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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1888, p. 6

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--]Now .FIRS'? r ALL ·IGHTS RESERVED.] -l I I -W-ATCHElS. - Ile clasped his arms round her as she bent (J 1\.1.'A RllH. "A reUable Watch is of mar" value ta over him, and their lips met, ha.If in sorrow, sinner than ct B ible or ari Ei·an,,~list." halfinjoy,joyonhissidcthatshewaswon, ANe'v Don1e 'T1·eatmentfor the Care - - Exchange. , would own love's subjection, she who had catarrll, C:atanhal Deufnc88,and of · seemed to him 'too strong for love; srr.ow\ BnyFe,·er. ; on her side that he must stand as a. criminal , . WEDNESDAY, OCT. 31, 1888. I before his fellow men and. he.zud hie life to: The microscope )fas pr;rre that these . · ,. · are contag101s, and that they are 1 do his duty. ' I due to the pre3cnoe of livmg parasites in the Author of "LADY A UDLEY'!! SECRET · "WYLLARD s WE11m," Ero. 1 Ero. "When aha.Ill start for Cha.dford, Mad-ge," , linin11 mem 1rane of the upper air paseages !tnd ernstachian tubes. '.file eminent scien:t· ' he asked presently. " The fooner th better The poli'ce may is ts rndall, Hux!!'~ and Reale endorse this, · di f I 1 Th8 b 0 d h e · . and these authoritled cannot be disputed. CHAPTER XLVI.-" I WILL STAND BT t appe~r to ~n cate V" P a.y. · Y as be on the watch for you. I should hke you l 'l'he re11;ula.r metho t or treating the dlseas~s MY BROTIIFR." been identified as th .. t of the wife of Mr. , to be able to return ihere a.a a. free agent." is to apply an irritant remedy weekly and THE JEWELLER, Belfield, of Belfield ,l\bbey, Clla.dford, whose "~ou a.rt. right. It would be hateful to! even daily, thus keeping the delic~te mom. d disappearance from her home w1u one of ' b k d Th . f \brane in a constant st ate of ll'rl a mn, b It wae the mornmg alter the !!!quest, a.n h . d f t ., H 1 go ac un er convov. ere is an a ter· accom p anid by viokn~ sneezing allowing Valentine had began his new occupa.tion as t e soma1 ecian 0 1 as au umn. , ~re j noon train, a beast of a that stops a.t it no cbance to heal, and a.s a. natural oonse· man of all w . rk so soon a.s there we.a light in followed a full report of. the C?roner 8 ID· neMly every station, the train by which I queno .or such treatmentinot on3 pErm~nen~ the dull grey sky tQ allow him to set about quei.t, and the arrest of 81r Adrian Belfit1ld travelled that night " with a shudder " I I cure has ever been recorded. It is an . · · · f b I concerned 1"n ~he mnr· · absolute fact that these diseases cann it be hie la.hours. The s1ster11 were astir at dawn,.. on suep1?101?' 0 : ng · wdl go by that." cnred tiy an7 appli :atlon made oftener than We ca.rry a full lin~ of Golrl, Silver and werking diligently, lighting fires, 11weeping de;, of his B1ste~·lll faw. · ··I will go with you." once In two weeks, for t ile meml>rane most Nickle, Hunting anrl Open-face Watches the stairs, and cleaning the lower roe>ms. . The sta.rt!mg cl~a;ac er of the. re'Y"_el· "Madge," he cried, overjoyed. ~et a chanoo to .heal before an:Y appll:at~onn which we are s&lling very cheap, so cheap Valentine relieved them of those rougher at1ons, the social position of the parties Ill· ,. I ma.y a.e well keep you company on the ~s. repeateg. Jt is now 7 yrs. s:nc~ Mrd y1::10. 1 in fact that no 011e need be without a 6 tasks which they had performed hitherto, volve~, and , t~e respect which. is felt for j ourney, while we are still free to be to- ui!~~dehfs nt!,: Y::::fn~~~. ~~~ ~tnc~ \ha~r:is good reliable timekeeper. We can eupply He washed out the back yard, washed and them 1.n the neighborhood, combi!le to ren- gether. Will you go in those clothes ? ' remedy bas become a houeeholq word in bearthstoned stepl and window-sills 11ond der this one of the most extrao~dma.ry cases "No. They would look like a. diegniee. ~very country where tho Enfj:llBh language you with them at. all prices, from the l · d '1 tha.t hllos come before the public for many I l f . h l ll If 18 s ; oken. Carns aJlected by him seven Yell.l's cheapest " Waterbury," at $2. 