y nu tl~s- ! INGENIOUS OONTRIVANCE8. we ;; WP Mi!W41it1A a.us ; r 1 our rest l · . -~ · · , by. a sick child suffering and cr,ving with ' aeceiat oe.,lce~ worked out by 81187 Arrangements have been made wit.Ii To prot,ect the l!,ltenor ?f a. nlle·biurel I pam of Cutting Teeth 7 If e·l send ~t JlllDdN. the publisher of whic.ti WEDNESDAY, NOV. B, 1888 from rust, use "."sehne. .Give the gun-bore once and get a bott le of "Mrs. \Vinsl~w 8 Men clad in regular diving .a.rmor are drivbl t # th 11 · 1 ·h · 1 a. e:ood wash Wlth h.ot water first, then dry, Soothing Syl'up." For children teeth;ng, ing out the native divers in tlie epongti fish- ena e us 0 Ou.er at exce ent JOUrna wit our own paper at . es:.. and apply the vaeelme. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve ery of the Mediterranean. ThenatiVbS could than subscription price TRUTH is a 32 <;Jhemists sa.y that it takes more th11.n i the poor lit.de sufferer immediately. De- not eta.y undfr water more than two minutes twlce a.a mu~h suga.! to sweeten pree~rves,_ l' pflnd upon it mothers - there iB no while with the armor ivork can be carried o~ pa~e weekly, is 0 f information for ~:k:8~ ttJdo~spt~t s!:1e~~!na.f~:Yth~ef~~t ~~ mista~e a.bout' it. It c~re11 Dyeent·ry by the hour with compantive ease and com· husband and ~ father, Of inspiracook:ed and Diarrhcea, regulates the Stomach and or~ B I f Ph"l d I hi h · tion and comfort for Wife and m{)ther, a.ad Of pleasure and delight A Jli:opper for ra.ts: Soak one or mor.i Bowels, · cures Wind Coli?, _ 1oftens .the re. aas ey, o 1 a e p a., a.a In· fi th h"ld C . ht f th k f h b . newepa.pers, knead them into a pulp, dip th~ Gum~, reducee Inflammation, and give1 vente~ a. maahine ~hat with the help of six or . e C 1 · ren. opyr1g so e wor s o t e est story-writers . ulp into. a. suitable solution of oxalic a.cid . . I ne and .energy, to th.e, whole sy.·,tem. han?s will ~urn ~ut as ma.1;1y barrels ii;i a da.y been secured. Tid- · l> l\f a.a sixty men can make. The ma.oh1.ne ha.a have · · M While wet, force the pulp into a.ny orevioe . n . .W msl?W 8· S ooth mg S yrup ~1 or been exhibited priv..tely aud is said to.ha.Ve Bits so popularas a. source . or hole m!!ode by mic:e or ta.ts. Resulo-a children teetlung 18 ple11.11ant to th· ti.ate d tisf k If it 0 disgusted retrea.t, with sore snonta and feet, · and is the presoription of one of the old- 1::C~fJ, s:a h ~~~~e:~~. 'it will !e~ I.~~ for old and young, will be fresher, brighter and funnier than ever. on the part of the would-be intruders. · est and best female physicians and nur1111 tionize the lloopera.ge business. THE ~STATESMAN and TRUTH;Jor only $2.50, Orders must be sent Dr. Lauder Brunton ha.e shown tha.t the In the United States, and is for ule by Compreaaed air is · now successfqlly . used to M A JAMES Bowman ville tannin of tea. intierfers with the digestion of all dru~gista through the wol'ld. Pde· for operating switohe:1 having no interlock' ' -' --------'-----------------~-fresh meat, whilst Dr. J, W. Fta.ser ha.t ob- 25 centa a bottle. Be sure and ask for ing appa.ra.