·~~;~di~;-·Jtntt5~~~~f ··-··------·--Mrno-EtLANEous.. - ~;n:!l'X'llll"i'~ti'~ llll!l1IP' - CllW 1 1 ·ee~~tt.~;,h:ri:fo;~~b·~~ettf:i~~~~:;:sa~~~~:f~~f:s.-·-, t -is-·. b;.~ -;d·- - Embroidered v~ets b id fair t o be a feat ure u re .Y agreea. e 0 man. u o· · ·~ ~, ~- -· ····· ...::o = - = in a utumn ma ntlea apd winter cloak~. .lies t1.t che top of a hill·; ii' :\Ve u ul.d rea.ch I i t . we can do so only by ha rd, tleraeveriog W EDNESDAY, . N O\ T . J4, 1888. i A new she.de of green rathe1 · d a.rk, is ex · e ff:Jrt, whiltl b~se' with d iJib\\J.1iaB of every t ensively used iu combin ation with white. k ind. Genius cou nts nothing i t he ba:tle . ·1·r d · d "b ·. . · · The moat fo~ hion11blc women of Fra.nce o f I e I etermme , o st111a.te persever · ·\:C!~ ~"S Qr1~maJ are introd ucing f.mall · dinner -tables instead an c3 in one single channel is ever ything, ~ H ence, shou ld any of our -..·onng'- i·eaders n E of one farge ooc. b ' · '\.ea J! a""\. L I TT .... e debating in hismind a change of buiiines~, " u'l" (?.a\. \'1e LIVER Patti w ill give European concerts in ima.gining he has a g r m ius for some other Q \.\. 't 5 p ILL .. J a.nuary and F abrua.ry and then st a.rt a.vain let him a.t once dismiss the th ought. as. \l.e for B uenos A yres. , would a temph tion to do evil. . If yo 'a · ..,,E 0 .., .,., IMYT' · TTO,.. 'S .,....,,, · -r-nu ..,.8 · t a k e In · c h o· . t h e ·pur~Ult . or· ·· BEW. .a.i· .L . d ., · ·.a_i, ' h" .· . Ill a d ea mis osmg 4.SK FOB DB. PIERCE'S PELLETB1 OR omet mg new m po i tics IS reported frofn profession you did, don't ma.k e anot jJ.er ·by LIT'J'LE SVGAR-COA '1.'.ED PILL S. Mobile, A.Ia., w llere, a local p a.per states, an lea.ving . it. S pend all. your enerniA S in W:b.rk· · elector tried to get a st eamboat mate to have "' Beil~g cnt~rely vegetable, they op" gang r otten ·. gg him a.t "' meeting he was ing for and clinging to it . as. yo u wouhl to erate without dLSturbance t o the system, diet, . . . . the lifeboat ·t ha.t sustained you in the midst or occupation. Put up in glass vials hermetl- t o address, so that he could ma.ke political of the ocean. If you lea . ve it, . i t is .~Im . o. at cally sealed. Always fresh and reliable. As I ot1p ital out of the affair. a laxative, alterative, or puriiattve, J Ch" . h Id h . b certain that you wtll go down; but if · you icago a.s an sett1er w 0 remem ere clin11 to i1; informing yourself about it until these little Pellets give the most perfect satisf action. well the d ays v; hen the postma.ater carried you a.reita ma.ster, bendingyour evecy energy a ll the mail in his hat. The first p~ivate to the work, succell8 is certi.in. G ood, U letter box was ma.de out of a boot with a hard, honest dF.:.rt, steadily persevered in, ' p u t of t he leg mt off, In those days, Iese will · m ake your business or profession Bilious Headac he, than 50 ye>ns ago, itkccst 25 ·.cents to sena a grow·, ..:nee no one sho·ild. , x peot to. re·ch ~ ' t hn~ w D i z z i ness, c ou 11ti p :.i_ . ett er trom N cw '" .1.or to Ul11cago, · a. period wh en h e cr n feel ".i·· lif.e.work ti 011, Indigesti o n, · ·· ~0 " 0 B il ious