75, to the elea.ned a11 the ower wm owe. nexd h f h d. d . e t a amt at t e a op se ere. anyone ago are cares stUI there having been no- most expensive Gold ones made. We perience m11ode him clumsy, but energy yeal!s, 11o?1 t e ree.u1t 0 . t e a. ,:n· would fetch it?" return of t he dieeas~. and strength of will carried him through the 9'llest will be a.w11oited with keen anxiety. "I will go for it," she answered, "and I So hi~h;IY are these reP'edias valued;. and: have also in stock a full line of. those work much better thau could have bee.n. Slowly &nd deliberately Valentine Bel- will arrange for lea vingthie house for 11 few so 11:r:ea,. is the demand for them, that 1gnor· eelebrated " Rockford " W atehes, for ,, ant imitators have started up.,. which we are the sole agents for the field read and pondered over the report of d The trefttment of many thousancle of oases expeet e d. , , . .., · h . th t aye. pre tending to deetro:r a pa.rasit e, or which of thoee cb1·oeio weEi.kneeacs and <llst:i·esslng "I 1:tad no idea. window-clea.ningJYl\s such t 1e in9uest. .LO him w .0 wa~ m e secre · (TO BE CONTINUED.) they know nothing ll>y remedies the r esult s d istrict. We have also complete lines of to females, at the Iuvalldtl' allment.s peoultar interestin~ work," he said to Madge, as 1Jhe th.a cirCU!f1Bta.nces of h1~ iudt seemed to !>fthe application ~fwpich they are equally El~in, W altbam, Col~mbus, Illinois and· ,.,., Hotel and Surgical Institute, Bu:lfalo, N. Y., '. ; tea 11ond bread in start out into the broad light of day from rgnorant .Mr, Dixor. s rem ?d.y Is applied gave him his breakfast 11 bas atrorded a vast oxperienco in nicely adapt,. th & ·d f those witnee"es The un The Oil Gl<>nds only once m .wo weeks, and from one to S wiss m akes, all of which we guarant ee ing nnd thoroughly tooting r emedies for the the parlour, where l!he a.nd the two sisters ~ VI ence 0 "' · t tm1e applieations effect a permanent cure In · ' · · to give good &atisfaction. · 1 cure of woman's peculiar mLtladlc,s. had brea.kfa.!.l'ood previously '.]'heir morning flmshed letter-bro1rnn off m the middle of a most aggravated cases. N.B.-Foi catarrha.l Dr. Pierce's Favorite P1·escriptiou fare we.a ~nly dry bread. Butter was a sente~c~-the missinl( .rug found tied. ~bent Nea.dy two and a. half millions of sweat trou1:Jles peculiar to females this remedy is a le the outgrowth, or result, of this great and d f th ; Th the v1Ct1m's body. His own secret vmt to glands pour out up .n the surface of the body speei.lic. valuable experience. Thousands of test1mo- I·~ ..U-llry reserve or e even_ng. ere wa.a his mother's house. Hill's vi ii. a. watery fluid, which a.ids in keeping the Mr. Dixon sends I\ pamphlet describing h,is n l nls, received from patients and from physiAND wholesome me11l of mel\t and vegetables a.t . g k" f d b · t" · I t new 1roatment on ohe rece'pt o' ten 0en s m cians who have tested it in tho mol'e nggr~" a. 11t the of muideI. two o'clock. Teo. was t11ken between five All pomted s m ~<> t, !l.n · Y its ev11.pora IDn, in regu a stamps. .'!'he a ddress is A. II. Dixon & Son. vated lind obstinate cases which had baffie<l 'd ing th e bodily temper.Hure. 003 K ' 'll their skill, provo it to be the most woti.derful u.nd six, after the inma.tes had been served; Yet how, in the fa.ce of such evi ence B"aidc these sweat gJ,,,nds, the skin con- S . ·!ni;:; strc~t weat, '<>ronto, Vanada .-- Jin our Silverware an d Jewelry D epart· remedy ever dev1Sed for the relief an1r cure of 1Jond there was 11o supper of bread a.nd cheese against him, ha.d they dared to a.rrest his ment it is our aim and pride to k eep ' c·en tiftc Amer u:ctn . ta.ins the so called s~ bllceous glands, that --------f.Ull'erlng women. It is uo't recom.!Jlended as a ways the n icest and newest goods to- be ·oure-all," but as a most perfe.Qt Specific for ~t ten o'clock. The sisters who sat up with brother 2 Under suspicion of being concern· exudeanopaque and oily matter. The ducts Sufferers fron ca.tarrhal troubles should s l1 woinan's peculiar allmeQ.t13r--·· had and we can forni&h y ou (our variety t;he eick were allowed tea and bread edlnthemurder! Yes hehadbeenwiththe conveyiteithPr directly to the surface, or carefully read the.above. ,-...Jl..o-ft-"P-~vtrrtiii;J:nvlgoratlng tonic, ia· unlimited) with anything in these 1{nes ryzmwand butter in the course of the night, murderer in that dreadful hour after the in to t he upper pot tiov of the hair follicles- '"--- - - _.. It imparts strengtn to the whole system, MISCELLANEOUS. at the lowest possible prices.. !ind to the womb und Its np~ndages in out neither wine nor beer was drunk by deed was done. Th:iy two had been t o- th-:i cavities from whi,\, the hair proceeds. The oil is desigued to help keep the skin p,art10ulnr. For o..