:! !!.! !! .: ! i !· t ! ! !!n!v!1c!!: !'!!!o :! ! ! ! !!s!! !!! ! t! ! !! c! !! u !he !!! : !! .! !al! ! a.!!11!!! ! !: !!!! l) !! g !!! .! !!! !· ! !!! !, !!!l! !!! !! !!! !! ! !.!'! : ! !y; !!!! . --I . '!"'" d t s re y o A o n u c o r o s.to p l gn e ntly s : M TH E R l F QLKS G ltf \Ht' lHf. 1 i i'· the car ; a.nd turning to lea.v? aha sm1ed j turbe at mht and ? roken of y_our rst - M-<ll .1-. · · ih'I · · ·_ ;y;' C"t';- - _ta_._ t_f _ sweet smile 1·ga.m and sa:d, ; by a stCk child suffermg a11d crymg with her bri"ht _ ·uU _l _ll_ Then she trp- l pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If so .send at Questions. ' prandmother." _ _ fGNNY LITTLE STORIES in the minds of the thr.ie gi.rls in the Skin a.nd sea.Ip preserved and bca.u d Dyer and Clothes Cleaner. corner of the car, and of the envy th11.t fille A. ti.lied by: 0U1.'lCURA MEDICATli:D , Goods warranted to be as no one will know their hearts. So.AP, What a Zodiac Is. tlrnm frllm new when dona. It seemed to How the wind did blow I A friend of ours has two little boys, rise higher and blow more fiercely every Corner of Kmg and Ontario Streets, . Bowman ville. moment Angry gusts swept a.round cor- Charlie and Robbie,the latter of whom took .Aching Sides and Baek, Hip, .E. .idney ners, and even the strongest man was occasion one day at dinner to inform the &nd Uterine Paine, Rhenmatic, Sciatic, acquaint· slirht a least a.t had he that Neuralgic, Sharp and Shooting Palus, obliged to brace himself as he met it at a family · " relieved In one 1n:lnu&e by the Cuti· t· sudden turn. Again the car stopped,and a.nee with geography. cura A·&t·Patu l'las&er. The tlrst and only ! is," z?diac a what know don't you bet I '· an old woman, bent and feeble, entered. pain-k11lmg plaster. 30 uents. The wind ba.d handled her very roughly. "said Charlie (a year or two older), to try Her shawl was twisted, her thin gray hair him. "Yes, I do ." wa.s scattered loosely over her pale fore· " Well, what is it?" head, and her bonnet was all awry. She When Baby wae siolt, w& gave her Cutoria, "Humph !"said the little fellow, "a. zodiac trembled as she 3tood for a moment c<M!ting When she -wa.s a Child, s-he cried for CastoriA, her eye down the length of the already filled is the science of numbel's joined to a noun." sea.ts; then a. clear young voice at her side When she became Miss, she clung to Ca.at11ria, I\ said, " Please take my seat," and a steady When aho ho.d Cbildron, Bho gno them Caston.., His Little Joke. hand was reached out to guide her. " Thank you, my dear," replied the old Johnnie wa.s going through the market lady, looking up into Gertrude's fresh young with bis mother,and they came across some face ao she sank into the scat. " That wind very large gooseberries. most tuckered me clean to death." "What's them, ma.mma.?"he aaked, cur She drew a long brea.th as she lea.ned back ious to the destruction of bis syntax. in the seat, but in doing so she touched her " Gooseberries, Johnnie," said tho mother, head lightly against the wlndow, which set and pssed on to a ba.sket filled with very her· bonnet more crooked than ever. She amo.11 ones. · reached up her thin white bands to set it "Sn.y, mother," he ic.quired, "those is straight, but in her helplessness, only made gosliugberrics, ain't they ? ' a bad matter wor2e; a.ud as the three thought less girls in . the corner watched her, a smile VETERINARY SURGEON, pai!sed over their faces and a. suppresed titter Delightful but Upsetting, It was not au was heard in that direction. ONT. 0 BONO. Miister's Wife ·-Will you be !1ble go oible to tb.e old lady, who was a little deaf, moments this evenmg, but Gertrude heard it and she looked coldly out with me for a few . toward them for an itant,with the express·. Willi?. I want to m11.ke a short call o n ion that Clara Denton thought so "proud the "i gmsea. . b9 a.nd stuck·UP.," Then, turning to the old lady, . M1n1ter-No, my dea.r. 1'.tof. X. will the ques Hae ece!ved her new etook ot who was still struggling vainly with the re- 11.:1 to-m ght, and e want to discuss a.n!1 Stat.e fnctory bonnet, she said, with a sweet smile hon. of the relt10ns of Church durmg the . Middle_ Ages, and t.he.1r effect that was neither cold nor proud, npon mankmd dumg_ tha unenlightened 11 Won't you let me fix it for you?" . invites the Ladies of Bow «Note.-1'his fauYrite medicine is put . "Oh, thank yon, deary, " replied the old: perio.d of the wrld s h1ato1y. . up in oval bottles lwldin'd Uiree ounces (emphat1cally)-Now, Wilham, you Wife I "I ma.nville and vicinity to call lo.dy looking at her in grateful surprise' eaclt, with the na11w blown in the glass, be arefol. You kn?w ow ti;iterested wish you would. " and 11uch , and the name of the inventor, S. R. Ca.mp· Then, to the amazement of the trio in the 1 and exmted you become m dlScmam& bell, in red ink across the face of the label. . s, and are a I a.ya the worse fo r it next corner, _the aristocratic Gertrude E11stman , matter ,, · , -1 use all substBeware of imitations, re stooped and untied the worn ribbons,straight. mormng. tutes, and yoit will not be d·isappointed. . 1 ened the bonnet,setting it firmly on her hel)d, awi &.:isortmen tot · and tied them a.gain with her own daintily' . · Her Little .hayer. gloved hands. :Then she gently smoothed · I Little Minnie was being put to bed, and back the rufiled gray hair,and with the warm. · color mantling her cheeks, she smiled on the had knelt down to say her usual prayer. l!IT@Rlil :->lee·nd Poor Wed of 'Willla1n wrinkled old foce, a.a she reached up to take! ,, "Now I lay me down to sleep, lJ lu.tcJJ><er StnH I pray th Lord my soul to .k·ep. hold of the strap a.gain. These two Imes went all right, hut then ' " · you "Th k deary, sa i d th e m uhch 0? t' n o, iJ tl , the treacherous memory slipped and Minnie . o·Id 1ada. y ID a voice t reache d t ·o ie far-1 Al. , that 40 feel a power· WILS puzzled, but only for a moment. tber _end of the car , a disordered state of the Liver, from arising 1 most wiuhout hesitation she continued : ul siht ·better. po you know you put me. Stomach and Rowels, such as "Eenie, meenie, meinie, moe, catch a 1 mmd of my httle grand-d ughter '!"ho nigger Dyspepsia or Indigesti on , Bilious by the toe." Aud would have condied only a few wees ago, She was JUSt, c Heartburn, Headache, Affections, tinued had not he r sho ked mamma qui ckly such a dear, sweet girl as you a.re, and she . i placed her again on the right track. Rheumatism, . Acidity of the Stomach, was mighty careful to have her old grandLoss of Appetite, Gravel, Nervous mother fixed all right; but she's gone now, "T H 0 S. P BJ AT, "Good bye; t and tho car went on its , once and get a bottle of "Mrs, Winslow'e Can you put the pider·a web back in place 1 peel out of sigb way. · __ That onca has been swept away? . ! Soothing Syrup.11 For children teething,, · · , _ _ _ Can you put the 1\pple again on the bough · "Well, I do declare, if she am t an ,ngl i its value is incalculable, It will relieve · ·; n ?t rom heaven, 1 never saw one, ex· the poor f g Which fell r.t ourfeet to-day? 1'ttle sufferer immediately. De· · ·1 l cl11.1mei} the old lady. "She makes some · e h , b m, t 11 t h e k e on ac y-cup l e C t. I pnt you e,n na1 8 n. pend upon it motliers ' . tnere IS no home happy, I k now. " - 0 F -Aud cause it to Jive and grow 9 , '1 '11;; · k e ab ou t' iu, ·· It cures Dyeen t,ery · '\n..,. .,._""'\.LITTLE The mista ThHa was si'ence in the corner. · w n ng o e s d h b tt fl , b u k e o men u t Ca S · _ e r yh y t u a11d and Stomach the regulates Dia.rrhrea, fost so been running tl:ree tongues tha.t h11.d . : b l ow . LIVER . Tha you orushed WIt h a 111y u"' \"'\19 (?. a" .,. . ... '""' ,.... res w 1 · md c 011?, ,. so ftena the timeefor.i,were st1ll,and tbe oth er Bowes,-cu canyou putth!