!·!!!~&~ii~l!"ll31~111i~lli~liiif~·~·'!37'.'!!S'!"~~~~i'§.i~f'Hh~~~~!!!-~~~JW~·~·~·~!61!~511!' ' ~~ ··. MW. . .~ Z7"T'T?r=zm MRI R~ .. a said Mr. Storrs, 'who h~d ·hurried up, hear· · FR'EDEBioi~:e:·:fr1foii1:E;· i~; Empe·r·;; s~~t for me a.!1d a sked,_ "Why ' ing her raised, 11.ngry voice. 1· did von Bergmann put hie finger .nto my 0)". "Ma.tter aJ1ough I reckon, I'm willin' throat?" 1 A TRIFLING .M.ISTAlU!. to spend my money freely, but· I ain't goin' the Kaiser's lll· j His Ma jesty then went on to say, "I Gentlemen'sClothesMade to Orde · to lose three hundred dollars ii· ba.nk notes. I liope you Wl·11 not allow Professor von Berg- 1 WEDNESDAY. OCT. 31, · 1ass. "d d "t' "M kb · h 11 t 1 1 1 8 I la.1 my pocket- book right I.ere, an 1 s ar ow Pam a ..,, e " pu :you down." munn to do any further cpera.tions on me." ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -It wa.e a very busy day at Storrs & Jack" Lo o t 14 A "d eon's. All the country customers had come gone. N DON, c · . - s1 e from its intenee I answered, "After wh11>t I have sean t.;;- . 1& " Hae auy one been t'.J th.i.t nounter since historic and medioal interer.t, Sir Morell J day, air, ~I beg moat respectfuliy ti) s'a.y that k, in to make their purchases for the wee f · M St u k Mr. Allen?" aske<l r.l orrs , . . · or you le tit, whith they always did on S a.turd aye, ram Th · h "uackenzie's wor d k entitled, " The Ft1.tal I can no longer have the honour of continu· 1 shine. The five over-worked clerks were stern Y· e young man was pa e wit Illness of F~e eric the No~le/' whil~ one l !ng in attendance on ,Your Imperial Mi>je~ty · - to b e In - h a lf- indignation at the woman's tone and looks, of the moat 1m . portan _tpolem1ca.l treat111e· amann 1 ·· to be permi·trushing here and t h ere str1vmg b · of d Professor von B ?r - .. a-dozen places at once, and old Storrs him· ut he answered quietly: ~e century, ls delightfully readable. In ! ted to touJh your throat ag<lin." · · . self, smiling and obsequious, was bowing in f "No one, sir. We ·only -left the· laces a. ~Is explanatory chapter th . e . author si.ys he Von Bergmann's roughness was never forTo buy I~oo5 Gea,r for Men, Women, ew minutes and I think it possible 1s forc . ed to the course he has taken by ac- ·· ao. t_ten by th.e Empe1·or, although the no. · · a more M t h s carriage. c11stomera, and g1vmg W 1 ago, · 1 familiar greeting to the plainly dressed rs. a ton is mistaken as to the pla.ce she cnsat1ons that a.re tanta.mour.t to charges 1 bihty of his nature prevented him from Boys and Maidens, at people who were not likely to run up a. long left her pocket-book." of ma.lpra.ctice. Among the things that con ' shewing any resentment, and even from bear· bill. "I tell you, Mr. Storrs, I put it right sole him, .he says, a; e his consciousness that ing that awkward operator anv ill will. "Just look 11.t eld Storrs bowing and here," she cried, vehemently. ·n·1 ne'°er he did hie duty, and the absolute trust . ·· --------scraping lo Mrs. \Valton," Tom Jarvis forget where I lay my money. It's my reposed in him by" my noble-hea.rted paA Michigan man heard that his grand· whiF.pereci to one of his fellow clerks. opinion you needn't look further tha.u that tient," He compfains that the Prussian Gov· fa.ther had left him a por·t ion d his fortune, "wonder if he won't ha.ve a crick in his fat young Allen to find it. 1 can't understand ernmentJ forbid him access to the State ard::. and 'at the app'linted time went to t.he postback to-night." what you meant by ta.kin' l:im as a clerk ives, without :Which he could not a.llude oflfoe to get his cheque. It was for seven· "Oh, he's bowing to the hundred-dolla.r after all his father's disgrace. I 'm goin' to several pomts, nota.bly the protocols