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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1888, p. 1

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'rBRM8 :-81.50 h:a A.nu1L OUR TOWN A.ND COUNTY FIRST: TBB WORLl> il'TBRWARDS. M. A. JA.)IES EDIT!>& ilI> PRoPRIBroa, VOLUME Nn Sums. Nuxeo 537. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 14, .1888. Special Notice. As we hava only 20 days more to do businties in Bowmanville, we inteDd soiling tho balance of our stock of bootl! snd shoes nt cost pricel!. "Note the date"by the 1st Dece mber we positively intend moving to Whitby. G. Bucx. XXXIV. Nmuum ·6. KIBBY. 'PREPARE -=FOR-- I SALEM. HAYDUN. Stanil in!I' of H~ydon school for October.:-5th ola~s-,.K McNeil, E Werry, A RlgKS. M R1gge, N ltundle. ·th claea-E Washington, R .AveryJ C Siemon. H Rundle, E Mountjoy. Sr. 3ro Class-I R7an. A .Aunger. I McLaughlin, G Avery. .Jr, 3rd class-E Waehinjlton, W Drimacombe, B McLaug:hlin.I Avery. ·r Ryan, 8 'l'rewin, A Sharp. Sr. 2nd ola~R-C Brima· eombe, A Broad, E Aehton, JC Goodman, W Gilders, V, Goodman,-P. D. TYERMAN, teacher. AUCTION SALES. THURSDAY, Nov. lot.h.-Sale of farm stock, implements, etc., of Mr. Samuel Woodrid ge, lot 2, con. 3, Cartwright, Sale at one o'clock. S. C. HUNKING, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, Nov.16,-Dr. W. F. Mc'Brien will 11ell by auction at the 'Redford Farm, Reach, ltmilea north of Raglan. his superior stock of horses aud cattle. Sale at 12 o,olock noon, sharp. S. C. HUNKING and W~r. HAZELWOOD, AUC· tioneers. Tu1;:sDAY, Nov. 27.- Mr. James N. Fa1rb,.,irn, having sold his · farm, lot 4, con. 1, D1Lrhn~to11, will eell, without rPserve, the whole of his valuable farm stock a nd implement.a, some hotJso.hold furniture, 25 cords wood, etc. Sale at 1 p . m. See large posters. · L.A. ToLE, Auctioneer. Rllport of 8. S. No. 9 for Oct.-4th claea.-N Collacutt, S Mctreetel'A, G Hutchl·on. Sr. 2nd claeR- A Wel~h. S Hutch1aon, J, Scott, w. McFeet·»s, W Cullie, JC Webb. Jr 2nd-E Davis. W :R Stevens. W S;rmona, H Stephens, H Gaud .. ,Pt. 2nd cl8a·-C G Wight, L A Darch, I Huti;:hiBOn. F Stephens, L Bur2ees. C Stephelis. Sr. . Tablet claas-J M Hall, S llocken ..' Jr. Tablet clasa-J W Whtht, E ,Stevens, I Tl'flvelle, R Stevens. H Bllrgees E D&rch, C Burge88.-Rollli:R'l ' R. L.AWRIE, reacher. A r eport is curr ent thAt a bear has been ee&n In these p&rts. · Mr. w. Cooney is to mllve to Peterboro on TueedaT· He and h is fnmlly wlll be much missed here. They carry wit.h them tho good wie!tes or K irby people for their fUt llro pros· p~n cy. SULINA. Hev lval meetings &re being earned on &t Zion. . Mr Thoe. W ard has returned h ome from Drayron. : Big demonstration at tho Salvation Army here on 20th inst. Large attendE1.nce a t the Quarter ly meetlo,g here on Sunday tth, . . Thanksgiving servicc8 at M t. Vernon a t ~:30 and Zion a t 6;30. 'Vi@itors elnce hst wrltin~: Dr. Bray, (If Toronto; Mr. Georp;e L11.mmima.n, ot Wood· stock; :Miss 11:. A wde, or Columbus. . A very large number of their friends and a cqu1tint11.nce11 took by surpl'i<e Mr. and Mrs. .Job Thompson on Friday n ight rnttkiog t.hem recipients of som ~ very valuable prtiaent.s Ill· eluding a bear skin r obe, ' a hanging lamp, a purse of money and s1i m·e other &rticles. A. very enjoyablA evening was spent. Mr. and Mrs. 