Mason's those new sty !es of Fall and Winter hats. is now complete. Call and inspect. Before ordering a. winter 1mit inspect Inspect Tod Bros. winter etock ; you Have you aeen the twilled white Cotton Tod Bros. stock o( Canadian and im· nt lOcts worth 14cts at Tod Bros. selling do yourself wrong by not doing eo. fil11t. 1'he most complete and choice stock of ported Tweeds. Out "Health" and "Household" de· Mr. J, B. Mitchell won $21 at Port millinery is tound at Mrs. Donnelly's, ' Hope rifle matches, Mr, J . Sando won Gents' Underclotlling from 50 .cents to partments on inside pages this week are $20. $4.50 per suit at the West End House.jJf very intere!ting. Ladies, look! Mra. Morrison's is the Mrs. W. E. Cronkhite, of Wissawasa, All the new shapes and styles in l!'aH i11 visiting at Mrs. W. Williams', Queen and Winter millinery at Mrs. Donnelly's. place for b11rge,ins in Millintlry, Fancy 11treet. A. thunderstorm pa9eed over town last Goods and W 0011. Dr. E. Morri1, of Toronto, tells us he The Happy Thought cookiug range Saturdn.y night accompanied by very has sold out his patent m8dicine bu11ine11s sold by S. S. Edaall is the beat stove in hea·y rains. the market. Just let us whisper that it will do you to Mr. McDonald, Peterboro~ Mrs. Fred. Cryderman, of Detroit, good to inspect Tod Bros. large stock of Will the chap who advertised 110 much , money to loan call and pay us \ the five . 6 Mich., i1 ·isiting at her brother's, Mr. Blankets, Flannels, etc. ·'4)~ There are now so many makes of Stoves, tha,t it is often n. ptrnzlinN> D. T. Morril. Ollr young readers will be delighted dollars he0 collected for us nearJy -t_wo · tt er t o mak ea c1 · A s i~ove t hat is ' y ear 1 ' · f'a.voir:r::. ' The Woodstock Standard ieeued an ex- with the storey in our "Young Folks'" years ago' . ' ~a 101ce. y b econungmore m hibition number that was liberally pat· department on an in11ide pitge, MR. TAYLOR, of T?ro~to, 18 now in is t he- Grand Duchess Ranctc which-i s made in 16 Styles nncl Sizes fo· ronized by bu11ines1 men. BA.itLlff.-The higheet price paid for charge of our Ta1lor10g dcp1utmont. l , .~ ,J d . . 0 'a ft. l . . · ·. . . ·· _ an wanantc rst-c ass and ped~ct m every le['lpect. Indication11 point to a brisk demand any quantity of Barley at Bowmanville Leave your measure, a perfect fit guaran· coa or '\fOou:_, _ The Duchess is th.e--fi.!1est and most complete cookmg upparatus tha t hait and high price1 for wh6at till another or Newcastle harbours. Murdoch Broe. teed. McCLuNa BRos. Last winter there was quite a !ca.rcity ever been placed on s'Mo,~and the manufacturers guarantee that their crop is ready for market. Th!lt electric light at the band stand At Tod Brol!. for $1.00 you can get the would do better service hanging over of water, but j11dging from the heavy sales have doubled that of a'lly other competing Range. A few of tha best Kid Gl0Ye11 the world produces at the centre of the cro11Sing near St. Paul'a rainfalls we are having, the iown is not valuable fen,tnrcs possessed by t hii:i stove -are a r,ARGEC OVEN 'l'HAN ANlS the price,. (black and colored). church, ~~:!