·ua. It ta.kea up Iese sp'l.ce than served that it does not interfere with t he "MRs. WINSLOW'S Soor.1UNG SYlmr." mechanical locking machinery, 81Jd the labor dir(eetion of ha.m, tongue, and other cured and take no other kind, of working it is verv li~ht. The ground a.nd dried flesh, Hence a slice of tongue is connections can be buried out· of the way and ·Cleaned, Died, .Pres11ed and;Repaired by betl;{,r than a. cut of the best joint at a "high tJU~!!UD.PTION tJlJIUIU. oau be led out from the tower bi any way Once said that the secret of good health tea," a.a at brea.kfast. most convenie11t, · · consisted in keeping the head cool, the · An old physician. retired from practice. havB . h · ·, A new use f or sk 1m-mi 1k h as b een recom- ing had placed in his hands by ,.n East India. · )f t e s10gle improvement of the self· feet warm, and the bowels open. Had mended in an American paper. If one quart missionary the formula. o! e. simple vegetable binder attached to the res.per the cost of Dyer and Clothes Cleaner, this e1nimint physician lived in our day, of hydraulic cement be mixed with a. gallon remedy for the speedy. a_nd perm~ncnt cure of wheat bas bean reduced not lees than six Goods warranted to be as no one will know ·1 1 "t 11 · the oon1is tency Consumption, Broncb1t1s, Catarrh, Asthma. t . a..n d m · some p I aoea ten per 011nt. · anc l known the merits oi Ayer's Pills "lk an · d s t" of m1 irred unt1 ell 'l'hroa.~ and Lung Afl'ec.tione, a.lso a per cen 8011 them from new when done. as an aperient, he would certainly havo of cream, it'" ill make, we are told, a cheap positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility The self-bander first began to be used in ' ·- . Corner of King and Ontario Streets, and dnra.ble paint fa.rm-builolnga, with and all Nervous Corµple.ims. after having 1887 and the farmers a.re a.ble t·> hanrlle recommended them, as so many of his Bowmanville. · · or without the tr>ddition of color. The skim· teated it& wonderful our."tfre powers in tho~· 440 000 000 bushels now a.a a<>a.insc 258 000 distinguished successors are doing. ·1 b h h . ' sands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it ooo'b h ' . .. , ' mi k must e sweet w en t e mixture 1s known to his suffel'ing fellows. Actuated by . us els before the improvement wa.· put The celebrated Dr. Farnsworth, of made. this motive and a aesir~ to relieve human m use. · ' Norwich, Conn., recommends Ayer's suffering, I wU send tree of charge. to all who A · t"fi h d 1 · h The only protection for cast·iron water- desire it, this receipt. in German. ~·rench or sc~en I c B !i.rp. ec a.res .tn11ot t e oonPills as the b est of all r emedies for Engllsh, with full directions for preparing and stant Ja.r of wa.lkrng on c1cy pavements Nervous Debility, Seminal Losses and premata.nke worthy of coneidero.tion is a. pain~ "Intermittent F e vers." tureDecay promptly and permanently our4Mi b7 made with red oxiJe of iron, or simila.r me- using, , Sent by mail by aadressing with can be largely preven ted by imit1Joting Dr. .I. E . Fowler, of Bridgeport, Thle powder never varies. A · marvel' ol tallic pigment, a.nd boiled linseed-oil. No stamp 1 naming this paper, W · .A.. N\)YES, H9 na.ture. As ttie human heel is covered 4 Conn., says : " Ayer's Pills are highly purity 1 strength and wholesomeness. More other · ingredients, .no turpentine. C lean Power s Block. Rochester, N . Y. l - ly with an elastic pad he sugges~ that tlie ha.rd cconomloal than the ordinary Kinds , a.q.d can and universally spoken of by the p eople boot heel be replaced with one mace of elasnot be sold in competition with the multitude the ta.ult a.nd ecra.pe off old rust. Mjx the Consninption Snrely (lured. about here. I make daily use of them tic rubber, which would lessen the noise of of low test, short weii;cht, alum or phosphate paint, or oxide and ·on, so that it will easily , Does not interfere with Diet or usual occupapowders: s ·old only in cans. ROYAL BAK· aprea.d with a brush. Give the tank one To THE E mTo P. : hurrying feet and help to prevent broken in my practice." tfov and fully restcree lost Vili:'Or and ineul'ell NG POWDER CU ·. 