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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1888, p. 4

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MONEY LOS T by purchasin~ Sunday School L lbrar ies and Prize Do,, ks from Book Concer ne, or any other city est,ablit1h- meut. - - o- - BUY AT HOME where you can make y<,ur ch oice, without tl~e p·l·men t of ii r ailway fa re, and wi·hou t the loss of time. You can get as good a' sor tment, and t he VERY SAME D!8COU.N'l', and in 1 rnmy cllaes CHEAl'.ER JlOOK.S. I h ave r eeeived the firet shipmen t of a lar ge and well . assort ed lot from N elson & Sons, Religious Track Society, S .S . Union, Society fo r t h·· P1·omotion of Oh ri11tian K n o wledge, Partridge & Co., and guaran tee satiefaction, and a aaving of money . Schools con templating b uyin g a Libn.rv will do well to see my etock. ALL THE S. 8 . P E RIODICALS A ND LESSON BELf' S . AT LOWEST RATES. P. TREBILCOCK. F owMAN V I LLE, . acquaint.ances. Thoagh h e was l eaving t he tow nship he was not goin g away with any ill-wiil towards any m an . R eferring to hi~ earthly po' sessions he gave his partner in life d ue credit for b ~ing a tr ne and indust r iom helpmeet. He closed a very sensible respoose by wishing all present might at las t meet in heaven . All t hen j oined in r, tha~ beautifu _1 h:ymn " In t he S weet Hye-and -byE-." Shott addresses were m ade by Rev. 8 . S al ton, R ich. P ower s, E sq., Col umbus, Mr. R . Pascoe and M. A . James. Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr . S 9 H on after wh ich an adj ournment was made t o the din ing- room where a splendid supper prepared by the l a:<lies was served . lt ia a long time the writer saw a finer display of good cnok er y than on t his occasion. Cons picuous a mong t he r est was a beaut iful fruit cake of three etor eya called the wedd ing cake, mad e by Mrs. B. P owell, sen. T he t wo R attan parlor rocking chairs presen ted were p urchased from Mr. Levi Morris, and the beaotiful hanging lamp with crystal vendanta from M urdoch Bros., Bowinanville. The large company d iepereed about midnigh t after spendin g an exceedingly pleasant evening. B oth M r. and Mrs. Dy er will be greatly missed from t h is section. A s a friend a nd helper in times of sickness Mr~. Oyer has even been ready to give her services a nd being ably associated wi th Mrs. Tapp, they have performed very manJ a cts of kindness a.nd mercy in tim es when th eir p rei!ence and h el p hin·e been l1ighly appreciated. Mr. D yer has been a large employ et of labor and the leading man in the Eection for. many years. H is son John will im mediat ely take possession of , the homestead and u-ill no d oubt take h is fat her's p lace in a considerable measure. I PERSONS W HO HAV E H~ T~~~TS Cl RAD~~ H~.,~~;I ---- -·O .. ~ I A M r .W F Allen 11 J K Allen 11 J o hn Allin 11 Geo H Allin G RevM Gunn Mr J ames Galo 11 H enry Gale 11 Rich Gilber t 11 NM Gago 11 Samuel Gates 11 F J Great H appy T houghts m:i ke Ilttcliarit Home:>. Flow t <) possess lnth 1s a I q ueation t li:.t shou 1d in~ereat th e h e1£d s of every househ old . The former is tho p:ipu h,r H appyThough t R '.mge, eo familiar tiud mnch appr ecia.r ed in over 20,000 Can ad ia n Kitch:,ne, and can bo obtain ed in thi ~ tow n on l y from S. S. E nsaLT ,, These xanges a'o fitted with