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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1888, p. 8

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A.BIG THE HERONS A C Ul*rED. The trial of Wil~ He ... . and Elilla· beth Heron, hnsband and ffo, for t~e murder by strychnia ·pois? ' mg of t~etr niece, Oaroline Heron, 111 Cartwright Township, last December, ,was concluded a.t the Assizes at Cobourg ou Thursday. The evidence of the Crown was circum·tantia.l and created a str9ng presumption of the prisonera'" gnilt, The theory of th~ deft1nce was that the u·nfoY'tunate girl died a natural death, and tlrot the aymtorn~ of her diseue indioated tetanus <>r lock·JaW rather than -t1trychnia poisoning. D'J. Elli1, of Toronto, inade a ·chemical atj&l· y11is of the vi.scera and diacovel'lld 11trych· nine in the intestinea and .liv0r. The Crown argt1ed that this discovery must upset the tetanus theory. Guilty looking attempts to exonera'te themselves after whispers of foul play were afloat in the neikhborhoo.d seemed to iius.tain the charge against the prisoners. The jury were out of court considering their verdict nearly four hours. They finally decided to give the pfi30nel'll the benefit of the doubt" and rendered a verdiet of not guilty. Judge Rose's <eharge waa an exhaqative and elo· quent review of the evidence, and was. somewhat unfavorable to the defense. The Herons were defended by B. B. 011· ler, Q. C., and D. B. SimpsOI,l.. H. M. Deroche acted for the Crown . , ·District, Notes. Diphtheria i' in . Car.npbellford. DEAL '· We have received a very large consignment of Tweeds, Dress GoodsJ Underwear,. Hosiery, Gloves, etc. Bought from the Trustees of a iarge WHOLESALE BANKRUPT HOUSE. 'These Goods were bought for cash at panic prices. As long as they last YOU CAN CET BARCA INS. The Goods are all new and were bought for this season's business. Mantle Cloths, from 60 cts. up. Tweeds, all wool, from 30 cts. up. Overcoating, heavy, from 90 cts. up. Curtf, Net, from 12 cts. up. Top Shirts, - . from 50 cts. up. TopShirts,navyall wool,from 60 cts. up. Under Shirts, from 35 cts. up. Cashmere Gloves, from 12 cts. up. ·. Silk Plush, all shades, from 50 cts. up, Hundreds of BARGA.INS all through the House. Gall and examine and oblige Jno. J. MASON. Th's Book Room and MinJatera. A Wise Suggestion. EDITOR STATESMA.N.-It has for a long K B:. EtuTon,laat ieaue is a c'>mm unication eigned- -" Methodist." time been my impression that it would be How ta i.t that corre1pondents, who have much to our town's advantage and a grea't anything offt1nsive or unt.r11e to write, are savini: too, if our Board would pass a ashaned to append their real name ? I by-law to elect the School True.tef's the am n()t; the mini11ter to whom he liret r e· same wav as we elect Councillors. I think fere, "but being one of' the many whom he the electors will consider and aupport the hurla · wholesale charge at, I crave the same. I have heard of other towns aRrivil~e of correcting a fow of his errors. dopting this plan and why not Bowman· AARON BUCKLER, 1. -H e says-"The church, that is the ville7 deno111in11tion, not including the ministers, doea nat receive one cent from the sales NEW HA VEN. . of the Book Room," al10-"Not one cent Mr. \Valter Foley was at .C obourq on '()f the profits from itsrevehue (the Guard· jury laet week . . _. Mr. John Worden baa ian) gOtlll to the church vroper." . bought the farm occupied by Mr. Mark It ie well known by the Methodists, Burridke just west of Bowmanville , . .. . that eo eoon as" minister is unable to