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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1888, p. 8

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·ABIG OAJ~TWRIGJ1 1'· ----~A~Y'S SKrn AKG Sf.AlP j EAL consignment. of ' · ~ l We have received a very large · Tweeds» ~J:ess Goods, Underwear1 ·H Os,"ery . .., · ' lI:e~~~~~~l~nthea~~er~~~~;J. ' A "ery good turnip crop · 3 r eported. M!". Frederick Moss will sail fur Engj,~;;;l i!1 ~ w~~~ ?r two to sp·'nd tho win- . Cleansed, P~rifl.ed and B~auti:tled ter. by Ot.iticura Remerjies. ~~rry that Cartwright is so well r epre. ...........-... . sented at tho County Court, Cobourg. Our oldest child, DOW six years o(lige, wben t! · k th · · I f th. an infant six roont.he old was attacked "With I!. is virul· nt., malignant skin disease. All t>rd!nary 11s we~ , ree cr1mma cases ram t ownship. remedies failing we called ourfamily physician ·11 · th attempt.ed to cure h; but it sprell.d with M r. C raw f ord, w1 remam er yeal' who almost incredible rapidity, until 1he lower as teacher of S. S. No, 4; Miss L. Dunn portion of t!J.e little fellow's ~erson, from the remains in N 0 8· Mr Jcoseph Fer"U· ml~dle of his back down to hie knees, w~s one . . · ' ' "'· eohd rash,urzly,painful,blotched and maholous. son is engaged m No. 3 and Mr Franklin We had no rest at night, no peace by dav. Wright is ouing to Darlington at No. 3. Finally we wore sdviaed to t1·y the CU'l'ICtJRA RJCMED!EB. ~~he effect was almplv muvell:me. Master Herbert Prust who has been In three or four weeks a cornpiete cure was sufferin<> with a soro leg for some time W ' C)UP:ht, leaving the little · fellow's person as "' .d white and healthy, as though he had nevPr snpposed to be the work of typhoi fever been att ..cked. In my opinion your valuable had a piece of the bone ti.ken out about l rem· dies saved his life, and he is a mid-W"-Y between the instep and knee in 9 !-rong, healthy child, l?erfectly well, no repetit1on of the disease havmg B\'or oc~urred . thA fore part of hts leg m order to allow GEO, B. SMI'l'H, m atter to escape. i)octors 1.\!Iitchell of 1 .AWy at Law and E~·Proa.Att'.y. A8hland, O. s· NOVEMBER · "' .. .. L·E - -OF- ' . . of J3}aQkijtock, j ltEFERENCE: J.G.,V~iat,_Drugg1st Ashla~d,O. I - . f" ·· · th e T rus t ees 0 f rom ,...-.--- -··· ~Boug ht WHOLESALE BANKP,....,.l :>T HQUS·E -. ~ lWNO. ::;~~~i~ii ;r~l:~~kl:1"oonus~~ l~11l~ ~'W£.\vr~b: large ...&:a.U · (From tl°':e N ews ) sa~1sfactory t'esuh~ in every respect.. slun bl'Oken out bei<an a.asuroe ug , S w ·. et"'n bOU_ght for Mi·a· May Choate, PeterUoro, is visit- spe"k proportions. !have also heard m;: neighbors of the CUTICURA the high· Gooa Tl ese · · iag Mr, Wm. Thompson's. est terme. cash at panic prices. As long as Mr. Marsh. Green is erecting a nice Churchill,.A.ugustaCo.,Va. dwPlliug. Connubial bliss ahead. Sold everywhere, Price: CuTICURA. 75cts.; they 1ast Mr. Norman Billings, Bowman ville, SOAP, eta.; Rxsor,vEN 'l'. Prepared by was in town a day or two last week. ~~s~.0 ·1'T1m Co., Boston, Ct CA .. Gloves et c . not be eradicated from the system · but the marvelous results produce _d by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. di&prove this the··ry. The reason is, this medicine is · the mo~t powerful blood-purifie1· ever d111covered, .,. It WM Ofice s11pposed that ecrnfub could ' I I + take~ pride rn .their beauty, punt.y_ , and health1 andm bestowmizuponthema ch1ld'agreatestl inheritance -a skin without a bl.emish, and a body no.urlsherl by pure blood.