teen cents. bill he expects to {(et 011t of her," the other home now, but I want you to understand I drawn up ~Nove~ber, 1887, which would - - answered. "She talks big ab:iut her in- ain't goin' to lose that money quietly." show the views Professors Gerhardt. and difference to exponse, but all the same she " The whole place shall be searched, , Von Bergmaun had of_ the case before he holds on to her money with a tight grip. Mad1m," Mr. Storrs said nervously rubbing twas summoned to Berltn. This brings us ' to the opening i, f the Those newly rich people always do. But hie hands. "I'm confid;nt if it has ·been I'll bet the Boss is more than a match for left here, it will be found." treatise, of which the following a.re extracts : P eople fo rmerly h ad , trying to swallow her." " I guess if yon go t he right way to I confess that I felt some surprise that the ol d-fashioned pill with its film of Mrs. Waiton, a stout, vulgar, pretentious work," with a. contemptuous look at Henry, 11.mong those with whom I was invited to magnesia vainly <lisguising it.s bitterwoma.n, sailed into the store with ht.r hea.d " You'll be pretty a.pb to find it." She take counsel in a case of such importance Our &nd C0\11· ness ; and what a contra8t to Aye1-'s thrown back, and what she considered a swept away, her hea.d higher than usual, there was not at lea.st one of the lea.ding prises something ll t'at aud pretty for Pills, that have been well caller! "medhaughty carriage. She had been wealthy a and Mr. Storrs turned furiously upon the Germi.n specialists in throat diseases. Ladies, Good and Serviceable for Men very short time-not loni;l enough to forget young man, who stood pale and silent before All three were unanimous in thinking ica ted sugar-plums" - t ho only fea r hf) · and Boys, and Boots thii.t R Boot s for the value of the dimes, which were scarce him, that a cutting operation from the outside i11g tllat pat ients m ay be tempted into every member of the hon1Seh old. "Come to my office, air, and we'll inves- would be necessary for the removal of the enough in her days of poverty, and to keep taking t oo many at a d ose. But tile a sharp lookout over them, but yet striv- tigate this matter," he said, growth. dire ctions are plain and shoul<l be ing to impress others with her indifft.rence "New, hand over that money without a While freely admitting that the operation strictly followed. TRITNKS, l'ALJSF..!l, d :SA.TCDEI.S. JN STOCK, to expeuse. Parsimony and ostentation word," he said, when they reached there. in this ca.se presented exceptional difficult· .T. 'l'. T eller, M. D., of CI1ittenango, This powd.e:r never varies. A marvel of waged a. perpetual battle in her mind. "Why, do you believe I stole it, Mr, ies, I said th11t I thought it could be done, .JY""Ordered Work and Repa.iring- a purity, strength and wholesomeness. More N. Y., expresses exactly wh at lmndrells ".Cdo hope you're goin' ta wait on me Storrs?"hecried. I swear to youinever andtha.tata.nyrateitshouldbe attempted. oconomioal tha.n the ordinary Kinds, and can S pecia.I ty, a.s usual. yourself, Mr. Storrs," ehe said loftily. saw t!ie pocket-book. I don' t believe she I then turned to Professor Gerhardt and have written at greate r length. H e not be sold in competition with the multltnde D. DAVIS. of low test, short weight, alum or phcsphat.e "The last t ime I was laere I had a stupid ever brought it to the ~tore. Surely, sure- said to him: says: "Ayer 's Cathartic Pills are highly powders: Sold only in cane. ROY.AL BAK· fellow who didn't know real valenshun lace ly, knowing me as well as you do, you canWill you try? appreciated. They a.1·e perfect in fo1 ·m NG POWDER cu.. 100 .Wal!St ·· N. y, from imitation." She did not add that she not really