do Mr . John Pickell left on Friday to attend full circuit work, he is superannuated, the funeral of his niece, daughter of Mr. but is attll expected to preach aa ofr.en as Wilmot Pickel, of London, · ·· A society he lli able,-but with?u.t salary. In ot~er for the prevention of cruelty to children , churchea·n a~ed m1~1st6r u&u~lly o~ta1ns 1 should be organized here. Action in this a? assiataut b1;1t w~thout bemg himself 1 direction wonld mean mercy to, whom no displaced or 1011mg his salary. mercy' is 11hown. · To meet thi11 neoessity the Superannn.ahion fuPCI was eshbliahed, and has been TAUNTON. maintained by co11trit.utiona from ministers and laity. A portion of the minis· Mr. Silvanus Trevail ia able to be out tars' contributions .is annually invested, \ again ·. and their vearly subscriptions together .Business is dull here owing to bad with the interest on their inve~ted. money roads we s·1ppos.e. uearly _equal the whcle contributions of It would be an improvement if we had the la1~y. 0~ t he profits . of the Book a Bible class or Singing school here. Room, mchld.1_ ng_the Guardian, a port~9n What is our Hall for 1 is annually paid into .the Superannuation One of our chief wants has been supFund- and every cent so paid goes to re· duce the amou1H to be paid by the laitv- plied, in the shape of a boot and shoe the sum to be paid by the ministers re· maker. aqaining at i.l:a full amount from year to year. This fund is a church fund estabE.NF'IELD. il.ehed and sustained by vote of the official Mr. D. Dyer has moved to the Holman Boards. ~he ?hu~?h th~refore, "that is farm and Mr. John Dyer has moved inte the denommat1o n, receives the whole of th h t d M R b t N'dd 1 fit · d out from the Book Room · e om ea ea · · · · · r. 0 er ery th · e pro s.pat , . · haa moved from Scugog lsland into Mr. !ll reduction of .the amount to be paid, Allan Haye·' housti .. · .· Miss Mary Ash· cent. If one · v1a1 .. ·t· E nnis · k'll · ill!ltead of not one ld thof these l t on 1s mg m i en,. · · . L 1111 t book . stores a h ou pay over e annua Sunday afternoon Rev. R. Sanderson, profits to the Treasur~r ~f one _of our Courtice preached a good Sabbath School to_ wi_i- churches to a&siat m paymg the annivera~ry 11ermon to a very attentive nwuaters, who would h'!'v~ the advan- · congregation. Collection $13..... Mias tage, the church or the mmisters .1 Phebe Hezzlewood Raglan is visiting Just 10 the Book Room a19111sts the I M Cl k ' w· b ' . h t · th l ·t t th iere..... 1'. ar e ii ur was pretty e.h urch , t a is e ai Y · . 0 pay eir por· badly shaken up by being upset in a bua~y. tio~1 to the S~pe1·annuat1~n. Fund; and Two many girls Clarke. "' atr1ctly speaking, the m1msters do not · 1·eceive one cent of those profits. --------2 The Book Room waa established LONG SA ULT. for ·the diffusion of religious literature. It i1 under the direction of the General Mr. Rice's bee was a success . ··· Miss Conference, half laymen and half minis- Florence Beacom hu been visiting at tell!, who may be trusted to guard imper~ Salem ·... Daniel McCarty, of Lindsay, is tia.lly the interests of all claeees. "Meth- visiting in thia locality ··. . John Stalker ()dist" wou.ld evidently prefer personal bas been visiting at Mr. Wm. eproule's. profit from the church, rather than the .. . · Jae. Moorer's ploughin~ bee wa.a general profit in which all can share. anything but a failure .... Mr, David .Most inquirers for S. S. books know how Haig and wife, of Baltimore, are visiting limited iS the supply in ordinary book at Mr. Frank Staple's ··· _Mr. Penwarden 111tore1, and liow ill adapt11d the supply to has rented Mr. John McKnight's farm. the belt interests of the churoh. . .