106Wal1St.. N. "!fDr. Mayhew, of New Deel.ford, Ma..<1s., 1 per.feet manhood. Sent t<> an1 addreee, poet. ooa.t and let it dry tllorougbly for aevera.l PleAee inform your readera that I havo bones in the Winter. Two French chemists h ave succeeded in pa. i d on receipt of price One Dollo.r per box. days; then put on another coat a.nd let it a. positive remedy for the above named s ays : " Having prescribed many thou· Sole.agency, SCHOFIELD'S DRUG STORE, dry several da.ys, wh<;i n t he t:a.nk will be disease. By it3 timely u se thousa.uda of producing very beautiful crystals of em. sands of Ayer's Pills, in my p ractice, I King str !et, Toronto. reedy for use and should la.st many yea.rs hopeless cases ba.ve been permanently era.Id by fusing eilic, a.lumin ~ and glucina can unhe~itatingly pronounce them the 1\:[anufacturere of -without showing any tust, . cured. I ahall be glad to send two bottles (wi th tra.ces of oxide of chromium) with acid b e:1t cathartic iu use." A very va.lua.blo insnla.ting material, des- of roy remedy ni,EE t o any of your readers molybdate of lithia.. The Massachusetts State A ssayer, Dr. cribed in the llironique b1dustrielle,r has just who h .. ve conrnmption if they will send me .:.. A. A. Hayes, certifies : "I h ave m ade a been produced. It is composed of one p11,, t th10ir }~xprese a.nd l'. 0. address. _ Unknown Sensations. careful a nalysis of Ayer's Pills. They A.r1ifici:.al asphaltum pitch and two p ar tsburnt pla.ster Re~pe ctfully, Dr. T. A . SL'JCU.\1, _73 contaiu the active principles of well· S)und is the sensation produced on us . Limb!!!, known drugs, isolated from inert matby weight, the latter being pure gypsum Yonge S treet, Toronto, Ont. when the vibr1Jotions of the air strike on the t er, which plan is, chemically speaking, raised to a high tempera.t ure and plunged in drum of our ear. ·When they a.re few, the of great· importa u ce to their usefulness, And Applla'ncrni for all De· water. Thie :nixture whi!n bot is a. homo H.i.ve now full ranges of all their Newest sound is deep; a.a they increase in number, formitiee<>f 1.he HuroanBody It insures a ctivity, certaint;i:, and uniDesigns. and invite MERCHANTS to and can b e applied geneous viscous pa.ate, - Spinal Dise11.ses. HtpJoint it becomes shrille1· a.ud shrilbr ' but whtin formity of effect. Aye r's Pills contain examine same previously to Disease, Diseases ot the by a brush or cast in iroulds. It is amber· no m etallic or mineral substance, but they rea.'lh forty thousand in a second they Rnee and Ankle, Knock colored, and possesses the in sulo.ting properbuying elsewhere. t be virtues .of v egetable remedies in cea.ee to be audible. Light is the effect pro · Knee, Bow Legs, Club Feet, ties of ebonite, a.nd can be turned and pol·sldllful combinat ion." duceu on us when waves of light stri.ke on J!:to. ished. Its advantage is its endura.nce of Chansed, Purified and Be3:utifted the eye. When four hund red. millions of ALSO CRUTUHE:::l. gr~a.t hea.t a.nd moisture without injuring by Cuticura R emedies. MONTHEAL, millions of vibrations of ether btrike the reits insulating properties. tina; in a second, they produce red, a.nd a· l'repnred by Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell,~ Our oldest child, now six yea.rs of 11.ge, wben tho; n'u mber iucrei;ses the color passes into For case-h..rdening large pieces of steel Sold by all Dealers 111 Me<licine. infant six months old was attacked with a a. box of casn or wrought iron ehonld be an virul, nt, malignant skin diRea·e. All ordinary orange, tilen yellow, green, blue, a.nd violet. provided large enouga to hold one or