'l'horl)pson moved to their n e w home at Swesburg t his week. They carry wit b t hem the best wishes. of the entire oomo1unlty. ·KENDALL. On Oct. l G, the Port Hope 'fimell' co11tained t11e following: " .Jamee McKinley and his brother, of Clarke township, came into tnwn for the.1>\iJ;'J>OBe of purcllasinK & fa.rm. James llrank too much whiskey and plowed up a flnen haddie from the front of CJemes' Krocery store. H~ did tiOtrtm away, nor move away, as he waa so drunk he d id not apJ)reciate what he we.a doing. The .c hle! ran )}Im in, and this mornin!I' be wae sentenced t.o one month in jail." Mr. D. Chisholm wrote the Governor General .n:plalnfng the raee and Mr. MoXmlcy has been relea.sed. This should be a warn· lniJ to James 10 quit drinking whiskey forever. OSHAWA. (From the Ontai·ioRefornier .) Mr. W . E, Gillespie will move hie business to Brockville. Mr.Baker,Harmony,dug 300 bushels potatoes from one acre. :Miss Bertie MoKlbbon, Plctou, is the RUeat of Mrs· .a. R uttan. A Berry Social will be given in Presbylerlan Church Nov. 27th. Christ Church social on Tuesday eveiaing, was lnrgely attended. · Mr· E. Felt and famrly, London, Ont.. will r eside in Oshawa soon. l§Corinthian LodgA or Oddfellow11 wlll hold a n open meeting shortly. · Mr. W . H. Thomae, who h its been on a visit to Chicago, h&e returned. · ' Mr . Robert McGaw is now in" fair way t o recovery from typhoid lever. Presbyterian S. S. will hold their annual social on 1'hank~givlng eveninl(. Rev. J . Liddy. Myrtle, preached in Medc&lfSt. Methodist Church last Everson & Hawkins hav11 an oriler for erect. inp; a hot a ir furnace at West'foronto Junction. Sc&rcelv ever have A.. S. Whiting Works. Cetlar Dale, been ao busy as they have been this fall. W. H. Gibbs, formerly ot 0.~b.awa, is spokf'n or &S the Com1ervutive candltlate for East Toronto, Mr. J. W. Smith has eecllred an airency rrom Patterson Bros., Woodstock, for aelllnic their farming impl'ements. 'l'ha.nkslrl viog Ferviccs in Medcalr- St. Methodist church, on Thm·sda.y at l(J. At p. m., a Holiness Convention. . ~Vednesda.y 7th a frame house on corner Qf Colborne and Princess' streets partially burnt on lat July last. was burned, lllr. Frank Day, brother of Mrs, L. C. Smith, Oshawa, was brutally stabbed and killed i n Chicago on the 5th by an unknown man. Thanksgiving supper in the Christian Church Thursday evening, consisting of roasted towl, meats s.nd othei luxuries, John Dryden, Esq., will occupy the chair. Mr. P . S, Martin. Barrister. f,indsay, died on Nov. a, was ver y popular and will be greatly missed in the town of Llnd8s.y and Victoria. Count.y, He was a brother o·t Mr. George Mart in, Oshawa and of Dr. Martin, Tornnto, '· INTER AND BUY Flannels, Flannel Sheeting, BlanKets, R Tie Downs, F --~AN ENNISKILLEN. Dr. Mitchell spent 1&11t week courting in Cobourg. Oureuccessful teacher, l\tr. C. N. Call&nder has been re.eniraged tor the f'lnsulng yea.T. · We are gle.d to know that the Rev. A. ha.a sufficiently recovered to resume his pastor a l duties. · The R ev. R. Sandemon preacbed an excellent Sabbath school sermon on the religious educa· tion ot the Jonng in the Methodist church. AMS FOR SALE - I havo three (3) Sabbath evening. An excellent progra111 and very 1lne Shropshire Ram J,iimbR for genera.I good time may be expected 'l'hat1kesale. LEVI s .