·. John Adams is remodeling the reei. 3. When your correspondent has no dence of Mr. John Staplea'a .··. Mr. and better purpose in writing than to awa~eo Mn. William Hooey were at the reopen· p~udioe against a worthy lnstftution ing · of the Pre$yterian church at Ballytliii.a baa doue pioneer service in providing duff ···· Haydon for gouip ; Tyrone for wholesome literature for the church that tO&B ; New Park for socials, and Long aaabins it-and against ·he worthy men . Sault for sprees · ··. Mr. Edward Virtne who have toiled hard and long fo~ their has the place he recently rented oounky, he would do w:ell to choose aome from Mii. Ja.i. Byers, .. ,Mr. David Jesa significant and le111 houiored name Stewart, sr., and Mi815 Millie Ste'IFart tha:Q "Methodist." .;r, E'. S A NUERSON. have been sick .. .. A sailor for sea, a spinster for tea, Will you will see is bound for Glenlee · · .· Mr. Rice who foll off bin u.< I ii 1!1.Ui'E TU 1JSE J'reeman'8 Worm b11.rn while shiglning is getting · along P-dcrs, as thev act onlJ' 1111 Clle wora1s aad nicely. do n·t lnJttre lb e cllllcl. ,,. -C1i your Mrs. Dufort, J.rlascouche Que has had 30 babies in 21 , ' ' Mr. Robarl,, Miller, of Picketing, has returned fr<>m Manitoba. . Orono t1chool ie to han a fresh etaff of teacher.e the coming year. · Po-.-t; Hope wanta more rope, if sae don't mir..d lihe'll be en.twined. Let us hope the new file work1 will 11harpen up old Port Hope. Rumor 1ays Mr. R. S. Hamlin, Oshawu ia &o be married 1hortly. Oolborne Council has not had a cue of ~-OF---indigency before it this yeat'. There is nu more fruitful source of dis· eue than vitiated blood. It involve11 every organ and function of the body, and if not immediately corrected by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, sooner or later leads to fatal results. Be warued in time. :t About $200,000 worth of . buildiags · h an been erected in Belleville this ;,ear. Jamea Scott, Dawn town1hip, waa murdered by his insane wife last Thureday. The combination of ingredient. found in Ayer's Pills renders them tonic and curative as well as cathartic. lJ~or this reason they are the best m edicine for people of costive habit, as they rest.,re NEWTO.N.P ILLE. the natural action of the bowelH, wittiou fj deliilitatiul(. :t Mr·· Thoe. Morgan, of Rocheater, ia Geo. Phillip~, of Newcastle, visited st here on a abort visit.. ·'· Messra. Dun· Mr. Rubert Miller's, Pickering, net a.nd Stafford's revival meetings were week. with a crowded house every night. . h d I t Kingston buainesa men are diHatisfied M r. D mnet preac e 11 n e oqueu iiermon with the mail service under the new t.ime· laat Sunday, in the Methodist church. table. Some person wrote to the Port Hope Gmde, last week, saying that one of our A RARE CoMBINATION.-There is no tailors could n ot get wurk enouqh to keep other remedv or combination of medicmHs · from starving. S11ch liars should be shot th~t me<'tB. so many r~quirerneuts as does 'with a goose·. . . . Nov. 5th was celebrated Burdock Blood Bitterll in its wiae rangH here by ratLer more than the usual cere- of power over such Chronic di11H1.11e1:1 ·as monies. A m·!llster procession with the Dyspepsia Liver and Kidney C ·mplaint; dligy of Guy Fawkes in the centre, and Scrofula and all humors of the blood. h e11ded by our braes band, paraded the Elias Bowman, North Norwich, gre-w . streets A platform · had been erected 2,090 busbtila of mangolds on one acre. trom which ~peeches were delivered, and Next! after liuy was cornmmed, served as a Whitby Council 1>assed.t resolutiuu con· dancing plat.form, the grotesque costumes demning the mail service under the new and silly actions of the daacers making G. T. R . t ime table. a sight to be remembered in !