t------- . D EA L , . 1111 ~ - ~~ - . _~13= ·. =:ra..- = -~~l\l~r B~~~l:~:~~~~~;~: :~:·t~imoha~ll~! ! ! ! !B~O K! ! ! ! !NOTIO! ! ! ! ! ! Es.~W!!!!!!!!!!!E! ! ! ! ! ! ! !AR~E~N~OT~B R~A··C .. .. -C . - 1.N , ,...._C ·· I I -. - .--.. '..,- .. . . - . -- . · - - -. '~-- -.-' "\7\/e· have received a very lf'_.:.cge consignment of Tweeds, Dress Goods, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, etc. Bought from the Trustees of a iar.ge WHOLESALE BANKRUPT HOUSE. These Goods were bought for cash at panic prices. As long as they last Scribner'· :M'agazine for October is not· able for thto varied interest of its contents ~ - .. "H o and the eminence .of its contributol'R in Thgui r ~n ·"" barle,y qu.,otion . ··· . Mr. their a_pecial fi olds of work, among them or:,. U1beon ha.a ·Jougiit ·tUite a. quantity being Lester Wallack;' the Hon. Hugh Mcof bar~ey . this l!eaaon ······ The Bethel Cnlloch, Robert Louis Stevenson. Profeaeoi: Organ 1a 1till · Arthur T. Hadl ey, and H, Ii. Bore~en. present an eq11al variety rv'LA ·.,.R11KtlE1a CtlLl'HkU.ROH. Th e 1 ·11 ustr.i.t1ons · and treatme1:1t . of 1ubject Tli The October number of Gode7'11 ia here, :- country roada are ver1 bad ·· ,··· and is f.ill of just such things .. a lady and F·..rmera are gathering their apple· and her dau~htera, if she hu any:· ind valuable turnip· ······ Mr. D. Walch preached in for autumn. Godey'a !Adv'· Book i· the · w· authority for faahiODll among mADy tbOW<N eWCaltle 1aet S 11n d ay morning. e and· of the ladie1 of America. Ua illu~tra· like Mr. Wal1h very much and taink he tions are h1gh-cl1111a,' ancl its direet.ione are ahould be one of our tra'lelliug ministera. . such as enable any lady to make her own 1 a year for this · · · · · . Clar1rn church people intend hav· · dreeses . Only two dolhm. init a grand eupper next month ··· · · Mr. most excellent .maga~ine. Write \o tho J. Orchard, teacher, ia becoming quite publishers, 1224 Arch Street, Philad~lphia, Pn popular in tbi11 place. What every woman wants is a magazin'l that gives the latest faehinn-news, first-class ·CL.ARKS UNlUN. fiction, and fine engravinge. This ie exactly Turnips al'e being gathered-they are a what can b~ said for "f'eterson"; any lady fine crop.. .. .... Mr. Jame11 Osborne, jr., hae only to glancl' over the October numb~r to see that it is a real treasury of feminine Meaford, spent a few d11.y1 with his I needs . It is replete with beautiful &teel grandfather. Mr. John Puker, recently. I and wood engravings, caroital stories. good ·· · · Mrs. R . Rowe and daughter P illy poetry, a_ n d usefol articles on miooel!aneou· are visiting h er daul?h~ei:, Mr1. J.Parker, eubjscts. This fa the time for ladies to begin Mea.ford .... MasterWilhe Berry,Haydon, gettin ~ up clubs. "Peterson'd" inducements spent a few days here r 11cently .····. Mr. to club-getters are always tempting; but the premiums announced for next year l!.re Colin Colville is eutr.. riug from a wound finer and more numerous than ever. 8 Pnd in his foot caused by being penetrated by for a sa'Ilple-copy. Term~: 1.'wo Dollars a year. Address Pete~son's Magazine, 306 the prong of a fork. F. u u. Chestnut Street, Phil!Mlelphia, Pa. boeu very 11~ 111 great!" · proved · · · · · FAarmetra arte· JUS _t ~. .,-:xi"o·~··~·a· .n July and 1 when we say if you want Worth and Wear, Style and Strength, · Choice and Cheapness, the best place is McClUNB BROS· Nothing will convince like personal inspection that for 8 easonable Dry Goods and reasonable prices, the best place is McCJung Bros. A large shipment of pure, .a ll w ool Grey Flannels, worth · 25c per yd.; we are selling for 17~c per yd. NOTHING LIKE THEM in the I;iOMINI~ .N. Another lot of beautiful ~J-It.EY UNION FLANNEL vv-or t.11 18 cts.,. selling for 12~ cts. In ordered clothing w e are strong· in style. Having secured the', services of one of the be i,~t )11tters. ; in the City of Toronto, w l10 is n ow · in charge. If you want H, perfect~ fit give us a calL I I E.NI!IELD. THE PHRENOLOGICAL J<'URNAL.