think I would commit such a He replied : and coating, and their effects are all was ignorant of the difference herself, until crime-!" I cannot operate with the forceps. one of the other o!erks pointed out tho mis"How do I know when bad blovd iegoini;: Xnext asked ProfessorTobold if he would that t he most careful physician cou ld desire, TI1ey have supplanteJ. all the take. "Yes, Bir, that's j ust what he did. to crop out 1" his employer answered, bru!J· !Dake the attempt, but he also declined, SllY· .. l Manufacturers of P ills formerly popular 11e1·e, and I t hink I never wear any but the real thing, and I ally. "I ran a risk in ta.king you on, a.nd mg, I no longer _opemte. Pahl up Cnpltttl, $300000. don't care what it costs." now I'm going to suffer for it. You've got Those replies m~reased the surprise which it must 1Je long before a n y other ca11 nest, $ 70,000. "Oh, of course, of course, Madam," Mr. to be sear ched, eir, and to avoid scandal in I al~eady fel~ at a. case of such a nature be m ado tltat will at all compare with Storrs answered, obsfquiously. "A lady my establisbment, I'll do it myself, iastead haVIng been mt1 usted to ohe hands of these them. Those who buy your pills get I beg to notify the public that am rece!rlng of your fortune wouldn't be seen with tha.t of Bending. for a. policeman. You needn't gentlemen. For a throat specialist who A.rlificiaJ fnll value for t heh money." deposit s for this company, and allowing a cheap stuff on you. Most people can't afford resist ! ' . cannot use the s~ethoscope is like a carpenLimbs, the price of re!l.l laces, so we're obliged to "Resist !" the unhappy boy drew liimself I ter who .c annot handle a saw. hi11:her rate 6 interest than the banks· "Safe, pleasant, and certain in No NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL R EQUI RED. tlieir action," is t ho concise test imony And .Appliances for all De· keep all kinds on hand. You sha.il have up prou<lly. I would have insisted upon a i Now, Professor Gerhardt himself tells us formitic1Sof the Human Body the best clerk in the establishment to-day. sea.rob wen if you had not proposed it." oI Dr. George E. Walker, of MartinsI am also pr eI)ared to lll'a.nt tI:at at a very early period of hie connection -Spinal Diseases, Hip Joint I only wi~h it was in my power to wait on ville, Virginia. He oaid no more. In tne agony of his with the_ case he sus:i.>ected that the affection Loans on REAL E~1.'A.TE Disease, Diee&ses of the Knee and Ankle, Knock you myself, but I am compelled to give my humiliation he uttered no protest made no was mahgnant. This makes the manner ia "Ayer's Pills outsell all Bimilar prep. on favora 'l.le terms.· Knee, now Legs, Club li'eot, personal supervision to a large country assertions of innocence, but whe~ the nn11.- which he pr?cecded to dtal with it simply in· arations. The public having once used OFFICE: Etc. order. Here, vou,"-to one of the c11.sh .vailing search was over he said t o his comprehensible, except on the supposition them, will have no others." - Berry, .A.t McMurtt·y's Dry Good.a Store, boys,-" tell Mr. Allen to come here im· employer : ' ~hat hi~ very a!lxiety ma.de him reckless. It ALSO CRUTUHE8. Venable & Collier, Atlanta, Ga. mediately. I don't care whether he's busy ·"I hope, air, you are satisfied !" 