\iewtonville. Our batterymen'had out a cannon ToRONTO BASE BALL Nrn:s probably will 110t accept Ott,.wa.'s Chall"n!.(e. H3 d b (15 pounder) to a d to t e amusemeDt. Mr. Gillett, of Toronto, the manuf··c ~ur..r It was a fitting eequel to the Ballow-e'en proccediDgs here. of lmper1al Cream Tartar Baking Powder, is very short of help and think· playinL· · ball a waste of time whi;n thuy could get BIRTHSwork. Imperial is sold by all grocers W ARRINER,~Iu Bowmanville, Nov. 3, tho and is the Best. · t wife of Rev. W . H. W&rriner, B. D., or a Mrs. Nicholla, Peterboro, has gi.,...,n da.ugbter. SMITII,- In Cartwright neAr .Burket.on on $12,000 to St. Andrew's church, and $3,the llth inst., tho wife o! Mr, Mlltthew Smith, 000 to St. 'faul's of that town. or a daughter. Albert Curtis, Port Hope, got drunk, illtre&ted his wife and was sent to jail MARRIED. BATEMA N-BUNTING,-On Tuesday evening, Whiskey the curse of Canada.. Messrs. N ewconi be & Co., of 107 -109 the 6C h ins t .. at the residence or the bride's va.r· ,i1te by Hev. < l eo. M. Brown, agsisted by Rev. Henr1 s. Ma.tthews, or llowma.nville, Church street, Toront.. , are closi11g out a1, Ricllard M. Bateman, M. D.. or Pickering reduced prices oae of the largest stocks ,of Village, to Minme, elde·t daughter of B. Pianos aud Orl<(ans in the city, previous Buntil·K. Esq,, of the same place. BROl'VN-LAIRto - At the residence or the to aheration11 in their premisea, which, bride's lather, Nov. 6tb;by Rev. W - Timber- when completed will give them the niost, Francie H. Bro,wn, lilsq., ot .PQr~ .· Hope, ex~en11ive Pianoforte wareroome in the and Isabella. Sisson, dan11:hter or John 'Laird,,. 'c ity ·. . 43. lilsq., KlnRSIOn, · " Garland~: Circulation this week 2,400. .s1uw-W1u10N.-At · the residence of the ·The Port Perry Standard asks: In the : . · . bride's father, Oct. 31, by Rev- John Abraham. su.d den departure from our midst of F'REE l'O ll 1888.-THE STATESMAN will Benj&min D. Shaw and Annie, daughter or be sent free for the balancA ·of 1888 to Ill!ITATED BY lIANY.-EQ!J'ALLED Bf NONB. M;. Hugh Wilson, allot Whltb1. Capt. W. Shaw, did a 11k:ipper skip ?" Goomu.N-CINNAMON,-- At the residence ot PosT NEWSUM.-Tbe next total eclipse. new subscribers for 1889. Price 'in advance $1.UO The We kly Globe, Mail, th11 bride's father, on Nov. let., by Rev. J, W . f th S · 'bl · C d l "'..e call special attention of readers of 'l'otten,Eliza.. daughter of Mr.J'ame1 Goodman, o e un, v1s1 e ID ana a, wi 1 occur Witness, Advertiser and a.lmont any other the STATESMAN wantiDg.atovea to a few of to D1miel Cinnamon, hardware merchant, a.11 Oct. 1st 1888. -Guide, Nov. 3. dollar paper on the a&me terms and con· oCOehawa. Medicine vendors everywhere confirm ditions. Subscriptions must be sent to the leading points of merit of " The Art Garland," the leading Base Burner of the the fact, and in tha interest of tbei, M.A. J .·u.u:s, Bowmanville. · DIED. world, and claim for ,it in general all .of pockets, the confirmation may be relied KJ:NNY.- In Cedar Dale, on Sunday, Nov. 4, upon ea correct .that sufferere from Li vo;r It is 25 years since the London ·Adver- the advantages that are itenerally olaimec! Morrie Kenn:r. aged t9 :rears. tiser waa st arted and the publishers cele- for stoves of this clau. SHEA.