-should fail to ! plllJ:;e trial of the CUTIOURA REMEDIES.. I .. - 'i i111ye seen the c1:'-i:icunA Rm11uw111:s used for milk crust by a v1s1tor ut my ho ise, and lcanteetH;i:t.hattbecurewasspeedy a1 1d, per· CLEAR SKIN, PURE BLOOD. No mo.the~, wh.o loves her !lhild ren, who J Oress Bo0ds· j . c c I><: . ' was and to r1110 Y ') c:; a~ ~ REMEDIE!; Ill and Mantles ---o--- E. P HEAR, Y OU The Goods are all new and -were b ought fo r this season's business. cts. Jno. J. MASON. ~Ir. Royd, Toronto, will be here on .m·sendfor"HowtoCureSkinDiseaS!lS,"61 the 17t h to buy horses a t the Stock Sale. pages, 50 illustrations, and 100· testimonials. Mr. John Miller , sen., has grea·ly imSkin and scBlp preserved and beau . t ified by CUTICURA 1"1EDICATED proved his b rick b lock by a frsh dre5s o f 3oAP. paint. - - - ------· Mr. W. W. Andrus bro ught a St,. Bernard dng from H amilton which h e Aching Sides and Rnck, Hip. J\.idney and Ute, inePains. Rltoum1uio, Soiatic, val ues a t' $50 , . ., · N en ra.1g1c. · 8 l1 · p "ne 1 ·. ,.::. : : a r p and Sh ' oot1ng Mantle Cloths, from 60 cts. up. A snvant g irt employed hy Mrs. J ohn " relieved iu 0110 mllrnfo by tl:I~ Cuti Waddell, d ecamped recently with $25 of r.ara Auit··'uln Pla· tei· 1'ho first tind only Tweeds, all wool, from 30 cts. up. pain·killlng plaster. 30 cents. her employer's money. Overcoating, heavy. from 90 cts. up. Miss Ka·e M a theweon, of Brooklin, Curtain N et,, from 12 up. spent a fow days of last week wir.h her . s1s:er, Mrs. R. Hockin. Top Shirts, ~ 50 cts. up. --TO-Mr. J uhn Millson raised a fine crop of TopShirts,navy all wool, from 60 cts. up. potatoes some weighing lbs and Under Shirts, from 35 cts. up. measuring 8!m. in length. Cashmere Gloves, from 12 cts. up. Mr. John Copeland, hostler, fell from th e hay mo w and almo~t broke his back, In the matter of the Estate Silk Plush, all shades, from 50 cts. up. besides peeling his proboscis. of the late Lucia Burk. 8 Mr 'fhomas Brown, of Tyrons school URSU AN1' to Revised :Statutes of On· will take charge of Orono school next _ tario. 1887, Uhapter llO. notice Lq hereby ye· ·r. Mr.. Brown com es well recom- giveu to the Creditorn uf Lncil.!. ·ituk. late 111ended. · of the town of Bowmanvill<l, widow, deTwo Cl:::.rke pi0neers passed fl.way last ceased, to send on or before T'hmsd:. y. the week- Alexander Marr and John W. FIFTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, to D . Bumm 8 I Ml'SON, «f th e 'l'uwn Lovekin Their r fl mains were mterred 1888, of l:lowmanville, in the ' ;aunty of Durham, in Orono C1 mierery on Friday. d David Svlicitor for Edmund G . Burk !'U Mies C:lr tmell from J ap·m lectured in Galbraith :R.xecutor· of the la~t will and testament of the said Lucia I;u rk, their the Metl10di't ch urch Mollday evening Christian names. surnames, add ress~s, and !Viias Car 1mell is a cle v...r you" g woman deacriptious, with full particulard of their and gavr. a vast amonnt. of inform at1011 of claims io writing, and the ni;ture of the the pe·iple, govel'nmont, educational in· secul'ities (if »ny), held by t hem and that sti· uti,,ns, etc. , of Japan. Rev. Mr. after the 15th Day of Nuw·mbd', 1888, NB WTON 17 I.LLE. Dunlop occupied th o chair, and tlltl the said l·:xecuturs will proceed to distribute N .EWCA STLE. thH a~sets of the estate of th" deceased Glad to ace our wide-awake business We once had 6ve stores, now only t wo. choir Bang several anth ems in heautiful am on~ the parties t'ntitled thereto , having style. rega1 ·d only to the cla,ims of which the said m en advertising in the THE S1·ATl~Sll1AN. What's happened ? Executors shall have received notice at the (F ltOM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) Bonath ::m is k ept on the jump nlmost JameR Burley has the boss Sweede turtime of such distribution. and that all claims day niglu settmg up stoves. He says nip, weig hs 20 lbs. Mr. and Mrs. Scott, of Belleville, are of which th e said Executors shall not have h e h;i.a sold over forty n.lready. A. A . McMurtry lost his pocket book visitinl( thei1· danghter, Mrs. Dr. 