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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1888, p. 2

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'a!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~ dissolvingsuga.rin th~plPl'ortion of three Cll.'l'A.RRD. HOUSEHOidDo pounds of sugar to one pint of water. Many ~TIE CANADIAN STATESMAN persons prefer the flavor ol syrup of A New Home Treatinent tor &be ot --~-·..· .. - ~ . - - - - - -- ~· ~M···,.··-- .. ------ . _ Orleans sugar to that made of the white. C'aturll, CafarrbaJ Deafness, and Rice griddle cakes are VP Y delicious..The Bay t'e-ver. -BYIt ie not because wives and childrea rice is cooked until perfe "1 ,Jy ~oft, dra.u:ed The microscope has prove that these cold and cruel, nor yet because they sel- dry ma.shed with a spoon nnt1l the grams dlseases are contaglo 1s, a.nd that they are . "'~~'.:~'.:'.~· ······· ·'·""··"- ·· , t..I ' fish, but only because of thoughtlessness or are 'well broken up. For e11ch cupful of rice due to the presence ot living parasites in the > ,,,., ,-., ~:.;.,.,s._A't THB OJ!'EICB: wrong tr!linir1g, tha.t father occupies the take two eggs, one pint of milk, one heaping linina membrane of the upper air passag!'>s ~~~r · ·~--1 k JU Str t B unenviable position in his own home that ie teaspoonful of powder, one·ha.lf tea.spoonful fs't~ i ~~g~fi'.aii~~~6;~nl~~iS1!1~~<lf.!r:~~~;: W ~· beg to:announce~that we will begin~aJ--;;':;~== "'·' omce B~{i. 1~ o:larioce ' owmnncharacteristic of the majority of households of salt, and flour et>ough to make a. thin bat- and these authorities cannot be disputed. to·d·11y. Whetherit is iu the family of tha ter. The rei<ul1u methol ortrea.tiag the dlsea.aee ' ' T E R M: S ·n· · · th t f th e man wh0 e k es For horniuy C!!>kee take two cupiuls of cook- even is to apply an irritant remedy weekly end mi iona.ire or in a. 0 daily, thus keeping the delicate mem· ,..i, i<'I )'fl" Ann11m, er $1 l f 1·ahl In aclvnnce. out an existence on the m~s~rable }litta~ce ed bc;miny and crush it with a potato ma.sher brane in a constant state of irrf· a :ion, -""payment strictly tn advance required from ?f oi:ie dollar a. day, the position h~ occupies until i t is a smoo~h Add one level accompanied by violent sneezing, allowing tuosoribers outside of the county, Ord~rs to m his own home is ~he same-simply the teaspoonful of !!alt, two teaspoonfuls of ba.k- it no cbance to heal, and aE a natural conse· mpamed b t f th f 1 th b queue of such treatment;not on~ ptrmanent 1liecontlnue the paper mullt b e acco Y suppor er 0 e a.mi ~· e one on w 0 '? · Ing powder, and one cupful of fl.our. Stir to- cure ha.a ever been recorded. It is an of DRY GOODS and CLOTHING on a amount due,orthepape wil not bestoppe!1· depends the easy runnmg of the domestic f "Bli.bSOrlbers areres:vonslbleunti rullpaymentur · . . gether; then add by degre~s one quart o absolute faot that these diseases cannat be ~ 1..:.-iaae mac~inery, ~ncl wh~se pc:s11nal feelings milk, and lastly three well· beaten egi;s. Bilke cnred by any applbation made oftener than receive very httle consideration · once in two weeks, for the membrane must 'BATES OF ADVERTISING i S ~ ' · in thin cakes. get a ohan Je to heal before any appli !a.tionn . . ., 00 m,., /!! 9f course, t~~re are ma.ny exceptions to Very delicate and delicious cakes is repeated. l ti s now 7 yrs. since Mr. Dixo 11 hole Column oneyea.r ...... · ...... .,60 !"' ~"' ~?1s rul~;-famihes where the very name ?f by allowing two teaspoonfuls of baking pow- discovered the parasite in Catarrh and form · We want and must have about $10,000 before Dec. 31st, and in order 00 Half year ··· .... "· .. 36 oo ;:: ~ father seem.s hallowed, and_ where his der a.nd one-half tea.spoonful of to one ulated hia new treatment, and since then h is . " " ~ t ts d d t be 1der d above re medy has become a. household word in t o get the money we will sell goods so cheap that customers will see ·" " One quarter ....... .. 