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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1888, p. 5

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Call on H. c. TAIT for Photographs, School. Books, Fancy Goods, Picture Frames, ~c., Bowmanvilfe. I· A CHAPTFR ON STOVES. IZDAHL ~~""""""~""""""""""""""""""~~""""""~~~~~""""""~~~~~~--~~--Circulation this week, 2,400. USE ONLY 'fHE Thanksgiving Dlly on Thursday. M d hB b · b 1 ur oc ros. are uyrng ar ey · , · BRAND OF PURE t s,;edt~ all-wool socks at 20 eta a p>m-r 0 , _ · ro,s. a · Twenty Grand Trunk conductors have been dismissed. · . Th_e new issu~ of bills by ~he . Ontano Bank are beauties· Mr. Virtue, t&ic-collector, means busi · ness after Nov. 17. The late Thomas Renwick leaves a widow but nr1 children. Mr. Fairhairn's farm stock and imple· ment s ..le Tuesday Nov. 27. " The 1 Great Sta.nda.rd Remedy for all WeakJieee and diseases of the lungs, impaired nutr1tioq, etc This -Oil is Pm·e. Freeh. nearly Tasteless·. and. stamped on each ca.paule. . Wholesale by LYMAN, SONS&: CO. therefore most suitable for delicate dl~~.et1onA. No11e g'enn .ne without the 11ame IlWAHL SA·ND .HAM'S COUCH BALSAM Cnt'Cll the most ob- ·stlnate ctue, if taken p~rsenringly. it taken in time. SANDHA:"'" COUGH BALSAM hae stood the teat of ~ears or tn ..1. s"ANDHA.M'S COUGH BALSAM can l_ie taken by the youlige11t ehlldreo-ls pleas&nt 10 taste, perfectly safe, and prev.ent11 consumption bu 1>ee11 ill use for yeara. SANDH~M'S COUGH · BALS.AM is m~e t.rom a prescription of est&bliehed value which Large Bottle, Suiall Price, 25 cents. , Look! Read! Accept! Tho MONTREAL WITNESS, . WEEKLY STAR, MAIL, OLO. BE, or EMPIRE...·.. $1 00 The MEDICAL ADVISER... . .. . 25 ii·Package~ of Choice Garden &iede. from best 1eedemenin America.. 35 ·$1 tlO We will send rho above to any address fro111 now till Jan., 1890, for $1.25. .Address, MEDICAL ADVISER, Be»c 51, BoWMANVILLE. ·Or- leave vour order with any newsdealer in town. · · " BowIWANVILLE, Nov. 14, 1888. Local and Otherwise. Mr. J ohn Lyle had n colt badly injured by a bar'>ed wire fence. FARllfERs.-Best power Straw Cutter with reverse gt1ar sold by Cius. Roo1ms. Few can· meet and none can beat Tod Bros. remnrkable low pdces in ·winter Dry Goods. , . · · A speci11J d rive in fianneh, hosiery and underwear at J. J. Mason's dry goods and jewe)lery house, · , Mr. Frank Talling won a gold watch at Zera. Semoo's gift show ; Mr. W. Gimblett, near Oourtice, a sil ·er one. Mrs. Donnelly invites the ladies to call and insp~ct her new and forge stocK: of millinery . b efore purchasing elsewhere. BucKWREAT.-Wanted 3,000 bm1hels of Buckwheat. Highest price paid. .Apply to JNo. MACK AY, Ca.led_ o nian Mills. 45- lm , We receive every week the Florida Times publi11hed at .Tackeonville, ]'Ia., where the yellow _ f ever is ragiug. It goes into the 11tove. C~sh will make more money you at :Mayer's fur store than you · think for. ·Call and see what reductions he ls making aa per hi11 now advt . on last page. Ladiea' Short Jackets and Ulsters made 'in Gerruany. The cut. of tbeae Coate is aimf.ll:I perfecti..,11. You will find them at Cou-;;b, Johnston & Urydor1na.u's. Our Virtuo-ous collector of faxes h11s ,distributed to the . citizens with a demo·cratic imp:u-tiality, invitatfoua to an elaborate 1erie1 of rece_ptions at his office. The Promotion exam,i nation for the County