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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1888, p. 3

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~ ~· 111111'; pp~~~~~.:-~ ·~.!!~~~~,~~~~~~~'.'.!~ .!.~~!· =-.......!.~~.!.··· ~auautau ~ ~t . . aft.smau. l .. AS YOU J.JIK£IT. BARY GONE TO SCHOOL, -- Mrs General Harl'iso11. . · WEDNESDAY, DEC. 5, 1888. SP ECI AL TO The b~by has gone to school ; ah, me I What will the mother do, ·with never a oall to butt-on or pin, Or tie a little shoe ! How can she k eep herself busy all day With the little "hindering thing" away? Another basket to fill with lunch, Another" i;:ood-by" t-0 say, And the mother stands at the door to see H er baby maroh away ; . .And turns with a sigh that is half relief, ; And half a something akin to grief. She thinks of a possible futurn morn, When the children one by one, · Will go from their home ou t into the world, To battle with life alone, And not even the b aby be left to cheer The desolate home of th~t future year. She picks up garments here and there, Thrown down i-n careless hast e ; And ~ries t o think how it would seem If nothing were displaced, If the house were always as still as this, How ce>uld ~he bear the loneliness? It is pnssible in France to insur e the life of a child one da.y old. Ice was artifically mJ.nufactured by the use of chemic~\l mixtures as early as 1783. It is S{ 70,000,000 codfish are caught am 1 ually off t:he Newfoundland coast. LADIES ! --o-- M r s . Donnel1y wishes to notify the Public that she is goi~g t o sell her ImmeJJ se Stock at the very lowest rates that has ever been o:lfered in this town. L ook out for bar· gains the remainder of this season. Straw and Felt Hats Dyed and Reshaped in all the Latest Styles. AOBNT !'OR THE TORON'.l.'O DYE WORKS. Mrs. Donnelly. Surreys, Buggies?Market Wagons, Sleighs, Cutters, &c., P ainted in firs'.· class style at TIES, CO Ll ADS CUFFS CLOVES in endless variety-we make a specialty in these good"-. has Alas, how: sad to ~1tness a _ great mans greab resolu tion end m nothlog but smoke I · d Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe has ma e the most remarkable r ecovery her phyaicfo.ns have ever witnessed . When she left Sag H 11.rbcr H was believed tha~ she could not f· live t o reach Ha1·tford. Now, however, she will receive prompt attention. is better than she has heen for some years Sbop ovllr McMURTRY'S J,IVERY STABLE, and is able,to.w"lk. . · ; . BOWMANYILLE1 Smith, of Ph1fadelph1<.1, is said to possess the largest collection of newspaper clippings in the world. H e b egan when a 39-3m boy of 10 and has been at it for 50 years. Ih would take a furniture van to hold what he has now, although he has sold thousands and 1honsnnds of slips. One of the most successtnl ministers of Boston has inaui:urated the following practice in taking the benevolent collections : Goods are down to the lowest - He reports by name from the pulpit every point except given away. donor, with the amount given. He designates the names of his membership --o-~pecifically, and thoee who have not made n ' 1 any subscription are fully r eported by name 1 with a cipher appended. Parties bavin~ anythlni::- m th e above line that requires Pf~~t:~k~~1~i·:~ :;~~~P~Y h aving Bring your Sleighs and. Cutters in early in the ecason It wont cost any more and better work ca'n be done by having plenty of time, Orders for IN TOWN ' LOWEsfiPRICl:'S · JJ .' · g~ue back to tobac~o. . It is stated that . . "~;mce Bismarck I I SIGN PAI NTING W~MORRISO N. ECLIPSE HOUSE Listowel, or WILLIAM BINGHAJ\l, Enniskillen. When a father dies in Cor ea the sons 40tf must dress them~elves in a su it of sackcloth, ARM TO RENT OR SELL. 145 CLOTHS & TWEEDS-A LA MODE with a rope girdle about the waist. On t he acres, part of lots 30 in the 7th and 8th he<hd is worn ~n enormous hat, about the concessions of the To wnship of Whit by. Immediate possession. .A.pply to J . B. BICKELL, Our CLOTHING DEPARTMENT size of a rain u mbrella, and for further pro. Our New Stock h ae a rrived, a.nd. cont..