20 1.a.11 Column one year ............... 86 a es a.n esi;e~ mus cons ~. qu a.rt of milk, and sufficient corn meal, mix· avery country where the English la nguage l " Half year ............ ·· 20 all .?thers; buu ID many mor~ fa.mi.hes, an ~ 1g !1.11 into a smooth, thin batter; no eggs is s ~oken, Cures atrected"by him seven plainly tb e great difference between o::-dinary and ext raordjnary One quarter·~ ......... 12 50 ~ntirely different ~ta.te of a ffairs e~ists. . It or bu tter are used for these. The cakes bak e a.go are cures st ill, there having been no bargains. We single out for the cheapest slaugh ter Dres8 Goods, Silks, " 01\n~tter Co~:ixr.n ~::~ ~ gO 5 is a fact bey on? dispute that a mans family quickly to a rioh deep brown ,',a.nd ex- re~i;;~i~~~:~~s~~:~e rel"edies "valued, and Flannels, Cottons, Tweeds, Cloakings, Blankets, H osiery, and Men's " " One quarter........ 8 00 must look to hi.m. fo~ support, C _?mforts and tremely tender and light. so grea ; is the demand for them, t hat ignor· pleasures,_ and 1t !S right that this should be A very d elicious, sweet pa.ncake is made ant imitator s have s tarted up everywhere, Furnishings. But Boys' and Men's Suits, Pants, and O vercoats will be i'cin lines and under ,first insertion. Bach aubsequen tinaertion ...... 0 25so. But it ~lso right that re~son should be by taking one pint of sweet milk, four eggs, pre tending to destroy a parasite, or which sold at any sacrifice. It is an admitted fact that we can and clo underrom ai:xto ten linee,ftretinsertion 0 15 ·.. allowed to Judge bow far this depen .d . enc.e t wo t able·poonfula of pow~ ered · ugar, two t hey know n othing. by r emedies the results Ba-ch subsequent insertion...... 0 S5 h ld I h k f I " " of the application of which they arc equally sell all competit ors. With fresh reductions n ow from 15 to 25 per 1>·er tenlines,first insertion,perline 0 1 0 -10 s o_u go. _ .ave nown some ami ies ID tablespconfuls of melted but ter, one t ea-· i~ norant Mr, Dixol'.'e rem dy is applied cent., t he prices must be the lowest ever seen in Bowmanville. Bach subsequent insertion· " 0 03 which the pos1t10n of t?e hea.d of the house apoontul of baking powder, and fl.our enough only once in two weeks, s nd from one t o "The number of lines to be reckoned bY _ seemed a most unenviable one, where he to make a modera.tely thin b~tter, lfoat the taree a pplications effect aperronnent cur e in Wl1111paceoccupied,imeasured bya scaleot a.ppe.ared to be regarde.d merely as. a money- egg" wh1 "tes and y o · lk· separ~tely, until w· ll most aggravated cases, N . 6.- For ca ta rrbal An early call from our old steadfast customers is respectfully requested, ·.Dl'dN u l I d ~ troubles peculiar to females this remedy ig a because that means a call from aE their friends as well. Our Great onpare · . 1."ettmg! want -supp ym~ m'.1-c nne, . an frothed, s b ir the but t er, sugar and one cup- specifi c. ··~================--. where ~b was necessary for him to give. so ful of flour, int o which the baking powder :Mr . Dixon senils a pt u nphlet describing his Cheap Sale of 10 years ago is still remembered. The present sale will much time and ~hc:ught ~o others, to str~ve has been mixed , into the yolks, t hen add 1 uew rreat~ent on 1he r!lce\pt o ( ~en cen is in DBS, lttcLA.lJGIIIIN &: BEITH, be far more sweeping and thorough. to the u tmost limit of his powers to gratify the milk If needed add more flour Bake stamp~. ,lhe a ddress 1s A, H. Dixon & Son . . 0FFIOE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BO"WMANVILLE. s d p l · t t · . ' ' : F03 Kmg street west, 'l'oronto, Oanada.