will be held this fall on Friday the .30th day ofNoYember. The que11tion papers , will be sent to the trust.ees on ::Friday Novembtor the 23rd. Teachers who have not yet sent list of c&ndidates to tha Inspector will please do so without delay. ABOUT S:roVEi,-No stove has ever taken suoh a hold on the public as the Art Garla.nd. These stoves · are the -0rigina.lt1 of their class, and cannot be aurpassed in durability, 11uccessful opePir.tion and qulllities. Fire-Pot -0an be taken out through front mica doors. Ash pan is very large. For sale _ by L.G. Quick, Bowwanville. See fuller d 'escriptiob. in another oolumn . Cumm Dj' H. B. B. WaEN ALJ, ELSB FAir.Eo..-Mr. Samuel Alla.a, of Lisle, -Ont., states that he tried all the doctor11 iil hi.11 loca.lity while suffering for years wi-th Liver and Kidney trouble; nothing benefiUed him until he took Burdock :a.I.ood Bitters, four bottlea of which cured Jiim. Our p.rime object ia to soil quickly. ~I. · Elllaon & Co. Sweeping reductioAa for cash. Ellison & Co. . Our ~!earing aale begins Oct. 5th. Great bargains will be given. Ellison & Co. for The steqmer Norseman is l11id up for the · Mr. F. Rundle a.dvert.ises lost cattle. 11eason. . . Las~ year fir11t1mow fell on Nov. 13th. 1s for ma.king Montreal wants Moody this winter. 1 Dealers are buymg potaf u1 ·whishy. · ' Tyrnne Public- 8ehool wa.nts a teacher The outlook for the luml·or trade this for 1889. is said to be better. Only one or two vacant houses in Bowtt · tl is issue was manvi'lla. ·d bl 0< m 91 era e ma er in, ' ~ 1 i:?owtled out of last weeks. We had our firs~- rear' cold rain last Smgfo~ is a grand accomplishment. Thursday. Oll>ltiva te the voice in youth. at BowFive ladies lost ·tiieir purses bc>JS behaved pretty demanville Fair. Bowmanville ' F · cently ort Guy aw.kes' night. Good, newsy, racy oorrespo.ndetit wa.nt' 0!'l · Nr·v l there U w 1 d were · 15,£18 O d memben ed for Newcastle. · of A. O · . · 0 ges· rn ana a. , . . i Thanks, Hro. Richardson; for la.te LonMr.· J . D. Treleve:n. J!hmpton, adver- don (Eiig.) pape'ra. . ·t of · .j· '.Bl~nk . ets i.n ·all wei!!'lits at Tod Bros. J farm R stoolt ] for k .e:;:,le. " Pa.·ent p·H and medicine men iood the tises a .I· p town with interesting readiug. Oflpt. · · owo, 'tc erin~. ~rew .an.·11·from $2 apmr up. . in len.gth._ . : Mr.a.. Ne. me P.a . tt ..on· 1100 a gift every Some .nen will persist in sleeping .i n 18 lb tnangold_ 27,incfu.&o k. fF u M II _ church. It's a nod C<lper, too. . . Mrs. Morrison s stoe, 'o . a I mery: !~night at Zer . n· Ladiet1, get you~ Hats re-shaped in 18 now complete. ?a.Mr and m_spect.. ' . . Merchants m_ nst haud in changes for latest styles at Mrs. Morrison's. The inost comple-ue Dad: chOJC'i! stock of adv·s. before Mondays; .. millinery is tound at MM. Donnelly's. , · Zar& Semon· must have·.'received over For a. good choice of feathers, wings CCIDENT I and ribbons go to Mrs. Donnelly's. FIRE, LIFE, A .' · n~tire.nce. :$500 from 011r citizens . An ounce of ..keep-your-moutb-shut" RoRT, VIRTUE, Agent. B'owmanvdle. F tf._ 11 -~ .. B0 .wmanville . dressmalters are very There are n0w so many makes of Stoves, that it is often a puf ..zling is better than a pound of ··::tplanation. All tha new·_s~apes and style~ in ~. ._ ·,~ bnsy-weddio!