'fucker. r eceived notice at the time of such distribu· tion shall be considered to be waived and Mr Betts om· Laker, rnffied off his containing money and notes. Mr. R "bert Knott has just about com- the said Executor~ will not be liable for the s'.V h~rse last Friday nigh t. One M · H h 18 · · d d pleted a fine brick dwelling for himself said assets or any part thereof t.o any person dollar a. t icket. l\'.lr. }'otherp;ill was the aJor ug es gomg to o a goo of whose claim notice shall not have been on Main St. trade h er e from appearances. lucky win ner. Cheap h 01·se a t a d o11> tr. Mr. Herman D~wis is abuut to move received by them a.t the time of such dis Dr F a.rncombe ill home again after Mr. John N ewport is preparing to into the house lately occupied by Mr . tribution. D. BURKE SIMPSON, "wandering on a foreign 11 trand." The turn out some fine rigs this winter Darch OD Park St. Solidtor for tho said Executors. d octor looks well after his Europe1m trip. Mr. 1'. Ba!wock has O!l view a citron Da,ted I\~ Bowmauvi!le, this !Jth day of 'fhere was no "ervice in the M o1 .h 9dist \Ve are all glad to see him again a11d now weighing 28 lbs. Who can beat tltat ~ church on Sunday morning. owing to thd October, 1AA8. t hat he 1111.u r eturned shall proceed to get Tho Band serenaded Mr. Ovens the quarterly meeting at N e wcastle. 41-5t. sick in due course. otlior night and r eol· tved a generous gift. Mr. W. L. Br"ad, our T>.1w1111hip clerk, Bob is dead! Dr. Chandler has lost his Messrs. Dunnet and Stafford are hold· has recovenid so far from his r ecent illfaithful pony Bob. He was quite a fine i ng revival mo.,ting" under the auspices ness as to be able t o be out agam. piece of horse flesh, very intelligent and qf t he Royal Tetuplara, Already Municipal matters are in t he had attaine. d a ~ood .old age. Bob w~s a James Nesbitt ·hr··shed in one d ay for l{reat favorite and will bs greatly missed . Alfred Mitchell 600 bush. barley, 1000 . The slumbers of some disturbed by shadowy visions of the ghost of office in equine circles h ere. ' bush oats and 180 bush peas. Thursday and Friday were Public Mr.·John W. Lovekindicdon W ednes- ) On Mondfl.y, R e v. J . ..,, hit.Jock leaves <lay morning last, agecl 76 .year~- .~r. with hie dau ghter, Mrs. Glaspel, for School holidays, to give the teachers an Lovekin was much respected 1~1 tlus. vicm- · Dakota.. and will be absent two Sunda.yP, oppor t unity of attending t he Convention wishes to notify the Public tha.t she ie ity and was one .of the .ol~ost mhabitants, J when his pulpits will be supplied by Mr, in Port Hope. A wit the other day re mark ed that the going t o sell h er Immense Stock at the having always hvecl within.a nule or .two W. Everson, of Darlington. farmer 's marching orders throughout this very lowest rates that has ever been of N ewcastle. H e was buried on Friday . ... .at the Or ono cemetery. I Messrs. M cCa.usland & Son, 'l.'oronto, sectir·n a t presen t are "Turn out, tur n offered in this town. L ook out fur bargainB the remainder of this season. · The Newcastle folk who at t ended your the w.ell: known makers ?f. Fancy up, and turn in the turn-ips. " Caldwell" concert Inst 'fucaday night for bmldmgs, h'.