- A.t the Presbyter;r, l>lxle, on the 3oth, Indip;eetion, Heartburn, H ead brate the event by issuing a "Quarter 1st. The bottom 111101 give gra2'ter ache and Acidit~ of Swmach will find ult. , Rev. John S. Shea, in his 51et 1ear. radiating surface from the bottom of the Oentury" special number of 48 pages, MAR'l'IN.- At Llndea.y, Nov. 5, Philip San· eure and safe relief from a dosA of Dr. atove than has ever yet b11en attempted. ford Martin barrieter·a.t·law. Cockle'e well·known Anti-bilious Pills. 4 nicely illustrated w1th·portraita of 1ome 2nd. One of the distinctiYe (eatur011 of MORRISON.- In Bowmanvllle, Nov. llth., of the leading men· oonneetsd with the wa1 given at Cobourg last. Judgm11nt John .Morrilon, aged 73 years, utility is the original patented<sy11tem of ' paper and office, and wt.U-kuown citizens GRAN'l'.-A.t Du'nbarton. Nov. 'th, Elizo.beth week for '800; in the nc tion of Do9la v. heating and ventilation, the cold air i· Fo)ll(lm, beloved wife·of Mr, Lewie :M. Grant, G. T. R. ton.cover damages for the deatn of the Forest Ctty. The Advertiser. has admitted to the stove through opening lo11g been the. leadin~ family newspaper in her '0th ye..r. Doyle'· of father. · ROGERS.-· Jn PlckerinK, Nov. ll, Rollocoa Western Ontario and hae many readers under ash door- the supply bein"' reguMuers. McCausland & Son, Toronto, all over the Dominion. Thia anniversary lated by the indicator ahowii upon tho Hughe·, relict ot late W ln11 Uo1<ere, aged 86. KNlllHT.-At Utica, on Oct. 26, Hannah the wt1ll·kuown makers of Fancy Gl'l.88 front door. By this meari11 perfect venBlackburn, beloved wife ot .Mr. James for buildings, have an tixquisitely arranged uumber is printed from a new outfit of tilation in secured, and the air so used is type from the firm of ·Miller & Richard, Knight, aged :JZ ye1us. made to pass throuizh the fire, the aame VAIICOE,- ln Bowmanville, Nov. 8, John room for the display of paper hangings. Toronto. as air which i11 usually introduced through Their trade in thi11 department has been Varooe, &&Cid 75 yeara. Most of our readers remember what a the draft elide in the front door ; thi11 BATEe,-In Reach, Nov. ith. Noah Ba.tee, 10 good that not a roll of last year's stock is left on hand, and their assortment to- sufferer fron rheuma.tism Finley S John- improvement alone will recommend the Eeq., &l'(ed 69 7ear1. ,. YULll:.- At Whitby, Nov. 9tb, Mrs." G.D. day is beyond a doubt the finest in Cana- ston was when he worked in the Organ Art Garland to all thinking cQnsumers. Yule, daughter or, John Bengou1dt. 3rd. The entire back of · tho stove is da. We understand the firm mail samples Factory in this town. In a letter written aome time ago to Messrs. Stott & Jury used as a hot air chamber, the cold air with price1 attached. he says"You know how bad I was .vhen entering at the base of the stove and Eliza Fitzpatrick, Toronto, stole a DEATH Ol!' Mlls. LAKEMAN ,-We regret l lived in Bowmanville so does gver y one being discharged in a highly . healled conto record the death of Margaret Lake- watch from John Fray in order that she else and I should think my testimony dition through openings which aro. on a man, wifo of Mr. Wm. Lakeman, who might be arrested and removed from ~· .would go a good way in selling your rheu- level with the pipe collar, adding greatly died Thursday evening last in Tilaon· husband. At her own request the magis· matism Medi.,ine. I was bad for three to tho heating capacity of eachlaize. burg, deeply regretted by a large circle of trate seu.t her to the Mercer Reformatory and spent between $200 and 8300 The fire-pot is extra large and is so. relations and friends. Mrs. La.keman for six months. trying to get cured and three bottles of arranged that it can be taken out through· AMONG THE lNDIANS.