-Tho YOU CAN CET BARGAINS. The Goods are all new and were bought for this season's business. Mantle Cloths, from 60 cts. up. Tweeds, all woo], from 30 cts. up. Overcoating, heavy. from 90 cts. up. Curtain N et, from 12 cts. up. Top Shirts, from 50 cts. up. TopShirts,navy all wool, from 60 cts. up. Under Shirts, from 35 cts. up. Cashmere Gloves, from 12 cts. up. ~i,li{ ~l~1sh~ all shade~, cts-: up. Mr. Albert l\foCullougl1 has ret urned from New York State ..·.·· Mr. R. Lane c&lled on some of his old friends here l~st Friday and Saturday . .·. · · Mr. J. B . R ..ynolds spent last Sat11rday and S.in· day 11t Oshawa.,,, ·· A jolly time was spent at Mr. Jno. Bray's paring bee last Thursday night .·· , ·. A great rush taking up turnips which are a very good crop .··· , , No preaching h ere nex t Sunday afternoon. Quarterly m eetm g .. t Eldad · ·. , ·. Our popular teacher, Mr. J. B. R,,ynolds, h a.s been re-enga)!.e.:l at an ir:cre"::wd sahry .· ···· . . Our boys who pl" ugh ed at the Whitby ma tell wou prize111, j Good boys . .. .. . We shall have some· · thinll g" ud to r eport for our next week's STATKSM.A.N. ENNJ.'JKJL[,l!JN . Mre. Benson Tyermt>n, of Clinton, dauuliter ,,f Mr.John Gi lbert, dit d at h er fat.her's r esidence M,) nday night, Oct. 22. The funeral on Thursday to Hampton Cemetery was a very large one. Ser· vice in the Methodist church waf5 con- j duc1 ...:i \..- » - - a <>- h ·ffhA .:l.ul; vereci a ve;; ;~;;;~~i~te";~~n,i~p~~e;i;~ . serrooµ. Mrs. 'fyet·man left her father's home here about a year ago, a blooming a nd happy bride. She was a verr attractive young lady and a great favori:e. She h ad been ill for a"me months with th ..t fatal disea' e consumption. She died vory peacefully r ejoicing in. a sure ~ud cert ..in hope of a blessed 1mmorbhty. She l eav es a sorrowing husbaud a.ncl on infant da nght«r . Tiw family have the sympathir;s of all in their great affiiction . :;om oo I Hundreds of 'B ARGAINS all through the House. C~ll and examine and oblige . Jn o. J. MASON. ( _ KrnBY. Mr. A. Marr. sr., is seriously ill. M rs · .Alex . LanR is dangerously ill. Mrs. 'f. Henderson is visiting friends iu Coldwater. . Mr. Jae. Morrow, of Bowmanville . ia visiting here. Mr. Henry B irch h11s rented his farm to Mr. John Chapman. Mr. Wm. Cooney intends. mo·ing to P eterboro in a couple of weeks. Mr. R. L1 u.g had two calla in the Undt1rtaking on Thursday, one Mr, Chas. Thompaon'n son, at Leska.rd, and Mr. Duglass, of Pon typool. A number ga·hered by invitation at the honae of Mr. W. J . Clemence on '£hursdn.y n ight, where a very pleaaant and enj oyable evening was spent. Ola:rke Council. The Art Garland. Aoi.-ount11 passed at last m eeting in addition to tho11e mentioned last WPek : IMITATED BV MANY. - EQlfALLBD llY NONE. Jof.1n Burgess, building bridge, $9 ; R L . Ralls, repairing brid~e, $2. 50 ; Wm. We call special att.ention of rea.ders of BaW;cn, work on G . R. , $10.62 j .F. t he STATE!';MAN wanting 8toves to a few of 13rilna.combe, work o~ Carscadden s hill, th e lea.din &: points of merit of " The Art $)8 ;-'i\- P atterson_, fixing was~out, 5Jig_50 '. Ga.tland, " the leading BaR e Burner of the Jae. :-Uraho.m, rathng for bn~ge, .$"'·~ 5 ~ world, and claim for it in general all of .J'aa. Orwm, wMk on W~l~h 11 hill, $S ' the advantages t.hat i.re generally claimeC:. A. Stalker, cedar, $1. 20 ' R . .Beat, for st oves of t hi s claali. eaveU·o.g, $4~.GG ; Sam!. Bo~en, cedar, 1st. T he b ot1om fine0 give greater 15.80 .; . T. Gibson, plank, $n ; J · M. 1rii.diating surfnce f ,.om the bottom of the Cob~echck, plank, $2.