Attael~s,and nil Queen Victoria. d oes not share the genera.I is j ust the one h" could ·have done .. b est and derangements of the stom· · · th 'f f I · l"k I would have liked bes~. We a re allowed to ach and bowels, are p1·omp top~nioi;i at the gi. G 0 an opa is 1 e Y to d f h h 10 ·1oug ness in our· own pat · lyrelieved and permanently , , . bnng ill-lack ta its owner. She has pre· see an ee1 't1 cured by the use of D r . i sented ea.ch of h er daughters on their mar- wa.J , bu t none in others; y et, alt havethem. I ' d d" Pierce'· Plemmu e 1~11ru2.tive Pellets. · · 'th d Th e dawdling uneu~cfJseful 1a,;1ures >n the In explanation of t he ;\,medial power of t hese nage,, wi a pa.rure o1 ope. s an mmon s. ' ' ~ · · '· · · Pellets oYer so great n vad ety of diseases, it Her rnflu~n('e, and t.ha.t of h er numerolls world's highway a.re those who in helpless may truthfully be sai<l that their H ction upon offspring, is said to be doing much to 1eha- disgust are oontiuua.lly saying,' "oh, if I ha d the s:ystem is, univem,tl. n9t a gland or tissue oi i i~t\I the opal in the good opinion of the chosen some .ct.h er W fl.Y of living a.nd work· . ing." It would ha ve been d no ueo. They escapmg their sanu~' ve mfiuence. Sold by druggists, 25 cents a vrn t. Manufactured at the , pu11 l IC, · h . . Cbcmiool Laborat.ory o f WORLD'S DISPENSARY B Id · d h' b 11 d i would ave bee11 dreamers and wishers and MEDICAL ASSOCIATIQ~1 , llulfalo, N. Y, r f\ Will ~n IS a oon a.f,e .raw ng e.:i dawdlers and failures all the sam e. B oye, !rig crowds l~ London~ the Wild West boys; choose your way of lif~ a.nd l!ft~r· did. &ldwtn has reoeivcd ~ order from :wards st ick to it whatever it s nnplca.sant· t~ the _ War Office fo_r three of his. pa~a.ehute1. nesses. l5:i: !:le 1s also m ruse1pt ofeommun1cat10m from :~----··"'~--- -·- · ··-· · 1 ---~~'llliWMlfiilll!iiflWW!Wr--a~~ -~J~R~L!!!~·!·~A&!_!llllll!B~lll~!'-~IN~-~!-11111t1·111111111J11... ~ll~llll .. _·n·~ · ··--··1···· ··111R1:1Mlllld·-111111···1-······~·-111 ··illl u ·~1!!!!1' 1 A · I j 1 s=:>::.... __ ··-- 1 · F or pepple to expect a cure for I ndiges· tion, unless they r efrain from ea ting w hat is u nwholesome; b u t if anything will sh arpen t h e appetite anu give tone . t o the diges tive organs, it is Ayer's Sar· sapar illa, 'l'hou sa:n ds a ll over t h e land t estify to t h e merit s of this medicine. Mrs. Sarah Buri;oughs,-of 248 E ight h street, Soli,t)l Bo~ton, Wr ites : "My !ms. b and h a s, takc .n Ay . er's Sarsaparilla , ,!or . Dy spepsia a nd , t orpid liver, and has b!)en greatly bene..fited." · . f · .. i C The e ! s. I ,: I I for s r. . ° SICK HEADA OHE , C. <;anteibury., of 141 Franklin st., B 08t '·· on, mass., w:rites, that ; suffering for years from Indige stion , lie was at last induced to. try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. and; by i ts use, w as entire ly cured. Mrs. J oseph Aubin, of High street,· H o Iyok e, M . ass., su ffered 1or over a ·year from Dyspepsia, so that sh e could not eat substa,n tial food, becam e very ' weak, a n d w;a.s unable to care for h er family. N eit her the medicines prescribed . by .n hysiciaits, · n . o:r any . of t he r emedies a dvertised for the cure of Dyspe.p11ia., h elped her, · until she commenced th e u se of . ;A.yer's Sarsaparilla. " Threo bottles o.f this medicine," she w r ites, " cured m e." · A·. c . .. · rm ....