~r~o suffer in this respect the coming COMPETING RANGE, a Patent Vent"'lated Oven Door, Front Oven Shelf· - Subscriptions taken for all Canadia.n The Millbrook Reporter i11 after the Jordon Keeler, propriet9 r of the Mid- very la.rge Bailed Ash Pan, Front Feecl ""t_ Broiling Door, very large -flush and American new11paper11 and m ..gazinee junior Editor of P. H. Times with _ a at lowe1t rates at the STATESMAN office. branding·iron for writiog down the Cavan land Hou!e, P?rt Hope will languiPh in Hearth, Plated Panels, Trimmings and 'l~vel Bar, highly Burnishe<l Cobourit goal thirty days for infract;on of Edgea, Patent draw Centre Grate, Iron-stone Lim~eckiJrnf' i!) _ - Beware and wear onl~ wearable wear. Fall Show. Thia ia the only wear that weary people The Mechanic11 Institnte have moved the Scott .Act. Port Hope is so utterly Stove Collar, WORTH _I'l'S WEIGH'!' IN GOLD for ret(l..ining over night. d wear, and that i11 the kind .JeJfery sell·. into their new premises, over Lyle's, and "dead broke." an completely checkmg the draft. Every Range IS su1)phed with . wood Couch, Johnston & Oryderma11 are now:. t d fi b k d h f ' Attention is directed to the anno11nce· expect soon to have the Reading Room, showing a fine range of Mantle Plushes, ~ra e an . r~ a.c ' an . as a we.t~r ront smta.ble for any size. There ment of the WEsTJ:lll'( ADYll!ItTis11:a, one etc., tilled up. Silk Se..lettes and Ulster Cl·,ths. Every IS emphat1ca1ly no superior Range m the ma,rket. For sale in Bowmaaof ·he beat family newspapers ia the DoThe D. O ~i P. Co. building in whi'ch the carving and bellows departments are lady should aee their stock of these ROOde ville by R. WORTH. The Duchess is ma11ufactuaed by the E. minion. · GURNEY C<J., the .celebi-ated Stove Builders, which is a ctua.rrantee in Ladiea you !bould viait McClung :6ros' carried on is being braced up and other· before buying. The P. R. Guide feels bilious because itself of their merits. " Milllnery show room to see latel!t wise improved. · Dl nltie11, Those Gl!rman Mantles are Sneak thieving obtaim1 in this town, we omitted to credit Mr. Living1ton (ih Tery fine. several petty larcenciee having been com- own · correspondent) with the Novelty W orkll article in our last iesue. It was Rev. Mr. Ea!!tman, of Oshawa., occu- mitted recently. What is the vigilant an oversight. We apologize, pied the pulpit of St. Paul's church on police doing about it 1 The selection of a Base Burning Coal Stove for Hall or Parlour uee ie ~ matter Sabbath, preaching able sermons to large Every lady admits the.t we are ahowing · Tho thimble waa originally called a of no amall importance, a11 upou it depl'nde t o a very large extent the 'comfort ancl thumb bell by the English, becau11e worn congregatiom. the finest and mos~ elegant stock of Dre"· on tho thumb, then a tbumble, and finally health of the househoi.t during the long months of our Canadi"n winter· The Oou~ Mr. Chas. McCullough !!pent Sunday Goods ever shown by any house in town. its present name. It wa.11 a. Dutoh invent- TESS FANCY BAS£ BuRN1'1R is all that its name implies- a parlor heating stove of in town. He 11tarte this week as one of Couch, J ohos ton & Cryderman. ion, and was tirst brought to England m eiqui~i~e beauty, and embN1cing all the principlea necessary to eecure the utmo11t the Principals of Hamilton Business ColFARMERS.-! h11ove some new steel-frame 1695. durability and extreme economy demanded by those who use anthracite coal as fuel. two-furrow pl<1ws that you should see. lege. Success to him. Mr. .James N. Fa.irbairn has 11old As a dvuble heater or floor ventilator it h~e no equal. By a patented clevico t!M Lo:im Wo1m.