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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1888, p. 2

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"T ·· Some of our scienti~ts who have given the subject much atten1 ion, exprets grave doubts in relation to the iii fluence of forests The Qu" t. upon climate, and hold the opinion that .the -BYTh ere once wd a rec" ess boy proof to show tha t the floods are greater, or Who dwelt in.a hom· by the sea, the droutb more severe and long -oontiuued, ·where the w11>ter d a., oed for joy than fif ty years ago, whe.n the n11otive fore11ta AT THE OFEIOJll Ana the. wind was gl11;d and tree : had scarcely been touc-hed by the woodman's But"be said, "Good Mot lttr, Oh I ltt me go; axe, is wanting. Others who are £qually "".j·t Office Block, IUng Street, Bon·mnn· We· beg to announ ce that we will begin a ville, . Ontario. For the dullest place io t he world, I know, intelligent and obeerved these pl:lnomJs this littk bn·wn house, ena with equal care, claim that evidence is TER~./.l:S: THE JEW EJ.. 1· .l~R, Thie old browri house, at hand to show that forests et equal; ,.i,oll rn· J.J r.1 D" or $1 tr pni1l ln nd-vn,ice. Under the apple-treo. i ze, if they do not increase rnida.11. Payment atr!otly in ad ..-anoe reqntred from The destruction of· our own forest areas )ulll!cnbers outside of t he county. Order~ to "I will travel and west; is of too recent date to allow us to form 11o discontinue the paper roui<t be accompaniecl by The loveliest homes f '11 see; ai.fe conulus:ou in this respect, but in Southase amount dne,ortbe wil no£ beatoppe'l. And when I have fo1rnd the bE'st, of DRY GOODS and CLOTHING on Sabecrlbers are responaibleunti full payment is ern Europe and some portions of Asiu. it is Dear mother, I 'll come for thee. 91114e ·we ca.rry a fo 'I line of GoH, Silver and well known that this reckless destruction of I '11 come for thee in a y<111r and a day, JU.TEI!! OF A~1'l&RTISDiGs .~~ Nickle, Huntine: and OpPn-foce Watchtos forests has, by its influeuce on the cliniate, And J oyfullv then we 'll haste away _ 1Vbr Je('olumn one year ············· $60 oo.i.:::;;I:; which we am selling ve.ry cheap, so cheap been one of the gre&t cauatis of the destrucFrom this little brown house, :: :: Half yeai .... .. ...... 86 ~~( ~ ~ in fact that no one n eed be without a tion of kingdoms and empires, the overturn- We want and must have abollt $10;000 before Dec 31st , and in ordoc This old brown house, · One quarter ......... 20 good reliable timeKeeper. Yle can supply ing of dynasties and the partial depopulaUnder" · "'f~'f C'olllron one year ............... 86 OO-sell goods so cheap that customers wlll see to ~et the money we tion of large areas of territory. · ·· Half year .............. 20 OOyou with them at a.I 1 prices, from the These thoughts have been suggested by plaml! the gr~at difference between o:--d mary and ex traordinary ,chea pest " Waterbury," u.t $2. 75, to the " One quarter ........... 12 601 Sp he traveled here and there, the following interesting note from a gentle. bargams. . We smgle out for the cheapest slaughter Dresl:! Goods, Silks, 9'uarter ColnILn one yeD-r ........... 26 001 mos~ expe11sive Guld ones made. We But never content was he, " Ball yE>ar . ..·.·· ... , 12 501 ' man now residing in Northern Africa, who Though he saw in landil most fair " .. On" quarter...... .. 