two roroedies failing we c·illed our family physician But b"twtien forty thousa.ud vibra.tions ill a of the pieces, with sufficient room all wbo attempted to cure it ; but i t spre!l.d with & CQnd a.nd four hundred millions of milli1ns around to pack well with the ca.se-harden- almost incredible rapidity. until the lower weh~veno organ of,!!ense cttpabl e o,f;ece!vi~l{ k'? tJ TORONTO STEAM LAUNDRY, of the little fell uw"s perMn , from tho VETEU.I.NARY SURGEON. ing materials, which may he leather scrap, por1ion Q~ 106 York St Toronto middle of his be.c l! down LO hie k nees, was one tne 1mpressson. . 'Yet between t hese hunts lr'll o hoL>hhavinga, or horn·11ha.vinga, blightiy Polid rash.ugly, painful, blotched and malicious. a.ny 1111mbe1 oi sensations ma.y exist. We ~ i To buy Ii'oot Gear for Men, Women, burned and pulverised, which m ..y be mix- We h ad no rest at night. no peace .by dav. have five senses , and sonietimes fancy th a.r, I 8HIR1:S, COLLARS AND CUFFS ; Boys a.nd M aidens, at we were ad vised tn t ry the CUfiCU RA no oth er are possible. But ir. i~ obvious iA , A e. speciarty, Out of town work I ed wit h a.ntqua! quantity of pulverized char · Fina.Uy EMEDIES. 'l'he effoct was simply nrnrvollous, ·h · ti .. · b llJJ lLJ promptly attended to and returned , . coal. P .ick t he pieces to be case-hardened R b t · per instructions. I n three or four w eeks a complete cure was t a. we can n ot maa.sure · e m a1te y our ; in t he iron box S ll a.s not to touch each uther wroui;:ht, leaving the little I fellow's person as own narrow limitations. ' · G. P. SHARPE, Proprmtor. . . Moreover, looking at t he q uestion from or the box. Put ...n iron cover on the box white ·nnd h ealthy. as though he h ad never been att~cked. Cu my opinion your valua ble and lute w it h ·clay. :t;Ieat gr adually in a remt·dios saved bia life, and to· da.y b~ is a th<: other side, we fiad iu animals complex 1'o:xt door to Palmer house. Handy to Umon , furn ace t o a full red, keep ..t a n even tem · strong; hea.lthy chi ld, per fectly well, no repeti- organs of sens~ . richly supplied with nerves, ' ' Dep!J.t. I pera.ture for from t wo 't o four hours, r aise tion of the d isease ha.ving 11ver oce,ur red, but the function of which we ar e as yet j GH;O, B. SMITH, the h eat to a. cherry red during the la.st A tt'y at Law and Ex·Pl'os.A.tt'y, Ashland, O. p owerless to expl;i,in. There ma.y be fifty hour, t ben r em ove the cover a.nd take out senses as different from oura as sound i EFEREIS'CE : J.G.Wcist, Druggist, Ashla.nd,o . other H the pieces and plunge en d wise vertically is from sight ; a.nd even within the boundI in to watei at shop ttllnperature ; two p er ar ies of our own sens<a ·t here may b e endless It never was Intended, so far a.s I can learn. CLEAR SKIN, PURE BLOOD. cent.of hydrochloric a.cid in the water im· sounds which we can not hear, and colors a.s That.either m en or w omen were intended to ·bo bald. · proves its tempering ·qua.lities a.nd gives the No mother, who loves her children. who differ~nt as red from green of which .we have I think you will believe me, Indeed I'm sure ta kes pride in their b eauty, purity, nnd health no conception. The familiar world which metal an even gr~y colour. and in b esto.wing upon them a child's greatest will, Y .ou An ingenious a.pplic:ition of the principle inheritance.-& skin without a blemish, a nd a surrounds us mg,y be a totally different place IC at the ·:Paris Hair Works" you ha.Te called.