1is certain that if the growth was malignant W. F. ALLEN. Bowrnanvme, Oct, 11, l ets. 42-l!m or not, I want him." "Sat isfied I no, rm not, You haven't, from the first, Gerhardt, by his unmerciful In a few moments a bright, intelligent- got the money on yQur person, but perhaps · use of the galvano-caut~ry, went the surest looking lad of a.bout eighteen hurried up. you dropped it somewhere in the s tore when way to work to make 1t so. I do not rny Prepared by Dr. J . C· .Aye1· & Co., Lowell, Mass. "Here, Mr. Allen, I want you to wait on you were suspected. You'll st11oy in here that he actually cauae.d the c~ncer. No one Sold by all Dealers in Medicine,, Mrs. Wa.lton. Show her the best qualities while I have the pla.ce searched." ~'1.l! tp.erig~ to dogma.tizein medicine which of our goods. Those handsome la.ce fichus, For hcurs Henry Allan sat there, his face is s~ill a.n !nexiiot s01ence, 1n w 1c. near! VETERINARY SURGEON. and the velvet mantle we opened to-day. It buried in hie hands, He knew that the eve.ry fa.ct IB open to n;ore the.none interpre· OF CANADA. will suit your figure to perfection, Madam ! mere suspicion Of the theft was quite suffi- ta.t1on. I do not hesitate, however, to say , ·IS" h TORONTO STEAM LAUNDRY, None but a sta.tely, queenly person ought to cient to ruin him in the community where he that the treatment adop.ted. by Profeasor $Iii!>... ~"' 1041 York St., Torouto, Capital paid up, SJ,efl1+,01e. Xe11t, $1!SO,OO wear that style of mantle." lived, and bis faither baa dsinned. Gerhardt waeatonce unscientific and lnjudi· ... - - Heary Allen checked a smile as he glanced He thought of bis mather and little sister, cious. $HIRT9, COLLARS·ANO CUFl'S This Bank ls prepared to do L11ltt. at the portly fignre of the lady, She spoke and how· he would be forced to leil.ve them Dr. Hovell once obsorved to the Crown a sp·cl"rty. One ot town work lllate Banking ln all its brauches, . m · a perempt ory t one, a.s Mr. S ~orra to ma.ke a. Jiv ing a.mong strangers, and P rmce · ' promptly 11.tttnded to and retu-e.. '"armor1 notAs discounted ·· Dnpo to h1m : per instructions. ·q · SJ " v I ItI bowed himself off: another home for them, for they could not "I can see that Dr. Bramann is not a ccus G p SH.ARP -ece!ved and Interest paid on amount· of " You needn'tEhow me no velvet mantles, Jive with1:nb him. But could he do it? tomedto use the laryngoscope. " · · · E, Proprietor. $5 upward 3 in s~vings Bank Department: young man. I got mine from Toronto, and \Vonld 11ot this base suspicion chug to him ")'. es, "eaid H is Imperial Highnes~, "you ::::t door to Palme1· house. Handy to Union . D R A JV'i' S 0 it co~t me ono hundred dollars. I reckon iike a leprosy ? Tbe terrible burthen of an can ~ee it and I can feel it. " llll:'!!i!D!: .e§'.P-~!:!-=: ·-=-~=·~~==~~~~=~~~~ youra isn't a. p. toh to mine. I want to see inlic-ritanoe o:i' shame socmed to crush out; all Oa the morning of November 6 I ex- l~ sued and Goll.ectiona mi.de in Europe them 11ew ~ilks M r . Storrs said you have got hope and strength from hissoreyoul'g heart, a.mined the Crown Prince's throat * * * fJ nited Stat.ea and Cami.d~. in. You're mighty young, seems to me, to and yet he had tried so hard to do rh:ht ! without; rising from my chair I informed W. J. ,TONES, know much about the qnijlity of goods," she fhe entrance of Mr. Storrs roused him, Hie Imperial Highness that a very unfavor· '··· · h · · l k It never was intended, so far &11 I can learn. adde d , wit a auap1c1ous oo · a.nd he looked up enquiringly. able change had taken ph1ce in his throat. That either men or women were intended to "I have been clerking ever since .I was "No, the money has not been found," his He aa.i<l: he bald. '----. twelve yea.rs old, Madam," he answered, employer said harshly, ·" and I don't say vou "Is it cancer?" I think you will believe me, indeed I'm sure tf 11 · D :rou will, Gradv.ate of the Ontario Veterl~a,1·y CopeRe, respec n V· took 1t. a,re say the woman dropped it in Te which I replied : IC at the "'Pari& Hair Works" you have co.lied. ttegi:!tere~,iember of the Ontario Vet.rma.rJ "Be you any relation of old William the street! But all the same, Allan, I can't "I am sorry Go say, sir, that