· KINNER, Tyrone. 431.t glviniteveningin oonnection with the schootexeroises. ln tiddition to the pr()jl,'ram · . by the school, addresses will be delivered by ARM STOCK-Farme rs havmg stock' Rev. S. Phelp. of Colu mbus and re3ident min· . of atiy hind to dispose of shoultl advertise ieters. it in Tmi: ST.AT SM.AN, Ii p aper that alm(lst every fl\l'mer In We~t Durham readtt. 43tt OUU1'TI<JE.. OUSE TO LET.- That very H house just wAst or Mrs. John Brown's residence, Conceaeion·street. Apply to CuucH JonNS'rON &; CRYDERAl.AN, 4!- tt :M APLE :GROVE. School Report for Oc '.o ber : Sr. 4th classR L&wr1e. J Crnmb, Jr,4tb cl> Kennedv. E Harnden, G Fol ey, A. a'rigg, K Powe r. 3rd c Stevens, G Rtevens. E Power, B Harnden, L Harker, C Reid, . V Tyler. 2nd c lass- B !:ltevens, B Mundy. C Reid. C Snow· den. P t . 2nd claas-C Stephens, F. Powera.W. ff, TONKIN; Teacher. On 'Vednesd&y evening l about 60 people met at the residence of Mrs. J .,hn Power, In the ~hape or a surorlse party, ·After e;reetlnKS Mr. '!'boa. Klrknatrlck w ... oho·an chfl.kman & nd c ...Ued on Mr. Jas. Oillllli>o who eicplained the object o~ the meet.iuK ~Jul made a few happy remarks· Then Miss Kate McMiilan on behalf ot Mis!!' Carrie P uwer 3' Sunday school class and the friends of th" church rea.d a n a ddl'es11 ana 1 'r "aented M tes Power wit.ha very bs.ndsomri 11 mrn Album and Silver Pickle Cruet. Miss Power made a suitab 1 e reply. l:lpeeches followed hy Messre. J. Stevens, W. H 'l'onkin, W, J. Harnden and others. A big supp t>r and amusements oecu· pied thl' time till 2 a. m .. when all dispersed. 'l'he addi:ess expressed regret that Miss Power who has been many year~ a ta.lthful teacher one whose llfe exemplified her teacning was le!l.ving the school, and contained other teat!· mony toner worth aa a worke" in Christ's oause ~nd the esteem In whic h she i s h..Id b)· the people ot the aecti,on. Miss Powt>r has moved 'o .l.fowmanville. " D =-- de~irabl e S LADIES &GENTS' N TORE TO LET.- The storo n ow oo· cupied by Mr. W H Ives, on King Street, two doors east ot the P . 0. PosseHsion MaJ lOlh. Apply to A. BUCKI.ER; Jeweller, . 15- t f UNDERWEAR ~ (J) ID ~ ITt JJ (J) !Il in ~ rt (J) in ~~A · T- OTICE TO PAY UP. - All . persons m account with Dr. Campbell, of Cart· wright, are requested to ca.II at once for settle· inent. · 46-lw. Cartwright, Nov. 10th, 1888. con. 2, Clarke. a two·year-old Hteer. 'l'he owner is req nested t.o prove property, pay ex· penses and take him ·away. Gieo. GRAY, Clarke P.O. i6-3w S 'l'EER ASTRAY. - Came on l ot 13, ·-- -- -- -- Mlse Phoir broke · two r ibs by falling down stairs reccntlv. Mr. J&mes Rundle, sr.. is visiting friend s' a t London and Exeter, The blacksmith and junior wagoo·maker had poor snccess as trappers. · Mr. C, W. I,ent has had bis sign freshlT palntea and addition made thereto. The Salvation Army has le&sect Mrs. Eliza· beth Stacy's hou~e tor.the officers' QU1>rters. A. children's jubilee wns h eld n.t the ·Army on Thureday t1ight and despite the r was well attended. The