~0 ; D . ~cCon- stove than has ever yet blien attempted. ciach10~ gravel, $ 18 35 · .J. L. I owera, 2 nd. One of thB d istinctive feature& of 112 rod_ s w. fer_:ce, $22.50 ; . J. McKe~v~y, utility is the original patented syatem of r~p. bt.'l<1ge, $li 60 ; W · .Beal, repa.mng b ea.tina and ventilation the cold air iis bridge, ·e;\) i J . D"beon, work on road,_ . admitt;d to the 11t ove t'hrough opening OOLUMBUS. $~.50 ; · "6. Ale:ii:atJd~\ r ep. cu~~rt,J$l ' under a~h d our- the 1111pply being regu· The annual grand u nion ploughing: A Wrip.(~t, gravell_:ni.lJ $Gl.5 ! ease lated by the indicator ehown upnn tho match of the two t owneh ip11 of E ast and Wood·."'· work, $o. Sheep killed ~y front door. By this m ea.ne perfect vend C l doj?s: -Mo11ea Cowan, haH valrn~_ pa1~ , ti "l·ti' on i ' n secur"d, and the air 110 used is West Whitby t ook pl,.ce Tues ay at o S l h lf l d $0 ' ~ v umbns on the farm of Mr. Wm. Smith, $4..t>O; o m tap es, a. va ue pai ' · \ made to pass throu llh the fire, th<> same M . P. Keen competition for the bonors D ·Ii to~ Oounc il a.a air which is usually iutroduced through and prizes- the latter a~grega.ting $4008.I ng · the draft slide i n the front doot ; t hhs was the order of tha day. The winners M b imp rovement alone will r ecommend the are : 1 Regular meeting Oct. ~7t 1. em era Art Garland to all t.hinkio g consumers. a ll pref>e!lt . After r outme, ~r. Awde's First-class, men- 1. D. Little, Mark· 3 rd T h e entire· back of t h a stove ia report 011 R . Pascoe's complamt a.bout a I used ~s a bot air chamber, the cold air h&m; 2. G . Marxuis, Whitby t o wnship ; road wu .e,dopted. ~r · . Worden 'Yas entering at t h e .base of the stove and 4. J, R. Robb, Whitby township; 6. G eo. deputed to consult .sohc1tor respecting beinu discharged in a highly lieated con· Stock.,, Columbus. . o throuuh openings which a.r e on a water eourao complarned of. by Mr. J. d i ' t1 Seco ud class, m en- 1. W. W. M cBrien, 00 B t H '\'Y H Rogers us t o b e em "' Kinsale; 2. Lampson Roberts, Columbus; {0en sd t 0 d ! fine 'the' boundaries of gravei level with ~b e pipe c.ollar, addin~ gr eatly 3. Walter Moon, Reach; 4. Geo.Jackson, d . to the h eatmg capacity of eachlaize. P. Y M F.I J ff S - M St h Scurrog 0 pit bought from r. ' e ~ry. 0 r em Tl1e fira -pot is ex tra large - and is so cu gog; 5 · ' one ouse, · ec.1. f llo 11 · Wm Creeper u Extra class, m en, in sod- 1. J ohn were. pass T &s $.1 . seiection of arranged that i t can be bk.en out through Weathnboy, R each. r epairs on own a · ' . . t h e front door without taking the st ove 8 1 W Jurors , $9 ; Gale & JameA, pr mtrng, apart as can the g rate and in fact the First-cl&se, boya under 1 yea.rs- · . $2 80 · Thoe. Penfonnd, sheep d amages, t ' ' . 'd f t h r ' ' ' Field, Columbus. ' " h h J d o11>ll 33· en ire msi e 0 e s o ve. Stubble class, men- 1. Myram . Martin, $6 ; Ric · · ~uc · s ieep amagee, 'II' · '. The grate is nn improvement over what 3 G L. M. Cr urtioo, sheep damages, $6 66 , has b een used heret ofore. '£he dust Ragl11n; 2. H . Coa ts, Shirley; . _eorge J :uac S alter, J.02 loitda of gravel, $5.JO.; dam er check dampe-r and direct drah Moore, Shirl.-y ; 4. ~- T. Coots, Shirley ; Mrs. Sully, 12 loads of gru.vel, ~O cents ; dampper'a re ~n upon the same side of t h e 5. John J effery, Prm ce Albert ; 6. John Indigent peroons~Wellel'1 ~£· ; Luff, t Allen, R each ; 7. J ohn Jackson , Scugog; S ' d G1 ~F h · ft · " nt. 8 ove. 8. Wm. Winnacott. Enfield. . ~i:oul R'!_ ~a!, . } w~l; a. : )?gve the mica section are ,three reStubble cl ass, boys- !. John Birkett, · 'Ourtice uornt.