~d ·oys· pep· t1"c ' ·" .on Q Infants and Childre. n. i , '."Cutoria!amwell&daptedtochlldretith.., . c-.torfa _Colle, Constipation; I recommend It as sul>Cl"ior to any prescription . Sour Stomach., Dia.rrhllla., Eructation., mown Some." 1I. A· .Allcmm, M.D., . . · Kills:~· 6:ivea _ sleep., and promofllls dlo lll So. OUOftl SL. llrooklyn, N. Y. Wi~S Injurious medication. . 1 Tam C::e:N'ltAo n. Co:&r? AN1t, ':7' :\l.urra y Street, N.. Y. FOR SALE DY J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE, I I HARDWARE ! .HARDWARE I ! r ======= , ::::==== VI . , ers isofi'cred by the =ufa~t= 1 ~~:;1t~o~i!~Pfi~de~1:he:twa.rT8ffic!~tii ; :R,~ PEATE ·Tailo)> of Dr. Sa ge's Catarrh he ot a modified form , so that they oon be steer d to any point of the $5o oHE ARD l Aye r's Sar·sapar1"lla, PREPARED BY Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Prleett ; alxbottles,t·. Remedy, for a case of Chronic Nasal Catarrh ·which they cannot · cure. SYMP'rOm:s OF (JATARRH.-Dull heavy headache, obstruction of the nnsal passages, discharges falling from the head into .the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid; t he eyes are weak, watery, and inflame~ ; there ls rlnginlf In the ea.rs. deafness, hackmg or coughing to clear the throat, expecto rution of ofi'ens!ve matter, together with scabs from ulcers ; the voice il!. changed and has a nruml twang ; the breath ls oireus!ve; smell and taste are Impaired; there IS a sensat ion of dizziness, with mental depression, a hacking cough and gene ra! debility. O_nly a f ew of the above-named & ymptoms are hkely to be present in anY one cllBC. Thousands of cases annually, without manifesting .half of the above symptoms, result \n co11~.u mption, aud end it1 the. grave. No disease ll! so common, more deceptive and dangerous, or less understood by physicians. B y its ~ild, soothing , and healing properties, Dr . Sage s Catarrh Hemedy cures the wonn; cases of (Jat11rrh " c ol·l in tl1c h e ad"' Col'yza and (Jafarrhal Headache. Sold bf druggist8 everywhere ; 50 cents. · A ~erma.n court has declared the publication of Dr, M11.c k enzi.e's book to be illegal. Dr. Macker zie is an Englishman. He re· d. f t v to S· ce1ve immense. sums. ~r ra e IDg a.n Remo and looktng ~JBl! 'Y at the Emperor lt'rederiok's throat. The German doctors said Macke:1; zie would kill the Kaiser The . , . · Kaiser died, and the German dooto.rs. a~ · d11ced the event as the fulfillment of tne1r courteo us prophecy. Dr. Mackenzie's book , h h ·· h G d k'll d ·h .ea.7 eat at · e , ermau ootors 1 e t e p <tient. The same Germans who would give $100,000 for Mackenzie's opinion before F rederick died would not giv e a fig for . . · . 