quarterly service was held at Ebenezer on Sut1day ruo.rnlug. Hov. s. Salton delivered a. fine dl11couree to a larp;e and a pleased con· grel\'ation. In tlrn evening .Mr. George Gale preached a good sermon. BAMJ'TIJN. Rumm· says t here is to be a well:din~ h ere shortly, M.r . J ,.bez El:iot t hM sev.;re of the thro..t. F armtrs have housed their ro1>ts which were an extra fine crop. Mr. A.. Guily and family, Bowmanvllle, eocnt Sunday here. Miss G. 1111 11rown rat.urned on Saturday aftl!l' a weiik.'11 aojourn in Oehawa. Mrs. Switzer and eon of Bloomtleld, P. ·II:. County, vld!ted here las' week. Mr. Cook's lecture on the 5th a.nd 6tia wore very interesting an<l well patronizt1d, Rev.' R Sanderson, Cou~tice, prea.ched an ex:cellent aormon h.;re Sunday w ornlnl{. Our esteemed fri end, Mr. J a.s. McLean, hall purcha·ed a. tine residence i n Bowmanvllle and will remove their shortly, Mr. Ira Law. Gf Turtle Mountains, Man .. ia visiting hie·, Ira. has been fo uoun tr,' for seven years and Is enthusiastic iu io.s pr aise: H e thinks moat o! the whaat raised In Manotobti. this seu.sun will be r equired torlocal c unaumpt ion, soores of farmers burned. t heir grain it beiog entirely worthlll83, We have a lovely bouquet picked from th~ open g&rdt>n on the 11 ot Nov. composed or· Eng stooks, o .. r11atlons, Phlox, Pet uniM, sna.11· dr&gon and Pansies who will oall our country cold while the grass ls green as 1n Mti.Y and slillno frost. · 1'1Low Bov, NEW PARK. & CRYDERMAN'S, One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. MILLINERY, . ~ I-·-- -I - IWITH CLOTHING. I,- Cbickenpo;': is In our neil!'hborhood. Mr. M, Teouant and family have moved OUSE TO RENT.-Amost desirable Hquae on Geora:e·at., seven rooms, into lhsir house lately pnrcnss"d from Mr. W. .. nicely- fiolaheil, folding · doors, etc., good Brisbip, cellar ; PosseHlon on lat lJecembor; Apply Mt, Turner back north on a hunt' to F ; MASON, King St. Eaeti . . 46- t1 ing expedltl.;n. We expect a surfeit or game on his retum. UTORE TO RENT OR SELL.-S tore, Population on the increase. On Friday ODwe!llng and Driving·houae In Ennlskillen. morninl{ Mrs. 'l', Bee.cock presented to her .A good stand Tor business, on reasonable h uaba11d a 'bouncing baby girl · terms, Apply to the owner. R. HuTclilISON, Mies Maud 'l'hompson is· visiting friend· in Llstowel, or WILLIAM BINGHAM. Enniskillen. Solina. M\ea Ettie Brown is visiting friends ~Otf in Darling< on. Mias M, Dawes ls visiting in Miss Minnie McCa rty I s visiting ARM TO RENT OR SELL. - 145 Toronto. friends in Joallydu1f. Miss Amelia Thompson. acres, part ot lots 30 In the 7t.h and 8t.h Master V>;. Tennant, Mrs. W . Brown and Mrs. coocesslone or tll. e Township ot Whitby. Im- .:i:. Vr. Be·cock are on the sick list. Mil!S meriiateposseeslon. Applv to J. B. BIOll'.EI.r,, Ethel Beith , of Columbus, is her aunt, 55 Front·at., East, Toronto, or R wn. HALL, Mn. 'fur11er Brisbin. Mr. Daniel Mc:Oarty, of Esq., Brooklin, 35- 3w Lindsay, · has returned home to spend his holidays. · T EACBER WANTED. -A male teach. - - - · - ---·- -:ICEIC·1 ·Boo. er tor Tyrone Villa~cSohool tor 1889. Ap· ORUNU. pllcat ione stating salary and experience ac· companied with testlmonlerl~~.will be received (From the Ntw1.) UP to Saturday Nov. 17. w , R. CLEM'F.NS, Secretary. 