>hloomagain on thegrape, 11.short PILLS. _ nearly_ as be Gums, reducs Inflammation, and gives , passegers did not seem to And the grnpe again on the vine? IJ:EWABE OF IM:I.Z'.ATION8, ALWAl'S energy to th e whole aytem · ou A l st en C.-n you put the dewdrops aga.in on the amusmg as they ha b · . t a . M d one and .ASK FOR DB. PIEBOJ!J·S PELLETS, Oli 11 Ravtn spoke, a.no this "!me Ill a quiet tone Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syl'llp "f\for flowers :C.IZ'TL_IJJ SUQAR-OOATED PILLS. thi:t wa,s ha.rdly reoogmzble as the same childre tellthing is pleasant to the bste ---o---Aud make hem sp!l.rkle and shine? n loudly b ng · speak Being entirely vegetable, they op.. i Can you p 11 t the peta.la back on the rose? vo10e th11.t had been 110 e and is the prescrip tion of one of the olderatc without diaturba.noe to the system, diet , If you could, would it smell as sweet? for0 , · 1 est an-" . b_ et _fomale physicians and nurses or occupation. Put up in glass vials, hermetl. , , · · · We11 gi,9· 1 he SB.Id· 100k IDf' from one Can you put the flow?r agam on the busk' ca.Uy scaled. Always fresh and rellable. As in he United State11, a.ud is for sale by We are pushing on our Great Ulearing Sale :or Dry Goods a laxative, alterative, or purgative, to the other, she s a thorough lady any, And show me the ripene heat? all druggists throu<,h the world. Price these IJttlc Pellets give the mo6t perfe ct and Clothing with unabated vigor and earnestness, and to how." Can you put the kernel a.gam m the nut, sat!Sfactlon. cent8 a b0tU -B e ure and ask f " I think she is perfectly lovely," said 2.. .. 0 · · 0·, 01· the broken egg in the shell? ensure complete success, we are reducing prices to a point MRS. WINSLOW s. SOOTHING SYRUP. Cll>n you put the honey back in the coml·, May Travis, ethusiastically. " I'll never Aud cover with wax each cell? I tell you what it is, and tak e no other kind. call her proud again. _ never reached before in Bowmanville. I don't believe one of us would have C n you put tho perfume back in the vase girls. Bilious Headache, dared do what she did, for fear of being When once it has sped away? Dizziuesa, C:on11tlpa VOlSIHttl'1'1UN (:tJRED. tl on, J"ndig:esti on l Can you p11b the corn-silk b1tck on the laui;>:hed at and yet just see how every one Bilious Attaclr;:s, and al 11.dmired her for it!' We did, too, we know corn, An old physician. retired ftoru practico. ha-Vderangements of the stomwe did," and Ma.y nodded her head amp.hat· ing had placed in his hands by an East India. Or down on the ca.tkins? suy. ach and bowels, are prompt-· the formula ot a. simple vegetable missionary v ly relieved and permanently .f: uu think my questions aie tn lly. ·fl.· · 9 t'c,, mg, d ear· ·'Wl.\remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of cured i_,z the use or D1·. "She iust did it to show off," said Clara Consumpt.ion, Bronchitis. Catarrh, Let me ask you [l.nother one: .A.sthma Piercc - s 1Plea'1ant Purgative Pollets Can a hasty word over be uns9'itl, ·Denton spitefully, who could not forget the anO. all '£hroa and Lung .Affections, also a But all Dress Goods, Cloakings, Tweeds, an<l R ea dy - m ade [n explnnatiou of the remedfal power of these O;- a. deed ur.kind undone? Pellets over so great a variety of diseases, It look in the fi!!.shing eyes as they rested for a. positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility Clothing must be sold at any sacrifice. and all Nervou" Complaims, after having may truLhfully be said that their action upon m:>ment on h er. tested It& wonderful curative powers in thou: the system is universal. not a gland or tissue There wa.a silence again for a moment, sands of cases, has felt i1; his duty to make it esca1iing their sanative influence. Sold by KIND then Maud spoke in the same manner as be· known to hin suffering fellows. Actuated by druggiste, 25 cents 11 vinl. Manufactured at the THE INPLU.EN<.:E Of OF A Chemical J,aboratory of WORLD'S DrSPEXSARY · ight this motive and a rtesir to relieve human t a 5r is t' 1.me there was JUS for.e, and th' ACT, suff.iring, I wiil send tree of charge. to all who MlliDICAI, AasooIATION, Buffalo, N. Y, quiver in her vo1e. l dllslre it. this receipt. in German. lfrench or _ . "Girls" she said," I'll tell you what I Englieh. wi'h full dirctions for preparing and Sen by 1ul by address5ng with think. I believe io wan't a-:> much because using. DY NELLIE HELM. P. S.-During the sale Due Bills will be Lken on a cash paper, Vv · .A.. NOYES. 14.9 Gertrude J!;!taman is a. b crn lady that she stamp, na.mmg thia Powei"s Block, llochestcr, N. Y. 41-ly · · "What a dreadful de.y !" basis only. d"d 1 that, as beca.use she l.S try mg to be a "I'm fairly blown to pieces. " Christian. D<>n't you know she joined the is oll'ered by the manufactur "I'm thankful we ""nllht thie ca.r, if we church a little wbite ago ?" ers of Dr. Sage·s Catarrh (Jonsumption Surely Cured. UemcHly, for a .cuse of did have to run for iv," <>ail he threG rosy, " ·well," said May soberly and thought· Chronic Nasal Catarrh which brea.thless girls sank into the seat a.a the ca.r fully-, "if it's thatJ that makes her so lovely, To THE EDITO>l : they cannot cure. moved on. I wish I was one, too." Please inform you:r readtn· : hat I have SYMPTOMS OF CA.TARRH.-Dull After they hi!.d arrango:l their h'l.ir and " So do I," answered Maud softly ; and a positive remedy for. the above named heavy headache, obstruction of the nii&i.i ribbons and dress with which the boisterous Ciara. said nothing ao they rose a.nd left tle disease. Ry its timely use thousands of pMSnges, discharges falling from the head lD t o the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, wind had ta.ken moat daric.g liberties, they car. hopeless caeeij have been permanently and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucoUB, commenced to talk again. They talked very I aha.I! be glad to send two bottles Gertrude Eastman went on her wo.y, lit· cured. purulent, bloody and put.rid; the eyes a.re fast and, sometimes, all at onoe, in voices tle dreaming of the seed she had s own by of my remedy FREE to anv of your readers weak, watery, and foflamed; there is ringing in the enrs. deafness, hacking or coughing to that were not always quite as subdued as is the wayside'.that afternoon, nor how quick who have conumption if they will send me clear the throat, expectoration of ofl'enslve becoming in r. skeet-car. At. times it sound ly it was to bear fruit ; happy only in the their Express and P. 0. address. matter, together with scabs from ulcers; the ed M thouv,h a small flock of magpies had ------'-""'----Respectfully, Dr·. T. A. SLOCUM, 73 thought 1;hat she had been permitted to do voice is changed and has n. nasal twang; the Yonge Street, Toronto, Out. breath is ofl'ensive; smell and t.u.st<J are Im taken possesttion of that end of the car, as a little act ?f kindness to tho lonely old paired; there Is a sensation of dizziness, with they chatted and laughed apparently uncon lady . But months afterwl\rd, when she mental depreBBion, a hacking cough and gen· scious of the presence of any other passen· greeted Maud Haven and May Travis a.a era! debility. Only a few of tho above-named gers. symptoms are likely to be present in any one they became members of the same church case. Thousands of cases annually, withoui The car gro.du11lly filled up, and although with herself, they told her how this little rnan!