-To t.he first person who .All kin~11 of plow points kept in stock. his 50 acre farm, a mile and a half east of heated ai~ usually confined under the base ia conducted upwards through four tubes will tall us where to find the longe11t C. Romrn8, Bowm1mville. Bowmanville for $6,600, being $130 an arranged m the corners of fire chamber to a receiving apparatus and thence foto th& word in this number of Tmi: STATESMAN, It will oblige us very much if subscrib- acre. Mr. R. A Hragg is the purchaser. room, atri~ing the ceilinl(, ill d~fiecte~ in _different directions, and finding it11 way f.() -we will send a capital story by a good ers. a.nd others who are owing us will pay Mr. Fairbairn itdvertise11 a clearing sale .all parts oc the room, perfect circulation is thua .pbtained, makin~ the far away corners author. as eo<..n as possible. This i3 the season of his stock, implemeutn, etc., on Nov. a11 comfortable as a place near the etove. The ornament&tion puts this stove in ADVANCE OF ANY AP.T STOYE in the market. This stove i11 sold also by R. WORTH· YE OLDEN TllME. - A tea and concert when we r_quire a large amount of 27. Bowmanville, and is made by the Gurney Co. · of 50 years ago will be held ln the Queen money. "The Methodist "is n. pro~ressive week~ St. , church on l!'riday evening next. 'fea Rev. G. Warren, late curate of St. ly religious paper now published at Montfrom 5 to 8 o'clock. Admission, 15 cts.; · John's (Anglican) church, has been apreal at $LOO a year. Ou1 Methodist two for 25 eta. pointecl t o Ashburnham, Rev. W. C. friends should 11end their address on 11 Every _ Friday this month it has rained Bradshaw h"ving gone t o California. for postal card, to \V. E. Manson, 751 Craig. Another stove of great merit, a base burner, is the " Sultana," which is pcnve rful and there i~ an old Scotch adeg~ which hi$ health. st., Montrelll, for sample copy, or better oconomill~l and simple, perfectly fitted aucl thorou~hly~tested, made in 1~ largo variety says if rain Friday it will rain Saturday T11e Red parlor at the West End House send !Oct~. and get it till New Years. of siltes and styles, to suit the wants of all cla.sses:_the mechanic, the mereha11t th& and SmJday, and certainly this month '. is worth a visit from anyone. It contains The Toronto Weekly News is present· professional ma.n and the farmer ; a stove that has never been kn~wn to fail u'nder bears out its truth. one of the finest assortments of Dinner, 'ing to its subscribers, a fao.eimile, of anv circumstances, and whose name Sultan!\ has in conseq nence become a "ho~aehol(I The summer is over. Thoughtful peo- Tea nnd Toilet Sets ever shown in town. Munkacsy 's great picture, "Christ Before word" throughout the, is the one that particularly recommends itself to tho notple look ahead to make themselves com- The prices are away down. Pilate," 28in. x 2lin., which created ice of parties about making a. selection. No B ase Burning Coal Stov.e. mrnufacturetl fortablo. This can be done by calling at PROTEC'.rION.-We are determine, d to 1rnch interest when exhibited in New in the Dominion is better or more favorably kao1vn than the l:>ultana ; its reputation McClung Bros , the leading Dry Goods protect 1he public against htgh prices ' in York last year, Bnd was pnrchased by as a Handsome, Efficient and Easily l\fanaged S0Jf.Ji'eeder, having gained for it an House, Bow1nauville.. Dry Goods. Our great 1\fantle and Dnes11 Mr. Wanna.maker, of Philadelphia, for unprt>cedented large sale ; indeed of the many .t housands n ow in use in Canada not Sevt!ral dozen of Christies of London, Goods sale jg now in full hlast. $120,000. The etching is a beautiflil a single complaint in .-espect of operation, has reached tho manufacturers. 