'fyrone. · 46-lw. ·Mr. Chas Coulter will olfer hlmsel! for mu· n icipal honors. ATTLE ASTRAY-$5 Rewa.rd.Mr. .Geo. Beer, Brnseels, spent a tew days Str.ay"d from Lot 1, Con, 6, Darlington, here last week. · about Oct 20th, a. brindle heirer. mostly white Mr. F . L . Andrne has moved into his n ew in face and. around eare, rising 4t years old; reBIQence, Mlll·st. . a"d a dark red steer, 3 veare old. The above Mr. W . L. Broad resumed his position at the reward will be given for their · return, F, Council la·t week, · , Rundle. t..esli:ard,P. o. !1.6 Nov. 9th, 1888. Mrs. Johrl Cuttle le vi.Si.ting a t Rev. Mr, Rooney's , G,,_roen Hill. Mr. J.E. Scott. of Toronto, has been spend' TOCK FOR SALE.-! have for sale Ing a few dllYI at home. 25 good ewes. Leicester Ram, ShroPShire Miss Lizzie Henry has returned from F ar· Ham. ~ good Farm Horsee, one extra good moea I nproved in health. brood mare, one drl ving horse, gentle, 8 steers rising 4 years, eome good young heifers. 4 Mr. John Martin, 'l'i>ront«>, ls visiting his brood sows, a number of sprlpg pll{B and 21 father, Mr, John Martin er, suckJ..g Pll!'li. J . D. '.l'RELll:VEN, Hampton. Mr. Thomae Dancaster, Port P erry, was 4G- 3w· here a day or two last week, . Welland Beer, while picking apples fell from O B PRINTING of all kinds done a tree breaking his right a rm. neatly and promptly at TBE S'l'ATH:SM.AN Mr. w, W, A.n.drus, 2nd ba·eman, ha.a pur printing omce. Country orders and orders by chased bis releaae from the Hamilton club. mall receive onr special attention. ,'fry us for your nex t printing and yeu will be thoroughly Mias Trull, of Prince A lbPrt, will do dre ~ s· ·atletled. WEDDING CAnDs, all the latest making at the residence of Mr. W . w. Trull. styles, printed neatly and taetlly at True Miss Boeri .. daughter ot Mr. A. Beer, took ST.ATASM.\N Office. No daub work. suddenly worse on St1nday. She is somewhat ·-- - -better now, I ARM · FOR SALE.- One hundred llev. Mr. Dunlop preached on Sunday in and fifty scree being parts o! lots 23 and Alliston, and Rev H, .J, Hall, Toronto, occu· 2l in the 9th con. of the township ot Darlfng· pied the Methodist church here. ton, .A bout seventy·tllree acres ploughed. · Clarke Grangtirs sold their barley 2iooo bus .. Immediate possession given. good buildings. to John Lyle, Bowmanvllle, for 76& cts, l iots FOi:' further particulars, ttrms and conditions h igher th1tn a.ny farmer sold for outelde or the apply t.o THOMAS BORDEN, Bowman-Tille, or Grange. W. S, 01u 11sTON, Solicitor. Bowmanville. There will be an Oyster Supper on tG-4w · Than ksgiving Day at the residen ce . of Mr. Robert Moment, Orono. A good programme il!I in preparation,. H Gould & Morgan held an auction sale of prime youag steers, at Brooklin, on the lat Inst. 120 head werll offered but only lO Wflre e.old at auction and '20 by p·lvate sale, 'l'he remainder were shipped to Olaagow, Scotland. TYRONE. o~ The debate for Thursday night was postp oia- v ~ F C S J F These are the articles that are undoubtedly interesting the ladies Md gentJ.emen just llOW. Barley Wanted. BJ.LLYDUFF. Buying time has come for all the above lines and the people a re asking the