-"Whife my your remedy fixed me up. Stott & Jury the front door without taking: the stove· was the daughter of Mr. George Hutchison, of Seaforth. This is the first death husband was tradin~ in furs he came guarantee to cure any caae of rheumatism apart, as can the grate, and, in· fact, the· in a large family of nine children-almost acrosa an Indian rho waa taken to hie ~ree to refund the money if a cure entire inside pf the 11rove. all of whom witll their agod and BOrl'OW· lodge to die. B\l had inward pains and and · is not effected. The grate ia an improvement over wh,.f i ng parents were present at the funeral, pains in all his limbs. He gave some has .been used heretofore. The dust which took place on s,turday morning last Yellow Oil internally aod ap1'1ied it exdamper, check damper, and direct draft at 10 o'clock. ·A fun eral eervice was held ternally, a nd cured him. It also cur<'d damper are all upon the same side of the BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. in the Methodist chur<'h at 1 p. m., on my husband of rheumatism, and I find it etove. the same day. The Rev. G. A. llitchell vahlable for cou11;bs and colds, sore thr0at .A hove the mica section are three re· conducted the service, preaching from eto." Mrt1. A. :Ueaaw, Cook'· Mills, Ser· <iorreeled by J. MeM.ortry, ever7 Tuesday. fiect.on which cast a blaze of light from Hebrews 4 : 9. On Sabbath evening last pent River, <:>nt. F LOUR, ,.. 100 lb · o ,,. a········· .,3 00 to .,3 30 the entire top of the stove. There are· Mr. Mitchell referred to the exemplary MESSRS. FULFORD & Co., of Brockville, WHEAT, Fall, f' bush ··.·· 1 15 11 1 20 no j oints in the magazine that can poaaibly life of the deceased, stating that she had manufacturers of Nasal Balm and other 11 Spring, 11 ····· 1 16 11 1 20 leal;r from putty falling out. it being all! been converted twenty-seven years ago, proprietary remedies, have entered an BARLEY, ti' b.u sh, No. 1. _.. O 70 11 O 00 caet in one piece. The swing cover i·· under the ministry of the Rev. R. O.. action against Lawson &Jonee,afirmof 11 11 11 2.~ ·. o 66 11 O 00 double as in all .A.rt Garland1, and< Wilson. Although only a resident of printers and box makers in London, for 11 11 11 3.... O 62 11 O oo very perfectly fitted. Tilson burg for about two years, yee she 'an alleged infriniement of theii: .Nasal RYE, 11 ·········· O 60 11 O 65 An adequate description o( this wonder· WM one of the most regular attendants at Balm package. Tho dama.gen are placed OATS, 11 ····· , ·· , · O 00 11 O 33 ful atove is practically impossible.; it. the various church services and a moat at $10,000. A similar action has beeu PEAS, Blackeye, V buah .·· O 65 11 O 70 possesses all the time-tried features of exemplary and highly esteemed christian. entered against a Peterboro' druggist for " Small, 11 o 60 11 o oo merit .t o be found in other stoves and i& Daep sympathy iii felt for Mr. Laktoman selling the imitation preparation. . 11 Blue, 11 o 70 11 o 7i 10 strikingly beautiful and so replbte with· in his sad bereavement.- L ibnal. Sr.r:rmo ON THE S.&.FETY V ALn:.-Mauy BU'l'I'ER, best table, V ftl.