-dea·r ~i e an su PY rcquiremen 5 as 0 .ex m sma.11 ca.kes, butter each one as it comes · S ci.entific:Arnerican. We would respectfully request an early settlemem of Book accounts/ Dr.J.W.McLAuGBUN., Dr. A. BEITH, Gradu· elude ~II thought ot se1f and leave no time froni the fire, place four in a pile, with very - - - - - - - -licentiate of the ~?Ya! ate of the Toronto for enJoyi_ne? t or r~st. · . thin layers of any kin d of sweet jelly be, Sufferer s fron catarrha.I troubles sbould College of Physicians 1 ·nd member of the University, Physician· tween and powdered sugar over tihe top, carefully read the above. U:hat this IS true, is ca.used much by1ha.b1t l!CJtal College of Sur· Surgeon, &;c. a.nd wrong instruction, Children are taught They ~hould be baked very thin and four During the sale due bills will be t aken on a cash basis only. ·'i!EODB, Edinburgh. from early infancy to look upon " father " served to each person. Bowmanvi!le, Oct, 3rd, 1888. 10-3m a.s the gra.tifier of all wishes a.nd desires, DB, .J, (), llllTCJIEI,:r,. come to believe that it is in his rower 'M EMBER OF COLLEG-E OF PHYSICIANS Economica.l Receipts. to promote the fruition of every wish, and ·,, ·and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. H AM ToAST.--Mix pounded cold ham with ·'01Doe and Residence. Ennisklllen. 7'l. grant every request; and as t hey grow this ., habit natura.lly grows with them a.nd stays bes.ten egg, season with pepper, lay it on DR, ll, (), Jl1·JJC1"111!1L. only to he tra nsferred from father to hus- but tered, and put iut o a hot oven for . ICENTIATE OF ROY.AL COLLEGE band, when exchanging one JJrotector for five minutes. CJIICKEN P UDDING -Cu a chicken into of Ph;ysicisns. London, Eng. ;Member of the other, and is, in tllrn, transmitted to (,:oll(!'le 01 Fhysiciens anil Surgeons. Ontario. children. Thus, the evil of misunderstand· pieces, season, and dredge with flour ; place i::·c:nol!Rlt .AND RESJDE?SCK:- Eear of Messrs. ing the rightful p)sition of the father in his in a. ha.sin with a 1ew mushrooms, previously lii11ginhoth11m's Drug Store, Bowmanvi!le, household grows and brings other evils in stewed with but ter. Add some gri.vy, 6-lyr.* its train lfather's occupation of " runnini;;" cover with thin paste,.and steam two hours. B . LA!llllllllA.N' !II. J),, U. 111,, things, keeping everything "moving," has Serve in be.sin. Wheni meanmerelvto stop them sayCumi:Idonot f or 11, t ime, aud th en have theni rebeen his rn Jong, his posit ion is so thoroughF RENCH BEANS SALAD. - String some turn ai.:am. I MEAN A RADI CAL CURE. a ' 1\11 EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHY- ly established a.nd is so firmly believed in, I have made the disease of French beans, a.nd boil them whole in plenty -- J..l'..L cllCI.ANS AND SU11GEONS,Ont. Office and R ~ldfnce : Enniekillrn, Ontario. that seldom is he thought of as one deserv- of salted water. When cold, dress them ing pity or extra. care and attention, because with oil, vineP.!l.r, pe}lper, and salt, sJme Frl'S, EPILEPSY 30 of.the burdens put upon him and which are tarragon and capers minced, and garnish FALLING SICKNESS, W. 8, OB.lllISTON, L, L , B. so uncomphiningly borne ; and yet the life with ha.rd-boiled eggs, anchovies, and beet· A l!fo lonr. stndy. I w..UtRANT my r emedy M Jhlrrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c, Money the average " head of the family " lives is root. The dish must be well rubbed with - - - -o_:_OuRE the worst cases. Because others have to los11. Office, In Beaver Block UJl_Stairs in · !ailed ls no reason for not nowrecelvinp;a cure, rooms formerly occuvied by Dr. Harnden truly not an enviable one. To feel that a.II a. shallot. Send at once for a treatise anda.FRE E llOTTL:U ~manville. . 3!1 · family and business cares, the comfort and Dnrno FnUITS.- All kinds much imof my lNFALLIBLJ!i REMEDY. Give Ex-Jre~s happiness of dependent loved 'nes must proved by being washed, soaked over night ~.l]d Post Ofiic!l. It costa you nothing for a. r0llt on one's shoulders, however tired or and cooked in the water in which they were t!"