question: Where shall I go to get my Ha.t, Mantle, or D ress, or Clotliing ? Who has the beat assortment ? Which of all the merchants can give ine the best ·value for my money ? These are questions that almost all are turnin~ over. and over their " minds this tin..e of the year. Well, all I ask is a faithful and · :eful inspection by an unbiased public, and I have no fear of the reiiUlt. Every one in the store i11 a.nxious to please and suit y ou, so that thero need be no hesitancy in giving u s a call. Come yourself, also tell your friends to come and take a good look through, and I feel confident you will save time and money by buying at our store. j ·q_ GENTS,- ----o ~OHN HINDSON~ MR. in town the stor~ where he will be pleased · to meet his old friends. He also intends to do. work for any who favor him with the from !will take charge of the TAILO:JlING D EP.A.RTMENT up stairs, over so well and favorably ~nown outside partie~. m9.y Yours very respectfully, GEO. LAING. The ·Presbyterian Church Orange Jubilee was a dMlded euccess, th.e west.her beinR" all The high e3t prices p~id that could be desired. Rov. Mr. W ilson, J anetvllle, preached two very Impressive ser· for any quantity of Barley mons on Sabbath. the church being · foll In the morning and Packed In the evening. On Mondelivered at my Elevator Qr day a lal'l!e number assembled. Amongat the I Or.. ngeLodgee we were pleased to see the at the Wharf ; also for other boys of No. 388, Pont71iool, who looked very nice in tlleir blue and whtte costumes. Burton grain and farm produce. \ lodge who enlivened things wltn their muslo. 1 a goodly number from Janetville and Cart. wright, to ..n whom we returu hearty thanks. After marching fur some time preceded by our excellent Band, they were called In to BOWMA:N VI LLE. dlno in the School room where a grand dinner awaite d themi It ,yould be tiresome to men· tion all . the 111ood things provided by . rhe ladles, All -med to enjor themselves a.nd , · the utmost gllOd humor prevailed. From 12 to about 5 d1ianer was ~erved and some who had not patience to wait went without, · The speakm11:. waa a &reat to all who got inside. OAR FOR SERVICE - A thoro'· Mes11rs. Crnllf.Ward.Brereton (C.H.t.Will.l.ams. · . W ilson. \Vlndel, llnrns and McKay were bred lmprov«!d Berkshire Boar l~ kept preseut. Dr. &Breton occupied the cnair &Dd for service on lot~~. con. 2, Clarke. Price $1. j presided over the meeting fn a very able JosEPH TREWIN, Proprietor, Newca1t.le. miurner, Theaommlttee takes &his opportunity {3-3w. of r cturninK tlleir thanks to the gentlemen - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - who came and f&vored the people so much OU>TEIN BULL FOR SERVICE. with their preaenoe and .speec.hea ; also to the A tboro'-bred HolsU·ln Bull, "OcToR band bors for their music. It wi.a a decided No. 3708. r egistered In then. F. H. Book; voi. , success in every reep eot a nd we feel that the 4, the property ot J. & s. Penfound, will be . eucces1 .wp.a due · in u g~t measure. to our kepi tor service at SIMON P.ENFOUND's on Lo· ,.esteemed pastor. the Re\. G, McX:ay, who 33 Con ! Da rllnaton. Price $:1. 'U»-tr· took so much interest In It. and he!ped us so · · ' much in every way poaalWef for which ,ye In a special mauner thank h m. Preceede of O ARS FOR SALE.