i t looks very o~ntinues to do a .General Ba.nkinl[ Bu1iaeaa · Medical Association. Allen, who died round here three years keep you here. It would ruin my business, much like it ; bub it is impossible to be cer 1'here is one thillg Nature thinks of- lot us Bo wmanville Branch. , ·office and Reaidence. Newtom'ille, Ont. thank her ror &ll we canago?" was the next question. and she's got an awful tongue, and would go tain." Dl~ POSITS She takes pal'ticula~ t.rouble with our raou ; ' ~ronoevery 'l'uesdaJ andlBaturclay A hot flush crept up into the boy's face, about aaying all kinds of things a.bout my The Crown Prince received the communi- She knows a sc&nty growth or hair, the gray .. ---c~ ---...t-.ab fr ' n1 10 a. m .· to 4- p. ln., . at and his voice faltered a litt le as he & teoelved In Sa vlngs Bank Depa.rtmen t and and white.Jing locks, nawerestabli~hment, where I keep thieves as cation with perfect calmness. After a moOonltera' Hotel C!Llls by T<;-le11ra}lh · l'ece1Te ·all and intera& ~ allowed. at onrront rate11. Ne Will detract from the beauty o! lhe faoe. clerkr. ment of silence he grasped my hand and cd, "I am his son, ma.dam." imr. ediata attent10n. o otlcu of wlthdr&wal necesaar7. All depoaUJ Would he never get over the shame of It was a cruel ordeal for Henry Allen to said, with that smile of peculiar sweetnc68 Bui Nature hll.e her laws so strict that you .ie.ya.ble on demand, CHAI GEIS MODEB.ATlll. muet never err, beil)g his father 's son? Would his years of ca.rry· the b11.d news to his mother. She met which so well expresaed tho mingled gentle For ycu'd surely pay the penalty at laet, E.XCHA.NGE hard l\'ork and strict honesty never outwei.gh it a.a good mothers do ..u over the world, ness and strength of his character. Sustain it. that bounteous head of hair the chance circumstance of h is birth? Be thank God for them ! She felt> it acute1y, "I have lately been fearing something of 1oughtand sold anrl.Orart1isgued upon.S:uro11e Dr. Doren wen d's Hair Magic's unsnrpaased. cauEe his father had been a drunkiird, and but she spoke chee1fnlly and hopefully, t.his sort. l thank you, Sir .M.orell, for Ju8t try it vou afflicted, you novcr will regret Jnited States and Canad.a, alao Gold, Silver·· Jnlted Sta~ea Greenbacks boutlht ana 11old. only by a lucky accident had escaped con- dwelling on bis innocrnce, and trying to being so frank with ID;!." 'l'he Magic wao neve,.- yet known tofail ; viction for for?ing his employer's name, ma.ke . h im feel that only a sence of guilt In all my iong experience I have never And the good t hat It Vl'ill ao you will make tJO~_, iJEU'i'ION.!§ ~·WILD~; yon soon forget ' wa.s be, innoc6nt, to bear through life tho should crush a man, and humiliate him be- seen a mau bear himself under simil11.r cir· The expenditure a bottle will en tail. Promptly made a t current 1 ·ates upon all par · burthen of aL other's sin? Henry A!!en'a fore his fellow-men. She succeetled, and it cumsta.ncr s wi th such un11.ffected heroism. J! Great Britt.a!n, the United Stat es and n-1 ! not the least sign of depression, eyes were cast down, but ho could f eel the wa9 with a brave hes.rt H enry t urned his He shower This no w famous preparation for i uvig- 'll.inlon of Canada,. hia ordinary occupa- or&ting ~ n d stim ulating the gr ow th of the woman's contemptuous look, and her tone back on hia old home, and went t o uei:k em- b_ut spent the ?ay in _ CURE.S was more 11-rrngent than usual when ahti ployment in a cit y in another provenoe. . t1ons, and at dmner t ime that evening he ha ir is universally a ccepted aa the m ost B,lloke : About a month after the occurrence I was cheerful without appi>.rent effort and valua.ble specific on th e mark et. All !if.ade for l arge ?r ama.11. suma on all parts or "I wish you'd hurry with those silks, hii.ve r elated, Mrs. Wiilton drove up to the chatted freely iu his aau1J.! manner. This 1a espeo1ally a tlvantageone to diseases of the scalp a.re eith or r elieved or vanada. persona living in Manitob· or t he North··wea . young mi.n, and don't you go to f how me establishment of Storrs & Jackson, and, April 12.