(· a<hea·d. -01-ders for the Chri11tma11 Globe, at 25c and Winter milhnery at Mrs. ~n~elly s·. - . important ad~t.' for· the Globe ap. matter to make a choice. A stove that is ye:nly becoming more in favor each, received at the STATEsMAN (lffice. The Weekly Globe, Rural Canadrnn and pears on an inside page. is the Grand Duchess Range, which is made in 16 :::!tyles and Sizes for The young ladies of Queen-at. church the STAT.ESMAN to the end of 1!889, for . _ S tott & . J_uey w~nt _plate glaas fronte. coal or wood, and warranted first-class and perfect in every respec~. 25 made about $35 at thd r old time concert. $2· · The Counc1l 1s cons1dermg. The Duchess is the finest and most complete cooking apparatus that haft .Ladies call at Mrs. D onnelly'a and 11ee Inspect our stoc_k Several papers charge ·for publishi11g ever been placed on sale, and the manufacturers guarantee that their ~ sty lee of Fall and Winter hats. Comparo our prices :1ehool reports. We don't. those ne " Then buy at Tod-.Bras. . . sales have doubled that of any other competing Range. A few of tb.fMr G .. D. l·'letcher, sexto.n of Churchded t Mr. F. Mason· wants the Council to get valuable feattrnes possessed by this stove are a LARGEit OVEN THAN; ANY 11t. Meth. church is reaiuning that posiReY. H . 8 ·. ~atthewa a~ten · · a mee - possession of that S. W. Park. .,.. ins;c of the M11111on Committee m Toronto B h t I n l d t COMPETING RANGEj a Patent Ventelated Oven Door-) Front Over. Shelf~ tion. ' on Friday. . e~ n~ s sre very p ?'11 u_ an nu · very large Bailed Ash Pan, Front Feed or Broiling Door, very )arge flush S weet c1 'd er i11 . 111ow1y 1na10ua . . t' ·taeIf gatherm~ ia the youthfuil pastime· . Mrs. Morriimn hall all the latest styles u1g 1 , h in shapes and materials for Winter Mil- Into the affections of some of our beat Mr. C~as. Ruse as ~ted r~oms ov1ir Hearth, Plated Panels, Trimmings and Towel Bar~ highly Burni&heCI Edges, Patent draw Centre Grate, Iron-stone Linings, Check Draft in linery. families. Pity 'tie. McClung 11 Block for m.us1c studio· · The Happy Thought cooking rang~ Mr. John E. Disney has leased his farm Straw a.nd felt , hats. re.shaped, m all Stove Collar, WORrH rrs WEIGHT IN GOLD for retaining fire over night; sold by S. S. Edl!all i11 the beat stove iu lot 35, 8th con. of Whitby; to Mr. w. the latest 11ty~ea at Mrs. Donnelly s. and completely checking the draft. Every Range is supplie<l-.w ith wooil the market. . Frayne, of Darlington. . A very 11pe~ial liqe @Ii Black Cas~mere grate and fire. back, o.nd has a water front suitable for a.ny size; Thero Very life-like pictures of Mr. and Mr11. We notice l!ollie citizens who cannot or Hose. All sizes au John J. Mason 11 is no superior Range in the m"1.rket. For sale in BowmanJohn Jam.,1, Oshawa, are exhibited in do not pay their debts always have money ' The playillg at the Army :jubilee by D. Henry'11 11tudio, . to 11pe11d for amu11ements. 0 . Morrie' boy trumpeter& w ·B very fine. ville by R. WORTH. The Duchess is manufoctuaecl by the E. Cl Adverti~ur11 are claimiug so much space The clasne· ill connection with the MeMr. R, M.uy11e, formerly of this town, -GURNEY CO., the celebrated Stov-" Builders, which is a gua.rrantee in itself oftheir me1·its. in Tmi liiTATESMAN that we have con- cha.nics foatitute should .be attended by is working .for Mr. Geo. Buck, in Whitdenaed item· tei11 week. many y11111·g lads and meo. by. . . 'e. We hear Mr. s. Brooke. New Orlean·, On motion of Coun. Patt;nson, the Messrs. c. Murdolf and Jaa. Wallis hu pur.