the genuine Du plex Grate, which s ep1 ua tes t he a~ h e s from th<i fi re wi tho ut dust 0 1· waste, givi ng a clea r brigh t fire without pokiug or scraping . They ure st rong, handsome and d nrable, aud are fi tted for the m oat powerful h eating. They are ad np ted for wood or coal, and aro p cisitively guaranteed to the p urchaser to g ive satrnfaction. As a convincing evidence of the grea t popularity of th e H appy Though t Range, we take grea t pleasure in referring t o th e follow ing persons who h ave them uae and can sp eak of th eir me rits : :Mr J ohn McClolla.11 Mr Georg() P caraon " R G MciLa.ngh lin 11 W R P iggott " John Mci ntyre I I H ALL ' in R M M r F red R ogers 11 W R o we, (wharf) 11 · wm R o we Chas H ose " Ja me~ R oland Nov. 7, 1888. The Caldwell Concert. These letters appEar ed Ill the is1me The rumor that Hon. S. H . Blake, Q of the N ews. C;, will enter t he On tario Administration EDITORfl W est Durham, N ews:- D EAR ae· Attorney General iB d en ied by that Srns. - I n r eference to the att ack mad e on Fl a nnel~, t he Editor of the STA1'ESMAN in an ed itorie.l gentlem ,,,u. in th e Su n, ter m ed " An U nwarranted = = == = = = Dr. M allory , ex · M. P ., is the unani· Complain t," I would sa.y th at n ·)t a word of the lett er appearing in the S'l'A'r ESMAN moue choice of the Refor mere in the com- t his week, signed " A L nver of Music," ing eloction for the Com mons in East was written by Mr · James, excepting the h eading ; b ut was written by a. responsiN orthumbi>r la nd . ' ble and wall-known citizen, and h anded S. A. The 11m11ll 11ox scare in T oronto is dy- i n dttring the Edi t.or's absence. JEWELJ., Foreman STATESMAN Oflice. ing off Two of the patients have been Nov. 2, 1888. dischar~ed f rom th e ho11pital and the D :teAR Srn. -I n reply to correspondence others all doing well. u nder litle of "Lover of M usic," in the STATESMAN of this week's issue, I would Hannah Boyd, confined on gusp1c1on b r-g leave to state through your paper that h ie statement s as to t he plan of t he hall of being implicated in the Galt poisoni ng for th e Caldwell concert held Tuesday caEJe, has been releaaed . She was impris- heing opened before 10 a. m. and preoned that somet hing startling might be feren ce bei ng given t o members of Presconfo,sed. She h as r. good claim for byter ian church, W ll!'lil quite unfouuded. No seats were reser ved u n til after 10 d amages. o'clock by all watch es of those present., .:::::::::::r ·= includ ing Mr.J. May11ard's. lt was fully PRllSIDES'I' Cu:vBLAND d eser ves to be 5 minu tes after by my own watch- t hey Everything marked in plain figures and away down. d efeated if he is not, f'or pandering for were then locflt ed in rotation according election pu fpoees t o the meanest pr1>j u - t o their arrival a.a near as possible, and no favoritism was practised t o my know- We call special a ttention to the n umber of p ersons in t he foregoing d ices of t he electora.te. He n ot only has l<;J dge or observab o-n . - A . lt. D onsoN, of list, members of the same family who have bough t H ap py T hough t WEST E ND HOUSE. brough ~ dishonor on himself but on the Big 20. Ranges, showing that the fi rst to buy must have been well satibfied people wh ose_representative he is. H is EnrroR STATESMA:s. - A llow n;e bri.,f!y a n d recommended i