8 00 6 have also in stock a full line of those bas given the question careful attention, Flani;iel~, Cotton11, Twe.eds, Cloakings, Blankets, Hosiery, and Men's The costliest homes there be. !'en l!nes and under ,first insertion. $0 50celebratt:d " Rockford " W utchee, for which Leon Hay, of Kankakee, has kindly Furmshmgs. ~ut Boys' and Men's Suits, Pants, and Overcoats will be ltaohsubseQnent!nsertlon .... .. Owh' h h l He_something miaeed from the sea or sky, ;!'Oro .ixto ten Jinee,ftrstinsert!on. o 75[ · w 1c we Are t e eo e agents for the translated for me from the French. sold at any sacrifice. It is an admitted fact that we can and clo ~ubeequeniinsertion ·.._... O 35 1..district. We have ale'> cnmplete lines of Till he tnrned a.gain, with a wistful sigh, "lf it would rain in AlQ;eria and Tunis as it To the little brown house, 10 '!>Yer ienhnes,ilratinsertlon,perhne 0 l0,El~in, Waltham, Columbus, Illinois and sell a.11 competit?rs. With fresh reductions now from 15 to 25 per doee in the United St11tee, I would prefer The old brown house, B:aoh subsequent insertion .. 0 k 1 f h' h cent., the prices must be the lowest ever seen in Bowmanville. the c!im<lte of Northern Aflica for agriculwiss ma es, 11 l. 0 w IC we guarantee ·Thenumberotlineeto berockoned bY:::Under the apple-tree. tural purposes to that of all other countries, 'lie space occupied, measured bya scaleofj to give good satisfaction. £hen the mother saw and smiled, did Nonp&reil. · for i ts soil is as fertile as any >' ou can find in An eariy call from our old steadfast customers is respectfully requested While her heart grew glad and free. because that means a call from aG their friends as .well. Our Great Illinois, . 4 "Ba&t thou chosen a ho-ne, my child 7 What the northern part of Africa. wa.s at Cheap Sale of 10 years ago is still remembered. The pre6ent sale will AHO DMS, JloLAIJGDJ.IN 4 BEITH· Ah, where shall we dwell ?" quoth she. the time of t'.1e Roman s is well known, but And he, "Sweet Mother, from east to the climate of to-day is not what it W >L B then, be fa.r more sweeping and thorough. · f O FFICE ;-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. In our Silverware a.nt! Jewelry Departwest, a phenomena a.ttributed, not withoutre..aon, We would respectfully request an early settlem~n~ of Book accounts. Dr.J.W.McLAUOBJ,JN, Dr· .A. BlllITB, Gradu ment it is our aim and pride to keep The lovelie&t home, l\nd the dearest and beet, licentiate of the R!Jyal ate of the 'l'oronto t.:> the destruction of mountain forests which always the nicest end newest ~oods to be · Is a little brown house, College ot Physicums the co1 quering tribes complett:ly det1troyed ud member of the University, l'bys1c111n, had 11nJ we can furnish you (our variety An old brown house, in "their time. rheee people have been lle>yal College of Sur- Surgeon, &;c. Under an apple tree." is unlimited) with anything in these lines -11eon~. Edinburgh, · terrible ravagers in their coDquests. To __ During the sale due bills will be taken on a cash bai;is only. ST. NIOHOLAS. at the lowest poasib ie prices. fo1m an ideu. of what they did, Tunis, whioh BowmanTille, Oct. Srd. 1888. DK · .J. «:. MITUHELL. 40- Sm supported 20,000,UOO of inhabitants from her WING.ED WARRIORS. KMBER OF COLLEG~ OF PHYSICI.ANS soil iu the Roman period; hardly supports . and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. 