·1 au" o.n. $i e.a.cb. · ~ · "' l'ch cast a blaze of light from winnacott , E n fieId ; 3 · L · ~ ' d R 1: · · D Hector _.. R each ; 2. B. Campbell, Lano, Heo.r , o nnson, G an, ·h t' t of the stove . Ther e arc H d R 4 A T urner 1 1 1 ~~ otphe ina· "ine t h 3.t can posaibly azz ewoo ' a~ an ; · · ' T rick , Stacey ti.nd Staples, $3 ea.ch ; Or·/ " e. e~ t h. M 0 p . no Jolll .,1n <>t 't b . ll S cugog; 6. Fred Ashton, E nfield ; 7. Jae. 2 chard and G regory, $· eac ' u. am : leak from putty fallin g ':'..'11 " 1 emg 8· Morrison, Brooklin; 8. Fred Moore, Col· b ell, $1.50 ; t otal, $66. 60. Council t . n e p 'i ece '.l'h e awin cover ie b · . S , _::. N 24th · t 10 ca,, m o · "' us. ad3ou rned to a.uroay ov. · · a d ouble a.s in all Art Garlands , . "n d u m 8ulk 17 nloi:u1" - Henry Doolittle, Col · a m R WINDATT . d -~ 1 · ,,, ·~ ... · · ·T . I . 'c1~rk very p erfectly iitte ·. . . u m bus. . _ ., , · · · , ~wns np . · . · A n adeq?ate des~ription_of thIB.won~e~~ ~'-- .!:e evening Hodson's hotel at RagGoon HousEKEEPIN'CI oft'ere~ $100 iu ful s to ve 18 p~ac~ii:all:y !mposat.ble · ·· Jan was cr owded . All t~e 1uccessful <:ash prizes for the best eradrnat or11 for p ossesses all t ..e .tune-tried feature~ ~f ploughmen were served with supper at Buffalo bugs, t ed bugs, moths, flies and meri t. t<? be found ID other etoves nn . 18 six o'clock. T h en followed the general flee.a and from the r esponae it would so stnkmgly beaut~ful_ and so r e plete witP. banquet and speeches, and the annual el· see~ as though every o n e in the land new features that it IS sure t o out.r~nk ection of officers of the eocieby. They thou ht they had a r emedy. The Eto- any base burner that has eve~ been ma e . are : molo~iBt of the U n ited S taten Department f It must be see? t~ ~e appreciated, C:i..ll . Presid&nt- J ohn Vipond. of Agriculture, Wash ington, D . C , was at L. Geo. Q 111ck fl. &tore, one door .e~ t cf Vice-President - Jae. Stocks, sr. S ecretary-Alex. Wilson , 0~$n.~ed to dec~de the ma.~ter. His d~- the ST.A TES~AN Offioe, to see the difler ent clliton appeP.rs ID No. 91, JUSt ou t, and is styles and 11izes. Treasurer-J. D. Howden . sold everywhere. Every family should e Directors, Ei.st Whitby- John Martin, have this copy in their house for referen ce THE A <:E OF l\{OJJE:&NMAN.- P eople ar e R&glsn; 'l'. M. Luke, Columbus; George when emergencies arise. Addree! Sprin g· fond of saying that " mankind is growing Minty, Columbus. Whitby - A. Kerr, wiser and weaker." But is it r eally 110 ? Ashburn; Wm. Kerr, Brooklin ; John field, Mass . The first successful blood-purifier ever L et us gl&nce at the facts. According to Morrison, Brooklin . offered l;o the public wa..a Ayer's Sa.rsap ar- tho latest statistics ther e are more centen Mr. Wm. Thompgon, t h o ol d citizen, illa. I mitators h ave had their day, but aria.ns now living thau at any p r eviou s was chairman. Prominent amongst the soon abandoned the field, while the de· time in the h istory of the world · Why 1 epeakera were Mayor McGee, of Oshawa, mand for this incompara.ble medicine in· Beoause of the great discoveries i n m edi· who also gave a reading;, Dr. M c Brien) creases year . by yea r , and was never 110 c&l science which afford him immunity Oshawa; Mr_ Wm . Smith, M . P. for great al!I at present. :t from diseases that formerly d evaetated So uth Ontario; and P ost master I;Iowden., " '1 'I' h mankind. G reatest of them all is Dr. of Whitby. Y A T BitRIBLE T EN E.AR S. - ~" rs . omu h 'I'he enterta1 '11ment concluded A t an d 11 the Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, t e Acres of H unt 1 y, 0 n t ., su er e a · d t f th early hour t his morning. tortu;ell of liver complaint for ten years. _ best blood-purifier an renova or o e Four bottlea -uf B . B. B. entirely cu.i:ed aae. Scrofula , .f ever' sores, tumors, un· VlCTOlllA. .:.t.RROLI«! !IA.I.'