· 55 F ront· st.. , East, 'l 'oronto, or R1011. H ALJ,, tection against obtrusion the mourner carhas still at its head the only first- rio3 E sq., Brooklin. 35- 3w priaes s ometh ing DNtt and pretty for · n large fan before his face. He is not class cutter in town. Most of the expected to work, but at stated times he Lo.dies, Good and Serviceable for Men OOD HOU SE '.l<'OR SALE.--A two au d B o:vs, and B oots that R Boots fo!I ' other houses that blow of first-class has duties to perform at his ancestor's storev frnme houso situated on O'Dell St.. every member of t he houstihold. , coutaining seven rooms and summer h:itchen. cutters have their work made u.p tomb closets. pa ntries, &c. Hard a.nd sott water ; The most plausible vie\v among many full t a.ere of ground with good selection of by sueat ers and call it fl:rst-class, docto1·s was that baldness was especially choice fruit t.rees. Apply to M · .A. JAMES or to liable to follow t he wearing of a tight· to gull the public. TRIJNKS, V ALISIES~ d:;SA 'l"OJr!EHi. IN S'.l'O(JJ(J D, B. FOGG, Prop.riet<r, Bowmanville. 41-tf fitting hat, t he blood vessels being conTHE CU LTlV.A'fOR Every customer that has an eye to stric~ed and the scalp deprived of the ~·Ordered Work and Rep airing · a STOCK FOR SALE.- ! have for sale AND necessary supply of blood. But thi~ view 25 good ewes, Ram, Shropshire beauty in clothes calls upo1. S pe cialty, as usual. has been controverted by a fact bron~ht Ham, 4 good Farm Horses, one extra good CO. UN TRY D. DAVIS; . ht b u~ t h e .Par secs of In 1 '· brood mare. one driving horse, gentle. 8 steers t 0 l ig a. 0 u "fera, ~ ' rising 4 , years. some goo d young h e1 The P arsees are rompe11 ed to k eep brood sows. a number of spring pigs and 21 th e hee.d · covered during the da.y by a suckiog pigs. J. D. TRELEVEN, Rampton. hat so t ight as to crease the scalp and _______ ___________4_6_-_3 _w_·_ possibly the skull, and at night th ey JOH PRINTING of all kinds done Savin~s wear a skull cap · , and yet n ot one of them Tbe Best. of the n.eatly and promptly e.t TIIE S1·ATESMAN ~ design them for him. P ahl 111· Capltnl. $300.llOCI. has b een known to be bald. Xhe Orientals printing ofilce. Country orders e.nd orders by AGRICULT ORAL WE h.KLrns. Re~$. . $ 70,000. say that worry causes the hair to fall, and mail r eceive our special attention. Try us for Df:VOTlllD '.1'0 it may be true in some oases. The general A ·'Women's Runt" in Bengal. your n ext printing and yc,u will be tl1oroughly (]p· and Pr<>ces·es, state of health naturally affects the scalp, satisfied. WEDDING UA.RDS, all thu latest Fa.rm Cr Jl(]1·t1cu H 111·nI .I! !"1·111t Grow1ni,t, I beg to notify t he public that am l'ecelvm~ · n· that no speci l cau"e At t he last meeting of the Royal Asiatic styles, printed ncn.tly and tastily at THE but the fact remal :Ltvc· :Stodi 111"1 11>at 1·yiug, deposit s for this company. arl<l allowing a STATABM.\ N Offio~. No daub work. · THI~ YEAR'.§ can be given for bi>ldne·· Se>ciety of Bengal a descript .on was given higher rate o ' interest t han the banksWhile it also includes nil minor d< partments of a peculiar custom among the aboriginal F ARM FOR SALE.- One hundred of Rural int.erest, such s.a a Poultry Yard , N o NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL R EQUIR)'l:D, tribos of Ranchi, a i;:roup of hamlets in and tlrty acres being parts ot lots 23 and Etomology. Bee-Kel'ping, Greenhouse aod I am a lso Prepa to grant Pa.lo Alto's Breeding System. Chota N agpore. It is known as the Era 24 in the 9th con. of the township of Darling· Gre.pery , Veterinary Replies , F arm Questions ton . .A bout seventy-three ac1·es ploughed. 11.nd Answers, Fire5ide ltA ading, Domeatin Loans o n REAL E~TA.T.E Senator L eland Stanford in a recent inter- Sendra , or women's hunt . On the present Immediate possession given. good buildings. Economy, and a summary of thn News or tbe on favorable terms. ·ew t·lkt:d of breedi·ng trotting horses in occasion the objecb was to expel the cholera. :B'or furl.her particulars, tHmB and conditions Week. Its Market Reports are usu>llly com· Vl w d d "t . 