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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1888, p. 1

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tsm ~ · ·~-~. TBRMB :...:11.6o Paa AmroJI,. . ~ M, A. JAMES OUB TOWN - AND COUNTY FIBST: TBB - .WORLD -- A.J"I'ERWARDS. =======:==-=============:=-:============-================================================================================================== ' ' ...~ . '- . EDITOR AlfD Pl!.oPJl.IftOll, BOWMANVILLE. O~TARIO, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1888. . . VoLUME ' XXXIV. Nmrno 49. Business Booming I ZION'S HERALD For the Year 1889. BALLYDU1'F. ' School rAport for Nov.-Sen. 4th Cla111 -L Brown, J Williams. Jun. 4tb-N Thomss, B Darey, B Graham. Sen. 3rd --M Parker; 'L Porter, D Nichol11on. IlEV. CHARLES PARKRURST, D. D., EDITOR. Jun. 3rd-M Davey, W Gainor, W Oiarke. Sen. 2nd-M Graham, M Mahood, S Nicholson. Jun. 2nd-E Parker, T Haw· kins, N Benders Avtirage attendance The paper wlll be sent the remainder of the for the month,'43. R. SIMPSON, teacher. year free to all new Subscribers who subscribe ENNIBKILLEN. for 1889. Price $2 ~O a year. Thoee who wish to subscribe, and do not Among the visitors: Rev. W .Learoyd, find it convenient to pay now, can order the paper at once and rorward the money between Grafton; Mrs. Souch, Bru11aele; Mias this and January 1. Holman, Newtonville; Dr. W. S. B;ngThe price of subscription oan be paid to the vreacher, or forwarded direct to the pt;blish· ham, Cannington .... Our rnachisist, Mr. lllll office, by post·o1Hce orders, or the currency J, W. Virtue has 11team power in his ahop can be forwarded by mail at our risk. now so he will be able to make the work Will each reader of the paper inform his hum .... Mr. D. G. Austin, Y. s., our neighbor, who may not be a subscriber, of our late Veterinary Surgeon, has located in offer 1 Z10N'S HERALD should be read in every Methodist family, Tilbury Centre, Essex, where he is alFrom no other source can an ready working up a lucrative oractice. CHAS. RUSE'S----·o---SCHOOL OF MUSIC. A Complete School of Musical Learning in two General Departments. o---First, A UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT organized for the promulgation of the Baxterian System of Musical Culture, which advances all the 1ubjecta, branches and processes of culture from the beginning, at the same time by an organized r outine of classes, recitations and iiraded coursee of study, extending from the .first initial principle to the highest artistic attainment. By this organized arrangement of procese611, the atudeut is led to lay h old of the spirit of music in its t heoretical, technical and resthetical propertiee, and to mould them into a vitalized education, impartin~ that izrace and charm to the execution that springs only from a refined and well cultiva·ed tus·e; thus placing a. compre· hensive and philosophically developed musical education within the Sarne eaey acceee, and applying it as a means to the same i ntellectual development as are corresponding grades of literary or scientific courses of study; in addition to the mere executive attainment that is allotted ~o conspicuous a place in many pha9es of m odern aociety . This department requires the etudent to be in daily attendance. · The other is a CONSERVATORY DEPARTMENT, whne ~tudent11 pursue the usual lesson system, with the additioa, that as m any of t he edU1:>ltional prtnciplei! of the University Departwem aa can be judioiously applied, bemil introduced hore. Jn this department students will have one lesson per week, but will not be en titled to any school regulations and privileges, excepting while in attendance for their lesson. Students for the Conservatory Department may call a t the office, now open and · re~ister at any time, and arrange for their less:ms. ' A SPECIAL OFFER TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. Mr. John Newport and wife have been visiting in Whitby . ..