· Graduate of the Ontario Yete rtna.ry, Co!Iege, of tile rook-drilling ma.chine, but in a. highly· body nourished by pure blood,- should fall t o to other animals. To them it nay be full There is one thing Nature thinks of-let us of music which we can not hear , of color ' .ReW.stered meI11ber of the Ont.u.rio Vetermacy advanced tj,egree of perfection, has oeen make trial ot the CUTICURA. REMEDIES. thank her ~or all we can- , J O ur New Stock has arrived and comMedical Aesoci1ttion. which we ca.n not see, of sensa.t bns which She take~ particular trouble with our race: · , . h. ' ma.de by Mr. Jamee S. MaoCov, in conjuno· She knows a auau·y growth of hi>ir, the KTt>Y ! prises somet mg neat and pretty for WOtnce and Rellidence. Newtonville, Ont. tion with others in what is termed ·a pneumaI have seen the CUTICURA ftll:M~~DIES used wti oon not conceive. . and whiteaing locks, i Ltid ie a, Good and Serviceable for Men rnse, and Will visit OronOeTery Tuesday andlSa.tnrday tic tool. · Thie tool consists of a. rapidly re- for milk. crust by a visitor in my h c Will detract from the tJeau ty o! the face. i a.iid Boys, and Boots that R Boots for can testify that the oure was speedy· and perOftl.oe hours fr m IO a. m., to i v. m., at ciprocating piston, working within a small manent. The Story of Stephen foster. I have a.lso used them myself. for Ooult.ere' Hotel Calls by 'l'elei:l'&P.11. raceive cylinder, a.nd driving by impact . But Nature has her laws so strict that you , e' ery member of the household. t hrough a. eruption of the skin on my little child, with imt edie.te a ttention. If Whittington's cat oa.nnot be placed mm1t, never err, satisfactory result& in every respect. The among cushion of compressed air the working chisel .well-authenticated Felillre ma.ny a For.you'd surely pay tho penalty at.last, . --CHAI GEe MODERATE. 8kin was broken out and be11:e.n to .issume ugly . · Sustain it. th&t bounteous head of b '.l1r . or oi;her cutting device. The tool ie held In proportions. 1 have also heard my neighbors Ve. Dorenwend's Hair Magic's un" urpassed. I l'KIJNKS, y A.LISES, d:;S.t.TCDELS, JN' STOCK. the hand of the workman. and is connected speak of the CUTICURA REMEDI E<l in the high- man fi.a.e .attamed the. glory of. Lord. Mayor· · , alty_ 1~ ways .fully as romantic as those of ' Jnst try it you afll.icted, you nllver will r egret b y tubing with a supply of air under pres· est terms. E. P. tiEAR, Whlttmgton 1n t ho nursery tale, Stephen The Mae:io wa8 never yet known to fail. JB9"0rdered Work and Repairing a Churchill, .A.ugusta Co., Va. sore. .l,t is started a.nd stopped inetutly Foster was a deboor confined in the gaol of And the good that it will do )'OU will make Srecialty, 88 ueual. bf the operator, and a tool with a. cylinder Lndga.te, wh1oh once stood over the gate on 1ou soot\ forget o one inch internal diameter and working . Sold everywhere. Price: CUTICURA, 75ots.; the D. DAVIS · hill, a very little w.i.y west of St. P.iul's. The expenditure a bottle will entail, · HmsoLVEN'r, $1.50. Prepared by a.t an air pressure of fortv pounds per square SOAP, 35 cts.b the Po'l"rER nu c .AND CHEMICA.L Co., Boston, Therewa.s a. ga.te ail wh!oh every day a priaThis now famous preparation for invig· inch is driven at the rate of fifteen thousand Maes. strokes per minute. In fa.ct so rapidly are urSend for .. How to Cure Skin Diseases," 61 o~er was allowed to e1t to collect alms for orating end st~mubting the growth of the his fellows! and here_ one da.y Fost?r ea.t. A ha.ir ill univereally accepted as the mo11t the blows delivered that the noise of work· pa.gee, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonial~. !f'eal~hy ~1dow.pa.ss1ng by gave .mone} · v..Iuable specific on the ma.rket. All t CURES ing ie simply a buzz ; nor is that noiae by Skin an!l scalp prese.rved and beau uiqu.tred into hlll case,_ and took him Into h er dieea11es of the scalp are either relieved or i ' crs 1 any means excessive. A demonstration of I.