-erworked, ' worn-out," a.ny of the sisterhood, and stimuhnts were gether, and the law might call Adrian an \ '1·1.m-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, -only given to p3-tients when ordered by the a~cessory to his brother's crime. supple, and espe·:ia.Jly to promote the softness The very fotesil fancy in wu.ists of gowns dressmakers, eeamst , "shop-girls," house- doctor. He was still sitting by the window, poring of the h ~ir. Tnese glim ~s are absent from keepers, nursing m ers, and feeble women for ~rown women is t he guimpe bodice, very Valentine took his tea. and bread with as over the report, when Madge camo in, carry· the under }>lrt of tho le<·t, and hands, and much like the guimpe wai1:1ts of little girls. Favorite Presci;lption generally, Dr. Pier le the greatest earthly boon, being unequaled contented a. spirit as if he ha.d been in the ing a tra.y with me _ fr!l.gments of the up- ate most abundant in t he cca.lp, face, CE\nal \~e always have on lia.nd a nice variety of fl/ii an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. T he experience of ages ha.a shown t hat it new d esigns' in Walnut, one and eiuht centre cf Africa, and uo better fore had been stairs meal. of the ear, a.nd abou t t he nose allil mou~h . A· u soothing and streugtheulng to expec~ a man tc be a good, prac· is usolaae possible. "Come, brother J ohn," she said, cheerily· Those in the ear secrete the ear-wax. An nerviue "~'avortte Prescription " 1.9 uned~y, weight. and spring C locks, toge ther qunled and Is invaluable in allaying and sub"I'm afraid you will soon grow tired of a.a she set a dish on the ta~le. "My peop~e excess in the secretion renders the face shiny; d cu.1, consistent Christian when hie oolla.r mth a large assortment of Nickel t imes duing nervous excitability, irritability, exdqean't fit:. window-cleaning and of dry bread," said were in very good appetite, but there is a. deficiency renders the skin and· dry and ala.1.1ms. haustion, prostration, hystol'ia, spasms and Madge, contempll!.t ing him with her grave plenty left for you ~ud m~. I am sure you a.ud ha.rsh. other distressing, nervous symptoms comThe Chinese word for "h:i.ah" is the longQlOnly attendant upon functional and organic B must be ready for dmner. The gla.nds are sometimes obstructed, est and most difficult word to pronounce in low smile, full of thought. disease of the womb. It induces refreshing "You do not know me. If I am strone , "Not.quite," he an_swered, g_r.1vell!', "and when the oiI becomes thick, or when t here t he language. In the English;) it is i!leep and i·elieves mental anxiety and defor evil I may a.lao be stron<> for good. I Im a.traid I shall spoil your dmner. if I tell is a. neglect of cleanlinees. '.l.'hia. gives rise t he moat difficult word to d~:Jine. apondency. ' mean t~ eerve you-as C.i.liba';;. served Pros- you what haa taken ~way my appetite." to p:1pul<ie, or pimples, which, on being Dt-. Pierce's Favol'he Prel!erlption There is a. new high wire act. Two men l b is a mistaken idea1 that many people Is a legltimato me(Ueine, cm·efully pero yet not like Caliban. He aerved for She ~ent over to h 11':1· and liud her hand pressed out through the narrow mouth of compo11nclecl by nn experienced and skillful fear~ I am your slave for love. I shall upon hts shoulde.r, Iookmg down at tho n~'!s- the oil duct, resemble worms, er grubs. starting frcm different ends of a wire have tha.t they shJuM put off wearing physician, and t o womau'a delicate meet and pass each other, going by on a waltz BQect~cles as long as possible because b7 organization. rt Jo purely vegetable in iW be ready to clean the outsides ot the upper paper. .Her qmck eye caught the familiar They frequently called worms, naturally step. A1woman actu!\lly d1.mces on the wire, BG> domg they often do perm anent injury composition ttnd J>erfectly ltmmless In its windows as soon as I can begin without na~es directly, and.she rea.d the report of enougb., sinee the hardened dir~ on theouber a man.trots a.cross it with a. companion to th ~ir eyi·sig ht. Good Spectacles, cor· e:tre()tS ID any COil ltion Of the system. For disturbing the patients. I am promised the he m9uest across his shoulder. end looks like a head; but they only a.nd morning sickness, or nausea, from whnteyer right on his shoulders. rectly fitted, can never inJure y our eye11, a. fadder from your milkman round "You see I was right,' she said; " t here thickened oil, though occasionally a minute loan of < 'ak, indigestion, dyscause al'isinl!', W pepsia and kmdrcd symptoms, its use, in small t he corner " was not an hour to be lost, and you have living worm chooses one of them for his According to Dr. :Erasmus "Wilson, the but on the contrary aJTe a.lways beneficial. doses, will prove vory beneflclul "Thi.t ~ilkman is a. treasure. He keeps wasted days. Yon will go a.t once now-at abode. great a.uthortty on hair, anv one who is ] f your glasses do n ot suit y ou or if yom ff Fav orite Prescription" ill a posi· h.ave ne!