· The Orono bailiff The pape~ contains an averall(e of 42 «l91· has been here .... Mr. Ba tee, butcher, has umns or readinir matter per week, and costs moved to Newcastle . . · · Mr. T. Morgan but 3 c;eots Fer .Nunaber. Each isRue contains a large amount of fresh has returned home .... Mr. George Han· cock is doing a rushing business in his factory··· · Mr. Ricbard Smith is building day, while it never loses s1~ht of tbe fact tha~ an addition lo his b arn .. .. A wedding it is a ramily paper, a relloious p aper, and a. took place here recently the groom being The University D epartment will be opened .in January next, Studenta for this Metht dist paper. a Mr. Fred Booken, and the lady Miss course will do well to r ej(ister before the holidays. , , , S11erimcn (~opies Free. Edith 'l'riggs. The band serenaded t h em. ].!'or fuller particulars address J,otters on business sho-qld be addressed to The only son ot Mr. W. Whittaker, ~ ~ aged two years, was taken with a severe ..l::l... ..L'3· ..i:;v ' - ' ' attack of inflammation, and died in a few 49. BOWMANVILLE, ONx. 3~ Bromfield Street, Hoston. hours ..·. Mr. G. Thompson has left for - - ---· Toronto, where he intends taking up hia resirience. Mr. C. the- :n:so] -Jr. FOR 1889. OUURTIOB. farm for another term . .. . ~r.A.H ogarth ·,· Collacott, S McFeetere, G Co.llacott. Sr. A meetin~ of the shareholders of D had a mammoth corn-huskmi? the other 2nd.-A Welsh, S Hutchinson W Cullia U C. Co. will be held at the factory on night. ... .Are we to have a Xmas tree at Jr. 2nd.-E Davie W Sym~DIJ W the afternoon of Tuesday the 18th inet. Eldad this year 1 If not, why not?.... SteveDJI. Pt. 2nd. .'......I J Hutchi~1<1n, L .... There is some talk of rem oving the Rev. W. Kenner, of Tyrone, preached at A Da.rch, C G Wight. Sr. Tablet.-M The aggressive R epublican J ournal present Sunday School room at Ebenezer Zion on Sund&y mor11ing laat .... The J H all, S Hocken. Jr. Tablet. - E Duch of the Metropolis. R .H. J.,Awnrn' and building a nllw and larger ono in its Evangelistic Band, of Oah>Awa conducted I Trevelle, J W Wi··ht. 0 ' A NEWSPAPER FOR 'l'HE MASSES. stead ..... A member of one of , our hunt services in the afterno<,n and evening. Teacher . - - -- clubs was out north a few days ago and ... Mr. W. J. Brooke had two very KN FIELD Founded December let, 1887. shot several rah bits. On his way home successful atone-bees last week. He in· he stopped at a "bee" a ud made himself tend11 building a \'ery large barn next Miss Rhoda Holman 11pent last Snndap Circulation, Nov. ht, 1888, 107,105. uaeful. When starting homeward again summer .... Mr. B. Oryd11rman intends herA. .. . Mrs. Sam. Bmy and Master Circulation, Nov. 7th, 1888, 254,840. hie game could not be fouud-a hungry ~tarting a singing class at Zion shortly. Lu ther Bradley are vis1tin~ relatives near man from Solina h ad bagged them .··· Mr. W. Ashton, of Newcastle. has been Brantford .... R ev. Wm . K enner occupied L.UU;:t;!IT DAILY 'CJlll()IJJulTfON 01<' ANY Trim is glad t o notice th11t his corres- visiting hereabouts ...... Miss Minnie the pulpit here las t Sund:.y. ; .