-Ae I intended to do whatever permanently cur-;:;d . A rich and rapid '<S It 1n:ike11 the lund11 a.vailabfo at 01100 at the any tLmt 'l.in't all eilk. You can't che11.t me seeing Mr . Storrs in the door- way, beckoned was neceasary with my own hands there olaoe of pay.ment. in goods. I'm up to all ycur trade trfoka. him t Q her. He went with a sinking heart, wa,s really no need for the mJSiataoce of a, gr owth of hair will follow after j udiciou& ll'or f.urther part!culs.rs C!i.ll at the BaBll:l11 Does old Storrs allow you a percent.. believing t hat she was going to annoy him surgeon, but it is a n elementary rule of nnd regubr treaiment. It r em ains with . age. on the goods you sell, or pay yon a about her missing money . Perhaps to avoid civilized medical practice that a.ll those the u ser a lon e to secure the d esired tl.OUl!!l, GEO. ·M cGILL, salary?" a scandal, he won!d be forced to pay i t. associa.ted together in the management of a rnsults. Dr. D ore n wend 's "Hail' Magic" T. RODIE, .A.cconntant. Mana~.:r "He gives his cler.ks a regular sal1 u y," Bnt to hia surprise, she turned ~ gracious case ahould be made acquainted wi th the is sold by all drnggists a t $1 per bottle, was the answer. and sm?ling countenance to him. details of the treatment t hat is c a.rried out. or six boctles for $5. If not obts.inable ~ "\Yell, then, H ain't so much to your profit "Got in :vour fa."l goods, Mr. Storrs?" As aoon a s t he new ~ube wa.s ready, thera- in your loc.i.lity send d ir ect to t he solQ t o cheat as if your livfog depended on it;," she called out. " I haven't b~en here for fo1·e, I d e3patched a me~senger to Proiesaor man ufacturer, euclosing price. A. Doit:Nwith a coarse laugh. "When I hear of au age, have I? Why, I do believe the last von-Berpmann to rrqucet him t o come to me wl!ND, Paris Hair Works, 103 and 105 a ckr k get.ting a pErcentnge, I keep time was when I made such a fuss a.bout my as soon a.s posaible- mca.ning, of courne Yonge St., 1.'oronto. For sale by . J . my eyes open, I t ell you. 1 don't like pocket -book! Would you believe it," with that i was anxious to proceed to ch;mg~ AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS Higgin h otham & Son , and all druggist those dingy-colored silka. Show me somea loud .laugh, " the very firHt t hing my eyes the tube withouo dehy, In sending off the ~D FLUXES OF THE. BOWELS thing brighter." lighted on when I got home was the pocket message little did I think that it would ~TIS SAFE. AND RELIABLE .. FOi'.\ " Bu.t these browns and grays are very book, lyin' on my dre~sing-table. I thought have such fatll>l comequencs. It is no cxCiHILDREN OR ADULTS. · ha.ndsome and fash iona ble, madam," remon- of sending yon word, but then it w~s a aggera.tion to eay ·that t heee hastily acribblstrated H enry Allen. ttiliin' rnist;t,k e, you know. You'd hear it ed lines p roved t o be .t he d eath warrant of "They're too grave for me. I'm not a. all in good t·i.me." the 1£mporor, . · . Quaker." Even old Storrs felt a movement of rightWe found t he Emper or engaged in writ .