3,000,000 to -day. Ollloe and Residence, Enniskillen. H. BY DAVID XER. Forests being replanted in AJgeri&, We ii.lways have on hand a nice variety of DJl. E. C, Md- ~TIJJJ,, The quiet little village of Holzmengen, in and meteorological observations show that Walnut, one and ei ~ht Transylv,.nia, was all in an uproar one its clima.te ha.a been modified since the ICENTlA'IE OF ROYAL COLLEGE new designs in _ of Pby~iciens, London.,;Member o! day, weight aod spring Ciocks, together bright summer afternoon long ago, for its colonists have turned· their atttntion to tilll.ollege 01 Phyaiciena ano Smgeona. Ontario. with a large assor1 me" t of Nickel timee &x.,n inhabihnts were fighting for their ing the soil and planting trees ; the summers SlJRGliRY AND REs m1c;>;CE:-hee1· ot Meaa~a. lives against terrible odds, as the.y had are not as dry and w&rm as formerly. and alarms. llil!.Qinbotham'a I.hug l::to1e, Bowmanv1lle, fou~ht many a time before. The whole The colonists of Northern Africa. have 6- lyr.· slope of the hill on the brow of . which it much t& do in bre&king the toutth pnirie stood wee one great orowd of wild- lookin~ sods with heavy hoes, a thing entirely unB. J,AJllllJIJJAN' Jll. D .. «:. M., .nen, with dark, fierce faces and white tur. known on your plains, where it is only EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PBY- 1t is a mistake n id ea - that many people bans and strangely foshiiined armor- thoee nectasary to turn the .e~d with th~ plo "!. ::>ICIANS AND i:;URGEONS, Ont. Offlce aI!d H U drn ~ ~ : 1'.nniekilloi, Onter·io. have that they sh uld put off wearing dreaded Turkish soldiers the memory of Men" people . become discouraged w~th th1e 30 soectacles es Jong as pnssiole becsnae by whose fierceness i15 still preserved in our work, but of tb~se who persevere, 1{ they do not btcome rich, they make at least a -·-·------- - - -ao doing they often d o permanent injury saying that any man of savage temper " u. regular Turk.". , W, S, OBMI8TOJV, L, L. n. · comfortable living." tu th ir ey1sight. G ood Spectacles, corBarrister, . Solicitor, Conveyancer, &o. Money And e.ll this time, while the _ w as rent College de Tunis, Africa. ALBERT DEGEF. to lonn. Office, In l:leaver Block npst-aira in rectly fi t ted, cM1 never in3ure your eyes, We gathered from history but a few roooos former)y occupied by Dr. Harnden hut on the conti-a.ry are always bendicia.l. with the din of ?attle, and De11oth w8!5 g!"ping to devour the village and and all w1th1n it, scattered sta tements relative to this land of .Bowman ville. 39 If yonr gfass~s do not suit you or if you a !ittle_girl barely t.en years old! with long · mystery, but enough to know that it wa.s have never worn them ar.d fine your eye- f&1r h111r and eyes llol! blue and ~right ae the an exceedingly fertile land, tha.t ita metroD; BIT.II.KE SIMPSfH¥ · aight failing we cau supply you with a. "'O ARRISTEa, SOLICITOR, &;o. MOP f tH! 311itable pail- at any price yQn wish from skv ove_rhead, 'Yllll at wo!k 1n her little poli· (Cartha.