1 h t apply to 'l'HOMAS DURDlllN, Bowman·1ille, or plete, and much attention is paid t o the ProsClJT and PL lJG OFFICE: this way: "I had but two Lexington mares, t m on, an 1 18 u~ua w en any grea J. K, Gn.LBRAl'.l'H, Solicitor. Bowman ville. pects of the Crops, as throwing light upon one At :McMurtry's Dry G11o!ls S·-0re, and these were bred to my trotting sta.llions o:i.larr.ity overtakes the l and for the women iij-4w of tho most important or a\J questions---When with the most gratifying results, Aunette, to dreqs themselves up in men's clot hm· FAHM IN PICKERING ])'OR SALE. to Buy and When to Sell. It is liber11.lly illus W. F. AJ,r... En& ~N'l', tr i ted, and by RlllCEN'l' ENLARGEMJ< ·8 out of " d· itghter of Gray Ettgle, arm themsel ves, and go out to hunt, net 11 .ch 1 " Whl Bowme.nville, Oct, 11, 18e8. 42- Sm w ~ h · 1 b · th t ·n t - 011e of the best farms in Pickering for contains more reading m atter ·han e ver be· e neares vi ages eas sale containing 125 acres, all of which forn. 'l'he Subscription Prico if! $ 2.50 por year. protluced to Electioneer t he bay stallion t e Jung es, ut m FINER TUAN ElT ER. Ansel, which ha.a a record oi 2.20, and also of them. T hey chase pigs and fowls, and cleared end in high state of cultivation. On but we are offering a SPECIAL .hEDUCTION a. level he11.d in harness. Waxy, that ran in everything t h?Y kill is theirs. The;)'. also the premises are a good dwelling house and in our See · number of races ofter crosoi'ng the pl~i·na levy black mail from th.e heads .o f the v _1llages out bull clings and two wells, This property is C:LUB JU.TES FOR 1889 1 ~ w " ~ f rh situated on lot 15, b. f.· one mile and a halt and produced the good race mare A lpha, , or the purchase of hquor. · e vi 11age:s from Pickering village, half e. mile from Orand 2 S ubscriptions, in o n e r emitt a1:ce . . . $ 4 CANA D A. brerl to General Benton produced Waxaua, ca1:1nou prevent the slaugh ter of their Truuk Station. three miles from Pickering 6 do. do. d o. . . . 10 ·nd she bred to E lectioneer produced Sllnol,, but the head. m.en generally__ eom- Harbor, and six miles from Whitby. l!'or 12 apital paid 11p, 8 1 ,(IGO,OOO, Rest, $ 230100 ' d o. do. r o. , . . 18 C w tt b th h t further particulars apply to Jn.MES P ICKARD As I got a fast performer in the first! gen- pro!11ise ma ~rs Y givmg e uu -resses on the premieaa, or Pickering, P . o. 29- t!_ JIE1'1) all New Subscribers for 1~89, paying Tills B ank i s - ;: p ared to do T.egltt· eration from A nnette, and a record -break· r a P1 ~ and paymg ~ small sum. . Towards in sdvauoe U()W, WE WILL SEND ·rmi: PAPER in th" second generation from Waxy, my ev~nmg ~he hunt mg party r etires t o a Ti.,AR M FOR SALE. 130 acres, com· WE EKLY, trom ou n REOEIP'l' of t he r emitt · ttate Banking tn ail its branches. in bronze on 1 RGE. experiments with L exington mares cannot ne1ghbc-unng stream.· where th~y cook and ...l. posed of south part of Lot No. 19, Broken ance, to J anua.ry 1st, 1889, WITHOUT CHA F armers n otes discounted ; Deposltl!I Front, aLd ls three miles fre>m the '£ own of J?'.i1"3PECTMEN COPIES FREE. Address Each PLUG- & PACKAGE.. be classed as failures. The P lanet strain is cat the ~eat and d i:,m k the i iquor. They Bowwanvllle. 