~r worn th em and fii; '-,:y our eye· Occa.siona.lly the more fluid elements of thre11otemid with baldnes~. if it has not made 1 live cure foi· tile most complicated nnd ob- one p1.rticula.r cow for our consumptive -once-or as soon a.s its da~k, It may be stinate Ci\SCB of leuoorrhen, exccsstve flowing, patients and though I believe he adulter· safer not to leave this house t ill dusk-your the oil aFe absorbed, leaving only tbe solid, much headway, ca.n check the tendency by 1 s1ght fa1hng we can supply y ou with a painful nwustr unt10n, unnnturn.l supprCEJSl01111, ates all the r~at of his milk, our supply is al· working-ma.n's suit willserve a gJod purpose aud th~se harden into cuta.neous.ea.lculi. Or rubbing a. li ttle mtxed vaseline and sulphur 1 1rnii;able pair at any price you wish from. r.rolapeus, or fulltug of the womb, weal< back, fit the obatru.cted secretions-yellow, ha.lfliqu'd on the spot at night and soak it wit h quin- ' 25 dit. to $12. ·female weakueaa," nuteversion retro version, ways pure. and he charges us a. halfpenny now. I will go out and get you an ou& biiar!ug-down sensat10ns1 cbron1 c congestion, ,. quart les~ t han other people pi.y. You before dusk, 11nd pack everything r~ady for and ha.If solid, like putty or mortar-may ine eveny morning. lnfiamm11tion and uloeration of the womb, in- naLmot think how good peoFle to us." you. Then you must for Liverpool form ema.ll tumors on the eyebrows, face, It is. a thous:md pities. that S()mll others of' fiammution, pain nnd tenderneee In ovaries, "I 11 go out and look after my ladder," by t~e train that leaves Euston a.t seven this neck and head. Thev shoulli be cut out t ile American unjailed <>riminals now resid· aecompn.nied with "mterual heat." Al;! a regulator and piomote1· of func. V u.lentine; and he walked off in a busi· event?g· and you ?an get off to- mor~w when sm~ll, or destroyed wiuh caustic. ing in C!l.nada could not be served in the tional action, n~ that critical pct'l\>d of cbf)Jlge ness like manner, wearing his fustian aud ~ornmg by any shtp than l!lay be leavmg. Sti11, thdr only ha.rm is in the deformity way as Pitcher has been served in from girlhood to wom1mhoocl, "Favorite Pre-. Montreal. Thia ma,n w11s teller of the Union We are always prnf)ared to do any k i nd aoriptio11" is a perfectly safe remedial agent, ~01·duroy 11.11 if he had never worn anything .. here must be stean;ers leavmg every d11oy. they ca.use. lse Take the first that will carry you far a.way The various forms cf ache; or pimple, are Bank, of l:'rovidence, ~ position which. he of Watch or J ewol'ry repairing neat!~ a.t and ciin produce only good results. It ls eQtW.lly efficacious and valuable in its effects I A few paces from the house he met a boy from England, . You will go, !fOn't you?" mod~rate cost. due to inflamm!l.tionsof these {glands. They prostituted to his own purposes, by doing wben taken for those disorders and derllll:geHe was ~oldmg her arm m his strong occur ma.inly at the period: of puberty, and his best to wreck the bank. He escapGd tnenta mcident to that later ond most critical with newspapers, bought a. " Daily Telegraph," and put it into his pocket. gras~, looki:ig at her fixedly, yet hardly : in the years immediately, foMowiug, and iwr.oss the bocder before he could be brought period, known as " '.Che Change of Life." "Favol'ite P1·esc ription~" when taken " For my dinner hour's amusement," he r;e~?1mg to. hste~.~ her eager words. regarJed as due to the constitutional to jµstice, but brought himself within t he 38. The Jeweller. tn connection wlth the use or Dr. Pierce's said to himself. "I believe the working "You W.:111110 · she urged. · · changes then in process. There is a.t th:i,t clutch of Canadia.n law by purchasing ~ @ill Golden llfod1cal Discovery and small laxative Not without you.. I hav~ said it before, pe~iod a. languid and torpid condition _of t he ·Of exchange with t he money he had stolen. doses of Dr. Pier ce's Pmgati ve Pellets (Little mau always reserves the news for his dinnerLiver P ills), cures Liver, Kidney and Bladder ,, Madge, and I say it aga.m. 1 have no skm, a. tendency tc the a.ccumi._1la.t 10n .of ,Thfa furnished the Wllsired evidence against dlseaaos. 'l'beir combined use also removes Hls step, which had been so heavy and ~lee~e to pr~\ong my life unless I can epond seba.ceous, and a oongeshon °1 t ne 'him. H e was arrested, tried on a cha.:ige of blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and · ·! of the follicles. · · · !bFinging stolen mr.u.ey into Can!lda., and has sluggish of late, in the monotonous leisure it ~Ith you. 