t; to others. conduct is nothing aho· t of insult t o Great t o refor to my le tter of 31st Oct. The B rit ain which is and has been a frien dly monopolising of seats o.t concer ts ha.s nat ion. L ord Sackvillo, the B r itish Am- been and is, p ractised by almost all bassad or a.t Washington , m :i.y have been associations i n to wn, and all are more or loss selfish i n this res pect. But it ls not - OF·indiscreet in confiding t oo m uch to fair, and a1y let te r was in tended ns a F or h eatin g p urposes a n American ct t.izen, b u t t his was n o t guide to bet tor ar rnnge.n ents. It was t he celebrated R adiant > gn isant t o Home Base B u rners , s uff.i.cit·nt ex cuse for the indignities tc written in the ligh t of facts c< which ho has b2en subjected by the Pres- the w1·iter, o ut of no contention , n o s old also by scur rility, in no unfriendliness, n or in ident. It is an e11coura.gillg eign t o learn no personalit y. Acc;)rding to s tand ard S. S. E D SALL, that many respectable D emocrats d issa· time, th e sea t plan was opened befor e prove of the acti on of their chief magis- the advertised h our, and s u<'h was re· are d ecidedly the best of their kind. trate. Th e electio n is i n prog ress to-dn.y forre d to by seve ral present at th e t ime. T hey e.rn h rnvy, ID!\SThere was no system or r ot ation, but a ( Tuesday) and th e resul t wjll be k noivn gener al gd-there -as.,y ou-please wHh i rn sive, s ubstan tial, d urt o-morr ow. They · combine consequent rush and pusl1. 'l'he object able. of St. P a ul's Ch . L. A . Socie ty, viz , to good working qualities, P r eaenta.tion to Mr. a nd Mra_ help pr ocure a ne w pipe organ, is a laud- s uperior h eatrngcapacity D . Dy<ir , E nfield. 1e, the concert was a success, and ecunumy a.nd du rability able 01 creditable to t heir ent erprise. Mor e- m an eminent d eg ree. On T uesday e vet!lrtg last neill'ly 150 over , this let ter as well as the precedin g In q uah ty an d smoothfriendf!' and n eighb nrn of Mr. and Mrs. one, is written by a member and adher- n ess. vf casting5, thoro' D an iel D yer assembled a t the fomily r esi- ent of St. P a ul's Presbyte rian church fitting ancl mou nting, d ence a.u d gave th em a ~enuine s ur- a nd is still subecribed , Yours etc. they are u nsurp assed. prise. T he com pirny mot at the store of A L ov1m Ol! Music. by The Radiant Homo Mr. J oh n S . Ashton a.nd p roceeded \o N ov. 2nd , 1888. Duplex G rate, with Mr. D yor 'a nt 7 30 p . m. T h e large which th ey are furnish ed house was soon illuminated and every takes pr eced ence over The Mc Gibeny Family. H is icy fetters are broken, knocked to smithereens and his power de~ room occupied b y the u nexpected guests. They at e all oth ers. fied by my mammoth stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Slippers, all Th e ohj ect of th ie surprise par ty W4 S to Nex t T uesday evening t he Celebrat ed cleanly, there being n o of which are marked down to prices within the reach of all. GOOD ~ssute t ho resp;:ct ed couple wh o a re l\foGibeny Family appear in the T own escape of G.ust or ashes abolilt to move to the fa rm recently p ur- H all, Bowman ville. 'fhe Tor onto Ma.11 while clea ning t he grate. GOODS and LOW PRI CE S have long since gained for us the admirchased from Mr. S. HobnaJJ, H miles of Oct . 