1t now. B ut .Dr. l\lla.ckenz1e has the hundrect tho11sa.nd doUars, providing he has not spent it in publi~hing the bc ok . · It see°!s ~hat 300 ·veterinary surgeons in Great Brita.m have signed a. pa~er condemn· . . . . . mg tight bearrng rems, a nd we 1 might the es uyist conclude with the following ap· peal;"Untold Agouy fro m (Jatnrrll." " W c wish that every woman, aa well a.s Prof. w. HAUSNRR, the fornous mesmerist, man, ·who feeh the slightest interest in of lth.aca. N. Y., wr ites: "l:lome ten years ago I sulfered unt.old agony from chronic nasal horses- and where is the man, woman, or catarrh. My family physician gave me up as chi!d who is devoid of such interest?incurable, and aaid I m ust die. My cnse waa · would think ot the duties they owe to these such a bad one, that e very day, towards sun- faithful dumb servants. If any lady of set, my voice would become w hoarse I could barely speak above a whisper. In the morning fashion, instead of lying back against her my coughing 1 md clearing of my throat would carriage cushions, unc~nscious of the disalmost strangle me. By t he use of Dr . Sage's tress she is permitting, will go in front of Catarrh Hemedy, in three mont hs, I was a well her horses, where she can look benea th the man, and t he cure baa been perirnuie1;lt." blinders, .i.nd see t he upeakiDg -gnze of t heir "Constantly H a wking aud Sp i tting." beautiful, implor ing eyes, we 1-n ow that T HOMAS J. RUSHING, Esq., ~00$ Pine Street, her sympathy :will gi ve her n o rest unt il St. LowiS, llfo., writes: "I wus n great sufferer ehe ha.a sflcured their .rightful comfor t. " · from cat arrh :ror three year s. At times I could Y es, l>1dies, pity the poor· ho1·ses, tortured hardly breathe. and was constantly hawking and spitting, and .for t he l1wt eight months to make i t app ear t hat you a.re of· t he cn'me could not breathe t hrongh t he nostrils. I · de la creme. thoughtnot4ing could be done forme. Luck ily, I was advised to try Dr. Sage's Catarrh " Old H utch," or "Old Clutch ' as he RP-mcdy,. and I am n ow a w ell man · . I believe it to-fie the only sure r emedy for catarrh now might more truthfully be ca.lled, the Chicago .laii·broker who worke·d the recent corner manufactured, nnd one b us only t o give it e wh · fair trial to experience astounding results and to his own gratification and the ruin of hnn · a per manent cm·e." · dred~, cught to hav:e tingling ear'!' in theae day· if there is any cap'lcity for b!u$biog Three Bottle· Cure Catarrh. left in him. But he ia too old for that , and ELI R OBBINS, Runyan P-. 0 ., Oolumbta Co., Pa. says: " My daughter had caj;arrh when too ba.1d -he~rted· . Bv the way, what a she~was tl.ve years old, very badly. I saw Dr. ghastly commentary the whole of tha.t huge Sage's ·Catarrh Remedy advertised, and pro- " gamble" was on the hypocritical pretimcea cured a bottle for her, nnd soon saw tbe.t it with which the Chicago Boo.rd of Trade helped her ; a third bottl~ · ef!'ected a permanent cure. She is now eia-hteen yeara old and justified ita persecution~ of the bucket . aound and heuty ." shops I Not that the bucket·shops were right things, or aught but moral pestilence&. But Satan never rebuked Bin with a more oynioa.l senee of b.e ing a humlaug, than these high-toned brokers must surely have fel t in .. their righteous indignation over sma.11 "deals' I in corn and wheat. Why, tha.t man ma.de I more mischief, w as the direct ca.use of more demora.lization, than pe'rhap3 all the bucket· ~hops in Chica.go ever ca.u·ed in a whole ·year., A writer in the Chicago l rit :rior , speaking o~ this subject, expresses himself so boldly and unmistak ably that. a fe w lines com~~ I ! ' · Wo~tht> a bottle. BE0 E MA NNINB , Stoves and Tinware., Paints and Oils.' - - ---.,..