~e) contained · 700,000 inhabit1'arden JUSt behmd the village church as ante and at tile time of the firet Punic war .V BLOCKI up_stairs, King Street, Bowma.ri25 cts. to $12. quietly a.s if no enemy were within a bun· was ~hie to bud a fleet of 350 ships, a corle. Bolio tor for the Ont&rio Bank res ponding army and 2,000 war chllriots clred miles of her. rrhate lllouevs loa:ned at the lowest ratea. · ..................... But this we.a not so strange as it looked. against their great enemy. Johu H:dtk ~albtaiih, Little Lizzie was the daughter of the sexton "But bow h" the mighty fallen." This who had oh11orge of the ohuroh, which, as the great empire that on ce resoundEd to the ' ""fi A it ti i S Tit R, SOLICITOR,. NOTARY largest and safest building In the place, wae martial t read of migh1 y hosts and sustained ' l PUBLIC, &c. Ofilce- Bounsall's Bloc.k We are always p re pared to do auy kiud always used ae e. hospital in time of war; rreat cities a.nd untol.a lnilliolle of people, "\Ing Street,_Bo~:'llan vii!_~'..-Money to !end, of Watch or Jewelry_ repairing neatly at and the work upon which the little woman' ! iii! new acarmly knQ wn· i.mong the nations of FBA1'K lU. FJELD, B. A. moderate cost." was so busy was the preparing of banda~es the earth, and a. few ignorat1u, pov ,t"ty· for the wounded., who were now · bemg stricken inhabit ants are scarcely known 'BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, &c. brought in thick and hat. among the world's wor kers. COBOURG. Office,-A1mour Block, King Street. 22. But in t he· midst of all this · upro~r and The impro vidence of t he people in per38. The Jeweller. agony and deat h the aun shone .as brightly mitting their mount a!n slopes and eandy as ever , . anrt the tr~_es of the tiny garden wastes t o be denuded of their t ree growth, S. C. BITNKUG, mat.led in the ev_emng brern~, and aro;iod has borne its Iegit imats fruit, and only by JOE:Ni:ED AUCTIONEER FOR the twelv? neat hives that st.cod ra~~ed in a long Y! of patient toil can these fa.vor· the County of Durbnm. Sa.lea attended row the bees were hummmg bh.bely as able climate condi t ions be restored, but if 10 on shortest notice and lowe&t ratea. Address t hey hovered amon15 the ftowere; a?d any Mr. D~gen is c Jrrect it may and will be 0HR7lf'B P. 0. 36;t f one who h"d ~hut his ears to the fri ghtful do 0 ' · S. BlJRDEN Pl> UO., din below mi~ht have thought this spo t ~he M~y we not learn a lesson fr om f,these U CTI ONEERS for the County of most peaceful _ m,the who~e wo~ld. facts-that if we would continue to be . Durham; lnsuronce and nceneral A g~n t·. And n_ ow L·ezte, catc~mg up a w~ole arm· . prosperous we must have an intelligent, con. Vaine.tor and Real E·tate Agents. Sales a nd ful of bandages, . hnrritid away into the . tented rural people ? To insure this, a ferother business prom)Jtly attended to. ·Box '172, ohurch, where aha Wllol! -soon sc. busy a~ong I tile soil and fovorabie climatic conditions Eowmanvme P . o. 36- tt the wounded: men that she hardly not1~ed must be mainta.in_ ed, which can only be · P. S.-We can supplv you wit h anything in -t he Drug line. that the no1~e of the battle was growmg done by keeping tbP forces of nature ha.lanced Pianos Tuned and Repaired. louder, sPemmg to roll nearer and nearer ' BB nearly a.s possible. every moment. . . . It is aad 1;Q see how generally the quest ion ARTIES WISHING THEIR ·P J A:N OS But suddenly a fearful cry fr(lm without of tree-ple.nting is ignor·d by the American Tuned or repa1rea oan nave thom attended m!lde her lrok up, a.nd t hrough the near.est citizen. It is the immediv.te dollar we want, oby leaving word .at the DOMINION ORC'all delightful Toilet Article. Not a face paint w!ndovi: she saw the Germit.ns orowdmg and to wait ten, twenty or fi :t y years for Co's OJITICE, Bowmanville A 1lrst.clas