9th, 1888 says; 'l'he M cGibeny They r eq uire bu t lit tle ation of close buyers, and this F all and Winter our prices will comwest (Jf 0 ,1 l11mbue, thab t hey wern- leav- fami ly open ed a t h rrn nigh t's engage- attention, maintaining pletely demoralize t he high price dealers. ing inDal'lington a wid e circle of friends, ment in As ~o ciation Hall last :eve uing, for hours an even , st eady Thia is no buncombe. \Ve never had a more e:s:tensivo, better a ssorf.ed, or better and t o bid them godapeed in thefr new u nder auspices t ba.t paid a higb tribut e and continuous h eat. home Mr. Wm. W er ry was voted into to th e reputation they have sustained du' Ve submit the following list of p urchasers of th e RADIENT Ho11E i n t his district, stock of men's, women's and children's foot-wear- fine and coarse--and our t he ch i d r itnd after a fe w expl.matory re· r ing the la~t fourteen y ears all over the of whom we sh all be pl ea~ ed to have intendin g b uyers make inq uiry respectin g the p rices were never lower . Call and ins pect our goods and be convinced. marks called on Dr. Mitchell, of F.nnis- continent of .America. lt is safe to say m erits of this excellent warm ing stove. This is by no mea ns a complete list of per ~Ordet"cd work and R epairing receive prompt attention. k illen who r ead thia address : that ihe hall since its opening was nen r 11ons uain g it in t his town and vicinity, b ut will sho w that it is a very popular s tove: ·ro Mn. A ND M RS. DANllilL DYRR,- ·Dear ond ao cro wd ed, it being estimated th at over Mrs Pearce respected frieud~.-- A.B l\ few Of the r epreeenLa· fifteen hundred people were present. It F K A Sign of B ig B oot d rawn by two h orses, BOWl'rlANVILLE. 45. t ive· of the entire oommunity wo have made will b e seen h ow anxious t he citizens of MrR B Andrew Mrs Parker M r WKeely Mr J no F leming bold to invade your h·;me on this io.tereacing J II K eely John F oster " occas!m, for t ho p urpo& o of conveying to you T oronto were to hear the t alented m usi"Wm Allin R an e:x pre~Bion of o ar heart·felt regret at your cal fam ily. T he appeara nce of the fa mi- ~JS Armstron g 11T Fitzgerald n sv P Hobbins contemp1ated early removal Crom our neighL 11 S F oster ly is u nique in the history of mui ical en - Mrs A rchibold Mr Jos Ruebottom borhood. M iss Loscombe As a citir.en and n. public man Mr. Dver has t ertainments in Toronto, th e father g,nd " JP Rice Mr Lewis Lyle conduct<>d himP.e lf in a strai1<htrorward and an m other being ably and cleverly support· " J· " Ja~ Ueid B G 11 Geo IUckard ~~~ ~~w~~~ ~~ ~~\J b onoralile manner. and we have le& rn ed to ad· Councillor G ale mire his plain.blunt but honest ou tepokcnneee by thirteen of th eir c.h ildre n. T he ap- Mr H W B urk M D not to say hie p.,ouliarit.iea. rs Beith & M r W G Glover s plause and encores given throughout the D r M cC ullough by t he public is unanimous that the AB o~li giug neighbors and frienda always, 1 Darlington l\foLa?ghlin 11 NM Gage ond eepccir.lly in the time ct nocd, i t would evening must have con vinced them that Mr W McC ullough SS No. 13 Mr Thoa Brud10 " DJ Galbrai~h be hard to find your equa.13. the andience appreciated their music. " J as McClellan Union School In ~icknooe and trouble 've have always 11 Jt~s B r~dbu rn ,, J Gray M r w Sandercock 11 ·A nd McFee!ers T ml: McGIBENY FAMILY.