---·- - - , . . - -- - -- Gentlemen'sClothesMade to Order. . r Surreys,. Bugg1· es, Market Wagons' Sle1'ghs' Cutters' &c., Painted i>:1 firet· claas style at Parties having anythinJ.( in 1he above line that requires painting will save mon~y by h aving the w or k done a t my shop. .. Bring your Sleighs a nd Cutt.,rs in P.arly in the season. It wont cost any more flUd better work can b e done by having plenty of time, · Orders for · · . LOWES1PRICESiIN TOWN. Begs to inform th~ inhabitants of Bowma.nville anu surrounding . Townships tha t be has opened out bu;;iness in the old stand, formerly occupied Ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one . door ea'lt of Standard Bank, and wi-lJI ai all times keep in stock all goods usually kept in a firs t-class Hardware Btore, condsting of SIGN PAINTING will r eceive prompt at· ent:ion. Shov over Mc MURTitY'f.I LIV E R Y STABLE. Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelf Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, ·Shovels, &c. I shall al:so kee.p a well assorted stock of tihu best wa:r;.ufacturers' (~iqui.tl.) « N ote.- Thi.s fa-vorite medicine i s p ut up in oi-c il bo'Ules lwldhty :.'ir ee ounces each, wi th the naine blown in the glass, and the name of the in i·entor, S. R . Camp· . bell, in red ink across the fa ce of the labei. B eware of i mitattons, r efuse all suusti;. W-.Mov1=iNi~fsoN. ·. 39 _ m 3 COOK, HALL ·a. PA.RLiD! R ST.DYES. . Stove Pipes, Mtc'l.s, &c. · . ·'Fall I Fall I I Fall I I I Having - -o-- The manufacture and 1mtt.ing up of E:tve Troughs · will 1"ece1ve sp«'.cial attention. ttttes, an d you wilt not be d·isappofrded. Gamnbell's Cathartic Gomnonnd Cur~ Chronic Qonstination, Costiveness, and all Qomnlaints arising from a disordered stat e of the Li ver, Stomach and Bowels , such .a s D yspepsia. or I n digest ion, B ilious A ffections, H eadach e , H eartburn, .. Acidity of the Stomach, Rheumatism, Loss of Appetite, Gravel, Nervou s "nobility, Nause a , or Vomiting, &c., &c. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. FREPA.RE.D Oflil Y BY _ -AT THE- ECLIPSE HOUSE --o-TIES, COLLARS, GUFFS, CLQVES in endless variety-we make a · S})ecialty in these good~ . OLO'l'HS & TWEEJJS- A LA. MODE purchased cheap for cash, I am prepared to sell goods at small profits and prices will be' cut close to suit the times. @~Q~@~ ~e R~llfllfl(ll@e Bowmanville , April 2nd, 1888. Goods are down t o the lowest p oint ex cep t given awav. 1 McDOUGALL & METCALF, are orrer1ng ,Uoa.l as fallows : DAVIS . k LAWBENCE CO. (Limitea), M.O:NTBEAL. ~ bum wood o.n d a ll in teres tl"l<l in th e t imber b usiness to ·write for onr Illust ra.te d JJ'ree <..:u.t alof(1te. We hn.T e e:xity secures agen cy. N 'J ct11 