-.hased Mr. J. F. Brooke' farm, west aid~walk on Ontario-st. ia to be take part in a concHt at Lindsay this .J Courtice, 100 .. cres, for $7,500, · · widened north of Darch's shop. week. The .selection of a Base Burning Coal Stove for Hall or Parlour use, is .a matter Cottun Combine is broken and prices BARLl!:Y.-The highest price paid · for ' The Weekly Mail, Farm and Fir~ide of no 11maUimportanoo, as upon it depends tt· a very large extent, the comfprt ancl are low~r. Sea \he 7c l!'actory at Tod any quantity of Barley at Bowmanv.ille and the STATESMAN to the end. of 1889, health of the household duriug the long months of our Cauadian Winter· The CouNor Newcastle harbours. Murdoch Broll. for $2. TESS FANCY BASE BUBNER is all that ita name implies-a parloir heating stove or Bros. Special prices by the web'. neceaaai:y· toh secure . Welli·n,,ton Lodge Sous of Ena land will · "The folly and ain of dancing" was ·the exquisite bAauty, and embracing d all the d dprinciples b · . .the l utmosC f 1 Subecript1on11 tak en f or a11 0 anad um "' coa aa ue · ·' 11 hold a aoci~ble and Am4lr1can newspapers an d mi.gazme in their Hall on"' Tuesday theme discullfted by Elder Gunn re- durability and extreme economy eman e y those who us& ant rao1iil d fli As a di>uhle .b thEJ at Iowest rat es at the STATESMAN o ce. eveoi"nrr 0· ext for membera and their fa.m - cently. F' heater 1 or floor ventilator d h bit has · nt> dequal d. . By ad patente h h device f "' heated air ueual y confined un er t e as. e 1s con uct upwar a t roug our tu ell Mr. John Morrison, one of our oldest iliea. STATttsMAY ia printed Tuesday after- arranged in the corners of fire chamber ·to a ·receiving apparatus and thence ·into th~ 1 and moat reap~cted citizens, pas.sod peaceSome citizens have been rabbit shoot- noon. Adverti111ments received up . to room, 11triking the ceiling, i:;i deflected in different directions, and findtng its way t0> fully to hia heavenly ht1me on Thursday. ing. If rabbits were a·s numerous as they one p. m. · all parts of tho room, perfect circulation is thus obtained, makin~ the far away comers The West End House guarantees to are in Pome parts of England there would Ladies, look! Mrs. Morrison's is the a8 comfortable as a place near the stove. The ornamentation puts this stoYe m f;live as good value for your money iu be fun. place for bBrgaiM in Millinery, Fancy ADVANCE OF A:t---Y ART STOVE in the markei. This stove is sold also oy .R. WORTH, Teas 11s any house in tho CGuntry · Try Moro attention ahould be given to voice Goods and WO·'ls. Bowman ville, and is made by the Gurney Co. them. culture in thiB town. Singing claee11 "One half of the young men in Bow" Ladies you should visit McClung Bros' should be st..rted while Mr. Chas. Ruse manvill<:i bwe iheir tailor,'~ rellU'rked a Sult~ '¥11 ~" ~nd· 8 '¥11 _ · ~ " Millmery ahow room to see latest is hem. citiz-:n. Is it. poHible? · ~ill "' ..fiill ill. ."'8 n<.ivel<.ies, Those German Mantles are The Counc1·1 ·very properly reduced the Th l t · l " ht ._ t b df · S l ·· h" h · rf J e e ec r10 1g is o e remove rom Another atove of great merit, a ha11e burner, ts the " u tana; w 1c is powe ti· very fine. tax~s of the Novelty Works. Several the band st9.11d to the cor. of Division economi~"l and simple, perfectly titted aud thoroughly tested, made in a large variety Mr. N. N. Cole, O!le of Winnipeg's