's crofulous lrnmors from tbe system. '~Favorite Pre scription" Is tho only You se~n 'Yhat my workishe~,0· :ond 1:h~ treatment cons~sts m .rem<?vmg ~ny been sentenced t0i eaven year11 in th~ p.eneof his country home, was light and yet medicine tor women. sold by c1ruggists, under resolute to·da.y, as he went in quest of the yo~, a.ek me to give 1t up~ o.r~er to. exc1trng ca.use that may exist, 1mprovmg ltsntia.ry ~ positive guarantee, from the manuT~ share a. murde!er B hid1ng .place ; . ~o the nutritive poweli' of the skin and the · :faoturcra that it will 1rivo satlsfaotion In every lauder. He came back carrying it on his Robert Browning, we suppose, Dll univer· case or money will be refunded. This guaran· ~houlrler. His experiences u,s a. sportsman pla.y hide and seek with the law, to drive general system, and stimulating the ptl.llt s · hM been printed on the bottle-wrapper, ha.d braced hie muscles, and he carried the away the horrors of r?morse i t o cu_re bad affect-cl. There sh.,uld a.lso be close a.tten· sally conceded oo be a. great and ooigi.n al po· and fiuthfully carried out for many years, ladder as easily as if it had been a gun or d,reams ; and to save a. smner from m~1ness. tion to diet and h;i.bite of life. etic genius. Eie is empha.tically tbe "one and Large bottles 1100 doses) $1.oo, or 111:1: ._ oar. He ielt lighter in hie mind, n~arer 'Inat is what I ask you to do. Made;e., Any - · · ., only" of his kind in existence at the present 11 bottles ~or $5.00. . p· inor.s thr·n he had fol; since that fatal one c<r.n ca.rry on your,, work here. No one moment. He is not a poet who i.s easily For Jm·gc. 111 ustrat.ed Treatise on Diseases of ~. "~11nt. In the w t you ca.~ save me. The Long Sermon and the Dog " un d erat and ed" ot th e peep1a. "'h Women (160 pag·es, lapcr-cover ed), send ten ai first place, it was an infinite bu" ,, .Ii e peopI e cents in stamps. ddress, to be away from the scene'of his crime What if I were to say yes I asked A correspondent of a.n English pa.per indeed as ~ rale know nothing about him. in the ~econcl place, there was a world Ma.dgf'., after m oments of de~pss~ thought, says -D11rin~ a. r ecent j ~urney in C11.ni1da I He is studied with some enthusiasm and World's Dispensary Medical Association, ~~d f comfort !n bPing as~oci!lted wit h the one returning that fixed look o! his _ w ith a gaze met with a striking instance of re11sou in a. much a.pp~irent admfration ~!Y ee1·tain ri uasi '663 MaiD SC., BtJFFALO, N, V.· ) ·' h .' ft · could r.t once soothe that was still more e!l.rnest, for it seemed to dog. I waa eta.yin~ at the Mohawk Indian liter!ll'y c0tn ies who exalt him in t l1mr es· Noman w ose !!! uence · k ne w peer ID · t o .1us · vary sou. 1 I nst1tu · .1on, · B rantfor d · oilt ar10. · mh ----~~---------~ and etr engthen- the one woman who ... e R ev. tima tion mii ch in the sa·Ge w ay p erh aps, A &illllhtful ·.roilet .A.rticl11, Not a pain~ his l{hMtly secret, yet had not turned from "Youhft.mefrom helltohea.venat the mere R. Ashton, Superintendent of the school, fo and for the s&me reason, as ignorant persons or powder; does not cover over, but him with Joa.thing. thought. O!l, Madge, be generous, reward also incumbent of lh~ neighboring Mohawk sometimes admire s.irm..,na, ill inverse pro· 1mres . . Used in connf!ct!on with . a.n ungenerous lover. I lost you once by the Church, (the oldest Protestanil church in portiontothedegreeinwhichtheyunderst~nd Pond Lilly . Pe~lets and He could neve1· forget that kiss upon his f 1 I I u now as c . na.da.) Mr. Ashton is very fond of ani· him. Harper's Magaziine tells of a Browning Pond Lilly S~n Soap. ove yo Cluh in some Western S·ate which seemed Mo~t E1fectual and Positively Hemoves all forehead which had 8,!!&ttred him of a wo meanness 0 my ove. you deserve to be loved. Forget all I mills and has many pets. O.ue of these, a '. . , p 1 mples. l! , reckleB, 'l'an, JUack Specks, man's pit}ing love. He had taken no baee h~va ever been, remember only what I am black.and tan terrier, always acoompe.nies to be almost 11sh!lmed of itself and its cult, Blotches and ahl Roughness from the u.d\antage ot that sipn of tenderness; he - your your penitsnt a:lorer. L~t us the 90 Indian children to church on Sunday or i t clid not oall itself by the name of him faoe, hands, neck and :r.rms, leavtng had not pressed her ha.nd with the vehe· be married before the registra.r to· morrow morning. He goes to the altar rails and whose works it professed to study. Xhe them bes.utifully white and mence of a p:i,~sion