· · Henry, looking at her brickdust-colored eous fodignation. ing. The instJlration was distinctly audible skin. and sha.peless figure, thought that the "Not such a trifling mistake, Madam. It but bt y ond this there was not the slightes t gravest colors were .n eeded to tone down has coJst me my very best clerk, and driven indication of any difficulty in breaihintg such marked imperfectioDs, but it was his him out of the place. I t was hard en him Profeeaor von Uergmaun plliced a. cb;.ir op. business t o sell to his customers, and not to and his mother, you see." p oaite the window a.n<l asked the Emperor to " Oh, well !" with another laugh, "you're eit down upon it, and ;;hereupon, without cultivat., their ta.ate. After a deal of tossing and t urning over rich enough t-0 hire as many clerks aa you ma.k ing any remark, he quickly m:idid the t he goods, puiling them to see if t hey were want, a.nd I guesa i.t's bast old Allen's ac,n ty pe which kept the canula in position, trong. pleating them to see if they cracked, should leave here, anyway. He didn' t hke puiled the latter out; and, with considerable R Mrs. Walton chose a bright ehacle.s of mauve, my pocket hook that timl!, but I reckon he force, endeavored to inHert one which he had. !..fter 2p,nding much time ajlJl-nfilney, I ani the very shade to show off her defects of wasn't too good for it . Com~, show me your in his hand, and which was not provided 1ew pn pared to fill a~rtter~ r.romptly. I .ave a t111e assort!J).C11t of WAVE S, BANGS, complexioD and tigu~e, but she was j ubilan t finest cashmeres." · with a piiou. I am happy to say that old S torrs called T he instr ument w~s foroed into the neck SWITCHES, .COMBS and PINS nry cheap. over it unt il it ca me to paying the bill.. BANGS FRO~ $2 UPThen she haggled over the price, and H we.a on Mrs. A llen that e vening, 11.n d related the but no e.ir came thr ough it. The Emperor's ld Sw!tche" co'ored and maile to loek like useless for H enry to r emind her tha.t he was converso,tion. breathing t hereupon beo11.me very much em- Jnsw. Highest prloe paid for long cut hair. not t he owner of the store, and could not "NJt that I ever believed he had taken 00.rnsaed and the Professor withdre the 0 the woman's money," he said, " but I dare t ube. T hia was followed by !\ vfolent fi 0 ~A.Ill TONIC deduct from the 6ta.ted price. · " Here I've gone and hought lace!!, and say he will be glad to hear it is found. You coughing, and t here was conside rable hem- Warranted to prevent the h&ir from falling embroideries, and a silk dress, run up a bill can write to him that I'm willing to t ake orrha.ge. Professor von Bergmann next out and will make it 11row. of over a hundred dolla.rs, and yon won't him back." seized a tampon canula. covered with sponiie, WI have alao a tine Jot of new Stamping take a cent off I I t's just a swindle, that's "He will not r eturn," Mrs. Allen said, cut the sponge quickly off, and tried to push Patterns. All orders promptly a ttended te. done in the latest 1tyles and mate:r"als. · what it is ; but when p eople ha.ve money, quietly. "He has a good sit nation, and I the tube into the windpipe. Ag ,in no air 11 i ·s. everybody takes a tur.n at cheating them. don't think he wlll be willing to run the risk came through the canula, and it was clear Nee.de' Block, BowmanTllle. W ell, I suppose I've got to·pa.y." of tmother such ' trifling mistake.' " t hat instead of entering t he air passage it She felt in her satchel for her pockethad been forced downwar d in front of the SCOTCH, An Explanation. trachea, ploughing the aoft 1issues in that . book, bu t chimged color when she found it NEW BRUNSWICK was not there. · connection and m~king,v~hat is techinecally · " I'm sur I put it my s11.tchel " she said Mrs. Ne w Lucre: Susette, a friend of known as a folse pi·ssage. H {l,ft ~j TS ne1·vously. v" Rut no, I remember ~hen 1· mine. illforms me. thau,, on last Wednesday .Aga,in the Professor had to pull out the HR I L~~ waa lookin' at them lace fichoea yonder, I eveni_ng, _ 11.bollt eight 0 .clock, she met you t ube and agu.in H~ withdrawal was followed took it out and put it out on the conn~er. " w~lkrng m th~ P<1l'."k with my husband. Ia hy vidcnt coughin!I' ~ncl :otreams of blood. , IN STOCK. " You'll be sure to find it there, then," this true ? . . 