'l'hia is one of the best farms in eoeived and Inter est on amounts Qf 4,1- l y almost as good ae the Lexington. Dam e eat nothmg after tins meal, but bathe ana th e county or Durham. It is in a. high state of LUTHER TUCKER & SUN, Piiblis1:. ers u pward11 ln Savings Bank Dep artmHt: Winne haa two in t he list - Palo Al to, 2 20:l return home. Men are not a!lowed to cultivation and is well fenced On the pre· .A.L JBA..N"Y, :l'T.IV". DH. A.F'J'S ··eil, 2.23J. We reg·i·ded accomp.,ny them on such occa.s.10ns, a_ n d ml.see ther e is a ste>ne dwelling, 1 ;wo ltnge · . H-3w and Gertrude RUB~ 2 w h d h 1 f ti t b barns aud other ont-buildings. with stone (ssued and Collections m ade In E urope Palo Alto, when 4 years old, !LB faster than ~ ey con nett emse ves or 1 ~ ime emq stubling for cattle and horses, 1,hree wells and JY.l:anzn.nit11, He trotted some very hard 10 a very masterfal a~d mu.scuhne u1anner. four cisterns, also winll·mlll tor pumping IJnHed State& and Canada. races, and t hrew out 11 splint, and we had They are decked out m coats ~nd all tho water. ]'or further particulars apply on the W. ,J, .TONES, to let up on him. He will be trained. next finerv they can borrow f1om their .husban~e ~::';;W!.or if by letter to HENRY MAN3i~~f' Al(GI seaeon, and I shall be disappointed if we do and swtethear t s, an~ they flouns~ t~mr -·-··-···--··-- - ----·--- - ·----- -· - -- - · noc get a record of 2 12 on him. By th e spears, axes, al!d stick~, be.~O their iron way, Palo A ito would be a good horse to ~rums, shout, amg huntrng songs, a.nd dai;ice l~ . i) 1 me.tcb wit h Maud s. If the record of JUSt as the men do. T~e ceremony b egrns C·lnt!nues to do a General Banking Bnsinern A., W . illOJUW<\ ·Ii BRO, Maud s. ia boaten, exo~pt by herself, it w ill 1~ ~he west, and each y1l!11oge that ~as be~n AD( ··'· ~ 1\'11( 12fl ifi!l . ifr _ ~ Bo wmanvillti Branch. PROPRIETORS. MONTREAL. be by a hcree higher brecl than she is. A v1~1ted goea out on a sxm1lar exonmon i;o its ~i!J.,i ~~ ~~ ~~8-,.i ~ D E iP'OSl'ifS colt out of her by Palo Alto would be n e:ghbours,. bi;t always to the ea~:· .BJ MA.NUFACTlJH ERS OF IN THE WORLD. FRJE~El\tIA:i:f'S stronger breed than she is, and it should !'Ins meana it 1s supposed that u~e ~v1. sp.m t 1ece1ve1!- in Savings Ba.nk Department an.d &ll e.nd interest allowed at .:iul'rent rates, J'i; have a higher flight of speed. I wish Mr. is safely c?nd~1ctc~ o~t of the d1b~r1ct with- l' or P:u ·tt cul:u·s a nd DescrlptlYe Utrcnlar ;otioe of withdrawa l necessary. All devcr !~ \V'OR PI POWDERSBonner would come to California. I should out its digmty·. One vil~'-'4l'e nei>r atldrcss the · 1a.ya.b!e on dama n d. like t o entertain him and show him how we Rauch.1 · 1s an except10u. I t is called BARTON LAND and WATER 00., Are t o t ake. tb u!r own .EXC.UA.NG~ i: develop colts. I could lea.rn from him Mahaua1va, or d&voted to Mahadev, a,nd IA}S ANGELES, ()AL. .tmlJl>tiVB. I s a anfe, s:1re, !l..lld effp,ctaal about the feet, and he could study my th~re. the .A.mllzons are not allowed to ent~r 1 Jong h t and sold and Drafts lssned upon E11rope ~r or WQr1:1.'S lti c;li.i]cL-<;~\ n r A dultf Jnlted Ste.tee and Canad.a , also Gold Silver an mcthoifa. The miniature track, you remem- aa 1t 1s ~uppos~d to be un?er the ~pec1~1 ber, was ridiculed just as my thoroughbred protechon of i~s pat ron samt. If chole1.a a. luitr.d Sta~es Greenback s bon1tht a:rid llOld, 11 fouadatlon t heory was ridiculed, but I have appears there, It IS becau se the; .· Mah1\d.9v is Will oft'er fot· SprinYC Trade the 1,AJtta:sT, tJO li ti ~\.'J'l' H J 11"~ lived t o see th(i scoffers change tones. ?ffonoe~ , and he muRt be propittiatcd before ClllM.PJlli.!'l' and MUST TARD:D Breeders in a.11 sections of the country have It can disappear, rang-e of Prints ever shown, Promptly a.t curren ~ re.tee upon all Pili' copied my miniature track, where the colt including Jf Greut Br1ttam, the United States and Du <nin ion of Canada. learns to t rob without injuring himself, and The London "fiend" h as been at work SPRING NOVELTIES - oFPronounced, by praptical consum- the trotter out of t.he highly bred dam is on again in the same horrible way, on one of Telegraph 'l' top. Were I to ce>mmence over again, I the same unfortunate class of w om en, tor larl(e or small sums on all P&rts o ers, superior to anything in should select from twenty to thirty thorough- a nd with the same bewilderingly mysteria Canada. 