that will tl\ke no denhl. morning. vVe cm start for Liverpool lies down facing the congregation. When truth came out when the Club gave a r ee,ep velvety, He ha.ii been humble with her, as became afterwards." t hey rise to sing h e rises, and when thoy tion a.t which everything that coul<l be was Ul"SOLD BY D>RUGGIS'l'S EVERY\\'HEH!l;,. " li;l "And when we are gone, Valentine, when sit down he lies down. 011e day shor tly of brown colour. A rather childfo.h way, him in the 11obasement of his guilt. And he was happier now, toiling for her, than he you have got cle"r :i.wa.y, what is to become before my visit, a. strfl.nger clergymim wu.s one would think, of showing admirat ion for POND LILY C~E.A.1'4, · · 25. CEN'.l'S, could have hoped to be. He laboured at hie of your brother ! Have you thoughb of that preaching, and the sermon was longer thau a poet, and not calculated to insphe great POND LIL X SILVER PELLE'l'S. 25. CENTS. 25. GENTS. usual. The dog grew tired a.ud rest iess, and i·espect for ohe mental strength to be ob t! POND LILY SKIN SOAP, of window cleaning all the morning, qufstion 1 , oi;e of the sisters workinir with him on the N o, he had not t hought of that ; but he at last a thought occurred t o him upon ed by a study of his writings., but suoh S. l' ERltJN, i:lte uaist, :U1td,.say, which h e at once acted. H e ha.d oblierved nevertheless wa.s the case. There was a inner side of the windows; and the general answered almost carelessly. Manufacturer a:ad Proprietor tor Canada, result wa~ an incre:i,se of brightness which "He will be so.fa- there can be no evi - that one of t he elder Indian boys was accus· brown table cloth, and brown china., brown - -- ·- ,.'!t___ ... - _..r_ seemed like the forerunner of spring. H e dence against him. " ton1ed to haind round the plate for alms, bre~d ~nd bro,vn augQ.r, brown dresses on csw:.~-- saw something of the inmates of t he Forlorn "The evidence against him is almost as after which the service 11t once concluded. the backs of the hostesses {tbeclub isoompos--.. ,......-=:--... . .......::;:;.., Hope in the course of his morning's work. strong as against you .. · There is ,n,o one but He evidently ihought t hat if he could per· ed of women,) and brown cnrtaine on the ~------;EN' L~ In the f "on· · ndows· Al .. "' · seems t o · " room of the fir·t fl.c or-once i~ you who can prove h1a mnocence. suade t hfo 1 Joy to take up t h e co11ect' ion the wi uoget he" · ., .,, 'le :>u.!lolr 1. .' drawing-room, with French windows and an "And you would have me give myself up, sermon must naturally end. He r an down have been "done up bI:Own" in a masterful ".:V ·/ ~ .'? \ . . ._ l'Y iron balcony- he sa.w several women of in order t o clear him." to tho back se11t occupied by the boy, seated sort of way. J:> '_/ '--.: ~ 1 va.riousdau _ea, £ro_m eig~teen toh for~y, fso "If there 1 ·8 no o·her W<\Y of clearing him himself in the aisle, and ga.\:n d stea.dfastly "VETERINARY SURGEON, ti s a.nmcye , It is a. ma.ttor for great tha.nk£nlness ~ha.t engage m P1Mn sewmg, o · er ·ng m board - yes. " in the boy's face, Fiudiug tha.t no notice t h e crop a11 over c 11onada is · turnmg · out far t k d di ON'l'. nee ewor · an one 1a an · " Y ou hold ~y 11 ' fe very li"htly." was bken, he sat up and "begged" persist- b ett er t han was a.t one t ime · · ORONO. t ironi a d those who ., supposed poas1· ,,f . 1 < ;,,. T hese were th .e conva escen 6 n . · "I hold life as less than honour. You ently for some, time to Mr. Ashton's great ble. The cro11keI'll or the schemers have as ¥' ' 0 bten received because of thei~ destitu- have brought your brother into peril- you amusement. Fina.Uy, as this also failed, the uaual been :i.t work and have for the tiwe '<-"' ~1' t1on rather than on account and degradation upon dog put bis nose under the lad's knee and sucoeed ed Ill · ma.k' ' h ?fk ll!· heal~h. hire h·ve brought shnme ~ mg peop1e b el1Eve t h a.t t h a h th t I n o. er r.ooma e · hi"nt. It would be ~ cowa.rdly act to tried with all his strength to force him out of look out was b1ue. The truth , however, is · TO Fl l\ST APl'LYLNG, Will! _; 'III EY LASl' E e sic h m w there d saw ' Ve " ill scn<l bJ Prni l an a.p~ curt au~ed iron b e 8 · veryw ere . !;ave him in the lurch now." his place, cont inuing this at intervals till the · d· · "d h p1op11.1teg1ft lo cncl1111a 1de n , were s~gns 0~ c11,reful manageme!l:· clea.nh· "Yet 11 few minutes ago you urged me to sermon was concluded. Did not this prove now oommg out, an it is evi ant t at m ore , .,: 1fo, mothe r 01 cook- one t o a distinot ower of c<>nsecutive r eaaoninl.' money will as a generel thing come into the ness, m".entiv~ power, the abi~ity to do loave the count ry. ,, a f anu ly- ,.,.ho ·w ill try the ~uc.h ~1th ht!