mu ,A. " or powde r does not cover ov11r. hut wildly 1nto the ?nesma._llgate of the church · the p r ofit is not to be thought of in t his ·ow being In their em 1110'!" curee. sed in conn~ction with . yard wall, while behind them the dark hurrying age. But, alas, the day .ie not far · . .I!I VY .Pond Lilly Silver Pellets and Turk!sh f~ot>s and siow-whlte tnrbana were distant v. hen there will be a te rrible awakenPond J, il!y Skin l:lonp. Most Elfectual and Positively Removes a.11 Pddymg hke a flood , among the ho'1scs. ing Tbe_ Turks had taken the villag_ P, and were · A. C. HAMMOND ,Sec. Ill. Hort. i,oo, P imples. Freckles, Tan, Black Specks, cemmg on to attack the church itself I · Blotches and all Roughness from t he ---J4A N T.JF A CTUREll OF-tace, bands, neck and arms. leaving Luckily it could only be attacked on one - - - -- - - - ~ them beautifully white and ~ side, for or. the other th e rock wae eo eteep The Old Lady's Mistake. ~ veh-ety, and slippery that no man alive coul!l have 0 .t;iY'SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ,"ll\21 eca.led it. i?o t he brave village bailiff, A worthy old lady from the W est, wbos11 ~KING S T REE'l', BOWM A-«VILL though b)eediog from iwver al wound ~, rang- life.-long habit it had beeu to .shoulder a!l the POND LCLY CRFJAM, · . 25 CENTS. ed his men alon g 1he aide of the w ><ll that world's burdens, and who never considered ff a s now on band a number ol vehioleo (llnd 1., mauura.cturin i.ra great many mor e) or th e n e 2~ 0 !ll.\ tterna and best finish, which I am offering rur salti at t he ·~west .Prices consiate11t PON D J,IJ,Y SJLVEl:t PELLETS. 25 CJEN'l'S. faced the enemv, and encouraged t hem to herself in any mat te r, C!l>me on a. visit uo with due r egard t o workm anship and quality. The t ·llow le a list ot P ON .U LILY SKIN SOA.P , 25 GJ!.:N'.l'S. atiand firm and fight iu out to t ne l!W!t. · to wn lately. S he enjoyed shop ping in the tho pr lnoipc·l vehicles man u!i.ctnred by m.e On came the ·rurka with hoarse yells of large stores, and liked t o go alone, so t ha!i s. PF.ltlt" I N. Che mi st. J.111d· ny, triumph, an d in a mom~n t the whole space she could surprise some of her numerous · Double Covered Carna.ges ........................ . ..... ........... .. ......... $150 ·Up1varo· Manufactu rer and Proprietor for Canada, outeiile the cbnroh-yar<i wall was a eea. of y oung relatives with an appl'Opria.te g ift on Single P h ootone .......... .. . . .. ... . . ........ .. .... .. ... . ... ... . .. .... . ... . ...... 100 11 grim faces and fl!lshing steel. her return. B ut one da y tho l!(OOd soul reBraduate oftheRoyal Colleg eot Dent">l Open Buggy .·.···...····, ··..·.·......·.··.·. ..·....·.··.·. ..... ...·. .. · ······ ·· 70 4· · And now the swarming llol!sailante made a t urned_ empty-handed i.nd hea.vy -heured. Suigeons, Ontario. Top Buggy .................. ............ ........ ....... ..... : .................... . 90 u t hird charge wbicb brought them right up Eer friends had never seen her look so un0 FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. u to the foot of the wall t hat sheltered 11oll who comfortu.ble. All gathered about h_ e r to find Lum"bGr Wagons ............. . .... .............. ......... ._....... ........... ..... 55 " (}OLD E'ILLLNG A SPECIALTY were left of the defenders; and while some ' out wha.t w~s the me.tter, whei_i .ihe began Light Wagon............ . ........................................................ 40 " ARTIFICIAL TEE TH INSERTE D WITHO U T hundered upon t-he gate with a:xes others an ex:plan11ot1on of her trouble w1th75 n PLATES. planted ladders againRt the wall or tried to ".I wish l could mind my own busineea. Skeleton................................................... . ... . .. . . ·. . . . ··· .. ··. · .. 50 11 Oh 1f I had not me<tdled I Oh dear I How clamber up it on e11oeh other's shoulders. Cl.reat Rednotions in price on all Deuta l Work. "Vitalize~ Air, constantly In use pro· Anothe1 moment and all would h&ve been shall I ever be able to hold my head up Sulk7·.···..·...·................ ............... ................... ~......... ···.. .·.· 40 ·· lnoing Painless Operations. Particular n.tten over ; but just then Liz~ie, shuck with a again? But, ~he:1· th~s ,,is a big city, and Posee·lnir superior taoll!tles tor man11re.oturtng carriages, l lntend to sell very oheap for 0 ,. lion paid to the 1egnlatlon of Children's 'l eet1. bright idea. (whi(lh oame to her from an old everyl>ody d1dn t see 1t, or approved oredli, e.ud by eo doing I hope to gl'9atly increase my nnmbor of a&let, Woll.IA ,,...ALL WORK WABBANTED..._ eell ihe wood parts only, er \he gearings of bugtrfee ironed, story that sh6 had beard one winter even· "See it ? Why, what have you done?" ing), dartr d back into her liitle garden, "Well! I s?ppose I may as well tell you. Bl8ncb office. D"r. Rutherford's Oro no. seized two of the beehives one ln each Perhaps 1t will make me feel better. I had ha.nd, and springing upon the low wall, been looking at some cloa~s at one of the At the Shortest Notice, .Painted and Trimmed If Desired. hurled them among the swarming assail· stores, ai_id had ~bout . deo1ded to buy oue a.nt,e. Two more inst11ontly followed, and for Annie-oh, 1t was a bea.ul}'-;when I Ai \he J!'aotory I aleo do Planlnlf, Matching, Tnrnlns and. Sawing with Cirole, Band ·· Bot Bawa. and prepare all kinds ot lumber tor carpen ters nd others for building purporio11. then other two, until the whol e dozen thought, now, pe~hape she would hke that Ornamental and Plain Pickets for tonot s in eTery 11tyle reQ uired, m&de to order. hives had been dung down upon the heads handsome black silk better! so I went back of the clambering T urks. to look once more at ~he silk co~nter. Buti The ·bees enr1>ged to madneEs at being the cloak was fixed m my mmd, and I · sent whirlii::g throug h the air eo uncere- couldn't give it up, so I strayed ence m~re ' moniously, fell li_ k e furies upon the shaven &mong the. doe.ks. O~e of the dnmm1~ heads and bare &rms of the Turkish sold- h11od .been tilted up against the counter Jn _ iece, and gave them such 8. pricking that such a way that the least touch would send (This E ngravinrr repres ents the Lnngs In a 11et1l thy state.) the SllXOn a.rrows which had been falling BO t he W~Ole machine oi;i the f!Gor, and all those WI'l'li TZ:J:TB. WIUIO\J'l !l':llBTB T HE REM E DY FOR CURING t)Jick among them seemed a mere not hing be~ut1fnl clothes on 1t would g~t dustr ; so 1 in comp&rison. Everv me.n in the front as.1twaaan. easymatrer .tostra1g1;tten1~ 1:P· ranks was literally bla.c.k with the infnriat- I iust took 1t by the we.1st and lifted 1t mPJU.CTrn ..u:. DENTIST, ASTHMA , CROUP, ed ineeota which kept stinging the more to position again when, ob, d ear I I can't OVJIR 7'WBNTY YJ:ARS BXPBRlJ:NOI:, fiercely the more the bewildered Turks tell thf;l rest- it 's too dreadful ?" A L L DISEASES OF T H E TH ROAT , LUNGS AND troaaO:sldeGa 1 Admlniatored ror Pahuu tried to beat th(m off " Oh, tto on ! What happened ? Did yon ! P ULMONARY O RGANS. Operations. . There was no mor; t~ought of battl~ or to~~ some of i~s expensive _finery ?" . Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the BY I T S P' At T IIPtH,, US E aesanlt ·for who oould wield a sword or ohm!: No, not bmg of th at kmd, but 1t was a e :H 'ICJ· lllCJ(JI.llJHl'I! BI.04.:.&., OONSUMPTIONHAS BEENCURED a wall~ithhili .bea.d coveredwitha perfect , live woman, and. the ! ook 8hegave _ meI 1 l .1 lVER, ST01'1A.~H. KIDNEYS AND BOWEl~S. Whe n oth er R emedies an<l P h ysicia ns have n oso-bi.g of enraged bees, and every exposed ~ ball nE<veT fo~ge t 1f ,I live t o be . i\R old as I · · · . · · I At once. Localand travR ecommenae<I r:~::·~ ,'.~,;~".":.;.~' '.~;;,_, nRs, inch of his body smar ting as if p iercAd by a 1 Methusulah I f They m v1gora.te a.nd restore to health Deb1h ta.t ed Constitut1.ons, . · . · elin&agent.a forour goods. L1be1e1 (Omm1sa1cns. or salary and expense< 1\~ 1tsEs rn_tuc t !>Y emy lJ~dy > ·n: .· has ~iven thousand red -hot needles? Away flew t he Af~ er the bnr~t of uncoi;trollable laughter j -.r0 tnvalnablt> !n all Oornpl 11.lni;a Incident al to Females of all .Agee, 11'01 to compet en.t and reliable man· For terms i t a gooil tnal. ., "'"". 1a·:. to o. m ·el-.ef enemy, and away fliiw the bees after them, that loll?wed t-~1s confeesmn was over, one C hildren a.nd the lllg'!'ld t h ey 11.l"A priceless. and full particulars, address A s AN E: X P Ec -:.~ AN T · , r 11 A o . C Q UAL, while the yells of pain of the discomfited ofthe meces said : . l · · J. F; LECLARKE, Nurseryma.n, It i· 1 1 .a:·""""' ru the ,~;o·t D.::icai" ,-;,;. ' . Turks w er e answer ed by the uproarious laugh "T~ll ua the r est. What did you d o ! Brighton, N. Y, It contab.;; ::o O PIU JyI i.i~ ::.;:::.· form. ter of the triumphant Saxons; who mig ht ne~t ? . " f ll'bl d L" . TI .l L egs, Ba dB' reast . 1 well laugh to see a whole Turkish & rmy put I felt famtand stammered, Oh, excuse, I! an rn a. i e reme Y ior .oau s, Old ound s So :r to flight by the device of one little gir l. me !" but I couldn't tell her I ha.d mista!'-en ! ai.n d Ulceu . It Is famous fo r Gout and Rheumatlam, F or dleorder s of t1- a · · !!tock, )Ve can give you a good pay ng situation at oiu!c. Ad··- _ her for ~ dummy ,_ and I wa_ l ked away w1~h- i - Ches t it b as no equal. dress for terms, DAVIS & LAWR.ENCE CO. .,;,.:nited), Q# d d out buy mg any t hing or CE.ring for any thing . "t D Hi · E, B. 1UCJBABDSON .s; Ct>., B re:ru v was ileil e · but to get "out of sfa-ht. " For Sore Throats , DroncJutis, Uoughs , Colds' Genernl Llyen ts , 1'CONTll E AL. :Nurserymen, . Gene-vn, N. y, . · · · · · , "My friend," the head W&iter at t he · 1 ~--.----~-~-----~ 40-6w - ---.,.. . - - -- -- - -- - - . -- I hotel, as he tapped significant ly on the ahoul; Gl~du le.r Swellings, and a.11 S km Diseases i t has n o r1va l; and C' I rl t>r of a man who waa making h is exit from Thoue;ht Re Oould Stand It. co n t ra cted and utl:!f joint s It act s Uke a charm. . U I tbe d_ ining-room, "I .haye drop p_ed on. to I "Yo~ would be sorry ,~o lose ) Our s!s~er, · A list of 1000 newspapers divided into Sl'A'l'EB 1 1' ANTED. Permanent positions . your h t t.l e game. _This is the . ninth time ' wouldn_ t you, Jo~ny . asked the VISltor M an ufactured onlv at THO .MAS lloLLOWA.Y's E !!t bli 8 h t AND SECYI'IONB will be sent on applicationF.KEE. vou have ea.ten dinner here wit hout p a.v· suggest ively to t he b.ttle boy who was enter . · ' a men · guaranteed with SALA.RY AND To those who want their advertising to pay EXI·ENSES l'A.W. Aey determined me.n can ing." · ta.iniµg him in t he dra wing-r oom. 