\' E 18 a woncl~r· ghtly ulcers ~nd erupti? n s v~uisb like ruI h eallua: .,001 pound for 1;11fll. '\vouncls~ h er making h er lik e ·a new woman agam, - ai' bruise~, bftrn§, sealtl~, bolts, pucs. pJmpJu;. aft~r other med~inea bad failed t o relieve . m agic b eneath its benelic1ent mflue;ce . d't\ .her . much talked of Queen Nathalie, of servis., is. the subject of the first page of the October Phrenelogical Journal and Science of Health. A strong and warm type of constitution is noticeable in her portrait. The eminent Ilruasels artist, Ports.els. Bishop William Taylor, and a Seneca Indian Chief are portrayed by pencil and pen. A obser· ver comments on the eara of criminals, and a rising your divine give eomo personal tests of the sciencAin No. 5 of "A Budget of PaperA." 'rhe Journal is published at 20c. a number. or $2 a year, but it is offered "On Trial," three months, including this number, for 25 cents, -;vhicb m1>y be sent in stamps to the puliahers, Fowlew & Will!~ Co., 777 Broadway, l;'fi;w j"9rl\. Litteli'e Living- .Ago . The numbers of The L iving Ag" for the week~ Elnding Sep· tember 29th and October 61h contain Chaucer and the Italian R enaia·ance, My '1'1·-ii.sure, A winter in Syri... John Ward, Preacbe1 · by Archdeacon F arrar. Mr. Foster and lreland, 'l'he Services .,f Catho· lie Missionaries in the East to Natural Science, Admiral Coligny, The Glorif'ed Spic.ster; Milital'y Genius, by Lord Wolseley, Recollections of Mr. Forster, An Artist on Tour, 1'1'e Qentrnl- Asi1 rn R11.ilwn.y Shakespeate and Modern "lame," Cornish Ci;istom~ of To·day,the conclusion of "Nl\t," and poetry_and miscellany. A new volume began Oc·ober l st . For fifty.two numbers of sixty four large tiages each (or more than 3,::JOO paf:es a year) the subscription price ($8) is low; while for SJO 50 the publishers ofi'er to 3end any one ')f the American $4.00 monthlieg or weeklies with The Linni;: Ago for a yec.r, both postpaid . I,ittell & Co., Boston. are the imblishers . Frank Lei;lie'B Sunday l\hg~zine for N ove" ' her continues the beautiful story, "Genevieve; Or, '.l'he Chiidren of Port Royal." and in addition provides a chii.rroi"ll' Thank·i.iiving story. by F annie Aymar Matb ~w 2 , entitled "A L eaf from the L og of the N eitj e." There is ala·~ a st.ory. "A Chann of l:iallowPen," by t.1r·. Alexander . "The St..ry of Zenana Missions" is w~ll t old by .Emma Raymond· Pitma.n. '" harlea Bacon t ells us abont "The .1<.volut1on of Gan:.ing," and Dr. 1'alm..ge preaches on · ·'T'he l\hrtyrs of Lifo." in the Home Pulpit In the poetrv, a pl\ge of sonnets on "The fl ereafter," by Bishop Alexander of lJerry nod Rapboe, will attract attention, There are several other fine poems, and a whole bookful of Hhort and interestinl! articles and sketches. The pictorial features of the number are as abnndant as evur ...nd som~ of the pictures are verJ beautiful. 'J'he last page is occupied with an exquisit. o composition by C . Wenham Smith, organist of Plymouth Churr:h, Brooklyn. to Faber' hymn. "Pil~rims of the Night." McCLUNG EXECUTORS' IN- '·~:j.2 .: '.:·,, . · . _"i S ,._~ j/ .I,. i_ \) I · ' ;; Sign, Golden Sl1E j e p, . V .,,..I ·r.:;:· Bo\TTMAN vv l .J ~ .Lu.~1 . . , ...... SA R·~~ ~ ·{~al.1 ---'!. F SALE OF LANDS VALUABtJ: fA,RM·l ---.. Towns hip of Da:diu i'.fto:ri And R esiden ce and 01,lrnr L the Town of l:~ o:i;.vma1ivill e:--fua·· ~~- ..._ In t h e matter of the Estate of property of ·u <lmnur1 Burk. LUCIA BURK, late of the Town of Bowma.nville, in the I have received inB truct.I n" lrnm MR . EDMUND G. BU lt K. of Cam pbollfo rd , t.o oau«·:· i"' be o f!erodforsa.lo · Oounty of Durham, widow, de- by Public Auction at thu sai;10 tit"e 1tnd place as t~e · ceased. 1<cconip;my !n~ a&lo of t ho U JGl A BUJ:K Etitil.tc, the · t o!IO\rlnll' pnrcels of h n d: I have reoeived instruot!ons from the Ex- PARCEL 1.