!l.ll, and it will cure you. Addrese D. SIMPSON, Dr. JI, G. ROOT, 37 Yonge Bt., Torollto, Ol!t.. --OARRISTB"R, SOLICITOR &o, MOPlUS bent they may be, a.nd to feel that nothing soaked. Berries should be stewed only a. ».._BLQCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman- short of genuine helplessness mu3t hinder few moments, other fruits longer. Do not one in his labor when so much is depending Solioitorfor fao Ontario Bank ,. sweeten until they are done, then cook just upQn him, is certainly depressing to the enough longer to dissolve the sugar. ·.11'..l'IYa&e lllon.evs loaned at the lowest rates, lighcst spirits, To those on whom no POTATO six la.rge pota.Jolul :KeUll Galbrattll. responsibility rests, life goes so smoothly "D .ARR IS TE R, SOLICITOR, NOTARY on, so smoc thly as to sometimes savor of the toes, one onion, one quart of milk, one "<J PVBLIC, &o. Oftlce-Bounssll's B!oc,k monotonous, that we fall na.tnra.lly and un- tablespoonful of butter, two ounces of snlt POWDERED ,·.ina Streat, Bowmanville. Money to lend, consciously into accepting and fine.Uy for- pork and one egg. Cut the pork in email pieces and fry ; add the potatoes a.nd onion get t ha.t there is back of it all a something FRA11Ii: lU. FJEJ,D, D. A. , that keepa things moving j ust so, and not sliced, cover with boiling water and cook A RRISTE R, S olicitor, N o ta1y, &c un til.t hat sometlli11g g ives ou t, stops- to us until potatoes are tender ; add the milk suddenly, y t t as it must perforce do in scalde i and the seasoning, an d l ast ly tile COBOURG. Office,-Armour Block, K ing Street. 22, time- do we r ealize the frail support we egg bea ten light. ------~-------~--- have been resting on in seeming security for C HEAP C R EAM Prn,-0Jle cup ot euga.r, three co ff~e cups of milk and one tea.spoonful PUREST, STRONCEST, Bl!ST. 8, C, DUNJUN&, £0 long, Ready for use in any quantity. ll'o!' ICENSED A UCT I'O NEER FOR Surely one who la.hors so constantly a.nd of salt. Let these get boiling hot. While ~ Soap, Sottenin!\' Water, J>Jsja. the County of Durham. Salee at.tended so well, endurii.g disappointments and mis- they are hea.tinl." stir free from lumps, one feoting, and a hundred othor Ul!IO.I, _ to 011 flhortest notice and lowest rates. Address fortunes for t hose depending on him, tho11e a.nd one-half cups of flour into one coffee A can equals 20 pounds Sal Soda. - :n11'11c11 P. o. 36:tf so fondly dear to him, deserves a little cup of cold milk, then pour it into the Sold by all Gl'OoeH and Dl'llgglsts, k indness and thoughtfulness, a. little tender boiling milk, stirring constantly till it be ils I. W, IJLLl'r1'. · ~IOeO Alfll OEICAQQ. 8 B1JBDEN l!J, (JO · " attention a.t their hands, and more tha.n all a.gain, then add one tea.spoonful of extract ,\ UCTIONEERS for the County of these, does he deserve patience and respect. of lemon, and sot it a.wa.y to cvol. T his will MEACHAM,8 ..t:t...Durhom; Insurance and Oeneral.AgentP, After being out in the world working to make three pies. Ba.kc six crusts and fill " ' aluatorand Real Estate Sales and · b · . . o1l:er business promvtly attended to Box 1172 o tam t he wherew1tha.l with which to meet them with the mixture. POTATO SALAD.