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), I~ONDO.N we can offer no better medmm for thorough "Nope, " replied Johnny. "I guess I I .. d ld t 1 ·1id 2 9d 4 8 6d 118 228 d h and eflective work than tile various sections succeed with us, Peculiar advantages to be· I ·'Sit !" exclaimed the me.n, drawing himginners. 8t?ek _ complete. including many f c. . s t· I self up with offended dignity a.nd look ing could sta.nd it Mr Hankinson. Maw says "'n are 80 a 8 ' "ll ' ' e. ·' ·' " ' ' a n 33 11 · ea.o Box 01 Pot,. ' our Select Local I.1st. , sell!!1g dd epeoialties. Outfit free. the presumptuous official ster;ly in the eye . I've got to we~r sh~rt oants till after Irene's may be bad from a ll M e dlolne Vendor sthroughout the World. GJlO, I ' . ROWELL & CO., .... reas at once (Name t his paper ) · Newspaper .Advertising BureaJI,., BROWN BROTHERS. ' " it s the fif teenth!" m11orried. . ·l'11rclt&1era lle11ld look at the Label on the Pou ancl .Bexe.. 10 Spruce street, New xork. NURSERYMEN, RO C HESTER, N. Y, I · 533, Uxfor Stred. Leaclo·, theJ' are 1p11rl···· HE c-A~--A · ·-·a · --,A -·N""_s ___ TATES.l\UH ··..A reliable Watch is of more val1w to ~.. ._ _ _____ ioui~·G ·-_ OLKS. I'll lS PUnLlSBBD r.-...aiauwum,..._lmlllWWWiii'11f,gum1t7!HiHa4S1MJi7.M,"'1i'~~-"P!W·ffii4N!W1J.IWMMtwmwwwmaaa sinner lhan a B ible or an Emngelist." I E xchange. ,W&mr---.. ez WWdilA#Uus =-~.!_.___!.~:::U-==±!!e:!?..:.=e.....3..:.?E_._..____:::~.-=:.?.?___ _____, ,:=:__ ,. __e!________ s Forestry and Rainfall. e A Word to our Frien s and the Public. ---o--- ·= -WATCHES. MAYNARD, has the fin est stock of Watches in Town. FRID.A.-Y-:7 OCTOBER 5th. :Will '"'I . . - 1 os1- s . JtWHRY SllVf RWARf, I I · .. · · ELLISON. & CO. M LOCKS. L M SPEC TAC LES. J. HIGGINBOTHAM &SON, ·Chemists and ~ruggists. ----o- ----o---PROPRIETORS OF isl A full assortment of Drugs and Medicines always on hand, also Toilet Soaps, Sponges, Perfumery, Cosmetiques, &c. . ~~----· ----· REPAIRING. MAYNARD, I L POND Binge's Syrup of Horehound, for Coughs, Colds, &c. Nasal Cream, for Cold in the Head. Dr Woulff 's Remedy, for .Cholera, Diarrhooa, -&c. CORN"" CLTREL A LILY GREAM. I Our Corn Cure is the most popular preparation in the market. ·rry it. · P 'u _DENTlSTRY. > ..-~ I HA JN ES' CARRIAGUl "t"TTQRKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, GARR IACES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS, &O . 0 z HARN DEN, L. D. Democrat Wagon................................................................ 66 Express Wage11.................................................................. DENTISTRY All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired HEALTH FOR J. ll. BR IliACOllBE, COlfSUMP1 ION, COUGHS, COLDS, THE ! I .. W.AN 'IED 8 AND W ANTED ::ui:r ai::]Vo~a:~n~~ r . T H E 0 I N T M E N T ' . w 1 · TO ADVERTISERS. S A L £..., M E N 9 ! I l I Children _Crtfor_~ P_ itcher'r: ~ ;-jf ~~ b~~~J

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