'l'his is especially e.dvantageouo the Canadian Market. bred mares, and thus Jay the foundation of ous faculty for self-concealment. Oae 1.forcho.nts will do well to see their samples 11ersons living in .Mamtoba or the North·wes the stud. I should, as a matter of course, is almosb tempted to wonder if i t can b~fora buying elsewh er e: Early advice will bo 'l>S lt makes the funds a vaila.ble at once at the oluce ot payment. study t emperamenb and phy sical lines. If be an evil spirit from the bottomless pit given wh en travellers will call. Write :for Information. get thr~ h eads right and secure a proper con· who is thus p ermitfod to riot in human 9 a St. l'etei"s St,, ltlontrcaL .ll'odttrther particularn ce.ll at · t he Banklri. Houee. formation you run less risk in getting trot- blood. If the m urderer is a. human being t lllu1urnctnl'ers Also ot Th e· Celcbratccl ters from thoroughbred mares, than you do be _must be possessed by a very legion of RODlE, GEO · .McGILL, Accountant. Mana_~, from t he low bred mares, which are made d e v!ls. '.!'he police . cannot b~ blamed for . up of u nknown q uantities. You know what 1 t heir ~aihirc to d l(;cover this murderer. F ARM S~OCK~ J!'e,r.mers havm g sto_ck ---you are doing when you nae pure blood . T here is ne> reaBon that we cau see why he . . of any kmd to dispose of should advertise A deHgB.tful Toilet Article. Not a face paint - OF or powder; does not cover over. but m~ h . 1 t " t· f th should not; go on to number his victimn by ' it rn 1 ' HE ST~'N:SMAN, a paper that almost .i. ,.e mec ai;1~ coua rue ton o some o . · . every farmer m West Durham r eada.H, 3tf cures. Used in oonn ~ction with 1 roughbreds iB JUS!J aa well adapted to trot he score and hundred, 1f he oontmuec t o · , , Pond Lilly Sll ver Pallets and Pond Lilly Skin i::loap. ting as any other gait Control t he aotino choose them from t.he same class of t he ~ BOAR F0R S ERVICE.- A rhoro (' -<throuch the h ead a~d a putent t rotting community. The likelihoods aH are t h!i.t i bred Berkshire l~ou.r is kept fe>r servioo Moat Effectual and Positively Removes nll "Toronto Ofiioe and Warehouse : 20 FHONT · b · h · d h. d0 0t f on lo~ 28, con. 2, Darlmgton. Terms, :[$1.00. Pjmples. .Freckles, 'l'an, Specks, stF.lhon and t he experiment ceases to be- .e ts a ma man, per ~ps a or, or one I Some t~m weeks old suckers for se.lo. \ V. 8TR:KE1' EA81'. Blotches and all Houghness from t he 47- 3w* 38- 6m W . C. BONNELL, MANAGER. doubtful. I have met with success in man at least who ha.s studied anatomy, and one ' couR'l'ICllJ, foce, hands, neck 11nd arms, leaving them beautifully white and ting thoroughbred t rot ting ma!es and stal· w_hose madue~s . takes t he fo~m o_ f fancying ! B . ~RS FOR SERVIC£= A Ti~oro' velvety. · dB. k h" B d· lions b ecu.uae I have a m echamcal eye and himself commrns1oned by Rea, en to clear t he! · , I bre erBoar s ire an th oro'on -bred · great attent10n · have ' to out1. me as well earth of d eg r a, de d women f Poland Chine. nre oar kept for a service lot 4\D°SOLD BY DRUGGIS1'S EVERYWlIERE."t£3i u.s brain. The blood that has susta.ined Two gentlemen hl:lcl been fi shing with a 6, con. D11.rlington. J . L. PA.1.iSONS, Prcpriespced at the running gait will sustain it at "leister "- a aind of three-pronged spear-~ tor. 4J- 4w* POND LrLY CREAM, 25 CENTS, the trotting gait. It has t aken generations in one ot the salmon rivers in the sout h of 1HOL:5TEIN BULL JrnR S ERVICE POND LILY SILVE!f,PELLETS. 25 CENTS. t o make the ar terial system of the runner Scotland, when one of t hem, having si;eared ! ..A. thoro'·bred H olstein Bull, "OCTOH ' whab it is, and arterilll capacity is essential a fish, apostrophised it thus: "And noo, j No. 3708. registered in the D. F . H . Book: Voi. f BY <qNE RAM. Greatly impro%d. -~l~o TOOL to the t rotter when the speed r ate is h igh Mr. 3almon what think ye o'yersel 1" The 4, the prope_rty ot J. & S. P.enfound, will be kept tor service at SIMON PENFOUND'lil, on Lot . t d " h I' . ot er gent eme.n, an mveterate punster, re· . 33. Con.~. Darlington. Price $2. t19·tf· ~°ft !J~~~e~~.~·~ ~~~:~:~)y ;~~tf~~~w:oi?Jt~;~e:.J~i~~- <:~1;; a11d t h e ::itru~g1e lB pro ra.ctc · ·H Jil3-£....J~-~__ ....