>ve an exqulSltely arra~geu ~fr. W. C.Allin has been Principal of Stra.w and Felt Hats Dyed nnd R eshaped were somewh a.t disappointed, especially roo~ for the ~1spl~y of paper hangm gs. of our schools for 5 years, and has been in all tho La.test Stylos . those of us wh o had h eard M rs. Caldwell Their trade m tins department h~s been emiDently successful in preparing pupils AGENT 1"0l t T HE TO:RO:STO DYE WOIU<S . before. \Ve k now what it is t o be charm- ~o good that not a. r oll o! last; years stock fo,. H igh Sch ool ent rance. He is likely ed by th e melody of this s weet songstress, 1s le~t on hand, a.nd their a.a1iort'!1ent to- to succeed where ever he may go. but sh e did not charm us on Tuesday. day is beyond 11 doubt the finest. m CanaSince t.he r ecent change in the Grand ·- - - - - da. We under stand the firm mail samples Trunk time table, the m:iil from the west with prices a.ttached . does not get here till nearly noon every ALL RIGHT! day. Our citizens are not too well pleas· --o-B.A.LLYDUFJ!'. ed with the ch1rnge. From 10:15 till 12 McClung & Bell's st ock of Dry G oods B.ALLYDUFF SCHOOL REPORT ]:'OR OCT. o'clo.,k is too big a. jump in the wron g is ALL RIG:UT ! M cC!ung & Bell's stock of Groceries is ~Sr.4th . -L Br own, J S Williams . Jr. direction, all at once. 4th- B Davey, N Thoi:nas. Sr. 3rd- M ALL RIGHT ! Parker, D J'.liickleson, L Porter, D GLA O STONE. - The grand old gentleman M cOlung & Bell's N ew Cl'Op- Teas are Somerville. Jr. 3rd- M Davey, R seems to grow younger a~ the ytJars J!O by. ALL R WilT. ! Clarke, A Hawkins , W G rainor. S r. \\'hen urged for the real secret he finally Goods down to t he lowest M cC!ung & Bell's Presents with Te:~ 2nd- l\1 M ahood, M Graham, J ~omer told us, (Not expecting it would be p ub· point except given away. are ALL ltWilJ'. ville C Davey. Jr. 2nd- T Hawkins, E lished, but h ere it is.) Mrs. 0. never M cOlung & Bell's Prices are ALL P arker, G Bulmer, M H endera. Sr . p t. allows any other kind but Imperial Cream - - o-2nd- F Porter, M. Handers, E J Tartar Baking Powder used. It's the RIGHT. 1 If you want Dry Goods, Groceries, Williams. Emma McMull.m. Jr. pt. only reliable. Sold by all grocers. Crockery, etc., call at McClung &. l3cll's, 2nd-F Sisson, S Hackings, J Graha m, in endless variety-we make a Post Office, N ewcaatle, nnd you will find H Bragg. Firsts, M Hakins, H. D ecided bar~ains in Overcoats. specialty in these goods. Graham, W Henders, M Parker. AverEl!ison & Co. that you are AU RIGHT ! age attendance for the month, 35. R. CLOTHS & TWEEDS- A LA MODE. All wool Tweeds and Cloths at cost. SIMI'SON, Teachtir, Ellison & Co. Scott's Emulsion of P ure Our CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Cotl :U-vcr OU, wUll Bypopho1phltc1. R ead this paper, then mail it to a dis- has still at its head the only fi.rstM edicine vendors everywhere confirm For Oitfld1·1m a11d Pulmonar v 1.'roublt~· the fact, and in the interest of their tant friend. class cutter in town. Most of the Dr. W. S. H oy, Point P leasant, W, pockets, the confirmation may be relied For good value in Shirts and Drawers other houses that blow of first -class Va. eays : " I have made a thorough u pon as correct that su:fferere from Liver try Tod Bros. cutters have their work up test' with Scott's E muhion in Pulmonary disease, IndigeBtion, H eartburn, H ead FiRMERs. - Best powEr Straw Cutter Troubles an d G eneral Debility, n.nd han ache and Acidity of Stomach will find with reverse gear eold by CHAS. Roo1rns, by sueaters and call it ftrst -class, been astonished at the good results ; for sure and safe relief from n. ·dose of Dr. to gull the public. The uoted McGibney Family are com· children with Ricket11 or Marae111us it is Cockle's well-known Anti-bilious P ills, 4 to Bowmanville shortly. Look out inrc Every customer that has an eye to um:qualled ." Put up in 50c. and $1 size . for posters and notices. . beauty in clothes calls upo'l A Q u ARl'ER oir A CENTURY. -For m ore T o 'fHE Du.F,- A Pereoa cured of AMONG TRll hrnx.ANS.