· Mrs. Wm. JtEJ>llR.Ll(JAN J·..t.PEll IN AJUlltJUA. pondence is considered worthy of repro· Werry, of Town, is spending a few days f app fell on the slippery ground last JACK. THE P1rnss is the organ of no faction ; duction in one of your local contempor- at home. Wednesday and wa& aeverel:J inJured . pulls no wires ; has no animosities to aries. However it would be only fair to. We are glad to learn she fa doing well give ue credit therefor ·.·· R ev. Mr. TotLUNG SL!ULT. under the care of Dr. Mitchell. ! avenge. (Balance next week.) ....-..._. "', .Tbe 1nost re11aal$11'ble Newspaper Succe88 ten, of Oshawa, will preach a M issionary The shootin£( match la.$t week at Mr . sermon at. Ebenezer on Sunday morning Wm. Farrell'ts was a successful lJARLINGTOJol 81'.d'l'ION. next. --- ----- - TRnr. The turkeys and ducks were a ll disposed ·Newsp,,pcr, rapidly growing in favor with Rea Na ctonai Several farmers plowed last week .... TY.RONE. uf. '.l'he gath ering was large, for the publican· of evars State in the Union. Mr. Casey '!:run ehipped his barley across Cheap news, V'lllgar sensations and traeh Mr Ed. Oa~ nn on and wife visite d Mari· genial host has the t1appy faculty of draw. to tlw Amenc;m sid.,, bofora selling ..·· find no pince 1n the columns of THE PRESS. ing a3 well as entertaiuiug crowds- someposa friends last. week ...· The Bee last It is 11.n expensive paper, published at the low· est pricAA nerlcan ()urrenoy permits, week mad·e a great improvement to the thmg of the old-time h "spitality. Th e We congrat ult\te Mr. Geo. A. P earc0 on THE DAILY PmrEs has the brightest Editorial church shed . . .- . Mrs. 0. Stock and eon ladies skilled in culinary arts, served a ih e 11d1·ent of . a fine daughter...... The mush-kettle agent c au va~sed our section, page in New)' ode. It sparkles with point·. Arthur ar e visiting her daughter, Mrs. hot tea to oil comers. These who parl'H& SUNDAY p ll'ESB <is a. splendid twelve. took of their generosity me-thinks will too ... . Ainoug recent visitors we notice page paper, covering every current topic of in· Cook at T ottenham . ... ::<orne citizens at · say, may their shadows nevtir grow less. Mr. C. W. Reynolds, of Os.hawa, and terest. tended the s ocial at ~he Sault on Thurs'.l'HE WEEKLY PRESS contains a ll the good day night. They spca.k highly of the . . . The ch urch social last Thursd ay Mr. W m. Jackson, of G reenwood. Wm . things of the daily and ·Sunday cditione. with. chairman, Mr. Bancr.,ft, the great est p oet evening, was fairly a tt eudtid and passed is p opular h ere and sin gs special features Feaited to a Weekly publica· Green woud is for tile. fresh and green tion. For those who ·cannot a:trurd THE DAILY and ortheopist of the age . .·. Several olf pleasant ly, valuable assistance bein" Wheu nothing ebe is to tie seen, 'PRESS or are prevented by distance from early around here spent Friday courting at rehdered by t alent from Haydon, Tyron~ receivm~ it, 'l'lrn W· EEIU.¥ PRESS is a. sp!en· But when New H a..-en aheds h er light That great humorist Bowman ville ... . The actou on the play and elsewher e. ...,, 1. ..:.:,' ,I did substitute. '.fheu Greenwood darkens into n ight. for Xmas are practising two nig"ns a Mr. Bancroft, with his ready wit and THE PRESS. CL!:i:tAX. timely jokes very much eultvened t he ... . Mr. S. B1ngham will turn the week 11"1 " .-· I Wit.bin the i· of alL 'l'he best and cheap· proceedings aud k ept the companv in out· buildings -0n rhe Bell property into a l.. 1~--.--------==-,,...=j. est Newspaper published In Amerioa. KIRBY. the best of spirits. P roceeds of social ~ i »ally and Smulay PNlss. one year, !fl.t 0 1 1 coopershop . .. . Mr. T . A. Brown was via·G 1110111thi!., 2.