(esting half of the above symptoms, re their tongues were so busy, their ey es were 11.cta of hers ha.d ope ed their eyes to see the sult in consumption, and end in tbe grave. -----= ----n Tho band· beauty of a Christian life, and made them de· No disease is so common, more deceptive and free to scan every new-comer. Cleansed, Purified and Beautified dangerous, or less understood by physicians. somely-dressed ladies were inspected with sire to live one too. By its mild. soothing. and healing pi·operties, critical eyes ; then the three heo.ds were by Cuticura Remedies. ;; .. For Cash I am selling my entire stock of Felt Hats at and Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures the wo= cases of· Cata··rh, "cold in the J1oad," drawn close together, anC. the t hree voices Saved by a Cat. ()oryza, and Catarrhal lflendaehe. were mingled in loudly whiapered comments . 011r olde-st child, now six years of a1?e, when below cost. Sold by druggists everywhere; 50 cents. an infant six months old was attacked with a !"he stylishly gotten-up young men, also, re· '.J.'here are so many stories of dogs who virul·nt, malignant skin disease. All ordinary ceived rA.ther more 11ttention than they have saved humi\n lives, and so few anec "Uni.old A;;-ony froll!lll. Catarrh." For Cash I am selling my Furs at reduced prices. remedies failing wo c1>.lled our family physician deserved, and they were discussed with dotes of pussy s helpfulne6s in times ot who attempted to cure it ; but it spre<\d with Prof. 111. HAUSNion, tho fnmous mesmerlst, · almost incredible rapidity, qntil the lower fnque11t giggles and nudges. At the cross,· emergen 1y, tha.t we gladly publi$h the story of ltl1aca\ N. Y., writes: "Some ten years ago For Cash I am selling my entire stock of Gents' Furnish I suft'crcu untold agony from chronic nasal ing of a fashionable street the car stoppe, oi a cat's tutelligent devotion ; During the portion of the little fellow's person, from the middle of his back down to his knees, was one cntarrll. lily family physiciun gave me up as !l.nd E young girl, a.bout the same age as the Crimean War, a little cat followed a young solid rash, ugly, painful, blotched and malicious. ngs at great reductions. incurable, and said I must die. My cruie was such n uad one, that every clay, towards sun three, entered. Sb.ewa.s richly,though plain French soldie1· ·when he left his native vil We bad no rest at night, no peace by dav. set, my voice wo11J(J become so hoarse I could ly, dressed, and in spite of the cmp'll!tuous lage. The lad's heart clung to thts dumb Fina.Hy we were advised to try the CuTICURA REMEDIES. 'l'he effect was simply marvellous. barely speak above a whisper. In the morning wind, not a fold of htil' neat toilet appeared creature, and he gave her a se,i,t on his knap In three or four weeks u. complete cure was my couirhing· and clem·i:ig- of my throat would to be displaced. Sne was so sweet, so mod. sack by day on the march, u.nd a corner of wrought, leaving the little ;fellow's person as almost E·tmng·le me. By tho uso of Dr. Snge'e white and healthy. as though ho had never Catarrh Jkmedy, in throe months, I was a well est, so u1msauming, and yet so evidently his couch at night. been attacked. In my opinion your valuable roan, and the cure has been permanent." aristocratic, that m"'ny