=le . means. Thm humble "I for ot all but your own eafttv." farmers' pockets than for years past. Some, BREAOMAKER'S BAKJHC Pow Drn mst1tution,. by a few women, "I ha ge told ou that I do not set a. hi h . . of course, have suffered, and will not be Cut the icd c it cle fiom the wa.s !Dore m~erestmg t~a.n the · grandest rice u v on th!t. Well, you are riggt, Makme; a Kaleidoscope. a.ble to r ejoice. But these will be few eomJa.b<·l ,mtl send it in d letter stating honest o pinion after bu.ilding which collective charity ever will stind by my brother, I will go ba.ok The Philadelphia. Times gives simple ~~de~e7~~~s~h::~o~~:gi~~~~i~~: f~:~~f ~:; fan trial. E 1tner a 5, 10 01 25 cct.t size wil l sec11re the~ gift>Jf. asj; one, t he windows were all to Chadford t o morrow, ev~n if Cha.dford be directio_ns for making this toy, which a.lwar dispose of. Thie iB much to be rejoiced Any grocer or s to1ckeepet Y d Pd ' T t' t t thn li"t' le a shor t out to the gallows. eutertaius t he young people bv the bea.uoi· in, Nobody cau be glad than the knows 'vlH 1c to g et1 l if asked c1ear.e 1 au ' !.\1en me wen o ~ f 1 d dl t f t" h · h ·t room which had been allotted to him, the fu1 by you. - Adilr1sJ" lb will not prove that," she answered, u an en ess rans orm ~ ions w re 1 Europe!l.n crops follen so far short room where he ha.d spent a. sleepless night p!!ole as deat h, but her face kindling with the produces: · . of an a.ven~e. A t the same time when CHUROHJLL & CO , TORONTC At the glazier'~ shop get three strip! of such is the fa.ct it is a. matter for thanktul on a hard an<i narrow pallet, which the Iron light of enthusi11am. " Confess the truth as 1 ll !. RI: ).lEDY r o R C URIN G 1811 ~ ~ ( M ·v1~U Duke might have approved. H ere he you confessed to me. Let a.11 the world, say t e!1 mches _long a.nd one a.nd a nesa t hat Canadio.n farmers cB.n so far ll!J ~ ~ ij\lf\I ft @!fl wMhed oft the traces ofhis toil, brushed his know how you sinnecl in one fatal moment half ~o two 1!1ches wide, 1111 e~11octly the supply t he deficiency iind in this way fuatia.n j acket and prepared himself for of p~ssion, and how you tried to hide your I sa!lleaiz~,and h e them together, triangularly , do both themselves and their neighbours Has received hor new stock ot dinner, hoJi>ing to eat that meal tete a tete , sin. '.l'here are few who will not pity you, 1 with stnn~. .. . . a good turn. It is espec;a.Uy gra.t ifyi1:g ASTH M A, CROU P , 0 f p~rtly transparent wntm~ · to k now that thtl damage done by fros~ m 1 Cut a piece · witih Maoge. He had head her sa.y that a.s I pity you." A LL DISEASES OF THE THROAl , L UNGS AND the two sisters dined in the first floor room She bent over him as he s;i,t leaning for· paper so tha~ it will fit over one eud of this t he North W est has not been nearly so great PULMONARY ORGANS. ·nd invites the Ladies of Bow . wit h the women and that she waited upon w11rd, with his eyes brooding upon the I prism, l~avmg narrow. edges t o lap over. as was at first staterl. T he frost struck H Y I TS F t\ l TH .P' Uf.. r~1;; She must her own dinner some· ground, deep in thought,. She her I Paste this on wit~ mu~1lage .or ~our paste, very capriciously, sC'me forms being manville and vicinity to call them, where, \rgued. Why not with him ? · haud upon her head, a.nd, thrilled ~y th:Lt I and then cut~ piece J U~t like it for the entirely deaol11.te while ot hers not far off CONSUMPTION HAS BEEN CURED and see her Pattern H is hopes were strenghthened on gomg gentle touch, he looked up and their eye~ other end, , except that it must be cut of were scarcely touch~d . Ur~m the w!tole, ~ \Vh e~ othe t R < 'tuedies a nd rhj :i:1cians ll.1., e into the parlour, where he saw the ta.hie met. · paper that it entire Y opaque. however, it ia on good gronnds expected t hat 1 fade cl ~o cn:ect a. cut e for t wo, Madge was, where the "Say that il'ou love me, Madge, and I will ' In the cen~re of this opaque . end c.ut a. after supplying all loc~l wants for food and l\ecommcndec1 IJ~ P u\i:w ' " " s . I\J T' ' ... ~ t cm,, "-N .. Nuns r~s J1 1fach hy ev erybo'dy,\ lW hMi g1 \:en '~ '>/" dinner was going forward. It was she who do anything.' ro~nd hole ~ little larger tha.n g silver dime, seed there will be eleven millions of bushels 1t a good tria.I. 1 t never /ails tu V1 Ill(! t el uf and a.ssortmen t of carved and distributed the food, while the "Yes, I love you- yes, I always lo\l'ed: ~his hole is for the eye. N ow cover t he for export and