\ tiiied by: CuTICUR.A M1mICATED service. He saved bis wa.ges, traded sue. . Ft the powers of this tool was given some. time SOAP, oeesfully, married the widow, a.nd in due .perwauently . co~tid, A nch &I_ld .r~p!d Paid up CapUal, $300.000 . back at the sculpture works of Me'l!lrs. time became Sir S ;ephen Foster, Lord Mayor growth of ha.tr will follow after J ~d1c10ue 1 Ile·&, ltJ 70,ooe. Farmer & Brindley, London, Eng., where of London. In hie pro~perity he forgot not and regular treatment. It rema.ms "!'1th - - .o - Lr both stone and wood were successfully Aching Sides a.nd Be.ck, Hip, Kidney his days of adversity and founded a charitiy the user alone to secure the desn:ed · . t . . opD ratod upon, although Mr. Ma.c<Joy does and Uterine Pa.ins, Rheumatic, Sciatic, f h" h 1 k · th lt D r. D oren~en d'a "Ha1r · M ap;10 · " ' I beg to notl!y the public ha.tand am rece1vlllK · deposits for this company, allowing a N 1mralg!c, Sharp and Shooting Pain&, or pr1eone_rs w 10 was ong ept up ~n _e ~.e11u s.. not consider it so applicable to wood as to higher rate o i interest than the be.nksrelieved In one minute by the t!ut.1- gaol of L'ldgate and commemorated in ~~ 11 sold by all druggists at $1 per bottl e, stone. The tool, whica is readily ha.Ddled, AnU·Pain Plaster. The first and only epitaph. or aix bottles for $5. If not obta.inab le ; No NOTICE OF W ITHDRAWAL REQUntED. is made in va.rions sizes, a.nd is ada.pted for cura pain·k1lhng pllM!ter. 30 cents, working in all kinds of stDne and meta.I, and in your loc.i.lity send direct to the sole I am also prepared to grant for caulking steam boilers &nd iron tanks. Mustangs as Oar-Horses . manufactu~er, en.closing price. A. Do:RY- Loans on REAL E§TATE It ie already in considerable use in America., The la.test "fa.d" in oa.r liorses in New WllND 1 Paris Hair Works, 103 and 105 on favorable terms. . where. ib is recognisQd as a. useful · labourYork City &re Teue mustangs, fresh from Yonge St., Toronto. For sale by .J . OFFICE . sa.ving a.ppliance, giving a high finiah to the broad ranges of the Lone Star Sta.te. Hi · '- th & S d II d · t · When Ji.by waa elok, wo ,..,,., her Caatorta, They are brought there unbroken to bib and ggmiio am on, an 8 ruggia At McMurtry's Dry Goods Store, · AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAIN'r.t work. bridle, with highly developed bucking pro' W, F · ALL EN. AND f"LUXE.S Of.THE. BOWE'.LS · When ehc became Hiss, ahe clung to Oaetoria, Not at ail Unpleaaali.t. lT IS SAFE. AND RELIABLE. FQlt When ahe ha(\ Cbildnu, aho gno thom Outoria, Bowmanville, Oct. ll, 1888. 42-3nt Ia there no Joy in makmg these little CHILDREN OR ADULTS. are about as vicious a lot of brutes as one . . 1 t - - -- ·plans to plcO.ec othors, so tha.t when the veil would care to handle. Moat of them have of darkness thuts you from their sight, yonr going mav not be all an unbroken pa.in never been shod and all are new to city life. W ea.k a.nd puny in a.ppea.rance, tra.velling in A · -tha~ no tender thoughts of how you: had double harness before a heavily loaded horse 0 F CA N A DA. pla.nned to rems.in in their thoughts should 'l'DI~ YEA R'.!i car would seem to be a.bout the l..st thing follow you on the unknown voyage t.o th! mysterioue beyond ? While this, perhaps, that they were suited for. In breaking a muata.ng is hitched up with a. veteran boTSe ia tb.e strongest argument for persons who and is