t \· t,o nwv. W e ma.11nraetiure iu ()a.1mdu, t'OJ,iHNO SA WINO lUt.: llIN~ CO,, &Oa to I ll So. <Jaiial S trec t.1 Cldc ngo, u. S, k . o thera, tor eom1unn ero::cs·flllt t>rL"R'S, b1 .mall $2.00. Bnnd r ects have Su.wed 0 to9COUDS daily , Wo wu.nt o.11 who BY ONE MAN. Grently i m proved. Also TOOL f or filin g saw s w her e b y 01 ose 11?11.st eJt: perie n ced a an11 o t mJ1.k0 n. rni~1.;1. kn. Bent f r i·e ·wit.Ji 111cie'hi ne. To Our CLOTHING DEPAB.TMENT has still at its head tbe ·only firstclass cutter in town. M0st of the other houses that blow of first-class cutters have thl ir work. marle up by sueaters and call it fir., t-class, to gull the public. Every customer that has an eye to beauty in clothes calls upcn Stove and Chestnut, ....:............. $6.25 ~ Grate and Egg, ....................·.......... 6.00~ Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts · over one month. r\\1. :~1\1fi,;·~1~~fi?~\~<~1~~~~tb~~~~~~sJ,~:~1?~;.~~e;u~~,~:i5!: IV - 1 IOHN SPE: NCER, I OOO lf PRESENTS · b t"' ! · . · . TA '. · . VIS' ·I 'l l S c . nd invites the Ladies of Bow. · a.re worth "I havegiving:seen scores of pictures of the arch enemy of ma.nkind, but in - ilot one of them does t hert. seem t o be so mnch that ia fierce, Satanic, as in the mal\ who oan look upon the wr~ck and ruin he has made, with· out one ftiQkeriog of pity across his mer ciless eyes. And a.s h e closes his m emorandum hook. for t he d ay, men go homi; t o loo.Ir. upon mined fortunes t hat shall survive in the m airned lives of impoverished children, af t~r th.is ma.n's breath is gone and · his memory rot· t en . "VETERINARY SURGEON, Every dil.y shows more and more clearly OR 0 NO. 0 .N'l'. how thoroughlv t'1e old p arty lines in Can ada. are being broken up. The profe~eed programme C'f tbe Libera.I party fo confined to the one item of unrestrict ed . recipro<Jity with the Sta.tis, F or that, it is appa.rently ready to sacrifice everything. It scoft"d at \ Ye v»i ll send bv mail a n a p· British connection. It a.rgues that Canada. pr o;,1·i,;tc gift to each maiden , wo . uld be stronger standing alone than with w1fr . mother or cook-one to :i. fa> nily- who will trl' the Britain at ite back, whileita.rguesa.ttheeame BREMM{tKER'S BAKIHQ Pow om time, t.h at Canad a, in pre3enceofany attempt· Cu ~ the red circle from the I ed'violeuce on the pa.rt of the United Stat es; L abel and send it in a letter would bo pcd eotly powerle~a. It gives up stat in~ honest opinion after ·ll i "den of free .trade principles and thr ows fair trrnl. E ithera 5,10o r25 w w cent size will secure t h e g ift . its old contention for economical expendiA ny grncer or storekeeper ture and a low rev enue tariff to the winds. ~~r0t,-:,S ;~;:~.::'.'J.~1~~;;;~ asked Nor is the other side muo~ bett er or" more "'-·~~ CHURCHILL & CO., TORONTC consist~nt. In shor t thmgs .l~ok pr.ett;y well mixed, but the great gu1dmg pnnc1pie shines pretty well t~rough all, viz . th at I· ' 1 · . · · "tt ·heina wa.nt to k eep1n a.ndthe o'!tawa.nt . · " t o take their pla.c.i. In the meantime, the Has r eceived her new s tock ot i ssue of British connection or of annexa tion is being presented to the. c~na.dian people EXHAUSTED VITALITY I · · the great medical work T of the age on Manhood. HE SCIENCE OF LIF E , . t o design them for him. s .... LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. ----.