en- other applic...ti<>ns are referred to Court ~ .. d· We ling ton st5, Good act. . of eizes and styles, to suit the wants of all clae11ee-the rJlechimic, the merchant, t h& ierprising werch..nts' gave as . a call on of Re vi~i,·IL S··m'.i' .,triplings in town are becoming professional man and the farmer; a stove that has never bQen kn;iwn to fail, undel! FridM.y. fl., id~ with Mrs. Cole and child Overcoats and suits in boys'. a.nd men's too bat for ihis »ge. The sooner their anv circumstances, and whose name Sultana has in cimse-quence bet;:11me a "household on Monday fo~ home. sizes. Re·dy-made or made to order. parents know of their habits the better. word" throughout the land, is the oue that particularly recommends itself to the not· Mr. Jas. McLean, Hampton, has bought Best goods Bt 1 owest prices at John J. ' M~.ny people are ruined by shifting ice of parti~s ~bout making a selection. No Base Burning Coal /?tov~ maiuf&Oturetl the largti brick dweilivg on 11ilver·st., re- Mason's. See advertisement. ,fr<?II). ono occupBtion to another. Some m the Domm1 on Ill _b~tter or mor~ favorably known tllan the bu!tana , _its reput~tion centJy occupied by Mrs Chas. Coleman Every lafly admits that we are ~howing Bowman ville citizens are no exception to as a Handsome, Efficient a~d Ea.aily Mauaged Self Feeder, h~vrng, g~~ned for 1t an who has moved to Toronto. the finest and most elegant stock of Dress the rule · unprecedented large sale ; mde(ld of tbe many thousands now 10: uae _m , Cal!: a da, nnt All you who have good tastes Gc 1ods ever shown by ahy house- in town. 'ch . · f 1 l' Co mittees re n single complaint in i:cepcct of operation, has reached · the inaiiu.facturers. Tb$ Aud find them hard to please, Couch, J olUJston & Cryderman. t nirmt en d~tanc mfg tml · d · · a peculiar construction of the Sultana, howe~er, which secures great he'iitii:1g powe .' r, with o repor expen i ures or ieir · epar1l , · · f d · 1· ·t f · · · t h IT~n.. Just siep into McClung Bro's. store Oshawa people complain that their alee- ments to thti Council at next meeting. ~conomy of futi, perf~ct consumption_o gases an s1mp 1c1 :f o ~a.n~gemtit1 , a11 "'""'!'.. And try their firnt-class t eas. trio lights are too low, Mr. Dave Morrison, Good ac~, Mr. Burden. it ahead of all c·.)mpetltore and given it, the name and fame. it eDJOfs to-day. . Gold money, Pe.per money, Silver editor of .the Stm, say · 11 some people think J · 11d t th W t E d H ust· rece1v a · L" e desK"dn GI ouse "ART SULT>\.NA."-To meet the demand that has ari~en for a High Art Bas& money, Copper money wanted at Tod ours are too hi"b. We be!! to diff&, sir. .L d" d G t 8 1 '"' at the West ~ End ·House Aa· ies h an b en , na Bros. for the same we will give good value The Red parlor k I tne L d" · ' d ,..,oves, t 8 · Burner-so called to distinnu. " ish the Squar& from the Round Stove, the Art Sul ta an ac s ahi RO a"ll ies an uen has been introduced, 11ud its success, as attested by the large sale, the perfection of in seasonabh1 Dry Good~. 