=... . ____ M I am fully prepared to a ttend Fu~ .,?rals on otlter<1~ f.1r £ erosn·cnt s aw1:1, by mall ~ 2.00. Bun· marked : " I suppose he will say, 'I'm nane , . . - -- the shortest notice, a t th e !owes t poss1ule l:"&te dr{)1 ts have sawOO 5 tn 9 COltll8 datly, We want a ll who t he better for your speer-in.'" BOARS ] OR SALE.An aged Berkburn wood and a.11 inLOreSJWtl Jn the timber busi:nose to 0 aekets and Burial Ca.aee rea dy on short noti Flattery is often a traffic of mutual meanshire, a. young Berkshire, and a young write fo r onr l11ul'ltra ted ll'ree Catalogue. We ex... First·claSB hearse on very moderate term w h n.t yon w rtnt, tllo g x·eatost labor-ttavor a nd bestA n ew Presbyterian Church is to be erect· Suffolk Boar, all thoro'-bred, and winners of ness where, although both parties intend ?elli11g t 1 1ol u ow o n e1 H·th . l i'i l'at orde1· fl'ol'n yom · vicin... Shrouds and Coffins constantly on han d. Fnllt · ' · ed at Cedar Grove first prizes e.t Bowmanville Fair, for sale on deception, neither is deceived. ~ty P ec~1ire ~ A.geJl cy. No dnty to P f~:\'". We mann factura · ernl oarda au p p ed at onee. l!'urnUure Shop & ' r ea sonable terms. . SAMUEL SNOWDEN, lot 22, in Uannd .... FOJ.OIN(l S!WINO L IUCHlNll oo., aoa lo Bil Gentlemen'sClothesMade to Order· ShOw Rooms--Bounsi.Us New Bloc.o., · con. 3, Darlillgton, Bowmanville, P, 0, 4'3-iw* Bo. Cll!lll ~~nwl, tblo11i;o, fl, fl, A, IV A, Mrs. Barrison, who wili l""'s1de over Waahington society, is just abn11~ as old ae her husband the president ekn, : that is 54 years, and they have been t<·;(ether ever elnce sch ool day s. She ie a \\1est ern WO· man. Her father John W. S11ott, was ~ teacher in Miami University, Qdord, Ohio, and it was there that the gi:rl w11s born who was to be some dll>y a president's wife. They called her Caroline, Carrie for short, and sent her to school in the girls' college of the town. She was quiet and demure, and the v illage home wa~ not at all disturbed by stiff parties or dinners. In fact it is related t hat though her daughter is crcd· ited with h aving been the beet waltzer in Indianapolis, Mrs. Harrison herself never danced at all when she-was a girl, and th~t when she was at school all the girls wore calico dresses and sunbonnets, and were proud of them. Such a costume would ereate a sensation at Ogontz, the school where the daughter was graduated. Gen, l:l.arrlson ien'!J a tall man, and Mrs. H arrison is not a tall woman. When a girl she was what you would call petite. Her form was slender and her foce ideally beautiful. Her hair was black and h er complexion daik. l t atill retains its full color, but bcr hair h a.s beccme silvered h ere and tb.ero and her girli·1h form has become matronly. Her face is ijtilJ handsome, and Its reguhr feat urea seem to lmve been but little lined by the passing of years. She had a mouth in h er younger d11oys which made. her fac_e ~omethmg t o look 11.t a second t;me. It. is JUBt as pretty to-day, and the little smlle of welcome that always plays upon her lip3 mak es Mrs. Harrison a very mirthful. appearingpersou. One other t hing i.~. al· waJanoticed by;;. man who see~ Mrs. H o.rr10on, an that is her hand. It is small and grace ful and the finvera taper just enough. 1'he w riat ie slend er and well moulded, and the arm above is full and fuultl e8B in ccntour. Sometime~ she wears go1d bracelets on her wrists and diamonds on one of her fingers, but, except these and her wedding ring, she displays no jewelry except at very formal gatherin<rs, when sh e may wear at her throat a ba.r ~1ith fi ve diamonds. She als'J has a gold band with five clfomonds. It wa3 given her not long ago by her husband. Her earrings are black pearls or diu.mouda. Caroline Seott met BaDj amin Harrison iu Oxford. T hey were boy and girl toge~her, got married, settled down for life on some $200 that young Tippecanoe had r eceived from bin father,_and he.d a baby ~etore ~ith~r was 21 