()0 iting at Orono on Saturday ..·· Miss wit! considerabiy uugm1111t the fund~ . .. . Messrs. Ja3 .. and R. Brown h ave just 0 1 " " " one 1no11th ,35 Wm. Hambly, L ong 8ault's famous car· fimshed threshmg ...· lVIr . Wm Clemence ' \o ' 1'eclcly rrc~s. one y-enl', ] ,Cl() Broad has been re-engaged as teacher of penter, has the contract of enlarging Mr. has not yet retorned fr{>m Floe~ where B~ thesda school .... Mr. Mosa Couch has he h1>1s been d oing some work on'his new ·lli Send for THE PRESS Circnlar with fnll par· returned from British Columbia., ... Mr. Thomaii Smith's r estdtince. and l<Bt of exceilent premiums. property ... . Wa m1derstand that Promol .' ticulars R. Davey's verandah h as been improved. en~bled Sample free. Agents wonted everywheN. Dad, b e up to Windsor Castle with a coat tion E xaminations were held iu tile school . HAMPTON. l :Libera.I comllliaaiona. Address, on Friday last . . .. Mr . And1·ew Morrow of paint . . .· The Division in flourishing 1 Tile New York Pr-0s~ Co, LtmUe<l, The annual church tea will be held on sin ca harvest .... Mr. C. L. Bingham has Christmas eve this year as 11 sua.l. A grand ~eem>:1 ~o be dri Yen pretty h ardly t o attend ·2G & 28 Nortb \VUUa11· St. New York, to all lus. customers . ... Our pushing store-· been spending a few days at h ome. I ~9--a'IV. supp er way be expected followed by an keeper 1s on the l'oad a~ain, sinoa Mrs·. Our DRESS .GOODS cannot be surpas"!ed, when style and quality; - -- - - - - - -- -- excellent program .... Patrons of the Lang is able 1.0 take his place in the store· NEW PARK. cheese factory will please see notice in .... Mrs. Simon P owers is seriously 1H are ta.ken into .consideration. Our MANTLE CLOTH and CLOAKthis paper r especting public meetings to .... Mr. Isaac Chapman, sr. has been Miss S. Brown is recovering slowly. INGS are said to be the most ed\fective in town- at any rate our best: 1:. ·. 11 01 Mr. S. McRoberta has battened his wind up the buein<as of r.he season.: ..· visiting with his daugh ter Mrs. John dress-makem )lave purchased their own Mantle Stmfil:' from us. . ·· Pleased to see Miss P Roach in the vil- Miller in Orono. F.oreigr1 Literature, Science and Art. house. · lage again ·. .. Two dogs owned in this Mrs. Turner Bri11bin is improving after And to make this department more succeE.sful, I have eompleted arplace killed several sheep for Mrs. R ob· her illness. URUNO. rangements with a first-class art:ist to cut all the garments I may biilll r ecently. The curs have been killed The iForelgn Magazines embody the best Mr. Davy, .Ballydnff, has been visiting a ad their owners foot the bill .... Miss Mr. W. L. Broad is a little better .. .. require. I ,, e1·efore make the following ofter to any lady who may thoughts ot the ablest writers o! l!:urope. It at Mr. Stuart's. the aim of tha ECLECTIC MAGAZINE to Be· Barrass was ~ isiting her sister at Omemee Mr. Jae. New~ome has been re-engaged desire to -purchase from us : to clit and fit any garment FREE OF is l~ct and reprint these articles. 'fhe plan of Mies Alnrira Dames had typhoid fever re~entl,r ·. : .Mr. Jas. MeL~an and family aa teacher for Kirby s ch ool. ... Mr. M. the Ect.lllC'l'IC includes Science. Essays.. Re· CHARGE, providing the amount of bill exceeds $6.00. That is if you 1'i.ews, quit this village on Sa1urday to r e.side in Sweetnam, Poet Offiue Inspector, was here B iogr aphical Sketcltes, Pistori=l Pa 11ince returning from Toronto. get here quickly and not on Saturday, as we have then generally tou per.9, Art Orit i cis1n, Traotls, Poetry and ' e.rguaon and famHowmanville. Mr. F. Groat will m oni last week .. .