only worked a short time eaC'h da.y Thill Bank 111 prepared to do Leglti· possess only trifling things to make a will until he becomes accustomed to worlt.. It mate Bankinit ln all lb branch··· there is another, t<,o, which bas a pleuant ta.kes a.bout a week on an avera.ge to get t he side. Few of us ha.ve the slightest idea of Farmen 11otee dl11counted ; Deposit. CUT and PL11G frac~iousness out of a broncho, and then the what we ha.ve; things accumulate ao fa.n. In 1ecelved and Interest paid on amounts of "fiery, untan:ed" business has departed for. Uter spending much time and money, I aru ta upwards In Savings Bank Departmens; a good sized family of comforti.ble means ever. .I).. · 1ow _ prepa1·ed to till all orders v.romptlY. . .I ' D BA FT S BOWMA.l'IVIl.. LE, Ont. there are enough things of value given at one ;a Te a fine assortment of WAVES, BANGS, Christma.s sea.son to warrant the m:.king of SWITCHES, COMBS and PINS very cheap. Inned and Oollectlona made In Europe EsTABLISHED, IS51. Saole Island. a will. The lieting of what one does possess is FINER THAN EVER. BA:NGB FR.02'4: $2 UPUnited Statea and Oanada. . a pleasant ocoupa.tion, full of surprises, and The little speck known as Sable ldland .>Id Switoliee colored and me.de to look like would fill many Wf1ary houre for elderly east of Nova Scotia., bids ta.ir to meet the new. Higbee~ price paid for long cut hair. W. J ·· TONES, ALL KINDS O.F people, whose·wa.ning eyesight and general fate of the fabled . Atlantia. On every side DAIR TO.I.YI() . Areo feebleness deba.rs them from active intere~te the winds and waves are ea.ting it a.way, a.nil the process of demolitim: is going on so ra- Warranted t.o prevent the ·hair from falling and ?mploymente leaves lives but a quiet season of waiting. out and w ill make It grow. pidly as to make it one of the ma.rvels of the Did you ever lose a. friend a.nd feel a.n irWI have also a fine lo~ of new Stamping nor~hern Atlantic. Trvo lighthouses have Patterni!. A.11 .o rders promptly attended to. res ietible longing for something that wa.s in bronze 011 been destroyed, aud a.nother, some dista.nce continues to do e General Bankinc Buaiaesa done in the latest styles and materials. here ? It might be tha.t · she had present.ed inland, waa erected hat su mmer to take their Bo wmanvillci Bra.nob. yon with ma.ny things, buo none could give Each uL(JG & PACJKAGE. place, Everv y ear shows a considers.hie de~7 Neads' Block, Bowmanvllle. DEPOSITS you the sa.tisbotion that would onsue if you JL crease in the island'11 a.rea, and the modifica· had any old book or little picture she had >U-lY :!.eoeived in Savings Bank Depa.rtmen t and tioill! the debris are making in the adjacent 1&11.and interest allowed at current, ratee. No SCOTCH, ENGLISH, GERMAN AND loved and prized. ocean bottom renclerb the soundings marked 1otlce of withdrawal neoesaary. AU deposit 1 When one goes away from home it is on the cha.rts of that region very unrelia.ble. NEW BRUNSWICK payable on demand, usual to see that a.11 which is left behind is All that is left of the isl..nd ae.,ms destined EXCDA:NGE in time to be strewn over the ocean bed, properly oared for. Why, then, not follow the ea.me natural in&tinot when.laaving them · a.nd the fate of Sablti Island will serve in the l C>ughtfl.nd sold and Drafts iuued upon Europe behind forever ! T o those who had jewels school geogra.phies a.a a notable ins ta.nee of the Jnited States and Canada, also Gold,Silve!' an and laces, plate a.nd costly china, it seems as - -o _ ._ Jolted States Greonbaoks boug;ht and sold, IN STOCK. destructive powers of the waves. ' absolutely a