-All of L<,t. H in t.'i" H·ol<cn Front Con· ecutors of the Wiii of the latl' Lucia Burk to , cession of the · nld Tow11"hl" of n1."·1;",1-0r1 , intboCoun· cauee to tie offered for sale by_ P ublic Auction; l ty of Durham. This fa <'~!' will t~0 !">kl llt. "°much per : at the Rnebotlom House In the Town of Bow· acre. and the acreago " 1<l ho net&rmll\etl -by actnal i m anville, on ' 1n.eaaurement and t:11 irvo.v . lt i i. su;.·pr,~e1l t.o c<>nt.'\ln BOWMANVILLE. NOTICE -TO-- or Hif s I ' I I I Barley Wanted. J OH N LYLE, I of rich clay loam. It. 1· i.( :.not.;·d about ono nnd: a hair milOB lrom the poet <>file@i·· 1 l"O ITIMnvillc, and' · · about three quarter· ot a mllo f«>m the stntion, and . 1888, at the hour of 1 o'clock In the afternoon one and a bait mllea !l'Om tho whe;r. SeY eral acre9 or: · booch and maple of fine h·althy · t<>C k la still on the · the followlnll' very valuable properties : PARCEL I.- Lote 137 and 138, in Block K , in farm ~ The house, outhuilrl!ngs and-lenocs u c l11good· .. said Town of Bowmanville, fronting on Scugog condition. Ono-tooth of tho pu. rcha·· money '"to be ~Id d~wn . Street. '!'his le the most comfortable an<l comURSUANT to Revis~d :Statutes of On- mod!ous . realdenco in the Town of Bowmau· 11t timo ol sale, and enough t~ m~l<o one third m thirty c can ho earned 1.hrough n. mo~c · · tario. 1887, Uhapter 110, notice is h ereby ville hns been tor many years t he site of thEl days, tho balanc_ given to the Creditora of Lucia 8 urk, late Homestead of the late .Tohn Burk, and since on the farm at six per cellt. per ~.m iun! , J?aynble half.hie death, or bis widow, tbe late Lucia Burk. yearly, or tho whole al110Lll1t (·An be paid m CASh. of thll town ·of Bowmanvil!e, widow, dehouse, which Is a frame one, has been PARCEL II.- Part.. of Town Lr·· 19, 20 M d 21 in' ceased, to send on or before Thursday , t he The always, and is now. In t-he vei·y best state of 'Blook 33 in Bowmanvl!lo. Conrn:,0n«lng at t he inter-· FIF1'EENl'H DAY OF NOVE MBER, repuir, hoth se re11"1<rds the state of the building ' section of the ea.·t side of l:cnt1 '<:'<! r.. et "'ith ·t he south' 1888, to D . BUBK E SIMPSON, of the 1.'own as in painting. It is in perfect order, The eldo of" lario running north of 1>b0rc montioned lob,. of JJowmanville, in the f'Jounty of Durh11m, main portion or t he house Is one and a ha.If : thence south "long Centro ~tre.et ·1 1 ·hal11s, 13 links,. ·l ·!ol'!y llre chaine, 38· Svlicitor for Edmund G . Burk P.nd T>a.vid storeys and has oommodious and convenient j (272 feet 7 lnche&, about) lhence < additions for kitchen. woodshed, &.c. I s finks, (365 feet, about) thence northerly f chain% , 13' Galbraith. Executora of th e last will and with a hot air furnace, 'l'he stable.I li nks to ·ald lane, thence iveste1ly 5 oba hl$, 53 links tO' testament of the said Lucia Burk, their furnished coach house and ico house acljolning are 01 the placo of bcglnnimc, a11d also eo1 nmcnoing · t o meal!· Christian names. surnames, addresses, and brick. and a small building to the front of ure at the Intersection o f the " est sitlo of ·Liberty deacriptions, with full particulars of their same taken with them could easily be conver t· street with ·aid fane thence sonthcrly 2 chains 5 links, claims in writing, and the nature of the ed into a. separate house. .All the proper> v is (Wu feet l inches. a bout) the11cc westerly o chains '1:1 securities (if any), held by them, and that well drained. There is a largo gardon behind links, (317 feet 10 lnche·, about) thence southerly 2 after the said 15th Day of NovA mber, 1888, the house which ha~ been well oared for and is chaluo ;, link·, thcnco "a"terly 5 chains 27 links to Lithe said Executors will proceed to c.listribute stocked with a number of fine fruit trees and berty street, thence northorly 2 ct1·.ins 3 links to tho fruit. .A handsome lawn is at tho front place of begiuning. the atiflets of the estate of the deceased small of t ho house, 'l'hls Is a most valuable proper ty This property is ebaped like the letter L, it h:l9 a among the parties 1 mtitled t heret o, having and would make a comfortablo home. trontag ·o on Centro i trcct of about 272 feet 7 inches, a. r egard only t o tile claims of which the eaiu P .AIICU:L II.