- When one is anx ious to -· _ _ ll<lwmanville p _0. ' 36- tt ' the many bills- rent, provisions, dry goods, - - -- - -millinery, tuition, physics.n's charges- bills prepare supper quickly, a leading dish can P. S,.:._We can supply y ou with anything in the Drug line, are languid and weak, a.nd your appe· Pianos Tuned and Repaired.I of . all kinds coming ~due every day, of ten be arranged right after dinner with the If y \te poor bemg compelled to put off many or effect potatoes left from thii meal. Cut them into My Beef, Iron and Wine is the tonic, be 1nre. a. compromise, with the coming of the night nica slices with a few slices of onions beAs an invigoratinii tonic it is reoognilet lty. PARTIES WISHING THEIR. p I ANOS and the time to lay aside active business tween, a. lit tle salt ; then pour over a dress- the Medical profession as the best stn. .:tl&ea· .., Tuned or repaire11 canhavethom attended ing medicine t hus far produced. It is i·T&l·acares for a time, the longing for rest th:i.t ing as follows :- One egg well b ee.ten, 1 .. · ~!!T 1ea.ving word 1a.t the DOMINJON ORGAJ\ comes over the weary fath er, can only be into which put a. tablespoonful of su~a.r and ble 11s a blo'ld and muscle mak,er, e11peeia.lly ~ those cases wher e weakness is the re1·lt "f · -"<.NS OvrrcE, Bowmanville A tlrst-clae mar gr a.tified a t his own fireside, beside those he one of water ; beat a.gain, add a. cup of imperfect or ineu:lficlent food, or wa·tirlii ·-· ·ow being in t heir employ loves and la.bors for ; and surely it isn't:hr·rd vinegar, a.nd butter the size of an egg ; let fevers or excesses or any sort. It contains '120 or Beef, the stimulant vropertiH ot to t urn the car e and thoughtfulness of yens, it just come to a boil, remove from the fire nutriment Wine and the tonic powers of Iron, and i11 adwith a little patience and s weet k indness and add a t ea.spoonful of mixed mustard ; mirably calculated to builc l up th A emu{a.ted when craved by a weary and d iscouraged pour over the, set away covered till fyetem, Sold iu Bowmanville by Higginboth· un Bros, husband or father ; a.nd surely it savors of tea-time. --M.A NUFACTU RER O F - heartlessness to taunt him with t he epiohet Punishing the Gods. " penu rious " when his pocket-book is Notes. empty, or to de signate t11e possible irritabiTo remove white spots from furniture A curious c~se of punishing t he gods is KING STREET, BOWMANVII,L lity of his utter weariness as "cross. ,, Pa.b -h . f h reported by the ma.ii from F oochow, tiently, day by day, he toils on, often to go ru wit. spirits o camp or. The idols of a certain temple in that city Bas now on hand a number ot vehiclea (and is manufacturing a great many more) ~t the ne f d n.nd beet finish which I am offering for sale a.t the lowest prices cons1sten· , home when the d ay is apent and its labors F inger marks may be r emove rom var - were those a.ppea.led to by persons who 0 11 atterae with due regard t~ workmanship a.nd quality. The following ii a list of over, to find dullness when brightness nished turniture by rubbing them - d t o b e revenge d on the1r . enemies. . hwith 11 d esire the principal veb.icltis ma.nufaotured hy me good cheer should rule, cross words, sullen soft woollen cloth, moistened wit swE>et They were supposed to ca.use death to those Double Covered Carriages .. ... .. .. ............... .. ................. ........ .$150- Upwar(h looks and impa t ience, when his heart is oil. against whom prayers to them were direct 11 longing for kindness and love. To bla.nch almonds, shell them, pour boil- ed. R~cently the Tai t ar military comSingle Phretons ............... ..... .......... ..... . ; ...... . .. ................ ... 100 HARNDEN, L. D. 11 '.l.'he life t he average w ife leads is no sine· ing water on them, 11ond let them stand a ma.ndtr died suddenly, and t he idea got Open Buggy ..................... . ........ ....... .. . . ................... · ······· 70 Qaduate ofthe Roya.I College of Dent!!.! cure, I know. Caree, many and weighty, be- few minutes, Then remove the skins~hich a.broa.d among the people that he had been 11 Top Buggy. ............... .... .. ........ .. .. ........ .... .......................... 90 Surgeons, Ont ario. set her } on t very side; yet she has ad van- will slip off easily, and dry them in a towel. by the idols in question. The viceroy 0 FICE OPPOSITE E XPRESS OFFCE. t~es the head of her family la.eke, Her work Mix a little carbonate of soJa with the of the province hearing this at once gave 11 Lumber Wagons .... ......... .. ........................ ........ ................ ... 55 GOLD E'ILLING A SPECIALTY may stop for a time and may be caug ht up, water in which flowers are immersed, and it orders that they were to be arrested and Light Wagon..................... . ..... .. ..... ..... . ............. ................ 40 11 ARTIFICI.AL T EETH INSERTBD WITHOUT witbont any VtJr y serious results ; bub with will preserve them for a fortnight. Common punished, The prefect was instructed to Exp ress Wagon ......... . .................. ....................... · .... .......... 75 " the other, not very often can the lost be saltpetre is also a. very good preserv.a.tive. see the d ecree carried out, and, armed with PL.ATES. Skeleton ............... .. . .. .............. ............ .. · ...... ·· · · · ·.. .. ....... ·.. 50 11 r egained, and he feels acutely how much is rl· b k d b the viceroy's warrant , he went to the temple (lreat Reductions in Price on all Dental depend ing on him, a nd so long as strength aster, ric an statuet tes may e Sulky...... ... . ....... ......... . .. ..... . ... ....... ... . .... ....... . . ........ . ...... .. 40 " . · th - t 0 t h' k r 'd a.nd ·ha.d fifteen idols arre~ted, These were ·w ork. Vitalize!! .Air , constantly iu use pro- holds c u t keeps g·oing, D espite repeated fail- c1eaned b Y d ippmg em m IC iqm fi i ucing P ainless Operations, Particular atten urea, a step growing gradually slower day by cold st·arc h ,.1. · e., cJear s t 11orch m1xe · d wi ··th of wood , and about ve feet high. Before Possessing superior facillt i03 for me.nurn.otnring 011.rr iages, I intend to sell vvr:r cheap for 0 ,. ~ion paid to the i ogulation of Children's Teeth. · t l1 en1 , and when bting brought for judgmen t before t he pre- or ll.llProved credit , and by so doing I hope to gTeatly m y number o! sn.les, Would day, furrowed lines of care in his worn face, coId wa t er, th en d rymg · sell the wood parts only, or tho gee.rings of buggies Ironed, ~ALL WORK WARR.ANTE D· ..__ t he once dark locks turnin-g t o g ray, he yet the s t,a rch 1s · t-· comes feet their eyes wer e a ll pu t out, so t hat t hey · wash e d off·, t iie d 1r ·th -t should not seG who was thdr 3udge and be 1 Branch office, Dr. R uther for d's Orono. toils on asking of his loved ones only appi-e- wi fter. ' standing for some t ime m · a cool r.ble t o t rouble h im ei'ther here or here· · t" f h. fl) · h - b h If A w cm .ion o is e orts m t eir e a ' only a room, and then filled full of cold oil, will run After a full investigation a r eport was sent At t h e S h ortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. -vi little kindness and thoughtfulness. If we . f h . · to the viccrov, who gave orders t hat t he J all would only look on " father" ever a.nd over through t he expansion o t e 011 wnen At the F aotory I also d o P laning, Matching, Turning an d. Sawing with Cirole,Band vr Sor Th th 1 · idols should be behea.ded, their bodies cast · ·t · t k under all condit ions, as commanding our a en wnere i 1s wa.rm. en e is Sa.we e.nd pr epare all kinds of lumber ror ea.rpenters nd others ~or building pnr POSee, To Ornamental a nd P lain P ickets for fenoes in every style , made t o order. eak mg. · ob"1 · 'a.te thi'· "· never · into a. pond, a.nd their t emp'e sealed up greatest respect tmd veneration, would strive bl ame d f or 1 't 6 f l l forever , to p revent them irom t roubling the fill t h 1 to emulate the noble example of s tead fas tness e q ui u · · peace ,,f t he town in future. W ith very little la bor, washing silv1ir m of purpose and l"ya.lty t o dear ones under his ca.r e and protection, t hat he is setting us d a.y water in which a t easpoonful of'ammonia has Praying for ·Gladstone. by day; remember t hat