that with the enhanced A S A N EXPECTORANT I T H A S N O f:GIUA L . otner two sistera ate with t heir charges, and you, It was love for you t hat drove me out I sides of the a.ppa.ra.tus ~vxth the same p~per prices going means a great amount of money It l /J h(!J ml"'Sti to the Jll ost Delira l e rlu'<l maintained the cheerful tone of a family into the world in my despair, to find some- j you ua.ed fo_r the eye-piece, a.nd the k ale1do· brought into the count ry: There ca.n now It contains n o OPIUM in any for m. meal. !l'here was nothing preten thl in the thing to fill my empt y heart, aching for I scope IB fin1she_d. , be no longer any donbt about the surpassing l!TORE:--SeeondDoorWest of WilHaan atmosphere of every day life at the Forlorn love of y ou. It wa.a love of you that sought , . Put a. few pieces.of color ed glass or b.e ads richness of the soil in t he Nortb. West. T he Hope, yet sorrow for sin was deeply felt 1 r elief in soothing the misery of sinners. I , 11~, and ~urn the thm pn.per end to the _ light. <lepreciators of the country, wh11otever their S· ;iltaIJ· there, and many a penitent's tears had been I have always loved you, but do this one , rrhen with your eye to the hole. cut m the motives, have 11ow to be silent and a bright :DAVIS & :LAWRENCE CO. (Limited), poured into t he sisters', and many a. I brave thing, and I can respect and honour ; opaq.ue paper end? keep the prism slo~-ly course of prospe1·ity is, humanly sprn,king, in IJl ' stifled sob had mixed with the prayers of you. " i turnrng, a.nd you will ~ll the ~i;a.utlfnl st ore for the gren.t lone land. C!l-nadians ~~ t he community. " Will you marry me, Madge, if Jack effects s~own by the expensive kalexctoscopc scarcely r ealize what a wide fair land they · Valentine seated himself by t he window, Ketch does not get me?" ! ' bought m the store. have received as an heritage. It is only by! Ot' t~& Llr.n~f." Habit, P o>1itivctr Cured by Adm..!;" 1 ."te1'l::ig ll.r" _.IIaiBetit' l f and unfolded hie "Telegraph." "Yea." degrees that the fa.eta in all their fulneRs 1 il;>it><den Specific, I . . " Th . . . . I . . " d d lz c:m be i>lven In a. cup or cofreo o: t~a. wltllon Ile be~a.n with a swecpmg survey of the at 1s a promise worth wait111g for. j Herbert- " Really Mias Edith l am very and m11.gmtude bemg ascerta1ne , a.n "'VANTl~D. Permanent poeitions 9 t~1f.~g,~~~'~ll(i ~1/P~Ggm~'J~'!iii~if1~{~~~111fi9JY j' pages, t o seo wha.t was best wort h reading. ·Will you wait f.or ~e, Mr~d~e'. if t h.ey ~eep sorry I kissed you. '1 didn't think what I !t~a.t people are wakening up to somet~inl3 gnarnnteed with SAL.Un' AND ir.1uo1wli0tlier tlle pat.cot Is a. ooaeratQdrfnrn~ , A 8 ,, O D me au ~11or.tmo;tth .till my hair 1 s white? 1 was doing. It is a sort of , temporary in- jlike a knowled1;1e cf the yas~ness and V'!'r~ety EXPENSES 1·uo. .A.ny. determined man cau an a.cohollc wrec!l:. ltl111.sboen g1vcn1n tbo~~ ! TRAN\lE ASE IN EVONSHIRE, "!will wait till t he end of my days I ·t · f ·1" M' E ·' "th ( ·t ofresourcestot>emetw1thmtheDomrnion. succeedwith us Pecnllar advantagestobe· or cases, an\\ io -Overy loeta.ua0 ., perfecl Ctll'O "Cons1 'derabl e exci 'temen t h a.::1been crea.t · ( Come w h a.t may, . t h ere s h a11 b e no other ·, ' san1 y m our Y· iijs more ul pi Y· 1 h appy homes for m11.ny gm~ers. 8t ?Olt' k · 1 ncludin g many f941t· b!l.ll toll owed. 1i nev~ / mt&. Tho system ingly)" If youamt ever feel any such at· So be it. T h ere are · com'b e tt'iit1 f l'UBLISHED.] --- - --·--======== LIKE AND UN LIKE By M. E. BRADDON I MAYNARD, has the finest stock of Watches in Town. ,L , · JtWHRY 31tYfRWARf, LOCKS.SPEG TAG l ES. REPAIRING. MAYNARD,. POND ft,,f Q - CREAM, IDHN SPENCER, 10000 PRESENTS l; B A j Jv. AM A 0 f C T CONSYMPTiOli, C O UGHS, C O LDS, GOODS .. I l I I BONNETS, HATS I TRIMMINGS ' .. ' , · E D RUNKEN sS I I iI ! l i I s I ALE S M EN N, Y. 8PE4JIFIOC0.. 18SRace St,.C of'l nnui,O. 0100 l::ig~~;??,~Md1~~1\h~eilJ'ig~~l~Rfg~:c~i"'n" fll' led at the t~wn of Cha,df?rd, North De~on, I ' love in my life." . j tacks coming on yon had better come right l additional millions between Cape. Breto sell~~3fe6s°s'~t 'g~ce u (&~'iue this paper.) C:roula· anS full parUcut..ra fddrer, '1of:n -I ! by the findrng of a body m the Abbey nver "Pledge yourself to that with a kiss, hei e where vour infirmity is known · and we /I and Van couver Island, and Canadians ar BROWN BROTHEU.S, near tha.t town, under circumstances which Madge." ' will take care of you." '· not going to fool t heir adva.ntages away. N1 .mSEllYM EN, ROCHESTER, I. l

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