- A n aged Berk· f,inner. Sl06:41; Collectlona OD ilabbath, $11;22; shire, a young Jlerkshlrc, and a young :t:otal, $117.!33 .I.urns ULARK:E, Sulfolk Boar, all thoro'-bred, and wlllllers ot . · first prizes at Bowmanville Fair. for sale pn· P A.Ufl'lJL ~a8s, brnl11c1, seal·h and euis r easonable terma.. S.AMuxr. SNOWDEN, lot 22. are quickly sootlled and lt.eahul by Ttctorta con, 3, Darlitigton, Ji!owma.nville, P, o. 13·iw" (Jarb.ollc Salve. !lll'f!. J. T. Welch was on the sick list last week. House cleaning he.a been the order of the day ot late. . . . Mrs. S. Pollard has been vlsltio~ h sr de.ugh· ter here. Tvrone ' ·Cider Work&" are dolog a rushing businesa. · · Who poisoned Jimmie's dog's! Th&t'J! L he myet.ery. Rev. W, Kenner preached at Columbus on S&bbath. · Some from here were at Cobourg laat .w eek as j urymen. lilies Polly Mannina. Providence, wu home on Sabbath, Mr. Dan. McCarthy, Lindsay, ;was visiting here last week. Mrs. Sylvester, Lindsay, ha1 been .vhltlng relatives here. .Mr. ~oh11 Wilson, of Ef'erton, Is home vis· ltrng his J)&l'ents. Mr. S. Waahtngt.on and wife were visiting at Raglan on Sabbath. Onr trnsteea are in search of a teach8r. See nohoe In th!~ paper. Master :F' red. Werry takes charge or Enter· prise school next J c>ar . · . . Mr. H eight, .ot Toronto. bu been hete In the interest .or an insurance Co. Mr. T , H&rrii lettfor Ennlskillen last week to be coachman for Dr. Mitchell, M r. T · H · H anoook h as b een trave111 ng throuJOb the west In ~rch of a farm. Mr. R · Branton le draining near Solina It serves him right his work eultes everybody. ThAfirstshootlnKmatchforthe·easoncame off h ere on Mllnday. Turkey1 were In abund· ancc. Two excellent BBrmona were preaeh'ed on Sabbath by Rev. L; Phelps Columbus, the church at night belna: filled to the doors . Mrs. Washington and children. Haydon, have been visiting h er :eon Stephen before tak· ing his departure !or Montana. H e purposes starting on Monday next. Mr. S. Blng:ham ha· bo&Kht Mr. John Bell's p.rreperty ··Mm Pond 'View." tor a fair figure. Mr. John Ryan, Haydon he.s rented same and takes poeession this week. Public school report for October- names in order of mer1t.-:>th claes- M Hudaon. F R:enner. W Emmer11on. ithclass- E Hawkey, A Manning, E Cade, F Pentound, Sr. :lrd class- A. Moyse, .M Harrie, H Emmerson. N Collacutt, c Sanders. .Jr. 3rd cla· s- L .Pen. found, P Collacutt, C Brantou. F K enner, C Moyse, E Moor.. 2ndclasa- O'Poll&rd, L Cade , L MoLauKhliu, J MoL&ughlin, R Bingham, E Branton, J Scott, W Hudson, F Hudson.- T. A. BROWN, Teacher. · NEW0..48TLE. · The Good Templars in Newcaetlo, the Royat . Ten1plar8 and the Sons ot T omperauce, ot Orono judiciously decided to g ive a free· entertainment in . t he Good Tcmpla..ra' H all Newcastle. on 'J'hursda.y evening, Nov. 22nd: Stirring addresses will be delivered by Rev. .Tae. Thom, Messrs. J. Eddy, Ne..-castle, R. .Moment and lt. Knox, ot Orono, interspersed with choice music by the Newcast le choir and the Ten::perttnce Glee club, tour of the best. male voices in Canada, songs by Messrs. C, G. Armstrong and O. A. Gamsby, of Orono, cornet solo by Mr. W . Pickard. Some ladysrnl{ere are also expected. Each Order will. w ear their regalia or barlqe Admisalon tree Cbalr to be taken a t 7,30, by Bro: J. uitlow:. ·w· . C. A n8w M D h · d · tow D · : asarnve in n :- r . Boyle. He t hmli:s he can e11tah~1ab a. practice here .