wrong not to arrange for their Call and see our designs and get our .disposal, just a.a is done in the oa.ee of money How She Was Insulted. estimat es before purcha.sinir and other estates. Heirs are merely human, Promptly made at current ratee upon all par - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - often very huma.u, possessing the faults and Friend- " Y ou seem to be excited, Mrs. J! Great Brittain, the Unit ed States and Do minion or Canada. l:l! fra.iltiea of their race as well 8S the virtues, wishes t o n otify t he Public thab she is J ones." been andbeorshewboca.nadjusthiaa:ffaireinsuch going t o sell h er Immense Stock at the Widow-"! am excited; I ha.ve Tele;-raph Transre1·s or der and with such simple directness that Yery lowest rates that has ever been groe3ly insulted." th 1· th · t j "" d · h" L k f b "What is the ma tter ?" i ....,,.....,.. · Made tor large small su msadvantageous on ull parta to of ere a~ n~ wrang mga ove~ em 1s uo ouer e. m t ts t ow!!. oo .ont or a rl . ... ..ir-o. .a--. Ca n ada. Th ill or is especially only a "'.1se man ~ut· a pub!'~ benefactor. gams the r em am der of tlu s season. " Wo~l, just ,think of t h e . impudneoe of ' ~ ~ RI~ persons living in Ma nitoba or the North-wee Fornothmg ca.n give t o the world a lower ! . young~ mks. ?'ester da.y!bnriedmyhusband j · C. Ii · Ua e.s lt makea thefundsavailableatonoo ·a t t ho' · ! opini.on of mar.kind than . the published Str aw an~ F elt Hats Dyed and Reshaped and,,t.n1s mornrng he ca.me and proposed to $11' lam fully preparetl to attend Fu~tH"ILls on I\ pltioe ot payment. · . 1 I accounts of the greed and dtsputes over an \ rn a ll the Latest S t yles. , me. . the shortest not.1~e·c~tthe lowdestpoa he o~e rat~es For!urther par tloula.rs oa.11 e.t the Hankin ' estate ! ,. " Y ou showed h im the door? ' I' Oo.skets and Burial asesrea Y onB 01' no ice ! AG-ENT FOR TEIE TORONTO DY1': WORKS. " Of course I did, and gave him to under- First-class dhCearru so on v~!Ytlmodeh ratcd t eFrms. '\ Housl ' Oe.DIE <'"'0 McGILL Th h t lk t h t l'b 1 li' f . . Shrondaan o · nscons ....n yon an . un· ' , '"'". , "li·ucl"~ftK' SBESTFRI E ND ' emanw . o a . a oomuc ll:eS so l · i 1sta.ndthathewasnoutoshow 18 aceinth1s,era.l ollrds ~upplieo.'atonce . IfllrnitureShop & Accountant, Ma.n&gor ~ n&, \;l~V,V ' . ernl that he g1v~s himself away. I h!}wse 3-:~o.iu f?r at least a week." : Show Rooms---BOU!lSaU'sNew Block. . I ·lv SOIENTifIO ~auadian Jtatttmmau. 1 AND USEFUL. ! AJWICF. TO MoTHf!R!'..-Are I turbed at night and broken of I -. I ICLUBBl"a.TQ . ..... I I the TRUTH 8 j A soURCE of alone. . TRUTH to,. OF AMUSEMENT Gents' Clothing 0 ' POWDER Absolutely Pure. ti4KldG . I, ~i I A Famous Doctor TH 0 S. PEAT,. for I I IERRORS OF YOUTH, At U 'tHDRI & 'ClDX, -----~~--- iTRUSSES, I The llagog Textile and Print Co. ~A~Y'S SKIN AND SLAlP 117 CHURCH ST., TORONTO, ONT. Ayer's Pills, 93 ST. PETER STREET, We We · ~lr~~EYi $ $ __. :, _ ' 1 · I ANOTHER WONDER. Popular No. 1, I Boot and Shoe 1 · I I EMPORIUM! DR. FOWL_ ERS · ~.EXT:OF" .·WILD·1 . TRAYfBERRY· HOuER ' 0 I C-"6.\\9 ..... RAMPS I ole.raMo...r~ B'BY'S ¥-m The Ontario · L oan and s a vin Co. I HOW MY SIDE. ACHES! ri1IARRHCEA l:!JYSENTERY · I I I . wh~i~i:~e~n~=~~l;~~:l f~!1:\h~u~~~av!1ii:; F1·ne Ha1·r Goods I LADIES, BO UNS.Atl'S STAND"'R D BAN K - ... - Marble and Granite Warks, MYRTLE Patron1' ze H 0m B TRADE. SMOVJNG ·roBACCO · ' E'METERY ORK W C GRANITE M0NU MENTS I a~d th~ir T .& · . I I I THE ONTARIO BANK Mrs. A. DA VIS, lL A D I SPECIAL·.TO E s J I B A KI N C P0 U N N 'S M rs. · Donn'e}J Y 1 · uNnE· RTA KIN E L V M QR I I i , M rs. D onnelly. 4,