- compr ises found. you ready to give a helplnic h«nd and " F Still w ell 11 Sam B iugham 11 R Gilbert Mrs. Dyer ht'lB t,r ulybeen a " Mother in Israel." 11ix.teen souls, all of whom have spent " T J McMur t ry 11 w Scott 11 W B unny 11 W G ist As a family we have learned to resueot you " Jas Stanley 11 J no Mci ntyre for the m a ny st erling qualitiee you he. ve ex- their li,,es in the a tmospher e of music. is the cheapest place in the County for 11 Thos Barrett 11 J acob Gaud hibited dtu-ing your long residence in our The family makes a happy picture on the M rs M cCr ead y T " Geo Ball ' ' John Gaud m ldet . Mr C L Munson Mr P · r rebilcock Our w.rnMt d eairo and w ish ia that that sta." e, t h e fa ther wearing t he air of a ma n Cooking R anges, Coal and Wood Cooks, Parlor and Hall Mrs J a.cob Gale r rewin " 'rhos · "S W Moore P rovilience which has sanled u pon you 11.l l in of talen t, i he mother being b righ t and ·I J OS rr reWill _ the, may s till moro abundan tly pour out lumdsom e, wit h a swee t winsome soprano Col Cubitt " G eo May nard 1 Stoves- all the most popular makes and styles. u u eo. '1 .rewin uvon you li·e heavenly benedictions &nd 11 H enry M ann ,. D Truscott qualify you tor elill more exttinded usefulness voice, aud every mec::ber d own t o the Mr L e wis Cornish H 11 Arch 11 Alfred Mann and "l:;bors more a.bttndant" tn His vine1ard. littlaL eo looking and fee ling as h a ppy and " Wm J ewel R ange, with the new D uplex Grate; also Grand Coucillor Horne " Thos 'l'od and at last crown you a ll i n Heaven. "W H M ay " J ohn Cole Tod Bros A s a sll~h' m 11;rk ot. our esteem w e ask your contented as possible. The p rogram was Mr E zra Hall l\tr A 'l'odgbam " J B M itchel a cceptance or tlhe nccompanying ohairs and a choice on e of vocal and instrumental 11 '\V Creeper D uchess, Grand U niversal and Diamond Range. JI S teph en Honey "W'l'odgham la m p . 11 J L numbers given wifh earnest ~pirit and 11 A E Clemen s " JC Vanstone Trustinll you 'Will find In your n e w hotr.e iakin g effect. Mr. Hugh's violin ~olo JI Honey, s en J1 Jae Millar 11 ·w Cryderman " 'l'lloe Veale triende as true and !<I! xu.;m erou.v as you le a ve 11 Isaac Hob bs JI R Moses work was masterly done, l\1i11a Allie is a here. 11 J H Cryderman 11 M H ern Signed on behalf of ydur l RICHAR D p ASO OR, " Thos Moyse 11 W Chartra n trlfn1 ds and nclgbbors r W H. G . ORMJ'.STO«, graceful lady a nd d eligh tfol reader, Miss 11 F Humber Rav JHsse W hit lock 11 Jas M orris V iola an d Mrs. Hugh ar e charming cor11 Cosby Darlington. Oct. 30th. 1888. · Mr J ohn Wesl ey 11 C H ooper ·· Jno Wa.lkur A nicely worded lettllr wae a.lso re ad netists. Mast er D ;ckie a ekilful clarinet0 11 E L Welsh D from Mrs. B. Powell, sen. Mr. Dyer iat (only 12 years old), and Master J amie 11 ]frank lin Wrigh t Mrs J Otten P rof TL D oyle Leo in the kindergarten wor k wi th and Cl\pt Wigh t r eplied in a. very pleasant manner, exJ Granite, Iron and Tin Wares constant ly on hand. Mr M Davies Mr Jno Wyllie the little ones made 111! merr y. T hey preeaing tha,nh on behalf of Mrs. Dyer P C ou ncillor J effer_y Mrs \Vo.!bridge Mrs J Downs and. himself for t he k ind sentimen ts came to Toronto in t heir own beautiful Councillor P attinson " '\Ve~tcott Mr J A J erome Troughing, Roofing and J ob Work done on shor test notice, and 11 A Draper embodied in t he addreaa. He t houghli p11.lace car .