admiring eyes follow Cash· I am wanting and for cash I am selling. When the regimeI>.t was first ordered into remfdies saved his life, and to·d"'y hB is a action, he left her in ·.,hi>rgo of a sick com strong, healthy child, perfectly well, no repeti· il()on!ilt:.uUy Hal.Vh.ing and Spitting." ed her as she took he1 se,.t, "There's Gertrud-. Eastman, " said Maud rade. He ha.d marched a.bout a mile, when tion of the disease having ever oconrred, Cash paid for Raw Furs. THO)!AS J. RusmNG, Esq., 1!901! Ptne street, GEO, B. SMITH, he eaw puss running behind him. He lifted St. Louis, Mo.· writes: "I was a great sutrorer Haven, one of the trio. .Att'y'atLaw and Ex-Pros. .Att'y, Ashland, 0. "How awfully proud a.ndatuck-up she is!" her up on her uana.l seat, and soon the en from catarrh for three years. At times [could HE'EREN!JE: J.G.Weiat, Druggist, .A.shland,O· hardly breathe. and wns constantly hawltlng sa!d Clara. Deuton. " She'll hardly speak gagement began. and spitting, and for tho last eight months to common folks,"with a curl of the lip and Twice the soldier fell, but the ca.t clung could not breathe through the nostrllB. I CLEAR SKIN, PURE BLOOD. thought nothing could be dono for me. Luck a toss of the head, fast hold. ily, I was advised to try Dr. Sage's Catarrh " I reckon !'cl be proud, too," replied At la.st, a severe wound stretched him NEADS' BLO K, Bowmanville. No mother., ho loves her children, wbo THE Remedy, and I am now a well man . I believe May Travis, looking admiringly at the trim bleeding on the field. No sooner did pussy takes pride in tlielr-beauty, purity, and health it to be the only sure romedy for catarrh now manufactured, and one has onl7 to give it a little figure, " if my father was as rich as catch sightJ of the blood, then she seated and ia bestowing upon them a child's greatest inherita.nce.-a skin without a blemish, and a fair trial to experience a.stoundmg results and her's is and I livecl in as fine a house." herself upon his body,and began to lick his body nourished by -pure blood.-should fall to a permanent cure ." "I don't care if she is rich,·· s1tid Clara. wound in t,he m1Jst assiduous m11.nner, Thus make trial of tlw CUTlCUlA REMED11£S. who envied Gertrude her luxurious life; ahe renmiued tor wme hours, till the surgeon 'Eb.ree Bottles Cure (Jatarrh. ·' sho u.iedn't snub folks jnst because they carried the la.d off to the tent for the wonnd I have seen the Cl:TICURA lit.EMEDIES used ELr RoBllINS, Runuan P. 0., Columbia Co., Pa., says: "My daughter had outo.rrh when are poor. It isu'u money alw!>ya that maks d. When he recovered consciousness, his for milk crust by s. visitor in my house. and can testify that the eure was speedy and per· so.w I very badly. oldi Dr. people worthy of uotice ;" this as though al1e she was five years first question was, " Sh9.ll I live?" manent. I have also used them myself. for Sage's Catarrh Rcmeuy advertised, and pro thought it was. "Yes, my good fellow," was the surgeon's erupticn of he skin on my httle child, with An. showmg a large and varied a.ssortment of Dry Goods for cured a bottle for bo::r, and soon saw toot it the " What a lovely dress she ha.a on," said answer, " th::.nks to your little cat, If she eat1efaotory results in every respect,, 'l'he helped her ; a third bottle etrected a perma "Oh dear, I wish I could afford t o had not used her tongue so intelligently, you skin was broken out and bei;-an to assume ugly A LL and WINTER TRADE. nent cm-e. She is now eighteen years old awt Maud., proportions. 