-- W. H. IVES. Nervous and Physical De· bility, P rem at ure Decline, Err m'B of Youth. and the untold miseries cOnFeque n t thereon, 300 pages, 8 vo., 125 prescriptions !or all. diseases. Cloth. full Q"llt, .only fl, by mail, ~ealed. Iilustra.tive 1a1Mple rre.e t b -t1-ll young and middle &ged men Sead Elegant In Design now . Tb., Gold a.nd Jewelled Meda.I a~arded to the autber b y t.he N&tlonal· Medical .Aueoi· Solid in Construction atiou. A.ddre8s P . 0. Box 1895, Boston, llu11. or DR. W. H. PARKER. ~rad ullte of HarT,.rd ~:i.:ce lJo nt in Tone Med ic.a.I College, 25 ' ear· practioe in Boston, who may be consull~d connden·lally. Specialty PRONOUNCED BY AHIST3 TO BE THE FINEST MADE IN CAN ADA, and equal to the best United States fJisea·eB of Man. Office, No. 4 Bui.finch.St. - - - - - - ------ - -- i nstruments, at(when duty and freight Is paid) EWC O MBE --- ·· -· PIANofoRffi Murdoch BEFO~E McDOUGALL & METCALF. Brothers' N"'E'JV C:S:IN"'..A. :S:..A..I.L· where are to be seen 5 2 ICURE 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 C·h ina Tea Sets, very pretty, Per Ce~t Less Expense 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, nu OCTAV IUS NEW COMBE & CO. 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, . 107-109 CHURCH STiiEET, TORONTO PD Rct-rnsrno ClfMMUNIUT[ \liiH! ll! hNU~ ACTUtH . '· ·w hen I say CunEido n.ot mean merelyt() ti'.f1i:.f:1~aJeMJi~:i:t1~,!AftlC.A.L CORB:. etop tbemioratlme,andthenbavethem~ FITS! THE· J. A. A.w.CONVEqSE . MF'C CO. MORRIS BRO. d: 20 White Bed Room .·sets. SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. Large variety Hanging and Table L . amps, Fancy Ware, Bohemianlnasnpdef'ctiho . nin~a-0Cliuc1p·tseda.nd SaucArs, &c. I 1 1' 'PROPRIETORS. Go 0 D S · ""l 'llanville andh er vicinity to caIJ 1practica.Hy advoc~bted red giohns 1ln an and see Pntt ern wh ich used what t o be is called h era. t " w ith more and more d1stm ctness. Free ALLING SICKNESS, trade with the St.-.tes and a prohibitt.r_y ! . . . t ariff ag11 inst a.11 the rest of the world 1a j Al1 fe long st ndy. I WA.nllA.>TTmyremedyt;o 1 !'ITS, EPILEPSY or JF -B O· N I\.!. I ~. ! I · ~ = · 1 1 1 TRI.M f vJ l t o.J. Ci S · ~~~si~f:ab~:!~:t!~f:1 ~i~~:rc~~~set~;it~::~~ CA.USE AND EFFECT :::::~~·pmctic~ c:=:~ and £\l:lilOrtin e n t Gt E T". ~ .~ t ·~ . H A1M·~1: :,, ! !' great m ass of Ca.na.di1>n s fail to ~ee either the of 111~ b !FAT,L UILE R.EMXD Y . Give Ex11:e3s J·u~tice or t he p rofit of such a course and a.re ; r.;1(1 ost Of.l!oe. It cos ta you n othing for a. 1 · o!:'lal, ~nd 1t w!ll eure you. Address 1 beginnin g more a.nd m~re t o feel tha.t the Dr, II. G, RO OT. 37 Yonge St,1 Toronto1 Ont. pruden e and safe course 1s for t hem t o have · 1~ he0';~~.~~:~:~·0t~~~~:~eY!i':;~~~~~ ~~~ Seo1latoncetoratreatlse and a.FRID C"BoT'.rLll BA s J :U ·~TE · .. · , . · ers, su'perior C . MANU1"A.C1'tlllJlR SOF &c OTT Q N · · MON'T REAL, ~,I1j· T ,_ cB , orB _ · a,E ·- ·SH . E"""'R· ·· ..