- Toronto Globe, Oct. 9. T hey Mr Geo .Piggott 11 W Jennings y prices, considering material, as low as the lowest~ t ho friend11 thought m ore of hin1 t ha.n he appear in -t he T own H all, B owman ville, 11 J no P inch 11 W Jackson E Mayor Younie thoul(ht of h im self. Forty years thle F all n ext T uesday n igh t. : . 11 S Pollard 11 Geo H Joll Y oung & Co Mr J n o l!:lford h@ had rc11ided in t heir midst and it waa J>JtOlll'T, l ' OTt:NT A ND r EnM .t .NENT rea J{(eat pleasure to him to h i1ve t.h e good- 8ults nlwn)' 8 tom e f rotn &11e tL~e o t MUbttrn's ~ 45 NEWOASTLE, e, , t::::::::I · wtll of s o 1 11any worthy neighoors and. A.roma&lc Q1llnkle Win. D r ,f C M itchell Mr J am es Mor ris 11 J B Mitchel Dr C Bird D r A Beith " CL Mu nson 11 J ohn Martin · Mr F Bleakley H 11 J ohn M urdoch · 11 Robt Barri;tt D r Hillier 11 J H Bellwood G Haiues, E sq , PM 11 J am es Mune .. n M r G ilbert btevens 11 J ames Milla r 11 TH Spry 11 J oeeph Britt ain Mr J Hh1 gm both »m 11 Samuel Biugham "' r E H igginboth" m 11 Joh n Matthews 11 Wm Sh«w 11 Geo l::f Bickell 11 Thos If.,ar 11 Samuttl Mason 11 T l10s Shor t 11 George Moses 11 W H B anbury " Enoch Holmes " Fri;d S til well 11 11 Ed B ellman 11 Sam H oskin 11 Richard Moses J a.mes Stanley 11 Ed ward Moses u Marvm Bnrk 11 J ohn Hare 11 Bcnj Smith 11 David Morrison " 'Wm Sampson .M rs B rimacombe 11 SF Hill · 11 Alfred Mann 11 Oscar Scott 11 Geo E Muyna rd J a c ..1 F Cubitt M r J M J oness 11 . Chas Manning T 11 M A J a mes Mr S Ootton M iss Moorcr aft Mr Cha s Tod 11 R obt Clarke 11 Joseph J effery 11 C W Th ompson M eth. Parsrmage, 11 Wm Col ville 11 .Tohn J oll Ch u rch-st . 11 L evi A T ole Meth _ P arsonage, II Wm J c ~)!e <1 Wesley Joli 11 John Cole, tailor 11 Thos J e well (,Jueen-st. V 11 M Cryderm:i.n 11 J as .Tohnson Mr S Vans oone 11 W Cryderman N " J C Yani;t noe M r J nco b N ead s 11 John Congdon 11 George V arcoe K 11 Wi lson N eads Mr J ames Knigh t ,, WC K i ng M rs Nichols D l\fr Abram Dean 11 Geo D atman 0 1\fr J ohn Wesley L Mr Robt Q3bor ne Mr J W Lovekin " J l'sse Williams 11 EL Welsh " T hos Lyle, sen " James 0 Jbom e 11 John Wiah t F " Thos Lyle, j r Mr RP F eild P 11 J ohn W::iker " Chag L unny 11 .John F leming 11 J ohn L aeby Mr J os P attin son " H 0 W.;eks 11 'l'hos Fitzgerald " E G P ower s " F'rll<nk Wright Mc " Thos P owers " R Winnacott " J ohn Foeter M rs F u rze " J ohn Wyllie Dr McLaughlin, M p p 11 A P enningtc>n A nd many others whose n ames we do not r em ember. B s S P ECIAL VALUE. - ---- -o ----- Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths, Cottons, Men's - - -:--- Underwear~ \o:?ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIAL FEATURE.dJJ Good Fits guaranteed. w CHINA HALL. Just opened up a splendid lot of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets and Toilet Sets. Call and look through our China H all. JOHN McMURTRY, RADIE N TH OM E B t-\S E BURNER. HIGH P RICE S . Carrying the Earthworks Storm! King W int er Capitulates and w ell H e may. M. TRELEVEN, ·~ ~ ,.,~ w ~ ~ (18flf!i8 ~·~,,~ w ~ll U U 11 Newcast le Stove a nd T i n Depot a w Parlor Stoves with and wit h out ovensA rt Garlands, Art Sultanas, etc. Orders taken for the b est Hot Air Furnaces. B OWMAN V IL LE.1 "W. T. BONATHAN,

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