- .A part of lot 1::1!1 in Block K, i n frontaga on the lane 11.bo re 11ienti<>·ied ol about 3~5 t1 ·cct o! & hout 1SGfeet E xecutors shall have received notico at the said 'l'own of Bowmanvillo, described 11s com- !cot, a nti a frontag-e o n Li berty N time of such distribut ion , and that all claims menclog at rhe South·ea1t an~le or said lot, 4 iuchea. It contains 3 ~C<'e·. l w o<l, 17 pcr«hos. Has thence running West alonir tho southern sido n fine two 'torey Lrlck house ~H33 with " brick nddiof which the said Executor11 shall not have said lot 119 feet. thence In & Northerly di- t iou to ·amo. Tbs hou·~ contains nil tlw modern im· r eceived notice at the time of such distribu- o! rcction 71 feet to Churoh Street, thence s.lon~ provoments, has a b·th roun1 ttnd '"'ter C-loset, is heat. · tion shall be considered to bo wai veu and Church Street E11sterly 95 foot, thence in a ed by a hot air lurn&<;6, nnd i· lighter! with Burn~· the said Executori;. will not b e liable for th ~ Southerly direction 12 feet to the place ot be· Ga· !Iachino, the plpln!! bein>: lni< l ntl m·cr the house. said assets or any part ther eof t.o auy person irinninll', r eserving however, out ot eame the Tho cellar i· farge and well M 'tangerl. T ho rooms o. r<i of whose claim notlce shall not have been piece of above land to the west of t he house on conveniently arran~ed and ceilit1ga hi~·J1. It is in gooc\. r eceived by them a.t the time of such dis the premises. On the3o premiaoe is a brick repair. cottago with three rooms In main body or /I. frame stable 'l': ith d>'ivtng hou c lo phcc<\ l\ · · OO?fi· tribntion. b_ o uea on the flret ftoor itnd a good o_ellar of ~II .di·tance from the house and weil amt11Ked "" th"'b.ix:: D. B U RKE SIMPSON, lllZ~ or the house underneath: & kitchen w~th stalls for h orsus, a room by itself for " <' OIV ~;,tt the· Solicitor for the said E xem1tora. pantry a.nd coal house at back, built of brick coal ~hed· a1 1 d ,,·ood bouo«B arc vor.-· con,. '· t to·tn~ Datell a i Ql_l\Vl!l~nvi)le 1 thi$ 9th day of m summer of 1~87. TbC? whole house waa llouse. A \\1udmill with clcvMcd tanlr 1 "'"l '"n 0 , 'tlre U!c.>rou~bly ren!!-1r~<t !1,:Ud unproved lately and premise· and pipoo lll'C 1..icl l r om it ·' , · \ 'Ji! "~~ounds October, l&~'t is now .n excellent condition. for ws.terlng purpo·es. T he K:tr< k ' ~d rohnrcl are 41-lit. P ARCEL JlI.- Lot 1&1 in Blook I, and tile , well stocked with la.,.;o f<nd ;;m o" ,· 11~" ~d the ra e South 1-a linka or 1'own lot 185, in said Block, I vines are In good benri11J? C.{·r dltl~r1 ··1r~e gard~n ~s the latter piece beipg subjeo~ to right of.owners l q_ uiLe ·t l10 e<lrllest in tnwu,- · t b.e g:r~~:,c;~ beauty co)lot lot ISOand the N.orth 17} !mks, ot 18/i m sa.me a111¥ In tho fine treo., ca "~"" prlncip ;ly for their Ioli: Block to uee eal}le m common w ith t~e. owners ~ure, about the Ia\!n "" ...i front 1 ,._rt, ,;r t.lie house. Thi1< 1 ot lot 18! and said south 17~ links of 185 m Blook _ "'ithout exception. the iil'ost' rc- 8iliencu In Bowm:on·1, of nsmg same 11.e a lane to get to the rear of v!llo. tholr respeotive properties, s n!1 o~ ustn~ the . PA.ROEL III .- -Part or Lot 9 111 }':iodt :Ji in Bowroo.n - weq on same. On thjs property >S situated two_ ·ille. Comp·.