2"11 worth a v1·s1 ·t from anyone. Itconta1·us L"strac dK 'd M"t·· " h ba ·old very k 1 me i "" w c Wl ., ~ its operatiol' has been mest gratifying This year it is pfaced on the mar et in,-a handsome new drees and its rich Ornamentadon io Bronz~. Art '!'ilea and Nickel, will Bowmauville Council met November 3 one of the fini;st assortments of Dinner, cheap. , Present, the Mityor, Reeve, Deputy Tt"a ..nd Toilet Seta ever shown in town. Toronto mails are later then formerly, render it even more popular with the public and we confidently recommend the "A:tt Reeve, u.nd Coun. Jeffery, Mason, flume The pricea are away down. Bowm1mville males secure a snit of.under· Sultana," equally with the Silltana, to intending purchal!ers. '.fhere are no more Pattmson, Quick and Worth. 01 1 mo·ion of Reeve Bnrden, seconded wear ~nd a good heavy pair of 1 "?Cka at p owerful Double Heaters in the market than the Sultana and Art Sultana. Printed Mrs. Geo. Patterson who 1sold .her 70 by Conn. Wort,h, a resolution <·f r egret for at Tod Bros. to keep warm while waiting direct ions, with instructions in regard to the kinds of coal most suitable, accompany each Stove. In price tho different 15izes and stvles of the "Sultana" and ·"Art Sul· acre farm rec«ntlyto Mr. John Somers a t the act.ion of the Grand Trunk i n remov· for them. $115 au acre, has moved ,into Mr. John ing tho e rly train from Toronto was Couch, .Johnston &Cryderman are now tana" will be found as low as any Hall nr Parlour Stove in the market, of eiipilar eize Gaud',, brick house on' Hor11ey-11t. passed at the Council meeting. showing a fine range of Mantle Plushes, and weight and in operation. Tb.e manufacturers authorize dealers to WARRANT We agree with the auggeetion that A Brn DEu.-See J. J. Mason's new Silk Sealettes imd Ulster Cloths. Every EVERY STOVE SOLD. tramps receiving the hospitality of our advertisement. He has bought from the lady should see their stock of these goods SOLD IN BOWMANVJLLE BY coo.Ier should cut w<>od as an equivalent. , trustees nf a large .bankrupt · wholeea.10 before buyiug IDIRECTLY OPDPOSTTE THE What sha.ll ihe quantity be, David? house a larbrre quantit _y of seasonable dry Messrs. Gilfillan· and Davidson will ..1:::1.. · ONTARIOBANK .. =1 f th I ad· ' . teach the commercial and Mies McChm"' Este a & Laur1"a.t Publ1"shers Boston goods at panic prices for spot cas h · "' h 1 · ·1 1b f d · t t makes of Coal ~nd 0 the drawing classes in connection with w ere a so wi e oun an extensive assor men o e e m.., " Mass , ha.Ye sent u~ a. copy qf Miss Par- I . Corresp_ o ndents _ pick up every.little in- the Mechanics lnstitute. One dollar for Wood Stoves and ranges, ov. e r 50 styles to selet'.t from, all "of which will be sold ~f; loe.'s New Cook Book. It is truly multum· .c1dent of rnteres~ in the t~wnships-fur- 25 lessons, boys. You should attend. very low prices.. A good assortment of all kinds of second-hand st0\ 0S constantly on in parvo and indispensable in every kitch· msh news. Avoid those little p~rsonalhand. Intending purchasers will save money by seeing R. WORTH'S great asssrten. Only 30c. ities re' pMting young people wh.1ch are The renowned Band of the "House· ment before purchasing. -44-tf. The summer is over. Thoughtful peo- too freely _ iu_d ulged in by some w _ rit _ers. hold Troops," 27 instrumentalists from d t London';. England, in charge of Staff-Capt. J?le look ahead to make themselves comBowma.n ville has not many m igen s, , Appleby, .late of S:er Majesty's service, fortable. This can be done by calling at but sev~r"l poor. People who have cast- will visit Bowmanville on Saturday and McClung Bros., tho lending Dry Goods off clothing can find deserving parsonb by Sunday· , Nov. and . 