'The peculiar construction of the Sultana, however, which secures great heating power, with Eng., samples for next season's trade in McCLUNG Buos., piece of work. Qconomy of foel, perfect consumption of gases and simplicity of managemtint, has kept stiff Hats bought by J . .J. Mason, from BEFORF: CoLD WEA.'l'JJER. - Examine Di·. Willollghby had a narrow e3cape the agent. See the ne w styles for spring, your Furs, ladies, and see what they re- "from death last week. While attempting it ahead of all competitors and given it the name and fame it enjoys to day. quire in the way of cleaning, dyeing, re89, if you want a H at, to board a we11t-bound freight train at "ART SULT!\.NA."-To meet tho demand that has arlaen for a High Art Baa& M . Mayer will begin on Nov lat to pairing or re-modelling aud take them to Colborne, intendin~ to come to Cobourg, Burner- ·so called to distinp:uish the Square, from t he Round Stove, the Art Sultana ~ell for cash only. All goods will be M. Mayer, th e practical furrier. he fell headlong uoder thecars, and would has been introduced, and ite euccess, iu atte~ted by the la.rge Bale, tho perfection of marked dc>wn to a cash figure, so bring .A Brn DEAL.-See J. J. Mason'11 new speedily have entered the realm of shades, along your money and get big value in advert1sernent. He has bought from the had not the a.x:le-box,of tbo whools oaught its op~ratio~ bas been mest gratifying. This year it is placed on the ·mtU·k et in a furs aml gents' furnishings. trustees of a large bankrupt wholesale and thrown him 20 or 30 feet out of the handsome new dress and it· rich Ornamentation in Bronze, Art T iles and Nickel will render it even more popular with the public and we confidently recominend the :, Ari The popularity of.our Tailoring Depart- house a large quantity of seasonable dry way. He escaped with painful injudelil Sult&aa," equally with the Sultana, to intendincr purchasers. T here are 110 more ment ia manifested by the great rush for go,.ids at panic pricea for spot cash. in his shoulders and back. powerful Double Heaters in the market than the "' sultana and Art Sultana. Printed stylish-made suits and overcoats. A very Mr. John Blue, 100 yellrs old, duli? '15 It looks very much as if the protection directione, with instrnctions in regard to tho kinds of coal most suitable, accomJ>llnJ' large assor~ment of cloths to choose from. bushels of potatoes one day He walk11 afforded to !ociety by the .police was get- each Stove. In price the differcmt eizas and @tylea of the "Sultana" and ".Art S ulCouch, .Johnston & Cryderman. half a mile to church every Sabbath day. ting worse every d·y, and that very 1mon tana" will be found a~ low as r.ay Hall or Pa.dour Stove in the market, of similar 8i&et The West End House has always been The venerable gentleman is father of Mr. it will be a matter of serious considera· e.nd weight and in npention, The manufact urtirs authorize dealers to WARRANr noted for Staple Dry Goods. They have A. Blue, Deputy Minfatcr of Agriculture· tion whether it would not be advisable to EVERY STOVE SOLD. ' to-clay a large lot of Flannels, Cotton, LosT -Between Higginbotham'a Drug, do away with that instnution, and take SOLD IN BO\YMANVILLE . BY Flannel Sheeting, 'l' ,bling, &c., which etore u.11d Lover's Lane (by way of Organ our chances. It would certainly be more ~TTORT~ DIRECTLY OP:PPOSITI<~ THE F~ctory) a chi~d's. cream embroidery collar economical any way, and it is doubtful will be 11old at the lowest living prices. VV .i:::t.., ONTARIO BANK, On Saturday next t he big. sale of town