to be compelled t o been ad ded, will keep t he silver wit h a white refuse a. request because of incapa.bility t o polish, and glassware will polish much more A recem issue of t he Dundee" N ews " grantit, hu r ts him much m ore than the dis· easily if washed in wa ter t o which ammonia. con t.a.ins the following letter :- " Dear Mr. appointment does us; i f we would strive has been added. Editor : W e are all a.war e that t here is WITII TEB'l'll. WITHOUT TDBTR always to accept the tiruth , bow t o th e inAnother recipe for cleaning silver, is high- not hing impossible to God. ~e a.11 know 'llR 'M' "IVf' evitable with good grace, however unpalata- ly recommended ; Mix two ounces of a.mmo- 1 that H e has m~de the dead to rise, the dea.f . · Jll.. .!IL AU. J able such a. course may seem,- t hen would nia., two of prepared cha lk, and eight ounces to hear, the blmd to see, the lame to walk, PBA.4.lTI(JA.I, DENTIST, father's ca.res be ligh ter, his days be of rain water"· apply with a. soft fl.imnel and tha t prayer w as offered up by the Church, OVER TWBNTY YEARS RXPB:RIBNOB, longer and brigh ter a.nd a.II our homes rub with ch~mois skin. For the filigree . and tna.t St. P eter was liberated ou t of p be bright er .and ha.ppier thereby . work u~e a silver brush . I prison. Now, what I am drifting a t is t his: tren110lCldeGuA.dmt~tered for Palnle& . h Why should not all the lovers all over t his Operation~~ . . Any woman who .wishes. to pr~serve ?r eart h of Mr. Gladstone j oin in prayer at the Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of. the OPPICJlll · · Jll()()UTNG'.S BIAJ()JIL Pancakes m y . shoes as long as possible, will s tnctly a.void same t:me in one body and s end up a peti1 On cold winter mornings pan cakes of all ~he use of p repared, su- ca.lled, French dress- iion to God who is 20 good io us to r enew LIVER, STOJllACJU, KIDNEYS A.ND BOWE J.J:S, At once. Local and trav- kinds hold an important place at the break - 1 · 1ng. I.t undoubtedly cracks ~he li:a.ther and Mr. Gladst~ne's years and make that noble Th . . t d t t b Ith D b T tated Con tut ions an L"b . 1 . · e ling ngent.sforonr goods. fast ta.hie ; the buckwhea.t the most m11okes1t rotten·. F&~ better is wh~te of eg~, man into youth a.gain say the of 21 ey 1nvigora. e an res ore O ea e l i s1 ' 1 ere cotmntn ss1 dons. or salary and expense~. I cherished of all W hen properly made thi · s or some good 011 ---ohve or s.veet 011-apph , .. · i th · ll the k owled:., ~ . d d' are Invaluable in all Oompla\nts incidental to Females of all .A.ge11. Fo1 t o compe en an rehablo maw For terms I · .' ' ' d 'th b·t f fl. l It k th ' l , . w. n .,..e an11 WIS om an Child d th d th i l 1 0 and full particulars, address 1ia the most delicious of all the griddle cakes, e W I a ann,e ' eeps e co ?r goodne~s that he (Mr. Gladstone) now pos· ren an e age ey are pr ce ess. 1_9 1 J, ]! " ; LECL.ARKE, ;Nurseryman, but it has ~eenst\idaga.ins~it when made from of t h he !d eathe~, anb d· .snoe~ t hus, hyeatedt ~o sesses, and th,tt God would Mr. Gl\l.d 1-~ ~ ww Brighton, N. Y, yeast or risen over night that it wa.s difficult ! ~f .en ~iter awg 1noro;ig wet e . stone foll health ancl st rencrth to see another ...c:: ~ L 6 Jt«IR.E itrnN ~ sell 0 ;r 1 to m ake light a nd sweet, and that disagr10e- l · oi is_ t e p~oper rcssmg or pa.ten 80 in this world to d~ a.JI the g ood he Ia an infallible r emedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds So r l'Q U l·'rult ·nnd Ormuuental ab~e effects freq uently followed its eating, lea.~her-lmseed oil, ~orr;e shoe-m.ak:ers s~y. intends to do. Dear Mr. Editor, yon and Ulcers. It ls famous fol' Gout and Rheumatism, For disorder!! oHJ.a · d StO!)k, :we can 11:ive you IS found that by the use of baking powder It firs~ rubh ed ana \henhpohehed di~h should start as the lea.der in this t ho are~t1 . ~r~~~f&ale.?