24 25 House Bowmanville. applying to the W. C. T. U., or to the Sev;.ral dozen of Christies of London, Chairman of the Poor Relief Com111ittee; Several friends of Mr. and Mrs, John ---Cl__:_ dh 1h · 1t Lyle surprised them last Tue11day night Eng., samples for next season's trade in The visits of a g~o ea t J_ourna , o a on the occasion of their crystal wedding stiff Hats bought by J. J. Mason, from home may save a. big doctor bill and per- and presented Mrs. L. with a very ha.ndthe agent. See the new styles for spring, haps life. Hall's~ o~1rn~l of Health, 206 some fruit dish in elegant silver r.etting, 89, if you want a Ha.t, Broadway N . Y., 18 m its 34th volume ·nd beautifully chased, bought from Mayand is a standard magazine. $1.00 a year. .. ~ The popularity of our Tailoring DepartMrs. R. Oheriy has bnilt an addition nard the Jeweller. ment is manifested by the great rush for Mr. Arthur J. Honey, graduate of this suits and overcoats. A Yery to Cherry Cottage, Chm:ch-et.· making it office; has taken Ii situation in printing large usortment of cloths to choose from. the prettiest double dwelling in town. office in Toronto. Arthur is ono of the We are sellinO' some of the finest and best makes in the Dominion. Mr!!. Cherry ~rid family occupy the east f h. d 0 ouch , J oh nston & Cry d ennan. We won't sell you shoddy goods without telling you what they are. . division and Mr. Jo~hua Adams the west. moat worthy young men o t is town an , will do hia duty wherever employed. He P l UnionserviceswillbeDheldinSt. a?-s "Money is King," saysM.Mayerin wasoneofthebeshplayersinthe . S. A. I~UBBE· RS church on Th<lnksgiving ay,com1:11encmbg his new advt. to-day. Why will people band where he will be much missed. ~ll at 11 a. m. Addresses will be ·g iven Y run accounts when they can save more R evs. J · E · S an d erSon, M · A ·· and W · than the interest on money by paying apoligies now, Mr, We are not makin" " FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. H · W arri ·n · er, B· D · Collect1 "on for the cash 1 See what great reduct1<ms · Ma.yer Sun, · nor are we responsible for the state· monts of our correspondents. We are· is making. · poor. The following were on the Grand Jury October was a wet, cold month. Snow minding onr own business and runn!ng . at Cobourg week:-'-Me1111r1. J.Brown, fell on four days, the ~)th, 10th and 21st. this paper our own way and aucceedmg .. Grand Duchess Range. I An. news 'rhe Countess FanC"' Bas .e ...,unie . r. "' Art .S. U lt · ° R -W-QRT· -c::::r g ' 7 BOOTS and SHOES. ---o--- THE PARLOR BOOT &SHOE STORE AND QVERSH·QE·· S a Fe}t Boots 0. f every descr1p · t· Ion. J. H. Bellwood, Clarke; Thos. H . Han- rain fell on 22 'fhe total nuder qock, Darlington; J . M. J oness, Darling· of days on which rain or snow fell ia eight ton; W. S, Russell, Bowman ville; Albert Spinks, Cartwright. VALUABLE TO Kxow.-Conaumption mayJ>e more easily prevented than cured. The irritatiug a.nd harassing cough will be greatly relieved by the use of Hag~ yard's Pectoral Ba 1sam t ha. · t enrts cough e, colds, bronchitis and · all pulmonary troubles. 