·· 0 18 11 0 20 new features that it is 11ure to outrank. are they who have laughed at the story of Eaos, ti" doz ············· O 18 11 0 00 any base burner that haa ever been made . the green aNamboat fireman who sat · on POT.A.TOES, V bush ·· , ·· ,,. O 25 11 0 00 It must be 11een to be appreciated. Oall Scott's Emulsion of Pure the safety valve tu prevent it from "leak- PORK, V' owt ····· · ···· ·· · 7 00 11 7 50 at"L. Geo. Quick'., 11tore, one door eaet of Coll. I.Iver GU, wllla 11ypopbo1pbltes. ing." Yet thousands are repeating his HA.Y, 'VI' ton.. , . , .· · . · · , ·· U 00 11 15 00 the ST.ATEBMA.N Office, to see the did'ereJ1t l!'or Ohildrt:1~ anclPu,lmona.7'11 Trou.Ous. folly every day. They are troubled with CaIOKENS ··············.~ O 07 11 o· 08 styles and sizes. Dr. W. S. Hoy, Point Pleasant, W. blotches, pimples, sores, and are content· Duox s ·· ,, ··········· · . · O 10 11 0 11 Ya., says: '~I have made a thorough ing themselves with suppressing the eym- GEESE · · · ···· · ·· · · · ····· O 07 11 O 08 Send to F. P. Shumway, jr,, Boaton,. test with Scott.'a Emulsion in Pulmonary ptoma without removing \he caure. TheY. TURKEYS..··· · .····· · . · _ O 10 11 0 12 Maas. , for a free sample copy of the Cot· tal(e Hearth, a beautiful illuetrated mag.: Troubles and General De~ility, and have sit on these impurities, instead of using been aatoni.ahed all the good reaulta; for Dr. Piorce'1 Golden Medical Discovery, aziue, and so reali2e what an extriwrdinPORT HOPE MARKETS. children with Rickets or Mvasmus it is which curea ·b y removing the cause, which ary offer we are wheu we oft'er to send! unequalled." Put up in 50e. and $1 siz&. is ~n the bl~: It ~s a wo~derful blood .u.t Wm;:&:l' · · ......... . . $1 20 ·· 1 22 both the Cottage Hearth and the S!DA>TESpurifier and mvigor&ttng ton10. Do you SUING " ....... .. .. ~ 1 10 11 1 18 H.ur for a full year for ouly $1.l'>O,. when. thlnktheproprietonofDr.Saie'aCa.tarrh BAB.Ln.~ ..... . H , . d · ·· 0 50" 0 70 the price of the Cot;ta~e Hearth alone is. Remedy would offiir as they have done 0A.TB .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 32 .ra 0 35 fl.50 a year, thus 'tivmg you two s.~nd-Decided bar11ain11 in Overcoats. for many years, astiwding rewaro oU~500 RYE .. .. .... · .. · · · .;····· 0 60 11 0 ,70 ard publicatio11a at ptioe of one, ,; Klllaon & Co. for a C&1H1 of Oatarrh which they cannot, amall, \"'bush ······ 0 1 .1 0 75 All wool Tweeds and Olotbe at 0011t. cure, if they did not positively know !bat 11 black eye tJ 0 ~ " 0 'JO A Qu.utTER o:F A CENTO"RY.-For ·p1ore· Ellis<Jn ·& Co. the Remed.r will abselately end pern:ian· Hu, ~ ton........ " · ···· 15 00 11 17 00 tha.n twenty.five years has Hagyard's. Yel· Read thi.Ji paper, then ~l it to a dig.. ently cure Catarrh. Sold by druggist&, Tuituvs ... .... . ..... , ···.· 0 9() " 1 75 low- Oil been sold by druggiste, and it baa. . tant friend. at only 00 cents. t PoRK... ... ........ .. ·- · · ·· · · 0 00 " 7 00 never 1et failed to give aatiafaction as a We mean buainet!a and want the it.ore PllOJIPT, PO'l'BNT ANU PEIUUNENT re- , Gru1SJ~ ·· . · ·, .· , .......... u 0 50 11 0 73 honaehold l"flmedy for pain, lameness a~ru crowded with customors frorn ' morning YRlla &Jl'Vaf A «11110 rroa Che ullC er JUlb'i trn'· . BUTrER.. ·· · .... · ·. · · ... · · · 0 00 " 0 24. aoreneas of_ the fleah, for external and' 1~ till night. Ellison & Oo. , -0 1~ · terJtal use in .all painful complaiiltfl. .&rona1&tkl~11luhle Wbte, Eoas .. .... ,, , ........,.., · ; , , -0 OC 1 NOVEMBER .. S·A L·E and Mantles -. - -o- Dress Goods See otir Dress Goods and Mantles before buyin. : := =============== Prices Away Down. -o--- McClUNB BROS. --ThEf'Art' ' , in . - 0 I IF Children Cryfor .Pitcher'sJ.;)asti>rl~

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