years olo.. Y oung Harr1~on said hts w ife was halfhis"l!:i.pical. She W M ~is hd p· er in every sense when he beg1i.n h1~ career in law. Her ancestry hud given her strength physically, and her mother h ad given her tha.t eensible inst ructfon in a,pplied houae keeping which aft;er a period of aba.ndon. ment is coming back again in good American homes. Lawyer Harrison's wife learned how to bake bread, a.nd she baked. A p art of her exercise was with 8, broomstick, and though she hasn't made b read or handled a broom in a long while, she is a p ast grand mistress in all th ose things, and k1:oows u.11 about houeekelping, and is not ashamed to t ell about thoee things, even if, after four months mol'e, she is to be at the heiid of tho first ·;ffi.cia.l household iu the land. T he supervision ot the home at Indiana.polis is, indeed , one of Mrs. Hari·ison's delights. She has a .hobby of getting up · at 6 in the morning 'loud going to market every once in a. while to buy meats n.nd vegetables h erself. If she should do this 1"n Wash1·nb~ton l·t mould " not be altogether new there, for some of the leaders even now often do their own market· ing, and in days long gone it used to be one of t he chief prerogatives of women of wea.lth d f h. an as ion. in . · Tne howl of the wolf IS httle ed from.t~e howl of the dog e1t!1er m its tone or rn its strength ; but t here is no comFor p eop lP. to expect a cure for Ind. i ges· paris?n between their sublimity. There are tion, unless they refrain from eating few, if ()ny, of these sounds so loud as the wliat iH unwholesome; but iC anything most common of all sounda, tl\e lowinv of a will sh arpen the appetit.e give tone cow. Yet this ls the very r everse of ~u:b. to the digest.h·c organs, it is Ayer's Sarlimity. Imagine ·t his sound, on the con· s aparilla. Thousamls ull over the land trary, expres;,ive of fierceness or strength, and there can be no doubt t hat it WGuld betestify to tb e m erits of this medicine. come sublime. The hooting of the owl at Mrs. Sarah Bnrroughs, of 248 Eighth midnight, or amid ruin~, is strikingly substreet, South Boston, writes : "My hus. lime; the same sound at noon, or during the band has t!tkcn Ayer's Sai·saparilla, for day, is very far from being ao, T he aoreain D yspepsi a and torplrl IJver , and has of the esglcl is simply disagreeable when the ~ been benefited." bird is either tame or confined; it is sublime only wh~ it is heard amid rocks and deser ts, and wr en it is expresive ta us of liberty and independence i.ndsavage majesty. Theneigh· C. Cantcrbmy, of 1'11 Franklin st., ing of a war hor the field of battle, or of Boston, Mass ., writes, that , suffering a young untamed horse when at large among for years from Indi gestion, he was at m~untains, is powerfully sublime. The fast indu,ced to t ry Ayer's Sarsaparilla same sound in a cad h o1·se or 11 horse .in the aud , b y it s u se, was entirely cured . ~t11.ble is simply indifferent, if not disagree· Mrs. ,Joseph Anbin, of High s treet, able, No sound is mare absolutely mean H olyoke, Mass., suffered for over a year than the grunting of swine. The sound in the wild boar·-an anim3.l rema.rk· from Dyspepsia, so that she could no· able both for fierceness and strength- is aubeat substant ial food , became very w eak, lime. The !ow and f~eble souuds of au(l was unable to care :!;or 11er family. which are uenera.lly considered the revE>rse Neither the medicines presc~ibed by of sublime; are rendered so by association. physicians, nor any of the remedies The hissing of a goose and the rattlo of a advertised for the cure of Dyspepsia, child's. playthings are ~ot~ contemp tible helpccl her, until she commenced tho sounds ; but when the h1s9mg comes from use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ·' T hree th~ mou th of a d~~ge1ous serp~nt, !l.nd the noise of !he ~ttle is that _ of ~he ra~tleso ak~, bottles of this medicine," she writes, do not differ 1rom oth eu m 111tt ns1ty, they "cured me." are both highly sublime.