· Mra. R . .l! Messrs. Dean Pickell and Will Brooks Short Stories from into the house Mr. . McLean is leaving, ily are lea.ving for Ma nitoba where her much else to attend to. have b een visiting at Mr. G1trord'e. husband i11 .. .. Mr. Arch. D elve of MarThe Ablest Writers in the World. MiM Martha Clarke and Mr. Brown, of and Mr. S. Bond will occupy t he houee iposa, visited his uncle, Mr. W.'L. Broati vacated by Mr. Groat .·.. The STATESMAN The following are the nam es of some or the Ballydulf, have been visiting at Mr. is. the pop!Jlar paper in this locality, not- last w~ek.: .. Mr. W. Henry ia h ome leadinll' authors whose articles appear in the Beacock'a. pages of the ECLKCTIU. w1thatandmg the efforts of agents to intro- from V ictoria, B . C .·.. Some citizens are Mr. J. Kelly conducted the prayer· duce other local papers ...· Mr. Thomas advccatmg the organiz!}~ion of a Mechan- U JTUOJU!,meeting on Sunday evening Mr. Wm. McLean haa been running hie steam icalnstitute ·... Mr. F. L. Andrua is makRt. Hon. w. E. GLAD8TOJU!l, · ALFRED '.l'ENNYSON, Little being sick. ing 11.reat. J?repara.tious for the holidays thresher tho past week. oLow BoY. The material to make a queenly garm~nt; the moat desirable fa.bric PnoFEsEIOn HuxLEY. Mr. ·J. Miller had a stumping bee o!l by calc1m1010g and frescromg his store .. · - 1· th t al 1 er t 1" bl · · t Pnovxsson 'l'YND.ALL, of Hampton achMl for perfect Standinrc for our ehmate, equa..img e na. ur sea in euec - pre1era e m pom w. H. M.A.LLocK, Thursday. '!he ev~ning was apens very rocitatiou and good c nnduct for Novem· . . Mr. W. Gerry ~ot his right h and 11e.-of econotwV. The prices are now so reasonable, this beautiful texture J . Noiuu N J,ocKYF.R. :i.·. R. s. pleasantly with music and dancing. -,.1 l)a, W. B. CARPENTER, ber. SR. DIVIllION.-5.-W Cryderman, eroly crushed while auieti11g O. Walters is brought within the reach of all. E. B. TYLBR, . Mrs. S. H. Thompson had a large par. J Ward, E Brown. Sr. 4th.-A .Allin, at tl~reshin~ at Mr. A. Tamblyn's .·· · Mr. PaoF. MAX MULL&R, mg bee on Tuesday 27th. The young M Ha11tiog1. .Jr.4th. -! Ellis,L McLean Lewis TonrJe received a pa ir of ahears by PROF". OWEN, L Beer. Sr. 3rd.-E Furrier, D Cole; p11rcel post \he other day that he ha..t Remember you will find the choicellt goods, but not at fancy pi-ices at EJ~M!:~~~N~· 1?i~J' u DE, HENRY TuN·. people enjoyed themselves very much. McLean. Jr. 3rd .- L Hastings, T loaned over 20 year& a~o but had forgotI O·u residente who attended the social our store. THOMAS HUGIIE8, ALGii;RNON C. BWINBURNE, Pennington, 0 Cl&tworthy. G W JAMIB· ten to whom ···· Mr. Wmter has bought at L~ng Sault on the 29th report a pleasWILLIAM BLACK, ant tune, large crowd and excellent pro· SON, Teacher. JR. DIVISION. - Sr. 2nd. a 260 acre fa.rm n1::ar '.rurtle Mountain MRS. 01,tPHAN'I', The new~st, the neatest, and the C.A.llDINA.L NEWMAN, gram ..·· Mr. Robert McRea, of Little - I Taylor,E Clarke, S Fursier. Jr. 2nd. Man., a~d will move next spring . ... Mr~ 0ARDINAL MANNING, , ...., , most stylish, at our house. Britain, is visiting her e .·· . Mr. and Mrs. -H Cole, T Taylor, I Heard. Sr. Pt. Joa, Yuill, of Rams,y, has added t o h ia M ISS THACKEHAY, 'l'HOMAS HARDY. Wm. Kelley, t'errytown, have been \"i,.· ~nd.-E Parieh, M Martyn, B Martyn. already valuable stock a Clyde maare ROBERT BUCIIAN.~N, iting at Mr. T. Brisbin'e ··.· Several Jr. Pt. 2nd.-M Short, J McLean, M "Lady McConoachie," bred by Mr v' Woolen Goods a specialty at our 1·lace. ICTC., ETC. Heard. Sr. Pt. lat.