~ss1tuation :1t once. .A.d· to r aise the ba.tter these objections ha.vti' a. . ry a.nne. a.tent eat er treate m est work you ever did or ever shall"'do or - Chest it has no equal.E. :8. mc:llA.lRDSO:N .t()o., beenentirely overc me, and that buckwheat this "'t'ay does not crack or become dull after any other ma.u. I don·t thing for a momenb For So1~e Throats, Brou~hitis , Clougbs, ()olds, 1'i m·.scrnnen, Geneva, N. Y; cakes made a. most delicious food, light, wettmg. that God would refuse the petition of so · · · · . .. ----------~ <10~~B~w:-._ \sweet, tender tmd perfectly wholesome, t hat " - . -;-·~ · mo.ny millions of His children, and who Gl.q,ndular Swellmgs, and all Skm Diseases it has no rival; ea.nb~eat~nb~ anyone.without the slight..,urprrnme;.&.&norance. knows but you might be crowned with! contracted and stiff joints it acts IJke a. charm. . . . . . · · est d1geat1ve ii:iconven1~nce. Once t~sted Jeff (a railroad passenger)- I say, Clem, much glory, You can do this, There is no A ~h~t cf 1000 ne~ipapers d1videdmtoST.\TES ·from t he followmg receipt no other will be wha.- wha.t am de a.x an' saw hangin' up d ar denial Dear Mr .!<;ditor l never asked a .:F~ EE. EcTroNs w11 bo sent on application- j used : Two cups of buckwheat, one cup of fo' ? favoui: of you b~fore aud 1 h ope you will , M anufactured only at THOMAS HoLLOWAY's Establishment, ~ To tho~e who want their advertising to pay wheat fl.our, two tablespoons of baking Clem- When yo' arsk foolish questions, not refuse this t he th sr." 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (lat& 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON --we can off~r no better medium for thorough, powder, one-half teaspoonful of salt, all· Jeff· don't s hout so's yo' kin be heered a.II · · n a nd effective work than the varionll sections sifted well together Mix with milk into Id ' frumde cow ketcher to de larst ata. Lonir and wide lace scarfs, i · n cr eam or And are sol d e.t ls. l id., 2a. 9 d ., 4s. 6d., Us,, 22B., and 3as. each Box 0 1' Pot , our Sch:ct Local J,Is t e wa.y ~ b h d f 11 M d i l V d th h 8 G£ o. P. ROWJiJ,i:, .t co.; a .1ih111 batter and bake at once on a hot tion. Day's fo' cu.t tin' railroad san'wiches. black, likely t o. b . e revived the coming m ay e a rom e c ne en ors rou g ou t t h e W or Id· Newiipaper Advertising Bureau griddle. Ise 'sprised o.t yo' ignorunce, season. WP·rellatel'I hould look at the Label on &Ile Pots and Boxe1. 10 Spruce etreet, New.York, tl'he pureet 1md rioheis~ syrup i1.1 ml\de by __ _, . . .. _ , a a m. ·~rortl streec. :r..114011 1 OleJ al'e ··-...l·ui El'ERY~llED:NESDAY MOENING IS PUBLISHED .M · A . TAMES I A Plea. for Fa.ther. IA Word to our Fri· encis ' c. an d th e p u b . 11 · _ F RIDA..-Y=> OCTOBER 5th. gg-- n:fr ::::::::::: $0 501 - = = 0 0 0 0 ' , I. . . ELLISON & CO. L . FITS I or ICURE J HIGGINBOTHAM &SON Chemists and Druggists. ----o---PROPRIETORS OF !It!£ P R~aHA~Yo A full assortment of Drugs and Medicines always on hand, also Toilet Soaps, Sponges, Perfumery, Cosmetiques, &c. GILLETT'B 13 LYE 99 PER CENT L Binge's Syrup of Horehound, for Coughs, Colds, &c. Nasal Cream, for Cold in the Head. Dr. Woulff's Remedy, for Cholera, Diarrhma, &c. OORJSr OU-REL Our <:Jorn Cure:is the most popular preparation in the market. Try it. BEEF, IRON AND WINE. HAINESt CARRIAGE "WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, . TRY.. DENT IS . OARRIACES, SLEICHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O . z Democrat W agon................................................................ 66 " A l l l(inds o f V e h icles Repa i red · D ENTISTR Y ·-- ... HEALTH A 1 LL1 r BR I A C0 BE T H E I L LS W.A NTED ' I I l r ·wAl'TEn ! ! Tit I ds l t 'I, I . .r:: 0 I . N T M E N n, "p' TO ADVERTISERS 1 i i· · l I \I'. Children Crjfor: Pit·hw'e"'C· i_"'hfr.aI

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