-There ie certain· ly no resemblance, as sounds, between the noise of thunder and .the hissing of I!' serpent PREPARED BY - between the grnwhng of of a. trger and .Dr. J. c, Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass. the explos:on of gunpowder-between the acmam of an eagle anrl the ihoutitig Cif a Price $1; s ix bottles, $5. ' Vorth $5 a bottle. multitude; yet all of these t\rf) ~ub.lirne, ARCHIBALD AJ.TsON · - - -·- ···---- -· - - · -·- - · · - · - - - . Sublimity ~ss~oiatio~.. ~Tl~~!!...~~~~~~~~~11!~~~~~:~~!~'~~~?;~~:~-llO!li!;~'f. ~1stmr.ut~h- It Is Ab s u r d BEI'F IRO'N . 1 1 :NI.J:£AO .HA.·M,~ AND WINE., the Medical profesP.ion as th e best streua:then. ing medicine thus fa.r produced. It is invah.1a. ble aa e. blo'ld 1'nd mu·ole rnal<er, e~peoial\y In thoee cases where wea.kneas is the result of imperfect or insufficient food. or- wasting fevers or exoessea of A.DY sort. It con tain.s the nutriment or Beef, the sr.imulant properties ot \'Vine ancl !he touio powers o1. I ron, """ dis ad,. mirably calculat~d to build up t h" emq,oiated ·ystEm. Sold in Bowman ville by HigginbQth· '\m Bros. If y .are lang uid ~c. and you1 · app.,· . \te poor My B ee!, Iron and Wine is the tonic. be sur A s an invigomt.lni: tonic it is recognised br' A Confirmed Dyspeptic. ICUR E ~. When I say CURE I do not mean meroty to !ltop them for a t lmo, aud then h ave them roturn al{aill . I MJJ:aN A RADICAL CURB. l have made the disease ef FITSI E'T.ll1S, EPIL."EPSY or FAJf...LING SIUKN.ESS,' Alilolonr;study, I WAIIRANT my remedyto C.'UitE the worot ca~es. l:lecause others Jlav~ failedi s no ro:tson for not now r eceiving a. cure. fli>nd at once for a treatise and aFmnt: BOTTLl.1 of my I NFALI,IBLE.ll1"l'1EJ)Y, Givo J:':~rress ~.:-id I'ost Oftlce. It costs you nothing !or a. :,::13!, and it will eure yon. Address fa·,!:.'(, G. ROOT. fJ7 Yonge Bt.1 Toronto, Ont. · ~J(f!iftJm~~ Aye r's Sarsapari Ila, >l!l\'lm~li~AH OUSE TO LET.-Tha t very desirable bouae just west of Mrs. John Brown's residence, Concession street. .A.pply to CoucH JOHNSTON&; ClWDERllln.N. 44-tt TORE TO LET.-The atore now occupied by Mr. W . H . Ives, on King Streat, two doors east of the P. 0 . Possession May 10th. Apply t o .A.. BUCKLER, Jeweller, 15-tt E XHAus·rc.·n IJ VITALITY I [. HE SCIENCE OF LIFE, T the great m e dical work ot Iba age on M1.mhood, S TO RENT .- A most d esirable -- OUSE H House on George-st., seven rooms nicely finish ed, folding doors, etc., good -----~----~- cellar: Possession on l at December; Apply to F i Mn.SON, King St. Easti 4.6-tf .IV Dwelling- and Driving-house in E nniskillen. .A. good stand for business. on reasonable te1ms, .A.pply t o the owner, R. HUTCHISON, QTORE TO RENT OR S ELL.- Sforo, Nerv1:u$ and Physical De· bilit.y, Premat.ure Decline, Errors of Youth, a ud the nntold miseries oouFequent thereon, 300 pa~es, 8 vo., 125 prescriptions for all diseases. Cloth, full l!'lit, only $1, lJy mail, sealed. l ilustrative sam ple free to all young and middle &ged men Send now. '.l'he Gold and Jewelled Modal a warde<l to the anther by the National Medical .AR!lllOi· atioa. .A.ddre8s P. 0. Box 1895, Boston, M !1es.', or Dn. W. H. PARKER. graduate of Harvard Medical College, 25 Jearn' practice in Bo@ton, who may b e consulted confidentially. Specia.lty Oieeases of Man. Office. No. 4 Bulfinch St. To buy Foo\ Gear fur :M:en, W omen, B oys and Maidens, at Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe. EMPORmUM! F G 1831 1889 The Ontario Loan and Co. W. H. IVES. --o-- 0 · A " MYRTLE SMOKJNG TOBACCO STANDARD BAN 1l OF T& '5 ·Fall I Fall I I Fall I I I - -o-- AT THETHE J. A. CONV£11S E MF'C CO. B EST AT\TD CHEAPE"0T m?'°" THE ONTARIO BANK JUTE & COTTON THE MA C oc TEXTILE . · ,. . & PRl"'T en PON D L t es t ·P aris D es1gns. · B d , D. I I LILY CREA M, "RED CAP" BRAND ree er S Irec ory. ~ANILLA ~INOtH ~.W ~~; 0 . ·1 R P EAT E T al 07" P::::~:!!~£:c;~:!~:;o!~~~;~::::s· 1 LEVlMORR'S. = -- I 'NDER· · TAKIN U · U

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