'l'hose who have had a peep behirnl the ace11e11 say the coming Chril'tmu Number of TuE MoxTR:&A.L STAR is something· marvelously beautiful completely ecli}Js;ing every illustrated number issued from the Star office, and putting · the London Graphic andNews CQtilpletely in the ~hade. The publishers have alre3dy 11-pent neallly h d 11 · · d t· twenty t ou11and o m 1tspro uc ion. Anniversary sermoW! ;vill be prer.ahed in Church-tSt. MethodiBt church· next Sunday by Rev. Dr. Shaw, of To:rnnto, at 10: 30 a. m. and 6.30 p. m. Special collections at each lltlrvice. On Monday, 19th, the annual supper will be served from o ·o'clock till all are served'. Interesting addresses will follow from visiting and town ministers. '.rickets to·feast only 25c, in excess of the average, and the greatest for October in fourteen years. . On Thursday J ohn Varcoe, formerly hot11lkeeper, Tyrone, but who has lived in B owmanville for over a year, took a dose of Paris green and died t.lio same · evening, the best medical ski11 b em~ u11availinll'-. No ca.use is assigned. He was abou'76 years old. Mr. Harry Weekes has moved into Miss McClung'11 house, Wellington-st., recent· ly viwated by Mr. A.dams. Mr. Will.. Gamble succeeds Mr. Weeke~ in Mr;. J. Neads'house, Division-et.;and the blisses Power, dresemakera, succeed Mr. Gamble in Mi·. J . Percy's house directly in front of St. Pa.ul's chunh. .Mrs. Burley says she had 30 gem jars of fruit a.ud a.bout 20 bottles catsup stolen from her cellar lately. Mrs. D. B. l<'ogg· lost about 20'jars of fruit, Mrs. Strowgtl_ r a b11m and .20 lbs lamb, and Mrs. Steen, lost some fruit. Mr.. Rnebottom had some fowl stolen. Some one -,vas seen prowling about in Mr. D. Beith'11-Back ya.rd the other night. Grand chance for . s~e fine detecti'l'e work, Mr. Chief., ~:~i~~~:rj b~~:er a~:<lr!~~n~ub~::r;ti~~: coming in rapidly. Shake 1 Ameetin,,ofdelegll.tesfromtheacveral Divisions ofSons of Temperance i~Ht~f County is to be h~ld iu tlie Sons a. · We do not sell 20 per cent. cheaper thon anyone else; but we <lo Bowmanville, over Murdoch Bros. store SELL .AS CHE.AP as any other. on Tuesday 20th inst at 1:30 P· m., for the purpose of organizing a District vision for the County. Members of Dithe d order not delegates will be · a.dmitte to the meeting as visitors. A Pnblic M!ieting will be held in the 'l'own Rall at 7 :30 p. m. of same day to bs addreMed by ~he G. w. P., the G. ·s. and other le!Ldmg members of the order. The p:ibhc are cordially invited to attend. A collection will be taken to pay expenses. N:Ell.DS' Bf,.OCK, BOWM..4.N~Il..f..E. THE Monu::i Ol'RRANDI.-The mode of B" · operating of Bu. r doek Blood · itter~ is that it act~ at once and . t he aame time .A lovely lot .i.f Ribbons for :Millineqiia,f; Pricea lowered fro~ 15 to 25 pe.r cent. upon the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kid· Mrs. :Morriaon~a Ellison & Co. neys and the Blooq, to cleanse, regulate We claim that 'fHE ·8TA'l'DlMAN .contttmB Grey Flannels at temptiui,r prices. and strengthen. Renee ite almo11t uni· twice '.\II much We11t Durli,am news as W!Y EUisou&Co. versal value in Chronic Complaints. · ·other paper. Compare and aee. Moose and Buck Moccas1·ns, allsizes ·. Dressings arid Blacking. Please give us a call No trouble to show goods. · TERMS, CASH. W: JENNINGS, The clearing sale will~W~~~e~~~n. Cloakings and mantles mWlt be sold. Ellison & Co.· customers will wonde,:- how we can sell .An awf6.l 1care haa beeu ca.used· among so cheap. , Ellison & Oo. certain competing l1ousee by the tlow Men's Pants remarkably cheap. prices we are selling tea at. 'See -0ur ·tea. Ellison & Co. before buying. McCLUNG BRos.

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