· Vi t · - B l 11 ·1diU~"" s AND : .. lTRDO"H BROS iur· . AR · :. vlE· RS· ···,.1 .~!.?hR~ ;:;s ~~ond Doo~ ~,·.,,. or · t hu. . D RUNKE i' er ~.a 1 WH ih· m . '1' " . · , . 'i "i m · ~EnS S . m· J'.~l ~w,,·~ :.~f.. . ·"ii , . "~ [~ · · · · ·} 0 · __, l 1 1 Or 'i';;~Jf:.Y~;!~:~i'~:/i~~~tl/.:'.i1Jes;a~~-..... '- Go!Jm, 8 1,.,d '.k . U can be given In """P d ta:; co~c,, or ls tea wlthou1 th~ lo1owledgeoftheperson . .ig !t; absolutol7 harmless, 11nd w ill effect a penn an< mt and "' eedy · '"" · - ' lmpossibllitY t or the liquor appetlteto e.ist. For clrcultu' and fu !I partlcul,.ra a ddress GOLD E N 81'EOU 'IO OO,, J.5ii Rile· St,. Cluoluu.a ti,O. of cases. &nd In every instance a perfect cum l:lr.s followed rt r.ever f ati· T ho system one,. Impregnated. witll t he spcc!flc, lt becomes an 'ltter ~~r:l~ggf~e~;~~/."i~'f:. ~ ge ~ii'1~?.J:~i~ t~~,.!~3~ 1 nations, u b en a.ng rng, c<_>mprommng g"'in s a.nd arrangements with n one. There ar e more people ruined by shifting . from one.occup·t"ion 'o. another in a~a.rch of ~ " aometh ingthavthinkthey will. like het~r I than a.nythi.p.g they h ave y et tr1ecl. th!Ul 1 .n "Th d 1t I k th any ot her way. ey on i e eir business" and t h ey Io.ncy that they would do w ell if t hey could only get.ho!~ of somet hing ! else. They make a huge nuetak c. T hey ·1 1 e·r find the occupation whi.oh has no I nev .W dr· a.w· b acks. This philosopher·s stone can i never be discovered, a.n~ e.v~ry one . who t·m 11kes his life a. search for 1t will b e rumed. 1 · d · th I · h ' ! M uch truth is con t ame '. 10. . !I. n s. ,ma.n s · r ema.r k " It is never aiay t o work hard. 1 1 "'r j ' · · ·- OhHd,rtm-011.for:.P._itohe~!·-'"C..~~-~-ria~ Many p~rsons wonder at the' HrAd, worn . · the ana ian !ll et. 1 · ~ · and a.ny weary ·feeling tha.t oppresses them without apparent cause. 'It may be poverty of the blood or a. disnrcler~d stomach ; in Write :tor. Iniorn~aH on . . oithcr oaee the stoma.ch, blood and live1· ar o i l. not performing I.heir r eg ular functions. and, i . . r with many persons, ther e w ill foll<;>w a dnli, !lan ufaeture1·s 1 u ..1 " ' 'J lw Cd ebrntc < l ' I(' IJ [ E B ES'l' Lll.H IUCATOR IN THI<~ illARKET~ heavy headache. nausea and l)lany other ' ' l 'I,, l.~i it'.'.)A 1 '-I symptom s that prec'!de a well d eveloped CH se f'\ · d n ii~ ; O, , d l . h N O"l of Dyspepsm . ·P urify t h e blood. cleanse ~he ; : \\'hen hEy i:::ig C>:a.: iJ 3,;:>1'. you r ea er 1or t e ew 1 s, e;i<eM 1emE0A ft C h'e .H cAlM og~ gX ",dsT stU·M crR eAtiEoNn 'sD byR · u!iKng.El ·I , if NOD F ..,,, ~ !Ill .r'1 .~ . M I ·J._,v Jl ' · . · · ,. ·. , 1 . . · . l . " ' (;' ' . Try it once, and you will use no other. p rep~ red by J. B . Meacham, 133 You ng street, I . b . Fl ONT a chemist or nineteen years' experience. ·sold Toronto Offic~, and Ware onse · 20 t . n Bowmanvllleby Higgi nbotham & Son. ltf ctJOLl· BROS. & _CO'I.", Toronto,· 1 STREET EASl~ · 30 ~ W ,., B ONNELL, . M.A:!'IAGE» o---um · v. .,, to anything in d' M k .. ! .L ~ USE ONLY McCOLL'S ARDJINE .~ M A CHINE OIL. S AF ETY & SUNLJGHTCOALO I L RED C p " D i· M A NILLA B-1 E , R Tw Ill [ ' -