··· We expect to loae a, seven years' r esident next Christmas. M A B M d p bl ' r. · · ort on, our esteeme u IC School teacher, is to l eave u11 at the I c ose of t he t e rm. I tru~t ou r loss will be his gain . .·· Considerable interest wa.s taken here in the "Elliott " c as e during . 1 k Th' f d i:u t wee · · t s was a o a.m11oge s against the Newcastle corporatic n. Some time ago this man Elliott, whil.e in .a. state of u ndue hilarity, drove his h orae at a furious rate dowu Mill-et., and ran into a.nd wrec ked Dr. Mclntosh'a buggy, · h d h d cauawg t e octor to be t rown o u t an slightly hurt As a reE>ult of the c ollieion E lliott's conveyan ce ca me into c on tact a lso with a tel egraµh pole and Elliott was dashed to tho ground with such viol ence t~at ~he inj uries h e sustainrd r e· suited in his death a few hours later, at t h e Windsor H o t el Elliott's friends . · stied the corporat ion for h eavy damages, taking thE ground that had n ot the T e legraph Co: b een allowe d to place the said . . . pole too ~ear the roau way the accident would no. hav~ occurred. The. m atter camo on for.tr11.1l 1>t Cobourg ~saius lut week. It did not re~~ th~ 3ury, . h~w ever, Judge Ro11e de01~1?g ;that yla1ntiffs had no. case . The d~cIB~on waa u~ accord· ~nee with Newcastle s v1ewa precisely. · p BO VIDENCB, · r I JOHN LYLE, I Report ot s. s. No. 5., Darllnirton : Sr, 3rdF Hoar, E. ·Wight, E Cr&go, E Allin Jr, 3rdI Oaborne, K Blaokburn B. LainK, F Prout, s Blackburn. Sr. 2nd-S Pow'!OA· W Ho&r,. Jr. Zud- N Allin, A Wigh,, MW ight, W, P Elford. M · .M.A.NNING, Teacher. CHINA WEDDING.-On Wednesday evening, Nov. 7th, 8 large number of friendl! and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hieb assembled at their re1idence, Providence, and presented them with a number of uaeful articles appropriate for the occaeion. Breeder s Directory. B H I School 1pent Sunday at home. B 1 · Kirby and NewtonyiUe and, in fact , throughout the towna'hip of Clark~ and MR. TAYLOR, of TOl'onW, I.a now in b eyond it, are daily d; t h iB woncharge of our Tailoring department. derful tea. . A~ ext ens_1ve stock o f ele gant Leave your rueasure a perfect lit guaran·, n e w P.IUli!ENTBJUBt arrived. teed M o CLUNG D~os · Re Dry Goods. It is an Ol!tablished · · tact that McCluug & Bell's is THE O:!(J~s":~~":e4.i<:!:.=::i~:fo~~rt::f/:~!~ , .P~ACE for D ry Go@d3)" "'1'Po11t ed by u.1tR1: :NnUonat l'Uh, · office, Newcu.stle.· What i11 it ibat etirs Newcastle all ·t he ill r ecovering ... . Mr. John Allin attended the co unty court, Cobourg , la!t week. time, and that Newcastle is all the time stirring 1 · ··· Mr. A Kellv is attendinir Toronto It ia McC!ung & Bell's celebrated Veterinary College ···· Mr. Joseph Fox'1 husking bee peelad 100 bush. corn . ··· P.rizeTea. And t he aood folk of Leskard and Mr. Ne'il CQlville, Port Hope Model CLARKE UNJUN. Mrs. John Parker who hu been sick What is it ? 1 cheap

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