with a gold pm rn t~o sh~pe of a. club whether, if thini;:s go on as they are JVhere also will be found an ex:ten1ive 11~11ortment of the leading make11 of Coal and and fo.rm property belonging to the estate 1 skate. The finder will oblige the owner going, it would not be just as safe. Wood Stoves and rangeB, over 50 styles to sele(·t from, all of which will be eold at of the late Mrs . .Johu Burk and to Mr. by leaving it at Higginbotham's Drug Mr. Henry Anderson, a friend of Tm1 very low prices. A good assortment of all kinds of second-hand stoves constantly ·OD E G. Burk takes place at the Ruebottom etore. STATESMAN at Cyprus, Mllskoka, having hand . .Intendinp: purche.sers will ~ave· money by seeing R. WORTH'S- qreat ataortHome, offering excellent facilities for The 'Brooklin Singing Society's concert heard of the Edibr's capabilities as an ment before purchasing. 44-tf, was only fairly attended on Fdday last. eater, sent us down a half bushel of good inveatments. We go to press to soon to report the Tho extensive program was well. sust~in Brook potatoes last week. We wish he Mrs. Morrison has all the latest styles rcsult of the concert given by the Young ed thr~ughou~, Mr. R . Moore h1¥h· had sent them down before the Fair, then BIRTH~\ Ladies Aid of St. Paul's church but the ly Rratified with the s11ccess of hts pupils, we should have made the pot.a.toes ahown in shapes and materinl11.for Winter Mil\VIGJIT.- On Oct. 22, the wife ot Mr. Willie.Ill linery. 'Wight, of Bosanquet, of u. daughten sale uf tickets has been very la;ge aud, some of whom their first appear- look small. It took only 22 to a half bushel, and they cook well too. There We want a few more good correspondfinancially, success is assured. The rush a.nee on a pubhc platform. DIED. for selecting seats on Friday morning at The town of Cobourg holds a local must be something more t.ha.n rocks in ents in unrepresented sections in \Vest shooting makh annually and because the Muskoka. to prodnce euch 'ta.ties. How Durham. Big 20 was something unprecedented, 'Tm>:.t:I'SUN.- In Clarke. vVm, Jan:es. son ot. Durham County teachers' Association Ohnrles Tllomvson, aged 8 years. What might have been a serious acci- big shots of other cl~bs are debarred they are your turnip11, Henry 1. MANN.-ln lle.rlington, Oct, 27th, Thomae R. The Sentiaal-lteview gives a review of meets at Port Hope on Thursday and M~nn, dent happened at the D. O. & P . Co. squeal. Bowmanv~lle for in~t~nce has son of Mr. Henry Mann, aged 32 yo11rs. Factory on Saturday. Mr. Jas . .Alexan- n_o. fear of world-11'1~0 compotitwn-onr W oodstcck's building operationa in tho Fri day this week. Mr Harry Che.pple is chairme.n of the der was doing something necessary about c1t1zens can hold their. own agarnst all past year, which a.mounts to about $2flO,. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, the crossbar of the h oiet, and it being set con:ers. Bt1t not so. m Cobourg, hence 000. For i isclf the Review announce3 11nnual bauquet of Triui~y Medical School improvements in tho buildinga--additions to be held 011 Nov. 13. Harry is always (Jorrectcd by J. McMurt.i:y, every T11csday. in motion he got his leg crushed before their close commumon. it was stopped. It will lay him up for a Mr. Thos. H. Ma.on, son of Henry to the plant, including one of the finest popular with his associates. Woodfew days. Mann, Esq., was buried at the Cemetery job presses of the present d11y. THE STATESMAL"i has each week about F LOUR, ~ 1()() lbs,, , , , · , · , $3 00 to $3 30 :F'1tEE ~'OR 1888.