1 have also heard my neighbors sound and hearty." have such nice clothes, and have them made would have died from loss of blood." ----o --speak of the CU'l'ICURA REM&DlE>:; in the highso beautifully," and Maud cast her eyes over Contrary to all regulations, pussy was al est terms. E. P. BEAR, her home-made dress which, notwithsta.nd· lowed to accompa.ny the young soldier to the Churchill, .A.ugustu. Co., Va. iug much fancy trimming, lacked the artis hospital, wbe1·e she wa.s regaled with the tic elegance of Gertrude's plainer made choicest morsels from his plate, and became We are showing a special Sold everywhere. Price: CU'.1-'HiiURA. 75 eta.; A large stock in newest 1 hades and fabrics. gown. a ·rery distbguished chf\racter.-[lllustrated SOAP, 35 eta.; RESOLVEN1', $1.50. Prepared by line in Dress Mel tons at cents, that can't be beat. 'Cleaned, Died. Pressed and.Rapa.ired by the POTTER DRUG AND CHEMIC"AL Co., Boston, All this time the Bubject of their remarks Christ ..n Weekly. Mass. sat quistly looking out of the windon, un .tarSend for" How to Cure Skin Diseasfls," 61 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100· testimonials. conscious of tbe interest she was creating --:...------------------__ _ __ WEDNJSDAY, 5_ ._ D ___Ec · _ ... 1._s_ss.__ · j I ·"\-'" "s Th 0 rig --1· I ·1 1 I !Z!! !!!!!!!'!!!!!! !!! "ff. ! !!! !! !!! Gr fl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'T' A. E - I I II 0 LE AR ING e'\'.e'\S Dry Gqods & Clothing 1 · "II, Slcl/ f\. HEADACHE, 0, il!ii;_ : I EVERY ARTICLE IS REDUCED FROM 15 TO 25 PER CENT. ELLISOI & CO. Bat and Fur Store. CASH IS KINC ! AY'S SKIN AND SAlP CASH FOR REPAIRING. C l'RAC'rICAL FURRIER. TOD F Gents' Clothing :OFl.ESS GrC>O:OS. I:N'"E::N'"S. 12! OS, B ' DY'S HOW MY SIDE ACHES! Housekeepers )'equmng Table Linens, Table Napkins, Towels, Tow elings, &c., &c., would do well to inspect our stock before buying. A large conignment just received which have been marked at very low prices. CC>TTC>S. "'Y" A.Fl.::N"S. BLANKETS, COMFORTERS & FLANNEL SHEETINGS at prices that ai·e bound to sell them. Saxony Yarns in all colors. Fingcl"ing Yarns in both Scotch and Canadian makes. In this line we make a specialty of Baldwin's Beehive Fingering. Canadan Factm·y Yarns in a large number of colors. IOH N SPENCER, GOODS., Special attention gi,'en to Ube ORDEREJl CLOTHING de1·a1·tment. Call and inspect our stock beC01·c pure.basing. rn this department "VI e have a large stock in Scotch, English and .. Irish Suitings, Pamings and Canadian Tweeds. . . ,,. _ , T.EE:I.:>S- TOD BROS. 1188 mcTAVISH ,nd see her Pattern TRIM .l\1IN GS BCJNNETS, HATS jmust I j Newcastle Stove and Tin Depot by the public is unanimous that the . I I I Cooking Ranges, Coal and Wood Cooks, Parlor and Hall Stoves- all the most popular makes and styles. Jewel Range, with the new Duplex Grate; also Grand is the cheapest place in the Coun ty for · !' on, n11res. Chronic nousunau lJ camnbell's Cathartic Comnonnd nts Cop11·ve11es· a11d all omnla1' __!!.__ Duchess, Grand Universal and Diamond Range. and I have to do the best I can for myself;" I The High School Board of Glencoe has and the thin old voice trembled, and the engaged G. D. Wilson, of Ridgetown, prin· dim grey eyes filled with tears. 'clpal, at a salary of $1,000, and Alex. Mcln· "I am very glad that I have been allowed tyre, of R?dney, assistant, at a salary of to take her place even once," 11aid Gertrude, $500. · I ·1 . I j j G Parlor Stoves with and without ovensOrders taken for the best Hot Air Furnaces. Granite, Iron and Tin Wares constantly on hand. Eave Troughing, Roofing and Job Work done on shortest notice, and prices, considering material, as low as the lowest.· Art Garlands, Art Sultanas, etc .. Debility, Nausea, or Vomiting, &c,, &o. Price 25 · DAVIS k LAWRENCE CO. (Limited), MOl'l"J:'J;t.E.A.Lt. cents per Bottle. PREPAR<D oMY BY I 45 -W. T. BONATHAN, NEWC ASTLE.