'l'o my consternat ion Professor von Berg1 Call and see our d esigns and get our, said H enry, goiog to the next _counter. "No I Suset te (md1~n~ntly): JNond, madni;n13,; mo.an then pushed bis finger deeply into t he (H~lght, 11 inches.) one has touched t hese Jar.es & mce I sh owed Eet_ ees not, true· it vas on urs e,y evenm,,, wou nd, and on withdrawing i t tri<Jd to 1 c: TUE Eltl P JRI; since its establishment ha~ estimates llefure purch asin g t hem to you." aoout ten o clock. insert another tube. He a.gain failed, how- 1 met with unprecedented sueccss, and already The. co~nter u:as i:>iled \!ith la ces. and --- . ever , and "'gain the_attempt was followed,! ftl~ ~ j~~s,.~t~~t~~'~¥a~~ti~\;J~~:th~"~'i,1i,e;~i~'{ embro1denes. Piece after piece was hfted, NO Doubt of it. &El before, by most dist ressing coughing and . ~ EDl'I'JON in the hands of every Farmer in the but no pccket book was vi& ible. Mra. ' i'i"rst Murder·er . _ I t ell you, Bill, they copiou 3 bt6 eding. Professor von Bergm·an . . ~ ' ii Dominion this fall, the P11bU shers ha ve had .., ~ · prepared a Handsome and Lile-like Bust of 1 Walton's broad foce grew redder and redder 1 ought to do a.way with capit al punishment; then asked that his a~siztant, who was . -.B~-D ae the search progreasod. . . it"·s brut1.1.l, that's what it ia. Do you sup· waiting in his carriage .ou teide, might be ~ I! ~v m ;o;_A'); S~R J OHN MA~DONAL ' . "_I can swear on a stll.ck ?f Bi.ble~ ~ .la.id I pose if they h ang us it II atop others from stlnt for. It seemed as if he contemplated i !!.o.l'!. ii Ui'~ · \ be g1-i:on to ev;~ysuh~cr1~ert;<i tho ~\IEEli!.Y it ~1ght her e, .Yotmg man,' she _ cr,ieo. 1k n _a · commiutin' crime 1 · _ doin_g som"' fur ther operation, perhaps e n- ! 11:11' I am fully pr epared to a tt end Fu!"erals en -JU>IRt, PA.!l!l~G ONE l'EAR IN A.JaVA.Flt:E, shrill, angrr vo1ee. "I was l1~okm a t ·hte Secon d Murderer: ·I'm not thm km' of largmg t he wouud , bu t t he E ·nperor was '.ho sho1·test not1?e, at the lowest }l?Ss1bl~ra~s ONLY $ 1 P ER AN~. ~;~ here va.lensnuu ffohoo, and I l1ud my pocket· othP .rs j v.st now, but I'm bla.me sure it'll saved any fur!iher tort11re by t he a rrival ol 'Jm11l:e t s a.nd Burial Cases roadY o~ s1~i~t f ol ice -book ui;d~r ib. '.1'!1ere wa~1 three h~ndred !st op us, and yer bet yei- life it won't en- 1 Di·. Bramann on the scene. · · · H,.lf ~~~~~f:~~J1c~~~sC::1:in::-rv~gn eha ml, j{~:: NOW IS THE T~O BUBS<JRIBB, 'i dollarSln it, and its got to be found. courage the other boys. a~d .. hour after the Professor's departure eral ear<le supplied at once. Furniture Shop t& l f\ddress THE EMPIRE. TorontQ."What is the matter, Mrs. Walton!" Suow R11ome- Bounsi1ll'eNewBloek, YOUNG FOLKS. · ·r I. R. PEAT E T a1 "l g ~ .. .' ' l i I · ·aus 6 D What a Time I I Popular No. t, Boot and Shoe EfV'IPORIUM ! 1 Ne;st:k-J:;~a";;~~ Absolutely Pure. AUTHt DRS & crux, . The Ontario Loan and Savings Co. ,,TRUSSES, I --o-- 117 CHURCH ST., TORONTO, ONT. D>lt~Kglf, We We Ayer's Pills, STANDARD BANK OJ «] I ANOTH ER W O NDER. THE ·oNTAJ.UO BANK J)R. _ FOWLEH~ , ·o._ . E XT: OF,f' TRAWBERRY. HOuERA.' holeraMor.bus OL.t I C ....e.19,,.... RAMF>S ri1IARRHCEA l!JYSENTERY WEEKLY EMPIRE OANADA'S LEADING PAPER) s N SALL B 0U --------- · · --- ···--a ' BO Fine Hair Goods. LADIES, Marbie and· Granite Works, Patroni ze H om B TRADE, -- C'EMETERY . ~~ 0ni u M [ M A. DA. VIS, 0 · I I I l I l! ,,;;.JI THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND I I u;m DERTAK I I m l ! QR RI S j i ,. io I