~ucing on south houndoq· of said ' Lot · e . !lDll detached dwelhngs and are good pronernumlier,II. , o lmnce North 131 reet , thcn_ oo eas . t< l l7! feet -. ties either to rent or to purchsB!I for prl~11.te th~nco ..outh "l<>ng t h o rostorn oou,1 dary- 1s1 feet,_ The high e3t prica<J p::i.id residences, The?" are well dramed e.nd are tlic,nrftl wlll!ktly along t he 11ori;h of<l.,·or saili°l:rne H 7j , most desirable propert!oa. ,e.,innin:;r, contal"lng 2t perches : lee... to tho place or 1 PARCEL I V:- .Apart orlot 2£, tnBlock K, 1n ,_ . for any quantity of Barley 5 im ue.t-Od " gO said Town of Bowmanvllle Th is lot bas · ( On tb... property 1 · )<t fra m o house and ' fronta ge on Bcugog Str~et h r 1 chain and lu.s 00... ~··1 as tho hr,u".'i for o,~ "'"" eml1 loyed with . delivered at my E levator or links (1071 feet~ by :!8~ lin!ts (about 25 ft. (l ill th'1 ·aOO'<'e rwrdcnco as it rn conl'elllcr.t.ty situated ·for · on Kin"' Street 'l'his 18 a vacant lot 'ut' trom "".""! P'l t"p_OSO, ~ei ng ahout 2() foot fro,.1 t])z lot con· at the Wharf ) also for other · ,. di ' i t· "' d l 1··' "· d to.mmg so;1 d l'ostdenoo, "' · its comman nir POil t (),, an oca i,..7 1s a ePARCEL IY.- 8ix .acren of lAn·l lfH>rc or lc"8 ,.;. ;~ grain and farm produce. drable properly. - - 10iu 'b lio lst <J.in~e··t~n of flnr ·i<>Kl<.J« now iorming. . . ,psrt·o! BOW'R1a11v1llo. Tin· ts ill.I( ncr.., of yacnnt land TEn:M s Ob' S.A'tll:. - One·tonth of purohaee -al!:Jolning Pinch.'· Nur~ory ·lld bd;i11,1 tho residence money at date of sale and enough to me.ke'One ; ·cJl Thomu Burden on Lioo1 ·iy ~treer.. The dCS<>riptioIJ bait of same 1'll thirty daye, and the beJ&nc.e in · ls 't.<;in fon~ for insertion lwre, but wi'I bo made known BOWMA:NVILLE. caeh at !!&id time, or oan be carried on ·mort-: · ~· ·timo or sale. It is ve1 7 valtmLlo tor pasturo land , gage on tb'c premieea for five years, wi th in· : ·o~ g:aril~ning purpo,;c;;. tereet at the rate of six per oent, per ·o:nnnm, ; _'I'l!iRMS FOR .PARCELS u, III, IV.--Ono-fonth ~l t timo ol Sulc, cno11,h to make one· pay!Ll>le half yearly, with such te~ms as. to 'purchallO m o ney & ··- - - - ...- --- - - - - - - · - - - -· pa.ring back the whole or any portion ·or tbe ; ·hall'ln thirty d~ye, the btllanoo cnu loo !lithe . r Id in prlnolpal money a~ the end ot any year·as the , · cash, -~r·carried by mcrtMagoe on t.ha preinises ~ 'n, Education 111 eB11entlal to sucoosa may desire, 'intereat'at 6ix per oon ~ per 'ID nu b 1 ~~V,: · In in any calllnll' in lire. Tho :beet purchaser ll'urther terme and conditions ot·eall:! 'Will bu , ·yei.rly. ' ui , paya e A f. ·and 111oet Pra.ctioal Daelnes11 Educat.ion oan be &le. Putt'1or terms and oow.lii,ioni! ,.:111 t, 11 mac!~ Jmown h¢ ·at the Northern Buei.DeBB College, Owen made known at date of B I<'ol' any further partlculors apt;>l;y to the " 11t tho tlmo of Sale. ,. ~ ·s ound, Ont. undorsigned Solicitor for E DMU ND G. Dume """or'·ru1 1 b t t. ti 1 Tho only Busin11011 Colleire In Ca11adaownlna- or C!!.mpbe1 lford, and DAVID G'Ar.BR Al'l'R , oi ~- · 9r, e .~.ror en{: PH en'"" apply to .tho ' the premise» they oocnpr . You got first class WhltlJy, tho Exccutora o! the lo.et Will :ot· undenngn&l Sohmtor tor , Dl! ONn·i.;, llLRK, tile vendor. "& coommodatlon and the best attention by L'ut<u. B URK. . l>atOO Gtb Oct ., la&i, . . , 0 . ll llHli ~ S IMPSON "competent teachers. Dated ·a t 'Bowwonvillo;October 6th, ·1888, Of Bowmu ' ilk ; 8'!-lidt~r · for Edmu n d G Iiurk. .. for Annnal Announ~ment Riving 'D, DURR'E SI MPSON, 'LETT A. TOLE, full particularo, to C, A. Fleming, - "o~·Hbwmauville. St>llcitor. ~ t\ueti'onc~r. Prlnolpal. -H--ll 110 1 0<1 CREDITORS_ ovem-~er ~~~~;;:.:.'irh;"'th;~~~~~~l:i'~;~1q1~~~1\~:io~~i~t ~~n1i~ Sat-ur~a~I the 3r~ OaJ of N I1 In the matter of the Estate of the late Lucia Burk. P l ,. 1 0 · · .. 6 2 'i 'iilllllill················tl' I 8uslilESS WRITE Pitcher's Oat.tortf;