- THE STATESMAN will here yesterday, a large concourse follow- stock is keeping up with the times, and twelve thousand readers. Do our corres- W 1rnAT, Fall,~ bu~h .· ... 1 15 /1 1 20 11 Spring, u · · · · · I 15 u 1 20 be sent free for the balance of 1888 to ing hie remains to their last resting place. the Review flourishes and prospers as the pondents ever consider when writing news 5 /1 0 0() nt>w subscribers for 1889. Price in ad- l~e had bee.u ailiu/{ for ove~ two yea~s, embryo city, and is of material assiatanoe for this paper what an immense company B,rnLEY, ~bush, No. 1 . ..· 0 G I 11 11 II 2 .... Q 62 1'1 0 Q0 vance $1.<JO The We, kly Globe, Mail, hi~ comphunt. bemg chrome dyspep1 na. in its development. A good paper like they are addressing ? II II II 3. . . · 0 GO II 0 00 Witness Advertiser and almost any other His parents, sister and brothers have the the Rewiew, with large influence and The b eat thing our Agricultural Society II , · · · · · · · ·· 0 60 II 0 65 dollar p~per on the same terms and con- 11in~ere s~mpathy of the whole communi- patronage, accomplishes much more for can do is to buy from Mr. It··r. Shaw RYE, the community than it is ever given that two acrn field north of the c11.ttle OATS, II · 0 00 II 0 33 ditions. Sub3criptions mu11t be sent to ty m lheir berea.vec::ent. credit for.-Expoattor. M.A .·lAMES1 Bowmanville. A Goon ENr ERTAINMENT.-This paper sheds and that would make the show PEAS, Blackeye, W' buBh ..· 0 65 11 0 70 11 Small, 11 0 60 11 0 00 A $7 BILL.-Willia.m Cator, the light- ground quit e large enough. After the. ·1sual 1nonthly meetin" of is careful about recommending travelling 11 Blue, 0 70 11 0 75 Jerusalem Lodgl', A. F. & A. M., cf. R. trrinpes, but whe~ a really go1d show ning telegraph operator, in the Bowman· That very useful fortnightly magazine, Burr1m, best table, ~· ft . .· 0 IS 11 0 20 C., Bro. J. Lyle invited the members come_s to town ":e hke t~ say a good word ville post office, has iu his possession a which every human being who can r~ad EGGS, 'Ir doz .... .. .. .. ... 0 15 II 0 00 present to his comfortable home "Lake- for it. Spe~kmg of Zern Semon the seven dollar bill. It rea.da. "The United should take or access to, the Si:>ring· PouroEs, ~ buBh .· ·.· , · · 0 25 11 0 00 view" where a n ice rnpast was served by Cobour~ Sentm~l says: "The Zera Semon Colonies, Commercial Currency, No. 66,- field, Mass., Good Housekeeping, a11ys PouR, ~ cwt .... .. .. . . . .. 7 00 ,, 7 50 the hostess. The evening was further enter.tammenta m the Opera. House. are 941. This bill entitles the bearer to re- that milk at twelve cents a quart would HAY ,~ ton · . ..· . . . . . , ... 14 00 11 15 00 DOLLARS, ceive SEVENSPAN!SRmilled spent in song nnd sflntiment and brought drawmg very large crowds every mght. be the cheapest a.uhnal food. that could be CHICKENS.. · . .. . . .. . .. . . · 0 07 II 0 O S to a close with "Auld Lang Syne." lndeJ?endent of the v·aluable presents t.hat or the value thereof in gold or silver ac- used. DocKs ......... . ..... . .. 0 10 11 0 11 cording to a resolution of CONG RESS, CONSTIPATION is nearly always induced ar~ given a;war, every part of the enterMr. W. Sandercook has been appointed . tamment is first-cla11e, and worth more passed at Philadelphia, J'uly 22, 1776. manager of the Western Warerooms of GEESE · . . · · . · · · · . . . . · . · · 0 07 I! 0 OB Tu mrnvs . .· · , , . . .. . . . . . . 