- M R obbins, A McConnaohie, of Orono.-.Almo1~e ·Gaz~ The 1:cleetlc enables tke Ameriean reade!' young people onjoyed at Mr. R. Brown's Crydermc.n, M Hare. Jr. Pt. lat.- E e~te . A~on(C the men m entioned as 111 the best -value in town at our house. of tokcephimselJinJormedonthegreatqtUStions Thursday nening a very pleasant time. Grey .FlaDll.. ,., the da11 th.rouuho.,t th.e 'IDorld, and no i,... Robbin·, S Martvn, L Hamm. E J hkely cand1datee for Cuuncillor ia Mr. ,J. School Report tor Nov.-Sr. 4thF Thomp· telli11tmf .& rnori~an can afford to ~ w itli.out it. son. A 'l 'homp11011 . . Sr. 3rd--C Pollard C KJ:R!!LAllB, Teac'ier. Davoy, Leakard. Mr. Davey ia a man of The Edectlc coroprisoe each year two larire Thompeon an rt M J Brown. 8r 2nd- J Wiison stirling qualitie11 and would undoubtodly The prlee1 askud tor Drees Goods, Factory volumes ot over 1700 pages. Each of these and A Tenant. Jr 2nd- B Wilson· S Brown Cot1001, White Cotton, Winceya,Shirting, etc poll a large vote ..·· Mr. John Allin who · volumna oontalne a ftne sled encraYllll(, and M J 'fenanL· L. A, Dli:.A.N, 111acber. at F. A.. Cole's, conalderln11 the quality ot theae ha1 taught Courtice school for three'ye.:i.r11 which add1 much to the a.uractlon ot the " 11ood1 will 1urpriee you. C&ll and inspect. magazine. Foo<l For Oonsumptivee. F . .A.. Cole's stock of Cloths and CJothlnir are has bee~ engaged ~t T~rone at a 11alary of new a.nd t&1ty-all bought for O!Mlh, a.nd are $500, w1t~out puttmg m an application. TERMS.-Single copies. 4:i eentsi· one copy, Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with otl'erod at 1uoh prices that will a1tonieh Intend. Aa a Puphc School te11cher he i11 uid to one year. $5 ; five copi"9, $20. Tri& eubllorip inri purch&eel'll famill&r with the prioee r111ru- have few superion. He ha.a reoeived lion for three month, $ 1. 'l 'he ECLECTIC and Hypophosphite11, is a moet marvelou~ food larl7 asked tor those goods. All wool snits to Please remember it is not the coat that makes ;the, it is the and any $· magazine, ~8. a.nd medicine. It heals the irritation of order for and upwards. Over Coats to high testimonials from eY·Jry board of pants, and HINDSON is up to the business in that respect. Give E. R. PEJ ...TON, Publisher, the throat and lungs, and gives fio11h and ordPr $6.50 upwards. ·Fite a sure thing at F trustees by which he has be11n retained. A, Cole's· Give him a call, · ' -Newa. 2l Be·d !ltred, !Wew l.rk strength q u~cker than any other remedy · him a. call. known ·. lt is very palatable, having nono Tlt:TORl.l CARBOLJV 8.1.LVE ts a areat T8 INVIGORA'ftl boUl th~ body anti lhe aid to tater11al aedldne In tbe treatnaellt EXPEL Tllll WUIUIS bJ u.ein11:the ·ale nnd bruin, UMe tbe r e llnble ionic, Mllllllur:a'~· of tho disagreeable taste of the crude oi l. .. 1 aorof'uleus H ore1, ulcers ancl nb~cc88ell or reliable a nfhelmlntle l'rteillan·~ tf...m Put up in 50c, and $1 size. mailc Qulalue lYJne. all li.lncts· Powders. V· -IN- equal amount ofGood Reading be obtained for so little Money. NEWTONVILLE. · o EPA. R IME NTS j1!~~r~~t~~~nrr~1~i~~~::~~~~~~~i~rn~1 ALL A S. WEED, Publisher, 0 AS "'T""'T"S:BJ -AT- The New York Press DAILY. SUNDAY. WEEKLY. Ha.rd:~~l:~~d -S~:·oo: re:~:8~~~~~. ~:.-N B COUCH, JOHNSTON & BOWMANVILLE,I 1 · on yo · ERM ·. AN'.,$.··.· . a a a nieNewnr:~:e::v,!j!J'!~v We are -···to offer splendid value ' ·· H h " 1 all o-qr ,different departments. roLEOTIO MACAZl'.llE SILK · SEALETTES~ I . . i_-LLJNERY M To the Gents· I '7 CEO. LAINC.

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