- "While my than twenty-five years has Ha~yard's Yel- D eafness and noisea in the head of 23 husband was trading in furs h e came low Oil been sold by druggiats, and it has y ears' standing by a. simple remedy, wlil .acroas an lndia11 who was taken to his never yet failed to give satisfaction as a send a description of it FRiil! to any p erlodge to die. He had lnwa.rd paina and household rE\medy for pain, lameness and son who a pplies to N ICHOLSON, 30 St. pain11 in all his limbs. He gave some soreness of the flesh, for external and in· Johll St. M ontreal. 44- lyr. Yellow Oil i nternally and ap{>lied it ex- use in all painful complaints. to design them for him. M essrs. Newcombe & Co. of 107-109 1 ternally and cured him. It also cured A RARE COMBINATION. - There is no Church street, Toronto,. closing out at my husband of rheumatism, and I find it valua.ble for coughs and colds, sore throat other remedy or combination of medicines r educed prices one '?f the la~gest stock.a of e tc." Mrs. A. :Besaw, Cook's Mills, Ser - that meets so many r equirements, as d oes Pianos an.d Or~ans i~ the c1~y, prev1.oue OARS FOR SA .L E.- An aged Berk· B urdock Blood BHter11 in its wide ra.n"e t o alterations m tl1e1r p rem1se1, which, shirt, & young Berk1hire, ancl a young pent River, Ont. of power over such Chronic diseases ~ ) when completed will give them.the. most Suffolk Boar, all thoro'-bred, a·d winners of fl.rat prl1:e11 at Bowmanvillo Fair, for sale on IT JS JU.FE T O :USE Freeman's 11'ornt D yspepaia, Liver and Kidney Complaint, e:r-tensive Pianoforte warerooms in the reasonable terms. SAMUEL SNOWDEN, lot 22. Powllen. aa UHY acl only on the ~,·orm ~ and Scrofula. and all humors of the blood, con, 3, Darlington, Bowmanville, P,O. i34w· city. · 43. "(lo not luJ u re the child. ll B't A c · . ET BARGAINS. 35 $1.50. DR"CG AND OH.IJlMIC AL BABY'S 3A HOW MY SIDEAC H r S! See our Dress Goods and Mantles before buying. ~ NOT ICE CREDITORS_ from lt 11 Hundreds of BARGA.INS th rough the I-louse. Call and examine a nd oblige P Prices Away Down. ---o- -- McOLUNS BROS. TOD Ar& showing a large and varied assortment of Dry Goods for the ' · FALL and WINTER TRADE. :0FC.Ees ------o- -·- ~e>o:os. A larg_e stock in newest ~hades and fabrics. We are showing a special line in Dress Meltons at 12} cents, that can't be beat. Housekeepers requmng Table Linens, Table Napkins, .rowels, Towelings, &c., &c., would do well to inspect our stock before buying . I CC>TT'C>~S . con"'ignment just- received which have been marked at very J A large LADIES low prices. SPECIAL TO --o-- Mrs. Donnelly -y- .A.:R.1'l'S. Saxony Yarns in all colors. Fingering Yarns in both Scotch and Canadian makes. In this Jine we make a specialty of Baldwin's Beehive Fingering. Canadian Factory Yarns in a large number of colors. BLANKETS1 COMFORTERS & FLANNEL SHEETINGS at pdces that boun~ to sell them. TVVElEJJ:>S.. In this department we have a large stock in Scotch, English and Irish Suitings, Pantinge and Canadian '!'weeds. S t)e(:ial attention given to tile ORDERED 4Jf,OTDING department· (Jail anti inspect ou1· stock beC01·e 11u1·cb asin,;-. Mrs. Donnelly. Fall I Fall I I Fall I 1 I - AT THE- TOD EROS. -~THE BOWMANVILLE~- ECLIPSE HOUSE TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, CLOVESj . Bat and Fur Store. ~----v.n-~--~ I CASH IS KINC ! For Cash I am selling my entire stock of Felt Hats at anct below cost. For Cash I am selling my Furs at reduced prices. ·" IVES W. H. IVES. For Cash I am selling my entire stock of Gents' Furnish·· ings at great reductions. CASH FOR REPAIRING. Cash I am wanting and for cash I am selling. tr"Cash paid for Raw Furs. B M. MAYER, NEADS' BLOCK, Bowma.nville, T HE PRACTICAL FURRIER, Children Ory for P itoh~r's._Cattorffi '· ' : .

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