0 10 11 0 lZ by n~;(lectmg to keep tho bowels regula~, than the admis11ion price chu2ed. The Signed Wm. Spear, R. Smith." On the and is also a frequent sequel to dyepep111a Marioneties ar e · d. 1 d reverse side is a maple leaf and the in- Messrs. Frost and Wood, Manufoctui·· PORT HOPE MARK.ETS. or indigestion, Regulate the stomach priz'ing an ent' e :x;ceet ml g hy goo ,dcom- scription of the printers "Printed by ing Machinists, of Smith's Falla, Ont., ire mu1s re 11 ow, an one ·b l8 b · B k Bl00d B-t and Superintendent of Agencies in W cst1 d an o~e · Y usi~g urcoc . . · would actually imagine the little things HA.LL and SELLERS, Philadelp'iia, 1776." FAJ,r. Wm:A.T .. .. . . . .. .·. $1 10 " 1 lG ters, wh.ich is certam to promptly relieve wore really alive, The picturer. in the The bill is in a good state of presern.tion ernOntario with hee.dquarten at Toronto. Si·RIKO .. . · . . · · . . · . · · 1 10 II 1 lG He is a pushing man, just the right one and f ultimately cure the worst case11 of ai·r tlie la·t of th t t· · t and fa no doubt of considerable nlue to r . ' .. e en er ammen · are BARJ.EY ·.·····. I · · · ' · · · · 0 65 II 0 74 for that position. cons ipa iou. very iuteresting. Jn fact the show is coin and relic colloctors. 0A'J.'il .....·..·.. .. ·. " · ·· · 0 32 11 0 35 ( Conti7rned on editorial 2Jagc. ) Circulation this week, 2,400. first-class in every part, and those attend· Decided barga.ina in Overcoats, RYE · · · · . · · · · · . · . · . . · · · 0 60 II 0 66i Ellison & Co. Murdoch Bros. are buying barley. ing, whet~er they get a wesent or not, PEAS, small, ti' bush .. , . . . 0 11 0 70 u black eye " 0 68 u 0 j () The clearing sale will last the sea11on. cannot f~Il to be pleased. · Zera Semon Prices lowererl from 15 t.o 25 per cent. Ellison & Co appears m the Town Hall, Bowmanvllle, H.i.Y, 1t ton ......... .. ... 115 00 11 17 00 The Difficulty Experienced. Ellison & Oo, · to-night (Wedneaday) and three other TURKEYS, · · , ·· · ·· ,. ,, · · · 0 90 11 1 'la Grey Flannels ·a t temptinl( prices. Cloakings and mantles must be aold. nights of thi~ week. In taking Cod Liver Oil i11 entirely o·er· PoRK.,,, , . , , ... , . .·... , , 6 ()() 11 7 00 . Ellison & Co, come in ~cott's Emnlsion of Cod Liver GnsE ·..·. . .· . ..·.. .. . · O 50 /1 O 75 Ellison & Oo. TRIF.ll AND PROVED.- " I have used Cu11tomers will wonder how we can sell Oil and Hypophosphites. it is a8 Bt'TrER.. , , ·· ·· , . .··· , ·· , O ()() 11 O 24 We wean busines11 and want the 11tore Dr. F ()wler's Extract of Wild Strawberry so cheap. E llison & Oo. able tis Milk, and the most valuable rem- E aos .··· ,, ,.,.,,,, , , , .,, O OC /1 Q l'l' crowded with customers from morning for summer complaint, and have pl'oved edy that has ever bee11 produced for the I' Men's Pants remai-kah!y choap. till night. mlfaon & Co. it, alter a fair trial, a sure cure, both in Ellison & Co. cure of Consumption, Scrofula. a11d WastWOllJIS c,l1J!!ll JllVUI- SlCRliESil nmeBg MILBUJlN'S ABOMA'l'IC CllJININE 'VINE my own case and others of the family." ing Dil!eases. Do not fall to try it. Put l chlltlren. l'refla.. -in·s l'form. Powdcu pre· filrtlftes 111e i;y111e1u Al{Al1111t uUackl! ofn1uu·. Lauratta Wino, New Dundee, w~te··loo All wool Tweeds and Cloths at coat. cllUl11. bllltn. l! fe ver.dumb ug11e nRcl lllrn .., ~ · up in 50c. and $1 si:.i:e. "ellt Cbb, and uaake the ehHd bright aa4 troubles. Co., Out, Ellison & Co. 1 lleaRby. G . d D uc :rran · h ess · R a·nge a 'I'he Countess Fancy :Ba,se :Burner. "Sulta,na," ·a,nd "'Art Sulta,na." ·I I "R I 0 ·· ·· ····

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